<samueldr> just as a reference, it seems the chromebit's USB port is an OTG port... https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/depthcharge/+/master/src/board/veyron_mickey/board.c#63
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<gchristensen> I'll be rebooting the builder soon
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<sphalerite> samueldr: https://github.com/ArthurHeymans/petitboot_for_coreboot is 8MB apparently, so too big for our 4MB flash… of course that's for x86
<sphalerite> samueldr: clever : would http://amzn.eu/hBWL5E3 work for flashing it? It doesn't mention voltage anywhere
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<samueldr> sphalerite: CH341A is probably fine for the programming; it is used for recoverying an intel device http://forum.chuwi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2704
<samueldr> THOUGH, it probably still needs a 1.8V Logic level converter, just like is needed for that guide
<samueldr> (if your chip is 1.8V)
<samueldr> (I don't have experience yet, so take what I say with a grain of salt and do independent research!)
<samueldr> From libreboot's BBB flashing guide: [...] NEVER supply more than 3.3V to your flash chip (that is, if it’s a 3.3V flash chip; 5V and 1.8V SPI flash chips do exist, but they are rare. Always check what voltage your chip takes. Most of them take 3.3V).
<samueldr> nothing about the voltage is specified in the 201 page on libreboot.org :(
<samueldr> though, looking at the datasheet of the SPI flash chip on my chromebit, my chromebit uses a 3.3V one; libreboot's photo is too blurry to make out the model number, but it looks like a gigadevice too, chances are good that it's 3.3V too (DO VERIFY!)
<makefu> the ch341 provides 3.3v - the thinkpad bios chips all run with 3.3v
<samueldr> in this precise case, it's for an ARM chromebook, but yeah, looks like it's generally 3.3V and 1.8V is the exception
<makefu> i've also never seen 5v spi chips. all the routers i've flashed with openwrt were having 3.3v spi
<makefu> but of course you will have to check for the exact spi model ... hardware is weird
<samueldr> hardware is... hard
<makefu> hardware is like software you cannot change anymore
<samueldr> I'm still sad that in the chromebit the SPI flash is in WSON package, thus it can't be clipped :(
<makefu> so you have to solder it out?
<samueldr> I won't try flashing random stuff
<makefu> :D
<samueldr> one of the reason I got the chromebit, to understand coreboot
<buovjaga> Dezgeg: did you get access to the Raspi3 again? If you need hardware I can buy it and deliver it to you.
<sphalerite> samueldr: makefu; thanks
<Dezgeg> I have one again now
<buovjaga> ok, if Orange Pi releases a sufficiently badass new device, I can order an extra one for you :)
<samueldr> yesterday pine64 announced two new devices, both aarch64 one based on the allwinner H6 and one based on rockchip's RK3399
<buovjaga> wow, those do tick all the boxes! USB3, gigabit ethernet, >= 2GB memory...
<samueldr> pine64, in my experience, often have shortage, but they don't last too long (except for their pinebooks, but that's another story)
<buovjaga> samueldr: do you have experience with Orange Pi?
<samueldr> I have one product from them
* samueldr checks the exact model name since their names always confuse him
<buovjaga> we have one person on the Finnish #vapaakoodi who uses Orange Pis
<samueldr> (not +, not 2)
<buovjaga> my eyes get crossed when looking at their model name list :)
<samueldr> they almost make sense though, almost
<buovjaga> One plus pc + 2
<buovjaga> was pointed to this just now, a bit pricey, though: https://www.cnx-software.com/2018/01/29/orange-pi-rk3399-development-board-launched-for-109/
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<samueldr> those interfaces though, looks like it has *everything*
<samueldr> HDMI *in*
<samueldr> looks almost like they took the spec sheet and treated it as a checklist... and it't an interesting idea
<buovjaga> :) so one of those for each Nix dev?
<gchristensen> those are pretty hot
<makefu> NO WAY HDMI IN
<samueldr> yes wat
<samueldr> way*
<samueldr> though, I wonder how it works
<makefu> i think i will just buy one now
<samueldr> is it only a software switch or is it possible to overlay?
<buovjaga> good for videojockeys?
<samueldr> that's the question
<samueldr> how's an HDMI in working in that kind of board :)
<makefu> i'd love to have a "KVM box" which can capture hdmi from servers
<samueldr> oh, and another RK3399 board (pine64's iirc) says the usb-c IS useable with DP alternate mode
<samueldr> makefu: pair that with a hacked cheap 3→1 hdmi switch in which you replace the push button with a relay that you activate with gpio and you can reduce the number of boards needed three-fold (probably)
<makefu> samueldr: or just use it ad-hoc. that would be my primary use case. have a video grabber box. this is my current setup to achieve this https://euer.krebsco.de/a-software-kvm-switch.html
<samueldr> 142$CAD... my wallet is telling me no :(
<makefu> essentially a shitty av video grabber to hdmi2av
<samueldr> well, no until there's word on how the software handles
<samueldr> ah, I was thinking of a use-case in like a rack for multiple servers :)
<samueldr> ohhh, wonder if/when the kernel will support gadget mode for that "Orange Pi RK3399" board
<makefu> it definitly would be a use case, but not one i'd pursue
<samueldr> (that name is... a mouthful)
<makefu> gadget mode would be fantastic, that way i'd not need a separate 32u4 microcontroller
<makefu> as soon as someone verifies there are drivers for HDMI-IN for the oPI RK3399 i will buy one. before that ... not so much
<buovjaga> you don't volunteer to write them? :)
<makefu> it seems the chip is from toshiba and they normally do not work together with normies
<samueldr> it may depend on whether it's RK3399 that has the feature or orange pi that added the feature
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<grw> samueldr: occasionally rk3399 eval boards pop up for $75
<grw> currently back to 150 now tho (and out of stock) https://store.vamrs.com/products/rockchip-rk3399-sapphire-board
<grw> ah, was black friday offer
<grw> anyway i compiled uboot etc and flashed.. mainline kernel does not start
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<makefu> too bad!
<grw> i will try again after next set of patches, or maybe try rockchip kernel again
<makefu> the great thing with nixos is that the efforts can all be re-used
<grw> yep- as long as you have one working build its usually easy to bisect what broke an update
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