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<sir_guy_carleton> what's the best iso-to-bootable-usb tool on linux out there?
<gchristensen> `cp`
<lassulus> dd?
<lassulus> (if the iso supports it i guess)
<gchristensen> my understanding is cp is safer for some reason?
<lassulus> but don't you need a MBR sometimes?
<samueldr> etcher is commonly used (cross-platform) in the raspberry pi community
<lassulus> i used unetbootin a couple of times
<samueldr> though, all those options work for iso that are made to be usb bootable
<lassulus> and winusb for windows usb sticks
<samueldr> unetbootin though, being the exception
<maurer> sir_guy_carleton: For ease of use, I still use unetbootin
<sir_guy_carleton> maurer: unetbootin has failed me; i'm trying my luck with gnome disk utility
<samueldr> I seem to recall that unetbootin+nixos iso needed a bit of handholding, don't know if I misremember
<samueldr> the stage-1 script expect a specific partition label, which unetbootin doesn't manage
<andi-> on that topic: anyone able to build recent netboot files on 18.03 and/or master? :)
<sphalerite> yeah verbatim block copy is the way to go with nixos images
<lassulus> the nixos iso can just be dd-ed
<sphalerite> I usually use dd with status=progress and oflag=direct for that
<samueldr> exactly
<maurer> If you're doing nixos, yeah, the ISO is specially baked so it can be dd'd to a usb device
<samueldr> most recent distros are being made isohybrid so they work as a block-level copy on USB
<gchristensen> andi-: I build netboots frequently, but not ... like ... within the last week?
<sir_guy_carleton> there some kind of bug with unetbootin that requires copying stuff from /usr/lib/
<sphalerite> IMHO: unetbootin isn't worth using for anything nowadays
<andi-> gchristensen: I had to recover my workstation on sunday and it failed me.. 17.09 worked.. haven't bothered bisecting.. It tries to build some aarch64 stuff on amd64 :/
<gchristensen> how did you try to build it?
<sphalerite> andi-: were you maybe building the wrong attr?
<andi-> as documented in the manual
<andi-> I even tried on a 2nd box.
<sphalerite> it's a bug in the manual :D
<lassulus> apropro netbook, is there any progress on netboot.xyz support?
<lassulus> netboot*
<sphalerite> andi-: `-A netboot.x86_64-linux` should do it
<andi-> lassulus: I wish there was.. I wasted about 2h trying to get my 17.09 thing to boot wih iPXE :/
<andi-> sphalerite: why??? thanks we should fix the documentation :/
<gchristensen> andi-: Reasons (tm) :( :(
<andi-> I already hate those reasons
<sphalerite> because release.nix is the stuff that hydra builds and hydra builds netboot for all (both) the supported platforms
<gchristensen> ^
<sphalerite> why does the FAQ for netboot.xyz not include anything about security? :/
<gchristensen> because there is none :)
<gchristensen> (I don't know that for sure)
<andi-> I just have the netboot.xzy.efi in my /boot/EFI folder and boot off the local HTTP server anyway.. But true people usually do not care enough
<gchristensen> loads of people netboot from http
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<gchristensen> love2grant ring0 access to random http data
<andi-> we are all friends on the internet ;)
<sphalerite> gchristensen: well at least it uses HTTPS by the looks of it
<sphalerite> lol andi-
<andi-> So happy I am using NixOS for most of my stuff... Been packaging/building Debian stuff half of the day to test/stage a bugfix m(
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<sphalerite> oooh the joys
<sphalerite> I discovered about 2 years ago that it's easier than I thought to make a small change to a debian package
<sphalerite> a few months later I discovered nix and how much more wonderful life can be than that
<andi-> I am looking for a way to build debian packages with nix. It would reduce the complexity of the "how to build" by a lot
<andi-> Also it is great how an official debian package doesn't properly list it's build dependencies... autoconf.. who needs that anyway
<gchristensen> read that first result
<gchristensen> andthen the third result
<gchristensen> I thin kthere is something similar for Deb's
<sphalerite> ,find debian-build.nix
<andi-> yay
<gchristensen> "did you say magic?"
<sphalerite> infinisil++
<{^_^}> infinisil's karma got increased to 15
<lassulus> ah, yeah, there is debian-build
<samueldr> I mean, who doesn't have autoconf installed permanently into their system?
<samueldr> (me!)
<samueldr> (everyone here! probably)
<andi-> I work with two Debian Developers and they seem to love makefiles for the craziest stuff.. A thousand lines of handcrafted files is common :/
<sphalerite> <_<
<gchristensen> I get lost in my 10 line makefile
<lassulus> I'm still looking forward to the nixos debian package
<lassulus> but I think its still stuck with licensing issues
<samueldr> aren't such huge makefiles literally NSFW?
