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<dtz> lmao re:reload-all-the-videos-which-all-autoplay-almost-same-time
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<pie__> is also fun when you have a lot of pinned youtube tabs and you open the browser
<pie__> i never close my browser except when my machine crashes, so since firefox opens the restorey tab first i turn on offline mode, then turn it off after the pinned tabs all failed
<pie__> i feel like there might be something fucked up about this.
* pie__ mumbles something about users and software
* pie__ shudders
<joepie91> pie__: good idea; going to steal that
<pie__> joepie91, back in the day before ff got improved to handle large amounts of tabs, it used to be that i had to kill it anyway
<pie__> ironically worked better than actually trying to close it
<joepie91> the more I look into the IRC protocol, the more I'm convinced that it's totally possibly to allow multiple authenticated connections to the same nickname in parallel
<joepie91> I wonder why nobody is doing this
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<gchristensen> {^_^} does that
<gchristensen> but not through the IRC protocol
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<andi-> joepie91: I guess many people wouldn't need that and there is bouncers & proxies for that already.. Why bloat the servers?
<gchristensen> I'd bet Services run that way
<andi-> which services? IRC services?
<gchristensen> yea
<gchristensen> nickserv etc.3
<andi-> they are using a different protocol. On any hybric irc fork (e.g. charybdis as freenode is using) they are connected using a different protocol
<andi-> TS6
<gchristensen> ahh
<gchristensen> cool
<andi-> On there you publish messages on behalf of some people / identities
<andi-> thats what the unique ID you receive when connecting is being used
<andi-> usually those ID's carry a unique (within the network) prefix that identifies the server the identity is originated from
<andi-> when the services "quit" they usually just appear as netsplit since the servers no longer have a path to them..
<gchristensen> that is cool!
<andi-> not sure what joepie91 discovered but yes you can make a server treat multiple connections as the same person but services are doing it differently.
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<joepie91> andi-: fwiw, this is in the context of ongoing complaints about IRC not being accessible/user-friendly enough
<srk> like to explain people that they need irc bouncer otherwise irc kind-of sucks
<joepie91> yeah, I don't think "you should run a bouncer" is really a reasonable expectation nwoadays
<joepie91> nowadays*
<srk> then, how many ppl can deploy their own bouncers
<gchristensen> I can't manage my own bouncer
<srk> like we can make it very easily, just create a guide around services.znc.enable
<gchristensen> znc is so confusing and never works the way I expect it to
<srk> I manage znc for our hackerspace
<gchristensen> I've been doing this for over 12 years and znc is confusing to me
<joepie91> I run a znc installation for myself and a few people I know; I would much prefer not needing to do so
<joepie91> and like I said: I don't really see a reason why this can't be done away with
<joepie91> and handled server-side
<srk> privacy
<joepie91> especially with IRCv3's backdating feature that I believe it has, it should be easier than ever to do (limited) server-side persistence
<joepie91> privacy how?
<srk> well where are the messages stored until they are forwarded to you?
<joepie91> the same server that processed them in the first place :)
<srk> sure
<srk> but there's a difference between just routing stuff and keeping stuff in memory :)
<joepie91> on paper? yes
<joepie91> in practice? eh, highly debatable.
<joepie91> certainly not large enough to justify keeping tens to hundreds of copies on tons of distributed ZNC servers each of which is likely less secure than the IRCd
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<srk> yeah
<srk> there's also irccloud which is like hosted bouncer with webinterface? :D
<srk> what about matrix and its irc connectors?
<srk> how does that work?
<infinisil> I have #41467 going which will make services.znc.* much more flexible btw
<andi-> I just run a weechat instance that I can access via a tor hidden service and via mosh..
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<infinisil> And I also have plans to get rid of all stateful config in znc, that is all the individual module settings you need to set up via /query *<modulename>
<srk> cool
<srk> joepie91: good thing with znc/irc is that while you have to trust the operator it's still possible to use otr on top of that
<joepie91> srk: that's generally true for any chat and IM protocol :)
<joepie91> OTR is pretty protocol-agnostic
<joepie91> srk: as for Matrix; that uses network-sanctioned bridges on homeservers afaik
<infinisil> #41467
<infinisil> Oh, where did {^_^} go?
