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<srhb> wilornel: If you followed the instructions you ought to be on some 2.0 version (possibly pre, if on 17.09) if your channel is up-to-date
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<ottidmes> wilornel: nix.package = (import <nixpkgs-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }).nixUnstable; should give you an even more recent version (the <nixpkgs-unstable> looks for nixpkgs-unstable on the NIX_PATH, not sure if you have that though, you can also just inline a path to a checkout that uses channels/nixos-unstable)
<clever> ottidmes: shouldnt need allowUnfree
<ottidmes> The config = { allowUnfree = true; }; bit can be ignored
<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, was just writing that, (I just copied parts of my config, should have removed that bit)
<clever> ah
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<ottidmes> I have unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }; in my nixpkgs overlay and just refer to unstable.<pkg-name> all over where I happen to need a more bleeding edge version, some of which might be unfree, hence the config
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<wilornel> srhb: how do I update my channel? so 1.12pre IS 2.0? `nix-env -qaP | grep bundler` still gives me version 1.14.6 and not 1.16
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<wilornel> I'm confused, why should I do your method ottidmes if nix1.12pre is 2.0?
<wilornel> error: file ‘nixpkgs-unstable’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:29:23
<wilornel> (use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)
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<clever> wilornel: you need to add a channel called nixpkgs-unstable with nix-channel, as root
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<ottidmes> I really feel like I should know this by now, but I am getting "Host key verification failed.", which is because it is missing from known_hosts, but it is not prompting to add it, is just exits with that error
<bsima> How can I check if a library is installed on NixOS and available in my current env?
<johnw> bsima: that's a really great question, actually
<bsima> ldconfig doesn't seem to work
<clever> ottidmes: which user is causing that error?
<clever> bsima: ldconfig isnt supposed to work on nixos
<MichaelRaskin> Libraries are expected not to be available by installing
<MichaelRaskin> Inside nix-shell — that's another story
<bsima> MichaelRaskin: yeah, i'm inside nix-shell
<ottidmes> clever: root
<clever> ottidmes: when you just run ssh normally?
<ottidmes> clever: yeah, ssh root@mymachine fails with the host key error
<clever> ottidmes: can you gist the full error?
<ottidmes> clever: Normally I would get a prompt asking me to add it to the known hosts
<ottidmes> clever: > ssh root@ -p 2202: Host key verification failed.
<MichaelRaskin> bsima: I guess the expectation is that you check the invocation/default.nix/shell.nix
<wilornel> clever: nix 2.0 is unstable for now?
<MichaelRaskin> And maybe double-check NIX_LDFLAGS
<clever> ottidmes: does that IP already exist in ~/.ssh/known_hosts, possibly with the wrong key?
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<ottidmes> clever: known_hosts is empty
<clever> ottidmes: can you re-run the ssh with -vvvv and gist the entire output?
<ottidmes> clever: But what is normally responsible for giving me that prompt to add it to known_hosts, I think therin lies my problem
<clever> ssh itself asks that
<bsima> MichaelRaskin: so if a library isn't listed in the shell.nix file, I can be sure it won't be available to my code?
<wilornel> is this a stable release? https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-relnotes-2.0
<bsima> I'm actually trying to reproduce a bug which seems to be cauesd by a missing lib
<MichaelRaskin> bsima: we-e-e-ell
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<MichaelRaskin> I mean, store enumeration, propagated build inputs, LD_LIBRARY_PATH from external shell…
<ottidmes> clever: Thanks, that helped me realize what likely the problem is, I have "BatchMode yes", which I read does basically the same as some other options I had combined, but I think it has other side effects, including this one, i.e. becoming non-interactive
<bsima> MichaelRaskin: how about nix-shell --pure?
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<MichaelRaskin> That helps with inherited stuff
<MichaelRaskin> And propagated build inputs should work the same for the Nix build
<bsima> ok
<MichaelRaskin> (and store enumeration is just something I hope nobody ever tries to do automatically)
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<clever> ottidmes: ah, that feels like it would do it
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<manveru> is there a channel for home-manager?
<MichaelRaskin> Why would it need one?
<ottidmes> clever: It actually is appropriate for my use case, but I would have to generate my own known_hosts file, or only enable the option after populating the file with the necessary entries
<manveru> just wondering :)
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<clever> ottidmes: i think you can also use -O to set the flag on the CLI
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<clever> ottidmes: so scripts get it, but manual ssh doesnt
<ottidmes> clever: ssh -o BatchMode=yes probably
<clever> yeah
<ottidmes> I of course had it in my programs.ssh.extraConfig... cannot recommend :P
<clever> lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #36233: Update scripts (master...update_scripts) https://git.io/vASd0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #36234: uutils-coreutils: disable general unix build for now (master...disable-uutils-coreutils-on-darwin) https://git.io/vASFq
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae7efee aszlig: systemd: Reident the expression file...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vASFZ
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<adelbertc> but it doesnt seem to be available in `bin`
<ayyjayess[m]> manveru: rycee is often in #nix:matrix.org
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/57fef3d9786 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<abathur> to hack on a local copy of Doxygen I had before moving to nixos--since Doxygen happens to already be in nixpkgs--I guess I should be writing a shell/default.nix in the directory that overrides the doxygen derivation in nixpkgs? probably to override the src attribute and add an env?
<halfbit> so is there a way to make like the equivalent of a PKGBUILD for archlinux or.spec file for rpm or something
<halfbit> I still can't understand how I can package my own stuff, it seems like the general guide says git clone all of nixos and go from there
<halfbit> that seems insane to me, the git repo is huge
<clever> halfbit: you can just make your own default.nix
<clever> halfbit: and import <nixpkgs> {} loads the nixpkgs you already have
<wilornel> error: file ‘nixpkgs-unstable’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:29:23
<wilornel> (use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)
<halfbit> so like, mkdir mypackage, cd mypackage, vim default.nix, nix-env default.nix?
<halfbit> nix-env -i default.nix?
<clever> halfbit: nix-build default.nix
<wilornel> how should I get nixpkgs-unstable?
<halfbit> clever: ah
<clever> wilornel: sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
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<halfbit> seems like this would be a really common thing, or is it more common to keep everything in a fork of nixos?
<simpson> halfbit: If you intend to contribute to nixpkgs, then you'll likely find it much easier at some point to establish a local git checkout. It's not necessary to get started, and not necessary if you just need stuff imported from nixpkgs.
<clever> halfbit: i always put default.nix's in the root of my projects
<clever> halfbit: and it builds without having to clone all of nixpkgs
<halfbit> yeah I mean, I just want to be able to package company software for install
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<halfbit> clever: thats what I'm looking for
<halfbit> there's some other stuff I might contribute if I can get far enough, like a scylladb package
<halfbit> I feel like I'm in a fog of confusion still though
<halfbit> without clear starting places
<adelbertc> i also have logs for `strace` of the lookup on another Pod that wasnt built by Nix
<adelbertc> `/etc/resolv/conf` and `/etc/hosts` are more orless identical on both pods
<adelbertc> i thought installing `bind` on the Nix-built one would help, but no go
<adelbertc> `spark-test` and `spark-test-original` are the pod/container names - K8s adds this as an entry in `/etc/hosts` automagically
<adelbertc> so the expectation is `nslookup` works
<abathur> hmm
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<wilornel> clever: I did that
<pxc2> halfbit: working directly in Nixpkgs is sometimes easier
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<pxc2> if you're packaging things for work, you might want a local clone of Nixpkgs for adding dependencies to Nixpkgs, since that will make your life easier. But it should be easy to spare end-users all that stuff
<MichaelRaskin> Well, it is easy to import Nixpkgs and use their callPackage on an out-of-tree file
<MichaelRaskin> Or write an out-of-tree file that imports things from Nixpkgs
<MichaelRaskin> In any case you are going to want to pin the Nixpkgs version because of compatibility testing, so you can as well just develop it in a local Nixpkgs branch…
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<wilornel> warning: in configuration file '/etc/nix/nix.conf': unknown setting 'signed-binary-caches'
<clever> wilornel: usually safe to ignore that one
<lejonet> What is wrong with my machine or iso if I get "error: substituter 'download-from-binary-cache.pl' died unexpectedly" when trying to do nixos-install
<clever> lejonet: did it say anything before that?
<wilornel> Woot I got nix-env 2.0!
<lejonet> clever: nope, that is the first error at all
<wilornel> but bundler it still version 1.14.6!
<wilornel> I don't get it
<clever> lejonet: strange, does the machine have internet access?
<clever> wilornel: updating nix wont update other packages
<lejonet> clever: it should have, it can ping google for example
<wilornel> This commentor claims there is bundler 1.16 now: https://github.com/manveru/bundix/issues/26#issuecomment-370046323
<wilornel> or no wait
<clever> lejonet: try running it with more -v's
<manveru> huh...
<lejonet> clever: nixos-install doesn't have a -v option :/
<clever> lejonet: does anything build?, nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A hello
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<manveru> i guess we'd need https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/35834 merged...
<manveru> wilornel: sorry, i had bundler updated in my nixpkgs, forgot it's not there yet :(
<lejonet> clever: I think I know what the problem could be -.- that domain is still running emulated, haven't switched to kvm, thought it was a bit too slow still
<lejonet> clever: my guess is that it timed out and stuff, due to being very slow due to emulation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jtojnar opened pull request #36236: tree-wide: Add some updateScripts (master...updatescripts) https://git.io/vASxf
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<wilornel> I just tried to install nix-env --version 2.0 on my vagrant instance and it did work but ultimately did not install 2.0
<wilornel> I should be able to get it with this version right?
<wilornel> [vagrant@nixbox:~]$ nixos-version
<wilornel> 17.09.2683.360089b3521 (Hummingbird)
<lejonet> clever: switching it to kvm made everything work ^^ sorry for noise :P
<wilornel> for some reason, nix-env --version 1.12pre I think acts as 2.0 on that vagrant machine
<wilornel> I'm still confused about how someone said that 1.12pre == 2.0
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<manveru> well, they're the same basically
<manveru> 1.12 was released as 2.0
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<clever> adelbertc: i dont see the child proc, -f is missing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DarkScythe97 opened pull request #36237: retroarch: 1.6.0 -> 1.7.1 (master...retroarch) https://git.io/vAShP
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ae7efee4fa9 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<Lisanna> Is there anything in nixpkgs lib for doing an assert but customizing the error message if the assert fails?
<Lisanna> ah, mkAssert
<Lisanna> wait... that's only for modules
<clever> Lisanna: i think you could have an if condition somewhere in the path of a vital value, that tests the condition
<clever> if its good, return the vital value
<clever> if its wrong, builtins.trace "msg" (assert false; null)
<clever> maybe
<Lisanna> okay, so I'd have to roll my own
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<srid> What's a recommended way to run an otherwise system service instead as an user service? Eg: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/misc/ihaskell.nix#L16
<clever> srid: the runner helper, one min
<clever> still finding the example gist...
<srid> It'd be nice if I can still run it in systemd but under the user slice
<clever> 2018-02-21 14:31:29< clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --arg configuration '{ pkgs, ... }: { services.mysql.enable = true; services.mysql.package = pkgs.mysql; }' -A config.systemd.services.mysql.runner
<adelbertc> clever: updated the gist
<clever> adelbertc: and i prefer -ff, because it wont interlace the 2 processes into a single mess
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] thoughtpolice pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vASjH
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7270f21 Austin Seipp: tlaplus: init at 1.5.6...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0339dc5 Austin Seipp: libftdi: enable async mode...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DarkScythe97 opened pull request #36238: libretro: add higan-sfc core (master...libretro) https://git.io/vASj7
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<Guest50636> test
<clever> adelbertc: is spark-test a toplevel domain, or is it using a default search space?
<clever> adelbertc: how do the /etc/resolv.conf files compare?
