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<joepie91> for those who have issues with slowness etc. of JS/Electron stuff; could you try out the example on this page and tell me whether it feels slow or unintuitive in some way? http://golden-layout.com/
<samueldr> even though you did not ask
<samueldr> my personal opinion is not that JS/Electron cannot be good, it's that most implementations aren't
<samueldr> and that's websites too :/
<samueldr> but I'm a grumpy one about all that
<samueldr> I feel it's almost cheating to have wireframe windows instead of moving the real stuff
<samueldr> :)
<samueldr> and another part of the electron problem (imho) is how each app bundles its own world, some optimizations at the system-level cannot happen this way
<joepie91> samueldr: huh? where are you seeing wireframe windows being moved?
<samueldr> I'm talking about the splitters
<samueldr> resize a column
<joepie91> ah, in the sense that the panes themselves don't resize as you move it?
<joepie91> but only when you release?
<samueldr> yes
<joepie91> right
<samueldr> and window previews are a snapshot
<samueldr> though I understand why it's done that way
<samueldr> otherwise then it'd become a drain on resources
<samueldr> (to see that it's a snapshot, resize the middle row so the text is obviously clipped, then undock the tab)
<joepie91> interesting, hadn't realized that
<samueldr> I've been a webdev for close to 15 years (12 professionally) every details pops out to me :)
<samueldr> and it's also why I know and understand the sacrifices and respect developing desktop apps with web technologies
<joepie91> only a little less long for me :P
<joepie91> btw
<joepie91> [03:47] <samueldr> my personal opinion is not that JS/Electron cannot be good, it's that most implementations aren't
<joepie91> I fully agree with that and I've argued that here in the past
<samueldr> finally, also why I'm a bit bummed with how it seems to evolve :/
<joepie91> was mostly looking for feedback from the hypercritical :)
<joepie91> in what sense?
<samueldr> seems that the community is a bunch of headless [animals] with no direction, and the way the browsers decided to neuter the w3 was and is still worrying to me
<samueldr> w3c*
<joepie91> not sure I follow re: the w3c
<samueldr> I'm not sure html5 and letting browsers organically evolve that was the right decision
<samueldr> hmmm, never really bothered to put this in written words with depth yet
<joepie91> samueldr: would be interested to read when you do :P
<samueldr> and it's kinda hard since it feels (and there's a word that makes it hard to argue with) like it's not a single issue, but a collection of those
<samueldr> but yeah, one of those big bullet points is how html5 (the whole html5) is organically evolving, without "snapshots" or stopping points
<samueldr> and that includes javascript/es6
<samueldr> with hindsight, and if I ever had the power, I would have argued that all new features be gated
<samueldr> a bit like how "use strict" works
<samueldr> "use ES2015" and THEN the browser gives you the new APIs on classes
<joepie91> samueldr: heh, I've had this exact discussion with somebody a few weeks ago at $localHackerspace
<samueldr> not because "new stuff is bad" but because "developers using new stuff often don't know that's new stuff"
<joepie91> samueldr: also, to be clear, my opinions on >ES5 features are, uh, mixed :)
<joepie91> some of them should have never made it into the language
<samueldr> and then one still targeted browser (on a legacy platform often) doesn't implement featureXY
<samueldr> mixed is the right term for me too :)
<samueldr> ouch, officially beginning my 13th year as a professional :/
<samueldr> well, working
<samueldr> (I just thought a bit and we're in july, I started ~june 2005)
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<eren> s
<eren> not a great way to say hi by only typing "s"
<simpson> No worries.
<eren> I really liked the expression language. I did a really simplified version in my CS course
<eren> even wrote a parser/evaluator in Scheme for Lambda expressions =)
<simpson> Cool.
<eren> I'm wondering the ways to use Nix pkgs as a deployment system. Having instant and guaranteed rollback to previous version in case something happens is quite desirable
<eren> although the world is going "immutable infra", why not make your application immutable and leave everything else stable? It's not like OS upgrades happens every day
<simpson> There's nixops and nix-kubernetes and disnix and probably others.