<andi-> they are also recursive.
<andi-> make -C is great!!11...
<andi-> </rant>
<{^_^}> nix#2014 (by infinity0, open): linenoise embeds non-free ConvertUTF{.cpp,.h}
<andi-> oh interesting.. that is the DD I had a bit of talk/disagreement about rust packaging for Debian m(
<manveru> i just spent all day watching docker build...
* manveru cries
<andi-> I know the feeling.. My 30min CI job just finished to greet me with an: xyz no such file or directory
<gchristensen> happy day
<manveru> in the waiting time i wrote a bunch of nix to package the same application and output a docker image 1/8th of the size
<andi-> alright, I am missing the "devscripts" package. That comes with everything from wget, python, exim, gnuplot and perl.. :/
<samueldr> the docker tooling for image creation in nix, while minimal, is good
<manveru> yeah, i've been using it for a long time
<sphalerite> manveru: on the bright side, I guess it's *so* much worse that you can convince people that nix is worth it using it as an example? :d
<andi-> I tried that two days ago
<manveru> that's why i just did a presentation about nix yesterday at work :)
<andi-> manveru: did you publish some useful slides/notes for that yet? :)
<andi-> I still have to do the RIPE & IPv6 talk here and maybe afterwards I can pitch for nix
<manveru> i'm working on part 2 atm
<manveru> the head of engineering attended the talk too and seemed quite interested
<gchristensen> manveru: speaking of demos: https://twitter.com/grhmc/status/1019333160222543874
<manveru> i think presenting it as "graph based deployments" did the trick :)
<manveru> gchristensen: you got that somewhere?
<manveru> we're using jenkins too
<gchristensen> sure, its really trivial
<manveru> i bet :)
<sphalerite> are the contents of https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/18.03/nixos-18.03.132865.411cc559c05 configured in hydra itself?
<sphalerite> wait, wrong channel
<sphalerite> oh well
<manveru> atm ops wipes the jenkins slaves every 2 days because they become disfunct
<samueldr> sphalerite: IIRC no
<sphalerite> ouch manveru
<manveru> even then, we get regular java exceptions from it...
<sphalerite> samueldr: any idea where it is then?
<samueldr> sphalerite: actually looking :)
<samueldr> I know, except I'm not sure which one of the two repos I'm thinking of
<samueldr> though, maybe there's a bit through hydra, that's what actually makes that page
<sphalerite> aaah
<samueldr> (and copies stuff, makes the release, etc)
<sphalerite> thanks!
<samueldr> n/p
<samueldr> 3 contributors, this looks like a pretty exclusive club ;)
* sphalerite shall apply to join it
<samueldr> nixos-channel-scripts#18 oh, that typo is funny (in the title)
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-channel-scripts/issues/18 (by twhitehead, open): hydra jobsetevals is sorted assending
<andi-> gchristensen: ecda-sha2-nistp256 seriously o.O
<gchristensen> andi-: ~~~not my department~~~
<manveru> gchristensen: uhm, that doesn't actually do anything?
<manveru> i mean, other than clean stuff up :)
<gchristensen> manveru: yeah, well,
<gchristensen> so? :P
<gchristensen> it was easier to do this than make the centos builder clean stuff up
<manveru> i just wish we could have nix installed on the slaves
<andi-> screw this makefile.. I am rewriting this for for nixos...
<manveru> or... anywhere that could retain a binary cache really...
* andi- does a bit of overtime..
<manveru> gchristensen: i started work on a Nix CI that i can deploy to our internal k8s cluster
<gchristensen> neat
<manveru> was inspired by ofborg, hydra, and micro-ci, but i really want to know how to build such a thing myself
<manveru> turns out it's much simpler than i thought...
<gchristensen> it only really gets hard when you get up to the size of nixpkgs
<gchristensen> so I encourage any budding CI authors out there -- either target something the size of nixpkgs, or almost-every-other-project. don't try and do both
<manveru> yeah, i won't do anything the size of nixpkgs :)
<manveru> just a handful of drvs at a time
<manveru> it's supposed to be super simple to setup and run... working atm to remove the postgres dependency
<gchristensen> nice!
<manveru> since all i care about is that there are binaries and that i get a commit status
<manveru> and maybe show the logs in case of trouble
<manveru> but that's all built into nix now
<manveru> it's at https://github.com/manveru/scylla atm in case you feel bored
<manveru> old version though :|
<gchristensen> openstack is sort of my worst nightmare
<LnL> heh, what part?
