<gchristensen> arianvp: I don't see ipxe in the rescue?
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<gchristensen> ok I have bootstrapped a linux box on hetzner cloud, but with kexec, not ipxe
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<arianvp> gchristensen: when you start up the rescue mode you hit C-B during boot screen
<arianvp> then it drops you in an ipxe prompt
<arianvp> you type > dhcp to get an IP, and then > chain <your_url>
<arianvp> :)
<sphalerite_> samueldr: what are your plans as far as getting a coreboot build with an alternative payload goes? I can't seem to get images with initrds working with depthcharge, and it's becoming more and more of a pain
<sphalerite_> just wondering whether to pursue building it myself as well
<gchristensen> arianvp: huh, I was never able to get to the console in time for me to be able to interfere with iPXE
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<samueldr> sphalerite_: don't know yet, don't rely on me for coreboot/libreboot, in that regard I'm a bumbling idiot that hopes to build something...
<samueldr> ... but I'm not even sure what payloads are available for ARM!
<samueldr> both libreboot and coreboot's documentation is... incomplete and/or so old it doesn't apply, it seems :(
<samueldr> they both lack in different ways though
<samueldr> and libreboot's most current snapshot won't build, but that's because the build system is being changed, and the documentation is severly lacking in how to build for a specific platofrm
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<samueldr> later today I'll know if coreboot tries to be buildable
<samueldr> if it does, my hopes is that 1) coreboot+depthcharge works (just works) 2) an alternative payload for ARM works properly
<samueldr> in those alternative payloads, there is grub and u-boot, if grub doesn't work, I hope u-boot is still maintained; it may make nixos bootable on arm-coreboot boot the same way it does on other arm systems
<samueldr> finally checked the status, looked into building coreboot's own gcc, and it seemingly built successfully overnight
<sphalerite_> samueldr: FWIW coreboot+depthcharge and libreboot+depthcharge work fine for me, except when it comes to initrds
<samueldr> yeah, that's why I'd like something else than depthcharge :)
<samueldr> more nixos-y boot
<sphalerite_> and that building images is a bit of a pain because you need to first wrap it in the u-boot header thingy and then sign that along with a command-line
<samueldr> though, if it comes to it, it may force me to look into making nixos compatible with linuxboot/petitboot or other kexec "tertiar bootloaders" that exists
<samueldr> tertiary*
<sphalerite_> yeah I was hoping to get a kexec-based boot working
<samueldr> adding compat. will probably be helpful in the situations where no upstream bootloader can't be built, and the classic nixos way to boot is still wanted
<sphalerite_> only problem is that that requires an initrd >.>
<samueldr> :)
<samueldr> haven't looked into depthcharge, but in a normal kernel, can't an initrd *or an equivalent to it* be built in the kernel?
<samueldr> (going from fuzzy memory)
<sphalerite_> oooh, didn't think of that
<samueldr> pretty sure that nixos' initrd may be too big
<sphalerite_> I was just building it into the uboot image
<sphalerite_> I'll see if that works
<sphalerite_> OH. I just saw… that my kernel config has initrd compression disabled
<sphalerite_> and my initrd... is compressed
<sphalerite_> >_>
<sphalerite_> wait no
<samueldr> that's counterproductive
<sphalerite_> weird. the relevant options are displayed as =n in menuconfig's search, but marked with a * in the actual menu
<samueldr> another option forces them on? (dunno much about the menu and config system of the kernel)
<sphalerite_> well, you've given me another idea with the embedding thing so I'll try that out :)
<sphalerite_> ok I understand what was going on with the options now. The options that were set to "no" were which compression to use by default, not which compression to support
<sphalerite_> so it does in fact support all the types
<sphalerite_> about to reboot to test the kernel with embedded initrd! The excitement is real :o
<samueldr> :)
<samueldr> I'm also looking at stuff for coreboot, another option may be to add petitboot as a payload
<samueldr> though, it will need to fit in less than 4MB
<samueldr> wow neat, coreboot lets me choose tianocore, but tianocore in the menus only allows IA32 and x84_64 builds
<samueldr> ah, found how to get depthcharge in menuconfig; "build for chromeos" needs to be enabled
* samueldr is suuuuure going to need to learn how to flash using the SOIC clip
<sphalerite_> meh
* sphalerite_ could really use a serial line for debugging right now
<samueldr> afaict they aren't available on consumer chromedevices :(
<sphalerite_> it's there but tiny
<samueldr> ah!
<samueldr> I thought the servo headers wasn't available in most devices
<samueldr> (though it's unpopulated)
<sphalerite_> well I've found it in mine :)
<sphalerite_> I'm getting a kernel panic with the initrd because init failed, but can't actually see how it failed because the stack trace pushes it off the screen :(
<samueldr> got a high speed camera?