<adelbertc> clever: updated with the 4 output files, seems the one that wokrs (not built by nix) just has the 1 process
<adelbertc> the two /etc/resolv.conf's are identical
<clever> readv(6, [{iov_base="", iov_len=0}, {iov_base="nameserver\nsearch"..., iov_len=1024}], 2) = 111
<clever> adelbertc: the -s 300 is missing, so it truncated the file right at the key word
<adelbertc> bah
<clever> adelbertc: the working.log doesnt even do dns, it appears to read /etc/hosts, how do those compare?
<clever> adelbertc: and how does /etc/nsswitch.conf compare?
<adelbertc> clever: updated with -s 300
<adelbertc> no nsswitch.conf
<adelbertc> files on both are the same except the last line, where the Pod IP differs
<clever> try adding a nsswitch.conf
<adelbertc> and one is spark-test, the other is spark-test-original
<adelbertc> that would be strange though right, even the one that works doesnt have an nsswitch.conf
<adelbertc> and it resolves fine
<clever> different defaults in libc maybe
<adelbertc> clever: justs `hosts: files ` ?
<clever> dns also has to be present in there
<clever> or it will be incapable of performing dns
<adelbertc> no go
<adelbertc> ```
<adelbertc> hosts: dns files
<adelbertc> ```
<adelbertc> bash-4.4# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
<clever> in the other order?
<adelbertc> nope
<clever> what about ping, instead of nslookup?
<adelbertc> aha. ping works.
<clever> nslookup may be configured to skip /etc/hosts
<adelbertc> but it seems to work even without the nsswitch
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] khumba opened pull request #36239: claws-mail, jitsi: remove myself (khumba) from maintainers (master...remove-app-maintainership) https://git.io/vA9e3
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<adelbertc> hm. ok but the actual thing iwas trying to do (Spark) does want the nsswitch there
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<adelbertc> interesting
<adelbertc> is this something that just has to be setup as aprt of the Docker env or is there some Nix install that will do it
<clever> i think its just something that has to be setup manually
<adelbertc> booo. ok this was very instructive
<clever> ive got one program that fails hard, because it cant figure out what udp is, lol
<adelbertc> thank you clever !
<clever> its missing the udp entry in /etc/protocols
<adelbertc> does iana-etc not set that up?
<clever> iana-etc is what fixes that
<adelbertc> :+1
<adelbertc> oops this isnt Slack lol
<clever> but lately, a namespace that mounts a new nix over /nix breaks the /etc/protocols symlink in nixos
<clever> and re-introduced the problem
<clever> so i had to merge the /etc's
<adelbertc> fun..
<clever> and then dbus is upset because files from the host etc are missing
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<aardito> if I'm on unstable, how often should I expect package updates?
<aardito> is it lagged from master?
<clever> adelbertc: every time the tests pass on master
<clever> aardito: nixos-unstable will lag a little behind master, on the latest version that passes all nixos tests
<samueldr> one hour ago, it updated to that commit https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ae7efee4fa9 which is from 4 hours ago, though there's no guarantee for any kind of timing
<samueldr> oh, I'm mistaken, that's nixpkgs-unstable
<clever> in that case, it took 3 hours to finish testing and building
<samueldr> ouch, nixos-unstable is 8 days old
<clever> but if tests fail, it just doesnt update
<clever> this says how old it all is, and links to the tests
<aardito> oh ok it is 8 days old
<aardito> I'm seeing nixos-18.03pre129076.831ef4756e3 from 2/22
<samueldr> it's not unusual to be days behind, but it's not necessarily the norm
<aardito> I wouldn't even have noticed but I went to install spotify
<clever> ah, but the 'last updated' on howoldis is not how old the commit is
<aardito> only to find out it was broken, but working in master
<clever> youll notice, 17.03 and 17.03-small have different ages, yet are on the exact same commit
<clever> 17.03-small updated first, because thats the whole design of the -small jobs
<clever> and then the full build finished a month later, causing 17.03 to update to the rev
<aardito> looking at that though it seems like nixpkgs should be very recent, with nixos a bit older
<aardito> just wondering if I have my channels set up right
<aardito> I'm on both currently
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #36240: conkeror: use firefox-esr, 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 (master...fix-bump/conkeror-1.0.4) https://git.io/vA9e9
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* clever heads off to bed
<wilornel> good night clever
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<mfiano> I can't seem to install NixOS on my netbook
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<mfiano> It uses an MMC storage device, but despite including the MMC kernel module that nixos-generate-config detected, it times out looking for the root partition, and then times out looking for the swap partition
<mfiano> Odd thing is the livecd works. This is very annoying, because the livecd doesn't store the closure on the disk, so nixos-install takes about a half hour everytime
<samueldr> err, every time I had to nixos-install, over an existing partition, it never had to re-download
<samueldr> are you re-partitionning every time?
<mfiano> It doesn't redownload
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<mfiano> But its very slow CPU and disk, and takes forever
<samueldr> ah, I see
<mfiano> Think raspberry pi in the shape of a laptop :(
<mfiano> The strange thing is I can't get the initrd to know about my storage device, even though its what was detected and booted from with the livecd
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<samueldr> I'm curious, though it's not to help, what kind of laptop is it?
<neonfuz> major issues after latest update :|
<mfiano> samueldr: Acer Cloudbook
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<neonfuz> before reboot I couldn't open dmenu or urxvt windows, said no display, after update (and GC because I was an idiot) my wifi is broken and X reboots after a few minutes
<samueldr> ah, Intel® Celeron® N3050
<samueldr> 1.6 GHz; Dual-core
<mfiano> Yep
<neonfuz> and on boot I get some error about TSC_DEADLINE, maybe this is to do with the meltdown update?
<neonfuz> this only happened after doing a nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade to the latest unstable
<neonfuz> any way to use not the latest unstable, but a slightly older one?
<samueldr> mfiano: you could always start from here, look into the imported files if anything catches your eye https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.09/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix
<mfiano> Ok
<samueldr> neonfuz: if you know a commit ID, you could either git clone / git checkout that commit, or change the channel to use that commit
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<neonfuz> how can I set the channel to use a certain commit?
<samueldr> neonfuz: do you know around when was the last channel update you did that worked?
<neonfuz> no :/
<samueldr> :/ well, you'll have to try some
<neonfuz> oh god
<neonfuz> now when I try to run urxvt I get Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyurxvt: can't open display :0, aborting.
<samueldr> I don't know how "normal" it is, and you'll have to fix it later on, but you can `sudo nix-channel --add <full url>` to what the channel URL (https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable) previously resolved too
<neonfuz> this sounds like something to do with meltdown / spectre fix
<neonfuz> alright
<samueldr> but uh, I don't think that's anything meltdown / spectre related
<samueldr> MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE is the way x11 programs can tell the server "look, I have the rights to talk to you"
<neonfuz> hmm, any idea what the mit-magic-cookie thing is? I
<neonfuz> oh, hmm
<neonfuz> odd, any idea why this is happening?
<neonfuz> I'm gonna try a reboot...
<samueldr> played around with $XAUTHORITY File?
<neonfuz> no
<samueldr> probably ~/.Xauthority
<samueldr> or moved your home
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<neonfuz> oh weird, I have ~/.Xauthority
<neonfuz> with a magic cookie defined...
<neonfuz> can I remove that?
<samueldr> I don't know
<samueldr> I don't know when it will be re-generated
<neonfuz> removing it makes me not able to open new windows
<samueldr> is your `env | grep XAUTHORITY` pointing to it?
<samueldr> well, that behaviour seems normal to me :)
<neonfuz> yea
<neonfuz> hmm alright
<neonfuz> ohhhh, hmm maybe this is it
<neonfuz> I had some patches applied to the kernel in my nixos, and I think the kernel bumped a major version
<neonfuz> so my patches aren't applying
<neonfuz> so my hardware isn't happy
<samueldr> you might want to replace linuxPackages_latest to linuxPackages_4_xx where xx is a linux package you prefer to follow
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<neonfuz> I am actually using 4_xx
<neonfuz> but I don't set which kernel I'm using
<neonfuz> is there an option to set which kernel package to use?
<samueldr> ah, I think there's one caveat
<samueldr> non-LTS releases may be removed, this would have to be actually verified
<leocp1> hi, first time installing. Assuming I've created a /boot partition and have a preexisting ESP from windows 10 mounted to /boot/efi, how do I tell configuration.nix to install grub with the command ` grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi `? Should I use `boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev"` then install grub myself manually?
<mfiano> Did you see boot.loader.grub.efiSupport and friends?
<samueldr> leocp1: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#efisysmountpo boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint
<samueldr> didn't try it myself, but AFAIUI this should be how nixos-install knows how to find the ESP
<mfiano> samueldr: nixos-install is actually downloading everytime I run it if the machine was rebooted. It keeps everything in tmpfs at /nix/.rw-store
<samueldr> and looking through nixpkgs, the grub modules effectively uses that option
<mfiano> So that adds to the long time it takes
<samueldr> mfiano: ah, I must have been wrong then, I am lucky and never really had to go back through the installer
<mfiano> I've ran it about 10 times already, or about 5 hours
<mfiano> I don't see an end in sight yet :)
<samueldr> all-hardware.nix looked promising to me
<mfiano> Yep, that's next to try. Had a build running for a while I don't want to interrupt
<neonfuz> sweet yeah I totally had kernel patches being set to only apply to 4_9 when my kernel updated to 4_14... oops lol
<leocp1> mfiano,samueldr: thanks. what do I set boot.loader.grub.devices to then? I was worried about nix trying to run `grub-install /dev/sda` for a MBR style install. is the variable just thrown out?
<samueldr> leocp1: "nodev" for EFI
<samueldr> that's AFAIUI only used for legacy bios boot
<samueldr> when installed as EFI it will add a .efi program to the ESP, and configure it using efibootmgr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy opened pull request #1942: installables: Support unprefixed NIX_PATH lookups. (master...installables-unnamed-nix-path) https://git.io/vA9fb
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<mfiano> samueldr: Is there a way to find out what modules the initrd has after nixos-install before I reboot? I'm not actually seeing the eMMC module being loaded at boot, so wondering if nixos is not regenerating the initrd or something
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<mfiano> including all-hardware.nix didn't even work
<mfiano> I don't think nixos is including the module it needs
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<leocp1> samueldr: thanks for your help! it seems to have installed
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<hyper_ch> hwat is NixOS:nixos-v237 ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #36241: facter: 3.9.3 -> 3.10.0 and deps (master...bump/facter-3.10.0-and-deps) https://git.io/vA9TI
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<rycee> manveru: No, there is no specific channel for hm. Typically we have borrowed this channel when discussing :-)
<neonfuz> now nixos-rebuild switch is getting
<neonfuz> inconsistent kernel version 4.14.20
<neonfuz> after setting kernel to 4_9
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<etu> neonfuz: Which channel?
<Fare> has 18.03 been cut yet?
<MichaelRaskin> I haven't seen any announcements like that.
<MichaelRaskin> And there is no branch on GitHub
<etu> Fare: No, not yet
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 285fd08 Bryan Gardiner: claws-mail, jitsi: remove myself (khumba) from maintainers
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9LG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 41e2891 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36239 from khumba/remove-app-maintainership...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #36234: uutils-coreutils: disable general unix build for now (master...disable-uutils-coreutils-on-darwin) https://git.io/vASFq
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<Fare> what is the branch-cutting process?
<MichaelRaskin> I think it is vcunat as the release manager who will do the git branch command
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<tA63> Hey, I'm trying to update one of the nixpkgs, havent written an expression before so learning a bunch. When I run nix-build -A, I get a bunch of "Wrong ELF Type" errors, where can I find some info on this?
<robstr> Is there a relaxed way of specifying a copy file instruction from configuration.nix ? I want to copy few dot files but i dont want to use the git / home-manaer solution.
<srhb> tA63: That's usually just the result of one of the patching tools iterating over all files, even the ones it has nothing to do with. Usually harmless.
<srhb> robstr: can you elaborate? Copy files from where to where?
<tA63> @srhb Ahh ok, awesome. So I'll be good to continue on then?
