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<infinisil> Nice!
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/bdac630c1dc (from 28 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
<kerrhau> does anyone know if there are any soulseek packages/overlays?
<kerrhau> I tried creating my own overlay, but that didn't work out
<infinisil> I see soulseekqt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37820 → libbsd: apply patches from upstream, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vx0qf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @redfish64 opened pull request #37821 → init cconv at 0.6.3 → https://git.io/vx0qT
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37822 → libmtp: 1.1.14 -> 1.1.15 → https://git.io/vx0qq
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37823 → librelp: 1.2.14 -> 1.2.15 → https://git.io/vx0qi
<gchristensen> can fetchurl post..? :)
<MichaelRaskin> postFetch
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<gchristensen> nice
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37824 → libusb1: 1.0.21 -> 1.0.22 → https://git.io/vx0mO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ElvishJerricco opened pull request #37825 → haskellPackages: Fix overriding all-cabal-hashes → https://git.io/vx0m3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ElvishJerricco opened pull request #37826 → GHCJS: Fix autogenerated node executables → https://git.io/vx0mR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #37827 → nixos/tor: expose control socket → https://git.io/vx0mz
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/4166986dfad (from 51 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<Lears> Anyone have any idea why the mpd service doesn't start half the time? I'm having to systemctl start mpd myself. Config: http://lpaste.net/364048
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<yorick> Lears: you could try to set mpd.startWhenNeeded. that's sure to do something different.
<_null_> is there a way to build a particular package from the unstable channel?
<_null_> there's an unfree package that doesn't seem to exist online anymore as referenced by the stable 17.09 branch
<yorick> _null_: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A your_package
<_null_> oh, thats easy, thanks yorick
<yorick> Lears: try doing `systemctl cat mpd.service` and seeing what it looks like
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37829 → links: 2.14 -> 2.15 → https://git.io/vx0m7
<infinisil> Lears: Or better yet: `journalctl -u mpd -e` which shows the logs of mpd
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<gchristensen> anyone recognize this license? https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/LICENSE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #37814 → util-linux: 2.31.1 -> 2.32 → https://git.io/vx0LM
<gchristensen> bsd?
<joepie91> gchristensen: BSD 3-clause, says the package.json
<gchristensen> ah nice
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<ottidmes> gchristensen: If it was not mentioned, I was wondering whether some tool exists that would tell me, this seemed interesting: https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37830 → mbuffer: 20171011 -> 20180318 → https://git.io/vx0Y8
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<Lears> Sorry yorick, infinisil, I got distracted by food. I've edited the paste with the output of the commands: http://lpaste.net/364048
<yorick> happens to the best of us
<Lears> According to the journal it's timing out, but it doesn't say anything about why..
<yorick> it's a notify service, so I guess it's not notifying for some reason
<yorick> you could change it to a type=simple if you're not gonna do the socket activation
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37807 → libpipeline: 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0 → https://git.io/vx0Iy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0Y9
<{^_^}> → 2e29f46c by @dtzWill: libpipeline: 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0
<{^_^}> → c7ed5384 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37807 from dtzWill/update/libpipeline-1.5.0
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<Lears> Is there a good way to do that from configuration.nix, yorick?
<yorick> systemd.services.mpd.serviceConfig.Type = mkOverride "simple"
<yorick> but that's not really my recommended solution to this :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37808 → wrapper.c: fixup includes to work w/musl → https://git.io/vx0IA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0YA
<{^_^}> → cb30a1b4 by @dtzWill: wrapper.c: fixup includes to work w/musl
<{^_^}> → e9376e18 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37808 from dtzWill/fix/wrapper-includes
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<yorick> probably report this at https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/issues
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<yorick> Lears: maybe your database is huge and it times out legitimately?
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<infinisil> Lears: You'll want to turn on verbose logging first
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<infinisil> There isn't really an option to add command line arguments to the service though
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37820 → libbsd: apply patches from upstream, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vx0qf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 3 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0Om
<{^_^}> → 88ea7874 by @dtzWill: libbsd: apply upstream patch to fix w/musl
<{^_^}> → 969499f3 by @dtzWill: libbsd: more upstream patches
<{^_^}> → 515d29c2 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37820 from dtzWill/fix/libbsd-musl
<Lears> The database is 26900 files / 328GB (probably counting a fair bit of cruft). Don't know if that could couse a problem.
<infinisil> So I'd just do systemd.services.mpd.serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.mpd}/bin/mpd --no-daemon /nix/store/wq3allyy1m3jwlj7fh4l8b8flnjilsx3-mpd.conf --verbose"
<infinisil> oh and add a lib.mkForce to that (so *.ExecStart = mkForce "${...)
<infinisil> then `journalctl -u mpd -f` to follow the logs, then rebuild
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37831 → celt-0.5.1: disable tests that fail to build due to bad code → https://git.io/vx0OO
<infinisil> (or just look at the logs whenever it happens)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37818 → btrfs-progs: disable backtrace, fix build w/musl → https://git.io/vx0tv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0Os
<{^_^}> → 27065f85 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37818 from dtzWill/fix/btrfs-progs-no-backtrace-musl
<{^_^}> → 5faa470d by @dtzWill: btrfs-progs: disable backtrace, fix build w/musl
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37832 → neo4j: 3.3.2 -> 3.3.4 → https://git.io/vx0Ol
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<Lears> OK infinisil, thanks. I'm gonna reboot a few times and see if I can catch it failing again.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37816 → vde2: musl patch → https://git.io/vx0LN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0OV
<{^_^}> → 3675d770 by @dtzWill: vde2: musl patch
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<{^_^}> → 0f33611c by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37816 from dtzWill/fix/vde2-musl
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<kerrhau> infinisil: is that a package?
<kerrhau> (soulseekqt)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37809 → tirpc, zfs: fixups, support using tirpc w/zfs → https://git.io/vx0Lv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 4 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0O1
<{^_^}> → d6ffaac4 by @dtzWill: zfs: libtirpc dep on musl
<{^_^}> → 47dc9d7b by @dtzWill: tirpc: remove upstreamed patch, fix w/musl
<{^_^}> → bae5ec0f by @dtzWill: zfs: fix hardcoded include path for libtirpc
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<_null_> well, spotify I can't download, and tomahawk segfaults, so any good music players that work with spotify?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37815 → qemu: musl patches → https://git.io/vx0L7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0OQ
<{^_^}> → 55e59e45 by @dtzWill: qemu: musl patches
<{^_^}> → ba18240b by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37815 from dtzWill/fix/qemu-musl
<adisbladis[m]> _null_: What's the problem with spotify?
<_null_> it's a broken mirror
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<_null_> I know in theory I can fix it but that's not really something I'd like to deal with
<_null_> even in unstable
<_null_> I didn't even realize there were free alternatives so I've wanted to try that first
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<adisbladis[m]> _null_: Iirc tomahawk is now abandoned upstream. So may not be the best choice
<_null_> oh, okay
<adisbladis[m]> _null_: You _may_ have better luck with clementine or mopidy
<_null_> thanks
<gillmanash> Hi. I'm trying to bootstrap a Nix $HOME installation from a priviledged Nix installation
<coconnor> hmmm.. should I be concerned that "baloo" is using 0.5 Tb of virtual memory?
<rosa> As in 500 Gb?
<adisbladis[m]> coconnor: That's normal.. Sadly
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<gillmanash> So far managed to build Nix at alternate location, but struggling to get profile working
<coconnor> yes. as in 500 Gb. Virtual memory tho. Resident is ok
<rosa> as 1tb is 1000GB i think
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: It's virtual memory. Not actually used memory.
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<coconnor> is that from mmap files?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37833 → neomutt: 20180223 -> 20180323 → https://git.io/vx03k
<coconnor> baloo is a file search thing best I know
<rosa> Wait wtf u have over 1tb of RAM?
<gillmanash> NIXROOT=/data/gil2a4 ./result/bin/nix-build ~/nixpkgs -E 'with import "/home/gil2a4/nixpkgs" {}; nix.override { storeDir = '/nix/store"; stateDir = "'$NIXROOT'/nix/var"; confDir = "'$NIXROOT'/etc"; }'
<adisbladis[m]> I'm always disabling baloo for performance reasons
<rosa> wth
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<coconnor> nah. but mmap a file will add it to hte address space
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<_null_> not sure it'll help, but https://community.kde.org/Baloo/Debugging has been linked in other threads about the usage
<coconnor> and a 64 bit machine has a lot of address space for mmap files
<_null_> otheriwse yeah just disable
<rosa> why would u need over 1 terrabyte of RAM
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: _virtual_ memory
<rosa> Is there a difference?
<rosa> it all RAM to me
<gillmanash> `./result/bin/nix-env -i ./result` results in 'error: opening lock file ‘/nix/var/nix/profiles/default.lock’: No such file or directory'
<rosa> unless it like SWAP memory in wich case it would be purely physical with like 1% actual RAM usage
<rosa> Wich would mean it using up 500GB disk storage (◉-◉)
<gillmanash> env | grep NIX -> NIX_CONF_DIR=/data/gil2a4/etc/nix NIX_STORE=/data/gil2a4/nix/store NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/home/gil2a4/nixpkgs NIX_STATE_DIR=/data/gil2a4/nix/var NIX_LOG_DIR=/data/gil2a4/nix/var/log/nix
<rosa> Or if it not RAM and it not disk then where tf is the 500GB coming from? A combination of 250GB both?
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<coconnor> I figured I could disable "search" in KDE to stop the baloo process. One of the processes ended. But a "baloorunner" remained. sigh...
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: Think address space more than actual memory. A 64 bit address space can address 16EiB.
<rosa> as it would be impossible to use MORE than your physical capacity limitation combined
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: This virtual address space gets mapped to actual physical RAM (which can be smaller)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ElvishJerricco opened pull request #37834 → Request older haddock library for haddock-api in GHC 8.0 → https://git.io/vx03w
<clacke[m]> ipfs also uses 500 GB virtual memory. It's just a sensible way to let the OS handle caching for you.
<coconnor> well that was total yak shaving. Still no idea why qtwebengine failed to compile
<infinisil> kerrhau: Ah, it only just got added recently: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36343
<adisbladis[m]> clacke: mmap all the things \o/
<rosa> so if i have only 1GB memory and disk space capacity i CANNOT use over 2GB total?
<coconnor> \o/ mmap \o/
<rosa> yet i would somehow be able to assign 16EIB of virtually memory that literally comes from magically nowhere?
<clacke[m]> Let's program like it's 1999! (actually the notes are from 2006, it just sounds better)
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: The wikipedia article on virtual memory had a good graphic: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Virtual_memory.svg
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<Lears> infinisil: I got it to fail with verbose logging; I've added it to the bottom of: http://lpaste.net/364048
<clacke[m]> rosa: as long as you don't use more than you have you can address as much as you like!
<Lears> Still not clear what's happening though
<rosa> and is SOMEHOW 100% manageable all 16EIB's of it on a 2GB total capacity computer with absolutely no dataloss anywhere at all for any reason unless explicitly requested?
<rosa> How tf is that even possible
<kerrhau> infinisil: ah, so how would I update my nixpkgs?
<infinisil> Lears: Yeah.. Maybe file an issue on mpd and/or nixos
<neonfuz> so I did a nixos-install on my new media with my old nixos config, how do I copy over / reinstall my user's nix-env?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: ^
<clacke[m]> an allocation of bajillion bytes is just a table entry. now, once you start writing to it, that's when you get more table entries.
<rosa> how much work does it take to modify a package to nix compatibility
<rosa> non-nix package*
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<coconnor> varies greatly depending on the source package haha
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: 5. Maybe 3? (Varies)
<clacke[m]> best case, with a well-behaved configure make make install package that supports --prefix and all deps are known and already in nix: near zero.
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<adisbladis[m]> rosa: And a lot of languages have good abstractions (python/golang/rust to name a few) so basically just a few lines of generic boilerplate
<infinisil> kerrhau: This should work: `nix-env -f https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz -iA soulseekerqt`
<coconnor> some ecosystems are reflected automatically in nixpkgs. EG: Hackage
<infinisil> I wish more languages had a stackage equivalent..
<rosa> i meant packages that use compiled binaries, not packages that just use scripts for other packages
<clacke[m]> otherwise yeah, at least 3 work. ranging up to "bottomless pit that consumes the remainder of your life"
<adisbladis[m]> :D
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: Ahh. Some are just patchelf and you are done, some are way more involved.
<clacke[m]> same answer
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: Which package is it?
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<clacke[m]> things that already managed to get into debian and/or fedora should generally be in manageable shape to get into nix.
<adisbladis[m]> Just two random examples of binary only software in nixpkgs
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<neonfuz> what package is the nix manpage stored in? (IE 'man nix', I apparently don't have it despite having the nix command)
<adisbladis[m]> neonfuz: Is there even a manpage? :)
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/18d3088ba8c (from 9 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<neonfuz> idk, but nix --help says For full documentation, run 'man nix' or 'man nix-<COMMAND>'.
<neonfuz> so... there should be
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<adisbladis[m]> neonfuz: Iirc there isn't one for the `nix` command yet. But I might be wrong.
<neonfuz> yeah, but --help gives useless info currently then lol
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0si
<{^_^}> → 7151ce7f by @adisbladis: firefox-devedition-bin: 60.0b3 -> 60.0b6
<{^_^}> → fab46dc9 by @adisbladis: firefox-beta-bin: 60.0b3 -> 60.0b6
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<Hackapepper> Hello, I'd like to have a bit of feedback. I've been pointed to try Nix for my packaging and deployment needs. I have a robot with a old Gentoo (8years old) which I need to crosscompile stuff as it runs a 32bit OS. This system also has the root user disabled. And I can't hack it, that would void warranty. So I need to build all my software to be deployed in the home folder. I want to run ROS in it. Which implies 100+ dependencies
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37835 → "libiconv" fixes re:musl → https://git.io/vx0sQ
<kerrhau> infinisil: sorry to keep bothering you lol, but that command does nothing, it fetches the tar.gz file, unpacks it then just exits
<Hackapepper> I've already compiled all these dependencies by hand to be able to compile ROS, but it's a big unmaintainable hack with no depedency tracking. So I need a better system
<infinisil> kerrhau: Ah, i misspelled the package, it's soulseekqt, not soulseekerqt
<Hackapepper> Can I build and use nix without root privileges? Can I make it deployable in whatever PREFIX of folder I want? Does this imply re-writting lots of packages?
<kerrhau> infinisil: yeah, i caught that, but even then, it does nothing
<infinisil> kerrhau: It did for me..
<kerrhau> hm
<_null_> What does collision mean? I'm getting "collision between `/nix/store/3d8nq34016rjz5vfy7w36k77nnrvkchk-gst-python-1.10.4/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/overrides/__init__.py' and `/nix/store/xir2hwxj8870j311hx8jdi63vcspljs0-python2.7-pygobject-3.24.1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/overrides/__init__.py'"
<_null_> I'm trying to add services.mopidy.enable = true;
<infinisil> kerrhau: does nix-env -q list the package?
<kerrhau> no
<infinisil> Weird
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<infinisil> kerrhau: If you have a nixpkgs checkout you could just go to the unstable channel and nix-build -A soulseekqt
<adisbladis[m]> Hackapepper: Typically nix runs with a nix-daemon. You can however run it in single-user mode.
<infinisil> which is what I would do
<kerrhau> if I remove the 'A' flag, it errors with 'undefined variable ‘placeholder’ at /nix/store/64i9qa3729gbscsc1i0nfhv4pajj8l46-nixos-unstable.tar.gz/pkgs/tools/misc/colord/default.nix:32:48'
<infinisil> or nix-env -f . -iA soulseekqt
<infinisil> kerrhau: oh no
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37836 → ocamlPackages.ocaml_extlib: 1.7.2 -> 1.7.4 → https://git.io/vx0Gv
<adisbladis[m]> Hackapepper: Nix is not like other packaging systems. Every binary will end up in /nix/store/${hash}-name-version
<kerrhau> ?
<infinisil> kerrhau: Somebody pushed a Nix 2.0 only feature to master and now everybody using Nix1.x can't use it..
<kerrhau> how does one start using nix 2.0?
<_null_> You *can* change where nix stores these, but it's not a good idea. At the bare minimum you're going to have to rebuild everything
<_null_> There's a little line in the guide about doing this / why you shouldn't
<Hackapepper> _null_: I already need to rebuild everything almost for sure, but if the recipes for rebuilding accept a different root folder, I'm all good
<kerrhau> infinisil: I dont know why i wouldnt be on nix 2.0, I installed nix just a few days ago
<kerrhau> i dont think it's been a week yet
<infinisil> Ah I missed Hackapepper, didn't see ya there
<infinisil> Hackapepper: yeah nix can use any directory and doesn't require root for it, but you do need to build a lot of stuff from source for that
<rosa> Hackapepper: you would probably need to do something like this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./application/ ./application /bin/application $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ system_application, tho that is ASSUMING application does not fork and exec* anything, wich applies to all other applications aswell
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<clacke[m]> infinisil: Glad to hear this. I tried a home-directory build for guix once, and it had a bunch of assumptions that broke it.
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: Or you know let nix deal with all the build steps and then use something like `nix-shell --run` to invoke your program.
<adisbladis[m]> LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a hack
<rosa> as if it does fork/exe anything them LD_LIBRARY_PATH will obviously fail unless the environment is NOT kept (or unless the application explicitly detects LD_LIBRARY_PATH and resets it to NULL before exec'ing from fork
<rosa> then*
<infinisil> rosa: he doesn't have root, can't even use /nix/store
<rosa> which is also why i dislike LD_* anything as it is probogational
<infinisil> Hackapepper: What you wanna do is this: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-building-source
<rosa> except LD_PRELOAD as it would be the only thing someone WOULD want to probagate
<Hackapepper> I have no root, and the system is old as hell, I needed to compile my own tar cause the one in the robot is provided by busybox and has a bug in it that won't decompress big .tar.gz (like my custom compiled GCC)
<infinisil> Hackapepper: You need a custom build of the nix package manager that uses something like /home/<youruser>/nix as the store directory
<_null_> oh there you found it infinisil, I was scouring the docs to find that
<infinisil> :)
<Hackapepper> infinisil: sounds good to me, any link to get me started?I'm just going thru the downlaod page
<infinisil> Hackapepper: You don't want to download that version
<infinisil> because you need a custom one, your starting point is to clone nix
<infinisil> Hackapepper: git clone https://github.com/NixOS/nix
<Hackapepper> infinisil: I'm checking the from source, the prerequisites are quite a few that I have not compiled yet, I hope they aren't too much into the dependency hell
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Do you not have a proper machine you could build this on?
