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<gchristensen> anyone know of an open source version of everytimezone.com?
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<sphalerite> Caught a horsefly that was trying to eat me earlier and am now looking at it under my dad's USB microscope
<sphalerite> this kind of gadget is usually useless but can be really cool to have every now and then
<__monty__> Agreed, I have a stereoscope that came in crazy handy when hand soldering a surface mount capacitor on an imac logic board.
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<sphalerite> https://sphalerite.org/dump/horsefly.png and there it is, the little bugger
<sphalerite> don't have a decent petri dish unfortunately
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<infinisil> Whoa
<infinisil> Check this out: `nix-shell -p http-prompt --run http-prompt`
<infinisil> It's a CLI, but I didn't even know CLI's could do that, type some stuff in it
<simpson> Good times.
<__monty__> infinisil: Is this similar, wrt interface, not functionality? https://github.com/Vifon/deer
<infinisil> Whoa that's fancy
<infinisil> Yeah that's similar
<infinisil> > pkgs.deer.name
<{^_^}> "deer-1.4"
<infinisil> Nice
<sphalerite> I think ipython has similar fanciness too. Not sure though
<infinisil> Aw man, cd doesn't work with deer
<infinisil> Oh wait it does, just the prompt doesn't get updated
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<__monty__> infinisil: Author tells me it should.
<infinisil> __monty__: You just talked to him? :O
<infinisil> Maybe it's my prompt
<__monty__> infinisil: You can join us in #ranger if you want.
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<ldlework> I recently started using ranger!
<ldlework> __monty__: best thing, keybind something like alt-o to ranger --chosefile and open the file with emacs
<ldlework> or ranger --choosepath and cd to it
<ldlework> never have to type cd again
<__monty__> ldlework: Happy to hear : )
<__monty__> I even cd inside of ranger though : o
<ldlework> what do you mean?
<__monty__> That I something prefer to just :cd instead of moving around.
<ldlework> does it have the same result?
<ldlework> moving the ranger view to that place?
<__monty__> Yeah.
<ldlework> __monty__: one thing I wish ranger had to make navigation even faster was the ability to explicitly pick a directory in the current path
<ldlework> rather than having to scroll down to it
<ldlework> something like ace for emacs
<__monty__> Not sure what you mean, but maybe `f`?
<ldlework> nice
<ldlework> that is perfect
<ldlework> how could you like typing :cd and a path better than binding-navigation
<ldlework> especially with 'f'
<__monty__> When you want to go over lots of levels.
<__monty__> It's not *that* bad, since it does have tab completion.
<__monty__> Can even have fuzzy tab completion if that's your jam : )
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<andi-> trying to use diesel_cli on nixos turns out to be harder then it must be.. Can't get cargo to create a lockfile for that project :/
<infinisil> srk: How does that work in #reprap?
<srk> infinisil: oO, even has docs now http://gthx.net/commands
<srk> can also trace who set the factoids
<srk> infinisil: /msg gthx gthx?
<srk> try #reprap? as well :D
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<infinisil> srk: I see
<infinisil> I personally never saw any need for a "tell" command, but yeah that might be something to implement
<infinisil> And I also plan to allow definitions with something like !who
<infinisil> (but in a fancy and flexible way :))
<srk> tell is usefull for some people who don't use bouncers
<srk> but factoids are the real deal imho
<infinisil> Oh yeah, actually I just couldve used this recently in #nixos..
<infinisil> ye
<srk> extremely useful for navigating larger ecosystems
<infinisil> srk: The concatenation it can do is special, is it useful?
<srk> which is why I wanted to do something similar for lambdabot
<srk> concatenation? you mean 'is also'?
<infinisil> yeah
<srk> that's quite nice, like +=
<infinisil> What is it used for?
<srk> well it will add more meanings to the fact
<srk> like: > hydra is hydra.nixos.org
<infinisil> I've never seen the need to add more meanings to it, just to refine the old meaning
<srk> > hydra is also a creature
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'is' at (string):154:7
<srk> hydra? would output both
<infinisil> I mean, yeah it can be done, but it doesn't seem terribly useful :P
<srk> true. I'm more interested in keeping the fact database intact for a long time :D
<srk> as it is quite valuable
<srk> not sure how you handle that
<infinisil> That is something to improve for my bot.. Currently anybody can delete/change everything
<srk> acid-state? :D
<infinisil> And I'll have to load the old state from a backup to restore stuff
<infinisil> acid-state?
<srk> I see
<srk> acid-state is awesome!
<srk> !hackage acid-state
* infinisil checks that out
<infinisil> Ohh
<infinisil> That sounds interesting
<srk> basically in memory database, used by hackage as well
<srk> whole hackage runs on it, modules using their own small state
<srk> nice thing is that you can lay out your database as you like.. even Int would work
<srk> [Int] as well.. you got the point :D
<infinisil> Meh it's in IO though, couldn't this be doable with just STM?