<srhb> tA63: Most likely yeah :)
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<robstr> I have one directory containing my nixos configurations, i created only one import from `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` to my seperated configuration file. I want to have everything inside this directory. I got vimrc already done with the `vim_configurable`.. But i want to move my xmonad.hs file from this directory to /home/whatever/.xmonad/
<robstr> hope this makes sense :P
<robstr> srhb: ^
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<neonfuz> etu: unstable
<neonfuz> sry for late response i had to drive somewhere
<etu> neonfuz: nixos i presume?
<neonfuz> yep
<etu> Do you know which commit you're on?
<neonfuz> i set the kernel packages option to linuxPackages-4_9
<neonfuz> no
<etu> what does nix-info say?
<neonfuz> a lot of stuff but id have to hand type it back to you as im on a diffwrent machine
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<neonfuz> 18.03-pre129076.831ef4756e3
<neonfuz> the package that failed was kernel-modules.drv
<etu> I think you want: linuxPackages_4_9 and not linuxPackages-4_9
<neonfuz> this is after setting boot.kernelPackages to pkgs.linuxPackages_4_9
<etu> If that wasn't a typo before?
<neonfuz> was a typo i didnt have my machine on at the time lol
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<neonfuz> im typing on my phone as im currently trying to fix my wifi lol
<srhb> robstr: No, there's really no NixOS'y way of doing that, short of home manager and company.
<neonfuz> the kernel compiled fine
<neonfuz> (compiled because i do sone changes to it)
<neonfuz> oh wait
<robstr> srhb: sad, we should add it :P but thank you
<neonfuz> i think its udev related?
<neonfuz> unit.systemd-udev.service
<tA63> Do I not understand how nix-env -f works? If I do nix-env -i <package> -f /path/to/nixpkg/folder/ will that use the default.nix from that folder rather than the usual one?
<MichaelRaskin> robstr: activationCommands or something like that
<MichaelRaskin> Look in the configuration.nix manual
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<srhb> It's system.activationScripts and I don't recommend it.
<robstr> srhb: ok, whats the reason against it ?
<tA63> home-manager seems good, maybe give that a try. I'm trying to get it set up now looks promising
<robstr> tA63: maybe you can report your experience soon ? :P
<MichaelRaskin> I would actually have a separate script — not usually executed to re-create _symlinks_ to the store that point into current-system
<srhb> robstr: It's vital for boot and activation, so you need to get it Very Right
<robstr> srhb: I see
<srhb> robstr: For the record, I too use home-manager and it's very good :)
<neonfuz> well i have to sleep now, im gonna fix this in thr morning...
<srhb> MichaelRaskin: That's a nice solution :)
<tA63> robstr I haven't gotten it going well haha, at the moment just using it to hardcode some dotfiles and have a list of installed packages same way as the systemPackages
<tA63> srhb Will be able to give a much better argument haha
<MichaelRaskin> My current system (not exactly NixOS) actually makes sure that everything is switched atomically via the current-system symlink, even /etc
<srhb> robstr: Mine isn't very advanced either, but I do some nice things generating xsession commands based on the machine I'm on. :)
<srhb> robstr: essentially I used it to join my machinex/machiney/machinez dotfiles repo into one parameterized specification
<mfiano> I've seen the last 8 hours trying to get this laptop to boot the NixOS installation. I think I give up
<tA63> mfiano Don't give up, you can do it
<robstr> srhb: I only want to copy two files, it feels a bit overkill -.- ^^
<MichaelRaskin> Symlinks it is?
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<robstr> srhb: the workflow would be soooo great if we could specify files to copy inside the `user.extraUser` stuff
<mfiano> tA63: Nah, eMMC module is not available during boot, depsite using the hardware-configuration.nix generated by the install medium AND the all-hardware.nix that the livecd itself uses
<mfiano> So it times out during Stage 1 looking for partitions
<MichaelRaskin> robstr: I dunno, having a writeable file that gets auto-overwritten sounds like a bad idea
<srhb> robstr: I agree with MichaelRaskins symlink proposal :)
<srhb> robstr: Have a nix expression that generates the file you're interested in, and have a script that symlinks that into place.
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<robstr> srhb: could you create small gist with it ?
<sphalerite> mfiano: what kind of laptop is it?
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<mfiano> sphalerite: Acer Cloudbook. There are a few different variants. This is AO1-431-C8G8
<mfiano> It uses internal eMMC storage
<mfiano> the eMMC is so slow that it takes about 30 minutes to run nixos-install everytime I try to fix it...and it has to redownload everything again because the livecd keeps everything in tmpfs at /nix/.rw-store
<mfiano> So until the system can be booted, it takes forever to try again
<sphalerite> and the installer boots on it fine?
<mfiano> Correct, which leads me to believe it is not generating the initrd correctly but have no way to inspect that
<srhb> robstr: Which part? The script is just ln -s $(nix-build yourNixfile.nix) destination
<mfiano> During Stage 1, it times out looking for the root partition, and then times out looking for the swap partition
<sphalerite> mfiano: if you pass debug1devices on the kernel command line you can get a shell to inspect what's going on
<robstr> srhb: I see, thank you.
<sphalerite> you should be able to put that in by pressing e on the grub or systemd-boot entry, not sure about other loaders
<mfiano> sphalerite: Let me try that
<mfiano> sphalerite: debug1devices?
<sphalerite> yes
<mfiano> sphalerite: It still times out
<mfiano> I'll take a picture
<sphalerite> oops sorry boot.debug1devices
<mfiano> sphalerite: I'm in a shell
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<mfiano> and of course, I don't have a /dev/mmcblk0 block device
<sphalerite> anything at all in /sys/block?
<mfiano> but the kernel modules are all loaded, even the rtsx_usb_sdmmc that the livecd used
<mfiano> sec
<mfiano> ram{0,15} and sda (which is the usb installer)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andersk opened pull request #36242: Give working advice for running nix-prefetch-url (master...nix-prefetch-url) https://git.io/vA9qz
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<sphalerite> how strange
<mfiano> Yeah. it works fine on Arch Linux though
<mfiano> and the nixos livecd ha
<sphalerite> maybe it's missing a USB driver
<sphalerite> anything in /sys/bus/usb?
<sphalerite> /devices
<mfiano> It's got a few loaded, that were added to hardware-configuration.nix, so I assume the same as the livecd had
<mfiano> Yeah quite a few
<mfiano> /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ has hub, rtsx_usb, usb, usb-storage, and usbfs
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<mfiano> ad ./devices/ has 14
<sphalerite> anything in dmesg about the rtsx thing?
<mfiano> possibly...
<mfiano> googling
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<mfiano> nope, that's the flash drive...nothing
<rizary> anyone using nixos on azure? does this blog still relevant? https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azurelinux/2016/07/22/deploying-a-nixos-vm-on-microsoft-azure/
<sphalerite> mfiano: maybe you can manually bind the rtsx driver to the appropriate USB device
<mfiano> no idea how to do that
<sphalerite> find the eMMC's address on the USB bus (check /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/id{Vendor,Product})
<sphalerite> then echo that into /sys/modules/rtsx_usb_sdmmc/drivers/*/bind
<mfiano> and if there is no id*?
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<sphalerite> I then not what you're looking for, I think
<sphalerite> clever: you here? This seems like the kind of thing you'd be able to help with as well
<sphalerite> mfiano: some of them should have those ids though
<mfiano> I'm not sure how to find the correct vendor product, when I don't know the vendor or product of the emmc hardware, and all i get is 2 bytes of hex
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<sphalerite> ah actually try looking at /sys/bus/usb/devices/**/product, those should be more human-readable
<tnks> man, the "nix subcommand --help" really suck.
<tnks> the examples of "nix copy --help" show a "-r" switch, but have no mention of it as a flag.
<tnks> someone here care to explain it?
<sphalerite> tnks: my best guess is that it used to enable recursive behaviour, until that was made into the default without the examples being updated
<tnks> sphalerite: I was hoping it was a default.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9mI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88530e0 aszlig: systemd: Update to latest NixOS branch...
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<tnks> copying a nix expression without closures seems wrong, certainly not a good default.
<sphalerite> rizary: I think so, although nixops also has azure support iirc and it might have a more efficient way of setting nixos up initially. I don't really know anything about azure though so YMMV
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<mfiano> sphalerite: I see my flash disk, webcam, USB2.0-CRW (I don't know what that means), and a device that doesn't have a product node at all.
<sphalerite> tnks: actually Mic92 already fixed the examples
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<sphalerite> mfiano: USB2.0-Card Reader/Writer? Maybe try it with that one
<sphalerite> that's just a guess though
<sphalerite> if that doesn't work I'd probably have a look at the journal in the installer system (journalctl) and see what's there that might be related to the eMMC
<mfiano> /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-3:1.0/ has rtsx_usb_sdmmc.0.auto and rtsx_usb_ms.1.auto directories but not sure what to access in there
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<sphalerite> huh, where do they link to?
<sphalerite> or what are their contents, if they're not symlinks?
<mfiano> they got a bunch of stuff in there, most of which seem to be some type of links and recurse infinitely. i rebooted into the installer and i see mmc stuff in journalctl
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<sphalerite> is it early on?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0615366 Roman Volosatovs: Revert "spotify: ->"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9mM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b98e160 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36161 from rvolosatovs/update/spotify...
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<mfiano> not sure what is considered early
<sphalerite> before .rw-store is mounted for example
<mfiano> nope, 3 seconds later
<sphalerite> hmm…
<mfiano> I'll gist
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<mfiano> It's even more confusing because this laptop has sdcard drive and internal emmc storage, so not sure which is which
<mfiano> s/drive/port/
<sphalerite> aaaah
<sphalerite> I suspect what you actually need in that case is the sdhci driver
<mfiano> looking at the linux kernel source, HS200 device is a eMMC
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<mfiano> sphalerite: the hardware-configuration.nix that it generated for me includes xhci_pci usb_storage sd_mod sdhci_acpi and rtsx_usb_sdmmc
<sphalerite> hm ok
<mfiano> and i am loading that
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<mfiano> dmesg of the early boot shell of debug1devices does not have any mention of mmc
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<mfiano> I have an idea
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vA9Ya
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6a9ab8d Vladimír Čunát: mesa: 17.3.5 -> 17.3.6 (bugfix)...
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<sphalerite> yay ideas!
<mfiano> didn't help. i read that this can be caused by the module loading too late, and rootdelay or rootwait parameters may help, but nixos stage1 happens anyway without waiting
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<mfiano> I added a bunch more kernel modules to the initrd. attempting a rebuild
<schoppenhauer> hi. where can I find the python package "gi"?
<schoppenhauer> in debian it is called python3-gi
<schoppenhauer> (not sure what it does, though)
<mfiano> isn't that gobject-introspection?
<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: probably gobject[-][iI]ntrostrpection
<sphalerite> - typos
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<schoppenhauer> sphalerite: not sure, but sounds plausible. however, I cannot find a package with that name in python3packages
<genesis> gobjectIntrospection ?
<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: it's probably just the top-level gobjectIntrospection
<schoppenhauer> sphalerite: no.
<schoppenhauer> ok, what I am *actually* trying to do is getting the gajim 1.0 beta version to work
<schoppenhauer> and it depents on gi
<mfiano> sphalerite: i did something bad
<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: oh! pygobject3
<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: as it happens I have a shell.nix for running gajim
<sphalerite> the gtk3 version
<sphalerite> it's quite outdated though, not sure it still works
<sphalerite> you might find it useufl anyway: http://sprunge.us/NKLW
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<sphalerite> mfiano: oh no?
<mfiano> added a bunch of mmc related modules to the initrd, and now i get a huge stream of "/dev/mmcblk0rpmb: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error" lines. googling suggests this is the read-protected memory block used by the manufacturer, and it's encrypted.
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<schoppenhauer> sphalerite: ah. for the beta?
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<mfiano> and then it times out again lol
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<schoppenhauer> sphalerite: could you send it to me?
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<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: I was running off the gtk3 mercurial branch, apparently last touched it in May last year. I don't think the beta existed at that point
<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: I pasted it above http://sprunge.us/NKLW
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<sphalerite> mfiano: that sounds like progress to me!