<gchristensen> where DID {^_^} go
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<srk> joepie91: can you run your own bridge?
<infinisil> Huh, he just about died when I did the #41467 thing
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41467 (by Infinisil, open): [WIP] znc: more flexible module
<gchristensen> {^_^} is neuter
<joepie91> srk: yes; a friend of mine does
<joepie91> I don't know what the requirements are on eg. Freenode's end to be recognized as a bridge
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<infinisil> gchristensen: Ping for having {^_^} in #nix-lang as well
<samueldr> I had, a couple years ago, plans (not fleshed out enough to start) to implement such an IRC server, where authentication was handled through the IRC servers (instead of services) and authentication meant users could connect multiple times
<samueldr> and I must concurr, nothing in the protocol seems to forbid ig
<samueldr> it*
<pie__> <joepie91> OTR is pretty protocol-agnostic
* pie__ mumbles something about "but libpurple is a travesty"
<gchristensen> hear hear
<joepie91> you will find no disagreement here
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<simpson> You may find some 0days~
<gchristensen> "may"A
<simpson> libpurple's got one of the worst records for code quality. I have no idea how it happened, but it did.
<joepie91> isn't libpurple basically what you look at when you feel like finding some vulns but don't want to run a risk of not finding any?
<joepie91> :p
<gchristensen> one careless line of code at a time? :)
<joepie91> simpson: to be fair, it's in a competition with OpenSSL
<samueldr> why compete when they can work together?
<simpson> joepie91: OpenSSL definitely wins an overall comparison, simply because its API is so toxic. Python grew an entirely new C FFI mechanism almost entirely in order to deal with APIs like OpenSSL's.
<joepie91> lol
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<pie__> damn
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<infinisil> Not sure what to think of discourse.. https://i.imgur.com/kXxm9ER.jpg
<samueldr> infinisil: I'm curious, did you first load it up in landscape?
<samueldr> (I'm looking at it from a curious webdev that loves figuring out why and how the websites are bad)
<samueldr> (and it's not your fault, looks like they do some BAD responsive logic at load)
<infinisil> Nope, no landscape, this is actually from the ios discourse "app" (it just opens the website in safari..)
<samueldr> :/ even worse then
<samueldr> (with chrome on desktop it will act different when started with a narrow viewport)
<samueldr> (so I assume *some* of their responsive logic is scripted at load)
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<infinisil> samueldr: Hmm, at first the view is correct, but then it switches to the bugged one after a second
<infinisil> Different style even, maybe switching to the mobile one or so
<samueldr> smells like race condition
<infinisil> Oh great, and on normal safari, clicking log in -> via github
<infinisil> "Sorry there was an error authorizing your account. Perhaps you did not approve authorization"
<infinisil> And on a second try it works
<samueldr> nice
<gchristensen> :o not every day you get to close a bug with an ID less than 10,000
<gchristensen> but by golly I think I can do that today
<LnL> oh?
<infinisil> samueldr: Admittedly I am running an older version of iOS (10.3.3), because the newer ones would probably slow it down even more
<LnL> nice :)
<infinisil> Boy I sure do love living in this century! \s
<gchristensen> iOS 12 seems to speed things up infinisil :D
<samueldr> I don't know why they still ship the web browser with their OS
<infinisil> Probably 11 is the last one my phone supports
<samueldr> especially given that it is currently the hardest to develop for and to test
<gchristensen> iOS 12 explicitly supports everything iOS 11 does
<infinisil> Oh fancy
<infinisil> Not sure if I wanna risk it given that Librem 5's should be shipped soonish
<samueldr> to test for safari (both safaris) you have to have apple-branded hardware... even microsoft has a bunch of solutions to allow developers to test combinations of their browser+OS :(
<samueldr> ^ have to have *if you care about TOS*, and professional developers probably should :(
<infinisil> I propose to get rid of all software that can't be nix-build't
<gchristensen> s/software.*$/software/
<LnL> gchristensen: lol, did they market that as a feature?
<gchristensen> LnL: yeah :D
<gchristensen> WTF the coworking space I'm in has QoS'd my traffic to almost nothing
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