<srk> possibly, this dumps to disk automatically, you would have to do your own checkpointing with STM
<srk> nice thing is that with safecopy you can even create migrations
<infinisil> Ohhh??!
<infinisil> I am just in a dilemma regarding migrations
* infinisil checks out safecopy
<srk> ^^ :D
<srk> I'm gonna try writing something like hydra-queue-runner in haskell..
<srk> stm ftw
<infinisil> srk: Hmm, it doesn't use higher kinded stuff as I'd hoped though
<infinisil> Yes STM is awesome
<srk> acid-state and safecopy is nice but a bit obscure, for some stuff I'm using persistant and esqueletto
<srk> *persitent
<srk> think for CI, SQL might be better option than in memory DB
<infinisil> srk: Here's a recent experiment in idris which would perfectly encapsulate migrations between types, with minimal code and maximal safety, and it doesn't need any serialization inbetween, migrations are just a function oldtype -> newtype
<srk> cool
<infinisil> That would require some serious type-level fuckery in Haskell though..
<srk> indeed
<infinisil> srk: Hmm, so when I use a database, I would always get to just have a single type for the latest version, and put the migrations in the schema, and not have to worry about it?
<srk> right, not sure if there are frameworks to handle migrations for you tho
<srk> like alembic
<srk> gonna check again, been a while till I've researched that
<srk> dbmigrations looks legit
<infinisil> Hmm
<infinisil> I guess I'll try acid-state first, sounds really cool
<srk> yeah
<infinisil> That can also handle undoing things?
<infinisil> With these rollbacks
<infinisil> OR checkpoints
<srk> looks like it
<srk> I would expect it to run migrations in transaction as well
<infinisil> Whoa and it even has a server-client thing
<srk> that's mad, but easy when you have it structured like that - just send Updates to remotes :D
<infinisil> srk: So one thing I don't think is possible with acid-state, which I'd love to have is:
<infinisil> Not require a directory for each state, but to combine multiple states into a bigger type and use that instead
<infinisil> E.g. with my nixbot it would be awesome if I could have a per-user plugin, which stores karma for every user via a single Int, detached from everything else
<srk> if you structure your database as single type containing all other states
<srk> it would do that
<srk> but it also allows you to have multiple databases for each of them (what hackage does for plugins)
<infinisil> Hmm..
<srk> each plugin has its own state which makes it easy to load/unload them I guess
<infinisil> The problem is again with types: If I have a list [Plugin] and each of them can have a different state type, then I can't just automatically put it into a combined type
<infinisil> I'll need to write that combined type manually to handle each plugin
<srk> yeah, or you would end up with similar structure like hackage - typeclasses with plugin_init, plugin_save..
<infinisil> Yeah..
<srk> which is nice but feels like too much boilerplate
<infinisil> Damnit, I might just try to write something like acid-state and safe-copy in idris, I need muh type safety and composability
<srk> :D
<srk> sounds cool
<infinisil> The experiment i have there is already rather promising
<srk> want to try idris some day
<srk> too much haskell going on :D
<infinisil> Have also been coding a lot of haskell lately, almost no idris
<srk> you do any coq possibly?
<infinisil> That is actually the only thing I ever coded in Idris, like something to actually do something useful at least
<infinisil> Nope
<srk> hehe
<srk> it took me a while to be able to code useful stuff in haskell too :D
<srk> still feels like lots of pieces are missing - for example I've spent few weeks implementing better network status library recently on top of rtnetlink-hs
<infinisil> I dabbed in trivial examples from LYAH for a long time until I finally got a good idea and implemented the first useful thing in haskell
<srk> as the original network-info would return link local ipv6 address /o\
<infinisil> Is that something bad?
<srk> well, yes
<srk> if your goal is to listen on an actually useful adrress :D
<infinisil> I see, that api seems rather safe, with the Destroy classes and stuff
<srk> which one?
<infinisil> Neatly packed into a monad
<srk> here's a bunch of stuff I've had to add https://github.com/formaltech/rtnetlink-hs/pull/1
<{^_^}> #1 (by sorki, open): Route and IfScope support
<srk> I'm trying to publish my network-status library as we speak
<infinisil> Fancy
<infinisil> srk: Maybe this will spark some interest on Idris in you: http://docs.idris-lang.org/en/latest/st/examples.html
<infinisil> Scroll to the "For reference, here is the complete interface:" part, that there is a type safe interface for sockets
<srk> infinisil: wow.. Sock Closed `or` Sock Listening :D
<infinisil> srk: liftSTM $ do <30 lines>, nice
<srk> :D
<srk> fixed so much stuff!
<infinisil> Oh, this line: untupLink (a, (b, (c, d))) = (a, b, c, d)
<infinisil> Reminds me that in Idris, those 2 are exactly the same, and (a, b, c) is just syntactic sugar for (a, (b, c))
<srk> cool, that's due to rtnetlink-hs not defining instances for larger tuples
<srk> I've added them at first but then realized they are redundant
<srk> is John Wiegley hanging on irc?