<samueldr> dunno if the 120fps capture mode of modern high end smartphones can help in those conditions
<clever> there is a kernel option to insert a delay between each printk
<samueldr> oooh, that's clever :)
<sphalerite_> ooh indeed, I'll try that
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<sphalerite_> yeah I found that doc just now as well, very helpful
<clever> sphalerite_: if i'm reading slide 18 right, i think that is a mux between 3 different pairs of wires
<sphalerite_> it doesn't seem to be doing anything…
<clever> so the D+ and D- on the usb port can either be the omap uart, the sw uart, or the usb lines
<sphalerite_> I… don't know what that mean x)
<clever> and the SEL0+SEL1 pins select which one
<clever> ah, and the 2 SEL pins arent on that header
<sphalerite_> clever: yeah, boot_delay=200 doesn't seem to have had any effect
<clever> there are also compile time options in the kernel that can make it entirely ignore the arguments the bootloader supplies
<clever> and/or the bootloader is just broken
<sphalerite_> well the bootloader works fine for the kernel without the initramfs
<sphalerite_> I'll try kexecing from the running nixos system instead
<sphalerite_> that doesn't seem helpful, since the console is initialised by the time the error occurs
<samueldr> hmmmmm, upstream coreboot with their own toolchain with default options won't build, as they are passing "-m32" to the arm cross-compiler
* samueldr needs to read some more
<sphalerite_> just the delaying doesn't seem to work
<sphalerite_> hm, kexec doesn't seem to work either. No idea *how* it's failing though since I just get a black screen and a flashing USB light, and don't have a serial console :(
<samueldr> fuzzy memory: isn't there a ram area that can be used by the kernel to keep failures for the next boot? maybe it needs specific hardware, but IIRC android does that
<sphalerite_> samueldr: yeah that works with kexec
<clever> sphalerite_: with some of my GPU's, the graphics state gets messed up upon kexec, and only ethernet works from that point onward
<sphalerite_> hm, systemctl emergency doesn't seem to work right on the chromebook
<sphalerite_> so many mysteries
<sphalerite_> yay I got a kexec working
<samueldr> don't leave us hanging, anything specific you did?
<sphalerite_> make sure X doesn't start, systemctl switch-root to a tmpfs with bash as the init first
<sphalerite_> still WIP
<clever> oh, that switch-root sounds handy
<sphalerite_> yeah I mentioned it during our chat yesterday
<sphalerite_> hm. Is there something I could do while kexecing to get out the information I need (what's going wrong with init)?
<clever> sphalerite_: i think a serial port is abotu the only thing that works there
<sphalerite_> clever: what does the SEL stuff you mentioned earlier mean from a practical perspective? Will that make it easier for me to get to the serial port?
<clever> if the right SEL line is activated, the serial port will be routed over the usb connector
<clever> so you just cut up a micro-usb cable, and you have access to the serial port
<clever> i think OMAP_UART_SW has to be pulled low, but i'll need to check datasheets
<clever> sphalerite_: do you see the `DP3T switch` on the top-right of slide 18?
<sphalerite_> it doesn't have a micro-usb port. Would one of the regular USB ports be the thing to use then?
<sphalerite_> uh… no
<sphalerite_> er... just noticed the numbering on the PDF is funky
<sphalerite_> this is *slide* 18, *page* 24
<sphalerite_> or the other way round?
<sphalerite_> titled "Chromebook C201: debugging"
<clever> i do see another thing on page 24, but it has no slide#
<clever> this one doesnt have a muxing chip
<clever> so no easy way out
<clever> if you go up to page 18, youll see what i meant
<sphalerite_> right
<clever> strange
<clever> you have 4 TX lines and 0 RX lines
<sphalerite_> isn't there some way to load a "crash kernel" that gets executed for analysis purposes when the main one panics?
<clever> yeah, but i think the normal kexec clears it
<clever> and you need an initrd to hold the crash kernel
* sphalerite_ just had an idea
<sphalerite_> I could use an actual partition sort of like an initrd
<clever> yeah, if you unpack the initrd to an fs, and use root=, it could boot it
<clever> as long as that filesystem is compiled into the kernel
<arianvp> gchristensen: when you insert the rescure mode and open the serial view
<arianvp> hit the CTRL-ALT_DEL button a few times, it will reset the machine
<sphalerite_> wtf... "green nix-daemon[970]: error: cloning builder process: Operation not permitted"
<arianvp> then you'll see the iPXE screen, and you can hit CTRL-B for iPXE repl
<sphalerite_> oh… maybe I'm running a kernel without user namespacing >_>
<samueldr> got back to coreboot building, I'm happy, chromeos bundles the config file in the built image, which includes the git commit ID used and the full .config :D
<sphalerite_> samueldr: that is indeed helpful!
<samueldr> I can compare to see how likely I am to brick if I flash my just build rom
<sphalerite_> … nope, that's not the reason
<sphalerite_> but unshare -U fails too
<sphalerite_> oh. It's because of how I "booted" the system
<sphalerite_> huh. I thought the stuff that happens in the initrd was roughly "mount root filesystem on /mnt or something, chroot into /mnt, exec next init"
<sphalerite_> but now I can't create user namespaces because I'm in a chroot.