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<gchristensen> I think I've, using my own API credentials, created a bunch of servers by mistake and used up all the floating IPS ... but I can't see them in the console on CLI so I can't actually tell, and can't clean them up
<LnL> floating ips should be available in the api
<LnL> part of neutron? can't remember
<LnL> ah, I cheated and retrieved it from terraform instead of using the api
<gchristensen> yeah, my credentials don't have permission to look at what I created
<gchristensen> afaict
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<joepie91> sphalerite: only on Wikipedia will an article title be suffixed with "(joke)"
<joepie91> lol
<sphalerite> :D
<andi-> are you doing OpenStack voluntarily or are you paid pain money for it?
<joepie91> lol
<samueldr> since it's middle of work day, I'd bet on paid pain money :)
<gchristensen> painmoney :)
* samueldr didn't have time to call a bookie
<andi-> does that mean we will soon have "working" openstack support in NixOS again? ;)
<andi-> (and maintained...)
<gchristensen> I mean, the nova image generated just fine
<gchristensen> what kind of support?
<andi-> running the openstack cluster using nixos
<gchristensen> hahahahno
<andi-> I remember marking a bunch of those as insecure since they were outdated a few years
<andi-> hrhr
<andi-> an hour later I have packaged 3 work related projects for nix.. they are now happily linking and I am hating whoever wrote their configure.in scripts since they delcare dependencies that aren't required or a transitive.. m(
<gchristensen> ...
<sphalerite> s/wrote/copypasted/ maybe? ;)
<andi-> nah, the commit message looks pretty specific
<andi-> the problem is that you don't realize that if you build everything with all deps available..
<sphalerite> I suppose.
<sphalerite> Oh yeah, since nix seems to be starting to gain traction at your company, where is it and are you hiring? ;)
<andi-> sphalerite: lol, it is just me right now and a co-worker that usese nix on the private laptop (that I help her maintain since we are in a relationship ;))
<andi-> Still have to convince 15 oder Devs..
<gchristensen> andi-: its okay all it takes is 2-3 people to take over the company
<andi-> hrhr
<andi-> I am currently drafting my slight rant into our rocketchat.. I wasted like 3h to try building it the "proper" way.. 1h to rewrite the build thingy..
<manveru> yeah man, i'm so tired after doing things the "proper" way for 2 years :P
<manveru> it's all a mess held together by prayers and ducttape
<andi-> many prayers
<manveru> and building the same fucking thing 1000s of times a day
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<infinisil> Eventually I'll make a nix thing for minecraft versions and mods
<infinisil> I think it might be a piece of beauty, because a lot of info needed for that you can get from json's online
<sphalerite> including hashes though?
<infinisil> sphalerite: I just checked.. Yes!
<infinisil> sha1 hashes
<infinisil> All assets and libraries afaik
<sphalerite> nice
<infinisil> reproducible minecraft versions :O
<infinisil> Currently we only have a launcher that statefully downloads the versions at runtime
<infinisil> Reminds me, I should play some minecraft again, I haven't in a while and it's such a peaceful game :)
<manveru> i'll join you if you make a server :)
<infinisil> Whew, I can't unfortunately, I don't have any machine fit for that
<manveru> just listening to C418 :D
<joepie91> ~nixcraft~
<infinisil> Yeah, I bought both his albums
<joepie91> infinisil: want a user account on a box that's fit for it?
<samueldr> apparently the bedrock version can work on linux, and is much less demanding (though you lose java mods ability)
<joepie91> infinisil: caveat: no RAID, no backups, take your own
<joepie91> also, non-standard port
<samueldr> oh machine fit for a server, not client
<manveru> i packaged bedrock once for teaching my son a bit of lua...
<manveru> wonder where i put it
<infinisil> joepie91: You mean a unix user account for it?
<joepie91> infinisil: yeah, it's a shared box
<joepie91> sort of a misc workload box
<manveru> infinisil: even if you only make the package, i can run a server
<joepie91> (Debian though, although it will be migrated to NixOS soon-ish)
<infinisil> Oh, actually, this reminds me, I got access to a friends machine which is rather powerful
<infinisil> And he told me I could use it for a server
<infinisil> :)
<manveru> even better :D
<joepie91> (my box is a reasonably beefy OVH box in Canada)
<infinisil> manveru: By package you mean?
<joepie91> (I haven't gotten around to the project it was meant for, yet)
<manveru> a server module with mods
<infinisil> Oh right, locations, my friends box is here in switzerland heh
<samueldr> joepie91: actual ovh or one from their other lower-tier services without remote serial/kvm access?
