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<tobiasBora> I would like to try to compile a program sandboxed
<tobiasBora> so I tried to put build-use-sandbox = true; in my config file
<tobiasBora> however, when I run "nix-build -A ...." it finish instantly because it does not rebuild it again and again
<tobiasBora> any option to "forget" the last build and rebuild it?
<clever> tobiasBora: nix-store --query --roots and nix-store --delete
<tobiasBora> clever: I don't need to specify which package I want to clear?
<tobiasBora> (I tried to run both commands, it removed some stuff, but not the one linked with my package...)
<clever> you do
<tobiasBora> clever: not sure to follow you
<clever> run nix-store --delete /nix/store/hash-name
<tobiasBora> oh ok, thank you.
<tobiasBora> and what is --query --roots for ?
<clever> to find out why it wont let you delete things
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<tobiasBora> ok thank you
<tobiasBora> and can I, somehow, make sure that the build was made using sandboxing?
<tobiasBora> hum... I tried to run: nix-build --option build-use-sandbox true -A nodePackages.imapnotify
<tobiasBora> and I got the error: error: cannot change ownership of ‘/nix/store/3807lwcd3pr49ni712vmqp35h28m3zc0-node-imapnotify-0.4.1.drv.chroot’: Operation not permitted
<tobiasBora> should I run this command as root?
<infinisil> I have a feeling your linux doesn't support the thing sandoxing needs to work
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<infinisil> tobiasBora: Or just try with root yeah
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<tobiasBora> infinisil: I'm using debian, and it does not have namespace available indeed
<tobiasBora> error: the group ‘nixbld’ specified in ‘build-users-group’ does not exist
<tobiasBora> I guess I should create it?
<tobiasBora> infinisil: and I'm a bit afraid that running it as root would corrupt my /nix folder
<tobiasBora> is it possible?
<gchristensen> afaik you can't use sandboxing without the nix-daemon, and you need a multi-user nix install for the daemonb
<infinisil> tobiasBora: Nah no worries
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<tobiasBora> gchristensen: I don't have any of these...
<infinisil> gchristensen: Since you seem to be messing with the nix installer, is it possible to just rerun it with multi-user enabled?
<infinisil> Is multi user even an option??
<gchristensen> tobiasBora: it isn't ready now, but maybe you would like to test the nix-daemon/multi-user installer when it is ready?
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<gchristensen> (for context, I wrote the multi-user installer for macOS and have commit access on the nix repo. I'm not a stranger :))
<tobiasBora> gchristensen: sure, just let me know ;)
<gchristensen> OK, you will have to rm -rf /nix/store when it is ready. the good news about Nix is Nix makes that less scary.
<infinisil> gchristensen: Do you have the code online already?
<tobiasBora> (I'm always on this channel, so you can query me an any time)
<gchristensen> https://github.com/grahamc/nix/pull/1 <- it says centos7 but should work for any systemd system, I just haven't tested it yet.
<gchristensen> tobiasBora: can you comment on that PR ^ so I remember to ping you?
<tobiasBora> gchristensen: ahah maybe I'll move it instead to make sure ;)
<tobiasBora> done
<tobiasBora> What is nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review wip"
<tobiasBora> supposed to do?
<tobiasBora> it looks like a magic command, and I don't understand it
<tobiasBora> oh I think I need to run it before commiting it...
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<tobiasBora> any solution when I already committed it?
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<tobiasBora> by targetting HEAD^ for example
<infinisil> Haha not sure if that still works, but it's a fully automatic way to test all dependent packages of your changes of your current git nixpkgs clone
<infinisil> so you can see if any of them break with what you changed
<infinisil> I tried to use it a couple times but it never worked iirc
<infinisil> Can also be used for PR's
<infinisil> tobiasBora: What do you mean a solution before committing it? What are you trying to do?
<infinisil> Am confused
<tobiasBora> infinisil: I'm reading the checkbox list to do the pull request, and I can read : Tested compilation of all pkgs that depend on this change using `nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review wip"`
<tobiasBora> but I think I found the solution:
<tobiasBora> --against master^'.
<infinisil> Ah yeah, nice if it works, never used it
<tobiasBora> ahah I was afraid that I needed to check every single box to be accepted
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<clever> i just use it as a guideline and delete the checkboxes that dont count
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tobiasBora opened pull request #38025 → Add the imapnotify software → https://git.io/vxVkI
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/0e6ee9d2d81 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<infinisil> tobiasBora: looks good :)
<tobiasBora> clever: if I let the checkboxes, will it block the PR?
<infinisil> tobiasBora: Nah
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<infinisil> There's no automation behind them
<tobiasBora> ok good to know. Then first PR on nixpkg, I can now go to sleep ;-)
<tobiasBora> Thank you everyone for your help!
<infinisil> Note that it might take a while for it to get merged
<infinisil> nixpkgs is currently getting overwhelmed with PR's..
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<tobiasBora> Ok. I guess that it's not easy to maintain such a big infrastructure
<tobiasBora> who is this grahamcofborg ?
<tobiasBora> it automatically does the checks?
<gchristensen> grahamcofborg is my robotic alter-ego
<gchristensen> infinisil: overwhelmed despite merging 1,600prs in the last 30d...
<tobiasBora> nice to meet both of you then
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<infinisil> we should stop counting ryantm 's PR's
<shlevy> infinisil: Why?
<tobiasBora> whoa quite a lot...
<tobiasBora> ouf, grahamcofborg was happy with me
<infinisil> shlevy: I don't know, it's the first time a bot automatically opens PR's, doesn't feel right to compare this to previous PR numbers
<infinisil> Although of the 800 open PR's "only" about 100 are from ryantm
<shlevy> :D
<shlevy> Well, they do the work of a real PR IMO
<infinisil> More or less..
<gchristensen> I wish people who merged PRs were rewarded too :(
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<shlevy> gchristensen: Lately github has been crediting other people with my merges :O
<gchristensen> O.o
<shlevy> But we can look at merge commits
<Hackapepper> Hello everyone! Here I am again trying to get nix to work on a machine without root (can only write on "/home/nao/"). I compiled it from source in my last try with "./configure --prefix=/home/nao/nix_build --with-store-dir=/home/nao/nix/store" and when I tried to execute nix-channel first thing... it tried to write in /nix
<shlevy> Yeah, I think what's happening is I'll merge right after someone else and because nixpkgs is huge it gets confused
<Olgierd> hi, it seems nix does not pick up my overriding of neovim
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Hi!
<Olgierd> i have environment.systemPackagaes = [ (pkgs.neovim.overrideAttrs (old: { … src = { … } } ) ];
<infinisil> Hackapepper: You remember those env vars you used when you first compiled it? I think you might need to set those in your environment
<Hackapepper> Hey infinisil. I'm compiling in a Ubuntu 16.04 32bits with a user called nao, just to have "the same paths" than wherever I want to deploy it, and the same 32bits
<Olgierd> but it only changes the derivation name (i have name and version there too) and not the source from which it builds
<gillmanash> Hackapepper: Do you have a working Nix on another system?
<Hackapepper> infinisil: so I should set those vars, before .configure & make?
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<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: if you are lucky (i.e not on debian) you may have the mount user namespace enabled. Then you don't even need to recompile everything, you can just use nix-user-chroot to fake the /nix, and it's supposed to be as efficient as with a real /nix
<infinisil> Hackapepper: Nah just in your user environment, so that nix-channel sees them, because otherwise nix doesn't know that it should look for the store in a different location (maybe)
<Hackapepper> I have a working nix in my current ubuntu 16 32bits (I do move it from /nix to /nix_old when I try to do anything so I dont get noise)
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<gillmanash> Hackapepper: I have a similar problem where I wanted separate nix store. I found it easiest to use an existing Nix to bootstrap
<infinisil> Hackapepper: So just run `export NIX_blablabla=/home/nao/...` (the thing you used for your initial compile), before running nix-channel
<Hackapepper> infinisil: what do you want me try? again the first script? we already know that doesnt work
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<elvishjerricco> why is nixpkgs currently getting overwhelmed with prs?
<Hackapepper> ah, before running nix-channel, just that
<infinisil> Hackapepper: It does not? I thought you were able to finish the build?
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: clever gave me this a few weeks ago: X=me NIX_REMOTE=local?root=/home/clever/rootfs/ NIX_CONF_DIR=/home/$X/etc/nix NIX_LOG_DIR=/home/$X/nix/var/log/nix NIX_STORE=/home/$X/nix/store NIX_STATE_DIR=/home/$X/nix/var nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; nix.override { storeDir = "/home/'$X'/nix/store";stateDir = "/home/'$X'/nix/var"; confDir = "/home/'$X'/etc"; }'
<gchristensen> elvishjerricco: well there was that night ryan opened 400 PRs
<elvishjerricco> lolwut
<elvishjerricco> how did he have that many in one night?
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: https://github.com/ryantm/nix-update
<gillmanash> Hackapepper: +1 for what tobiasBora said
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: clever also was helping me the other day, that didn't work with my system unfortunately. I don't even know why it wasnt working. It's the 8th time I try to compile/do something to get this to work with all your help
<Hackapepper> https://gist.github.com/awesomebytes/d1b998a32f3159b04764a6342d074cd4 this was my version of clever's script
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: do you really want to compile, or you just want a working nix? If it's the later, did you tried nix-user-chroot? It's really efficient, and you won't need to recompile all the programs later
<infinisil> Hackapepper: So what didn't work?
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I just want a working nix... I can copy paste in my rootless system that only can write in "/home/nao/*"
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: Wow that's incredible
<Hackapepper> infinisil: I don't remember and the chat log is lost cause we had a power failure lol
<infinisil> tobiasBora: and he can't use user-chroot or user namespaces on the destination system
<lostman> hey folks. trying to disable building docs and running tests in nix. any ideas how to do that?
<infinisil> Hackapepper: ... well then i can't help much, compiling nix with a different store is what you need to do
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: no mount, no sudo, no chroot, no proot, no writable permission anywhere else than "/home/nao"
<gchristensen> elvishjerricco: indeeed :)
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: ok. There is also another way to avoid recompilation, which is proot, but it's more or less efficient, and sometime a bit buggy, but pretty good else
<tobiasBora> ok
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: proot needds moount
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: no
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: mount*, mount needs sudo
<infinisil> lostman: what are you running? what's your command and/or nix file?
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: proot fake everything, but yes, mount needs sudo. What is your system?
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: and proot does not need mount
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: it's a robot with a custom Gentoo, 8 years old, 32 bits
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: ahah ok, so no usernamespace ^^
<lostman> infinisil: derivation for a haskell package I'm working on that installs a bunch of other haskell packages. but it builds haddocks for those which I don't want or need and it runs tests suites which makes it take forever. just want to disable all that for a quick build
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: but if you want to use proot as non root, it's trivial, just download this https://github.com/proot-me/proot-static-build for your 32 bit arch
<lostman> there's cabalNoTest but can't figure out how to use it
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: the "development system" is a very old VM with kernel 2.6, the real robot has a kernel 4.0, if it matters
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<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: and then run "./proot-x86 -b /home/you/nix:/nix bash". If my memory is not completely broken, you then have a shell the can write in /nix, so you can then call the classic installer...
<infinisil> I tried to use proot before but it failed horribly, couldn't get anything to work for the full hour that i tried..
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: Im downloading that static build of proot, but im pretty sure it wont work
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<gchristensen> people here might find interesting things in this thread about how to positively evangelize your favorite purely functional technology https://discourse.elm-lang.org/t/how-we-talk-about-other-languages/972/5
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: you can always try, it's not perfect, a bit slow, and sometimes crash with no reason, but if may be enough, at least for bootstraping your tools
<lostman> @infinisil how do I use that? how do I tell nix to disable tests/docs not only for any specific package, but for all packages?
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<infinisil> lostman: Are the dependencies not cached? You generally don't need to actually build all dependencies if you're using the default version
<infinisil> lostman: No idea how to nicely do that for all dependencies I'm afraid
<lostman> @infinisil they're cached once they're built but I'd like quick builds from scratch; just avoid stuff I don't need
<tobiasBora> cd /tmp/ && wget https://github.com/proot-me/proot-static-build/raw/master/static/proot-x86_64 && chmod +x proot-x86_64 && PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 ./proot-x86_64 -b /home/me/:/nix /bin/bash
<lostman> @infinisil for example, if I compile haskell project with stack it only builds dependencies, it doesn't run test suites
<infinisil> lostman: Well if you've built them once you can just copy the builds easily from one system to another so no building at all required
<lostman> @infinisil yeah but that's now what I'm after. I want to disable tests and haddocks :)
<infinisil> I guess you could just change nixpkgs directly which would work, but it's ugly
<tobiasBora> lostman: I think I asked the question before and people told me it wasn't really possible
<infinisil> I fell like it should be possible by overriding haskell's callPackage, no idea how to do that though
* infinisil goes to bed
<tobiasBora> I need to go to bed, see you!
<elvishjerricco> lostman: So you just want to disable tests and haddocks for all package?
<lostman> elvishjerricco: yeah
<elvishjerricco> lostman: You can modify `mkDerivation` to default to `doHaddock = false` / `doCheck = false`
<elvishjerricco> But that will mean that none of your dependencies can be retrieved from the binary cache at cache.nixos.org since they'll all be different derivations
<lostman> @elvishjerricco where do I put this? I'm fairly new to nix
<lostman> @elvishjerricco I already have some overrides that preclude using cache. will set up my own cache later
<tobiasBora> but Hackapepper I'm curious to here if it works on your system, so let me know. And for the compilation issue I'm not a professional at all, but if you give more explaination on the problem, I'm sure that people should be able to solve the problem. And also, you may want to give a look to this script (not really finished, but it's more or less usable on 64 bits machine) that basically download alpine, use
<elvishjerricco> lostman: Basically, just replace your use of `haskellPackages` with that expression.
<tobiasBora> proot to fake a chroot in the alpine folder (I wanted to avoid the need of any tool on the desktop client), then install all the deps, and compile nix.