<sphalerite_> so is the actual process mounting the filesystem directly on /?
<clever> sphalerite_: it uses switch_root or pivot_root, rather then chroot
<clever> which will swap the 2 mount points, and change the / for all processes
<sphalerite_> ok
<sphalerite_> thanks
<sphalerite_> with this setup I could also boot off the eMMC. Not without another storage device attached, but it's still better than nothing!
<samueldr> hmmmm, I think I need to figure out where is the SPI flash before attempting to flash my rom...
<samueldr> hmmm, bad news, the SPI flash is probably under a shielding cage
<clever> samueldr: there may be a header that connects to it
<clever> samueldr: and the cpu may have alternative ways of booting that can grant access
<clever> samueldr: in the case of the raspberry pi, it can boot entirely over USB, and you can jam in a slim OS that is capable of reflashing the chips
<samueldr> oh sure, but now finding the documentation may be harder :)
<clever> what is the CPU?
<samueldr> it's the veyron platform, veyron mickey, which is the chromebit CS10, CPU is RK3288
<samueldr> almost the same thing than what sphalerite_'s chromebook is
<clever> samueldr: loader mode looks like it may be of use
<clever> push a special sequence of buttons while the usb is connected, and i believe it will show up in lsusb
<samueldr> I'd have to look, but the USB port on the device may not lead to the on-soc usb
<clever> then you use the right software to push firmware images over, and the cpu will reflash things for you
<samueldr> it's a full "A" host usb (for the hardware port)
<clever> ah
<samueldr> most of what applies to chrome*anything* veyron_*anything* should be interchangeable
<samueldr> only few settings are different across the range, from what I read
<samueldr> I hate the small pigtail connectors >:|
<sphalerite_> samueldr: heh, my SPI flash is visible with no shield on it
<sphalerite_> is it not right next to the screw?
<samueldr> your laptop is bigger than a sausage though!
<sphalerite_> true
<samueldr> the screw is on the split pad on the side with the USB port
<clever> oh god, thats smaller then i was thinking, lol
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<samueldr> before unscrewing it, I thought it had more electronics... nah, the underside is a big heatsink it looks like
<clever> i'm guessing that the split pad might be a switch of some kind
<samueldr> there is this mystery chip that *could* look like it https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/01/20180128130003.png
<clever> does the usb behave differently when you take it out?
<samueldr> clever: it is! it's the write protect screw
<clever> ah
<samueldr> no, but it makes it possible to disable the write protect in flashrom
<clever> what are the numbers on that last chip?
<clever> its a bit hard to read
<samueldr> that's unreadable by sight, that picture is 100× better than anything I could do
<samueldr> the last few pics are alternate angles
<samueldr> to make the light reflect differently, with locked focus on my phone
<clever> part of the trick is to rotate it as you look at each digit
<clever> and also to get the chip a little wet
<samueldr> it looks like either RE1725 or HE1725 for the first line, which might as well be 25th week of 2017
<clever> date codes arent of much use, we want a part#
<samueldr> yeah
<samueldr> though, its proximity to both the power jack and the split pad makes it a 50% chance of being the spi chip
<clever> it kind of has too many pins to be spi flash, thats my feeling
<samueldr> that's what I thought, but especially that it may be something power related, it's right next to the power jack
<clever> i'm thinking power regulator
<samueldr> oh, I think flashrom on chromeos can identify the exact chip maker and model, so it'll be easy to confirm once I connect that fiddly pigtail
<samueldr> finally got it seated
<samueldr> ah! probably is that chip
<samueldr> flashrom identifies it as GD25Q32
<samueldr> google image search shows me chips with the same scribbly G
<samueldr> issue is that it looks like it's not a clippable chip...
<clever> http://www.elm-tech.com/en/products/spi-flash-memory/gd25q32/gd25q32.pdf page 5, i suspect you have the 8 lead WSON?
<samueldr> or a variant thereof
<samueldr> the four bits each side that looked like solder are the connectors, probably
<samueldr> not THAT impossible to work with, but hmmm, SOIC clip won't help
<clever> page 50 has another diagram
<clever> with complete measurements
<clever> and i just remembered
<clever> the raspberry pi A, just directly connects the host mode usb port, to the cpu
<clever> and with the right cable, you could OTG it, but the ID pin telling the cpu that an OTG cable is plugged in, isnt wired up
<samueldr> oh, looks like u-boot has *some* veyron support
<samueldr> but no speedy
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<samueldr> sphalerite_: just so you know, since I don't have a way to unbrick cleanly, I'll be looking (later) at making it boot a petitboot or petitboot inspired setup...
<samueldr> ... furthermore, this'll make it more universal for chromedevice users that don't or can't flash
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