<sphalerite> if you use boot.debug1devices again, do you find any new stuff in /sys/block?
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<mfiano> that's what i'm trying now
<mfiano> sphalerite: huh. i have a /dev/mmcblk0 and partitions now
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<mfiano> but it's not finding them on boot
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<schoppenhauer> sphalerite: hm. what's in ./python-nbxmpp?
<sphalerite> oh boy, matrix is falling over again.
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<schoppenhauer> (the packages version of python3-nbxmpp is too old)
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<sphalerite> schoppenhauer: oops :D that would be python-nbxmpp, just the git repo from gajim.org
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<mfiano> sphalerite: I totally have the mmc device and dmesg has all the expected devices detected now...but Stage 1 has all those errors trying to read the r/o encrypted storage device instead of the real one
<mfiano> i think the encrypted one is the actual uefi and secure boot keys
<sphalerite> that's odd
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<sphalerite> Can you mount the root filesystem yourself?
<mfiano> yup
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<sphalerite> if you started the shell as PID1 you should be able to actually boot the system by doing `exec switch_root /mnt /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/init`
<sphalerite> assuming you mounted it on /mnt
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<sphalerite> if that works you'll at least have a system to iterate on faster than with half-hour rebuilds :D
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<mfiano> sphalerite: that resulted in a Kernel panic
<sphalerite> the attempting to kill init one?
<mfiano> started up with boot.debug1devices, hit `f` for PID1 shell, then `exec switch_root /mnt /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/init` = instant panic
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/vA9O0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 700a717 Peter Simons: stack: fix build with GHC 8.0.x
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<mfiano> well mounted before that
<sphalerite> what did the panic say though? Attempting to kill init?
<mfiano> Yes
<mfiano> Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exit code=0x00000100
<sphalerite> that's good, means it's just a userspace issue
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<mfiano> heh
<sphalerite> you'll get the same thing if you type "exit" at the f shell
<mfiano> yes i did
<mfiano> i accidentally hit ^D earlier
<sphalerite> :D
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<mfiano> so any other ideas? :) feels like I'm almost there
<sphalerite> does /mnt/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/init exit?
<sphalerite> exist*
<ottidmes> I read on an old mailing list thread that ssh-substituter-hosts only supports one host, is this still the case? I tried looking up the implementation, but searching 'ssh-substituter-hosts' in the code base of Nix just gives me documentation
<mfiano> oh i know the problem
<mfiano> sigh
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<sphalerite> ottidmes: yeah that sounds outdated
<mfiano> well jeez. I'm in
<sphalerite> ottidmes: just substituters = https://cache.nixos.org/ ssh://user@host1/ ssh://user@host2/ should do it
<sphalerite> mfiano: wooo! What was it?
<mfiano> oh stupid me was mounting the partition instead of the btrfs sub volume on that partition, so /mnt/nix... was really /mnt/subvolname/nix...
<mfiano> so now I have to figure out which module is causing those massive errors and blacklist it/remove it
<sphalerite> :D
<ottidmes> sphalerite: Is that a new option in nix 2.0? Or is it also already available in 1.11.x? I have used ssh-substituter-hosts with a single host successfully under 1.11.x
<sphalerite> oh yeah that's a 2.0 thing, I think in 1.11 it's called binary-caches rather than substituters but the ssh URLs should still work I think
<sphalerite> wait no
<sphalerite> I'm not sure.
<ottidmes> sphalerite: Well, why make things complicated for myself, I will just start using 2.0 then, thanks for the tip :)
<mfiano> hopefully i don't need no network to further debug this, because i built a very minimal config without wireless tools
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<sphalerite> mfiano: depending on how adventurous you're feeling you could copy wpa_supplicant from the installer USB :p
<mfiano> note to self. actually run bixos-rebuild before rebooting and having to do that long boot process needlessly again
<sphalerite> so you know how to fix it already?
<mfiano> no but i'm being dumb this late at night. i edited the config to remove a module, and just rebooted without rebuilding
<sphalerite> oh haha
<mfiano> really...
<mfiano> i need network connection to issue nixos-rebuild even though i'm only changing 1 module in boot.loader.initrd?
<mfiano> this is going to waste so much time
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<mfiano> sphalerite: Do you know which package I need to add to systemPackages to have the nmtui tool from the installer usb?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging ce34a9a Frederik Rietdijk: python: botocore: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.3
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 14 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vA93k
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 7ee5833 Frederik Rietdijk: python: zc.buildout: 2.11.0 -> 2.11.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0e5e184 Frederik Rietdijk: python: cffi: 1.11.4 -> 1.11.5
<sphalerite> enable network-manager
<mfiano> that's it? cool
<sphalerite> that'll bring in a bunch of graphical deps though
<mfiano> at this point. ask me if i care
<manveru> rycee: k, just wanted to say thanks, i was up until 5am just fiddling with colors and sizes :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #35958: petsc: 3.7.6 -> 3.8.3 (master...auto-update/petsc-3.7.6-to-3.8.3) https://git.io/vAPKI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #35951: par2cmdline: 0.7.3 -> 0.8.0 (master...auto-update/par2cmdline-0.7.3-to-0.8.0) https://git.io/vAPoF
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<mfiano> sphalerite: do you think it's a bug that the installer is not adding all of the needed modules to hardware-configuration.nix? When I get to the bottom of this I'll know exactly the module(s) that are needed and are not added by the installer
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<mfiano> heh, well out of about 10 modules that i added, i figured out the one that's needed first try
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dotlambda opened pull request #36243: dovecot: 2.3.0 -> (master...dovecot) https://git.io/vA93X
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<sphalerite> nice!
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7270f2139ae (from 8 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<ij> Has zsh's prompt on 17.09 started to have a green working directory printed!?
<ij> Or maybe it's the programs.zsh.enable = true...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dotlambda opened pull request #36244: dovecot: -> 2.2.34 (release-17.09...dovecot-stable) https://git.io/vA9GT
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<mfiano> sphalerite: still cant get on wifi. i have a wlp2s0 device, and nmtui can connect, or says it does anyway, but ifconfig shows no ip
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<polytux> have you enabled wpa_supplicant or are you going to use network-manager?
<romildo> Maybe someone could merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36163
<mfiano> We've been debugging kernel modules for hours. This is all testing in order to get a rebuild that doesn't take a half hour each
<romildo> I am waiting for it to happen in order to add more deepin DE packages.
<ij> Yes, it's because of programs.zsh.enable = true; That functionality is weird.
<polytux> mfiano: which chipset is that? I'm pretty sure I have the same chipset and no issues with it
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<polytux> mfiano: networking.networkmanager.enable = true; is everything I needed in my configuration.nix
<mfiano> intel 3160. dhcp times out. but works fine on the livecd
<polytux> oh, mine is ac 8260
<mfiano> it's not a network-manager issue or chipset
<mfiano> botrh work on the livecd
<polytux> does it work when assigning a static IP?
<mfiano> I'll have to figure out how to do that with just ifconfig, because rebuilding takes a half hour on the livecd since it has to redownload everything to tmpfs
<polytux> do you have any firewall running?
<mfiano> no
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<polytux> hm to tmpfs? I thought it was smart enough to download to your filesystem instead
<mfiano> not the livecd. it downloads to /nix/.rw-store which is tmpfs
<polytux> aah
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<Orbstheorem[m]> Hello, how can I install gnumake “man” output using nix-env -i ? I tryed this: https://paste.gnugen.ch/raw/seQX but doesn't seem to be working
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<polytux> mfiano: did you enable unfree stuff as well?
<mfiano> no. this is a bare minimal config that only serves to debug initrd modules at this point.
<polytux> ah. not even sure it is related, but in case your wifi card needs a proprietary blob I guess it is necessary?
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<mfiano> maybe. I'll have to figure out how to add that
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<GiGa> Hello all
<GiGa> Anyone else finding gedit _really_ unstable lately, even with quite small files?
<GiGa> I'm just trying to scroll a file of about 280 lines and it's just painful
<rycee> manveru: Hehe, glad you like it :-)
<mfiano> sphalerite: still around?
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<hyper_ch> hmmm, nixos-unstasble small hasn't been updated for 3 days :(
<sphalerite> mfiano: back now!
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<sphalerite> sorry about the unannounced disappearance :p
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<mfiano> sphalerite: further debugging issues
<mfiano> sphalerite: The real problem is that the livecd has the module "sdhci-pci" loaded, but does not add this to hardware-configuration.nix for some reason. Adding that is what makes booting possible with your switch_root hack.
<sphalerite> right
<mfiano> the livecd not adding all the proper modules is a NixOS bug. The IO errors trying to read the mfg secure boot partitions for no reason is a systemd bug that was supposed fixed in a later version
<mfiano> 234.11-8 to be precise. journalctl only shows me that i'm running 234. Do you know how to find the minor version?
<sphalerite> huh ok. Weird, I didn't think systemd would be running that early on
<sphalerite> I don't think systemd has minor versions at all
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<sphalerite> that's probably a downstream version number
<mfiano> ah then i think i need 235 or later
<mfiano> can you verify for me what version unstable has?
<sphalerite> 234 as well
<mfiano> damn
<sphalerite> although I'm on a firly old unstable, hang on
<mfiano> 236 is latest i think
<sphalerite> unstable has 237
<mfiano> ok. so if i update that i have a better chance at success
<sphalerite> wait no that might be master
<sphalerite> but yes unstable might install just fine
<mfiano> and i cant run nixos-rebuild without another kernel boot parameter :)
<sphalerite> what's that?
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<mfiano> systemd.gpt_auto=0, otherwise systemd errors because of the io error :)
<sphalerite> ah right
<mfiano> this is mildly amusing, all these issues i'm running into
<hyper_ch> hmmm, stuff is blocking unstable small :(
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<mfiano> hyper_ch: at least its not unstable...like 10 days stalled. there was a database outage
<hyper_ch> unstable hasn't been updated for 8 days
<mfiano> 9 days and 2 hours to be more precise
<hyper_ch> says 8 days
<mfiano> that's wrong.
<hyper_ch> nah, it's on the internet... it can't be wrong
<hyper_ch> what makes you say howoldis is wrong?
<mfiano> the actual source on github: adisbladis commit 9 days ago - Feb 22, 2018 5:43AM EST
<hyper_ch> that's when the commit was made, not when it was merged into unstable
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<mfiano> ok
<mfiano> still much older than small :)
<hyper_ch> but unstable small fixes the tmux issue and then opencv issue
<hyper_ch> (couldn't get flexget to fix though)
<mfiano> Yeah it also fixes an issue with neovim building successfully
<TimePath> To get the right answer on the internet, first provide a wrong answer and wait to be corrected
<mfiano> We'll have to wait for the core team to get assembled and fix those channels
<sphalerite> mfiano: that's not the core team's job
<sphalerite> the core team is specifically for nix
<sphalerite> not for nixpkgs/nixos
<mfiano> I see.
<mfiano> Well when someone has time to fix it then.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andir closed pull request #36243: dovecot: 2.3.0 -> (master...dovecot) https://git.io/vA93X
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<mfiano> rebuilding unstable.
<ij> How could I evaluate nix expression and get it printed without making a derivation? (To debug filterSource.)
<mfiano> nix-repl?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andir closed pull request #36244: dovecot: -> 2.2.34 (release-17.09...dovecot-stable) https://git.io/vA9GT
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<ij> I don't want it interactive. :P I know there was a way.
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<sphalerite> ij: nix eval
<sphalerite> ij: or nix-instantiate --eval if you're on 1.11
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<mfiano> sphalerite: heh, well i have a big issue now
<sphalerite> oh boy
<mfiano> updated channel to unstable-small and did `nixos-rebuild switch`. right after systemd install it kernel panic'd
<ij> sphalerite, nice!
<sphalerite> nice…
<sphalerite> for big upgrades like that nixos-rebuild boot is generally a better idea anyway :/
<sphalerite> did it panic during the switch?
<sphalerite> or the build?