<elvishjerricco> lostman: Obviously let-binding it is convenient ;)
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<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I've been distracted by work, so I couldnt give a proper try to proot yet, I've left in the Ubuntu 16.04 32b my script based on Clever's running, see if that ends in something useful for another day (it will take a couple of hours of running)
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: Ok. By the way, if you want a quick solution, you can directly copy paste this on the 32 bits machine: "cd /tmp/ && wget https://github.com/proot-me/proot-static-build/raw/master/static/proot-x86_64 && chmod +x"
<tobiasBora> proot-x86_64 && PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 ./proot-x86_64 -b /home/me/:/nix /bin/bash
<tobiasBora> oops
<tobiasBora> this is better:
<tobiasBora> cd /tmp/ && wget https://github.com/proot-me/proot-static-build/raw/master/static/proot-x86 && chmod +x proot-x86 && PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 ./proot-x86 -b /home/me/:/nix /bin/bash
<lostman> @elvishjerricco so something like "let haskellPackages = ... in { ... }"
<tobiasBora> (of course change the /home/me into your home folder)
<Hackapepper> oh well, that didn't get far, /bin/sh: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
<Hackapepper> fantastic lol
<tobiasBora> ahah
<Hackapepper> That's my compilation using clever's script, not your last command
<elvishjerricco> lostman: Yea that should work. Be careful of the name scoping though. For instance: `with pkgs; let haskellPackages = haskellPackages.extend (...); in ...` will loop, as the `let` bound `haskellPackages` is recursively visible to its right hand side
<tobiasBora> ok
<tobiasBora> it looks like you are using the wrong architecture
<clever> proot might be forcing 32bit only, and your /bin/sh is 64bit
<Hackapepper> im on a ubuntu 16 32bit compiling the i686 nix stuff
<clever> ah
<Hackapepper> I havent tried proot yet
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: by the way, I think that NIX_REMOTE requires root
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: Damn
<tobiasBora> so you can just remove it and make sure that the folder exists
<tobiasBora> (well not root actually, but user mount namespace if my memory is good)
<Hackapepper> So there is no way to use nix without root or what? I'd think this would be a SUPER useful use-case for any server you dont have permissions
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: wait I don't understand
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I'm just getting frustrated with all these trials on getting nix to run without trying to access anything out of /home/user
<Hackapepper> and the errors keep getting weirder and weirder
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: for now can you first try the proot stuff?
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I need further clarification, in what system do you want me to run that? In the ubuntu 16 32bits that has a working nix installation? (which is at /nix)
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: and also if you have a computer with nix, you can use it to build nix using something like that https://gist.github.com/boomshroom/c9611e2502b83ba3515dbe58f664b6af
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: no, on the server with no root access
<tobiasBora> you don't need any other computer with proot
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: That script, and modifications provided by gentle folks in this channel, were build tries #3,4,5,6 & 7, they all failed
<tobiasBora> ok, so first let's see proot
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<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: ok I'll run: cd /tmp/ && wget https://github.com/proot-me/proot-static-build/raw/master/static/proot-x86 && chmod +x proot-x86 && PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 ./proot-x86 -b /home/me/:/nix /bin/bash
<tobiasBora> change /home/me to an existing folder
<tobiasBora> like "mkdir /home/$USER/nix" and then replace /home/me with /home/$USER/nix
<tobiasBora> if everything goes well, you should just get a bash prompt as usual
<tobiasBora> BUT this time you will be able to do "ls /nix"
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I'm in the shell in: PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 ./proot-x86 -b /home/nao/nix:/nix /bin/bash and YES I can do ls /nix
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: should I try to use the nix install script?
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: ok great
<tobiasBora> yes
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<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: (running)
<tobiasBora> ok good
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #38028 → WIP frescobaldi: fix build → https://git.io/vxVLi
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: FATAL: kernel too old
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: it's an error from nix I guess
<Hackapepper> yup
<tobiasBora> you are on 2.6?
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: the VM "for development" for the robot is in 2.6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tomberek opened pull request #38029 → uhd: -> → https://git.io/vxVLS
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I'm trying on a real robot, which has 4.0.4
<tobiasBora> ok
<Hackapepper> the crappy company won't provide a newer development VM :)
<tobiasBora> 4.0 does not seem to old no?
<Hackapepper> not like they try to help anyone with this software setup lol
<Hackapepper> they fix the kernel and security patches for some stuff, on the real robot, only
<vaibhavsagar> 2015 was a long time ago
<tobiasBora> ok
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: Failed on the real robot too: /nix/store/zznnaijjk3nwx0cmpczxsvngmqzhl7r4-nix-2.0/bin/nix-store: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory /tmp/nix-binary-tarball-unpack.eNcSHmzDyq/unpack/nix-2.0-i686-linux/install: failed to initialize the Nix database
<tobiasBora> if he compiles it from this computer, he is supposed to have a working one, or it's really a kernel problem and it's not solvable?
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: oh so you were on the WM? I did not understood
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: First I try everything on the VM that represents the robot.
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: as it failed, I tried on the real robot, and that last error was from the real robot
<tobiasBora> ok
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: Then I have yet another VM thats a ubuntu 16, 32bit, to resemble the system a bit (but have apt-get install tools to get dependencies and stuff)
<Hackapepper> what if I try to copy /nix into the robot in /home/nix (the full folder) from my Ubuntu 16 32bits (that nix installation works)... and I try to run proot-x86 and execute something from that nix installation?
<tobiasBora> you can try yes
<Hackapepper> ha
<Hackapepper> funny
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I can't delete the previous /home/nao/nix folder
<Hackapepper> it says permission denied
<tobiasBora> i known
<Hackapepper> I tried from inside the proot-x86 and from outside
<tobiasBora> you need to chmod it to 777
<tobiasBora> chmod 777 -R ~/nix
<tobiasBora> then rm -rf ~/nix
<Hackapepper> ok, thank you
<tobiasBora> and this is likely to work if on the ubuntu the command "FILE=$(which nix-env); file $(readlink -f "$FILE")
<tobiasBora> gives you an interpreter in /nix/store/smnfi5zlnjh75n0iny4am65m0vkgkwn2-glibc-2.25-49/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
<tobiasBora> oh it's a nao robot? ^^'
<Hackapepper> It's a Pepper robot
<Hackapepper> nao's have root access
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<tobiasBora> But I'm very sorry, I need to go to bed, it's 4:26am here, and I need to wake up in 4 hours ^^'
<tobiasBora> so see you later ;)
<tobiasBora> and good luck
<Hackapepper> thank you, see you
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<elvishjerricco> How long does it usually take for hackage-packages.nix to update with changes to configuration-hackage2nix.yaml? I added another version of haddock-library earlier this week and yesterday's hackage-packages.nix bump doesn't include it.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « android-studio: -> »: https://git.io/vxVml
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<vaibhavsagar> how do I run a shell command to populate an environment variable when using dockerTools?
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<ljbade> hi, im new to nixos. I can't figure out how to replace a pkg added to environment.systemPackages by a service's config module. since nixox just merges the list with configuration.nix I end up with two of the same package installed, the original package, and the overriden package. is there a function like mkBefore that instead does a find/replace on a list?
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<elvishjerricco> ljbade: Which service is adding the package? Most service definitions allow you to configure which package they use.
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<ljbade> elvishjerricco: its dd-agent https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/dd-agent/dd-agent.nix - I am trying to use overrideAttrs on the dd-agent package it includes to add an additional python package so I can use a feature in dd-agent that isn't supported in nixpkgs currently
<ljbade> like this:
<ljbade> (pkgs.dd-agent.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ pythonPackages.pysnmp ]; }))
<elvishjerricco> ljbade: Hm. It's possible that module should be changed to make the package configurable. In the meantime, however, you can just change what the package is in an overlay
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<ljbade> elvishjerricco: do you have a link on how to use overlays?
<elvishjerricco> ljbade: Overlays let you change the definitions of packages in `pkgs`, so we can change `dd-agent` so that `pkgs.dd-agent` means what you want it to mean, which the service will use.
<ljbade> ah ok, that makes sense
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<elvishjerricco> ljbade: Not sure if overlays are well documented. This is the best one I could find: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#overlays
<elvishjerricco> So you'd do:
<ljbade> ah thanks! ill try it out
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<abathur> I would guess the answer is yes, but will an overlay also apply to the use of a given package in nix-shell invocations and such?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ElvishJerricco opened pull request #38031 → GHC: Don't use --profiling-detail on GHC < 8.0.2 → https://git.io/vxV3X
<ljbade> elvishjerricco: ok I tried this nixpkgs.overlays = [(self: super: { dd-agent = super.dd-agent.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ pythonPackages.pysnmp ]; }); })]; but I get an error "error: attribute ‘pythonPackages’ missing, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix:163:28" and I did add pythonPackages to the list of module imports
<elvishjerricco> > and I did add pythonPackages to the list of module imports
<elvishjerricco> What do you mean?
<ljbade> like at the top of the config file "{ config, pkgs, pythonPackages, ... }:"
<elvishjerricco> ljbade: Ah. That's not how you get that
<elvishjerricco> Just use `pkgs.pythonPackages`
<ljbade> ah thanks, i was looking at what https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/networking/dd-agent/default.nix was doing. sorry still new to all this!
<elvishjerricco> abathur: The overlays defined in `configuration.nix` do not get loaded into user commands like `nix-build` and `nix-shell`.
<ljbade> elvishjerricco: sweet it worked, looks like it found the python package!
<elvishjerricco> ljbade: Great :)
<ljbade> thanks heaps
<abathur> ah, hmm
<elvishjerricco> abathur: I think it might be possible to cause that though. Isn't there a NIX_PATH thing for overlays? I think by default it looks in the user's home folder but you could set it to your overlays file in configuration.nix
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<abathur> not sure off the top of my head, but it seems like that might be the case; is there any other ideal pattern for building a shell that combines build results from a few local derivations I'm hacking on?
<abathur> s/building/launching
<elvishjerricco> abathur: You mean like entering a shell where your binaries are on the PATH? nix run does that
<abathur> oh!
<abathur> that's a new 2.0 feature yeah?
<elvishjerricco> yep
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<abathur> that might be what I want, not certain, will have to play on laptop where I have 2.0
<abathur> it seems like there might just be a nix-shell -p <package> would be close if there's some syntax for explicitly saying that I want this local copy, and not the one in nixpkgs?
<abathur> er, edited that midstream and made a mess
<abathur> might be a nix-shell syntax--nix-shell -p would be close...
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<abathur> at the moment I'm just using nix-shell --run 'source builder.sh' I think
<clacke[m]> I have tried to make nix-shell -p use the definitions in the current directory and I have not been successful.
<abathur> ah, good to know
<abathur> have you settled on an alternative?
<clacke[m]> Up until now that has been `nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; with import ./. {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name="whatever"; buildInputs=[things i want]; }'`, and now it's just `nix run -f . things i want`.
<clacke[m]> So nix 2.0 just keep being full of these little improvements that remove your daily paper cuts.
<abathur> nix-shell --run works fine for now, but I'm thinking through the issue since in a few weeks I'll have enough work done that I'll need to make more than one local package available
<abathur> ah hmm
<clacke[m]> what I have one it that in myproject/default.nix I have defined a derivation myproject-env that depends on myproject
<clacke[m]> what I have done*
<clacke[m]> is*
<adisbladis[m]> Lisanna: Did you ever resolve your "refusing to copy corrupted path" problem?
<elvishjerricco> abathur: clacke[m]: You can do `nix-shell -p \"$(nix-build -A mydrv)\"
<abathur> clacke: can nix run take more than one -f flag, or do you still need to make an intermediary file that combines both packages?
<abathur> oh hmm
<elvishjerricco> Have to escape the quotes so the expression `-p` sees is a nix string literal
<elvishjerricco> otherwise it copies the path back into the store redundantly
<clacke[m]> so then I can just nix-shell -A myproject-env to get myproject on my path.
<clacke[m]> Just one I believe. But I didn't know -p accepts store paths! Thanks for that workaround elvishjerricco .
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<abathur> elvishjerricco: that could work with more than package though, since the -p flag can takes multiples?
<elvishjerricco> clacke[m]: I think it's an accident :P It just accepts any nix expression and makes it a buildInput
<elvishjerricco> and strings that are store paths count, I guess
<abathur> elvishjerricco: happy accident if so :D
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<elvishjerricco> abathur: Yea, but you'll probably have to do a `nix-build` and quotes once for each package, otherwise the string is "/nix/store/... /nix/store/..."
<clacke[m]> I think nix-shell also accepts a .drv, it was mentioned as an official secret somewhere
<elvishjerricco> Or you could elect not to care about the redundant store usage and just do `nix-shell -p $(nix-build -A foo -A bar)`
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<semilattice> Anyone have experience with xmonad? What I'd like to do is get to my setup that I had before, using kde with xmonad as the window manager. Upon logging in I get only a black screen. Do I need to pass an Xmonad.hs into it? Does the xmonad-with-packages derivation do anything meaningful, it adds xmonad but it seems to not have permissions
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<elvishjerricco> semilattice: I tried xmonad+kde once. Did not really work at all. But I didn't try very hard
<clacke[m]> Ah hm, but "nix-shell $(nix-instantiate)" only does what a plain nix-shell would have done, so the .drv way is no workaround in this case, forget I mentioned it. :-)
<semilattice> In nix or something else? I've gotten a good setup working in arch before
<clacke[m]> (doesn't put the default package in context, only its deps)
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<elvishjerricco> semilattice: This was NixOS 17.09
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<semilattice> hm, well not working well is better than not working at all which is what I got :P
<abathur> thanks, elvishjerricco clacke[m], will poke around at syntax tomorrow and see if I can get it working :)
<semilattice> My current channel is 18.03
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<abathur> night
<elvishjerricco> If it worked in arch it ought to be simple enough in NixOS :) Let me know if you figure it out
<semilattice> elvishjerrico, I think getting things to work in arch is easier than getting them to work on NixOS :P I think to figure it out I need to learn better x debugging techniques
<semilattice> When you tried it, where was your xmonad.hs file?
<semilattice> did you put it in ~/.xmonad ?
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<elvishjerricco> semilattice: I do some weird stuff with my xmonad config :P I use home-manager to place an executable that I build with Nix at `~/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux`, which is what `xmonad` executes
<semilattice> elvishjerrico ah, kk so then you didn't use the xserver.windowManager option?
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<elvishjerricco> semilattice: No I did
<semilattice> oh okay I'm reading and I get what you did/ what xmonad does actually, xmonad calls ~/.xmoand/xmonad-x86_64-linux, so it just needs to be compiled properly, which evidently I'm not doing because I can't execute what is there, which is why I'm getting a black screen.