<Hackapepper> infinisil: I have a virtual machine that represents the robot, is where I do the work
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Well can you copy files to the virtual machine? If so just build it on your actual machine, then copy over
<Hackapepper> so I'm gonna try to do an initial build of nix straight away and see if it works with the stuff I already have compiled
<Hackapepper> I need to crosscompile if I build it in my machine, so I jsut build it in the VM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37824 → libusb1: 1.0.21 -> 1.0.22 → https://git.io/vx0mO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0Gi
<{^_^}> → 7f71182c by @ryantm: libusb1: 1.0.21 -> 1.0.22
<{^_^}> → ea1ba075 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37824 from ryantm/auto-update/libusb
<infinisil> Hackapepper: If that works sure
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37822 → libmtp: 1.1.14 -> 1.1.15 → https://git.io/vx0qq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0GM
<{^_^}> → 373cc610 by @ryantm: libmtp: 1.1.14 -> 1.1.15
<{^_^}> → 0385d290 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37822 from ryantm/auto-update/libmtp
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<Hackapepper> oh well, bootstrap.sh already failed haha "configure.ac:79: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_DEFINE" lets get into the rabbit hole -flexes arm-
<infinisil> i wouldn't try..
<infinisil> i could also compile it for you
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<clacke[m]> Hackapepper: supposedly nix is supposed to be handling the cross-compiling for you as well
<infinisil> clacke[m]: I doubt that works without nix to begin with
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37829 → links: 2.14 -> 2.15 → https://git.io/vx0m7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0GN
<{^_^}> → 60cbe237 by @ryantm: links: 2.14 -> 2.15
<infinisil> But it might with first installing a standard nix, then crosscompiling nix with nix
<{^_^}> → 0e4f68a8 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37829 from ryantm/auto-update/links2
<infinisil> Hackapepper: What arches are your host and VM?
<adisbladis[m]> clacke: With some caveats (checkPhase needs to be skipped on cross)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37837 → openimageio: 1.8.8 -> 1.8.9 → https://git.io/vx0Zf
<adisbladis[m]> clacke: So you are going to end up with different hashes for a lot of packages because of that.
<Hackapepper> my VM is i686 my host x86_64
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37788 → darktable: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2 → https://git.io/vxRhr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0ZY
<{^_^}> → f590d17d by @ryantm: darktable: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
<infinisil> that might just work then
<{^_^}> → e5d9a2b1 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37788 from ryantm/auto-update/darktable
<infinisil> Well we can't be sure there won't be any problems with cross compilation, but it's gotten a lot better recently, so this might work
<infinisil> I think nix does cross compile actually
<adisbladis[m]> infinisil: Not always (yet) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/21471
<Hackapepper> I went over the bootstrap.sh error, but then I have a ./configure error that doesnt make much sense ./configure: line 6009: syntax error near unexpected token `OPENSSL,'... the internet says I'm missing pkg-config but I have it, and it's actually the same version in my host and vm
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<infinisil> adisbladis[m]: Nice!
<infinisil> Hackapepper: That's problems you wouldn't have if you were using nix
<Hackapepper> infinisil: haha I want it so bad already then!
<infinisil> Just install a normal nix on your host and then cross compile a nix with custom store path for your VM
<Hackapepper> Ok, installing nix, can you guide me on the crosscompile bit when I'm ready?
<adisbladis[m]> Yeah. Probably the easiest way to get bootstrapped :)
<infinisil> Hmm maybe, I think i should know how to cross compile it
<rosa> whan a package is ported to nix is EVERYTHING redirected from / to it is nix path?
<rosa> its*
<infinisil> rosa: yea, builds can't install outside of their nix store path
<rosa> or are there some exceptions
<Hackapepper> ok, nix installed, I'm ready to rock infinisil
<rosa> like for example, opening files in /dev or /etc or so on
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<infinisil> Hackapepper: whew, hold on, need to assemble a command for that
<rosa> how do u decide what should and what should not be redirected to the nix install path at runtime of the application
<infinisil> Hackapepper: So clone github.com/nixos/nix for a start
<Hackapepper> infinisil: fast, I'm all excited about all this being automated haha
<rosa> like does ALL of /etc/* paths need to be redirected? do only some need to be redirected?
<Hackapepper> infinisil: cloned
<rosa> What if an application tries to open a file part of another application?
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<krey> what's a convenient way of nix-prefetching a url with variables in it?
<infinisil> rosa: Ah yeah i didn't mean it like this
<rosa> what if that file is present in multiple applications and not present in the application attempting to open it?
<infinisil> rosa: packages can only *install* into their nix store locations, but they can of course read and write whatever they want at runtime, we can't restrict that
<infinisil> rosa: (but /nix/store is read only of course)
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<krey> even worse, this thing isn't even a url,
<rosa> so how does it work then?
<rosa> is it like gentoo and is just symlinked to /
<infinisil> Hackapepper: (am on it, hold on)
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<adisbladis[m]> krey: Either by passing `--name` to `nix-prefetch-url` or by accessing the attribute `nix-prefetch-url '<nixpkgs>' -A hello.src`
<rosa> if so how do u know what should be symlinked and what should not be symlinked
<kandinski> I'm trying to figure out which nixos channel I should add. I installed with the 18.03 installer, so I should add https://nixos.org/channels/18.03 as a primary, right?
<krey> adisbladis[m]: sorry for being unclear, I'm trying to replicate what this guy's doing: https://github.com/knedlsepp/nixpkgs-overlay/blob/master/default.nix
<rosa> eg what happens when an application attempts to open the path /bin/ruby
<krey> adisbladis[m]: do you know how he gets those hashes?
<kandinski> then `nix-channel update` and `nixos-rebuild --switch` to upgrade, correct?
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<krey> adisbladis[m]: for the pypi packages, there's a fake pypi url
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<adisbladis[m]> krey: It's not a fake url :) It expands to a proper pypi url
<krey> adisbladis[m]: thank you
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<Hackapepper> does nix take long to compile btw?
<infinisil> Ah hold on
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<infinisil> Hackapepper: i686 doesn't need cross compiling doesn't it
<infinisil> It's just 32 bit
<Hackapepper> well -m32 flag needs to be set somewhere
<infinisil> Yeah yeah no problem
<Hackapepper> which is kinda cross compiling, it's a binary for a different arch, right?
<unlmtd> does nixops use my env's `NIX_PATH` by default?
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<kerrhau> so, how does one upgrade from nix 1.x to nix 2.0?
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<sorbet> On unstable, I think if you just update the channel and rebuild you'll have 2. (At least I do.)
<sorbet> Not sure about stable (or the versioned one).
<kerrhau> sorbet: how do I switch to unstable from stable?
<Hackapepper> So, let's say I end up building my awesome nix, and then I need to build my packages of nix... once I've done that, can I have a repository (you call it channel I think) for my deployments to pull from in a easy way?
<Hackapepper> my bad, just found it "You can easily share the Nix store of a machine via HTTP. This allows other machines to fetch store paths from that machine to speed up installations. "
<Hackapepper> awesome
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<Hackapepper> infinisil: I'm getting very excited while reading the docs, how is that going mate?
<\\\\\\\\\\\> The libinput package doesn't enable trackpoint middle button scrolling by default?
<infinisil> figuring out how to do 32 builds :)
<sorbet> kerrhau: You just need to change the nix channel you're using. This should help: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-upgrading
<kerrhau> alright thanks
<krey> how does one emulate the -p flag of nix-shell in a default.nix? do I just mkDerivation and set buildInputs? will that be the same?
<vaibhavsagar> i.e. 'pkgs.runCommand "dummy" { buildInputs = [ <pkg> ]; } ""'
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<krey> vaibhavsagar: thank you!
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<vaibhavsagar> you are very welcome :)
<clever> infinisil: there is an entire pkgs tree that is 32bit only
<infinisil> clever: HOW DO I GET IT
<clever> infinisil: pkgsi686Linux
<infinisil> Ohhhh my god
<infinisil> How didn't I think of that
<infinisil> I knew about it even
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<clever> so you can pkgsi686Linux.callPackage in the middle of top-level.nix or almost any other file
<clever> only downside it has, is that it forces a 32bit-linux build, even on darwin
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<infinisil> I blame the time, it's 5am
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Alright this should be it then: https://gist.github.com/Infinisil/015ed06f54e9329c318b36bf26d7ea7f
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<infinisil> clever: Is this correct? I've never done a non-default nix store build
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<infinisil> Hackapepper: Just put that file somewhere, then `nix-build path/to/nix.nix`
<infinisil> Should do its magic to build a 32bit nix with a non-default store location. Then you put that in your VM, and see if it works
<infinisil> And if it works you should be able to install anything easily but slow
<infinisil> Hackapepper: (you don't need to clone nix after all i found out)
<clever> infinisil: one min, i already have an expression for that
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37727 → nodePackages_8_x.swagger: init at 0.7.5 → https://git.io/vxBVK
<Hackapepper> which should I try clever infinisil ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0nA
<{^_^}> → a148686a by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37727 from enumatech/swagger
<{^_^}> → 72e89870 by @peterromfeldhk: nodePackages_8_x.swagger: init at 0.7.5
<infinisil> Hackapepper: It shouldn't matter, I'd go for the file :P
<infinisil> But make sure to change it to your own home directory
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<infinisil> Oh and my build just succeeded, only took a couple minutes
<clever> infinisil: the main limit i can see with your variant, is that the nix it initially builds still lives in the store of the nix that built it, not the paths you passed to it
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<infinisil> Oh..
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<infinisil> Right so that wouldn't work
<clever> NIX_CONF_DIR, NIX_LOG_DIR, NIX_STORE all have to be set when running nix-build, to modify the config of where the nix its making will live
<clever> and the .override, so that nix will target the same place
<infinisil> Yeah
<clever> and then NIX_REMOTE to re-root that, so you dont need write to that final destination
<clever> allowing you to build it for a path you cant make
<Hackapepper> clever: thanks,then going with your version
<infinisil> We can be glad clever is here!
<kandinski> I just rebuilt nixos after updating the 18.03 channel, but I can't tell if a certain fix (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36283) is what I'm running or not. Can anyone help me diagnose? This is the vagrant I'm running: /nix/store/32zly5yhz0hcqgk6w5y0ish2rssfc6y9-vagrant-2.0.2/bin/vagrant
<clever> kandinski: compare the files modified in the PR to what you have in ~/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos/
<kandinski> clever: thanks
<kandinski> why would it be local to my user?
<clever> the channels_root directory points to the channels managed by root
<kandinski> ah, I see, ta
<clever> for root itself, its just ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos/
<infinisil> clever: Hackapepper Oh but hold on
<infinisil> Hackapepper: You need to replace `nix.override` with `pkgsi686Linux.nix.override`
<clever> yeah, that will switch it over to a 32bit nix
<Hackapepper> infinisil: yeah I was just double checking that too
<Hackapepper> clever: can it be NIX_CONF_DIR=/home/$X/etc/nix --> NIX_CONF_DIR=/home/$X/nix/etc instead? so I have everything isolated in the nix folder?
<kandinski> clever: I'm not running what's in that PR. How do I find when a given PR goes into a channel like 18.03?
<clever> Hackapepper: probably, youll also want to change the confDir in the override
<kandinski> clever: s/when/whether/
<neonfuz> so I've never used zfs before, and I'm wondering why in this example they create rpool/root and rpool/root/nixos https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS
<neonfuz> could I just create rpool/root and mount that as the root?
<clever> kandinski: this page says its currently only in nixos-unstable
<clever> kandinski: this one says its on master and 18.03-beta
<clever> kandinski: so it might make it into the nixos-18.03 channel after tests pass, not sure
<clever> neonfuz: i always use <hostname>/root for my systems
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<clever> neonfuz: i use this bash script to install my systems
<infinisil> Hackapepper: So the rebuild is going to take a bit longer now.. A much bit longer probably..
<Hackapepper> infinisil: no worries, I've prepared my version of the script, could you give it a look? https://gist.github.com/awesomebytes/d1b998a32f3159b04764a6342d074cd4
<kandinski> clever: thanks. what happens if I add one of those channels? Is it possible to just add a channel for one package and its dependencies?
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<neonfuz> clever: that makes sense, I was wondering why he creates another level, IE rpool/root/nixos rather than just rpool/root
<clever> kandinski: the simplest thing right now would probably be to just run nixos-unstable for a month, its a lot more stable then the name sudjests
<clever> neonfuz: probably just personal preference
<kandinski> clever: it's like running Debian Sid, right?
<clever> kandinski: the biggest difference is that nixos has rollbacks, so you can undo any change
<clever> while debian cant really undo updates so seamlessly
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<neonfuz> also, any way to expand a zfs pool?
<_null_> so, I tried to rebulid upgrade to 18.03, and kde is saying it can't find a power daemon
<kandinski> clever: fair point, kinda the reason why I have moved over. Thanks for the patient advice.
<_null_> I explicitly added services.upower.enable = true and restarted the display manager but that doesn't seem to help
<adisbladis[m]> neonfuz: You can add a vdev to a pool
<clever> neonfuz: expanding is easy, shrinking is imposible
<infinisil> Hackapepper: There's still $HOME/etc at the very end
<infinisil> And I think those env vars are for the build machine, right clever?
<clever> infinisil: yeah, the env vars are to affect the un-modified nix, to make it act on a non-standard store
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<krey> i'm trying to install a package from GitHub in a temporary way, but I'm not really getting there
<clever> and the overrides are to make the nix within that non-standard store act on the same non-standard store, during its own runtime
<clever> so it works without the env vars
<krey> can someone take a look at my default.nix? http://lpaste.net/5310280711322730496
<infinisil> clever: Right, got it
<Hackapepper> infinisil: good catch
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e2b87329803 (from 28 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
<clever> krey: you almost never need to set the builder attribute
<krey> clever: I have almost no idea what I'm doing :)
<clever> krey: also, buildEnv itself is a derivation, so you dont need to symlink it to $out
<infinisil> Hackapepper: so all those env vars should refer to the BUILDING_MACHINE_HOME instead
<clever> krey: http://lpaste.net/5310280711322730496 would have the same effect when built
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<adisbladis[m]> krey: And even more simplified using `mkShell` https://ptpb.pw/X8I2
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<clever> adisbladis[m]: thats new, havent seen it before
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<Hackapepper> infinisil: so I need to change again the script, right?
<krey> clever: nix-shell is not very happy with this new version... value is a set where list was expected
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Yea
<adisbladis[m]> clever: Yeah landed back in december iirc
<Hackapepper> infinisil: ok
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<clever> krey: ah, if you want it in nix-shell, then yikes, it seems i was able to permantly edit your pastebin, cant find the old version
<Hackapepper> infinisil: there we go again, yeah
<infinisil> clever: Wait, shouldn't these env vars be from the target machine after all?
<infinisil> clever: I mean they need to work there in the end
<clever> infinisil: they are only set once, on the build host, to temporarily make a normal nix act on an abnormal location
<clever> infinisil: the override embeds the same config into the binary its building
<Hackapepper> clever: so does this https://gist.github.com/awesomebytes/d1b998a32f3159b04764a6342d074cd4 look correct?
<infinisil> Hmm..
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<clever> Hackapepper: you need to also use TARGET_MACHINE in the override
<krey> adisbladis[m]: so mkShell must be pretty new? it's not in 17.09
<Hackapepper> clever: what do you mean 'also'? I had $TARGET_MACHINE_HOME there previously
<krey> adisbladis[m]: but it works with unstable, however, when I try to run pypi2nix, it says it's not installed
<clever> override { storeDir = "'$BUILDING_MACHINE_HOME'/nix/store";
<Hackapepper> clever: should I change it all around to that I guess? btw, this is sucking a lot of disk space, my disk was getting full, I need to switch a my other disk, lol
<clever> Hackapepper: this will cause the final nix binary to try to act on $HOME/nix/store, using the value of $HOME from the build host, not the target machine
<adisbladis[m]> krey: Because you are not actually building pypi2nix. You are just fetching the source.
<infinisil> Hackapepper: you changed it the other way, didn't mean it like this
<krey> adisbladis[m]: but it's a build input! isn't that what nix-shell is all about? building the inputs?
<infinisil> Hackapepper: clever: I think this should be it: https://git.io/vx0Cq
<Hackapepper> clever: infinisil refresh my gist, I made it back
<adisbladis[m]> krey: Gimme a sec
<clever> Hackapepper: looks good
<infinisil> Oh
<infinisil> Ok get it, never mind my gist it's not correct
<infinisil> clever: You sure could use a bit more newlines in your scripts though!
<neonfuz> so I messed something up and now the root .nix-profile points to /nix/var/nix/profiles/default which doesn't exist
<adisbladis[m]> krey: `fetchFromGitHub` fetches and unpacks the source for you, it does not know how to build anything (how could it). That's what `stdenv.mkDerivation` and friends are for.
<clever> neonfuz: thats what .nix-profile is supposed to point to
<clever> neonfuz: if you have never installed something with nix-env as root, then that wont exist
<adisbladis[m]> krey: So either you make your own `pypi2nix` derivation or you use an override like https://ptpb.pw/gsMO
<krey> adisbladis[m]: ah, interesting
<Hackapepper> infinisil: https://gist.github.com/awesomebytes/d1b998a32f3159b04764a6342d074cd4 give it a look now and agree please? I liked your newlines
<clever> krey: also, pypi2nix already has a default.nix you can just use
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Looking good
<krey> clever: yeah, I noticed! I'm trying to figure out how to give it all the arguments it needs
<infinisil> I won't be there anymore once it's finished compiling though
<clever> krey: pkgs.callPackage
<Hackapepper> fixed-output derivation produced path '/home/nao/nix/store/yv06f35xnkxi42sa4srhhapaps21cfr6-busybox' with sha256 hash '1i5yj20j1j85swmamxhdqhmw1kizf9020as2rk4swh1cw3vvwxks' instead of the expected hash '18fbjl8pdwwzz9ln9i34jdvdc172sbi0mnggakvf8mxfqzk1nk7g' cannot build derivation '/home/nao/nix/store/7ixg9al347x35mnfvddpgm6gkvyjgrb2-bootstrap-tools.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<clever> krey: pkgs.callPackage /path/to/pypi2nix {}
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Huh
<Hackapepper> is not building after my last change, I'm working on a NTFS disk now instead, may be that?