<mfiano> no it was before that
<mfiano> i'll try boot though
<sphalerite> oh so it's just generally broken lol
<mfiano> maybe it was during the switch. i looked away for 2 seconds and i can't see the backlog
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<mfiano> sphalerite: no dice. i'm on unstable, journalctl shows systemd 237 now after that hack of a boot process you gave me
<mfiano> i can't get it to automatically boot
<sphalerite> ok hang on
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<sphalerite> did you get the IO errors when using debug1devices as well?
<mfiano> no, the prompt to start a shell happens right before it would normally try to detect the storage device and do that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #36245: qes: init at 0.0.2 (master...qes) https://git.io/vA9Cc
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<steve-chavez> Hi, newbie here, just installed NixOS, I want to install this application https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/hubstaff/default.nix through nix-env, but it doesn't find the package, why is that? I'm on nixos-17.09 channel
<sphalerite> !unfree
<{^_^}> You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
<sphalerite> steve-chavez: ^
<sphalerite> it might also not be in 17.09 since it was added in September
<steve-chavez> Already installed google-chrome by adding the allowUnfree option
<MichaelRaskin> nix-env and configuration.nix have separate settings for that
<sphalerite> steve-chavez: yeah it's just not in 17.09
<mfiano> sphalerite: I'm think I'm ready to give up. This is my work laptop and I need it tomorrow, so might just reinstall Arch
<MichaelRaskin> It is possible to install just one package from a different checkout/channel, though
<sphalerite> mfiano: I'm reading through stage-1-init.sh and not really seeing where this might be coming from :/
<steve-chavez> One thing though, when doing `nivx-env -qaP '*'` none of this misc applications show https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/applications/misc, for example I'm looking for adobe-reader that was added 2 years ago
<sphalerite> steve-chavez: did you set the allowUnfree option in your system config or your user config?
<steve-chavez> Yes
<mfiano> sphalerite: The internet suggests it's a problem with systemd which should have been fixed
<sphalerite> depending on how you're installing you'll need to set the appropriate one, see the wiki page above
<steve-chavez> I have `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true`
<sphalerite> mfiano: systemd isn't running before the root mount though :/
<sphalerite> !unfree
<{^_^}> You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
<sphalerite> steve-chavez: read the wiki page ^
<mfiano> sphalerite: huh
<sphalerite> you need the per-user setting if you want to use nix-env
<fearlessKim[m]> is there a bounty procedure ? Like being able to bet some money on an issue to get it solved ?
<sphalerite> mfiano: unless it's in udev, but udev runs *before* debug1devices
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<sphalerite> mfiano: but yeah if you need it running urgently probably going back to arch is best (for now! ;) )
<sphalerite> fearlessKim[m]: not a formally approved one, I think people have done stuff on bountysource in the past though
<mfiano> Well I have until tonight to figure it out
<ottidmes> I am confused, I have extra-substituters = ssh://root@server in my nix.extraOptions, but I get error: cannot connect to 'root@server', while I when logged in as root I can run: ssh root@server, without any problems. Any ideas? Does it look for ssh keys somewhere else than /root/.ssh in this case?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, Arch + Nix-on-Arch is a way safer bet to learn Nixpkgs in details…
<MichaelRaskin> (If you know Arch well already)
<sphalerite> ottidmes:might be a known_hosts issue
<ottidmes> sphalerite: Yeah, but shouldn't that have come up with I ssh'ed as root into root@server?
<sphalerite> ottidmes: yeah I think so…
<mfiano> sphalerite: The problem is whatever is probing block devices to find the corrrect UUID/label/whatever. When it even attempts to read a mmcblk*rpmb device, it is supposed to I/O error, as the RP stands for Read Protected, and only readable through specific firmware api's
<steve-chavez> My bad didn't read the part about `NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1`, thanks a lot sphalerite.
<sphalerite> mfiano: aaah so maybe you can, as a workaround, not specify your filesystems by UUID but by device path
<sphalerite> mfiano: or if you don't like that you could do boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = "rm /dev/mmcblk0rpmb"; :D
<sphalerite> (not sure if that will work though)
<mfiano> ha, will try
<Dezgeg> can't one just ignore the warnings?
<sphalerite> apparently not since it stops the root fs from getting mounted
<mfiano> sphalerite: the former worked anyway!
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<sphalerite> wooo!
<mfiano> i still see an IO error but it skips over it with device names
<Dezgeg> huh, it has always worked for me on my arm devices to ignore them
<mfiano> sphalerite: Thanks a lot! That was pretty crazy debugging that for like 20 hours
<sphalerite> xD
<sphalerite> now let's hope you don't get any more kernel panics
<sphalerite> if the rpmb device is supposed to give I/O errors, why is it even exposed?
<mfiano> i believe that was due to not having the systemd.gpt_auto=0 boot flag that boot, and doing a switch causes systemd to restart services
<mfiano> sphalerite: good question
<Dezgeg> you need a specific sequence to access them, not just normal reads
<sphalerite> oh right so the appropriate ioctls will let you read it?
<Dezgeg> read requests need to be signed with a private key with a nonce from the device or something to counter replay protection
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<Dezgeg> but yeah, I suppose udev should really skip over them
* mfiano remembers a simpler time before udev with devfs
<mfiano> i just wouldn't make that node :P
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<sphalerite> yeah that seems like a sensible behaviour really
<Dezgeg> well somebody needs to code that logic to udev
<mfiano> Dezgeg: They're not warnings. When looking for a block device that matches the UUID or label you specify in fileSystems.*, it just errors infinitely until it times out and halts the system.
<gchristensen> lol $100 bounty on a massive todo list
<Dezgeg> you mean it never creates the /dev/disk/by-label/ symlink then?
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: that might be a failed attempt at crowd-bountying
<manveru> rycee: you happen to use polybar and spotify? just made a thing for it: https://github.com/manveru/polybar-spotify :)
<mfiano> I'm not sure. I just know that if you specify either a uuid or a label rather than a device path, it tries to touch the read protected device while resolving the uuid/label and gets stuck there due to i/o errors until it times out
<gchristensen> manveru: spotify is on dbus?
<manveru> jep
<Dezgeg> well, I have a mmcblk0rpmb as well and specifying /dev/disk/by-label/NIXOS as the device works for me
* gchristensen just got a weekend project
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #36246: idea: add `libsecret` to the library path (master...solve-keychain-issues-for-intellij) https://git.io/vA9W3
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<mfiano> Dezgeg: actually we worked around some other issues and I never properly tested a label yet with the other issues out of the way...only a UUID. let me try right now
<manveru> gchristensen: that's how the emacs spotify client works too, pretty neat
<Dezgeg> is your UUID actually correct then? x)
<fearlessKim[m]> sphalerite: I see thanks
<mfiano> Dezgeg: Another good question. It's what nixos-generate-config provided :)
<mfiano> Let me run some more tests
<gchristensen> mfiano: thank you for being a good sport about it
<mfiano> gchristensen: what did i do? :)
<gchristensen> mfiano: you've remained a positive participant in our community through frustrating installation problems :)
<sphalerite> didn't blame nixos, say we're useless, etc
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<gchristensen> manveru: it seems maybe I should learn more about this here dbus business
* gchristensen can hear MichaelRaskin writhing at the idea of _embracing_ dbus
<manveru> btw https://github.com/manveru/polybar-spotify/blob/master/default.nix is my little hack to make Godep.lock work in nix using the new fetchGit
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<MichaelRaskin> I mean, I am OK with it, but I prefer to have it neatly isolated per every task that it is needed for
<mfiano> ok interesting. a label works. uuid generated with generate-nixos-config does not. so I found 2 bugs with generate-nixos-config today that i need to somehow document for a proper bug report
<manveru> tested it with a few medium size projects, and saves me the pain of go2nix
<mfiano> if that's even possible
<MichaelRaskin> I don't like package conflicts, neither do I like interaction between dbus requirements of different packages
<mfiano> sphalerite: ^
<manveru> MichaelRaskin: ++
<mfiano> gchristensen: no, nixos is fantastic and the community just as much so. sphalerite and clever especially have helped me get through some tough times
<gchristensen> manveru: can polybar keep your program running in the background? to avoid startup costs every 5 seconds
<gchristensen> mfiano: clever and sphalerite are both gems
<sphalerite> mfiano: the uuid thing is a good feature IMHO, labels can collide while it's extremely unlikely for UUIDs
<MichaelRaskin> Actually, I cannot exclude that at some point I will run some service by running it in a container with a systemd PID1 — as long as it doesn't get a chance to manage my entire system, only the pieces ascribed to it.
<sphalerite> mfiano: and for detecting the kernel module, that is strange since nixos-generate-config.pl does handle MMCs specifically
<mfiano> sphalerite: the other bug is that the sdhci-pci module is not being added to the hardware file
<mfiano> it adds a few other mmc modules, but not sdhci-pci
<manveru> gchristensen: i think you could use the polybar ipc for it
<gchristensen> (I don't use polybar, but I remember the i3bar manpage telling me to be careful about segments where a program has to start every refresh)
<mfiano> it adds sdhci-usb, sdhci, etc...but missing the pci one that is actually loaded by the livecd, just not copied to the config for some reason
<angerman> How do I modify all haskellPackages? Eg iterate over all packages and apply overrideAttrs?
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: sounds unlikely :D
<manveru> yeah... most bars work this way
<fearlessKim[m]> I feel like a headless running chicken trying to package gpgme python bindings, like I generate a wheel through occult wizardry as requested per nix python, but my wheel is empty :s https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/30429#discussion_r152653134
<manveru> that's why i didn't write that tool in ruby, so startup is pretty fast
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: iirc the only way to get systemd running in docker (lol) is to give it --privileged, which prevents cap dropping and seccomp filtering, or at least not dropping CAP_SYS_ADMIN
<gchristensen> sphalerite: MichaelRaskin's pid1 is a magical lisp program, equivalent to the UniverseBrain meme guy
<mfiano> sphalerite: Anyway, thanks again...you rock. I can now work on my config
<sphalerite> gchristensen: :D
<gchristensen> I trust it can start systemd
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: wrong
<gchristensen> awww
<MichaelRaskin> My PID1 is sinit
<MichaelRaskin> Because I want to be able to load code into my system management daemon without caring if it crashes
<MichaelRaskin> (And crashed PID1 is a bit annoying)
<gchristensen> indeed
<gchristensen> todo: erlang pid1 for that sweet sweet infinity-9's goodness? ;)
<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: I would expect systemd to work in a user+PID namespace as PID1-UID0?
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<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: no, it wants more >_> can't remember the exact details
<sphalerite> it will run in a systemd-nspawn container, but that requires the host to be running systemd as well \o/
<MichaelRaskin> (I mean _without_ seccomp etc)
<clever> sphalerite: ive worked on a bash script before that can boot a nixos container
<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, systemd breaks too many things to be allowed on the top level
<clever> sphalerite: the idea, was to half a self-contained bash script that can launch a nixos container without relying on the host systemd
<sphalerite> it doesn't work without root-namespace CAP_SYS_ADMIN though, right?
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<clever> sphalerite: cant remember, but it probably needs root
<MichaelRaskin> I am OK with using CAP_SYS_ADMIN for initial setup, as long as by the time systemd is exec-ed the global capability is dropped.
<clever> sphalerite: i also wrote the container-generator before reading the source of nix-user-chroot, which may help things a lot if i was to rewrite it
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<ottidmes> It is annoying that when you rebuild the old values of /etc/nix/nix.conf are still in place, I am getting: download-via-ssh: error: secret key is corrupt, but haven't got a clue why, the signing keys in /etc/nix exists and have the right perms, the ssh keys in root exist and also have valid perms.