<elvishjerricco> But that just spawns a vanilla `xmonad` executable, whose default behavior is to look at `~/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux`
<semilattice> yeah
<semilattice> so I just need to figure out a proper build for the xmonad executible
<elvishjerricco> semilattice: Oh yea now that I think about it: You just need to run `xmonad --recompile` on the command line
<semilattice> it's annoying that there seems to be a conflict between ghc and xmonad-with-packages due to the ghc man pages
<semilattice> yup
<semilattice> I just use xmonad-contrib so I need to add some dependencies and make a proper project out of it
<semilattice> xmonad --recompile fails for me due to dependencies
<elvishjerricco> semilattice: This is why I build my executable with Nix :P
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<elvishjerricco> semilattice: I just include the home-manager module in my system and do this:
<elvishjerricco> Works beautifully and requires no bootstrapping
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<semilattice> I've never heard of home-manager, I'll take a look at that cause it seems like a good idea
<elvishjerricco> semilattice: It's very nice. Now I can boot up a brand new system, and after one `nixos-rebuild`, I have exactly everything I want, including dot files and whatnot
<hyper_ch> hmmm, did something change? I do now get out of memory when I try to upgrade unstable small
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<hyper_ch> what .dotfiles do you want?
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<kandinski> hi, I'm modifying the nix manual makefile so it outputs .epub too, but I need the `zip` utility, which is not in the nix-shell environment. Where should I add it?
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<kandinski> I see something called buildDeps in shell.nix, but I can't find where it comes from
<kandinski> hmm, release-common.nix has it, it appears
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<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: look for buildInputs
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<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: I ended up changing buildDeps in release-common.nix
<vaibhavsagar> as long as you got it working :)
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<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: http://paste.debian.net/1017395/
<kandinski> I'll find out whether I got it working soon, hopefully :)
<kandinski> meanwhile, zip is available in the build nix-shell, so I guess yeah
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to master « mysql: remove broken link »: https://git.io/vxVCX
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wmertens merged pull request #38020 → nixos/monit: restart if config changes → https://git.io/vxaNy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wmertens pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxVCM
<{^_^}> → 690fcc97 by @ryantm: nixos/monit: restart if config changes
<{^_^}> → 97f93789 by @wmertens: Merge pull request #38020 from ryantm/monit-reload
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<georgew> Hi Nixos channel. Is there any word on nixos-18.03 ?
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<jason__> There's a channel for 18.03. I'm not sure what its official status is.
<jason__> The channel appeared earlier this week.
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<kandinski> I had to rebuild on nixos-unstable in order to use things like vagrant
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<infinisil> georgew: 18.03 should be released at the end of May
<georgew> Sweet! Thanks for the info.
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<infinisil> Hold on
<infinisil> According to this it will get officially released today :O
<vaibhavsagar> wow, does that mean it might ship with GHC 8.4 as standard?
<vaibhavsagar> that would be pretty amazing
<vaibhavsagar> I was just griping about how we get an old GHC as standard every time because we depend on Stackage
<MasseR> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36453 this is still open though
<johnw> vaibhavsagar: right now 8.4 fails to build 37 packages that I depend on and use in 8.2, just FYI
<johnw> still waiting on a lot of authors to add the new Semigroup requirement
<infinisil> MasseR: this is always open, on every release, you can't expect 0 failures for release
<vaibhavsagar> johnw: that might get fixed by the end of May though, right :)?
<vaibhavsagar> as long as Stackage updates everything will be good
<johnw> one would hope; probably I should start generating some bug reports
<infinisil> MasseR: of course it's the goal to have 0 failures, but we won't actually get there :P
<vaibhavsagar> There are a lot of unmaintained packages out there
<vaibhavsagar> Haskell packages that is
<johnw> shhhh
<vaibhavsagar> I mean they mostly work and are rock solid
<johnw> I prefer "exceptionally stable packages"
<vaibhavsagar> hahahah
<infinisil> Well that's the case with all packages for every package manager
<infinisil> There's going to be a huge pile of unmaintained stuff
<vaibhavsagar> sure, but stuff that everyone depends on?
<infinisil> Yeah that's not very good..
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<vaibhavsagar> I was going to use https://github.com/ghulette/monad-supply as an example but the maintainer merged some GHC 8.4 PRs just yesterday
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<vaibhavsagar> I have a couple of PRs open as well, e.g. https://github.com/JonasDuregard/testing-feat/pull/5
<Dezgeg> well it's not like anybody in the C world maintains packages like unzip that are pretty common either
<vaibhavsagar> sure, but there isn't a new backwards-incompatible release of C every 6 months :)
<Dezgeg> GCC does backwards-incompatible changes to default build options that break stuff, actually
<vaibhavsagar> fair enough
<georgew> johnw: Which 37 packages?
<johnw> don't have the list right now, and Nix is failing to build on darwin (new failure in libseccomp), so I'll have to determine it later in the week
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<georgew> Ok. One of my current goals is to get more of hackage (the parts people care about at least) working with 8.4
<johnw> ah, in that case ping me tomorrow and I run my build again and send you the output
<johnw> I also have a list of those that do work with doJailbreak and/or dontCheck
<georgew> What does "tomorrow" mean in your timezone?
<johnw> ping me in 12 hours
<johnw> if you can
<georgew> Hm, is closer to 18 hours ok?
<johnw> sadly not, I'll be getting ready to leave the house then
<johnw> e-mail me at johnw@newartisans.com, and I'll do the job and send you the results
<infinisil> georgew: it's kinda sad that the hackage set requires manual fixing :(
<johnw> g'night
<georgew> ok, I'll just email you now. 12 hours from now is 0500 for me, and I plan to be awake until at least 0100
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<elvishjerricco> vaibhavsagar: Why would it mean we get 8.4 as standard? It's not even like that on master right now, right?
<vaibhavsagar> elvishjerricco: it's possible that lts-12 will be out by the end of May
<vaibhavsagar> and infinisil mentioned that the end of May is when 18.03 will come out
<infinisil> That's what I heard at least
<elvishjerricco> vaibhavsagar: Oh. I would have thought 18.03 would be released earlier than that
<vaibhavsagar> yeah, I thought so too
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<georgew> infinisil: It has to require manual fixing, doesn't it? A new ghc came out with backwards-incompatible changes. Some things just won't build with those changes.
<infinisil> georgew: yeah, but that's only because of nix, the stackage packages would work all well together (i think)
<infinisil> Oh isn't that because we only have a single package set for haskell
<infinisil> Which is used for multiple compiler versions
<infinisil> (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong)
<georgew> I'm not sure how Haskell packaging on nix works.
<georgew> Hackage is the core haskell package repository. stackage's and nixpkgs' views are snapshots of subsets of hackage. So when a new ghc comes out, new releases of packages are needed on hackage, and then those new versions can make their way in to stackage and nixpkgs
<vaibhavsagar> georgew: haskellPackages in Nix is based on a Stackage lts
<georgew> ok
<vaibhavsagar> but Nix also includes a copy of all-cabal-hashes for use with callCabal2nix
<vaibhavsagar> in my experience, the lts that is used when the nixos release is cut determines the state of haskellPackages
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<infinisil> All cabal hashes :O
<georgew> I don't really use nix's haskellPackages much. I install cabal and my ghc versions through nix, and then use `cabal new-build` for dependencies
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<vaibhavsagar> georgew: I like having Nix manage everything, as long as the versions of packages aren't too out of date
<vaibhavsagar> in that case it's possible to override all-cabal-hashes and build the required versions from source
<georgew> Yeah definitely. They are often out of date for my needs though.
<infinisil> vaibhavsagar that is pretty amazing
<vaibhavsagar> I found that the maintainers were very open to updating all-cabal-hashes but less open to updating the lts, because that would cause a mass rebuild
<vaibhavsagar> then a few months later peti did it anyway
<infinisil> Well you have to update eventually
<vaibhavsagar> true, but if you can delay updating for 6 months a new release gets cut and it's not a problem anymore
<infinisil> I wish nixpkgs master would always contain the latest stackage nightly
<vaibhavsagar> so does elvishjerricco
<infinisil> Then you can just checkout a specific revision to get a specific stackage resolver
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<vaibhavsagar> peti is excellent at updating the LTS on master, so you can do that
<xnaveira[m]> hi! I'm trying to understand why the automatic upgrades aren't working on my nixos installation and when I tried to run "systemd-analyze calendar" i got "Unknown operation calendar". I'm very puzzled by this, is nixos running a custom version of systemd???
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<vaibhavsagar> xnaviera[m]: I've never heard of calendar, what is your command supposed to do?
<xnaveira[m]> So i was checking the timer unit
<xnaveira[m]> and it says OnCalendar=4:40
<xnaveira[m]> And i wanted to double check the expression was right
<infinisil> vaibhavsagar: whoa this works? Without sandbox and without insane nix-build times?
<xnaveira[m]> @va
<xnaveira[m]> what works
<xnaveira[m]> oh sotty
<xnaveira[m]> sorry, nvm me
<vaibhavsagar> infinisil: I think they started caching a bit more recently, so if you pin nixpkgs to some revison with your preferred LTS then it works surprisingly well
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<infinisil> xnaveira[m]: man systemd.timer?
<vaibhavsagar> it does build some things from source though
<nick_l> What is a paste client which is part of Nixpkgs and is also packaged in Ubuntu and for which I can just pipe something in it and can be configured to do non-public pastes by default?
<robstr> Hey, I need the `jce` package for openjdk8, I saw the zulu one is included, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/compilers/openjdk-darwin/8.nix - What is the way to add this from my mkDerivation ?
<elvishjerricco> vaibhavsagar: infinisil: `resolver: ghc-x.y.z` might be a tad better. Makes sure stack *never* tries to build dependencies itself, requiring the use of nix
<infinisil> vaibhavsagar: but doesn't stack need networking to fetch the source then?
<xnaveira[m]> @infi
<elvishjerricco> no LTS's to get out of sync
<xnaveira[m]> infinisil: the link I sent is exactly that
<xnaveira[m]> and in the docs it says there is an option "calendar" that isn't there in the nixos systemd-analyze command
<vaibhavsagar> elvishjerricco: I don't think we want to use stack, we just want prebuilt haskell packages corresponding to a certain LTS
<vaibhavsagar> so we want Stackage but not stack
<infinisil> xnaveira[m]: ah sry
<xnaveira[m]> no worries
<elvishjerricco> vaibhavsagar: Oh. Well that repo is going to just use stack as a CLI around Nix's haskell package database.
<infinisil> vaibhavsagar: so you prefer using stakc on nix instead of nix' haskell build infrastrucutre?
<vaibhavsagar> no, I dislike using stack on nix intensely
<elvishjerricco> It'll just use the package set that nix defines, and if the lts field in stack.yaml is off, who knows how the world blows up
<vaibhavsagar> I like the built-in haskell infrastructure
<vaibhavsagar> IMHO the only reason to use Stack on Nix is to interoperate with other Stack users
<vaibhavsagar> otherwise using Nix is easier, faster, and more reliable
<infinisil> vaibhavsagar: so you're not using cabal2nix either? I found it to work the best last time i tried it
<nick_l> I don't see why anyone would use Stack either.
<vaibhavsagar> infinisil: I do use cabal2nix
<infinisil> nick_l: it's very nice on other distros
<elvishjerricco> well you need some kind of CLI for development. Rebuilding the package from scratch is a bad experience
<elvishjerricco> so stack and cabal are both good there
<elvishjerricco> in a nix-shell
<vaibhavsagar> nix-shell is pretty good
<vaibhavsagar> in fact you don't need cabal-install
<vaibhavsagar> you can do `runhaskell Setup.hs <cabal command>`
<elvishjerricco> I know, but I definitely prefer it :P
<elvishjerricco> I recently got `shellFor` merged
<vaibhavsagar> I've found weird breakages when I use cabal-install in a nix-shell
<elvishjerricco> makes it possible to do multi-package nix-shells using cabal.project files
<vaibhavsagar> that's pretty amazing
<elvishjerricco> That's true. You have to be careful to avoid the ~/.cabal
<vaibhavsagar> I haven't had a need for cabal.project yet but I hope to use it soon
<vaibhavsagar> it sounds cool
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: multi-package nix-shells? Like multiple -p?
<georgew> cabal.project is awesome
<georgew> and cabal new-build
<georgew> They work extremely well
<elvishjerricco> infinisil: More like merging all the inputs to the derivations you're working on, so that you can build them all as a group within nix-shell
<infinisil> Oh i haven't checked out new-build, maybe i should try that next time i do haskell dev
<elvishjerricco> cabal.project file facilitating cabal new-build's ability to do multiple packages incrementally
<elvishjerricco> Yea it's quite nice. Not having to rebuild a common package from scratch for every tiny change is great
<elvishjerricco> though "internal" libraries in 8.4 (or is it 8.2?) make the idea of multiple packages less necessary...
<MasseR> Is there documentation / tutorials / examples of it used?
* infinisil is also trying to get a working emacs setup with haskell-ide-engine and nice completion etc.
<infinisil> Haven't succeded really
<elvishjerricco> MasseR: Don't think so. That would be a good next step for me. I'm also currently working on a module system to really cut down on the boiler plate requires
<infinisil> ("Also" as in it's another thing i try to get working with haskell)
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<infinisil> Gonna try to remember to ask elvishjerricco if i have problems with haskell on nix :P
<vaibhavsagar> I can also try to help
<elvishjerricco> :P Grand plan is to make Nix as close to easy to use as Stack as possible
<elvishjerricco> * for haskell projects
<vaibhavsagar> that's a fine goal
<infinisil> And vaibhavsagar, noted :D
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<vaibhavsagar> :D
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<elvishjerricco> on this note: I'm going to try to add a convenience function to make templating a haskell nix project much simpler. I'd like for it to be named something `haskellPackages.project (...)`, but that's too valuable a namespace. Ideas?
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<vaibhavsagar> mkProject?
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<srhb> elvishjerricco: Sounds like an obvious candidate for the the haskell.lib namespace
<elvishjerricco> srhb: I had the same thought. But `haskell.lib.project haskellPackages (...)` is just a tad more verbose than ideal. But it's probably worth the compromise
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<vaibhavsagar> I've always been tempted to create a Hackage package called 'callPackage'
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<vaibhavsagar> just to see what would happen with Nixpkgs :D
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<michas__> Hi, shouldn't nix-build work completely deterministic independent on the building host? I cloned nixpkgs (commit id d5f3563) changed into the directory and typed `nix-build ./nixos -A config.system.build.novaImage --arg configuration "{ imports = [ ./nixos/maintainers/scripts/openstack/nova-image.nix ]; }"` on one box (arch with installed nix) this works fine, on another box (nixos) this fails with an "assertion failed" at closure-info.nix. - How is it
<michas__> possible to get different results with exactly the same version of nixpkgs?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to master « abiword: clean up »: https://git.io/vxV0b
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<vaibhavsagar> michas__: where do you pin nixpkgs?
