i find that it might be a strong flatpak contender
something something appima- yeah that
appimage is in the "meh" category right now
i really want to replace my nix install with the flakes tree right now
seems like its on a usable state now
well you could always try a vm i guess :D
there's also a nix-shell replacement now
nix dev-shell
life is good.
i want to use the next release because it does repo management so much better than channels
i can't actually use lutris because the channel isn't upgrading
plus it becomes easier to develop
hoo boy
is lutris actually any good? it seems to mostly only have steam games
and for that you might as well just use steam?
i'm using it to manage wine
i mean idk, i only tried to package it once or something
not steam games
ah. didnt know it manages wine
(which is how i ended up working on winnix originally)
to be fair, i'd still like having something to manage wine with nix
lutris is kinda nice but most of it, is extraneous on nix
the emulator stuff for instance
ah i have figured out how to replace 2.2 with 2.3(?)
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okay wine is heckin broke on lutris
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etu: real life happened :P sure, what me and srhb came up with is enough to solve the problem _this_ time, but we were investigating the "nice solution" but then real life hit
lejonet: etu: fwiw I know that johanot/adamt need to look at it very soon. I'll be sure to assist.
Plus getting the 14 upgrade in.
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With any luck the py3 build is less crazy and also the py3 interpreter might be.. Less insane :-)
srhb: yeah, I think that if we can crack the embedded interprenter thing and py3, in the future, version bumps will be just version bumps :)
Hopefully yes.
Also darn real life :)
Looks like I'm spoken for for most of the summer q_q
Damn, srhb is alive
Yeah, sorry for my absence recently.. :-P
Too much work?
Yeah, afraid so..
srhb: at least solving the embedded interprenter thing would mean that we could let the PR go through and work on py3 and 14 after that
Just tell your boss that he can do his own god damn work! ;)
lejonet: Yes. Though it might be easier to fix in 14. Might be worth checking out.
eyJhb: Hah, yes! Seems he's crazy busy too though...
srhb: I haven't looked at 14 at all, might have to do that then
Looked like another semi-major round of refactoring of the mgr stuff at least
lejonet: Worryingly most conf is now some sort of centralized database among the daemons.
lejonet: So, we might lose some declarativeness.
Oh right, coordination rethinking debt is something every large organisation has…
srhb: well, technically, the conf has always been with the mon daemons, and run-time changes has been enforced by them
srhb: but if they start to insist that the initial conf can't be a text file anymore, that will indeed cause problems
srhb: if everything goes as I think it will, I will probably order a new ceph node this month, leaving us more room to experiment on actual hardware
lejonet: I don't think it will be too bad even so, we can just fake the textual conf via a smart-ish systemd job.
srhb: yeah, some fancy script that does the conf instead of it taking the conf from a file
srhb what company do you work for again?
btw. no more fun with the CTF challenge guys, it was just taken down today :(
Aw, how come?
eyJhb: DMI
Cue the weather jokes.
Postevent phase of the CTF was over... :/ But the challenge is still available at Gitlab! So basically `docker run --rm -it -p 8080:5000 registry.gitlab.com/deviosec/challenges/aarhusctf2019/web-awesome-calculator:latest` :D
I REALLY REALLY would like to make some wather jokes, but I've NONE... And I usally don't check the weather, since it is 99.9% sure it will rain or snow in Aalborg. Like. All.. The.. Time..
I'm pretty sure that's untrue, but what do I know, I'm only an IT person :P
When I were in Aarhus for a bit more than a year, it was better. But if it does rain, there is a question will it also be windy or very windy, which affects usefulness of umbrellas…
Okay, like.. 50% of the time... The one certain thing in Aalborg though, if you visit "Kildeparken" aka. "*insertnotverynicewordhere Park", some weird song will always play, and it is VERY VERY CREEPY at 1 am..
MichaelRaskin true... Generally never use a umbrella.. Most of the time it is uselss
Were you from Denmark too?
Nope, I just was a postdoc in Aarhus University at some point
Oh.. Were you a part of my "guess what the logo looks like" competetion btw.?
You missed something glorious then. What were you doing as postdoc?