<sphalerite> haven't seen that one before…
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<sphalerite> as a workaround you can mv /etc/nix/nix.conf{,~} && cat /etc/nix/nix.conf~ >/etc/nix/nix.conf , then edit it to your liking
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<ottidmes> sphalerite: I tried that, I removed ssh-substituter-hosts, but still get the same error, so it seems as if if is ignoring that files contents
<sphalerite> you'll also need to restat the daemon for the change to take effect
<ottidmes> sphalerite: Ah, right, thanks
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<ottidmes> sphalerite: yep, that worked, thanks, still have to figure out how to get substitutors properly working under 2.0, I keep running into problems
<sphalerite> :/
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<ottidmes> sphalerite: I think I get it now... I have 2 machines, but one is on Nix 1.x and the other Nix 2.x, and apparently they are not backwards compatible with everything
<sphalerite> aaaaaah
<sphalerite> we do need better errors for that though >.<
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #36248: mycroft: init at 0.9.19 [WIP] (master...p/mycroft) https://git.io/vA98m
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/57fef3d9786 (from 15 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
<ottidmes> sphalerite: Now I was getting: error: cannot open connection to remote store 'daemon': secret key is corrupt, as well, which made me believe this to be the cause
<obadz> so ermmm… when are we forking 18.03?
<gchristensen> obadz: maybe ping fplet-z and vcuna-t in #nixos-dev?
<obadz> gchristensen: done! thx
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<manveru> rycee: if i want to add a module/service to my home-manager, is there an easy way to do that?
<sphalerite> manveru: You should be able to use imports like with nixos config
<sphalerite> AFAIU
<sphalerite> (I don't actually use HM though :P )
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<leo60228> how would I go about packaging a free windows game as a nix package for personal use via wine?
<leo60228> *derivation
<clever> leo60228: theres not much to really do for wine things, just install wine and run it against the installer.exe
<leo60228> thanks
<manveru> sphalerite: seems to work, thanks :)
<clever> wine has so much state that you cant really manage it with nix
<leo60228> will it show up in the kde application launcher?
<clever> leo60228: i believe wine will generate .desktop files when the installer tries to generate windows shortcuts
<leo60228> ok, thanks
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7270f2139ae (from 11 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
<leo60228> nixos.wine is the right attribute, right?
<clever> leo60228: and under the wine folder in the xfce applications menu, i have the entire start-menu tree
<clever> yeah
<leo60228> nix-env -qa is broken for me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ekleog opened pull request #36249: Openldap module declarative contents (master...openldap-module-declarative-contents) https://git.io/vA98x
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<rycee> manveru: Yeah, like sphalerite said. If you have a locally made module then you can use the `imports` option just like in NixOS.
<manveru> yeah, now i just have to get the QT_PLUGIN_PATH into my service somehow
<rycee> If you want to include as an "official" module in HM then it's just a matter of making a PR.
<leo60228> why are my speakers not making noise
<leo60228> they're on max volume
<leo60228> kde shows them
<leo60228> but no noise
<manveru> leo60228: did you check pavucontrol?
<manveru> rycee: trying to make a service for the seafile-applet
<rycee> manveru: If this is for a systemd service then you may have to add `systemctl --user import-environment` to `xsession.profileExtra`.
<rycee> `systemctl --user import-environment QT_PLUGIN_PATH` that is.
<leo60228> manveru: i don't see anything weird there
<manveru> i'll try that
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<rycee> leo60228: Maybe the audio is sent to the wrong device?
<leo60228> only one device plugged in, and it's selected
<leo60228> it's worked before
<manveru> leo60228: well, it's a bit hard to say what's the issue... did you plug the speakers in right? does your soundcard show up under pavucontrol configuration, is your sound application under playback and has the right sink, is the port in output devices correct?
<clever> leo60228: also try toggling each of the mute flags in `alsamixer -c 0` they are sometimes on mute by default
<leo60228> it's a laptop, kde shows it and lets me change to volume
<rycee> leo60228: I have that problem sometimes. I change the output device and then forget to change it back and later wonder why I can't hear anything.
<leo60228> how do i toggle a mute flag
<clever> leo60228: the m key
<clever> and if it says MM, its on mute, an OO lit up is enabled
<leo60228> nop
<leo60228> e
<clever> leo60228: do you see the VU meter moving in pavucontrol?
<leo60228> what's that?
<clever> there should be a moving line in pavucontrol, that moves with the level of the noise the program is making
<leo60228> it's moving
<clever> and what output is it set to?
<leo60228> speakers
<leo60228> the only other one is headphones (unplugged)
<clever> what is the sound card set to on the configuration tab?
<leo60228> analog stereo duplex
<clever> try changing that configuration
<leo60228> i changed it to analog stereo output, which didn't fix it, all the other ones say unplugged
<sphalerite> duplex should be the right one
<sphalerite> I've found that sometimes plugging something in and unplugging it helps
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sengaya opened pull request #36250: ansible-lint: init at 3.4.20 (master...add-ansible-lint) https://git.io/vA94z
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<leo60228> it's hardware though
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<clever> ive found that the internal/external switching is driven by software
<clever> on one laptop, it could only drive one at a time, but the system beep demanded to go from the internal speaker
<leo60228> i don't have headphones plugged in, i could try plugging them in though
<clever> so it would temporarily switch from headphones to internal, beep (and leak some music), then switch back
<clever> so other people in the room would randomly hear a beep mixed with music, lol
<sphalerite> leo60228: yeah try plugging them in and unplugging them
<leo60228> didn't switch automatically, manually switched to headphones and it worked, switched back and it didn't
<clever> leo60228: the speakers might be damaged
<mfiano> which manpage describes valid values for `period` as mentioned in `--delete-older-than period` in the nix-collect-garbage manpage?
<clever> yeah
<manveru> mfiano: afaict, the only valid option is the 'd' for days one
<manveru> at least from reading the nix source, and no other ones are documented either
<mfiano> manveru: Ok thanks
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<manveru> rycee: any idea why `home-manager generations | cut -d' ' -f5 | xargs -n1 echo home-manager remove-generations` doesn't work but manually passing the id does?
<manveru> - the echo
<manveru> maybe the coloring...
<manveru> ah, yeah, a hexdump shows there's a control code before the space :)
<clever> most programs will do istty() on stdout, and turn colors off automatically
<mfiano> Where is the documentation for lib.mkDefault? Can't seem to find it :)
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<manveru> well, `home-manager generations | sed 's/.*id \([1-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/' | xargs home-manager remove-generations` works for now
<mfiano> LnL: Ah hmm. Can you birefly describe what it is doing? I see this a lot in expressions I read
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<fyuuri> I am new to nixos. Is the general workflow for installing packages using configuration.nix or nix-env? I am the only user of the system and I want to share the config among multiple PCs.
<LnL> manveru: I usually use awk '{print $5}' instead of cut, it handles whitespace and maybe things like ansi escapes better
<LnL> mfiano: it's similar to mkForce but with a low priority instead
<manveru> LnL: no, that also includes the escape code
<mfiano> fyuuri: nix-env installed packages are not upgraded or managed when you do a rebuild. You can use it to install local packages for your user, etc that won't be added to your config.
<manveru> awk splits only at spaces too
<mfiano> LnL: Thanks
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<fyuuri> mfiano: what do you normally use? Sry. I am completely new to systems like nixos. (I used arch for a long time)
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<mfiano> fyuuri: I am completely new this week myself, but I use the config for everything except packages I only need temporarily or for a specific user, to be honest.
<manveru> home-manager seems to list generations like this: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/blob/master/home-manager/home-manager#L161 with forced ls color output
<fyuuri> Do the nix-env and configuration.nix methods interfere with each other? I gues the nix-env takes precedence when both methods were used to install the same package?
<mfiano> fyuuri: I also used Arch for almost 2 decades before this week
<fyuuri> :))
<srhb> fyuuri: They do not interfere with each other. The sharable way is to use configuration.nix or something similar. nix-env is very ad-hoc and imperative (install this package now, with no record of it)
<LnL> manveru: not just spaces: echo "foo$(echo 'foo\t bar' | awk '{print $2}')foo"
<manveru> LnL: :)
<srhb> fyuuri: With configuration.nix you can easily have a list of packages that you share between machines (imports = [ ... ./mypackages.nix ];)
<LnL> but yeah control character are probably not included
<fyuuri> Will the usage of nix-env "trash" my system? Or can I cleanly manage this packets and remove them aswell? Will these packets survice a nixos-rebuild switch?
<srhb> fyuuri: No and yes.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #36251: radare2-cutter: 1.1 -> 1.2 (master...radare2-cutter) https://git.io/vA9Bx
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/3b5a2278dd7 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
<fyuuri> thx! mypackages.nix is nice start :)
<srhb> fyuuri: nix-env installed packages are in your user environment. configuration.nix ones are in your system environment. Both can coexist peacefully.
<fyuuri> so nixos-rebuild does not affect the home?
<srhb> Indeed.
<fyuuri> are the packages installed to .local/ ?
<srhb> No, they're still in /nix
<srhb> fyuuri: Take a look at /nix/var/nix/profiles
<fyuuri> ok thx!
<srhb> fyuuri: You'll have some system links and some per-user links
<fyuuri> thx!
<fyuuri> that clarifies a lot :)
<srhb> fyuuri: ~/.nix-profile will be a symlink to /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/you/profile
<srhb> That in turn will be a link to your current user env generation
<srhb> (For purposes of rollbacks and such)
<fyuuri> thats nice
<srhb> Yes it is :)
<srhb> It's all a bunch of symlinks in the end. One for your user profile, one for your system profile.
<fyuuri> My main reason for switching is to be able to do frictionless updates with rollback capabilities even if I did not update for a while
<srhb> fyuuri: That's a good reason.
<srhb> Being able to roll back is nigh-impossible on other systems.
<fyuuri> And, of course, being able to set up a new system fast :)
<mfiano> fyuuri: If that's the case you will soon forget Arch. It only took me a couple days until I was sold for all of my devices.
<srhb> fyuuri: I avoid nix-env because of that last argument.
<fyuuri> yes. That is what I thought.
<srhb> fyuuri: Being able to carry a configuration.nix from one system to another with only minor corrections (or even parameterization) is a blessing.
<srhb> fyuuri: In the end my main configuration.nix is essentially a small wrapper with system-dependent setup (hostname, ip, ...) which then includes other more generic files.
<fyuuri> Thank you a lot for reassuring :)
<srhb> Eh, it was a long learning experience for me :-)
<fyuuri> srhb: I will try to do the same.
<manveru> something like this is my configuration.nix :)
<srhb> (I came from Arch too, approximately... two years ago?)
<fyuuri> thats nice :)
<fyuuri> I will manage mine in git aswell :)
<ottidmes> I am getting this warning: substituter 'ssh://root@server' does not have a valid signature for path, I have set secret-key-files and trusted-public-keys to what I have generated with nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key, is there something else that I need to do to make it a valid substitutor?
<srhb> ottidmes: Did you upgrade to Nix 2.0 recently?
<ottidmes> srhb: Jep, today
<srhb> ottidmes: I think you'll essentially have to sign them all with nix sign-paths, but I haven't done it myself yet.
<LnL> did you restart the daemon after adding the key?
<srhb> Or listen to LnL :-)
<ottidmes> LnL: Yeah, I have restarted it, and NixOS did when I updated the nix.conf, but can try to do so again
<fyuuri> Do you have to manually install "nix"?
<ottidmes> Nope, no change (as expected, it should already have been restarted)
<ottidmes> fyuuri: On any other distribution than NixOS you will have to do so yeah, but in NixOS it is given, part of the core tools, but you can specify which package of nix you want to use via nix.package in your configuration.nix file, which I did to update to a pre version of Nix 2.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #36251: radare2-cutter: 1.1 -> 1.2 (master...radare2-cutter) https://git.io/vA9Bx
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<fyuuri> If I type "nix" on my system it says that nix is currently not installed
<clever> then you dont have nix 2.0
<fyuuri> I am on 17.09
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fa28ae Mitsuhiro Nakamura: [RDY] skim: init at 0.3.2 (#33561)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9R9
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<clever> confusingly, they didnt change the default when doing the release
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9RH
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d5e82d6 Nikolay Amiantov: ibus-engines.uniemoji: add pygobject3 as a dependency...
