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<Tasqa> I really need to setup automatic-rejoining on my relay :/
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<gchristensen> is Alex Brandt here?
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<alunduil> I heard someone here might have NixOS running on the Odroid-C2. I'd love to hear how and where any resources might be located. Otherwise, does anyone have any guidance on where to start with porting to that board?
* gchristensen waves
* alunduil waves
<samueldr> gchristensen: time to update that wiki page ;)
<gchristensen> samueldr: alunduil came here because I said I made no progress :)
<gchristensen> and that surely someone here can help
<samueldr> ah!
<alunduil> I think I know what's required but I'm struggling to wrap my head around how to get the signed uboot installed as the board wants it.
<Dezgeg> maybe some other place like debian or arch linux has documented that part?
<samueldr> if you're not used to archlinux's build process, the PKGBUILD is basically a bash script with functions that are executed in a defined order
<samueldr> the .install file is run on the target device when the package is installed/uninstalled/updated
<samueldr> the install script will "flash" uboot to the proper location for the device
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<alunduil> samueldr, my buddy who ported Gentoo and Kali gave me his Kali build script but there are a few key differences from NixOS. One is the use of boot.ini instead of extlinux, and the other is that I can't find where uboot gets written to the address for the board in the sd image creation.
<alunduil> samueldr, I think I'm starting to see it now though. Thanks for the extra information.
<samueldr> afaik, the location where uboot will be written should be the same
<samueldr> to boot with extlinux, you might need to build it
<samueldr> that's a major difference (and advantage!) in how nixos operates on ARM
<alunduil> samueldr, I agree. I'll have to see how arch does it. For Kali, they use pre-built binaries without extlinux I'm sure.
<samueldr> archlinux (at lest for odroid-c2) has two uboot packages
<samueldr> one that is "not mainline", probably follows odroid's fork
<samueldr> then there's mainline, that's the one you probably want
<samueldr> that's u-boot by u-boot from u-boot
<samueldr> and generally, once a device is mainlined, getting it working with nixos is trivial enough
<samueldr> (that's my experience out of two boards)
<alunduil> samueldr, makes sense. I was told that I needed a signed build for trusted boot or some such (don't recall details).
<alunduil> I'll have to look over the arch stuff to see what's going on.
<samueldr> the PKGBUILD from the package I linked has an amlbootsig command, probably what's needed
<samueldr> and it seems to be part of this https://github.com/afaerber/meson-tools
<samueldr> (wow, now I want an ODROID-C2 to play around with, but I don't even have the time to play around with what I already have!)
<gchristensen> samueldr: where in the world are you again?
<samueldr> up north (canada)
<samueldr> Province of Québec
<gchristensen> I can hook you up with one in exchange for a couple bits of project :)
<samueldr> (since, you know, big country)
<gchristensen> I mean, hell, actually, I could just send you mine, since I'm pretty sure you'll use it to make nixos better
<samueldr> b-b-b-but, that sounds like work!
<arianvp2> Tasqa: what architecture is your router ?
<arianvp2> If it's armv7l, running nixos from an LXC container shouldnt be too much work
<arianvp2> simply need to to point to the build cache mirror and run `nixos-install` to create a root file system
<arianvp2> then boot that up with :XC
<arianvp2> LXC*