<eren> anyone here that uses nix in that way?
<eren> I've heard disnix, haven't tried yet. I'm exploring the expression language and how packages are built
<simpson> I use nixops and I've been experimenting with nix-kubernetes.
<eren> I'm not unfamiliar to symlinking the way nix uses it
<ldlework> I've been using NixOps to deploy ZNC servers. It is nice. It is not as nice as some other tech in the same area, but not bad for Nix.
<eren> well, I was thinking more about the workspace. Think of every service is a closure, which nix already has, and an entry point to start it
<eren> like /nix/services/myAwesomeService
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<samueldr> need to shutdown my computers :/ https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/07/20180702175007.png
<samueldr> (that's 95 degrees Eff)
<elvishjerricco> What's everybody's preferred status bar on nixos?
<elvishjerricco> Particularly with xmonad
* samueldr cheats and use awesome which ships its own
<joepie91> KDE </troll>
<samueldr> explorer.exe through wine?
<ldlework> I use qtile which has a bunch of widgets to build your own
<elvishjerricco> samueldr: What is "awesome"
<elvishjerricco> ?
<MichaelRaskin> xterm (actually, an honest answer)
<samueldr> awesomewm
<ldlework> elvishjerricco: same as xmonad
<samueldr> it's its own WM
<samueldr> though, mine is customized
<elvishjerricco> Ah. Not likely to give up on xmonad. I really like Haskell :P
<ldlework> I started with xmonad, but didn't know haskell
<ldlework> So I ported xmonad's layouts to python :)
<samueldr> which is why I prefixed with "cheats" :) I know how switching WM can be hard
<elvishjerricco> I'm currently using xmobar but finding it pretty lacking, at least visually speaking. It'd be nice for the status bar to actually have some useful clickable things
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<elvishjerricco> taffybar looks interesting
<ldlework> Anyone know of any tools like z and autojump that will guess what directory you're trying to jump to, not based on frequency but by kind of searching around?
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: Using xmonad with xmobar too
<infinisil> xmobar isn't very appealing indeed, I just used it because it sounded like xmonad and i like xmonad
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: xmobar can have clickable things though
<elvishjerricco> infinisil: Well I have been quickly sold on taffybar :P It's like xmonad in that you write your own haskell program and include taffybar as a library, I think
<infinisil> Oh that sounds neat
<elvishjerricco> infinisil: I build my xmonad config in nix. I use the home-manager NixOS module to symlink the binary of my xmonad package to the right place in my home directory. Figure I'll get to do the same with taffybar
<ldlework> elvishjerricco: is your config online?
<elvishjerricco> ldlework: Not at the moment. I want to push it eventually, but right now I'm a little paranoid that I might have a secret or two lying about :P
<LnL> I always wonder what people are thinking when you report an issue and they notice the nix store paths for the first time :p
<ldlework> elvishjerricco: I'm really interested in using home-manager from nixos
<elvishjerricco> ldlework: yea it's really nice with the xmonad trick because it means I can spin up a new system just by building it. There's no need to bootstrap with an initial install to get everything, including my emacs and xmonad configs, set up right away
<ldlework> Yeah, I would love to see how you do it
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<infinisil> ldlework: elvishjerricco: I just experimented with the xmonad config built by nix as well, wanted to upstream it
<infinisil> Was a bit too lazy though, didn't finish it
<infinisil> But I can gist it, it's pretty easy actually
<ldlework> I'm firmly a qtile user :)
<ldlework> maybe if I ever learn haskell
<infinisil> Ah I see
<infinisil> Anyways, here is the gist: https://gist.github.com/0cfaf7250e8acd8d1bc659cf569a80b0
<infinisil> Anybody using xmonad, feel free to upstream something like that, should be added to xmonad-with-packages
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