<neonfuz> it's making nixos-install say error: file 'nixpkgs/nixos' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)
<clever> Hackapepper: run "file /home/nao/nix/store/yv06f35xnkxi42sa4srhhapaps21cfr6-busybox"
<clever> Hackapepper: ah, NTFS will likely break a lot of things
<krey> clever: ooh
<Hackapepper> clever: /home/nao is the virtual environment of the robot, I can't do that command. Bummer, my disk is too full for building it... damn I need to cleanup stuff
<neonfuz> ah, nix-channel --update and nix-env -u fixed it
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Um, maybe just rm -rf /media/sam/DATA/rootfs and try again, I have no idea why that occurs
<clever> Hackapepper: i suspect that the ntfs doesnt support +x, so everything will fail
<Hackapepper> clever: infinisil here we are again, I cleaned up 7GB of disk... I have like 15GB free now, I hope is enough. It's working if I don't use the NTFS disk as build space
<infinisil> Huh alright
<infinisil> I think that should be plenty
<infinisil> Probably
<Hackapepper> Do you have a estimate for how long this should take? I have slave machines I could send the job to if it's gonna take hours
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Yeah this might take hours
<clever> Hackapepper: the slaves wont really work right with the store being in the wrong place
<Hackapepper> clever: what do you mean? I mean running exactly the same thing in a different machine, instead of my work-laptop
<clever> Hackapepper: i meant the work-sharing build-slave logic within nix, to split the load up between many
<clever> but if you run the whole thing on a single remote machine, it wont matter
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37839 → rofi-pass: 1.5.3 -> 2.0.1 → https://git.io/vx0CV
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<infinisil> Hackapepper: But you can interrupt the build and not worry about having to start from the beginning
<infinisil> More or less
<krey> clever: this is so hard
<Hackapepper> is there a list of everything its trying to compile?
<clever> Hackapepper: thats the first thing it should print out
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<clever> krey: ah, he added a weird argument, you need pkgs.callPackage /path/to/pypi2nix { nixpkgs = pkgs; }
<infinisil> Hackapepper: But you should also be able to view it with `find path/to/the/rootfs/nix/store -name '*.drv'`
<infinisil> .drv files represent derivations which are like recipes for building stuff, and since that nix store was previously empty, you'll only have the stuff of your build in there
<krey> clever: yeah, I tried that http://lpaste.net/2464868429660684288
<krey> clever: can we start blaming the package? :)
<clever> krey: one of these mv's failed
<clever> thats my guess
<krey> clever: yeah, that would make sense
<krey> clever: thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #37840 → Cross-platform "unixtools" derivation → https://git.io/vx0C5
<Hackapepper> clever: Ok, its gonna build GCC 7.3.0 (wow, thats more modern that I find comfortable with haha) this is gonna take at least 4-5h just with that step
<clever> Hackapepper: its probably going to build 2 gcc's, and a glibc
<infinisil> Hackapepper: It is pretty nice to watch all the nice compiling without you having to do anything :P
<infinisil> and the chances of a build failure are pretty much 0%
<Hackapepper> clever: my god haha I'm gonna move this job to a 12 CPU machine then, it's older CPU but faster in theory by GHz xD
<Hackapepper> infinisil: it's actually neat, yeah
<infinisil> Alright I'll go to sleep now, Hackapepper if you have problems with it just ask here (and ping me if you want)
<Hackapepper> Do I need to do anything to enable "use all the cores you find pretty please" for this compilation?
<clever> Hackapepper: -j 10 --cores 10
<clever> the first runs 10 derivations in parallel, but it cant do much early on
<clever> the 2nd runs 10 gcc's within each derivation
<clever> together, it would run up to 100 procs, but the 2nd also limits itself to keeping the loadavg under 10
<Hackapepper> I have 12 cores available in that machine, does that sound like a good param?
<clever> yeah
<Hackapepper> and those are flags to add to nix-build, right?
<clever> yep
<Hackapepper> It only has 16GB of RAM I'm concerned that's gonna be a problem. I do remember GCC taking by himself gigabytes... if that happens, does the nix-build try to do its best to not fail compilations or get extremely slow?
<Hackapepper> what does happen if a compilation fails for... out of RAM?
<clever> Hackapepper: the `--cores 10` part tells it to keep the load avg under 10
<clever> so if things start to lag some, it will throttle itself
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<clever> but it will entirely ignore ram usage, and may kill itself
<clever> but you can always re-start it with smaller number, and it will resume at the last derivation
<infinisil> But 16GB should be enough really
<infinisil> I doubt it's gonna use more than 1 or 2GB
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<Hackapepper> Beautiful: https://i.imgur.com/L2aRWeG.png
<infinisil> :D
<Hackapepper> The only horrible thing of that machine is that... it has no SSD
<Hackapepper> so every disk step is slow as hell
<infinisil> Glad I was able to convince somebody to use nix even though the benefit you're using it for is probably one of the least used ones :P
<infinisil> There's a lot of nice things on Nix and NixOS
<infinisil> s/use/try
<Hackapepper> infinisil: We did look in my lab to use nix last year, but we found some problems with it, that I don't remember anymore, and I was in a big hurry so I just manned up and did everything by hand... 100+ packages... hell
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to staging « recode: fix libintl issue »: https://git.io/vx0WZ
<infinisil> Yeah there are some problems (as with every technology), but the benefits far outweigh those imo
<Hackapepper> if this actually works as expected (please let it be so) I'll do my best to make easy having ROS building based on the nix packages. and if so... anyone with my robot could use it
<Hackapepper> could you explain me some of those problems? if you are awake enough haha
<infinisil> Well for one you can't really use any dependency unless it's specifically packaged for nix
<infinisil> But it's kinda turned around, because packaging stuff for nix is really fixing packaging in general
<Hackapepper> if you have 'build-essentials' and everything up to 'x11', even more, to 'qt' I think it's pretty good already
<Hackapepper> where can I look for what packages are available?
<Hackapepper> sorry for the noob question
<infinisil> Hackapepper: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html
<infinisil> Those are from the 17.09 release
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37835 → "libiconv" fixes re:musl → https://git.io/vx0sQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 4 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0Wu
<{^_^}> → f623858a by @dtzWill: glib: no one wants --witih-libiconv=gnu
<{^_^}> → 9204fa26 by @dtzWill: propagate libiconv header from musl too
<{^_^}> → b6b94f0b by @dtzWill: man-db: disable tests w/musl as simplest solution
<infinisil> Hackapepper: You can get an up-to-date list by running `nix-env -qaP`
<Hackapepper> so, for example, I see you hace PCL 1.8.0, but I need PCL 1.7.2... what's the approach then? make my own recipee (I don't know what you call them) to compile it with nix?
<infinisil> Hackapepper: That's another slight problem with Nix (well not nix really, more the nixpkgs packaging), which is that there's pretty much only 1 version
<Hackapepper> but for example, I'm compiling two different GCC, how can that be??
<infinisil> You can no problem use any number of versions, but all packages in nixpkgs use a single one in general
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<infinisil> The best way with nix is to just use 1.8.0 and only explicitly use 1.7.2 when you need it
<Hackapepper> That's pretty straightforward
<Hackapepper> so I just declare my nixpkg thing to use 1.7.2... having created my nixpkg dependency before stating it's version 1.7.2 and that's it, right?
<infinisil> You can override packages to change stuff of them, e.g. to set the source to use the 1.7.2 version from github or so
<infinisil> Hackapepper: eh, not really. I shall take a minute to explain sandboxing
<infinisil> So when a package gets built, the only thing it can write to is a path in /nix/store/<hash>-<name>
<infinisil> And the only thing it can read is everything in /nix/store
<infinisil> It doesn't have networking, it can't download anything
<Hackapepper> just so you know the crazy way that was my last try... I was getting the source of ubuntu packages (which are declared as dependencies in ROS packages), I was generating a default build script, trying it, if it didnt work, it was my turn to manually tune it, and so on... for every package.. but in the end I was almost spending the same time doing that than fully manual. And no way to compile glibc/boost
<infinisil> Lol that's pretty horrible indeed
<infinisil> Continuing.. If we *do* know the result of a build, aka we can give it a sha256 hash, network access is allowed, because whatever it fetches, it will have to result in that hash, so it's pure and secure
<Hackapepper> better than my last year approach, all by hand, 100%, google the dependency that was missing/crashed. download source code, compile on my machine, works? try on the VM. doesnt work, needs more dependencies, repeat this loop until finding all the dependencies... run the tests, they crash on runtime, look for dependencies, wohoo, one depency done... keep going
<infinisil> So in the end this means that in order to download stuff from the internet we will have to give it a sha256 hash
<infinisil> This includes the sources for the 1.7.2 version
<infinisil> So what you do to get version X of package Y is more or less this: `Y.overrideAttrs (old: { src = fetchurl { url = "https://..."; sha256 = "lrcuaoh5l4lchoeu..."; }; })`
<infinisil> That is you override the package to use a different source instead, giving it something that fetches an url and checks for the hash of it
<infinisil> this is a nix expression, which are used to declare derivations, which are the recipes for packages
<infinisil> Well it's finally time to sleep, see ya :)
<Hackapepper> infinisil: thank you for the explanation
<Hackapepper> sounds pretty doable, specially when you think where I come from haha
<Hackapepper> and safe
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<neonfuz> clever: how do I expand a zfs pool?
<neonfuz> clever: were you talking about actually extending the partition and expanding the pool? or adding more vdevs to the pool?
<infinisil> neonfuz: am still here and i think you mean export
<infinisil> Ah
<infinisil> Nvm
<neonfuz> no clever said I can expand a zfs pool and I'm not sure exactly what he means, I can't really find info on this
<neonfuz> the only thing is I have about 200gb on a 256 gb drive that's formatted ext4, and my only other large storage is ntfs which would lose permissions
<infinisil> I don't think you can expand a zpool other than adding more vdevs
<infinisil> There's #zfsonlinux too
<neonfuz> I mean I'd rather not just arbitrarily have multiple permissions but it's not the worst
<neonfuz> I'll check there
* infinisil definitely 100% absolutely goes to sleep now for real this time no bamboozle
<neonfuz> lul
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ElvishJerricco opened pull request #37842 → WIP: GHCJS: Fix GHCJS with haddock-library-1.4.3 → https://git.io/vx0lW
<adisbladis[m]> neonfuz: zpool add $pool $vdev
<adisbladis[m]> neonfuz: You cannot grow a vdev though (so raidz is fixed-size after creation)
<neonfuz> alright
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d16ffa15090 (from 12 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a0c525bd0a9 (from 8 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ElvishJerricco opened pull request #37843 → GHCJS: Bump GHCJS 8.0 branch → https://git.io/vx08m
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<Hackapepper> clever: oopsie, after 1h30m compiling... it has stopped with builder for '/home/nao/nix/store/vrqml7yrn4dbhkl8k9qixcvk8sm68zgk-perl-5.22.patch.drv' failed with exit code 1
<Hackapepper> I've tried to re-run it a couple of times, but it stops there
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37844 → supercollider: 3.9.1 -> 3.9.2 → https://git.io/vx08R
<Hackapepper> I'm trying without the 10 jobs & 10 cores thing to see if I get a more clear error output
<unlmtd> how do I find out why a certain package is pulled in by `nixos-rebuild`?
<unlmtd> nix why-depends ?
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<garbas> krey: if you find some bug/errors with pypi2nix please open an issue. i'd love to help but follwoing #nixos is sometimes hard for me since it gets busy
<Hackapepper> about my build being broken, the error was: Failed to connect to anonscm.debian.org port 443: Connection refused error: cannot download perl-5.22.patch from any mirror when trying https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/intltool/debian/patches/perl5.22-regex-fixes?revision=47258&view=co&pathrev=47258
<Hackapepper> the server seems to be down :/
<Hackapepper> is it a known thing by any chance?
<vaibhavsagar> Hackapepper: can you download it and then do nix-store --add?
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<Hackapepper> vaibhavsagar: uhm... download it from where? that link is dead, the server is down
<Hackapepper> (I'm completely new to nix btw)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37845 → talloc: 2.1.11 -> 2.1.12 → https://git.io/vx04L
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<vaibhavsagar> Hackapepper: it seems that is the issue (the fact that the server is down)
<vaibhavsagar> the build process is supposed to download and install it, but it can't, and so the build fails
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<Hackapepper> I'm quite surprised a server like anonscm.debian.org is down... for like... half an hour already
<Hackapepper> with no message telling you they are working on it or anything
<krey> garbas: hey! I was only using pypi2nix as an example to learn about installing from GitHub
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<krey> garbas: I was able to install it from nixpkgs
<garbas> +1
<krey> garbas: haven't figured out how to use it yet, haha
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<vaibhavsagar> krey: what are you having trouble with?
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<krey> vaibhavsagar: I was trying to install a package from pypi that's not in nixpkgs yet
<krey> vaibhavsagar: I added it in as an override to python packages
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<vaibhavsagar> krey: is it a newer version of an existing package or a wholly new package that's never been in nixpkgs?
<krey> vaibhavsagar: but then it turned out, several of its dependencies are also messing
<krey> missing
<krey> vaibhavsagar: so I tried to do something clever with pypi2nix, but couldn't figure out what to do wit it
<krey> vaibhavsagar: brand new, I believe
<vaibhavsagar> what's the package?
<krey> vaibhavsagar: I ended up just installing it with pip in a virtualenv
<vaibhavsagar> krey: it looks like a subset of pandas
<krey> vaibhavsagar: it used to be, but they split it off
<vaibhavsagar> so it has features that aren't in pandas proper?
<vaibhavsagar> reading further, that appears to be the case
<krey> vaibhavsagar: yeah, if you read under "Usage"
<krey> "Starting in 0.19.0, pandas no longer supports" blah blah
<vaibhavsagar> yeah, I see it now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37832 → neo4j: 3.3.2 -> 3.3.4 → https://git.io/vx0Ol
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx04H
<{^_^}> → 0f542719 by @ryantm: neo4j: 3.3.2 -> 3.3.4
<{^_^}> → 1ece7e94 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37832 from ryantm/auto-update/neo4j
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37823 → librelp: 1.2.14 -> 1.2.15 → https://git.io/vx0qi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx047
<{^_^}> → a83c2f9e by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37823 from ryantm/auto-update/librelp
<{^_^}> → f7477405 by @ryantm: librelp: 1.2.14 -> 1.2.15
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @garbas merged pull request #37839 → rofi-pass: 1.5.3 -> 2.0.1 → https://git.io/vx0CV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @garbas pushed commit from @ryantm to master « rofi-pass: 1.5.3 -> 2.0.1 »: https://git.io/vx04F
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #37846 → urlwatch: 2.8 -> 2.9 → https://git.io/vx04x
<neonfuz> my pulseaudio stopped working...
<neonfuz> no idea why
<neonfuz> is there normally a pulseaudio service?
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<adisbladis[m]> neonfuz: That's usually handled by your login session
<Hackapepper> I've found a mirror for the patch I'm missing to build nix (as anonscm.debian.org is still down, and no one is answering me if thats normal in the #debian channel)
<Hackapepper> Is there a way for me to add a mirror for the patch?
<neonfuz> alright got it working
<neonfuz> idk what's up exactly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #37846 → urlwatch: 2.8 -> 2.9 → https://git.io/vx04x
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<pallav> Hi everyone. I need some help. I have been using NixOS for a long time now, but after the upgrade to nixos-18.03, my `nixos-rebuild` command just stalls. (Log of the last few lines: https://www.hastebin.com/veduxafaga). I have had no progress for a long while, and its not letting me upgrade the system anymore. Since this is my primary laptop, this is a blocker for most of my work. Any help would be very appreciated!
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<pallav> I believe that the problem is related to the switch to HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.1, but I am not sure. Is there any way to revert to the old behaviour?
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<elvishjerricco> pallav: I don't know why it would present as a stall, but this definitely seems like a problem: `don't know how to build these paths:`
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<elvishjerricco> pallav: I picked one of those paths (specifically /nix/store/g1jqxcqiswca72yr8mcj8lbd0w9fz6zh-git-2.16.2) and checked cache.nixos.org for it.
<elvishjerricco> `nix path-info --store https://cache.nixos.org /nix/store/g1jqxcqiswca72yr8mcj8lbd0w9fz6zh-git-2.16.2 --json`
<elvishjerricco> definitely exists.
<vaibhavsagar> palldfadfdfa;
<vaibhavsagar> `.
<vaibhavsagar> oops, sorry about that
<vaibhavsagar> pallav: which revision of 18.03 are you on?
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d843d7f21a6 (from 26 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
<vaibhavsagar> there were issues with an older revision when building qtwebengine-5.10.1
<pallav> Hmm, I think I understand. I'm using a different cache from my institute server. This is also a recent change. How do I override cache for the build (apart from changing in configuration.nix which would only affect subsequent builds i think)
<vaibhavsagar> so maybe you could do a `sudo nix-channel --upgrade`
<vaibhavsagar> `--update`, sorry
<vaibhavsagar> and then see if that makes a difference?
<elvishjerricco> pallav: You might be able to do `nixos-rebuild --substituters https://cache.nixos.org`
<kandinski> hi, vaibhavsagar
<elvishjerricco> if nixos-rebuild doesn't take that argument, you can definitely build it yourself with nix-build.
<elvishjerricco> `nix-build "<nixpkgs/nixos>" --substituters https://cache.nixos.org && result/bin/switch-to-configuration switch`
<pallav> elvishjerricco: I used --option binary-caches "https://cache.nixos.org" and I think it is working
<pallav> elvishjerricco: I'll try to figure out why it didn't automatically fallback to cache.nixos.org
<elvishjerricco> pallav: That's good too :)
<elvishjerricco> pallav: If you add `nix.binaryCaches` to your configuration.nix, I _think_ it removes the default `cache.nixos.org`
<elvishjerricco> so I always make sure to include it manually
<pallav> Okay, I'll try that. For now my immediate problem is fixed. Thanks a lot!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed to master « neomutt: 20180223 -> 20180323 »: https://git.io/vx0RK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg closed pull request #37833 → neomutt: 20180223 -> 20180323 → https://git.io/vx03k
<vaibhavsagar> hi kandinski
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<unlmtd> can I disable the building of `nixpkgs-manual` when rebuilding nixos? the swanctl PR makes it fail with 'infinite template recursion'
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<unlmtd> honestly, the nix docs system needs a facelift
<unlmtd> or I have anotther good reason to fork
<unlmtd> hugo is so fast
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #37847 → home-assistant: backport of a number of python packages → https://git.io/vx0En
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #37767 → fail2ban: install docs to $out/share/doc → https://git.io/vxR1j
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0EE
<{^_^}> → f3ca4756 by @pSub: fail2ban: install docs to $out/share/doc
<{^_^}> → 1f60fd9b by @pSub: Merge pull request #37767 from NixOS/fix-28145
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 0 commits to fix-28145: https://git.io/vx0Ez
<Hackapepper> In case anyone else is blocked or concerned by anonscm.debian.org being down, a responsible is looking into it right now
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37334 → libsForQt5.quazip: 0.7.1 -> 0.7.3 → https://git.io/vx3cT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0ur
<{^_^}> → 2d9f0313 by @ryantm: libsForQt5.quazip: 0.7.1 -> 0.7.3
<{^_^}> → df0a6d08 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37334 from ryantm/auto-update/quazip
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu opened pull request #37849 → testssl: 2.9.5-2 -> 2.9.5-3 → https://git.io/vx0zn
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #37849 → testssl: 2.9.5-2 -> 2.9.5-3 → https://git.io/vx0zn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0z2
<{^_^}> → 8163358c by @etu: testssl: 2.9.5-2 -> 2.9.5-3
<{^_^}> → 78ab1f17 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #37849 from etu/testssl-update
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg merged pull request #37847 → home-assistant: backport of a number of python packages → https://git.io/vx0En
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed 8 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vx0gN
<{^_^}> → c4e37974 by @peterhoeg: pythonPackages.yahooweather: init at 0.10
<{^_^}> → af9b83af by @peterhoeg: pythonPackages.deluge-client: init at 1.2.0
<{^_^}> → 05e0dc4c by @peterhoeg: pythonPackages.sseclient: init at 0.0.19
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<adisbladis[m]> infinisil: Ping?