Well, a bit of algorithms, a bit of game theory, a bit of crypto
srhb: from what I can read from the documentation, they are standing fast with the text confs :)
Game theory? - I know they quite enjoy crypto and algo..
lejonet: Good!
srhb: The MONs are the gatekeepers of the conf, which is why all other daemons technically only need to know the IPs/hostnames of all the mons to fetch their conf
Yeah, seems like they are still going to adhere to the "text confs is the actual conf, but you can change it during runtime with ceph config, and it'll be propagated"
eyJhb: well, a few people there sometimes look into random topics on the edge of Maths and CS
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So testing different confs isn't a big pita, and you can always restore "actual" conf by just restarting the mons
Sounds about right. The Aarhus CTF thing was in collaboration with Computer Science at AU.. We had sooooo much crypto....
But why Denmark btw.?
srhb: a nice thing with the dashboard, they've abstracted it to its own package now, with 14.2, which will make it much easier to handle probably :)
Random connections; given that out of all my postdoc applications I have approximately 100% interview success rate and 0% cold-submission success rate… and it is definitely a nice place and a few nice teams.
eyJhb: The logo was obviously a cap that had fallen upside down. You know, one of those ridiculous ones because someone had bent the flap up?
Fair, normally from.. US? - __monty__ you know what it is! :p
Btw. does anybody know of a nice small, foldable, bluetooth keyboard? Wanting something I can use with Termux on Android
I wonder how many nontrivial nontransparent gotchas are there in GitHub sponsorship platform (to avoid becoming competition to other money laundering mechanisms, which would be against the law)
MichaelRaskin: yeah i'm sure there is a load they aren't saying... because at face value the gaming that could happen there is through the roof
It is possible that they are going to run these restrictions honestly, though — in the sense that either the sender doesn't get charged or the receiver can withdraw within a month or a real court order happens and get shown to both sides (in contrast to PayPal; matching funds refused for arbitrary reasons doesn't qualify for dishonesty)
But there is no evidence so far in either direction, of course
pacmd load-module module-remap-sink sink_name=mono master=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo channels=2 channel_map=mono,mono <- force audio streams to be mono for those poorly recorded conference talks
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also good for those with bad stereo hearing I guess
oh no what is this <lejonet> srhb: but if they start to insist that the initial conf can't be a text file anymore, that will indeed cause problems
eyJhb, aw, guess i cant keep messing wit FUSE, too lazy to set it up locally :
* :P
andi-, what would it take to get a nixcon website up
pie_: it is WIP...
or in other words: SOOON(tm)
would it be ok to preliminatily just get a shitty html only page up? :P :D
trolling: just point everyone to a git repo with a document in it
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pie_ well... Isn't it somewhat the same, as when using github pages?
eyjhb, now that you mention it
Understood the joke, but soon realised... It.. It is the same concept. That is also where my own blog is used :p
But considering switching it to Gitlab
I should actually find out where in Munich Mayflower is located…
* samueldr
wonders if it's in Munich
Depends on which Mayflower, sure
oh, I had misread your sentence and skipped over "in" of "where in"
Well, as I work in TU Munich now, I probably should at some point try to to meet some of the Nixers in Munich in person…
MichaelRaskin are there many?
Well, a lot of Nixpkgs committers seem to be associated with Mayflower.de, and many of them also put Munich in location…
Yeah okay.. I only remember srhb as being Danish, and like two others, but can't remember their names... And then one guy from Uni who presented me to it
MichaelRaskin out and get some beers!
There is a catch: I don't drink beer
MichaelRaskin: out and get some vodka!
That would be stereotypically fitting, but…
When I worked in Bordeaux, I said that stereotypically a person from Russia, namely Moscow, who is half-programmer and half-mathematician and works in Bordeaux would be expected to drink at least _one_ of vodka, tea, beer, coffee, or wine — but…
vodka+beer => the start of a good night, and a bad tomorrow
I think in Belgium they sell this pre-mixed
Under a fitting name «Delirium tremens»
Never had it anywhere, except when I mix myself.. But that might be because I generally only drink beer...
No princess drinks normally
In the receipt it is shown as a beer, but no really, I think it has a 10% vol. version
As long as it's cheap
I am not sure if sparkling mineral water is actually my favourite beverage; or whether I like tonic water more, just not enough to justify the difference.
That sounds very very much like non-alcohol?
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My estimate is that I don't enjoy the taste of anything above ~1% alcohol
That seems like me
MichaelRaskin: Since you like tonic. Do you like gin & tonic?
Maybe you haven't had a good one? Most add too much gin.
Well, if you satisfy the requirement that the resulting mix has less than 1% alcohol…
The limit case of gin&tonic being pure tonic being indeed good…