<ottidmes> fyuuri: nix-store --version will for example show the version of Nix you are running, in Nix 1.x there are a bunch of nix-* binaries, in Nix 2.x they are still there (at least for now) but you also have a more unified nix binary
<fyuuri> ok. thx!
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<fyuuri> 1.11.16
<fyuuri> Is the nix repl only available in 2.0?
<ottidmes> clever: do you know anything about Nix 2.0 substitutors and how to make them be signed correctly?
<fearlessKim[m]> since I switched to nix 2.0, my nixos-rebuild are stuck :/
<clever> ottidmes: not yet
<ottidmes> fyuuri: nix-repl is available in 1.x, might be some differences between the two though (that goes for all, nix-build is not identical to nix build)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88dae1a Matthieu Coudron: protocol: module to application...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9RF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ce6adf6 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #34868 from teto/protocol...
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<fyuuri> thx
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<fearlessKim[m]> well I guess it's just the network being very slow... and in absence of feedback :s
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<sphalerite> fearlessKim[m]: you can do nix build -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' config.system.build.toplevel to build it before running nixos-rebuild, that way you get fancy progress info
<fearlessKim[m]> I would like to see the packets download advance, I often have connectivity issues and it's annoying to just see "copying paths"
<sphalerite> nix build should show progress in MB
<fearlessKim[m]> I checked with wireshark, it does seem to download but nix started downloading several big packages in parallel (kernel & co ) so it seemed stuck
<fearlessKim[m]> sphalerite: your command is much better !
<gchristensen> is there a way with nixos' modules to set the default gateway for two different IPv6 IPs?
<gchristensen> derp, IPv4*
<sphalerite> gchristensen: you mean setting non-default routes, or setting multiple default routes?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #36158: partio: 1.1.0 -> 2018-03-01 (master...guibou_bump_partio) https://git.io/vAMGs
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<gchristensen> I have three IPs, a private IPv4, public IPv4 and an IPv6... each has its own gateway, and I'm not sure how to handle that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #31019: [RFC/RDY] make l2tp work with Strongswan (master...strongswan_rebased) https://git.io/vFqxI
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: you should only need one default gateway per protocol
<sphalerite> IPv6 should be fine since you only have one case to cover
<sphalerite> For IPv4, I'm not quite sure what you mean. The default gateway is the next hop that your machine will send packets to when their destination isn't a local address
<mkaito> the nixops docs say to build with `nix-build release.nix -A build.x86_64-linux`, which results in a `result` symlink in current folder. How would I go about installing it to my profile?
<Mic92> Are there any pull requests that you feel are ready for quite a while, but no maintainer has looked at them lately?
<sphalerite> mkaito: nix-env -i ./result
<gchristensen> sphalerite: I guess they want me to route it to a different IP depending on if it is a private IP or public IP
<mkaito> sphalerite: cheers
<sphalerite> mkaito: or you can just run it from there — ./result/bin/foo
<samueldr> Mic92: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/33686 though I'll need to fix a merge conflict it seems (should be trivial enough)
<clever> mkaito: ive also done nix-env -f release.nix -iA build.x86_64-linux
<sphalerite> gchristensen: the public one is the default gateway, for the private one it's not quite clear, usually private addresses are local ones
<clever> gchristensen: i think for the private ip, you need a route for its private LAN, with the gateway set
<clever> gchristensen: since you cant have 2 default gateways on v4
<sphalerite> gchristensen: a lot of home networks are on the subnet and have the default gateway That means that all addresses in (192.168.1.(0-254)) can be reached directly on the LAN, and anything else goes through
<clever> ip route add dev wan2 via; for example
<sphalerite> you shouldn't need a gateway for private networks usually
<clever> the command i typed above, forced a certain subnet to go via a certain gateway, and the rest goes to the default
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<clever> in my case, the ISP has a 10.x.y.z network for the tv service, complete with multicast, and undocumented routing tables
<gchristensen> maybe I don't need one, we'll find out :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mkaito closed pull request #35834: bundler: 1.14.6 -> 1.16.1 (master...update_bundler) https://git.io/vA6Bc
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<gchristensen> I'd like to integrate it nicely with the rest of the networking module
<sphalerite> gchristensen: if you need anything other than the default gateway and local network, it's usually referred to as a static route
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<sphalerite> samueldr: oooooh I never saw that PR! Pretty!
<mkaito> clever: that's even easier!
<xnaveira[m]> Iäm trying to package this python module https://github.com/Juniper/py-junos-eznc and i am having trouble figuring out the checkPhase (spoiler alert i am no python guru)
* xnaveira[m] sent a long message: xnaveira[m]_2018-03-03_16:09:35.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/EMDMLfgCvVHnqFHEhheJkYZc>
<xnaveira[m]> what's the standard wy of doing this when the module has tests
<samueldr> Mic92: + # FIXME : use upstream url, obviously.
<Mic92> samueldr: yeah, I spotted your pull request
<Mic92> samueldr: I try to figure out, who can merge this
<samueldr> I'm not 100% sure hidpi stuff will work on all hidpi setups, but from my local "dumb" tests, it can work
<samueldr> (made my 1080p laptop use a 720p console)
<Mic92> samueldr: so is https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-artwork/pull/26 ready or not?
<samueldr> let me verify everything is in the repo
<samueldr> I woke up ~25 minutes ago
<sphalerite> xnaveira[m]: note that long or multiline messages don't get relayed to IRC properly
<xnaveira[m]> sorry i ment checkPhase = ''py.test ''; @spha
<xnaveira[m]> sphalerite:
<samueldr> Mic92: eveything should be there
<samueldr> (on the nixos-artwork repo)
<sphalerite> xnaveira[m]: the standard way is not specifying a checkPhase at all AFAIK, and making sure doCheck is set to true (I think it defaults to it on python)
<sphalerite> xnaveira[m]: whether that actually works depends on upstream though
<neonfuz> After updating from linux 4.9 to 4.14 I get some errors at boot, can anyone help me figure out some things?
<neonfuz> I get some errors related to TSC_DEADLINE, and says I need to update my microcode, how do I do that on nixos?
<samueldr> `hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode
<xnaveira[m]> but isn't the docheck for running the package tests sphalerite ?
<neonfuz> then the next line is "Error parsing PCC subspaces from PCCT"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #36252: Python: introduce toPythonApplication function (master...toPythonApplication) https://git.io/vA9EZ
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<sphalerite> xnaveira[m]: what do you mean by package tests?
<ottidmes> What was the option again to run something only at rebuild (so not at start, i.e. activationScripts)
<neonfuz> clever thanks
<xnaveira[m]> sphalerite: yes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] launerbie opened pull request #36253: dashd: package update 12.1.3 -> 12.2.3 (master...dashpay) https://git.io/vA9EC
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<infinisil> ottidmes: i don't know of such a thing
<sphalerite> xnaveira[m]: well by the looks of it (looking at travis.yml) they use nose to run their tests. If just setting doCheck = true; doesn't run them try just copying the nosetests line from the travis config
<xnaveira[m]> sphalerite: I'm trying to get this merged https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36215
<mt_caret_> I'm currently trying to update a library that lot's of packages depend on (of which a few break when updated). If I retain the old library under a different attribute name, is it possible to get a broken package (along with its dependencies, recursively) to build using the old library?
<mt_caret_> s/lot's/lots/g
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<sphalerite> mt_caret_: change the callPackage in all-packages.nix — see docker for an example
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<rycee> manveru: Good point. I'll try fixing that when I get back in a few hours, it should only use colors when running in an interactive shell.
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<rycee> Sorry, when the output is a terminal with color support…
<xnaveira[m]> The nosetests line did the trick, thx sphalerite !
<neonfuz> any idea on the "error parsing PCC subspaces from PCCT" error?
<neonfuz> some people say this happens on dual boot systems, though I don't dual boot
<neonfuz> something to do with bios / uefi? I'm pretty sure I'm booting through uefi but not 100% sure, any way to check on a booted system if it's been booted from uefi?
<samueldr> it could come from a bios(uefi) setting used for that feature
<Mic92> ryantm: now I hate myself for doing bikeshedding. I only feel that there were some bad naming descicions in the past like nativeBuildInputs
<neonfuz> yeah that says I booted via UEFI
<mt_caret_> sphalerite: The problem is that other dependencies for the broken package also depend on the library I'm trying to bump, I need to use the old library for them too. Does docker do this?
<ottidmes> infinisil: just went through all options on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html and cannot find it either, might have been confused, thought I remember seeing such an option being mentioned once, but I can just (mis)use boot.loader.grub.extraPrepareConfig for now since I am using grub, and I am actually using it for something related
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<sphalerite> mt_caret_: I'm not really sure. Is there no more up-to-date version of the broken one which works with the updated library?
<infinisil> ottidmes: what are you using it for?
<neonfuz> samueldr: if you're talking to me, I'm not sure exactly what PCCT and PCC are even
<samueldr> I don't know either, but from a quick googling of your error message, it looks like "fast boot" is a recurring theme for that message, which is sometimes an option in the UEFI settings
<mt_caret_> sphalerite: unfortunately not. To name the package, it's bap (which is written in OCaml). It depends on v0.9.0 of some widely-used libraries, but it's been a few months since v0.10.0 has been out, and the two are not really compatible.
<ottidmes> infinisil: I have an hardware encrypted drive, but it allows me to write an small image to boot into, in the initrd of the image I unlock the drive and then want to boot into the most recent kernel/initrd pair on the unlocked disk, so I want to make this info available in a file on /boot
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<ottidmes> infinisil: I had it working by just parsing /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but apparently it was not resistant enough, it stopped working because probably one of my greps got different results than I assumed, so I want to use something less hacky instead
<clever> ottidmes: have you seen the extlinux.conf stuff?
<mt_caret_> sphalerite: the callPackage { a = use 0.9.0 } trick doesn't work since the other libraries it depends on depends on the new one, and causes breakage.
<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, I am using that to build the image
<neonfuz> samueldr: hmm... well I hope I don't have errors down the road but things seem to be working alright now
<neonfuz> I'm just paranoid because last night I accidentally GC'd after nuking my wifi driver,and the only way to get ethernet is with an adapter that is frayed and might stop working at any moment *_*
<ottidmes> clever: Unless I can make it to only generate the extlinux config file, I will just generate something myself
<neonfuz> damn lenovo and their proprietary $30 ethernet "adapter"
<clever> ottidmes: you can also look at how bootloaders work in nixos, and just define a custom one,one sec
<mt_caret_> I mean, there must be a way for multiple versions of libraries to coexist relatively seamlessly, or it'll mean that every backwards-incompatible version bump of a library will permanently break some app that isn't maintained anymore.
<clever> ottidmes: when enabled, a bootloader must set system.build.installBootLoader to a string that properly configures /boot, dealing with gathering all the generations, generating the config, and installing things into MBR's
<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, that is what I am doing now, inject my code in boot.loader.grub.extraPrepareConfig that will generate 3 lines, the kernel, the initrd, and the kernel params, and read this file in the unlock image
<clever> ottidmes: you could also just disable grub, and make your own bootloader, that directly sets system.build.installBootLoader
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] earldouglas opened pull request #36255: rtl_433: init at 51d275c (master...rtl_433) https://git.io/vA9ut
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<clever> ottidmes: oh, but if grub is gone, it probably wont be able to reboot, lack of an MBR on the unlocked disk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PierreR opened pull request #36256: Update salt-pepper from 0.5.0 to 0.5.5 (master...master) https://git.io/vA9uq
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<clever> yeah, keep the mutated grub your already doing
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<ottidmes> clever: the file I am after is only used in the unlock image, the whole unlock image is hidden when the drive is unlocked, so then it should just be using grub (when rebooting e.g.)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f4d1d26 MERCIER Michael: pass: Make tomb plugin optional (disabled by default)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3963dfe MERCIER Michael: (pass): Add tomb plugin
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9u3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da3b11c Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29307 from mickours/pass-tomb-plugin...
<ottidmes> clever: But the line you linked to system.build, I know it from doing nix-build -A config.system.build.<...> but can I just add a builder and it will be build when I am doing a nixos-rebuild?