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<garbas> is anybody experiencing problems with pulse? for the last month i'm listening from time to time "flaky" audio. killing pulseaudio (pulseaudio -k) helps, for 30min. i'm also seeing this on release-18.03 (as well as on master)e
<goibhniu> hi garbas, have you got anything custom in ~/.config/pulse?
<avn> still be pshhhh-pshhhh-audio
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/35e62a279d1 (from 48 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 closed pull request #36745 → keepassxc: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1 → https://git.io/vAjO4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #37850 → ocamlPackages.lwt3: 3.0.0 -> 3.3.0 → https://git.io/vx065
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<garbas> goibhniu: i never configured anything
<garbas> there are some files there
<garbas> should i just delete them?
<goibhniu> there would just be a cookie file in there
<goibhniu> you could rename it and restart pulse ... maybe it helps
<garbas> that is there as well
<garbas> also 36dd964b226446088d6d489780579c91-card-database.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.simple
* garbas tries
<garbas> goibhniu: i can still hear "static"
<garbas> hmm maybe is soundcloud, tries something locally
<goibhniu> oh, didn't someone replace the pulseaudio library recently with something else?
* goibhniu has a look
<garbas> ok it looks like a firefox issue
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* garbas start chromium to check there
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl closed pull request #34981 → utop: automatically populate the CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable → https://git.io/vAZkQ
<goibhniu> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/35374 is what I was thinking of ... but it hasn't been merged
<garbas> chrome works
<garbas> looks like it is firefox issue
<goibhniu> I think there was also a PR to patch in alsa support for firefox
<garbas> maybe it is only firefox nightly issue, but i'll dig deeper in the afternoon
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<goibhniu> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23989 ... might be relevant
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<adisbladis[m]> No issues on latest firefox beta here at least
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #37757 → geogebra: add archive.org link for 5-0-444-0 → https://git.io/vxRzx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0iD
<{^_^}> → 2379cfc4 by @Ma27: geogebra: add archive.org link for 5-0-444-0
<{^_^}> → 635b5fc9 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #37757 from Ma27/add-archive-link-for-geogebra
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #37790 → keepassxc: fix darwin build → https://git.io/vxRj4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0ip
<{^_^}> → 2a80448f by @knedlsepp: keepassxc: fix darwin build
<{^_^}> → 3f1a03b2 by @knedlsepp: keepassxc: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
<{^_^}> → 458ff5a7 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #37790 from knedlsepp/fix-keepassxc-on-darwin
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vx0PJ
<{^_^}> → 58d56020 by @knedlsepp: keepassxc: fix darwin build
<{^_^}> → 0b9fea1e by @knedlsepp: keepassxc: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #37743 → wine: Unstable 3.3 -> 3.4 & reenable wineStaging → https://git.io/vxRLj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0Pa
<{^_^}> → f8f067d6 by Lengyel Balázs: wine: Unstable 3.3 -> 3.4 & reenable wineStaging
<{^_^}> → 90cfaf1a by @Mic92: Merge pull request #37743 from ikervagyok/wine
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @augu5te opened pull request #37851 → godot: 2.1.4 -> 3.0.2 → https://git.io/vx0Xj
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<joko> Hello, is it possible to run nix-shell using sudo -u other_user? I get error: Nix database directory ‘/nix/var/nix/db’ is not writable: Permission denied
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<symphorien> export NIX_REMOTE=daemon (might not be true with nix 2, though)
<LnL> joko: set NIX_REMOTE=daemon
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<joko> symphorien LnL: thanks, it seems to be working!
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<LnL> yeah 2.0 will just figure it out on it's own :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #37834 → Request older haddock library for haddock-api in GHC 8.0 → https://git.io/vx03w
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0QY
<{^_^}> → 41500cf2 by @ElvishJerricco: Request older haddock library for haddock-api in GHC 8.0
<{^_^}> → 00bccd6c by @peti: Merge pull request #37834 from ElvishJerricco/haddock-library-1.4.3
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/91b09422cf6 (from 24 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #37826 → GHCJS: Fix autogenerated node executables → https://git.io/vx0mR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx0Q5
<{^_^}> → 0a8359f1 by @ElvishJerricco: GHCJS: Fix autogenerated node executables
<{^_^}> → caf83c64 by @peti: Merge pull request #37826 from ElvishJerricco/fix-node-executables-ghcjs
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #37825 → haskellPackages: Fix overriding all-cabal-hashes → https://git.io/vx0m3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx07T
<{^_^}> → 25856e37 by @ElvishJerricco: haskellPackages: Fix overriding all-cabal-hashes
<{^_^}> → 83f5012c by @peti: Merge pull request #37825 from ElvishJerricco/fix-overriding-all-cabal-hashes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #37754 → callHackage: Keep deriver, like callCabal2nix → https://git.io/vxRua
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx07M
<{^_^}> → 155dfe38 by @ElvishJerricco: callHackage: Keep deriver, like callCabal2nix
<{^_^}> → 695897f7 by @peti: Merge pull request #37754 from ElvishJerricco/call-hackage-keep-deriver
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti merged pull request #342 → Add support for more Cabal platforms → https://git.io/vx0vm
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vx05y
<{^_^}> → 09efe4dd by @bgamari: Add support for more Cabal platforms
<{^_^}> → ebc40be3 by @peti: Merge pull request #342 from bgamari/more-platforms
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<Nyanloutre> Hello !
<Nyanloutre> I was searching on the best way to share a volume with iSCSI on NixOS, do any of you know how to achieve this ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed to master « tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.5.1 -> 7.5.2 »: https://git.io/vx0FY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #37852 → terraform-provider-libvirt: init at 0.3 → https://git.io/vx0F8
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<clever> nyanloutre: tgtd for the daemon, and open_iscsi for the client
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/0b9fea1e1a9 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<Nyanloutre> ok thanks @clever I looked at tgtd before, so I need to create a systemd service to configure it at boot ?
<Nyanloutre> but hasn't STGT been replaced by LIO ?
<clever> i could never get LIO to work when i was playing with things
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<roberth> MoreTea: would you mind having a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37760 ? It's a PR by BjornMelgaard to make dockerTools simulate docker build a bit more
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<ij> sphalerite, Hey, last time you told me your nixos-rebuild was fast(~30s). Was that a rerun from a compiled configuration or on a changed conf with added package or something?
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<sphalerite> ij: let me just upgrade and see how long that takes
<sphalerite> ij: it took 3min because it had to download a bunch of updated stuff, so I'll need to try again with smaller changes
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<sphalerite> ij: adding hello to systemPackages and nixos-rebuild switch took 20 seconds, including downloading hello
<sphalerite> ij: a no-op switch that doesn't involve any derivation building takes… 5.8s
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mounium closed pull request #31876 → Chemistry-related commits, jmol init, bumped pymol, avogadro and tidied up all-packages.nix → https://git.io/vF5Zx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mounium opened pull request #37855 → Chemistry-related commits, jmol init, pymol -> 2.1.0 and tidied up all-packages.nix → https://git.io/vx0xo
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed 32 commits to staging: https://git.io/vx0hO
<{^_^}> → 6467c94c by @abbradar: libglvnd: 2016-12-22 -> 1.0.0
<{^_^}> → 03a6766a by @abbradar: mesa_noglu: build with libglvnd
<{^_^}> → 803e87aa by @abbradar: mesa_noglu: build virgl driver
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar closed pull request #35115 → libva: make `libva-full` the default → https://git.io/vA8qt
<kier_> does anyone have a bit of free time and could take a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/30908 ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar closed pull request #37369 → Move to libglvnd for OpenGL → https://git.io/vxsZq
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<fearlessKim[m]> is is possible to have sthg like `nix-shell -i bash -p 'python.withPackages(ps: [ ps.myPackage ])' nix-prefetch-scripts` on 2nd line of shebang, nix keeps telling me "unexpected $undefined"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #37858 → skypeforlinux: -> → https://git.io/vxEer
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 0 commits to new-cli: https://git.io/vxEvE
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: I experimented with nix-build in shebangs a while ago and I came to the conclusion you should not try and do so, instead point to some script that in turn calls what you want, so add an indirection. The program in the shebang will be given the series of arguments as just one argument (one big string) and depending on the length of the shebang, it might become cut off (clipped?)
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<monotux> so is cache.nixos.org down or something?
<cx405> Hi! I want to propose adding link to Nixos Wiki to support page. Its fine if its "unofficial", however it would reduce great amount of frustration and bugs for newcommers(and not only).
<cx405> I am posting here, because I couldn't figure out where this belongs in github.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #37859 → fd: 6.3.0 -> 7.0.0 → https://git.io/vxEvA
<fearlessKim[m]> ottidmes: do you know what cuts off the parameters ? is that a limit in nix-shell ? It's for a script I want to submit to nixpkgs so adding an intermediate script seems bad.
<goibhniu> hi cx405, is this what you're looking for? https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage
<cx405> goibhniu: great, thanks!!
<goibhniu> np!
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<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: I could look up the test program someone else gave on the IRC that clearly showed this, if you want it. I believe it was inherent to shebang, not nix-build
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: But why is having 2 files with no shebang magic, worse than 1 file?
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: There you go, inherit limit of shebang
<fearlessKim[m]> ottidmes: I dunno, my first line is just `#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell` so it should be fine, the second line is read by nix-shell I suppoose `#!nix-shell -i bash -p 'lua5_2.withPackages(ps: [ ps.luarocks-nix ])' nix-prefetch-scripts bash `
<BlessJah> ottidmes: it's possible to have nix-build in shebang: http://dpaste.com/2F8F2JR vs https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Creating_a_NixOS_live_CD
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: The manual actually gives an example of what you want, never tried it though:
<ottidmes> #! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
<ottidmes> #! nix-shell -i python -p python pythonPackages.prettytable
<fearlessKim[m]> I have a hard time with the shebangs, sometimes they work, sometimes the exact same doesn't. Also the `-i` is sometimes recognized, sometimes not :/
<cx405> Any chance someone responsible for Nixos Wiki is here?
<cx405> I'd hate to make direct edit to the main page and something also tells me if I add proposal on the talk page - nobody would read it for years.
<ottidmes> BlessJah: I know its possible, I explicitly meant a call to nix-build with multiple arguments
<BlessJah> then no, impossible
<{^_^}> [nix] @dezgeg opened pull request #2010 → libexpr: Make unsafeGetAttrPos not crash on noPos → https://git.io/vxEJR
<joepie91> cx405: hop into #nixos-wiki :)
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: Can't you just supply nix-shell with a multi-line --run command?
<BlessJah> fearlessKim[m]: 2 #! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3.withPackages(ps:[ps.boto3])
<BlessJah> fearlessKim[m]: quotes got discarded, python3.withPackages(ps:[ps.boto3]) (without any spaces) works
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<BlessJah> that won't help if you need more than one package, but at least we know what the problem is
<fearlessKim[m]> BlessJah: removing all quotes/spaces seem fine indeed :s
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<BlessJah> yeah, quotes have to be removed
<BlessJah> I'm pretty sure that's a bug
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra merged pull request #37782 → blender: 2.79a -> 2.79b → https://git.io/vxRAF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEUt
<{^_^}> → 1c7e358e by @ryantm: blender: 2.79a -> 2.79b
<{^_^}> → e9fc2756 by @edolstra: Merge pull request #37782 from ryantm/auto-update/blender
<ottidmes> BlessJah: Is that because those additional shebangs under nix-shell are a feature of nix-shell? Normally you cannot have multiple shebangs, right?
<fearlessKim[m]> looking at the tracker, nix-shell looks like a nest of bugs xD
<BlessJah> ottidmes: it is because of that, however nix-shell should be fine with exactly same command you've used in shell
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #37860 → treewide: remove placeholder usage → https://git.io/vxEUW
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<cx405> joepie91: thanks!!
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<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: Why not do something like this: https://pastebin.com/mDEUpitQ
<fearlessKim[m]> ottidmes: I have a hundred lines beneath, not sure heredoc is good there. It's ok with blessjah tip it works
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis opened pull request #37861 → terraform: Wrap PATH of propagatedBuildInputs → https://git.io/vxETd
<ij> Huh! My nix db directory in nixos 17.09 is not writable! I do not have this on the other nixos computer.
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @cx405 opened pull request #195 → Add nixos wiki to support → https://git.io/vxETb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc merged pull request #37749 → Make Nixpkgs docs less frustrating to hack on → https://git.io/vxRWU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 8 commits to master: https://git.io/vxETN
<{^_^}> → 92d53362 by @grahamc: Move all nixpkgs doc files in to the doc directory
<{^_^}> → 8c7be592 by @grahamc: Ignore generated XML and other generated files
<{^_^}> → 7e25ff71 by @grahamc: docs: Build with a makefile
<ij> That happens on nix-prefetch-git, but nix-shell, nix-build -E … runCommand work.
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<BlessJah> fearlessKim[m]: http://dpaste.com/1T7AVBZ
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<BlessJah> fearlessKim[m]: if heredoc was bad, there, enjoy pure heresy
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<ottidmes> BlessJah: love it :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @suvash closed pull request #37547 → python: pipenv: 10.1.2 -> 11.8.3 → https://git.io/vxcr8
<fearlessKim[m]> BlessJah: you lost me at 'awk' :p I don't use it often enough to actually remember its syntax (neither I want to )
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @qknight opened pull request #37862 → systemd: patch to make LXC work, see https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issue… → https://git.io/vxEk8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin merged pull request #37859 → fd: 6.3.0 -> 7.0.0 → https://git.io/vxEvA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed commit from @dywedir to master « fd: 6.3.0 -> 7.0.0 »: https://git.io/vxEk0
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<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: Basically add a comment for all lines before --- SNIP ---, and keep the lines after as-is and load that in python
<BlessJah> if (LINE_NUMBER <= 5) ; then echo "# $LINE" ; fi
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<Nyanloutre> @clever would a PR with a new version of tgt and the service file installation be welcomed ?
<BlessJah> is welcomed a new systemd thing?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg merged pull request #34633 → mu: 0.9.18 -> 1.0 → https://git.io/vNhN5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEk5
<{^_^}> → 2642940e by @magnetophon: mu: 0.9.18 -> 1.0
<{^_^}> → 81e7c18e by @peterhoeg: Merge pull request #34633 from magnetophon/mu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus merged pull request #37812 → kotlin: 1.2.30 -> 1.2.31 → https://git.io/vx0L0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEI3
<{^_^}> → aeefaae0 by @ryantm: kotlin: 1.2.30 -> 1.2.31
<{^_^}> → 6889af56 by @NeQuissimus: Merge pull request #37812 from ryantm/auto-update/kotlin
<Nyanloutre> @BlessJah :D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 9 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxEIR
<{^_^}> → a1b27036 by @grahamc: xmloscopy: init at 0.1.1
<{^_^}> → 8ebd1760 by @grahamc: xmloscopy: 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
<{^_^}> → b38f07cc by @grahamc: Move all nixpkgs doc files in to the doc directory
<Nyanloutre> I just checked and in fact the version of tgt is the latest but it doesn't install the service automaticaly
<{^_^}> [nix] @dezgeg opened pull request #2011 → release.nix: Use pkgs.closureInfo for binaryTarball → https://git.io/vxELK
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/46e7e5c898f (from 7 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/695897f799a (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm closed pull request #28938 → tor module: expose control socket → https://git.io/v505L
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #37827 → nixos/tor: expose control socket → https://git.io/vx0mz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEqu
<{^_^}> → cb9c1c63 by @offlinehacker: nixos/tor: expose control socket
<{^_^}> → 1c889be4 by @joachifm: Merge pull request #37827 from oxij/pull/28938-tor-control-port
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxEmk
<{^_^}> → 3d007c88 by @joachifm: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.5 -> 7.5.1
<{^_^}> → a585401f by @joachifm: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.5.1 -> 7.5.2
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<ij> Hm, this one project uses Gemfile with "ruby '2.3.3'", which nixpkgs doesn't use. It seems that specifying an arbitrary version is not possible with the ruby's nixexpr. :( I guess I'll've to use rbenv.
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<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra merged pull request #195 → Add nixos wiki to support → https://git.io/vxETb
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEmS
<{^_^}> → 39f7cde5 by @cx405: Add nixos wiki to support
<{^_^}> → f2324271 by @edolstra: Merge pull request #195 from cx405/patch-1
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<zybell_> ottidmes: if you want to unify bash and python please note that """:" opens a docsting in python and is a noop in bash. """:"<<SNIP comments out the following lines both in bash and python, but the end is marked differently.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b6ddb9913f2 (from 22 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
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<ottidmes> zybell_: Thanks for the tip, but I doubt I will ever use it myself, not a fan of Python. I just found it an interesting workaround to having to quote most of the file as a string
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #37865 → gnulib: symlink include/ to lib/ → https://git.io/vxE3d
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #37420 → gnumeric: 1.12.38 -> 1.12.39; goffice: 0.10.38 -> 0.10.39 → https://git.io/vxZYP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed to master « gnumeric: 1.12.38 -> 1.12.39 »: https://git.io/vxEsl
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<palo> YegorTimoshenko[: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/33132 < this pr is getting old. Maybe you forget it ? or is there something wrong with it ?
<palo> I created rtmidi3 so there will be no interferance with other packages
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<fearlessKim[m]> rycee: sry to bother you, anyway to retreive nixos `config.security.pki.certificateFiles` from home-manager ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed 0 commits to staging-18.03: https://git.io/vxEnx
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<makefu> 0 commits!
<gchristensen> he's on a tear!
<shlevy> :D
<makefu> This comparison is big! We’re only showing the most recent 250 commits
<shlevy> I'm setting up for a PR :P
<shlevy> The branch didn't exist yet
<makefu> 249, 250, ∞
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<infinisil> fearlessKim[m]: (import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}).config.security...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #37866 → nvidiaLegacy304: fix build → https://git.io/vxEcF
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy opened pull request #37867 → haskell.compiler.ghc8{22,41}: Fix abi-depends non-determinism. → https://git.io/vxECZ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy opened pull request #37869 → haskell.compiler.ghc8{22,41}: Fix abi-depends non-determinism. → https://git.io/vxECB
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<fearlessKim[m]> infinisil: right that seems obvious now, I don't know what I was expecting (some magical command :) ) thanks
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<infinisil> ;P
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<gchristensen> anyone want to write up the Nix perspective on https://lobste.rs/s/8fd1pd/into_void_void_linux_description_review ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jerith666 opened pull request #37870 → openjdk10: minor cleanups → https://git.io/vxEW5
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #37871 → nixos/docker-registry: add configuration options to support image deletions → https://git.io/vxE8q
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<hyper_ch> long flights suck
<hyper_ch> zurich - rome - abu dhabi - manila
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<AMDmi3> hey; a quick question: which https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs branches correspond to nix stable/unstable channels?
