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<tomberek> Hello, I'm trying get nix onto an armv7, but I'm not having much luck with either building from source or cross compiling from my host.
<sphalerite> tomberek: what I did was start from a debian system, build nix just using make/make install in there, then building nix through that bootstrap nix
<sphalerite> andi-: you were working on getting java bootstrapping more nicely, right? Any luck with that?
<tomberek> sphalerite: that's what i'm trying... .ran into compilation erros
<andi-> sphalerite: not really luck.. it still decides to build amd64 instead since it sees a 64bit host..
<sphalerite> andi-: wow. Quality
<sphalerite> tomberek: any more details? :)
<tomberek> i thing the wrong C/C++ compiler is being used,, one sec: https://hastebin.com/ejoxeqojub.sql
<tomberek> (cortex-a9, vexpress-a9)
<tomberek> arm7l
<tomberek> sphalerite: just found this in the configure output (didn't error out): ./configure: line 4460: AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11: command not found
<sphalerite> Which debian version? Do you have build-essential installed? You may also need automake, I don't remember exactl
<tomberek> Linux debian 3.2.0-4-vexpress #1 SMP Debian 3.2.89-2 armv7l GNU/Linux
<sphalerite> not the kernel version, the distro version
<tomberek> 7
<tomberek> wheezy
<sphalerite> yeah I'm pretty sure that's just too old
<sphalerite> you'll need to use a newer version
<sphalerite> or I can give you a binary tarball, if you trust me :p
<tomberek> too old? erg, it's what i was able to get working on qemu
<sphalerite> you can probably upgrade it though
<sphalerite> just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace wheezy with jessie, then apt update and apt dist-upgrade
<tomberek> doing that now......
<tomberek> looks about right
<sphalerite> you could probably get stretch, the most recent version, running, by following the same instructions but using different URLs
<sphalerite> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stretch/main/installer-armhf/current/images/netboot/ has a kernel and initrd that will probably work just the same
<tomberek> yep....... well, this is already a bit of yak-shaving... I have both ubuntu with Nix and NixOS available, can't either just cross-compile? I got failures during the build for perl.
<sphalerite> no, cross-compilation is still in a state of flux for nix/nixpkgs
<sphalerite> also ARM support in general is still very much WIP so there will probably be a lot of yak-shaving involved in getting it working. If you just want to use your ARM device, ubuntu or debian are still a much better bet for now unfortunately
<sphalerite> https://sphalerite.org/ghotl/posts/2017-11-10-chromebook.html I summarised getting nixos working on my ARM chromebook here (it's more of a "story" post, not a tutorial)
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<Mic92> andi-: does debian patch its jdk?
<andi-> Mic92: everyone patches openjdk. Ever heard of icedtea? That's a patch collection for openjdk m(
<Mic92> andi-: has icedtea still any pratical relevance?
<Mic92> mhm, maybe IPMI vnc consoles
<gchristensen> yeah pretty much that
<gchristensen> sometimes crappy web-based corporate accounting software
<andi-> Mic92: it is a lot saner if you plan to compile openjdk... Has its own issues.. May next attempt will be icedtea + the Debian basted bootstrap to create a bootstrap for us...
<andi-> If you want to do that: go for it.. My hate for java is growing
<gchristensen> would you say the hate for java is ... brewing?
<Mic92> andi-: sorry. I have different stuff to work on.
<andi-> gchristensen: /o\
<disasm> can we just let java die already? :)
<andi-> Yeesls!!
<disasm> really the only things I use java for anymore are jenkins, elasticsearch and graylog :)
<andi-> And random build systems... E.g. bazel
<disasm> would love to see someone clone ES in pretty much any language but java, lol
<disasm> well, or .net that would be worst
<andi-> Can we run .net core already in aarch64?
<disasm> haha
<Dezgeg> new versions of mono do run :)
<andi-> Great. Probably because the entire build system is not a complete clusterfuckup like with openjdk
<gchristensen> disasm: they'd have to port the underlying search tool too :/
<disasm> gchristensen: yeah
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