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<vaibhavsagar> I don't see you specifying a revision in $NIX_PATH or with -I
<michas__> vaibhavsagar: what exactly do you mean by "pin"? Shouldn't the build be independent of $NIX_PATH in that case?
<vaibhavsagar> michas__: no, it'll use your system's <nixpkgs>
<vaibhavsagar> try it with nix-build -I nixpkgs=.
<vaibhavsagar> instead of just `nix-build`
<srhb> I really wish we could define <nixpkgs> = fetchFrom ....
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<michas__> vaibhavsagar: same result both with setting NIX_PATH and using -I.
<vaibhavsagar> that's very strange
<vaibhavsagar> what happens if you try with both an empty NIX_PATH and using -I?
<vaibhavsagar> e.g. `NIX_PATH= nix-build -I nixpkgs=.`
<michas__> vaibhavsagar: same result.
<vaibhavsagar> okay, I have no idea how to proceed
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<michas__> At least I'm not the only one having a strange feeling. ;)
<vaibhavsagar> so it works on the arch box but not the nixos box?
<infinisil> michas__: Well that's the assertion? Why does it fail?
<nick_l> Does Nix have no syntax to make a copy of an attribute set with just one changed value?
<vaibhavsagar> nick_l: { <old attribute set> } // { key = "new value";}
<michas__> infinisil: how do I find out? adding "--show-trace" gives "error while evaluating the attribute 'preVM' of the derivation 'nixos-disk-image'.
<nick_l> vaibhavsagar: yeah, already was using that.
<infinisil> michas__: Can you post the full error?
<nick_l> vaibhavsagar: it's still quite "heavy".
<michas_> NIX_PATH= nix-build --show-trace -I nixpkgs=. $PWD/nixos -A config.system.build.novaImage --arg configuration "{ imports = [ ./nixos/maintainers/scripts/openstack/nova-image.nix ]; }"
<michas_> error: while evaluating the attribute ‘preVM’ of the derivation ‘nixos-disk-image’ at /home/michas/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:148:11:
<michas_> assertion failed at /home/michas/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/closure-info.nix:11:1
<michas_> while evaluating anonymous function at /home/michas/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/closure-info.nix:9:1, called from /home/michas/nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix:116:17:
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<Dezgeg> closure-info.nix needs Nix 2.0
<vaibhavsagar> nick_l: there is lib.overrideExisting
<vaibhavsagar> but that is heavier
<michas__> Dezgeg: oh, `nix-build --version` gives 2.0 on the arch box but 1.11.16 on the nixos box. How do I get a more recent version?
<infinisil> Dezgeg: Ugh why are people merging nix 2.0 only stuff in nixpkgs -.-
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « Recognize the CC0-1.0 license properly. »: https://git.io/vxVue
<Dezgeg> well it's the first occurrence that was merged, but yeah
<elvishjerricco> Dezgeg: I thought `placeholder` had slipped through a bunch too?
<Dezgeg> yes, that is reverted now I think
<vaibhavsagar> michas__: set `nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable` in configuration.nix and rebuild
<elvishjerricco> vaibhavsagar: Better `nix.package = pkgs.nixStable2` if using NixOS 17.09
<infinisil> Dezgeg: It's not, but actually it shouldn't matter much since it's behind the assertion
<vaibhavsagar> elvishjerricco: does that work? I didn't realise
<Dezgeg> I mean 'placeholder' usages were reverted, no?
<elvishjerricco> vaibhavsagar: Only on a very recent 17.09 release
<infinisil> Dezgeg: Yeah
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<infinisil> Dezgeg: Why is closure-info.nix 2.0 only?
<Dezgeg> it uses Nix 2.0 features :P
<infinisil> I fail to see!
<infinisil> I thought structured attrs should also work with nix 1.11
<Dezgeg> exportReferencesGraph.closure then
<infinisil> Oh
<infinisil> Missed that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #38031 → GHC: Don't use --profiling-detail on GHC < 8.0.2 → https://git.io/vxV3X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxVuw
<{^_^}> → 0879138c by @ElvishJerricco: GHC: Don't use --profiling-detail on GHC < 8.0.2
<{^_^}> → 284756c7 by @peti: Merge pull request #38031 from ElvishJerricco/fix-ghc-7.10-profiling-detail
<Dezgeg> but probably it wouldn't be that hard to hack in some Nix 1.11.x compat code there (that would just be slower)
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<Dezgeg> though, I guess you'd end up with different .drv:s depending on Nix version
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<reinzelmann> Hi all! I'm trying to override pythonPackages.bugwarrior but it only seems to change the package name/version and doesn't actually download the source I specify. This is what I'm doing: https://pastebin.com/T8vgauud
<reinzelmann> Any hints?
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<vaibhavsagar> there isn't a nixpkgs.config
<vaibhavsagar> so you want to remove the key and have it just be an attribute set
<vaibhavsagar> unless you're using it some other way?
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<reinzelmann> I'm not following ... this is in my system configuration file
<reinzelmann> it works for other packages
<reinzelmann> i.e. ones not in pythonPackages
<reinzelmann> I'm not using ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<reinzelmann> that may be the misunderstanding
<vaibhavsagar> hmm, I see
<vaibhavsagar> well if it works for other things
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<vaibhavsagar> what happens if you change the sha256 to be wrong? e.g. turn the 1 at the beginning into a 2
<reinzelmann> it *is* probably wrong. It doesn't complain or anything, so that part seems to be ignored
<vaibhavsagar> it might match something else, so fetchurl won't fire because it's already in cache
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar closed pull request #32651 → solvespace2x: init at 2.x → https://git.io/vbaqm
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<vaibhavsagar> change it again and see
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<reinzelmann> aha, interesting point
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<reinzelmann> Yay! now I at least get an error! :-D
<reinzelmann> Thank you
<vaibhavsagar> usually what I do is change one character and use the correct sha256 in the error to fix the expression
<vaibhavsagar> now use the correct sha256 in the error message
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<reinzelmann> yup, on it
<reinzelmann> Now it's downloading the right one. Brilliant, cheers!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to master « gnome3.gnome-music: fix ugly codecs »: https://git.io/vxV2C
<nick_l> What does isDefined mean?
<nick_l> Apparently it's a higher level concept than just presence of a particular attribute in an attribute set.
<jluttine> how can i enter the build environment of some derivation? nix-shell -p package tries to build the package and that fails. i'd like to have the environment without trying to actually build the package
<jluttine> nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A package
<infinisil> nick_l: It's relevant for nixos modules
<nick_l> infinisil: I have actually already used it in a module, but I forgot what it means :/
<infinisil> nick_l: It tells you whether an option is defined
<nick_l> infinisil: so services.dkadjladjldjdasdjaskdlas.enable.isDefined would return false?
<infinisil> nick_l: that would probably give you the error that dkadjladjldjdasdjaskdlas isn't a known attribute :P
<nick_l> infinisil: or just service.mysql.notexisting.isDefined would return false?
<nick_l> I would guess the latter.
<aminechikhaoui> Hi, what's the recommended way to cleanup /boot when it's full
<infinisil> nick_l: You need to use options.services...
<infinisil> nick_l: with options as an argument to your module at the top
<aminechikhaoui> nix-collect-garbage -d then nixos-rebuild boot/switch don't work
<nick_l> aminechikhaoui: configure such that it never happens in the first place.
<nick_l> aminechikhaoui: but I'd just delete a couple of files you are sure you don't need.
<michaelpj> <aminechikhaoui
<michaelpj> you did sudo the nix-collect-garbage, right?
<infinisil> aminechikhaoui: remove some stuff from /boot manually, then `sudo /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot`
<aminechikhaoui> nick_l: well it already happended ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<aminechikhaoui> michaelpj: yeah
<michaelpj> hm, what's in /boot?
<aminechikhaoui> infinisil: then grub will automatically know those are deleted ?
<infinisil> aminechikhaoui: And if that doesn't work, remove more generations.. You can delete them manually by deleting the relevant files in /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-* (and garbage collecting)
<vaibhavsagar> aminechikhaoui: rm /run/booted-system
<vaibhavsagar> and then `sudo nix-collect-garbage -d`
<aminechikhaoui> most of the stuff is in /boot/kernels/
<vaibhavsagar> oops, I meant https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Garbage_Collection
<aminechikhaoui> ok `rm -v /boot/kernels/*-4.9.*` for instance solves the issue
<michaelpj> you could try `nix-store -q --roots` on the files and see if that shows you what is depending on them?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to master « dfeet: add updateScript »: https://git.io/vxVV5
<Myrl-saki> How to install OpenCL stuff?
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<Myrl-saki> I have ocl-icd.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed commit from @bkchr to master « hplip: Adds missing depdency `sip` »: https://git.io/vxVrC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor closed pull request #37907 → hplip: Adds missing depdency `sip` → https://git.io/vxztw
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to v3 « Understand the structure of generic package descriptions. »: https://git.io/vxVrX
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo opened pull request #38032 → deepin: use libsForQt5 in meta package → https://git.io/vxVoW
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<jtojnar> how does libxml2Python derivation work?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed commit from @bkchr to release-18.03 « hplip: Adds missing depdency `sip` »: https://git.io/vxV60
<jtojnar> it refers to '${libxml2.dev}/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs' but that does not exist
<donbex> hi, I've used nix to install xmonad on my ArchLinux machine (with "nix-env -i xmonad-with-packages") but that didn't seem to have pulled xmonad-contrib as well, or at least not in a way that xmonad recognises
<donbex> can someone help me?
<donbex> here's the output of nix-info, if needed: http://ix.io/142U
<TweyII> It would be nice to have a command that does nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> { }).callPackage ./.'
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<donbex> by the way, "ghc-pkg list" shows both xmonad and xmonad-contrib, but when I recompile xmonad's configuration I get errors as if xmonad-contrib was missing...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #38033 → squeezelite: 2016-05-27 -> 2017-12-20 WIP → https://git.io/vxVPm
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/97f93789a9c (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxVPd
<{^_^}> → 9d1220a0 by @edolstra: ValidPathInfo::isContentAddressed(): Ensure there are no references
<{^_^}> → 2b61c749 by @edolstra: Process --option use-case-hack properly
<{^_^}> → 446bb88f by @edolstra: Remove reference to non-existent manpages
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @rbvermaa pushed to master « Show exit code of configuration activation script, when it is non-zero. »: https://git.io/vxVXH
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<TweyII> donbex: Have you tried using ghcWithPackages?
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<lejonet> Anyone else use the copperhead kernel (4.15.12) on a VM booted from libvirt and have it get stuck on "Booting the kernel."?
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<lejonet> I don't have the console=ttyS0 cmdline, which usually is what causes it iirc
<donbex> TweyII: sorry, I got disconnected. no, I haven't tried that
<donbex> TweyII: how do I do that, though? nixpkgs doesn't seem to provide it ghcWIthPackages
<lejonet> oh, it booted, just didn't show me anything O.o
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth opened pull request #38034 → linuxPackages_custom: fix missing argument and add test → https://git.io/vxV1d
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth opened pull request #38035 → linuxPackages_custom: fix missing argument and add test → https://git.io/vxVDC
<patrl> hey all - quick question. I'm trying to figure out how to override the package version used by a service (specifically, the keybase service)
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<patrl> the issue being that services.keybase doesn't expose "package" as an option
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<patrl> I suspect it's reasonably straightforward to write an override, but I've hit a wall
<tilpner> Option 1: Copy and edit services/networking/keybase.nix, change package, blacklist original module and import new one
<tilpner> Option 2: Change keybase module to allow user to set package, PR that into nixpkgs
<TweyII> donbex: It's at haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages
<tilpner> Option 3: Check which package the module currently uses, and globally override that one
<patrl> @tilpner thanks, I guess I'll go for option 2 since option 1 is exactly what I wanted to avoid
<{^_^}> [nixops] @rbvermaa pushed to master « Update virtualbox image for 18.03 and above, add possibility to use images from nixpkgs, similar to ec2/gce/azure. »: https://git.io/vxVDi
<tilpner> It's pkgs.keybase, unsurprisingly, so you can just globally override that with packageOverrides or overlays
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo opened pull request #38036 → materia-theme: 20180110 -> 20180321 → https://git.io/vxVDM
<TweyII> donbex: It's at haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages; https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#users-guide-to-the-haskell-infrastructure for details
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<jtojnar> patrl: option 3 is something like
<jtojnar> nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = super: {
<jtojnar> keybase = super.keybase.overrideAttrs (attrs: src = fetchurl {...}; );
<jtojnar> };
<jtojnar> tilpner, patrl: I think `package` option is meant mostly for packages that have multiple versions in nixpkgs, or are used as dependencies for other packages and overriding them would cause unnecessary rebuilds
<patrl> @jtojnar ahhh thanks, that's good to know
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<patrl> @jtojnar I guess keybase isn't such acase
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<patrl> @jtojnar overrides should do the trick. I just want to use the service from stable with the latest package version
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<donbex> TweyII: as far as I understand, it should appear in "nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskellPackages", but it doesn't
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<TweyII> donbex: It won't show up in nix-env because it's a function, not a package itself
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<TweyII> donbex: It's only a package once applied to its argument
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<donbex> TweyII: I see (sort of). I found this, which seems to do something similar to what you're suggesting, but nix-env doesn't seem to see the overridden package https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44778404/xmonad-on-nix-cannot-find-xmonad-contrib#44787766
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<{^_^}> [nix] @zimbatm opened pull request #2025 → nix copy: add an example with S3 → https://git.io/vxVQc
<ivanivan> Should an overlay always pass dependencies explicitly from "self", or is it ok to let callPackage handle things implicitly?
<ivanivan> (self: super: { foo = super.callPackage ./foo { };)
<ivanivan> vs.
<ivanivan> (self: super: { foo = super.callPackage ./foo { bar = self.bar };)
<ivanivan> Or maybe I should be using callPackage from self instead of from super?
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<infinisil> ivanivan: Yeah self.callPackage is probably what you want
<ivanivan> All the examples I can find use super.callPackage. Now I wonder why...
<infinisil> Oh really.. hmm
<ivanivan> Maybe to be more explicit about grabbing actual dependencies from self?
<infinisil> I don't see why i would be super, since you're not overriding anything from the overlay
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<jtojnar> infinisil: I would use super for the same reason
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<jtojnar> you are not overriding anything so self is the same as super, so I would just use super as a default
<ivanivan> will super.callPackage grab implicit arguments from self or from super?
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<infinisil> jtojnar: can't this change the semantics?