<AMDmi3> I'm not seeng stable branch, that's why I'm asking
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<ma27> hyper_ch: whoa oO
<hyper_ch> ma27: :(
<hyper_ch> infinisil: I still think not using force import is bad
<infinisil> AMDmi3: and the release-18.03 like channels on nixpkgs
<ma27> AMDmi3: nixos-unstable for unstable, release-xx.xx for the release channels
<infinisil> hyper_ch: yeah, i feel conflicted
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<AMDmi3> and https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs is like a dev repo?
<srhb> AMDmi3: Once the release-x branches pass certain tests, the branches in nixpkgs-channels are updated.
<srhb> AMDmi3: (To correspond to those release-x commits)
<AMDmi3> oh, thanks
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a585401f3ff (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<srhb> AMDmi3: Like so ^
<infinisil> Nice timing haha
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<srhb> My hobby: Staring at Hydra all day. :P
<AMDmi3> actually I just want to make use of "position" field from json data to point to correct place in github repo and add these links to Repology
<AMDmi3> it seems I'll have a problem with release- branches are they are dynamic
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<srhb> Dynamic in what sense?
<AMDmi3> in what I have no idea of which the current x is (e.g. 18.03)
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<srhb> For the purpose of repology I guess the sensible branch to track is release-18.03
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<srhb> This branch isn't dynamic -- it takes human intervention to modify it.
<AMDmi3> but I'll have to track these changes in repology
<srhb> But the channel (nixos-18.03) will always lag behind a bit, due to tests etc.
<srhb> Rigt..
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<srhb> AMDmi3: Someone has already been doing a lot of work on repology stuff for nixpkgs, I don't recall who though.
<srhb> Could be ryantm maybe?
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<infinisil> AMDmi3: ah you want a channel that's always on the lates release, so 17.09 -> 18.03, etc.?
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<shlevy> FWIW right now the "latest" should be considered 17.09
<shlevy> 18.03 is still in pre-release stabilization
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<shlevy> I wouldn't be opposed to a release-latest concept somewhere
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<lexos> hello, I would like to install an additional font in my nixos, and set it in VScode. font package name is noto-fonts-emoji-git-2016-03-17 . Does nix-env -i noto-fonts-emoji-git-2016-03-17 will make this font available for VsCode? in which path VsCode look for fonts?
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<nick_l> How do I disable iptables temporarily on NixOS?
<nick_l> (without doing a rebuilding of the configuration)
<srhb> nick_l: systemctl stop firewall. fsvo "disable"
<abbradar> lexos: use fonts.fonts = [ pkgs.noto-fonts-emoji ];
<abbradar> in your configuration.nix
<nick_l> srhb: I want to allow ICMP.
<srhb> nick_l: You can check iptables -S afterwards to see what is still there.
<nick_l> srhb: i.e. ping. Thanks a lot.
<nick_l> srhb: https://pastebin.com/5au1yBnv remains
<nick_l> srhb: that format is not very familiar to me. Should that be OK?
<bennofs[m]> nick_I: systemctl stop firewall
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<nliadm> firefox-devedition-bin is broken on unstable
<nliadm> it seems the icons aren't there, so nix chokes on install
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pbogdan opened pull request #37872 → cloudfoundry-cli: fix build → https://git.io/vxEEW
<nliadm> `firefox-devedition-bin-unwrapped` works, though. don't know what the difference is
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #37774 → bird2: 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2 → https://git.io/vxR71
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEE0
<{^_^}> → f84eb11a by @ryantm: bird2: 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2
<{^_^}> → b760158c by @fpletz: Merge pull request #37774 from ryantm/auto-update/bird
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<ckauhaus> Hi, are there any TNG guys around? I woulnd't complain if I'd receive a Big Techday invitation ;-)
<srhb> nick_l: -A nixos-fw -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j nixos-fw-accept -- icmp echo jumps to nixos-fw-accept rule. -A nixos-fw-accept -j ACCEPT -- nixos-fw-accept just accepts.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @goertzenator opened pull request #37873 → spideraok: 7.0.1 -> 7.1.0 → https://git.io/vxEuu
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<srhb> nick_l: Furthermore the default policy is accept, so it looks like nothing can block pings to me :-)
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<nick_l> srhb: the problem I have is that ping -I eth1 <ip as assigned via ENI from AWS> doesn't work.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed to master « calamares: 3.1.10 -> 3.1.12 »: https://git.io/vxEu7
<nick_l> srhb: AWS support basically says "contact Nix devs".
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<lexos> abbradar, thank you for the fast solution, much appreciate, I owe you
<abbradar> lexos: no problem ^^
<srhb> nick_l: What, you mean pinging the IP from the same device?
<srhb> nick_l: I don't see how that would work without some kind of hairpin magic.
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<nick_l> srhb: hairpin magic?
<nick_l> srhb: pinging from the same device normally works.
<nick_l> srhb: but since you are so convinced in your wording, please explain.
<nick_l> srhb: I would really like to understand more of this situation.
<srhb> nick_l: I think you'll need to turn some knobs in /sys at least.. Hang on.
<srhb> Actually, hm, I don't know. I didn't actually think it was possible.
<nick_l> srhb: you can also ping, right?
<nick_l> srhb: so, why shouldn't you be able to ping anything else?
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<srhb> I certainly can't ping my via, eg. eth0
<srhb> Presumably there's no sensible route to even do that
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<gchristensen> doesn't go through any interface even, but through an escape hatch in the kernel IIRC
<srhb> It would be really scary if eth0 started routing traffic to somehow!
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<nick_l> srhb: the AWS support person said he was able to ping the attached ENI's IP via the associated interface on Amazon Linux.
<gchristensen> interestingly ping -I wlp2s0 (.104 being the IP of wlp2s0) gets 100% packet loss whereas ping works fine
<srhb> gchristensen: That's going through lo
<srhb> (Well, usually)
<infinisil> And you can have multiple localhost ip's, not just
<Dezgeg> but you don't have in `route` output typically, so it does sound hardcoded
<nick_l> gchristensen: on Amazon Linux ping -I eth0 <private IP> also works.
<srhb> Dezgeg: True!
<nick_l> On NixOS this doesn't work (on AWS).
<clever> Dezgeg: i think the IP on every interface is special-cased in the kernel
<Dezgeg> that could be as well
<clever> and it just skips the routing layer and goes directly to localhost, but still obeys the iptables
<nick_l> clever: did you ever configure keepalived on NixOS on AWS?
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<gchristensen> nick_l: sure seems like there is a problem...
<clever> nick_l: nope
<clever> -A nixos-fw -i lo -j nixos-fw-accept
<clever> -A nixos-fw -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j nixos-fw-accept
<clever> the lo interface is special-cased in the firewall to accept everything
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<clever> and then icmp, when allowed, is accepted later on, for all interfaces
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<nick_l> gchristensen: you are saying that as if you have some genius insight.
<clever> i also prefer using iptables-save to list the rules
<clever> it gets every table
<gchristensen> nick_l: lol I am as ignorant about networking as they come, sorry
<gchristensen> but if it works on other distros and not ours, we should probably know why and be able to fix it
<aminechikhaoui> I seem to be having the following issue after switching to NixOS 18.03 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/11970
<clever> ive written my own VPN and have brought wifi up without wpa_supplicant before
<aminechikhaoui> but the sound works, and microphone doesn't work
<srhb> I'm also not a networking wizard, but I would expect there to be some hairpin rule in order for this to work. /shrugs
<aminechikhaoui> any idea what can I look at to investigate the issue with microphone
<srhb> Like, traffic from inside is natted to appear like traffic from outside
<Dezgeg> I wonder if there's some sort of X-Y problem here, because I wouldn't expect most apps to care about the network interface
<clever> nick_l: line 30 says it will accept any icmp with type 8, which should be ping-request
<nick_l> Dezgeg: I am running keepalived, have a program to send UDP packets and I just want ipvs to forward those packets to some machines. At this point, I'd be happy with wireshark actually seeing forwarded packets on the keepalived machine.
<Dezgeg> so you want your machine to _forward_ packets from other machines, not send them itself?
<aminechikhaoui> oh the github issue is probably not related, as I see the same output from before the switch to 18.03
<nick_l> Dezgeg: forwarding/sending doesn't matter for me.
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<nick_l> Dezgeg: I just want to see packets moving at this point.
<Dezgeg> well, try nc -l -u -p 1234 to have an udp server up on port 1234
<Dezgeg> and nc -u 1234 to have a udp client connect to that port
<nick_l> Dezgeg: .10 should be the virtual ip of interest or the private ip?>
<nick_l> Dezgeg: running on the virtual ip of interest.
<Dezgeg> doesn't any IP do?
<Dezgeg> any IP of the server machine?
<nick_l> Dezgeg: echo hi came to the other end.
<Dezgeg> sounds like you have packets moving then
<nick_l> Dezgeg: yes, but it is keepalived which should be moving them.
<nick_l> Dezgeg: so, a packet should be sent to the virtual_server of keepalived, and then it should forward those packets to available backend servers.
<nick_l> Dezgeg: my configuration works in libvirtd. It's just AWS that doesn't work.
<Dezgeg> I don't know what keepalived is or what it does
<nick_l> And the only difference is that ping -I eth1 <ENI IP>
<nick_l> Dezgeg: it is a configuration system for ipvs.
<Dezgeg> but if you need to have your system actually forward packets on the IP level you need /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward set
<nick_l> Dezgeg: I have that set to 1.
<Dezgeg> among probably other stuff I can't remember
<srhb> I don't remember having to set up anything special for keepalived.
<nick_l> srhb: on AWS?
<srhb> Uh, no, just NixOS :)
<srhb> I don't know how the AWS stack works.
<nick_l> srhb: no, on NixOS it works fine. It's the combination that doesn't work.
* srhb nods
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #37874 → Generators default values → https://git.io/vxEVw
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<srhb> And they're not using some out-of-band firewalling between your machines?
<srhb> That would be yucky, so I guess not...
<nick_l> srhb: all I am testing is still on a single machine.
<nick_l> srhb: I.e. wireshark with packets coming in and out.
<srhb> Ah
<nick_l> srhb: since this is NixOS, can I add single printf statement in the kernel code for ipvs?
<nick_l> srhb: if I can do that, then I'd hope that I can just get a message output like "we have received a packet".
<nick_l> ipvs can also be configured with debugging, I think. Not sure how.
<srhb> I mean sure (though probably printk), but that's some big cannons. :P
<srhb> I'm inclined to believe we're missing something obvious...
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<abbradar> I'm investigating a strange Nix "daemon out of memory" error on one of my machines. It seems strange that nix-daemon retains all the memory it allocated during evaluation when the build happens
<abbradar> Say, I run "nixos-rebuild switch", the daemon eats 350mb of memory and then build starts but all the memory is still uesd -- shouldn't at this point just ready derivations be in memory?
<abbradar> (I mean .drvs)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix pushed to release-18.03 « qgis: 2.18.16 -> 2.18.17 »: https://git.io/vxEwY
<abbradar> (well, maybe it is the case but then it's strange they use so much space)
<AMDmi3> infinisil: yes, that would be nice; although for repology it's only needed for a link to .nix file correctly, not sure if it's enough to justify it
<nick_l> srhb: Let's say I really, really badly wanted to patch that kernel module, how do I tell NixOS that?
<srhb> nick_l: boot.kernelPatches
<nick_l> srhb: I am basically out of other ideas.
<nick_l> srhb: I learned more about networking then I wanted to know too.
<srhb> nick_l: Heh, I know that feeling. :P
<srhb> Diagnosing network issues is always like voodoo.
<srhb> And, in my personal experience, mostly because I don't know what's going on.
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<srhb> Which is always fun!
<Dezgeg> FWIW I can reproduce on an arch linux machine that 'ping -I wlp3s0' doesn't give pongs either
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<ekleog> Hmm… Anyone knows whether we have a mdadm module that would run mdadm --monitor, so as to get emails when disks fail? I can't find any, but am pretty sure it must exist, so before writing one…
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<cransom> if you are doing IP level weirdness on AWS, if packets are leaving your machine that don't have it's source address, you need to remove source/dest packet checks
<WhittlesJr> So... is it "Nix Oh Es," "Nix Ahs," "Nix Ohs," or something else?
<nick_l> cransom: the ENI is already created not to do that.
<johnw> I say Nix Oh Es
<shlevy> Whittlesjr: I do the first
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<gchristensen> I used to say "nix ahs" but then trained myself to say "Nix oh es" before going to Nix Con to avoid the embarrassment
<shlevy> Though in formal context it is of course "Nicks-oh-ess, the purely functional Linux distribution TM"
<srhb> shlevy: *A* purely functional... :P
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<cransom> nick_l: are there multiple interfaces involved? you confirmed with tcpdump that packets are leaving the interface?
<johnw> NixOSisNotGuix
<nick_l> cransom: yes, two interfaces, eth{0,1}
<WhittlesJr> shlevy: hmm, not quite enough syllables... shouldn't it really be "GNU/Linux?"
<cransom> nick_l: the routing table has updated to get the outgoing traffic out the correct interface?
<nick_l> cransom: packets are sent from to (so, their source address is also weird)
<nick_l> cransom: I had expected .7 as the source address (which is the primary private IP)
<nick_l> cransom: I did something in that area:
<nick_l> cransom: ip rule add {to,from} table out
<cransom> nick_l: ips wouldn't change unless you are doing masquerading or source translation
<nick_l> cransom: but the important part is that I don't have the impression that the packets ever end up at some kernel part that actually creates new UDP packets again.
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<nick_l> cransom: I have actually seen it shortly perform the right job (i.e. create packets to its backend servers)
<nick_l> cransom: but that was last Friday before I stopped the servers. After a restart, it was broken.
<WhittlesJr> oh, speaking of Guix... can I just admit that one of the biggest barriers to me using that OS is actually its name? "Hey man you should switch to GEEKS ES DEE it's sweet"
<cransom> nick_l: and this `out` table exists after reboot? there's a whole bunch of things that could be it between tables, rules, if RPfilter is kicking in
<nick_l> cransom: out table didn't exist last Friday.
<srhb> Whittlesjr: It's the little things...
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<cransom> are your two interfaces on the same subnet?
<srhb> Bloody hell, did tarsum break _again_? Q_Q
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* srhb flails
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<zybell> Everybody new to networking makes that mistake, why do you think nick_l hasn't. cransom be realistic.
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<nick_l> cransom: yes
<johnw> Whittlesjr: I have trouble taking pijul seriously because of its name too
<nick_l> cransom: is that not allowed?!
<cransom> nick_l: do you plan on pushing multiple gigabits through that machine?
<nick_l> cransom: no
<nick_l> cransom: at least, not per second.
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<nick_l> zybell: can you please elaborate?
<cransom> nick_l: it's allowed, but its also hard... and weird because 1 interface is enough.
<nick_l> cransom: I need one interface to do unicast communication with the failover.
<nick_l> cransom: or at least, I think so.
<cransom> in aws, everything is unicast
<nick_l> cransom: but keepalived needs one IP to listen on and one IP to send VRRP announcements over.
<cransom> and plumbing in another interface isn't going to make that any more reliable when you are just a vm in a cloud.
<nick_l> to*
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<fearlessKim[m]> johnw: u better take me seriously or I nuke you :p
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<nick_l> cransom: what should I do?
<cransom> actually, lets step back here.... keepalived? is it going to make ec2 api calls to move ips between the HA machines?
<nick_l> cransom: yes
<nick_l> cransom: but that's not relevant right now.
<zybell> nick_l: As I have learned networks, every network cable gets its own IP. A math formula describes the relationship between IP of card and IP of cable.
<nick_l> zybell: well, they have a different IP, just the same subet.
<nick_l> zybell: well, they have a different IP, just the same subnet.
<nick_l> cransom: what is relevant is getting a packet to ipvs and from ipvs to somewhere else. That's it.
<nick_l> cransom: and perhaps this whole ping issue.
<nick_l> cransom: anything more advanced is a step too far at this point.
<zybell> If cables have the same subnet, its nearly impossible that they have different IP.
<cransom> nick_l: ok, well. good luck. i've gotta go. a lot of the complexity would go away if you used multiple subnets, or even better, a load balancer that aws will gladly provide
<nick_l> cransom: aws doesn't do UDP loadbalancing.
<nick_l> cransom: I can easily add another subnet.
<nick_l> cransom: so, you are suggesting that one machine will have two subnets (one per interface)?
<nick_l> cransom: why would that make things simpler?
<zybell> because simpler routetables
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<ekleog> hmm so I guess there's no mdadm module for running mdadm --monitor, then :/
<nick_l> zybell: can you explain why ipvs doesn't ever seem to appear to receive a packet?
<nick_l> zybell: or at least try to send one?
<nick_l> zybell: the--stats option suggests that lots of packets come in, btw.
<nick_l> zybell: but nothing ever comes out (in those same stats) which actually is normal when using the DR (direct routing option)
<nick_l> zybell: so, it's not clear for me how to actually test what is and what isn't working.
<nick_l> zybell: I would also appreciate it if you could be more specific.
<WhittlesJr> johnw: Eek. Nothing quite beats "Guh-noo" though imho
<gchristensen> is that "noo" like "new" or an elongated "no"
<TweyII> Yod-dropped ‘new’ of course
<rycee> fearlessKim: What infinisil said :-)
<infinisil> huh?
<zybell> if you don't have a route there, you can't send pkgs there. And if can't send there the 'martian'(yeah, is so called)-filter will remove all pkt that can't be send from recv.
<WhittlesJr> gchristensen: HAHA I was definitely going for "guh-new" but the thought of "Guh-NO" tickled me. "Guh-NO thank you."
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<infinisil> rycee: what did i say?
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<fearlessKim[m]> infinisil: u loved icecream (how to import nixos config)
<infinisil> Ah that :)
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/35c8106701d (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<zybell> Try first to configure only one interface. Ping it from inard. Ping it from outer. Check TCP. From in. From Out. Check UDP. From in. From Out. In this order. Only then configure second IP. On different subnet.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix opened pull request #37876 → pythonPackages.libais: 0.16 -> 0.17 → https://git.io/vxEiQ
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<rycee> infinisil: Yeah, about the config :-)
<zybell> Then check first IP. Thoroughly. Then check second IP. Print routing table. Only then you can move to same subnet.