<infinisil> manveru: I'm personally not a huge fan of mods, but if somebody else would like to have them I don't mind
<samueldr> take notes of how you install nixos with it, I set one up using qemu+ssh+vnc with a kimsufi machine
<samueldr> (well, two, forgot I did another one)
<manveru> well, i'm fine with vanilla too, it's just not suitable for a lot of people
<infinisil> They're constantly adding lots of stuff, so for people that haven't played in a while there will be a bunch of new cool stuff
<ldlework> infinisil: you should get VR and play NeosVR instead
<ldlework> the metaverse has arrived
<infinisil> ldlework: You got that?
<ldlework> yeah
<ldlework> its amazing
<infinisil> Not much of a gamer so probably not :)
<infinisil> Alright, a vanilla server on the latest minecraft release is running on kuro.desu.tk
<infinisil> manveru samueldr joepie91: Anybody wanna join :D
<pie_> woohoo minecrack \o/
<sphalerite> samueldr: could we get logs for #nixos-de as well?
<joepie91> samueldr: huh? it's Kimsufi, but I definitely have KVM...
<samueldr> joepie91: I meant remote visual access
<joepie91> yes
<samueldr> not kernel kvm
<joepie91> as do I
<joepie91> it doesn't have ISO mounts though I think
<samueldr> maybe the servers with more oompf gets KVM :/
<joepie91> samueldr: possibly just a different gen
<samueldr> sphalerite: sure
<joepie91> there's like 4 concurrent versions of their control panel running in prod
<joepie91> and your server is tied to a particular version
<joepie91> with particular features
<samueldr> yeah, maybe I should apply to work at OVH and fix their infra with nix
* samueldr sweats
<joepie91> lol
<joepie91> infinisil: I might join later, currently have anxiety messing up my everything
<samueldr> (OVH has offices here, but AFAIK they're not infra things)
<joepie91> samueldr: whereabouts?
<samueldr> Québec City
<joepie91> then it's probably infra :)
<samueldr> hmm, from memory, all jobs openings were about other things
<joepie91> their Canada location is in Beauharnois, if I'm not misremembering it's pretty close
<samueldr> like UX
<samueldr> well, not really :)
<samueldr> 290km by car
<samueldr> it's further than going to montreal
<joepie91> hm, might be misremembering then
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<infinisil> Damnit, the sounds don't work :(
* infinisil debates whether he wants to debug that now or not
<samueldr> yeah, joepie91, their jobs board show montréal and beauharnois for infra admins
<samueldr> (no open jobs for québec city, so can't verify)
<joepie91> infinisil: oh, oh, oh, I've had this problem before
<joepie91> Minecraft on NixOS, yes?
<infinisil> Yeah
<joepie91> one sec
<samueldr> aoss or one of similar thing?
<joepie91> infinisil: are you using a launcher?
<infinisil> In LD_LIBRARY_PATH there's libX11 libXext libXcursor libXrandr libXxf86vm libGLU_combined openal
<infinisil> joepie91: Yeah
<infinisil> joepie91: The one in nixpkgs
<joepie91> infinisil: multimc?
<infinisil> ,find minecraft/default.nix
<joepie91> oh, just standard?
<infinisil> yeah (where is my ,find..)
<infinisil> ,find minecraft/default.nix
<joepie91> infinisil: I had this issue with either the ftb or technic launcher, for which; here are the expressions: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/6b98de6c727b3e5f57960586b465947a
<joepie91> don't recall what I did to fix audio
<joepie91> but it's probably in there somewhere
<joepie91> might've been GAME_LIBRARY_PATH
<infinisil> I guess I'll try adding libpulseaudio
<infinisil> It works!
<samueldr> oh
<samueldr> yeah, they *just* released an update
<samueldr> and IIRC they updated all underlying libs
<infinisil> I should try it with alsa too, there's even a flag in the nix file for that
<infinisil> Does not work
<infinisil> ,runtimeDeps
<{^_^}> In order of preference: Patch source OR ((if it uses PATH -> wrap with new $PATH) AND (if it uses dlopen, (patchelf --set-rpath in postFixup OR wrap with new LD_LIBRARY_PATH)))
<sphalerite> infinisil: is this mc server going to stick around?
<infinisil> sphalerite: No idea, I certainly won't play a lot, and there's nothing that restart it in case the server restarts
<infinisil> restarts
<sphalerite> infinisil: iirc I ran minecraft in padsp to get sound to work last time I played
<sphalerite> but if adding libpulseaudio fixes it that's probably nicer
<samueldr> have you ever had a yak shaving experience go wildly out of control?
