<samueldr> sphalerite: anything you think I can test this week-end with my chromebit, with regard to the block devices, I'm confident I can recover a zeroed out storage
<samueldr> (I'll look if the start is somehow read-only)
<Dezgeg> eMMCs have this weird marking-some-blocks read-only feature
<samueldr> yeah, I just want to *confirm* that veyron platform has this setup or if it's a weirdness of that chromebook
<samueldr> basically, the veyron-mickey (my chromebit) is pretty much the same hardware as sphalerite's chromebook
<Dezgeg> if mmc-utils can't do it maybe something using CMD28-CMD31 can do it
<samueldr> it may be done in coreboot
<samueldr> (which is upstreamed and flashable!)
<sphalerite> samueldr: yeah I'm running libreboot on mine
<samueldr> ah! I thought it still ran google's coreboot
<sphalerite> samueldr: nothing in particular, have you already got nixos running on it?
<samueldr> nah, that's the bit before I do that
<samueldr> got it, booted it (had to check it powered on) opened the case and removed the security screw
<samueldr> tried to find the SPI flash visually, but dang that's a tight one
<sphalerite> Do you know how you're going to do it?
<samueldr> not yet!
<sphalerite> My way may have been more roundabout than strictly necessary but it worked and I can help you through it if you want :)
<samueldr> though I have armv7l devices at home so I'm *probably* going to look into building an image and flash it
<samueldr> thanks!
<samueldr> AFAICT, no images of the internals are available online
<samueldr> yes, to the right is one (1) USB port
<sphalerite> You shouldn't need to flash it as such, just stick it on an SD card and boot off that using developer mode
<sphalerite> You'll need to screw around with cgpt and vboot stuff to get the stock firmware to boot it though
<samueldr> yeah, when I said flash, I was just going the sd-image way, but skipping external boot
<sphalerite> Same for the regular libreboot distribution, I don't know if there's an easy way to get a less fiddly system with upstream coreboot and a different payload or something
<samueldr> (there's no SD card port on the chromebit)
<sphalerite> Oh
<samueldr> I'll probably try building an upstream coreboot with either a linux or a grub payload
<samueldr> hmmm
<samueldr> though, I'm all set for fiddling around with the chromebit, and ready to break/fix it :D
<sphalerite> Sweet
<samueldr> sphalerite: any configuration.nix thing you had to do?
<sphalerite> I might piggyback on that if you get a more versatile coreboot build working ;)
<samueldr> I want to!
<samueldr> might be good to do it for intel chromebooks too
<samueldr> any configuration thing like a specific kernel?
<sphalerite> The standard nixpkgs kernel didn't work for me, I built a custom one using nix-shell
<sphalerite> That took a lot of fiddling
<samueldr> could you share the .config?
<sphalerite> I kept my progressive config changes in a git repo which I haven't published anywhere but I can do that tomorrow
<samueldr> nice
<sphalerite> I'd really like to get it building using nixpkgs but that config system is really weird
<sphalerite> And doesn't seem to play along nicely with heavily customised config
<samueldr> coreboot?
<samueldr> I thought (from a thousand foot overview) it built using a .config system similar to linux, though I might just be misrembering
<sphalerite> No I mean nixpkgs's system for configuring the Linux kernel
<samueldr> ah!
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<samueldr> awesome thank sphalerite
<arianvp> grahamc: how did you boot nixos over iPXE?
<arianvp> I'm trying to get Nixos onto hetzner cloud
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<gchristensen> arianvp: does hetzner cloud support ipxe?
<arianvp> yes!
<arianvp> If you put it in rescue mode you get an iPXE menu
<gchristensen> :o
<arianvp> I was able to boot coreos just now over iPXE. seems to work fine
<gchristensen> so...
<gchristensen> I just use the built-in NixOS support for iPXE :)
<arianvp> where do I find that? :D
<gchristensen> arianvp: https://github.com/grahamc/network/blob/master/lord-nibbler/pxe-image.nix#L13-L33 this here creates a server config (lines 13-18) and packages it up in to a pxe image and a netboot.ipxe file that you point to
<arianvp> cool! thanks
<arianvp> but yeh I Was surprised I got a PXE interface :'D seems like the best bang for buck
<arianvp> 3 euros... 2Gigs of RAM
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