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<gchristensen> anyone using kubectl on nixos? cc MoreTea
<srhb> gchristensen: Yes.
<srhb> (Or well, until last friday... :-P)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #37501 → lua52Packages.lpeg: 0.12 -> 1.0.1 → https://git.io/vxceT
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #37504 → lua52Packages.luazlib: 1.1 -> 1.2 → https://git.io/vxcfR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #37502 → lua52Packages.luacheck: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.2 → https://git.io/vxcv4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #37500 → lua52Packages.luafilesystem: 1.6.3 -> → https://git.io/vxnhs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #37498 → lua51Packages.luaevent: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 → https://git.io/vxnxH
<srhb> gchristensen: What's up?
<how> Hi, I'm reading nixos wiki on moving /nix to a a separate lvm volume but I'm unsure on some of the steps
<gchristensen> srhb: mind if I PM? :)
<srhb> gchristensen: You're always welcome :)
<how> e.g. how to bind /mnt to /nix
<how> and bind mount / to /old_root but there's no /old_root
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<clever> how: id recomend moving it while the system is not running, just rsync the data to the new filesystem, delete the old, and convince it to boot with the new fs mounted at the right place, then fix the nixos config
<how> clever: what do u mean when the system is not running?
<clever> how: boot from another system, like the installer iso or a recovery image
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<how> clever: sorry but how do i use that?
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<clever> how: for rescue-boot, you add imports = [ ./rescue_boot.nix ]; to your configuration.nix, and it will generate a new grub option that boots into a rescue OS
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<clever> how: ive used that to do exactly what your doing, move my laptop /nix into its own zfs dataset
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb opened pull request #37877 → dockerTools.tarsum: Fix upstream import → https://git.io/vxE1M
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/732e3d05deb (from 66 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<how> clever: so I just add that import to my configuration.nix, then reboot into the rescue os, add filesystems."/nix" = ... and rsync, then reboot and delete old /nix?
<clever> how: you can add filesystems."/nix" = ... and `nixos-rebuild boot` before you move it, to save some trouble
<clever> then youll have a new generation in grub that expects it to be moved, and an old that doesnt
<how> clever: then what am I doing in the rescue-boot?
<clever> make the new LV, format it, and move all of /nix over
<how> hmm i have already done that should i do it allover again?
<clever> if the data is already moved over then you just need to update configuration.nix and reboot i believe
<how> besides the last one is copy instead of move obviously
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<how> so I don't even need to rescue-boot?
<clever> yeah, if the data has already been moved, you dont need it
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<how> ok thanks, last question: what configuration options do I need in filesystem."/nix" = ...? I guess just device and neededForBoot?
<clever> neededForBoot is automatic
<clever> it will need device and fsType
<how> clever: thanks so much!
<clever> yep
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<anixos> hello, I'm having problems logging in with gdm. My user was created with configuration.nix (hashed password and all that), but gdm prompts me to enter my username and password, and when I do that it doesn't let me in (says something went wrong)
<anixos> when I add an user with useradd homever, everything works fine and gdm detects my user automatically. What could be the cause?
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<clever> anixos: are you using hashedPassword or initialHashedPassword?
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<fresheyeball> hello out there
<coconnor> morning all.
<fresheyeball> last week I was trying to get my hakyll blog working again
<fresheyeball> and made a ton of progress with help from this most glorious IRC community
<anixos> clever: hashedPassword
<fresheyeball> but did not succeed
<fresheyeball> the unit tests for hlibsass do not pass (a haskell package)
<clever> anixos: i think you need to set mutableUsers = false; for that to work
<anixos> okay thanks, I'll come back and report if it works
<fresheyeball> even when using an overlay and a super.haskell.lib.dontCheck
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<fresheyeball> I am at a loss for how to get the unit tests to stop being run in my build
<clever> fresheyeball: can you gist the overlay?
<fresheyeball> clever: sec
<coconnor> I have an odd one today - the ninja build tool when used by qmake is ignoring NIX_BUILD_CORES
<coconnor> and using the max number of cores
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<clever> fresheyeball: // overwrites the hlibsass atttribute of the resulting haskellPackages, but it does not make other haskell packages use the new version
<coconnor> which, on this system, causes it to hit swap building qtwebengine
<llhart> Hello everyone! Is there any known problems with radeon driver currently? It was working fine ~2months ago but not anymore... :/
<clever> fresheyeball: you must use super.haskellPackages.override { overrides = { hsself: hssuper: { ... }; }; }; to write a haskellPackages overlay
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<coconnor> llhart: which driver specifically? paste your xserver config and kernel config?
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<fresheyeball> clever: can you show me specifically how you would do that?
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<clever> fresheyeball: haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override { overrides = { hsself: hssuper: { hlibsass = super.haskell.lib.dontCheck hssuper.hlibsass; }; }; };
<anixos> clever: unfortunately, GDM still asks for username and password, and when I type it in still says something went wrong
<lejonet> Hmm, using environment.etc."thing".source, is that the recommended way of symlinking a dir into etc? (I'm going to try and symlink in the etc/OpenCL dir from nixos.amdsdkappFull, hoping that is enough to get opencl functional)
<anixos> perhaps theres some special file useradd modifies? or some group?
<clever> anixos: double-check the /etc/shadow file, and confirm if the hashed pw is actually in there
<anixos> clever: it is indeed
<anixos> I can login just fine through any of the ttys
<clever> anixos: and do you have isNormalUser set on your user?
<srhb> Remind me, is there a nicer way to backport than cherrying and redoing the entire PR? It's so tedious...
<anixos> clever: yes
<srhb> There should be a backport bot...
<coconnor> anixos: are you in the video group?
<anixos> huh... nope, going to try this one now
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<coconnor> EG: the /dev/fb0 device is root:video. I didn't think it mattered (yet) for other "video" things but...
<clever> coconnor: X is already running and using fb0 by the time the login prompt is open
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<coconnor> AH
<anixos> that still hasn't worked, I can post my configuration.nix if that helps
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<coconnor> although... the login X is a different user
<coconnor> anixos: yes
<anixos> I'd like to note that this isn't a regular GDM screen where it shows your username and only prompts for a password, it shows an username field
<coconnor> enter user name then password? LIght colored with nixos logo?
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<coconnor> I think that's sddm (the default) not gdm
<anixos> no coconnor, GDM login screen
<clever> anixos: check "ps -eH x" and see what process is near X in the tree
<coconnor> anyways, posting the configuration.nix would remove some guessing haha
<anixos> sorry for weird host, only have curl at hand
<fresheyeball> clever: are you sure that is correct syntax?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #37877 → dockerTools.tarsum: Fix upstream import → https://git.io/vxE1M
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxESZ
<{^_^}> → 4874ce17 by @srhb: dockerTools.tarsum: Fix upstream import
<{^_^}> → 63a8d8c9 by @srhb: Merge pull request #37877 from srhb/tarsum-import
<clever> fresheyeball: are you getting a syntax error?
<anixos> it's gdm clever
<fresheyeball> clever: I found it. No curlys around the hsuper lambda
<anixos> its as follows: gdm, gdm-session-worker, gdm-x-session, X, gnome-session
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb opened pull request #37879 → dockerTools.tarsum: Fix upstream import → https://git.io/vxES1
<fresheyeball> clever: http://lpaste.net/364088 tests STILL run
<fresheyeball> oh nsap
<fresheyeball> snap
<fresheyeball> disregard
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mpickering opened pull request #37880 → Use up-to-date versions of singletons and th-desguar for GHC 8.4.1 → https://git.io/vxES5
<llhart> coconnor: I tried to give you only the relevant options here: https://pastebin.com/WB2YZhnz .Ask me if you need more details. Thank you
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<anixos> any ideas coconnor ?
<fresheyeball> DAMIT
<fresheyeball> so I can get into the nix-shell now
<coconnor> llhart: the xserver config would be nice
<fresheyeball> but I cant build my haskell package with cabal build
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<clever> fresheyeball: what nix-shell params did you use?
<coconnor> anixos: looks fine to me... the only part I've never used is "hashedPassword". I presume you can log in as this user on the command line?
<fresheyeball> clever: none
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<clever> fresheyeball: you need to tell cabal to -lsass, because the static library lacks that metadata
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<anixos> yes coconnor, indeed I can
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #37810 → udisks2: 2.1.6 -> 2.1.8, extend workaround to include musl → https://git.io/vx0LU
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<sasoiliev> Hi all, I'm running 17.09.3204.d16ffa15090 and I'm trying to install Viber, but the viber.deb artifact has been updated and the hash in 17.09 does not match.
<anixos> I'd like to clarify that it is indeed the GDM screen, but instead of showing the username and only prompting for password it prompts for both, and when the correct are typed it fails to login. I'd like to add that it works when using useradd(1).
<fresheyeball> clever: not sure what you mean, I have never seen that flag
<sasoiliev> This commit https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/0dfe582c5e22e1235d963d0c5708d8e824a64c97#diff-3decfa1292c414d2174a77e7b8615db4 has the hash updated, but it is in master and 18.03-beta.
<srhb> sasoiliev: major release points are usually not backported.
<clever> fresheyeball: its a standard gcc/ld flag, has to be used any time you link against a library
<anixos> it must have something to do with how NixOS adds users, because useradd(1) works perfectly
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<llhart> coconnor: https://pastebin.com/LWtKcWSu is all I got about xserver. ;)
<fresheyeball> clever: cabal: unrecognized 'build' option `-lsass'
<sasoiliev> srhb: But do I have a way out of this situation?
<clever> fresheyeball: it has to be put in the cabal file
<anixos> or perhaps the gdm group?
<sasoiliev> Should I have a local nixpkgs tree and patch it and install from there?
<clever> fresheyeball: `Extra-libraries: foo` according to stack overflow
<srhb> sasoiliev: The easiest solution is probably to use an overlay to grab the version from unstable or 18.03 pre
<srhb> sasoiliev: Or that, yes :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #37879 → Backport: dockerTools.tarsum: Fix upstream import → https://git.io/vxES1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxEHm
<{^_^}> → d610810d by @srhb: dockerTools.tarsum: Fix upstream import
<{^_^}> → 5d817cfa by @srhb: Merge pull request #37879 from srhb/backport-#37877
<coconnor> llhart: ok. I have a similar setup available. checking if it works
<sasoiliev> srhb: I'm not sure what's an overlay, so I'll go ahead and educate myself, thanks! :)
<srhb> sasoiliev: It's in the nixpkgs manual :)
<srhb> sasoiliev: (It's a way to selectively add or modify packages)
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<sasoiliev> srhb: Thanks! (*opens up the manual and starts reading*) :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #37670 → ngspice: Move shared library to a new derivation → https://git.io/vx8sD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEH8
<{^_^}> → a62fffd9 by @bgamari: ngspice: Move shared library to a new derivation
<srhb> sasoiliev: Chapter 11 :)
<{^_^}> → 7d8d5d4f by @Mic92: Merge pull request #37670 from bgamari/libngspice
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to staging-18.03 « haskell.compiler.ghc8{22,41}: Fix abi-depends non-determinism. »: https://git.io/vxEHB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy merged pull request #37869 → haskell.compiler.ghc8{22,41}: Fix abi-depends non-determinism. → https://git.io/vxECB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to staging « haskell.compiler.ghc8{22,41}: Fix abi-depends non-determinism. »: https://git.io/vxEH0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy merged pull request #37867 → haskell.compiler.ghc8{22,41}: Fix abi-depends non-determinism. → https://git.io/vxECZ
<how> clever: I failed at booting my system just now
<clever> how: with what error?
<how> luckily using older generation still works
<clever> how: either the new config is wrong, or the copy of the store isnt right
<how> it doesn't past stage 1
<clever> how: if you manually mount the new fs to /mnt, what does `ls /mnt` say?
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<how> like sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt?
<how> it shows store/ and var/ allright
<clever> how: oh, and that copy lacks the new nixos you just made with `nixos-rebuild boot`, thats why it cant boot
<clever> you have to make that copy after running `nixos-rebuild boot`
<how> oh so i just need to nixos-rebuild boot now, rsync again, and rebooting should work?
<clever> yeah
<how> clever: I'll try that thanks!
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<infinisil> Hmm, wouldn't it be nice if there was 'pkgs.channels.unstable' reflecting all unstable packages? Would be super easy to use specific stuff from a different channel
<anixos> just confirmed useradd(1) works perfectly and GDM lists the user correctly. Tried setting GECOS field for my own user to no luck.
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<srhb> infinisil: That sounds like a can of worms!
<srhb> infinisil: Which unstable commit does a stable commit correspond to etc :P
<infinisil> srhb: ah no! I mean using IFD and fetch the nixos-unstable branch, not pinned
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to release-18.03 « haskellPackages.lenz: Remove outdated patch. »: https://git.io/vxEQt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to master « haskellPackages.lenz: Remove outdated patch. »: https://git.io/vxEQm
<srhb> Ah!
<infinisil> Would be really convenient when you just wanna use a different branch but don't want to deal with nix-channel, overlays, git cloning or whatever. Everybody could use this easily
<srhb> I never understood quite how it works wrt caching.
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<infinisil> 1 hour it gets cached
<srhb> I see.
<Lisanna> ...did the 4.9 kernel get removed from nixpkgs? ):
<srhb> Well, I certainly see the convenience, but it does seem a little tricky.
<infinisil> srhb: what tricky part is there to it?
<srhb> Lisanna: Nope.
<srhb> infinisil: Well, the whole "what are you currently running" shenanigans.
<srhb> It's hard enough with channels in general.
<Lisanna> srhb oh good, I just can't find the package for it
<srhb> Which should just die already. :-P
<coconnor> llhart: what is failing for you? is X server failing to start?
<srhb> Lisanna: linux_4_9 ? Or linuxPackages_4_9 ?
<Lisanna> srhb no results for either
<anixos> clever: coconnor: jorunalctl says "gkr-pam: no password is available for this user"
<srhb> Lisanna: "results" ?
<infinisil> srhb: hmm true, but you could always look at the hash of packages to find out what you're running
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<srhb> Lisanna: No idea how that thing works. :P
<coconnor> anixos: I'd set the password for the user as root. Remove the "hashedPassword" config.
<Lisanna> srhb are you saying it's still available despite not showing up in that search?
<srhb> Lisanna: Yes, it's there.
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<coconnor> llhart: my system is using amdgpu. Switching to radeon but will take a while
<anixos> coconnor: that doesn't work as well. It seems adding users only via useradd(1) works. It only bugs out with GDM
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<infinisil> srhb: what's so bad about channels?
<srhb> infinisil: I think it's spooky action at a distance.
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<srhb> And generally a needless decoupling.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @qknight closed pull request #37862 → systemd: patch to make LXC work, see https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issue… → https://git.io/vxEk8
<srhb> And it uses NIX_PATH, which terrifies me :P
<srhb> (Or relies on, rather)
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<infinisil> srhb: it does!
<infinisil> ?*
<srhb> Doesn't it?
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<srhb> I thought that's where it got the names from for the channel in question.
<srhb> Maybe not!
<infinisil> Channels are just mappings from name -> commit afaik
<srhb> ocharles: According to the short help, https is not supported.
<infinisil> Ah yeah it does if you use it like import <unstable> {}
<infinisil> But that's a nix feature, has nothing to do with channels directly
<srhb> Right, it's mostly how it's used that bothers me.
<srhb> I'd prefer a canonical nixpkgs.json tool over nix-channel --update and company.
<srhb> Or whatever. Something simpler :)
<srhb> And closer tied to the code.
<llhart> coconnor: Thank you. My system is working but when using xrandr --listproviders, I got modesetting. (My radeon is a discrete GPU so I think I'm falling back on my intel GPU)
<infinisil> srhb: hmm.. not sure what you're thinking of
<srhb> infinisil: I want the version to embedded near, say, configuration.nix
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<coconnor> llhart: try pasting the output of "journalctl -b -u display-manager"
<coconnor> llhart: that is the X server (the display manager in this case) startup
<coconnor> llhart: will have details on what devices were probed and what drivers worked
<infinisil> srhb: you know what would be nice: numbered channel updates
<anixos> coconnor: any ideas? nothing seems to be working.
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<infinisil> The first version of 18.03 would have number 1, the next update 2, etc.
<srhb> infinisil: Sure. It's an indirection that isn't necessary, I feel, but it's better than just "some point at channel" :-)
<coconnor> anixos: none. :-\
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<llhart> coconnor: Didn't get much informations : https://pastebin.com/fTdZ8AE2
<anixos> coconnor: seems to be an issue with the password, at least from my useradd(1) debugging. using merely useradd <NAME> doesnt make GNOME list it, but when you passwd it does
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<coconnor> llhart: huh! indeed. see if "journalctl -ru display-manager" has anything more
<infinisil> srhb: ah i see what you meant: to have a json file per channel that gives the hash and url of it, then have some nix code that imports that file and uses it to e.g. set pkgs.channels.foo
<coconnor> llhart: the "-b" was "since last boot" or something.
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<Lisanna> srhb okay, verified that it's still there with nix repl, funny that it doesn't show up in the web search... thanks
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<srhb> Lisanna: You're welcome! I find the cli tools much more accurate :)
<srhb> infinisil: Yes exactly. Sorry, I wasn't clear. :)
<srhb> infinisil: "Less Magic"^tm
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<dahirsch> clever: are you there?
<clever> dahirsch: yes
<anixos> seems to not work with configuraiton.nix created user and passwd
<infinisil> srhb: ah and the main thing to make this happen is to adjust the nix-channel tool
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #37745 → mpv: Add openal support → https://git.io/vxRt5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEdC
<{^_^}> → c9ea1ff5 by @Baughn: mpv: Add openal support
<{^_^}> → 47205202 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #37745 from Baughn/mpv-openal
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<dahirsch> clever: i experimented a bit with the uefi issue. i can boot with 'uefi only' via systemd-boot. but grub only works then i use 'legacy support', does not matter if i choose uefi or legacy first then. any ideas why grub does not work?
<dahirsch> *when
<srhb> infinisil: Yeah, it's quite non-invasive.
<srhb> But channels have generations, which you want for rollbacks
<srhb> So meeeh
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<clever> dahirsch: nope, ive not done much with uefi
<clever> dahirsch: but you could start by comparing what is in /boot and efibootmgr in each setup
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill reopened pull request #37810 → udisks2: 2.1.6 -> 2.1.8, extend workaround to include musl → https://git.io/vx0LU
<dahirsch> clever: this would have been my next step. thanks
<infinisil> srhb: well i think that's acceptable
<llhart> coconnor: Hum Just got the same output but multiple times :/
<ThatPako> do I have to provide a hash for `fetchFromGithub`?
<srhb> ThatPako: Yes.
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<ThatPako> srhb: How would I obtain that hash?
<srhb> !tofu
<infinisil> srhb: you might have to refetch the channel on rollback, but that's okay imo
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<srhb> ThatPako: ^
<coconnor> llhart: doh. might be filtered to your user. "sudo journalctl ..."?