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<jtojnar> infinisil: it should not unless you override callPackage, should it?
<infinisil> jtojnar: ivanivan: Oh how about this: `super.callPackageWith self ./foo.nix {};`
<infinisil> This allows you to still override callPackage(with), but makes it use dependencirs from self
<infinisil> Seems like the most correct thing to do unless I'm missing something
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<ivanivan> infinisil: cool, i'll try that
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<LnL> yeah, you should use functions from super
<infinisil> jtojnar: but doesn't super.callPackage use super's dependencies by default? Then you'd have to manually specify each one of them from self with arguments. While with self.callPackage you get self's dependencies automatically
<LnL> no, it uses the final set for arguments
<infinisil> LnL: How does that work?
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<ivanivan> sorry, got distracted reading the callPackageWith implementation. trying it...
<ivanivan> infinisil: it looks like super has no callPackageWith attr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor opened pull request #38038 → nixos: enable bash command completion by default → https://git.io/vxV5O
<jtojnar> 👍
<infinisil> I guess I just don't fully understand how overlays work yet
<LnL> so the scope is self
<ivanivan> infinisil: this works "super.lib.callPackageWith self ./foo { };"
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<LnL> infinisil: so the function comes from super, but the scope that it knows about is still self
<lassulus> hmm, on nix-repl I get: Nix database directory ‘/nix/var/nix/db’ is not writable: Permission denied
<LnL> that doesn't change whether you use self or super, but you don't have to go through the extra lookup for the callPackage attribute lookup compared to self.callPackage
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<ivanivan> infinisil: LnL: does this seem reasonable?
<ivanivan> (self: super:
<ivanivan> let
<ivanivan> callPackage = super.lib.callPackageWith self
<ivanivan> in
<ivanivan> { foo = super.callPackage ./foo { };) })
<ivanivan> whoops
<ivanivan> I meant for that last line to be:
<ivanivan> { foo = callPackage ./foo { };) })
<symphorien> lassulus: export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
<infinisil> ivanivan: well if what LnL and jtojnar say is true (and i believe them :)) then you can just use super.callPackage and the dependencies will come from self automatically
<lassulus> symphorien: ah, thanks
<ivanivan> infinisil: oh, ok then. i'll do that :)
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<infinisil> LnL: ah i think i get it now
<infinisil> Thanks!
<infinisil> It seems a bit counterintuitive to use super.callPackage for dependencies though
<ivanivan> infinisil: LnL: thanks, you've been super.helpful!
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<infinisil> Heh
<LnL> :
<LnL> :)
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<jtojnar> why do I need to set NIX_REMOTE=daemon on NixOS? should not that be done automatically?
<LnL> it should be if you don't have write permissions to the db
<LnL> but with 2.0 you don't actually need that explicitly anymore
<jtojnar> LnL: well I use 2.0 but still get the error
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<LnL> what's the error exactly?
<infinisil> I get the same error with nix-repl
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<infinisil> LnL: 14:02 lassulus: hmm, on nix-repl I get: Nix database directory ‘/nix/var/nix/db’ is not writable: Permission denied
<LnL> nix-repl uses 1.11
<LnL> so that still requires the environment variable
<LnL> try nix repl
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<infinisil> This is the third thing i find where nixos assumes everything/everybody uses nix 2.0 already..
<jtojnar> hmm, I used to get the error with `nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix` but not anymore
<infinisil> LnL: nix repl has a bunch of problems that make it horrible to use, so I'll stick with nix-repl
<LnL> hmm?
<infinisil> I can't check right now, but i think pressing up to get to the last command didn't work
<infinisil> And completion doesn't show all available ones, only a single line
<infinisil> Ah no the first point should work, it was something else that was bugging me
<ivanivan> infinisil: LnL: jtojnar: The reason I was wondering about self/super is I'm using an overlay to install a kernel module, and was shadowing self and super. I ended up doing this:
<ivanivan> (self: super: {
<ivanivan> linuxPackages = (super.linuxPackagesFor super.linuxPackages.kernel).extend (
<ivanivan> inner_self: inner_super:
<ivanivan> { foo-module = super.callPackage ./foo-module { }; }
<ivanivan> );
* aristid grumbles about plainX option being just removed
<ivanivan> i fudged it again, that should be: { foo-module = inner_super.callPackage ./foo-module { }; }
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<LnL> infinisil: most of that was fixed since 1.12, the only remaining thing in 2.0 is tab completion of dash attributes
<ThatPako> How do I add custom dependencies to some program?
<LnL> ivanivan: ah yes, for kernel packages you should use that
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<infinisil> LnL: i see, will try it again, history sure would be nice to have
<LnL> infinisil: and I think dtz fixed that already, it's just not in a release/nixpkgs yet
<ivanivan> I don't like the "inner_self", "inner_super" names, but I don't know what else I could call them...
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<dtz> LnL , infinisil : yep-- history, listing completion options (instead of cycling through one at a time), etc. were "fixed"/added in time for 2.0
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<etu[m]> ThatPako: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-pkg-override -- I think you want override and or overrideAttrs :)
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<dtz> completion of dash attributes is still wonky ( https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1756 ) but as mentioned there I have a proposed fix that's worked well for me--but haven't submitted upstream yet
<infinisil> ivanivan: how about self' and super'
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<dtz> but we're looking to replace the library we use for the REPL (readline-esque) due to licensing issues
<infinisil> Very common to name variations of vairables with a '
<ivanivan> infinisil: I didn't think ' was allowed. It's not haskell :)
<infinisil> dtz: nice!
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<ThatPako> btw, why is a globally installed python package not available to some program?
<LnL> dtz: oh? I thought linenoise was used instead of readline because of licensing
<infinisil> ivanivan: even "_" is allowed! Although it doesn't do the same as in haskell..
<aristid> ThatPako: because there is no real "globally installed" in nix, which is kind of the point of nix :)
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<ivanivan> infinisil: thanks, self' and super' worked. I like it
<ThatPako> oh, I see. gotta override the preFixup of sigil then. damn
* sphalerite is now mostly convinced that emacs > vim
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<sphalerite> wait, this should probably be in #nixos-chat :p
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<LnL> heresy!
<ThatPako> aristid: I call override outside of my `systemPackages`, right?
<aristid> ThatPako: systemPackages is for "globally installing" programs, not libraries
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<LnL> yeah systemPackages only works for binaries, etc.
<aristid> ThatPako: the easiest way to get a shell with python stuff is nix-shell
<LnL> it won't do what you want for libraries
<ThatPako> aristid: I know. I'm trying to make python36Packages.chardet accessible by sigil. Thought I have to somehow override sigil for that
<dtz> LnL: yeah, but we moved to linenoise-ng for functionality improvements (mostly re:completion behavior) but turns out even though it says it is licensed one way it bundles files that are.... apparently not free
<dtz> which debian folks identified and pointed out for us: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2014
<LnL> :/
<dtz> looking at either going back to linenoise or to editline maybe
<etu[m]> ThatPako: That's the correct use of overrides :)
<dtz> I wasn't thrilled with linenoise-ng's maintenance / code anyway, although it did have some cute features like support for hints (we didn't use, but we could! xD)
<infinisil> Of course there's always the option of rewriting it in Rust xP
<ThatPako> where should the override thing go though :thinking:
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<nick_l> Any idea why this doesn't work? I.e. no history is being kept? rlwrap nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
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<nick_l> How do I force nix-repl to show a 20 element list completely?
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<nick_l> ThatPako: Are you using something like: (with pkgs;python27.withPackages(ps: with ps; with python27Packages; [ dill docker_compose virtualenv]))
<nick_l> ThatPako: if not, you probably should.
<nick_l> ThatPako: you'd have to fix the expression such that it matches your exactly package requirements.
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<nick_l> ThatPako: I haven't packaged python myself yet, but I'd look at other examples first.
<ThatPako> me neither. I only copied the expression from the nixpkgs repo and added some deps
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<kreisys> @Profpatsch did your drvSeq code ever make it into nixpkgs? I think I might need it for something unrelated to tests
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38039 → yakuake: 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5 → https://git.io/vxwfZ
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<nek0> hi folks.
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<abbradar> It seems I have a corrupt Nix sqlite database; what can I do with that? I thought `nix-store --init` or `nix-store --check` would at least reinitialize it but no dice
<nek0> is there a way to disable hash checking on a specific package? krita fails to install for me, because of that.
<symphorien> nek0: it seems easier to fix the package
<aminechikhaoui> abbradar: I think nix verify --all should work
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<symphorien> nek0: if you just want to nix-env the package: 1/ git clone nixpkgs repo 2/ find the file and fix the hash 3/ nix-env -f . -A krita 4/ enjoy and maybe make a PR :)
<abbradar> aminechikhaoui: didn't work too :( all the tools complain the they cannot open database (because it doesn't exist, I've moved corrupted one out)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38040 → varnish: 5.2.1 -> 6.0.0 → https://git.io/vxwUk
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<abbradar> > BTRFS critical (device sda4): corrupt node: root=1 block=478240817152 slot=121, bad key order, current (75222775 96 67) next (73125623 96 224)
<abbradar> it seems I have bigger problems than Nix database :D
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<aminechikhaoui> hehe
<aminechikhaoui> good luck
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #38040 → varnish: 5.2.1 -> 6.0.0 → https://git.io/vxwUk
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo opened pull request #38041 → skopeo: 1.28 -> 1.29 → https://git.io/vxwT9
<abbradar> aminechikhaoui: thanks :D luckily no data on that machine
<nek0> symphorien: thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38042 → wirelesstools: 30.pre2 -> 30 → https://git.io/vxwk3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #38041 → skopeo: 1.28 -> 1.29 → https://git.io/vxwT9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwId
<{^_^}> → 919d68e6 by @nlewo: skopeo: 1.28 -> 1.29
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<{^_^}> → 974386df by @nlewo: Merge pull request #38041 from nlewo/pr-skopeo-1.29
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @averelld opened pull request #38043 → nx-libs updates → https://git.io/vxwLE
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra pushed to master « Fix packages.json updating »: https://git.io/vxwLz
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<Profpatsch> kreisys: Not yet, but you can cherry-pick these changes (in this order):
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #37955 → nixos/version: fix nixops pre 1.6 compatibility → https://git.io/vxgN9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwtJ
<{^_^}> → 70c6f657 by @fpletz: nixos/version: fix nixops pre 1.6 compatibility
<{^_^}> → e0ae8900 by @fpletz: Merge pull request #37955 from mayflower/fix/nixops-pre-1.6-eval
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<{^_^}> [nixos-org-configurations] @edolstra pushed to master « Use 17.09 »: https://git.io/vxwtn
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra pushed to master « Specify explicit Nixpkgs version »: https://git.io/vxwth
<kreisys> Profpatsch: awesome thanks!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38044 → txt2man: 1.5.6 -> 1.6.0 → https://git.io/vxwq2
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch merged pull request #37874 → Generators default values → https://git.io/vxEVw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwmv
<{^_^}> → 219ba583 by @Profpatsch: lib/generators: improve toPretty
<{^_^}> → fa71407f by @Profpatsch: lib/generators: introduce a sane default for `mkValueString`
<{^_^}> → a7e45fdd by @Profpatsch: lib/generators: improve documentation a bit
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<ryantm> Woohoo, src URL fixing! https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38044/files
<joepie91> !m ryantm
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, ryantm!
<globin> ryantm: repology should be updating again
<joepie91> happy to see 'boring' maintenance getting done :)
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<ryantm> globin: Yay, thanks! It looks like https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/packages-unstable.json.gz is not minified anymore
<ryantm> I'm not sure if that's on purpose or not. It probably doesn't matter much.
<globin> ryantm: it's gzip'd anyway so doesn't really matter
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38045 → untex: 1.2 -> 1.3 → https://git.io/vxwOy
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<TweyII> Why is the default ‘gcc’ in gcc7.stdenv symlinked to gcc-6?
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<nek0> sry to barge in again. has anyone got wacom tablets to run in wayland? I'm having problems....
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<joepie91> nek0: I haven't tried wayland, but ensure you're using libinput
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<joepie91> (this is an option you can enable)
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<LnL> TweyII: from what I recall gcc.stdenv points to the stdenv gcc was built with
<LnL> no idea why tho
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38046 → urlwatch: 2.8 -> 2.9 → https://git.io/vxwGA
<nek0> joepie91: I have libinput enabled, but nothing happens, when I plug my tablet in. dmesg recognizes it, but the cursor won't move.
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<TweyII> LnL: Oh O.O
<TweyII> LnL: What's the proper way to get a stdenv where gcc 7 is the default gcc?
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<LnL> not sure
<TweyII> s/stdenv/environment/ in general
<LnL> stdenv = if stdenv.cc.isGNU then overrideCC stdenv gcc7 else stdenv;
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<Profpatsch> lewo: Wtf how quick are you.
<Profpatsch> The skopeo update was pushed three hours ago and it’s already updated on master? whoa
<TweyII> LnL: Nice, that works, thanks!
<gchristensen> lewo++
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<Profpatsch> But I still need to reverse-engineer the Makefile to build the manpage.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38047 → sysvinit: 2.88dsf -> 2.89 → https://git.io/vxwc3
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<temporaryusernam> hi guys
<temporaryusernam> Are there any plans to make NixOS 100% free?
<temporaryusernam> Would love to see it in this list: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html
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<Profpatsch> Uh, there are docker tests, so maybe that can be converted to a VM test without much hassle.
<gchristensen> temporaryusernam: perhaps you'd prefer Guix
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<Profpatsch> temporaryusernam: Or ask oxij about it https://nixos.org/nix-dev/2017-March/023113.html
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<Profpatsch> They might have a free-software-only policy in SLNOS
<gchristensen> temporaryusernam: fwiw out of the box you can't get unfreesoftware on nixos, but if you'd rather not even have the names and hashes of unfree software on your system, then nixos is probably not for you
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<temporaryusernam> No, I mean, doesn't NixOS use any proprietary firmware even ?
<temporaryusernam> Guix is still heavy in development
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<temporaryusernam> and that link you mentioned seems to be a criticism of systemd, which has little to do with free software.
<gchristensen> I'm not sure about firmware
<temporaryusernam> since systemd can be 100% free
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<gchristensen> temporaryusernam: that said, I would think that any unfree firmware which isn't behind an option would be considered a bug
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<tilpner> firmwareLinuxNonfree is only used after you set hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
<goibhniu> temporaryusernam: FWIW the searchable list of packages on the website doesn't even include un-free software: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html
<tilpner> (Or hardware.enableAllFirmware = true;)
<temporaryusernam> ohh that sounds nice
<temporaryusernam> so basically my Intel Wifi would probably not work by default?
