<samueldr> AGH, I have the veyron mickey / chromebit CS10, finally got it apart
<samueldr> and am now stumped trying to find the write protect screw
<samueldr> funny thing is it could as well be any of the four visible here... and even not be visible ! https://photos.app.goo.gl/OVWDbENMad4T04h63
<samueldr> I haven't even found any matching internals picture of the device online
<gchristensen> I'd guess it isn't any of thos efour
<gchristensen> but perhaps under whatever they're holding down
<gchristensen> those are all well grounded
<samueldr> in fact, I'm pretty sure it's the lower right one
<samueldr> with the split copper pads
<samueldr> looking carefully on the C201, about the same hardware
<samueldr> the screw seems to be on a similar split pad
<gchristensen> hmm could be
<samueldr> ugh, I hope I don't need to find the spi chip on it
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<samueldr> not verified yet (no firmware to flash yet) but it looks like this was it
<samueldr> hahaha, line 50 (or search for `echo`) https://dl.google.com/dl/edgedl/chromeos/recovery/linux_recovery.sh
<gchristensen> hah
<samueldr> the only bit with a full path to *anything* (excluding shebang)
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<Ineff> Hello I'm having trouble installing nix on an android device, during installation nix-store --init fail with an error about glibc having a ill formatted ELF header
<Ineff> can anybody help?
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<Ineff> hello is anybody here?
<Dezgeg> how are you tryig to install it?
<Ineff> through the script provided from nixos.org/nix/install
<Dezgeg> on aarch64 I suppose?
<Ineff> yep
<Ineff> the problem appears to be when the script call nix-store --init
<Ineff> it seems it's unable to link the internal glib due to a ill formatted header
<Dezgeg> strange, I have never heard of that
<Dezgeg> what's the /nix/store path it complains about?
<Ineff> give me a second
<Ineff> here the error message
<Ineff> Giorgio Mossa: /nix/store/y9mfv3sx75mbfibf1zna1kq9v98fk2nb-nix-1.11.16/bin/nix-store: error while loading shared libraries: /nix/store/kfk65xrfzndyyz6if5fxk4wrwz76h2lh-glibc-2.25-49/lib/libc.so: invalid ELF header
<Dezgeg> what's the sha256sum? correct seems to be 4b3296123f40ca7481d6eb5072bc378dbf4037d821dd28ca5ab75ff0a826fa18
<Dezgeg> of libc.so
<Ineff> yes the hash correspond
<Dezgeg> huh
<Dezgeg> maybe strace reveals something
<Ineff> let me try
<Ineff> ah btw could the problem due to the fact that I'm running everything inside termux?
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<Ineff> Degzeg if you have time you can take a look at http://pastebin.com/c5CbVQeG
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<Ineff_> Actuallyeading the file it doesn't really look like a library...
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<Dezgeg> I guess this termux thing sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or LD_PRELOAD? maybe they are breaking stuff
<Ineff_> Dezgeg maybe but I am reading the content of libc.so file
<Ineff_> And it says
<Dezgeg> oh right, on the second try it reads something else
<Ineff_> Ok it seems to be a problem of the default store downloaded by the script
<Dezgeg> so libc.so is a linker script but libc.so.6 is the library proper
<Ineff_> Yep so that explains why it is not working
<Dezgeg> well it doesn't explain who is looking for the libc.so
<Dezgeg> I guess the termux stuff set by the LD_* variables
<Ineff_> Maybe, but is it normal that linking script is over there?
<Dezgeg> /usr/lib/libc.so seems to be a linker script on Arch Linux as well, so presumably it's some upstream glibc thing
<Ineff_> Mh.... so how is the library linker unable to resolve it?
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<Dezgeg> well presumably everything except this termux stuff is depending on the libc.so.6 and not libc.so
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<gchristensen> how can I find the syscall table for aarch64?
<Ineff> Degzeg sorry got a connecton problem
<Dezgeg> oh, didn't notice
<Dezgeg> well presumably everything except this termux stuff is depending on the libc.so.6 and not libc.so
<Dezgeg> gchristensen: what are you going to do?
<gchristensen> well I'm fumbling around in the dark really. ofborg's builder is deadlocking and I'm trying to figure out why. the thing I'm looking at now is the syscall its running
<gchristensen> / blocked on
<Dezgeg> try /proc/<pid>/stack
<Dezgeg> or wchan
<Ineff> Dezgeg that seems rather strange because the system doesn't have a libc.so anywhere to be found
<Dezgeg> well did you try unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or LD_PRELOAD?
<gchristensen> all the threads are blocked on futex_wait_queue_me :|
<gchristensen> thanks, Dezgeg
<Dezgeg> so they are trying to acquire an userspace lock
<Dezgeg> doesn't gdb give stacktraces for that?
<gchristensen> yeah, I've taken backtraces. they seem to be pointing to a bug in a lib I'm using... which is exciting ... anyway, I don't need to take over -aarch64 talk :)
<Ineff> Dezgeg yup it is unable to find libraries to execute local bash
<gchristensen> thanks for the pointers :)
<Dezgeg> hmmh
<Dezgeg> but does the nix-store --init become runnable?
<Ineff> Actually it does
<Ineff> Thanks a lot
<Ineff> Ok then I guess I'll have to work a little bit to tweak the script to adapt it to termux
<Ineff> Thank you so much dezgeg :D
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<gchristensen> I'll be rebooting the builder soon
<LnL> oh, let me make a pr first :)
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> if you get it done in the next minute I can start the build process, otherwise I'll be back in a while :)
<LnL> done
<LnL> btw do you know about https://github.com/lnl7.keys
<gchristensen> ok LnL it should work for you now
<LnL> yep
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> d'oh
<gchristensen> a stupid error was deployed
<gchristensen> rebooting again soon :|
<sphalerite> LnL: that's great, I didn't know about it
<LnL> I generally prefer to use different keys
<LnL> but in theory you could make something that gives automatic access to all nixpkgs commiters or something
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