<ThatPako> oh, I see
<ThatPako> is fetchFromGithub documented somewhere?
<srhb> ThatPako: Nope.
<ThatPako> Damn.
<infinisil> Unfortunately
<clever> ThatPako: the main args are owner, repo, rev, sha256
<srhb> ThatPako: It's defined in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix if you want to check it out :)
<srhb> But that's probably less than helpful. You probably just want those 4 arguments and be done with it.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc opened pull request #37881 → nixpkgs docs: Use SVGs for callouts → https://git.io/vxEFv
<llhart> coconnor: Same thing :(
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<phry> can someone recommend a file browser/image previewer that works fine without kde installed? everything I try supports zero image formats. I guess missing plugins/libraries.
<krey> phry: pcmanfm is pretty good
<krey> phry: mirage for image preview
<ThatPako> what should go into the `rev` field for `fetchFromGitHub`?
<clever> ThatPako: a git revision
<phry> krey: mirage does not recognize images for me, installing pcmanfm right now
<ThatPako> clever: how do I get the most recent one? I never heard the word "revision" before :/
<clever> ThatPako: which repo are you trying to fetch?
<clever> ThatPako: click on the commits link near the top, then the msg for that top commit
<clever> ThatPako: the revision is the sha1 in the URL
<ThatPako> ohhhh, I copied that into the hash, not the rev. that's why it wasn't building. derp
<ThatPako> Thanks!
<krey> phry: that's pretty weird
<krey> phry: what do you mean "it doesn't recognize images"?
<ThatPako> Okay, now it build but the result folder is empty... Did I do something wrong? :/
<phry> krey: it just doesn't show image types in the file selection. although I now installed it via nix-env instead of `nix run` and it seems to give better results
<ThatPako> actually... looks like it needs some non-standard build steps. damn
<clever> ThatPako: can you gist the nix expression?
<ThatPako> I have to build it with cmake and ninja though
<ThatPako> so that probably is the problem
<clever> ThatPako: add buildInputs = [ cmake ninja ]; and see what happens
<ThatPako> clever: I don't have to write my own build script for that?
<clever> ThatPako: cmake includes its own configure script to automate that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jensbin opened pull request #37882 → openshift: 3.6.0 -> 3.7.2 → https://git.io/vxEbx
<ThatPako> clever: doesn't change anything, unfortunately
<clever> ThatPako: what does nix-build print when ran?
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<clever> ThatPako: it may be that it lacks an install step in the cmake file
<clever> ThatPako: you probably need a custom installPhase
<ThatPako> installPhase?
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<clever> ThatPako: use that to find the files you want, then add in a cp command to copy them to $out
<lexos> how can I list available fonts in my local NixOs machine?
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<ThatPako> clever: tried it with this but it it tells me that "cmake" can't be found :/ https://gist.github.com/f44a31bce2261632dac112d9257b8e27
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37883 → Use npth as "pth" for portability, for now only w/musl. → https://git.io/vxEND
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<clever> ThatPako: the configurePhase already ran cmake (line 15), and the buildPhase should have already ran ninja (i think)
<clever> and you would already have a build directory
<ThatPako> none of that happened though
<clever> oh
<clever> there is an s missing on buildInputs
<ThatPako> omg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #37880 → Use up-to-date versions of singletons and th-desguar for GHC 8.4.1 → https://git.io/vxES5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxExm
<{^_^}> → 5e7ab184 by @mpickering: Use up-to-date versions of singletons and th-desguar for GHC 8.4.1
<{^_^}> → 519fa222 by @peti: Merge pull request #37880 from mpickering/i-37856
<ThatPako> clever: it's trying to build now but I get `g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-stdlib=libstdc++';`
<ThatPako> any idea? I'm not really a C++ person :/
<clever> ThatPako: because you added clang to a gcc stdenv
<ThatPako> oof
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<clever> line 3 switches it to the clang stdenv
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<LnL> ThatPako: use callPackage./foo { stdenv = libcxxStdenv; }
<ThatPako> should I make it use clang though?
<clever> mostly preference i think
<clever> doesnt happen on my end
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<clever> yeah
<ThatPako> :thinking:
<ThatPako> are you just `nix-build`-ing it?
<clever> yep
<ThatPako> Guess I messed up my system somewhere then
<clever> on nixos?
<ThatPako> yep
<clever> which channel?
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<ThatPako> system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 1.11.16, channels(paul): "nixos-18.03pre130932.cc4677c36ee", channels(root): "nixos-17.09.3159.c665fcca9e7", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<ThatPako> reee, why are the channels different
<clever> you added a channel without using sudo
<clever> each user has his own set of channels
<ThatPako> I don't remember adding one though :/
<clever> ls -ltrh ~/.nix-channels
<clever> what is the mod-time on this file?
<ThatPako> 19th of March
<ThatPako> the file is empty though
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @grahamc opened pull request #197 → Copy non-standard styles from the generated docs + JS for richer docs → https://git.io/vxEp3
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<clever> run nix-channel --update as paul
<clever> does the nix-info change?
<ThatPako> nope
<clever> what does nix-channel --list say?
<ThatPako> for my user it returns nothing
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<clever> id say its just a bug in nix-info then
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37884 → nilfs-utils: apply upstream patches to fix w/musl → https://git.io/vxEpr
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<ThatPako> clever: I don't see how that explains the failing build though ;-;
<clever> try removing ninja from the inputs, i suspect something has changed with ninja, and its likely optional
<ThatPako> oof, yea. that builds
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<Lisanna> okay, it's not just some weirdness with my machine - kernel 4.14 in qemu is having "task ... blocked for more than" error messages
<Lisanna> in runInLinuxVM
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/bccc513396e (from 85 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37885 → musl-fts: setup-hook to add -lfts, use in xar and libselinux → https://git.io/vxEh4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37819 → netcat-openbsd: fix w/musl by providing b64_ntop → https://git.io/vx0tk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxEhP
<{^_^}> → 5e3e3e98 by @dtzWill: netcat-openbsd: fix w/musl by providing b64_ntop
<{^_^}> → ec10698e by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37819 from dtzWill/fix/netcat-openbsd-musl
<Lisanna> doesn't happen every time
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37883 → Use npth as "pth" for portability, for now only w/musl. → https://git.io/vxEND
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxEje
<{^_^}> → a11afa90 by @dtzWill: Use npth as "pth" for portability, for now only w/musl.
<{^_^}> → 45289b09 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37883 from dtzWill/fix/use-npth-for-pth-musl
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<ThatPako> Is there some way I can make the clangStdenv use clang 5?
<ThatPako> + how do I fix `ld` not finding `-lcurses`? I added `ncurses` to my buildInputs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37884 → nilfs-utils: apply upstream patches to fix w/musl → https://git.io/vxEpr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxEjV
<{^_^}> → da0da617 by @dtzWill: nilfs-utils: apply upstream patches to fix w/musl
<{^_^}> → 9f1c8c57 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37884 from dtzWill/fix/nilfs-utils-musl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « linux: 4.16-rc6 -> 4.16-rc7 »: https://git.io/vxEjD
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<infinisil> Haha
<infinisil> Just found some ascii art in nixpkgs' commit messages
<gchristensen> oh?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37885 → musl-fts: setup-hook to add -lfts, use in xar and libselinux → https://git.io/vxEh4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 3 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxueG
<{^_^}> → ebf04d83 by @dtzWill: musl-fts: add setup-hook to add -lfts
<{^_^}> → 73320be3 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37885 from dtzWill/fix/musl-fts
<{^_^}> → 69ca3305 by @dtzWill: xar, libselinux: use musl-fts on musl, fix
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<infinisil> gchristensen: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8f29e4edb3e and the parents of that one xD
<infinisil> By aszlig \o/
<Dezgeg> 05:39:27, timestamp checks out
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<infinisil> Hah
<johnw> with Nix 2.0, is there any way to pass "-k" to "nix build"?
<infinisil> Need to read the ascii art in reverse
<niksnut> johnw: --keep-going
<srhb> johnw: Maybe --option keep-filed true will do it?
<srhb> oh, keep-going...
<johnw> ok, nix build --help just doesn't mention it
<ThatPako> Any idea how to fix `/nix/store/klwxxrlgalq49cjnczvgha3j7l00jixw-binutils-2.28.1/bin/ld: cannot find -lcurses
<ThatPako> ?
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra merged pull request #197 → Copy non-standard style and JS DOM nodes from the generated docs for richer docs → https://git.io/vxEp3
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxueA
<{^_^}> → 64dceab3 by @grahamc: Copy non-standard styles from the generated docs + JS for richer
<{^_^}> → 4584abbc by @edolstra: Merge pull request #197 from grahamc/rich-docs
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @j0xaf opened pull request #37887 → slack: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.0 → https://git.io/vxuep
<gchristensen> :O
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<srhb> johnw: You can use --option <tab> to discover them iirc. And --option foo bar is the same as --foo=bar I think?
<srhb> That's what I've been using so far at least :)
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<johnw> oh, nice!
<srhb> I don't know if it covers everything aside from nix.conf things
<infinisil> srhb: The --foo=bar syntax works?
<srhb> infinisil: Oh, no, it's probably space
* hodapp calmly stabs systemd in the face.
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<ThatPako> please, anything regarding curses?
<srhb> ThatPako: What you did sounds right.
<srhb> ThatPako: we may need to see the rest. :)
<ThatPako> that's the full expression
<ThatPako> it'll error in the linking phase
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<iMatejC> ThatPako: havent tried it, but, maybe ncurses.dev instead of ncurses?
<ThatPako> iMatejC: something like that exists? damn. I should really learn how to search for stuf
<ThatPako> *stuff
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<Dezgeg> I guess you need to s/-lcurses/-lncurses/ in the package?
<clever> ThatPako: i also ran into that issue, the problem is that the package has just curses in its cmake file, but nixos only has ncurses
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<ThatPako> oof
<clever> target_link_libraries(emojicodec curses z m LLVMLTO....
<ThatPako> so I gotta patch that file somehow?
<ThatPako> or can I alias curses to ncurses?
<clever> you can patch it with sed in the patchPhase = '' ... '';
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<infinisil> or substituteInPlace or so
<d-fish> What's the nix way to have runnable local packages? I downloaded the intellij tar file that includes a bin, but I can't run it.
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<srhb> d-fish: If you can't build from source: Either patch the binaries or use a chrootenv
<srhb> In roughly that order of preference..
<d-fish> Is there somewhere I can read about local packages?
<srhb> As in packages you've defined locally?
<srhb> You may want to read about overlays, Chapter 11 in the nixpkgs manual.
<d-fish> I think so. I'm missing something conceptual. On ubuntu I downloaded self contained binary+folder to /opt and ran them.
<infinisil> Yeah that's not gonna work nicely in Nix
<infinisil> But you can use steam-run as a nasty workaround
<srhb> d-fish: This is relevant to the binary case: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Packaging/Binaries
<infinisil> which simulates a "standard" linux environment
<srhb> d-fish: In nix land we usually deal in expressions that are distinct from the package "artifacts"
<srhb> d-fish: Ideally you'll be able to write a nix expression that in itself is self contained and has the instructions for fetching and installing your package. Be it from source or binary.
<ThatPako> REEEE `make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.`
<ThatPako> I'm so close...
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<srhb> ThatPako: Check if the binaries are actually all cooked. If they are you probably just need to override installPhase to copy them to $out
<srhb> Otherwise you'll probably have to dig deeper into whatever the build system needs to produce a neat install :)
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<Meizikyn> In the nix-expression/Attribute-path "nixos.linuxPackages.kernel.dev", what is the proper name of the element "*.dev" in that string? Is it also considered part of the attribute or is there a specific name for that segment of the attribute path?
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<srhb> Meizikyn: The "dev" output in this case
<srhb> Meizikyn: It *is* just an attribute though
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37888 → xfsprogs: replace glibc-2.27 patch w/upstream variant → https://git.io/vxuUI
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<infinisil> Meizikyn: A nested attribute if you will
<Meizikyn> just about to ask for the docs, thanks!
<srhb> Meizikyn: It's a convention thing :) It's "just" an attribute, until you start giving meaning to those names (which we do, in this case)
<srhb> Coolies :)
<ThatPako> is it possible to "pause" a build in the buildPhase and inspect the files?
<ThatPako> *after the buildPhase
<srhb> ThatPako: You can either run it by hand with nix-shell (which is a bit cumbersome) or just --keep-failed and inject a failure where you want it
<srhb> That'll dump it to /tmp
<ThatPako> oh, I see
<ThatPako> where in /tmp can I find it afterwards?
<srhb> /tmp/nix-build-$name.drv-$attempt
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxuUN
<{^_^}> → a80856ce by @grahamc: nixpkgs docs: Use SVGs for callouts
<{^_^}> → da179745 by @grahamc: Move the overridden CSS to overrides.css which can be applied on nixos.org
<{^_^}> → 63406fa1 by @grahamc: Merge pull request #37881 from grahamc/doc/svg-callouts
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc merged pull request #37881 → nixpkgs docs: Use SVGs for callouts → https://git.io/vxEFv
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxuTm
<{^_^}> → c0c6e986 by @grahamc: nixpkgs docs: Use SVGs for callouts
<{^_^}> → a50e5538 by @grahamc: Move the overridden CSS to overrides.css which can be applied on nixos.org
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<ThatPako> just found this in a file called `install.sh` `binaries=${1:-"/usr/local/bin"}`. What should I `sed` this to?
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<ThatPako> also, can I make it install the standard packages there to?
<makefu> ThatPako: how do the lines with $binaries look like?
<srhb> ThatPako: You can't/shouldn't use either of those directories.
<ThatPako> yea
<makefu> if they look like this: $binaries/bla then you could sed away $binaries/
<makefu> and make the package work by assuming stuff is in PATH
<srhb> I don't think that's exactly what you want though. Try looking for defaultPackagesDirectory for instance
<ThatPako> okay, so... the emojicode compiler can be found at /build/Compiler/emojicodec. should I copy that file to `${out}/bin`?
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<ThatPako> still not sure where the packages should go though :/
<Xal> I'm trying to package a qt5 application and I'm getting a "contains a forbidden reference" error
<srhb> ThatPako: Probably somewhere like $out/EmojiCode
<srhb> Er, $out/EmojicodePackages
<Xal> strangely, when I build the application with qt4 it works fine
<ThatPako> is it possible to "wrap" the compiler somehow then? it has to know about this place after all
<srhb> ThatPako: It's actually compiled into the binary where it looks by default.
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<srhb> ThatPako: So you'll want to find the configuration option for that.
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<ThatPako> oh, true. gotta figure out how to change that then
<srhb> ThatPako: Look for defaultPackagesDirectory
<ThatPako> oh, yea
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to release-18.03 « haskellPackages.lenz-template: Fix against lenz 3 »: https://git.io/vxukD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to master « haskellPackages.lenz-template: Fix against lenz 3 »: https://git.io/vxukS
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<d-fish> How would I add an sddm theme?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @coreyoconnor opened pull request #37889 → qtwebengine: correct how NIX_BUILD_CORES is propagated to the gn ninja → https://git.io/vxuIL
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<ThatPako> why is `out` considered an undefined variable in `PatchPhase`?
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<coconnor> build systems all the way down
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tobimpub opened pull request #37890 → cquery: init at 2018-03-25 → https://git.io/vxuIy
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<srhb> ThatPako: It's not.
<srhb> ThatPako: It's a shell variable though, not a nix variable.
<Meizikyn> Found something odd, derivation attribute-path for "nixos.linuxPackages.kernel.dev" , "*.dev" is called an "output". looking at its meta section (in xml) it shows <meta name="outputsToInstall" type="strings">\n\t<string value="out" /> is there another way via. a cli-tool to show possible outputs of a derivation?
<LnL> ThatPako: it is, what's the problem you are running into?
<ThatPako> I tried `sed -i 's,/usr/local/EmojicodePackages,${out}/EmojicodePackages' Compiler/CL
<ThatPako> damn, it cut something off
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<srhb> Meizikyn: nix-instantiate --eval --expr 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; linuxPackages.kernel.outputs'
<ThatPako> well, it complains about `out` not being defined
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37891 → usbredir: -Wno-error → https://git.io/vxuIp
<LnL> ThatPako: ah, you can't interpolate out as a nix variable it's not known yet at that point
<ThatPako> how do I point at it then?
<ThatPako> `$out`?
<srhb> You'll have to unescape that sed command a bit
<srhb> ThatPako: It's just $out
<LnL> ThatPako: substituteInPlace Compiler/CL --replace /usr/local/EmojicodePackages "$out/EmojicodePackages"
<srhb> But in '' bash will not interpolate it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37831 → celt-0.5.1: disable tests that fail to build due to bad code → https://git.io/vx0OO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxuLL
<{^_^}> → 49726921 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37831 from dtzWill/fix/celt-0.5.1-disable-broken-tests
<{^_^}> → 3bf20021 by @dtzWill: celt-0.5.1: disable tests that fail to build due to bad code
<ThatPako> now I'm confused... substituteInPlace is a custom command provided by nix?
<ThatPako> and how would I copy some binary to `out` then?
<LnL> yeah, it's nicer than sed for non regex replacements
<srhb> ThatPako: But what you probably want to do is cmake -DdefaultPackagesDirectory=$out/EmojicodePackages
<ThatPako> srhb: can I just append that somewhere?
<srhb> ThatPako: mkdir -p $out/bin && cp file $out/bin/file
<coconnor> Meizikyn: an alternate form nix eval -f '<nixpkgs>' linuxPackages.kernel.outputs
<srhb> ThatPako: I don't think so. I don't know a lot about cmake though. I think you'll have to override configurePhase and do it yourself.
<srhb> Meizikyn: What coconner said is the nicer solution, but requires Nix 2.0 :)
<srhb> coconnor, sorry.
<Meizikyn> thanks!
<LnL> ThatPako: for makeFlags/cmakeFlags you can use "FOO=$(out)"
<srhb> LnL: Nice, thanks :)
<srhb> cmake is just voodoo to me.
<srhb> I should read up on it.
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<LnL> there's an example in the manual https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#build-phase
<infinisil> srhb: I never want to have anything to do with something like cmake
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<srhb> infinisil: Understandable. Somehow some people think it's a good idea to package things with it.
<ThatPako> LnL: I can set cmake flags without having having to write my configurePhase manually?
<infinisil> srhb: I'd rather enjoy a cargo build or cabal build
<ThatPako> cargo is great
<srhb> ++
<LnL> ThatPako: yep, cmakeFlags = [ "-DCMAKE_FOO=bar" ];
<ThatPako> ohh
<srhb> LnL: Will bash interpret bar though?
<LnL> no it's quoted
<srhb> Welp.
<LnL> but $(out) is make syntax not bash
<coconnor> I still haven't found the nix 2.0 equivalent for dry-run
<srhb> LnL: come again?