<temporaryusernam> it doesn't have non-proprietary firmware.
<averell> and you won't get microcode updates either
<temporaryusernam> Great! I wan't to use only free software altogether :)
<tilpner> temporaryusernam - That depends on your configuration. On some systems nixos-generate-config generates a hardware-configuration.nix that sets enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38048 → spectre-meltdown-checker: 0.35 -> 0.36 → https://git.io/vxwWs
<tilpner> The option is off by default, but I guess nixos-generate-config output is kind of a default as well
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<temporaryusernam> so basically it auto-detects if I need proprietary firmware for important devices and if so, it enables them automaticaly ?
<tilpner> Something like that. It imported <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix> on the two laptops I tried
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<tilpner> But it wasn't included in the hardware-configuration.nix of any server I use nixos-generate-config on
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<gchristensen> anyone feel like rm -rf'ing their /nix/store on a Nix on Linux installation to try out my new nix-daemon-based installer for Linux, For Science?
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<Fare> gchristensen, why need erase /nix/store ?
<gchristensen> to make way for a clean, fresh nix-daemon managed store
<gchristensen> it is complicated to fix the permissions from before and make them work with the nix-daemon, and I'd rather not complicate the installer to support that workflow. if you must, you can `mv /nix /my-old-nix` ahead of time instead
<Fare> if it's still time, I suggest that you use a different name /nix/store2 or something
<gchristensen> the installer uses /nix/store and you can either rm -rf /nix/store, or move /nix to /old-nix.
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<cx405> Hi! I noticed that if I add extra channel and add one software piece from it, nixos-rebuild tends to grab 1GB of binaries which look like slightly different versions of same libraries I have on my system. My question: is it possible to make nixos-rebuild actually re-build the expression instead using the existing libraries instead of getting a wallop of clones. Thanks!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #38049 → skopeo: build manpage → https://git.io/vxwlx
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38050 → gitAndTools.stgit: 0.17.1 -> 0.18 → https://git.io/vxw8Y
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<LnL> cx405: sure, if you're ok with building it yourself and if everything is still compatible
<LnL> I can send you a gist in a bit
<cx405> LnL: I am tempted... :)
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<mkaito> hey I just installed NixOS. I've got `programs.gnupg.agent = { enable = true; enableSSHSupport = true; };` in my `configuration.nix`. The agend is running, and the SSH socket exists. `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` is set correctly. The key is added to the agent. But when I try to SSH anywhere, I get an "agent refused operation" error. What gives?
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<Profpatsch> I forget: where is NIX_PATH set?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #38049 → skopeo: build manpage → https://git.io/vxwlx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwRB
<{^_^}> → 679ac626 by @Profpatsch: skopeo: build manpage
<{^_^}> → 01ef780b by @nlewo: Merge pull request #38049 from Profpatsch/skopeo-man
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38051 → slurm: 17.11.3 -> 17.11.5 → https://git.io/vxwRV
<gchristensen> Profpatsch: I'd be surprised if many people know the answer to that question!
<cx405> LnL: <connection keep alive ping> :)
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<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: Might be worth noting that you can probably do `nix copy --all --from /old-store --no-check-sigs` to repopulate your store. Might ease the danger for some. Not sure how to restore profiles though.
<judson> Anyone else have trouble with Chromium 65 and copy&paste?
<judson> Like, crashes windows consistently?
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<LnL> cx405: pong, almost at my computer :)
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<cx405> LnL: no worry, no hurry :)
<doyougnu> hey all, I'm trying to bind /nix to a separate partition to keep my root on a ssd, and /nix on a hdd, is there a recommended way to do this?
<ekleog> hmm, anyone using the gitlab service? I'm getting bundler: failed to load command: rake (/nix/store/y9adki02by83s1yingribv1g91pdq15l-gitlab-env-10.5.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/bin/rake) / Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find abstract_type-0.0.7 in any of the sources when I try to run it
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<tilpner> doyougnu - /nix will contain most of your executables and libraries. Are you sure you want to put it on the slower hdd?
<tilpner> (People usually do it the other way around, /nix on ssd, /home on hdd)
<doyougnu> ah so should I only move /nix/store?
<tilpner> No
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<doyougnu> hmm ok. I'll just move some partitions around on the sdd then. Thanks for probably saving me several hours :)
<judson> I did an update recently, and Chromium is quite upset at me.
<gchristensen> tobiasBora: ping
<judson> Mostly "Terminating render process for bad Mojo message: Received bad user message: Validation failed for ClipboardHost RequestValidator [VALIDATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER (null field 3)]"
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: Hm, yeah, but on my running system I’m not quite sure where it comes from.
<gchristensen> Profpatsch: indeed. when writing the multi-user installer, I had to spend quite a lot of time reverse engineering it
<Profpatsch> I don’t nix-channel, so my channel is horribly old.
<Profpatsch> I think I’m gonna have nix-channel just point to my checkout.
<Profpatsch> err, NIX_PATH
<Profpatsch> Christ
<gchristensen> lol
<Profpatsch> Okay, I was pretty close actually.
<goibhniu> hi judson, can you paste the output of nix-info?
<Profpatsch> This is easy because I’m running a single-user system, so ima just set it to a path in my user dir.
<Profpatsch> Otherwise I’d just cry I guess.
<gchristensen> Profpatsch: and you're sure you don't want to try my installer to make it multi-user? :)
<Profpatsch> The nix install is /potentially/ multi-user, yes. :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38052 → sxhkd: 0.5.8 -> 0.5.9 → https://git.io/vxwEa
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to staging-18.03 « e2fsprogs: 1.43.8 -> 1.44.1 »: https://git.io/vxwuc
<LnL> cx405: hmm, what I was thinking of is something different, don't think there's a nice way except to .override everything or callPackage manually
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar closed pull request #37988 → e2fsprogs: 1.43.8 -> 1.44.1 → https://git.io/vx2VD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar opened pull request #38054 → staging-18.03 merge → https://git.io/vxwuz
<judson> goibhniu: system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0, channels(root): "nixos-17.09.3203.48b5d287a8b", channels(judson): "nixpkgs-18.09pre133750.18d3088ba8c", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<judson> which chromium -> /run/current-system/sw/bin/chromium
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38055 → sylpheed: 3.6.0 -> 3.7.0 → https://git.io/vxwzV
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e01d485ce41 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<judson> pbogdan, sounds exactly like that
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed to master « gitlab: disable »: https://git.io/vxwaZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed to release-18.03 « gitlab: disable »: https://git.io/vxwac
<globin> ekleog: ^
<gchristensen> needs changelog
<globin> Will be generated :)
<aristid> i think the webkitgtk expression might have a non-determinism issue
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<aristid> i got a build failure
<ekleog> globin: I guess it also needs removal from doc/ ?
<aristid> and then i started trying to isolate it... and it just built
<globin> gchristensen: module list changes are diff'd prior to release
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<gchristensen> ah righ
<globin> ekleog: that happens automatically
<globin> ekleog: they get included from the module
<ekleog> oh great! I thought https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#module-services-gitlab was stored elsewhere
<globin> ekleog: meta.doc(s) or similar
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<ekleog> thanks :)
<aristid> pbogdan: the "lowering parallelism" comment seems very relevant: it failed (twice actually) as part of nixos-rebuild, but succeeded immediately in nix-build . -A pkgs.webkitgtk
<aristid> (sue me for not using the nix 2.0 commands yet :P)
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<coconnor> morning all
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<coconnor> nix build -f . pkgs.webkit
<coconnor> until 2.0 gets proper logging output not suits will be filed ;)
<aristid> :)
<globin> ekleog: I must confess I had hoped that gitlab not working would cause someone else enough pain to fix it properly, but doesn't seem to be sadly..
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<bgamari> How does one enable executable profiling for a Haskell derivation?
<coconnor> not working in to be released 18.03?
<coconnor> oh
<coconnor> just saw the commit. yes
<bgamari> indeed gitlab is currently broken
<bgamari> I've had to work around this in my instance
<aristid> pbogdan: if webkit wasn't so insanely complex, we might have a chance to find the issue :D
<ekleog> globin: well, I'd have liked to try and help, but both not knowing anything about ruby packaging and not having much time these days, I won't be able until quite some time :/
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<coconnor> oof. not my cup of tea either.
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<gchristensen> maybe manveru could do the needful on gitlab :/
<aristid> coconnor: your nick is really similiar to roconnor's :D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38056 → radamsa: 0.4 -> 0.5 → https://git.io/vxwVa
<manveru> gchristensen: is gitlab still in nixpkgs? :P
<gchristensen> it is
<manveru> who do i have to bribe to get it out of there...
<gchristensen> ??
<globin> manveru: https://git.io/vxwaZ
<manveru> :D
<globin> no :((
<globin> also this does imply that other stuff broke, too
<manveru> oh well, was worth a cheer... what broke and where?
<globin> see the PR updating rubygems and also I know we had the same issue breaking gitlab every update occur with frab
<globin> it cannot find any gems
<manveru> does it use wrappedRuby?
<globin> it has something to do with bundler changing how it's looking up gems
<globin> no, bundlerEnv
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<manveru> yeah, bundlerEnv exposes wrappedRuby which makes doubly sure all env vars are set right
<manveru> including all gem lookup paths
<anon123> how do I add packages to Emacs? There seems to be little info of what I have to put in configuration.nix on the net
<manveru> globin: i can take a look after dinner
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bgamari closed pull request #31372 → [WIP] ngspice: Update to version 27 → https://git.io/vFBhH
<globin> manveru: I'll try and set up a minimal vm.nix people can play around with
<manveru> k
<cx405> LnL: thanks, got the gist! Although its too high-tech for me, I am still learning basics of nix :)
<cx405> LnL: I'll note it though, perhaps soon I'll have the skills to understand it.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bgamari opened pull request #38057 → haskell.lib: Add {en,dis}ableExecutableProfiling transformer → https://git.io/vxwwz
<coconnor> aristid: haha yea. I'm happy to change it but honestly I'm an IRC newb
<aristid> coconnor: o
<aristid> coconnor: o'connor is a reasonably common name i guess :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bgamari opened pull request #38058 → pythonPackages.vxi11: init at 0.9 → https://git.io/vxww9
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<coconnor> gitit is disabled as well. hmm. I might have the fix for that.
<coconnor> tho gitit itself seems kinda crusty. IIRC I had to patch that package
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<LnL> cx405: it's a bit more complicated then I initially thought, but I would only use that if really necessary for some reason
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<{^_^}> [nix] @grahamc pushed 11 commits to nix-daemon-centos-7: https://git.io/vxwry
<{^_^}> → cde22414 by @grahamc: Hack in centos7 systemd daemon support
<{^_^}> → 8437dbc8 by @grahamc: Fixups: works on centos7
<{^_^}> → 611a5113 by @grahamc: darwin installer: delete hardware report, not necessary
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<gchristensen> oh dang
<{^_^}> [nix] @grahamc pushed 0 commits to nix-daemon-centos-7: https://git.io/vxwrd
<infinisil> Why has anon already left -.-
<cx405> LnL: its a pity that nixos does not have this building flexibility that gentoo and other source based have, where you can just add stuff via a simple expression. :/
<LnL> well, mixing channels is pretty easy
<LnL> but forcing stuff to use the exact same version for everything is something we usually don't do
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<joepie91> both Node and Firefox have just started mysteriously segfaulting for me.
<joepie91> wut
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<aristid> gchristensen: lol soon i'm not going to have a lot of excuses for not trying to introduce nix at work anymore :D
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<gchristensen> good!
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<jtojnar> how do you push 0 commits?
<gchristensen> that is apparently what git thinks is happening when you delete a branch
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<lejonet> Well that is technically correct, because you push a :tag to delete a branch :P
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<lejonet> I guess :ref is more correct to label it tho
<lejonet> xD
<joepie91> and now nixos-rebuild is segfaulting too
<joepie91> time for a restart
<lejonet> So its the wonderfully oxymoronical notion of pushing a commitless commit :P
<infinisil> LnL: ryantm makes it somewhat more doable, because you could just checkout a specific nixpkgs with the version you need if it's there
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<LnL> he wanted something from unstable but linked against everything from stable to reduce the total closure
<LnL> but there's not nice way to do that because you loose overrides from all-packages
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<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: do you have any linux machines that aren't running nix yet?
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<LnL> what a weird question :p
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<gchristensen> oh nvm I take that question back
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I do
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<gchristensen> do they run systemd, and: would you like to try my new installer for linuxes-with-systemd?
<MichaelRaskin> In terms of personal ownership — my phone has a Debian chroot but not Nix
<MichaelRaskin> In terms of control — a Linux server which is a part of my day job (and nominally the main part, but reality often differs) runs RHEL and will continue running RHEL with RHEL+EPEL package sources.
<joepie91> after a restart, all my broken stuff is working again
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @msiedlarek opened pull request #38059 → gpu-switch: init at 2017-04-28 → https://git.io/vxwi8
<MichaelRaskin> I don't have a machine with systemd but no Nix
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38060 → polyml: 5.7 -> 5.7.1 → https://git.io/vxwiB
<gchristensen> okay
<LnL> I could do a test setup if you want
<MichaelRaskin> I can spin up a VM…
<gchristensen> I'm looking for crufty, weird machines
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<gchristensen> I've tested in clean VMs of CentOS 7, Ubuntu Wily, Ubuntu Xenial, Ubuntu 17.10(?), Debian Jessie, Debian Stretch, and Arch
<ryantm> MichaelRaskin: Thanks for the suggestion to use repology's downloads, I got that working last night https://github.com/ryantm/nix-update/blob/master/fix-src-url.sh and it's been making some PRs that have fixed URLs this morning
<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: have you considered to grab an extra nick for the bot and submit stuff from nix-update as ryantm-nix-update or ryantm-bot or something like that?
<gchristensen> LnL: next test is deleting nix from my mbp and trying it there... will there be a time nearby where you can run your ofborg builder so I can take mine down for the trial?
<LnL> my hydra has a bit of a queue because of the recent rebuilds
<gchristensen> no rush
<gchristensen> oh! I forgot I have a vagrant box for some version of osx
<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: a desperate move would be to also check meta.homepage and meta.downloadPage of packages for redirects/new download links
<LnL> gchristensen: I'll reenable and ping you once everything goes back to normal
<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: do the change-download-source auto-writeups include a list of repositories that recommend the new page, by the way?