<samueldr> but still going fine
* infinisil imagines samueldr shaving yaks
<sphalerite> samueldr: multifunction bike shed painting and yak shaving machine?
<samueldr> I'm not yet at the bike shedding part, but the yak is shaved to provide the necessary means :)
<__monty__> Yak bristles are the superior shed painting tools.
<sphalerite> good to know
<sphalerite> __monty__: for sheds in general? Not just bike sheds?
<samueldr> now you're bike shedding :)
<sphalerite> samueldr: that's the joke ;)
<__monty__> All sheds, except for painting supply sheds, which sounds paradoxical but something about horns overflowing with beer but not completely covered in beer? I dunno, memories get vague past the balmer peak.
<sphalerite> wouldn't life be easier if the yaks just shed all their fur?
<samueldr> that's yak shedding
<samueldr> bike shaving makes no sense now
<ldlework> are there any social coding mods for minecraft?
<samueldr> computercraft at one point the view of the console was shared, wasn't it?
<sphalerite> ldlework: you can already build software socially with redstone! :D
<sphalerite> I mean, it's hardware. But it's virtual. So really it's just software
<ldlework> sphalerite: sure but that's tedious as hell
<ldlework> throwing down some lisp or lua onto some objects to do some impromtu genetic-algorithm ALife experiments would be cool to do
<sphalerite> oh so "fun" is also a requirement? ;)
<ldlework> heh yeah
<ldlework> NeosVR is cool because you can just build whatever you want including behavior standing right next to someone
<ldlework> they can build the geometry while you code the behavior or whatever
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<sphalerite> oooh that reminds me of Cube 2's collaborative editing feature
<sphalerite> not that that has fancy scripting stuff
<sphalerite> but it's good fun
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<elvishjerricco> Anybody know of any GTK theme that you can substitute your own base16 colors into?
<sphalerite> base16?
<gchristensen> hex?
<elvishjerricco> It's literally just a tiny spec for templating config files with 16 colors
<elvishjerricco> I'm trying to make *everything* on my system use the same colors scheme :P
<sphalerite> nice
<infinisil> I've thought of that before, would fit well into the module system
<andi-> those look nice
<andi-> I might consider adjusting to that
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<sphalerite> samueldr: heh, haven't seen the word "clavardage" before. Is it a Canadian-specific one, or have I just missed it?
<sphalerite> (seen on popalot.net)
<samueldr> the OQLF in Québec works on creating "néologismes" (new words) for new things
<samueldr> many consider this dumb, but it's a good thing
<samueldr> makes it so the language shouldn't be filled with imported words (mostly from english)
<samueldr> but uh, many of those don't translate into real use
<samueldr> e.g., selfies are egoportraits, from ego and portrait, like self-portrait
<samueldr> égoportraits* even
<samueldr> so, it's easy to filter out friends from your life by adopting them all
<sphalerite> hahaha
<samueldr> like infonuagique (cloud computing)
<sphalerite> that does sound dumb :p
<sphalerite> I like clavardage though
<samueldr> it's from barvardage and clavier. so uh, conversation and keyboard
<sphalerite> courriel is another one that's caught on, although I'm not sure that's from Canada?
<samueldr> but more informal than conversation
<sphalerite> yeah I got that
<samueldr> courriel from the OQLF too
<samueldr> (I don't know how much french you know :))
<sphalerite> bavarder is like chat, isn't it? Just not in the electronic sense
<samueldr> oh, probably enough since you're in #nixos-fr
<sphalerite> enough to have passed my french bac ;)
<samueldr> oh right
<samueldr> duh, forgot about how chat is... chat
<samueldr> french bac, as in baccalauréat or is this something else?
<sphalerite> yep
<samueldr> have fun here: http://www.granddictionnaire.com/
<samueldr> put in a technical term (not only computing) in english, and get recommendations
<samueldr> pretty sure if you say vilbrequin to a mechanic here, you'll be met with blank stares :)
<sphalerite> lol
<sphalerite> I mustn't spend too much time on this site. Otherwise I'll start speaking French like a Canadian :o
<sphalerite> :p
<samueldr> weirdly enough, most of them aren't in use except in more "official" terms
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<samueldr> you will hear people say e-mail, but in communications, it will probably be courriel
<sphalerite> oh wow it's almost 1am
<sphalerite> well, thanks for sharing that. I love learning new things about languages :D
<sphalerite> Sleepytime! Gnight
<elvishjerricco> Found this random fork of a random theme, which I was able to use with my own base16 colors: https://github.com/asmolero/Flat-Plat-base16/
<elvishjerricco> So now my emacs, terminal, and GTK apps all look the same
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