<ThatPako> do I have to mkdir `$out` too?
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<srhb> coconnor: --dry-run ?
<srhb> Hmm, no, not quite the same.
<srhb> ThatPako: In essense, you have to do everything in order to populate $out. Normally, the build system will have some sort of install command that, when fed a prefix, does all that for you.
<srhb> ThatPako: That does not appear to be the case here.
<srhb> ThatPako: So it's your job. :)
<LnL> srhb: hmm?
<srhb> LnL: I didn't understand $(out) is make syntax not bash
<ThatPako> I tried it with cmakeFlags but how do I get my `out` in there?
<LnL> it gets executed as make 'FOO=$(out)'
<LnL> make interprets the out not bash
<coconnor> srhb: ... oh
<coconnor> hahaha
<coconnor> excellent!
<srhb> ThatPako: That was why I asked about the quoting there.
<ThatPako> about what quoting?
<srhb> In cmakeFlags
<srhb> Because I was unsure how to feed cmake $out
<ThatPako> I still don't understand it :/
<srhb> Which I think is what LnL is explaining, and I don't understand it either :)
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<LnL> :/
<ThatPako> so it should be `cmakeFlags = [ "-DdefaultPackagesDirectory=$(out)" ];`?
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<LnL> yes, that should work
<srhb> Aha!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37892 → virglrenderer: fix missing include → https://git.io/vxutO
<LnL> but just $out or ''${out} wouldn't
<infinisil> Whoa, I just found the best systemd manpage of them all
<infinisil> man systemd.directives
<infinisil> Because it shows you in which man pages you can find stuff
<infinisil> Like an index
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<srhb> Section 7 is glorious in general!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @leenaars opened pull request #37893 → panopticon: init -> 0.16.0 → https://git.io/vxutd
<pmade> Are there instructions some where for upgrading Nix to 2.0 from an existing install? I have a friend on
<pmade> ...Unbuntu who can't figure it out and I can't find any info.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @the-kenny pushed to release-18.03 « erlang: Fix order of commands in `postPach` and `postInstall` phases. »: https://git.io/vxuqn
<pmade> Oh, never mind. I guess he figured it out.
<ThatPako> is it bad that running nix-build is giving me a bunch of `wrong ELF type` messages?
<srhb> No, it's fine. It's basically running some defaults on eeevery file that are noops if they're not ELFs
<ThatPako> oh, okay
<ThatPako> hm... looks like it didn't compile correctly. It can't find the std package
<kerrhau> is there any reason why I can't install the soulseekqt package? I'm on nix 2.0 & on the unstable channel
<kerrhau> also hi pako
<ThatPako> hai
<srhb> kerrhau: What's the problem?
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<srhb> ThatPako: What do you have so far?
<kerrhau> `nix-env -i soulseekqt` doesn't do anything (as far as I can see, there's no output)
<ThatPako> srhb: the compiler and packages are copied to `out`. I assume the cmake flag is not doing what it should do
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<kerrhau> actually nevermind, now it's saying that soulseekqt matches no derivations
<srhb> kerrhau: nix-env -iA soulseekqt ?
<kerrhau> `error: attribute 'soulseekqt' in selection path 'soulseekqt' not found`
<kerrhau> nix-env -iA nixos.soulseekqt has no output
<srhb> kerrhau: Is this a recent nixos-unstable?
<srhb> kerrhau: It was added on Mar 6
<kerrhau> yeah
<srhb> kerrhau: nix-info please
<kerrhau> updated about an hour ago
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<srhb> kerrhau: Embarrasingly I can't read from that whether you actually have a channel named nixos which is the one you should be using
<tobiasBora> Hello,
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #37894 → grub2: extend platforms to include all linux → https://git.io/vxuYs
<srhb> kerrhau: The only other thing I can think of is forgetting to allowUnfree in your nixpkgs config, but people always look at me like I'm superstitious when I claim that the error message isn't always clear on that :-)
<tobiasBora> I'd like to know, why when I install nix using a tarball made by nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-system-tarball.nix, nix is not in the user profile?
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<kerrhau> srhb: I do have allowUnfree set
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<MichaelRaskin> I think the gotacha about allowUnfree is when you _don't_ get any error message.
<srhb> Ah, right.
<kerrhau> now I'm getting `warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping '/home/blob/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixpkgs'`
<srhb> nix-channel --list might be helpful
<srhb> And probably getting rid of any user channels
<kerrhau> ah
<kerrhau> should I only have channels on the root user?
<srhb> That's usually the least confusing way.
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<kerrhau> srhb: here's the output of nix-channel --list as root: http://dpaste.com/0NZHJYQ
<pie_> how do you get libstdc++ again? :/
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<pie_> i mean which package is it in
<d-fish> I'm confused on how to change my sddm theme in nixos. In /run/current-system/sw/share/sddm/ I see symlinks to nix store packages, and I've got a theme in my home-folder I want to use a theme
<srhb> kerrhau: well, after sudo nix-channel --update, either of nixpkgs.soulseekqt or nixos.soulseekqt ought to work. :/
<srhb> kerrhau: Assuming no other channels are shadowing them somehow.
<pie_> d-fish, maybe sddm has an environment variable you can set or a dotfile or something
<srhb> kerrhau: I'd get rid of them aaaaall, but I also find channels very confusing.
<pie_> nevermind "# libsdtc++.so.6 is `special`, it resides in stdenv.cc.cc.lib (see other packages)"
<ThatPako> btw, how would I write a function allowing me to build stuff with emojicode next? I have to pass all the packages it depends on to the compiler after all
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<Myrl-saki> How long does `download-from-binary-cache.pl --query` run for?
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<kerrhau> srhb: `error: selector 'nixpkgs.soulseekqt' matches no derivations`
<kerrhau> same for nixos
<kerrhau> -iA just returns no output
<Myrl-saki> Or is there supposed to be some instructions for updating from 17.09 to 18.03?
<kerrhau> and I have `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;`
<ThatPako> Any idea why I'm getting `sh: c++: command not found` when compiling emojicode code?
<Myrl-saki> Also... warning: unknown setting 'signed-binary-caches' │
<srhb> kerrhau: Wait, where do you have that config?
<ottidmes> kerrhau: That option only tells nixos to allow unfree packages, not nix-env and others
<srhb> Yeah, exactly.
<kerrhau> ah
<LnL> Myrl-saki: that should be a one time warning
<srhb> kerrhau: You want ~/.config/nix/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix: pkgs: { allowUnfree = true; }
<kerrhau> which is probably why adding soulseekqt to my environment.systemPackages worked
<srhb> Yep.
<Myrl-saki> Mkay.
<srhb> kerrhau: Wild goose chases! Fun! :-)
<kerrhau> yeah
<Myrl-saki> It's taking pretty long to go from installing Nix to installing the packages..
<Myrl-saki> 30 seconds have passed.
<Myrl-saki> `git fetch --all; git checkout origin/nixos-18.03`
<Myrl-saki> Where origin is nixpkgs-channel
<Myrl-saki> It seems to be stuck at `download-from-binary-cache.pl --query`
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: You can safely ignore the warning about signed-binary-caches being unknown
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Were you already using Nix 2.x?
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Nope.
<ThatPako> `propagatedBuildInputs` are depenencies needed at runtime, right?
<infinisil> ThatPako: Nah, it's complicated and i don't fully understand it either
<ThatPako> is there any way I can define runtime dependencies then?
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: The problems are caused by the conversion from Nix 1.11 to 2.0
<infinisil> ThatPako: If you need runtime dependencies you probably want to wrap the executables with a different PATH or patch them
<ThatPako> because the compiler won't work without a linker avaiable
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: I think you will have to revert back to your 17.09 checkout you had. Update only nix.package = pkgs.nixStable2;
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: "The problems" being "nixos-18.03 not installing" or "signed-binary-caches"?
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Do a reboot, or at least make sure that nix-daemon is restarted properly and reports being version 2
<infinisil> ThatPako: Best thing to do would be to patch it, so that the source uses `${pkgs.whatever}/bin/ldd` instead of `ldd`
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: The former, signed-binary-caches come from it being removed from nix 2.0, but the new alternative, require-sigs, is true by default
<Myrl-saki> offlinehacker[m]: Should I use hte script provided in the NixOS site?
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Or do the `nix.package` one.
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: And only when you have version 2.0 running of Nix, would I try to update to 18.03
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Definitely the nix.package
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37894 → grub2: extend platforms to include all linux → https://git.io/vxuYs
<{^_^}> → e7890021 by @dtzWill: grub2: extend platforms to include all linux
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxuGc
<{^_^}> → 6579e204 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37894 from dtzWill/fix/grub2-linux
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Mkay.
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: If you meant the alternative was to install nix 2.0 via your nix-env, that will give you even more troubles
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Oh god. Apparently I misread macOS as NixOS.
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: You mean on the site? To be clear, I have been talking about NixOS the whole time :P
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/883b7c54d82 (from 76 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<ThatPako> what package is ldd hidden in?
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Yeah, I read `The quickest way to install it on Linux and *macOS* is to run the following in a shell (as a user other than root):`
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: As `... NixOS ...`
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Did you already do that, because you will first need to undo that, or else you run into troubles later (I've seen a few reports)
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<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Luckily not.
<Myrl-saki> Well, I C-c'd it.
<Myrl-saki> myrl@myrl:/e/nixo/nixpkgs[heads/nixos-18.03]$ which nix │
<Myrl-saki> /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix
<Myrl-saki> I think I'm safe.
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: yep, but I see you have nix already, which means you already have Nix 2.0
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: What's nixos-rebuild switch in the new nix wrapper?
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<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Yeah, I did the change you said.
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Ah ok
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37888 → xfsprogs: replace glibc-2.27 patch w/upstream variant → https://git.io/vxuUI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxuGH
<{^_^}> → 06e093c2 by @dtzWill: xfsprogs: replace glibc-2.27 patch w/upstream variant
<{^_^}> → 332c90b3 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37888 from dtzWill/fix/xfsprogs-use-upstream-patch
<Myrl-saki> Is `nixos-rebuild switch` the same?
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<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Still nixos-rebuild switch
<Myrl-saki> Kk.
<Myrl-saki> `error: attribute 'nixStable2' missing, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:301:17 │
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: nix = Nix 2.0 API (not feature complete to Nix 1.11)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #37891 → usbredir: -Wno-error → https://git.io/vxuIp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxuGh
<{^_^}> → 23ace056 by @dtzWill: usbredir: -Wno-error
<{^_^}> → 69cdf22a by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #37891 from dtzWill/fix/usbredir-werror
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: In 18.03 it just is pkgs.nix, so you can remove the line all together, I think
<Myrl-saki> Mkay. Thanks.
* Myrl-saki crosses fingers
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Oh cool, it seems to be working. Thanks! :)
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Awesome! :)
<ottidmes> ThatPako: It should be in glibc
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Thanks so much! Also, that's some interesting... impurity.
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<obadz> ryantm: no problem! keep up the good work on making nixos superfresh!
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<ThatPako> damn, where do I found libm?
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Yeah, I guess the fix would probably be restarting nix-daemon during nixos-rebuild when going from Nix 1.11 to 2.0
<ottidmes> ThatPako: Install nix-index/nix-locate, that should answer these kind of questions
<ottidmes> ThatPako: think so, have not used it myself to be honest
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: libm should be part of glibc...
<ThatPako> bennofs[m]: where sould I add glibc though?
<Myrl-saki> copying path '/nix/store/w9fpn2ggscfg4m9l6b2bw3741j30ga0d-glibc-2.26-131' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'... │
<ThatPako> do I add it as buildInput?
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: can you share the nix expression that causes this error?
<Myrl-saki> Interestingly different message now.
<bennofs[m]> usually you should not need to add glibc
<ThatPako> it's not directly caused by a nix expression
<bennofs[m]> it comes with gcc per default
<Myrl-saki> Is there still a way to see the `curl` progress bar? Or for Nix2 to show a progress bar beside the `copying path`?
<Myrl-saki> Something like copying path '/nix/store/w9fpn2ggscfg4m9l6b2bw3741j30ga0d-glibc-2.26-131' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'... (0/5.0MiB)
<ThatPako> after building and trying to compile some example emojicode stuff I get linker errors
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: is this on linux or mac?
<ThatPako> linux, NixOS
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Not sure, but if you want to read more about what changed, like how binary caches are now unified with the concept of substituters, you can read about it here: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-relnotes-2.0
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Thanks!
<Mic92> nixpkgs ist always a great execuse to test new software
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: oh, how are you trying to compile examples?
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<bennofs[m]> compiling software outside of a nix-shell on NixOS usually does not work well
<ThatPako> `./result/bin/emojicodec test.emojic` where `test.emojic` is https://gist.github.com/MagnificentPako/10c7dbc77570ed7b6db95451c3ff18c9
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<Myrl-saki> Finally! Being able to rollback build logs!
<Myrl-saki> If I understand correctly, I can why-depends my configuration.nix to a certain package?
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<ThatPako> bennofs[m]: so instead of directly using the compiler I should write a different nix expression which builds my stuff?
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: hmm... try `nix-shell -p clangStdenv --pure --command '-/result/bin/emojicodec test.emojic'`
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<ThatPako> bennofs[m]: getting the same linking errors
<Myrl-saki> Wait wtf. How does configuration.nix work?
<Myrl-saki> Is there a .drv for it?
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<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: ok. what if you do nix-shell -p clangStdenv glibc --pure --command '-/result/bin/emojicodec test.emojic'` (added glibc). if that doesn't work then I don't know, sorry
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Well, building your configuration.nix results in a system deriviation, you could see that as the .drv of the configuration.nix
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<ThatPako> bennofs[m]: downloaded glibc, then I got the same linking stuff
<ThatPako> damn
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<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: How do I get that drv?
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: I want to use the why-depends to know what's making my the download so large.
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait. Found it. It's at the bottommost.
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: alright, so I checked /nix/store/klwxxrlgalq49cjnczvgha3j7l00jixw-binutils-2.28.1/bin/ld and it appears to be the real ld. Usually, in Nix builds, ld is a wrapper script that takes extra options from `NIX_LDFLAGS`, and those options include additional linker search paths for all the dependencies specified by buildInputs / nix-shell arguments
<Myrl-saki> Holy wow. This UI looks cool. `[4/305 built, 4/6/163 copied (4.4/3323.3 MiB), 2.2/523.7 MiB DL]`
<bennofs[m]> so you might want to find out why it is using the wrong ld, and if you can get emojicodec to use the wrapper script for its linking
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<Myrl-saki> Though, nix-depends seems to require the out files to be downloaded.
<Myrl-saki> nix why-dpeends*
<Myrl-saki> When I'm exactly trying to use it to decrease my download times.
<ThatPako> bennofs[m]: where's the wrapped ld?
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: Yeah, it will need to download additional metadata
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #37895 → Enable gambit/gerbil on darwin → https://git.io/vxuC0
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Does command-not-found for `git clone`'d nixpkgs now?
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: I have not actualy used it before, but it is the same idea behind when you want to use nix-diff and you need to get a hold unto the .drv file, while you normally just download the result paths
<bennofs[m]> ThatPako: nix-store -q --references $(nix-build --no-out-link -A clangStdenv '<nixpkgs>') | grep clang should give you the path to the clang-wrapper and that has a wrapped ld in its bin directory
<ThatPako> ohhh, ld is part of clang
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<bennofs[m]> or, simpler: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A clangStdenv.cc
<bennofs[m]> no, not really. its a symlink to a binutils-wrapper package :D
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: That would be part of 18.03, not Nix 2.0, right? I am still on 17.09 with Nix 2.0, so no idea
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Ah, okay, thanks.
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<catern> why do the foolish writers of language package managers never just do things the hard way, and admit that you need a system-integrator between package creators and package consumers
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxuWm
<{^_^}> → adaa9d93 by @LnL7: Merge pull request #37637 from alexvorobiev/alexvorobiev-xpdf-darwin
<{^_^}> → 8c7883c0 by @alexvorobiev: Update default.nix
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #37637 → xpdf: Don't try to wrap xpdf binary on Darwin if it wasn't requested (enableGUI = false) → https://git.io/vxlid
<ThatPako> Is this something I should blame on me using Nix(os) wrongly or emojicode? https://gist.github.com/MagnificentPako/dfcf70c2917162adca26c94b60291fb6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed commit from @alexvorobiev to release-18.03 « Update default.nix »: https://git.io/vxuWc
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<dtz> Ooooo
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<ottidmes> ThatPako: I might be completely off mark, but are you sure its a 64 build, I had a similiar error when building grub4dos and it was because I had to use: grub4dos = callPackage ./grub4dos { stdenv = stdenv_32bit; }; i.e. supply it with the 32bit stdenv
<hodapp> blugh, is 'nix-shell -p python36Packages.mxnet' failing on nixpkgs master for anybody else?
<ThatPako> ottidmes: I had all of this work on Arch Linux before so I doubt it's a problem with the architecture. Thanks for pointing that out though
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<hodapp> ah, I guess "nix-shell -p liblapack" shows it too
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @davidak opened pull request #37896 → pantheon-terminal: fixes #10171 Using the 'memory' GSettings backend → https://git.io/vxu83
<jrolfs> query kellen
<jrolfs> oops, sorry, please ignore :F
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/47205202e3e (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<fresheyeball> clever: so I added libsass to extra-libraries
<fresheyeball> but it still wont link
<fresheyeball> I also tried adding pkgs.libsass and pkgs.sassc to the executableHaskellDepends
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<Myrl-saki> Does `nix copy` have an equivalent of `--include-outputs`?
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<nineteeneightd> Has anyone had any success running nixos under Hyperkit on Mac OS X?
<nineteeneightd> Hyperkit: https://github.com/moby/hyperkit
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<nineteeneightd> With the latest minimal ISO, I can get to the end of Stage 1, but it fails trying to exec Stage 2 init.
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<Myrl-saki> I get an OOME with `nix copy`... wow?
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<clever> Myrl-saki: it keeps the entire storepath its copying as a std::string
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<infinisil> Ew
<Dezgeg> nix master has some improvements on that, I think
<infinisil> Ah
<infinisil> clever: Wait you're saying it keeps the store*path* as a string? what's bad about that?
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<clever> infinisil: that includes every file within the path
<infinisil> Ah, so a single string for everything in $(find $out)?
<clever> for the contents of everything
<clever> after serializing it into a NAR
<infinisil> Oh.. okay yeah that's ugly
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<nineteeneightd> If anyone sees anything obvious or can point me in the right direction regarding the boot process failing to pass Stage 1, I'd greatly appreciate it. Here's the log: https://gist.github.com/198d/fb566ad7485343f5111567033771aa93
<Dezgeg> why are the boot args like that?
<nineteeneightd> I'm attempting to run NixOS under hyperkit (xhyve).
<clever> nineteeneightd: was the iso modified in any way?