<gchristensen> I'm booting up a Sierra machine now ... how old is sierra?
<ryantm> MichaelRaskin: Yes, I want to have a separate GitHub account eventually.
<ryantm> MichaelRaskin: It does not include the list of repositories that recommend the new page, but that would be good to add.
<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: given you don't have any special access rights, grabbing one shouldn't be that hard.
<infinisil> ryantm: I'm glad somebody other than me has something is trying to check whether urls are still valid
<ryantm> MichaelRaskin: I am a OfBorg trusted user as ryantm, but that's pretty trivial. Mainly I haven't thought of a good name.
<infinisil> I created a more or less working script that checks *all* url's of nixpkgs for redirects and https versions
<ryantm> infinisil: I'm only checking them if there is a version update available currently.
<infinisil> But it has lots of false positives
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<infinisil> ryantm: Yeah, that's simpler than what I intended, and also works reliably
<infinisil> If anybody happens to know a way to transform `import <nixpkgs> {}` into a list of all urls it contains, please let me know, because i spent like an hour on it and couldn't do it
<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: ryantm: the idea is that for fully-human-reviewed activity you use ryantm (and keep ofborg trust etc)
<MichaelRaskin> For bots — well, something derived from it
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil: well, it's an annoying combo, I guess.
<ryantm> MichaelRaskin: Yeah, I should do that soon. Though I think the bot should be ofborg trusted, because it's only submitting things that actually have built on NixOS and it saves reviewers the work.
<MichaelRaskin> I would start with release.nix - like instantiation of everything.
<MichaelRaskin> Then have a hge list of derivation files and grep them to check fix-output-ness
<MichaelRaskin> Then grep them for URLs
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<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: definitely extra-known, but probably yes, could also be trusted for your current set of existing and planned bots
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38061 → pipes: 1.2.0 -> 1.16.1 → https://git.io/vxwXJ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #38061 → pipes: 1.2.0 -> 1.16.1 → https://git.io/vxwXJ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxw1I
<{^_^}> → c91a8b78 by @peti: Merge pull request #38057 from bgamari/enableExecutableProfiling
<{^_^}> → d79fd43c by @bgamari: haskell.lib: Add {en,dis}ableExecutableProfiling transformer
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #38057 → haskell.lib: Add {en,dis}ableExecutableProfiling transformer → https://git.io/vxwwz
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<{^_^}> [nix] @grahamc pushed 13 commits to nix-daemon-centos-7: https://git.io/vxw1g
<{^_^}> → cde22414 by @grahamc: Hack in centos7 systemd daemon support
<{^_^}> → 8437dbc8 by @grahamc: Fixups: works on centos7
<{^_^}> → 611a5113 by @grahamc: darwin installer: delete hardware report, not necessary
<gchristensen> *sigh* ok time to put in my thing to stop me from pushing to origin
<{^_^}> [nix] @grahamc pushed 0 commits to nix-daemon-centos-7: https://git.io/vxw11
<sphalerite> 0 commits? lol nice
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38062 → ptex: 2.1.28 -> 2.1.33 → https://git.io/vxw1p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 11 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwMJ
<{^_^}> → f1a187f4 by @peti: hackage2nix: update list of broken builds
<{^_^}> → 5b54db17 by @peti: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update
<{^_^}> → 0e829244 by @peti: ghcjs: mark HEAD version as broken
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<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: Hm...
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: My somewhat working version just parses all nix files and greps for urls there, which works mostly, but not with urls that have something like ${version} in them
<infinisil> the problem with evaluation is that you can't get any errors or else it won't work..
<infinisil> And nixpkgs frankly is full of evaluation aborting things
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38063 → libsForQt5.phonon: 4.9.1 -> 4.10.0 → https://git.io/vxwDM
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil: look at release.nix, really
<MichaelRaskin> there is builtins.tryEval (I know of it because I added it specifically for that)
<MichaelRaskin> Which allows you to skip the failing parts
<maurer> Hey, I'm having some trouble getting nix-env to do much of anything - it seems to be choking on broken symlinks in the store
<maurer> For example:
<maurer> Basically, nix-store or some similar component seems to be upset about broken symlinks when fixing up my environment, it hasn't been before
<MichaelRaskin> I would start with nix-store --verify
<maurer> That command completed immediately, no errors
<maurer> (the r2 one is _not_ an error in the nix store - it's an r2 packaging bug, if you look at it the symlink points to the build directory)
<maurer> the mumble one might be, but since it ocurred at the same time I'm more suspicious that something else is going on
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe there is a name conflict and it tries to check that contents match?
<maurer> That wouldn't explain why agda is triggering r2
<maurer> err
<maurer> agda is triggering mumble
<maurer> or r2 is triggering agda
<maurer> err, vice versa
<maurer> but you get the point
<maurer> these are not related software
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<sphalerite> maurer: iirc it's nix-env's env-building that breaks on it
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<dahirsch> how can i query for the path of initrd?
<maurer> sphalerite: So, it didn't break before, what's changed?
<sphalerite> also I'm pretty sure I fixed that bug in the mumble packaging \:|
<maurer> sphalerite: Well, I can't install your update
<maurer> because of whatever this bug is
<sphalerite> dahirsch: ls -l /run/booted-system/initrd
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<sphalerite> maurer: try nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA mumble
<dahirsch> sphalerite: this does not show the new initrd after updating
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<sphalerite> dahirsch: yeah it shows the one for the booted system. use current-system instead of booted-system fi you want the one for the current system generation
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<dahirsch> sphalerite: ahh /run/current-system holds the 'newest' system. thanks
<sphalerite> dahirsch: and all the system generations are in /nix/var/nix/profiles/
<maurer> sphalerite: As expected, still fails on error: getting status of '/nix/store/yz1vga2yrin85bk4cq509aghhw5ljv5y-radare2-1.4.0/bin/r2-docker': No such file or directory
<maurer> Did how the user environment gets built change or something?
<sphalerite> maurer: maybe try updating both at once
<maurer> I'll try - I already tried _uninstalling_ them, and I can't uninstall either due to the symlink problem
<sphalerite> I think it did become sensitive to broken symlinks when it wasn't before, but this was ages ago
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<maurer> OK, it's fixed now
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<sphalerite> removing both at once would pribably also have worked
<sphalerite> but yeah this probably shouldn't break in the first place
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38064 → oidentd: 2.0.8 -> 2.2.2 → https://git.io/vxwSt
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<infinisil> Lol, well that was nice
<infinisil> I had to restart my server, but it didn't come back up
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #38048 → spectre-meltdown-checker: 0.35 -> 0.36 → https://git.io/vxwWs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwSc
<{^_^}> → a96132f7 by @ryantm: spectre-meltdown-checker: 0.35 -> 0.36
<infinisil> Turns out a ZFS pool with an encrypted dataset will ask you to provide the password
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<{^_^}> → 8dd73d8b by @dotlambda: Merge pull request #38048 from ryantm/auto-update/spectre-meltdown-checker
<infinisil> I won't test encryption on my server again unless I have some way to easily unlock it
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<maurer> infinisil: ZFS encryption is also pretty unstable on linux at the moment
<infinisil> maurer: It is?
<infinisil> I thought they improved it a lot already
<maurer> Well, it's probably OK if you don't use ZFS send
* infinisil would need zfs send
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<infinisil> Well I won't switch to it unless I'm sure it's gonna work out
<maurer> infinisil: I don't have the details immediately on hand. If you actually want information I can put you in touch with someone who knows a lot more about what's going on with zfs crypto + send/recv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #37318 → phonon-qt4: 4.9.1 -> 4.10.0 → https://git.io/vx3kA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #38065 → gogs module: allow git operations over ssh → https://git.io/vxwSx
<infinisil> maurer: Nah it's okay, I can patiently wait for the official release
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jluttine opened pull request #38066 → calibre: 3.19.0 -> 3.20.0 → https://git.io/vxw9q
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #38067 → mdadm: allow sending mail when using opensmtpd → https://git.io/vxw9B
<judson> So, is there a workaround for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/37314 ? (Chromium crashing tabs on C&P) ?
<judson> Maybe installing master's chromium?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38068 → papirus-icon-theme: 20180214 -> 20180311 → https://git.io/vxw9P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 3 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxwHP
<{^_^}> → 2ddacd29 by @ryantm: dovecot: -> 2.3.1
<{^_^}> → e79abe30 by @fpletz: dovecot_pigeonhole: -> 0.5.1
<{^_^}> → 69a03de0 by @fpletz: nixos/dovecot: set group in config
<{^_^}> [nix] @grahamc opened pull request #2026 → Expand the multi-user installer to support Linuxes with systemd → https://git.io/vxwQv
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38069 → openimageio: 1.8.8 -> 1.8.9 → https://git.io/vxwQY
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<acowley> Is there a document somewhere in a For Dummies style that would help me build a clang derivative on linux without having glibc/libc++/libstdc++ issues ruin my day everyday?
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<globin> LnL, Sonarpulse: ^
<LnL> what do you mean?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @florianjacob opened pull request #38070 → matomo: 3.3.0 -> 3.4.0 → https://git.io/vxwQa
<LnL> there's clangStdenv and libcxxStdenv
<Sonarpulse> acowley: you want bare metal clang?
<Sonarpulse> that would be an unwrapped clang perhaps
<Sonarpulse> clangUnwrapped might still exist
<Sonarpulse> or clang.cc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #37890 → cquery: init at 2018-03-25 → https://git.io/vxuIy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwQi
<{^_^}> → 04f3b76d by Tobias Mayer: cquery: extended wrapper
<{^_^}> → 4930caae by Tobias Mayer: cquery: init at 2018-03-25
<Sonarpulse> do a --dry-run and lmk what deps are there
<{^_^}> → 683a73f0 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #37890 from tobimpub/cquery
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<acowley> Sonarpulse: I guess I have a couple issues
<acowley> Sonarpulse: The project, AMD's hcc compiler, wants to build its own clang and llvm. If I just do that, it's clang can't find system libraries
<acowley> So I can break the hcc build into two parts so that I can call ccWrapper on the clang it produces
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<Sonarpulse> acowley: that sounds good to me
<acowley> That gets me a compiled clang that can compile and link a simple test program
<acowley> But after that, the idea is to link in their specialized libraries or whatever
<acowley> And that does not work
<Sonarpulse> acowley: do they just fork llvm and clang?
<acowley> Sonarpulse: yes
<Sonarpulse> no craptastic meta-build system to build it all?
<acowley> Sonarpulse: The split build is really awkward, I should say
<Sonarpulse> split llvm and clang?
<acowley> Oh no, they cmake it all
<acowley> The split between clang and the hcc libraries
<acowley> Because their cmake refers to things in the build tree
<Sonarpulse> yikes
<acowley> But the nix ccWrapper stuff is not very modular
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<Sonarpulse> acowley: my #1 mantra from all this cross stuff
<acowley> So I can't inject the wrapper stuff into the hcc build
<Sonarpulse> is a) compilers should always allow building the runtime separately
<acowley> And honestly I don't understand entirely what ccWrapper is doing
<Sonarpulse> cc-wrapper is gross
<Sonarpulse> but the principle is sound
<Sonarpulse> even if the source is mixed, can you build each hcc in a separate derivation like a normal library?
<acowley> I keep ending up in situations where I'm pulling in both libc++ and libstdc++ because I just don't understand it all well enough
<acowley> The hardenings flags also mess things up whenever I forget to disable them
<Sonarpulse> yeah cc-wrapper has too many hacks
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<acowley> It passes gcc stack protection flags to clang
<Sonarpulse> there is a way to disable such things
<acowley> and compiler-rt can't build with hardening flags
<Sonarpulse> i forget off hand
<Sonarpulse> hmmm
<acowley> Yes hardeningDisable=all in env, or ["all"] in a nix file
<Sonarpulse> you can definitely disable per derivation with that
<Sonarpulse> yeah I just forget how to disable per wrapped cc everywhere it is used
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu opened pull request #38071 → php70: 7.0.28 -> 7.0.29 → https://git.io/vxw7k
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed commit from @ryantm to master « txt2man: 1.5.6 -> 1.6.0 »: https://git.io/vxw7V
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor closed pull request #38044 → txt2man: 1.5.6 -> 1.6.0 → https://git.io/vxwq2
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<doyougnu> hey all I'm trying to install xmonad via haskell's stack tool (more up to date ghc), I keep running into this error: "The pkg-config package 'alsa' version >= 1.0.14 is required but it could not be found"
<doyougnu> I've seen threads on fedora that this message just means I need to install libasound2, but I couldn't find that package anywhere
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<sphalerite> doyougnu: stuff doesn't work like this on nixos
<sphalerite> !library
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
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<sphalerite> ^ says a bit about why libraries don't get installed
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<sphalerite> As for solving your problem (use a newer ghc for xmonad), you'll probably just want to use a newer nixpkgs channel, most likely nixos-unstable
<doyougnu> ah ok looks like I've been thinking about this wrong
<doyougnu> thanks
<judson> Hm. I'm trying to add an npm package, but the generate script doesn't modify node-packages-v6.nix as a result of my change to the json file.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed to release-17.09 « gitlab test: fix eval »: https://git.io/vxwb0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #38045 → untex: 1.2 -> 1.3 → https://git.io/vxwOy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxwNr
<{^_^}> → bed16293 by @ryantm: untex: 1.2 -> 1.3
<{^_^}> → e5cc88a9 by @joachifm: Merge pull request #38045 from ryantm/auto-update/untex
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<judson> nix-shell -i fish -p nodePackages.node2nix
<judson> error: unrecognised flag '-i'
<judson> :(
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<samae> judson: --run ?
<judson> Cool! (--help still lists -i)
<samae> Interesting, didn't know :D
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<judson> Okay - I think I see my problem... But I don't know what to do about it:
<judson> Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/run/user/1000/node2nix-git-checkout-undefined118229-5273-p4aeei.dadv9ozuxr/native-dns-cache/.git'
<judson> But that directory doesn't exist.
<judson> I've noticed "ENOTEMPTY" about git repos recently...
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<symphorien> judson: -i is only allowed in nix-shell shebangs
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<judson> symporien is that new in 2.0?
<symphorien> what I said was for 1.11, no idea if this behavior changed with 2
<judson> Okay.
<judson> Anyone familiar with node2nix?
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<LnL> judson: -i only works in a shebang
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<lostman> are there any ready-made scripts for running `nix-serve` on non nix systems as a service? perhaps with systemd? I'm looking at a setup where I'd like to re-use binary packages produced by jenkins
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38073 → lyx: 2.2.3 -> 2.3.0 → https://git.io/vxwhI
<judson> I'm finding that the v6 node-packages update is broken.
<judson> I'm not deep enough in npm/node2nix to understand why or how to fix.
<ottidmes> lostman: Could you not base it on: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/e5cc88a922e92b1c833e1c8993065c7d71c23acd/nixos/modules/services/networking/nix-serve.nix#L48-L65 by creating a similar systemd service in your distribution?
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<lostman> @ottidmes yeah, I saw that. I don't really know systemd (other than `service ... start` so was just wondering if anyone wrote service descriptions for nix-serve already. otherwise shouldn't be too hard. just need to find some time to read the docs
<MichaelRaskin> lostman: you can actually build a NixOS unit on a non-NixOS system.
<ottidmes> lostman: I could give you my generate service unit file for nix-serve if you want?
<lostman> @ottidmes sure, could be useful to look at!
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<reardencode> error: undefined variable ‘placeholder’ at /nix/store/9zk5am1b97k79wzpmj95rs9idx3iymlz-nixpkgs-18.09pre133932.ee28e35ba37/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/pipewire/default.nix:37:46
<reardencode> seems to relate to this commit error: undefined variable ‘placeholder’ at /nix/store/9zk5am1b97k79wzpmj95rs9idx3iymlz-nixpkgs-18.09pre133932.ee28e35ba37/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/pipewire/default.nix:37:46
<ottidmes> lostman: https://pastebin.com/4ht311Vd
<lostman> @MichaelRaskin yes, so I can build `nix-serve` executable on Ubuntu, right? but I can't make `nix` configure `nix-serve` as a service on Ubuntu like I could on Nix OS
<lostman> @ottidmes thanks!
<MichaelRaskin> lostman: you can also build all NixOS files without installing NixOS
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<MichaelRaskin> nix-build nixpkgs/nixos -I nixos-config=./test-configuration.nix
<MichaelRaskin> With some tricks you can even build only the parts you need
<lostman> @ottidmes how did you generate that file? otherwise how would you know which derivations to use?
<MichaelRaskin> I think the file was just taken from a NixOS build
<ottidmes> lostman: Yep, what MichaelRaskin said, just copied from my server
<lostman> oh right, you are running Nix on the server I assume?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38074 → mediainfo-gui: 17.12 -> 18.03.1 → https://git.io/vxwj5
<lostman> I suppose I should try that :)
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<ottidmes> lostman: But if you do what MichaelRaskin suggested, you could just do: find /nix/store -maxdepth 1 | grep nix-serve, and find the generated unit file
<MichaelRaskin> I think a bit of symlink-following from the output would also work
<ottidmes> MichaelRaskin: The build output, yeah, but is there a symlink path from system? I thought it just directly referenced nix store paths
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<ottidmes> lostman: If you mean NixOS, then yeah I run NixOS on all my servers (so Nix by definition as well)
<MichaelRaskin> Let me check…
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed commit from @mpickering to release-18.03 « Fix grass build on darwin »: https://git.io/vxrer
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tiramiseb opened pull request #38075 → curaByDagoma: init at 1520506579 → https://git.io/vxreH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #38076 → go: 1.10 -> 1.10.1 → https://git.io/vxred
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyarly opened pull request #38077 → (create-cycle-app): init at 4.0.0 → https://git.io/vxrvt
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<ottidmes> MichaelRaskin: find /var/run/current-system -name '*.service' gives me nothing, so I guess not
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<MichaelRaskin> It might not follow symlinks, though
<tmplt> I'm in the process of porting an Arch User Repo PKGBUILD to Nix (specifically Cisco's Packet Tracer). Other than remembering to patchelf, are there other things I should keep in mind?
<MichaelRaskin> nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A 'config.system.build.units."nix-serve.service".unit' --arg configuration '{ services.nix-serve.enable = true; }'
<MichaelRaskin> lostman: ^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38078 → mandoc: 1.13.4 -> 1.14.3 → https://git.io/vxrvV
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #38079 → go: 1.9.4 -> 1.9.5 → https://git.io/vxrvh
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #38080 → go_bootstrap: 1.4-20161024 -> 1.4-20170531 → https://git.io/vxrft
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<ottidmes> MichaelRaskin: Yep, you were right, it did not follow symlinks and when supplying find -L I found plenty of services (nix-serve is not in use any more so was not showing up). I like your nix-build, made a note of it, may come in handy at some point :)
<tmplt> In a custom stdenv.mkDerivation.builder script. Should install(1) be used?
<MichaelRaskin> This I use for exporting NixOS stuff on a non-systemd Nix-powered system
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @obadz merged pull request #38073 → lyx: 2.2.3 -> 2.3.0 → https://git.io/vxwhI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @obadz pushed commit from @ryantm to master « lyx: 2.2.3 -> 2.3.0 »: https://git.io/vxrfP
<{^_^}> [nixops] @Chakerbh opened pull request #918 → Add spot_instance_price to the reset function → https://git.io/vxrfD
<ottidmes> tmplt: I was wondering that too at some point, but when I asked I was explained that it does not really matter, since Nix removes most file metadata anyway, making install vs mkdir/cp no longer really relevant. Most people seem to just use mkdir/cp though
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<tmplt> ottidmes: okay, thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #38081 → todiff: init at 0.3.2 → https://git.io/vxrJT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38082 → libgringotts: 1.1.2 -> 1.2.1 → https://git.io/vxrJ3
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<pbogdan> do we have nix-prefetch-patch somewhere? a nix-prefetch-url like tool that would work for fetchpatch derivations?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38083 → libatomic_ops: 7.6.2 -> 7.6.4 → https://git.io/vxrUN
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<ryantm> pbogdan: Did you try it? Its a bummer that nix-prefetch-url -A doesn't work on fetchfromgit, but it does on fetchFromGitHub.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wmertens merged pull request #37921 → nixos/nginx: add gitweb sub-service → https://git.io/vxgTV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wmertens pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/vxrTI
<{^_^}> → 9e675207 by @gnidorah: perlPackages.HTMLTagCloud: init at 0.38
<{^_^}> → 2821d3fe by @gnidorah: gitweb: use common options
<{^_^}> → 69a0c972 by @gnidorah: nixos/nginx: add gitweb sub-service
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #38080 → go_bootstrap: 1.4-20161024 -> 1.4-20170531 → https://git.io/vxrft
<ryantm> Seems like it might be pretty easy to fix those fetchers to include the srcs in a format that nix-prefetch-url accepts. I haven't tried to investigate it yet though.
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<tmplt> Where are files given with { mkDerivation.srcs = [ ./file1 ./file2 ] } available? Is there some $in variable?
<tmplt> These files are accompanied by the default.nix
<globin> tmplt: $srcs
<tmplt> ah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #38084 → rivet: 2.6.0 -> 2.6.0 → https://git.io/vxrTo
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #38085 → rivet: 2.6.0 -> 2.6.0 [stable backport] → https://git.io/vxrT9
<clever> tmplt: all attributes given to mkDerivation just become env variables at build-time
<tmplt> aaah, neat
<webchat> how do I install nix into something other than /nix?
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to v3 « Experiment with GenericPretty. »: https://git.io/vxrTp
<webchat> I don't have access to /nix
<tmplt> explains why $srcs is a list in this case
<symphorien> webchat: do you have a kernel with user namespace enabled ?
<webchat> I don't think so. how do I check?
<symphorien> with unshare
<symphorien> see the man page for the right flags
<webchat> $ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_USER_NS
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<webchat> CONFIG_USER_NS=y
<webchat> mhhh.
<webchat> maybe
<symphorien> you need mount namespaces
<webchat> but there's no simple way to configure *nix* to use a different directory?
<symphorien> webchat: that's a good start but some distributions patch the kernel to disable it at boot
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<symphorien> webchat: if the store is not at /nix then you loose the binary cache
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38086 → libmowgli: 0.9.50 -> 2.1.3 → https://git.io/vxrkG
<webchat> oh
<symphorien> and nix tends to be more compilation intensive than, say, gentoo for example
<webchat> the binaries assume they're installed into /nix?
<symphorien> because if the glibc changes then you have to recompile everything
<symphorien> even for a comment
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<webchat> because glib is statically linked?
<clever> webchat: its dynamicaly linked, but nix tracks things better, and forces a rebuild because nix thinks that the libc change could have any kind of side-effect on the build
<MichaelRaskin> No, because the packages tend to reference their origin in surprising ways, changing store path = recompiling all
<symphorien> no because if any dependecy of a nix derviation changes, then the derivation must be recompiled
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<tmplt> I might have build the program correctly now. The binary was symlinked to `$out/usr/bin/`. I surmise nix-shell will place me in a shell with that in the PATH so that I can test it, but what do I pass to -A?
<symphorien> tmplt: usually binaries should go to $out/bin
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui merged pull request #918 → Add spot_instance_price to the reset function → https://git.io/vxrfD
<{^_^}> → 6cfd232f by @Chakerbh: Add spot_instance_price to the reset function, fixes 897
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxrIW
<{^_^}> → dc4f23b3 by @AmineChikhaoui: Merge pull request #918 from Chakerbh/spotPrice_reset
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #38082 → libgringotts: 1.1.2 -> 1.2.1 → https://git.io/vxrJ3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxrI8
<{^_^}> → dd33193f by @ryantm: libgringotts: 1.1.2 -> 1.2.1
<{^_^}> → cef9812b by @pSub: Merge pull request #38082 from ryantm/auto-update/libgringotts
<symphorien> for nix-shell: create a file containing: with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name="whatever"; buildInputs=[ import ./yourfile ]; }
<symphorien> and nix-shell thefile.nix
<tmplt> that's what I'm currently doing, but `/nix/store/<hash>-whatever/bin/` is not in my PATH
<ottidmes> If I want to nix-shell into a default.nix, I have an alias that does this: nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./. {}'
<symphorien> tmplt: it would not put "whatever" in the path, just its buildInputs
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<ottidmes> tmplt: did you check ./result/bin/...
<ottidmes> tmplt: if you did nix-build, that is
<tmplt> oh
<tmplt> I figured just running that wouldn't work
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<tmplt> No dynamic link errors thus far, at least. Thanks for the help
<ottidmes> tmplt: BTW, if you wanted your package in a nix-shell, you could also just have done: nix-shell -p 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./. {}'
<symphorien> doesn't it give a shell to build the package, not with the package in it ?
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<ottidmes> symphorien: with `nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./. {}'` it would do that yeah, but with -p, you get a dev env where it is just one the inputs
<symphorien> oh
<symphorien> nice
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38087 → libqalculate: 2.2.1 -> 2.3.0 → https://git.io/vxrLg
<ottidmes> symphorien: This can be seen in the manpage: "{{--packages | -p} packages... | [path]}" where -p does "Set up an environment in which the specified packages are present." and where giving it a path create a build environment based on the derivation path given (defaulting to default.nix)
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<zybell> webchat: ln -s /proc/self/fd/3 /nix will construct a redirectable store. every nix-cmd has to be run as: 3</real/store nix-... And of course every cmdline can use a different store.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #38079 → go: 1.9.4 -> 1.9.5 → https://git.io/vxrvh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxrtw
<{^_^}> → 166a6321 by @dtzWill: go: 1.9.4 -> 1.9.5
<{^_^}> → 50815d46 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #38079 from dtzWill/update/go-1.9.5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #38076 → go: 1.10 -> 1.10.1 → https://git.io/vxred
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging:
<{^_^}> → 1661c0b2 by @dtzWill: go: 1.10 -> 1.10.1
<{^_^}> → 266cd103 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #38076 from dtzWill/update/go-1.10.1
<webchat> zybell: /nix is inaccessible for me, can't create a link there
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<tmplt> The program builds and runs, but segfauls if the program is refocused. Before this it spouts out a ton of libpng and Qt warnings. It ships with its own Qt libraries, though; how would I use this $out/lib directory so it looks there first when running? I tried prepending it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH but then the other directories where not used so the program didn't start.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed to staging « libidn2: remove dependency on ronn »: https://git.io/vxrtQ
<zybell> prepending is a wise word. Please include the deault into LD_LIBRARY_PATH!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38088 → libvisio: 0.1.3 -> 0.1.6 → https://git.io/vxrqf
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<zybell> *default
<tmplt> zybell: `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$out/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is not the correct way, then?
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/3410d73b201 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<zybell> if LD_LIBRARY_PATH was empty no. Empty means =$(cat /etc/ld.so.conf). So that line comes first.
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<zybell> man ld.so should help.
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<joepie91_to_go_> so I have a... special problem
<joepie91_to_go_> my nix store is severely corrupted, including glibc, to the point that I cannot run a `nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair` without various things segfaulting along the way
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<monokrome> Hi! Does anyone know if NixOS has systemd? Is it optional if so?
<joepie91_to_go_> nix-store doesn't appear to have a way to specify the 'target store' to fix either
<joepie91_to_go_> so... given that I'm now booted into a Live CD, how do I fix the store on my system while using the tools from the Live CD?
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<niksnut> monokrome: it has systemd and it's not optional
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<joepie91_to_go_> ... anybody? this is a very blocking issue, my system is essentially unusable :/
<niksnut> nix-store --store /mnt ?
<joepie91_to_go_> does that work? I didn't see that in the manpage
* joepie91_to_go_ gives it a shot
<niksnut> like most nix 2.0 features, it's probably not documented
<elijh> i am curious about nixops and container orchestration... suppose I have a bunch of containerized applications, is there a way to deploy with nixops? or has anyone run docker swarm or kubernetes on top of nixos?
<joepie91_to_go_> ah, I'm not running 2.0 here though
<joepie91_to_go_> this is a 17.09 ISO I'm booted from
<niksnut> you probably would have run into https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1957 anyway
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #38089 → knot-resolver: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.0 → https://git.io/vxrmM
<ottidmes> joepie91_to_go_: You could just modify /etc/nixos/configuration.nix of the iso right, add nix.package = pkgs.nixStable2; and do a nixos-rebuild switch?
<niksnut> or do nix-store -r /nix/store/skpscmdil7jsvszawj762m10gsknir82-nix-2.0pre6100_446bb88f
<niksnut> that should have the fix for #1957
<joepie91_to_go_> thanks, will give that a try
<joepie91_to_go_> ... after this fsck completes :P
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<ottidmes> elijh: I am curious about it as well. There is also disnix: https://nixos.org/disnix/ and here are some links I found that might be useful to you: https://github.com/arianvp/nix-acbuild https://github.com/steveeJ/nix2aci https://github.com/xtruder/nix-kubernetes
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