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<clever> ottidmes: should be able to
<clever> just refer to ${config.system.build.whatever} inside a string in any nixos module
<ottidmes> clever: But would I be able to use it to run anything outside of Nix, write a file to /boot
<xnaveira[m]> ok so now i have this other python package where they have "test.py" in the root, i do checkPhase = '' SCPPY_PORT=10022 ${python.interpreter} test.py ''; and it gives me /nix/store/7b2z0vfbs9539ga4pxx5gmli47rz5y3n-python-2.7.14/bin/python2.7: can't open file 'test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b29c06 Pierre Radermecker: Update salt-pepper from 0.5.0 to 0.5.5
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9ug
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a4a7bf6 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36256 from PierreR/master...
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<teto2> xnaveira[m]: might be test/test.py ?
<clever> ottidmes: it appears that nixos will run that command, and give it the path to the nixos build that is being made the default
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<xnaveira[m]> that's what i thought teto2 but it is not https://github.com/jbardin/scp.py
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9ua
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9a6ed7 James Earl Douglas: rtl_433: init at 51d275c
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 183f77f Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36255 from earldouglas/rtl_433...
<xnaveira[m]> ok, nevermind, it turns out that the pip package doesn't include the test
<clever> ottidmes: and you should be able to run it whenever you want, provided you give that $out path still
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<ottidmes> clever: Yeah so the bootloaders are special cases in that they are allowed to affect the world outside nix, so I have to write my own, or inject my code in an existing
<simpson> xnaveira[m]: Yeah, some Python folks have a bad habit of shipping broken tests like this. It happens.
<clever> ottidmes: yep
<teto2> xnaveira[m]: actually I had two similar cases recently where tests files were missing
<xnaveira[m]> ok, as I said I\m no python guru, i just need to get a bunch of dependencies working for an ansible playbook :P
<xnaveira[m]> and I thouht i might as well contribute them and learn some nixos expressions stuff
<xnaveira[m]> I think i am done now, going to submit to gitub, thx guys
<simpson> xnaveira[m]: There is zero shame in `doCheck = false;` on Python packages.
<xnaveira[m]> cool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lukeadams opened pull request #36257: collectd: kafka patch for 18.03 (master...collectd-fix) https://git.io/vA9ud
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9zt
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b2cf5b Vladimír Čunát: lib.addPassthru: removed as scheduled
<gchristensen> clever: is there a standard place to put extra route commands?
<gchristensen> ideally it would also be part of the magical rollbacks that the rest of nixos affords, but no real harm if it isn't
<sphalerite> networking.firewall.extraCommands :troll:
<gchristensen> yeah I was worried that might be it :)
<LnL> I'm using networking.localCommands for something similar :/
<clever> gchristensen: i cant think of a good spot off the top of my head, and i have found the network layer to be a bit statefull, and doesnt always update itself right
<gchristensen> indeed
<sphalerite> gchristensen: networking.interfaces.<name>.ipv4.routes on unstable/18.03
<clever> sphalerite: oh, that sounds perfect
<gchristensen> wow! I might have to upgrade early :)
<clever> sphalerite: also, nixos-unstable cant build hydra, so my router is stuck on 17.09
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<attila`> Hi, I am creating my first derivation on NixOS for qtcam, one of its dependencies is libusb, so I added it to nativeBuildInputs. However nix-build can not find libusb.h.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9zB
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac3b537 Vladimír Čunát: 18.03 release notes: highlight linux and gcc updates
<sphalerite> !m rnhmjoj[m]
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, rnhmjoj[m]!
<sphalerite> (the static routes stuff)
<attila`> my nix-info output: system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 1.11.16, channels(root): "nixos-17.09.2948.fc2f32394cf", channels(attila): "nixpkgs-18.03pre129212.098c7f3d945", nixpkgs: /home/attila/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs
<sphalerite> attila`: you may need to add pkgconfig to nativeBuildInputs; libusb itself should be a buildInput, not nativeBuildInput
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/nix-2.0 b70c93f Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into nix-2.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/nix-2.0 729d72f Vladimír Čunát: 18.03 release notes: nix-2.0 by default
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to nix-2.0: https://git.io/vA9z0
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<sphalerite> attila`: looks like it's built with qmake and just expects the headers to be in /usr. You may need to set INCLUDEPATH manually using qmakeFlags to get it to find them correctly
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<clever> sphalerite: is the qmake file checking for the existance, or is it the compiler that fails to find it?
<attila`> sphalerite`: Thank you. I'll try, then report back
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<attila`> it is a compiler error
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9zy
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c94ad64 Erik Arvstedt: rsbep: init at 0.1.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9zF
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d586f5d Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'nix-2.0'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #34636: Switch to Nix 2.0 (master...nix-2.0) https://git.io/vNjvJ
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<nixer101> Hello everyone! Can you comment the situation with nixos-unstable and nixos-17.09 split (further on "stable") ? I noticed that the version in 17.09 are all at least 3-6 months old, even if there is constant activity. The nixos-unstable may be days old, but has recent packages and sometimes encounters build errors with expressions, but not with packages themselves. Is there a channel with cutting edge packages that actually pass build?
<nixer101> Specifically, the palemoon package in stable is half year old and segfaults, where version from unstable is not unstable at all and has no segfaults.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #36182: rsbep: init at 0.1.0 (master...rsbep-backup) https://git.io/vADst
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<gchristensen> nixer101: stable backports are best-effort, and typically only for security updates
<sphalerite> nixer101: the idea is that versions stay stable in stable and only major bug fixes get backported
<gchristensen> (palemoon updates should all qualify for backport, though)
<nixer101> I mean, what is the best option for the channel with cutting edge software that has no build-time and expression errors. I am fine with package-related errors.
<nixer101> gchristensen, sphalerite: please pardon my goofiness, but where can I find nixos stable backports?
<gchristensen> in stable
<sphalerite> nixer101: that would be unstable
<nixer101> gchristensen: http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/
<sphalerite> nixer101: the master branch is the danger zone, the various unstable channels are based on master but only advance when certain test sets pass on them
<sphalerite> !which channel
<nixer101> would you point me to such stable backport channel, please? :)
<gchristensen> nixos-17.09 receives the backports
<LnL> not sure what you're asking for, but this are all the changes in the 17.09 channel https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/commits/nixos-17.09
<nixer101> gchristensen: unfortunately, the kde packages are all 6 months old and palemoon specifically segfaults. I would like to find a channel that is cutting edge, so that the expression always builds, but the packages themselves may have own errors (and help fix them).
<gchristensen> yes, unstable is unstable. there is no perfectly stable unstable.
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<nixer101> sphalerite: It would be wonderful, if this commit could be added to https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_Channels
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<sphalerite> nixer101: yes. You're looking for nixos-unstable
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<gchristensen> but we can't give you exactly what you want
<sphalerite> gchristensen: "I would like to find a channel that is cuttingedge, so that the expression always builds, but the packages themselves may have own errors (and help fix them)." sounds like unstable to me :)
<LnL> you can use 2 channels an only use what's broken from unstable
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: they don't always build
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<mfiano> to be fair, stable doesn't always build either
<mfiano> zathura for example, fails, or it did 2 days ago anyway
<nixer101> sphalerite: the problem with nixpkgs-unstable is that expressions themselves can fail. I would appreciate the channel, that is build-tested, but the bugs of the package itself are omitted.
<LnL> those are mostly edgecases
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<MichaelRaskin> Making everything build is a huge undertaking which is only rarely _completely_ succesful
<MichaelRaskin> _Checking_ that everything builds takes multiple days.
<nixer101> sphalerite: there is limitation with stable, the 6 months changes freeze, that prevents pulling in new versions. These new versions may actually be bugfix releases. This is the problem that makes stable "unstable" in practice.
<sphalerite> yes so use unstable
<simpson> nixer101: To spell it all out, fresher packages are inherently more unstable because they have had less time to be in contact with other packages. The feature that makes our unstable channel fresh is what makes it unstable.
<nixer101> LnL: I have added unstable injects yesterday. From about 20 injected unstable packages, 5 have failed to build and about 5 had same versions as in stable.
<simpson> You can't get one without the other.
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<nixer101> LnL: and they all added about 5 gigabyte of binaries.
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<simpson> (You *can* have a custom nixpkgs, based on applying your own pile of commits, but it doesn't sound like you're at that stage yet.)
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<nixer101> simpson: no, I am not, this is right. But I pulled a browser from stable on stable system, and it segfaulted. Luckily the Konversation did not segfault, so our members have given me directions how to add unstable. After I injected unstable palemoon into stable, it was rock solid.
<sphalerite> or you could just use a browser that many people use and that gets tested better
<sphalerite> using a niche browser on a(n unfortunately still) niche distro is just naturally more likely to be problematic
dash1 is now known as dash
<nixer101> sphalerite: the palemoon version in the stable is half a year old. The version in unstable is fresh and is stable by upstream. Between these there were several bugfix releases.
<simpson> sphalerite: We should not paper over bugs when we could fix them.
<gchristensen> sphalerite's comment is totally correct that the size of both the communities together means it is less likely to work and be upto date
<sphalerite> I don't mean to paper over it, but fixing everything takes a lot of effort and that effort isn't always available. And other browsers do work
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<sphalerite> nixer101: it's normal for the version in stable to be half a year old, since that's how old stable is
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9478569 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: libwhereami: fix gcc7 build
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA923
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master abc93b0 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: facter: 3.9.3 -> 3.10.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6fb1978 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: libwhereami: 0.1.3 -> 0.2.0
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<sphalerite> nixer101: of course it's not normal for it to crash though
<gchristensen> palemoon should be backported though
<mfiano> Software is never completely fixed, finished, or buf-free.
<mfiano> bug-free*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #36257: collectd: kafka patch for 18.03 (master...collectd-fix) https://git.io/vA9ud
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<LnL> nixer101: what you're running into is something that should get fixed on stable, however there's a _lot_ of software in nixpkgs so in practice this won't always happen for things that are not used by many people
<nixer101> sphalerite: yes, the stable version is unstable. Thats the problem I would like to mention. Unstable because its old and was long patched.
<nixer101> sphalerite: is this okay to request for version bump for the stable in this case? Is such version bump possible per policy?
<sphalerite> yes
<nixer101> sphalerite: I see
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #34070: Improve parallels-tools (master...prl-improve) https://git.io/vNzib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA920
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 22c5082 Xavier Naveira: pythonPackages.ncclient: init a 0.5.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 284c6a5 Xavier Naveira: pythonPackages.scp: init at 0.10.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1689c3c Xavier Naveira: pythonPackages.junos-eznc: init at 2.1.7...
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<LnL> nixer101: yes definitively, there's no point in keeping something on an old version if it doesn't work
<nixer101> simpson: There are three different categories of bugs. 1) bugs in build expression, where package does not build. 2) bugs in how package interacts with rest of ecosystem, - runtime bugs. 3) finally application specific bugs that are to be reported upstream. I am looking for a channel that filters 1+2, but allows 3.
<nixer101> simpson: Three categories as I see it.*
<MichaelRaskin> 2 requires manual testing
<nixer101> LnL: thank you
<MichaelRaskin> Or many many more tests
<sphalerite> nixer101: we don't have that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA929
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd27fbb bernie: update dashd to 12.2.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 27e0de5 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36253 from launerbie/dashpay...
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<MichaelRaskin> 1 is a goal that is sometimes susccesfully approximated, but not always achieved in Nixpkgs (stable or unstable)
<MichaelRaskin> Just because even checking it takes _a lot_ of time.
<simpson> nixer101: (1) on its own is something we care about and generally something we try to fix even on unstable. (1+2+3) doesn't exist in any distro I've ever used or seen, but it can be aspired to.
<LnL> nixer101: for something with a subtle bug that have a lot of dependencies we might not want to do it to avoid breaking more (or more important things) then it would fix
<simpson> (1+2) is something that can only be achieved if software in general makes massive improvements in quality in many different ways; I doubt it'll ever happen.
<nixer101> simpson: well, Gentoo. Although its specific to package manager, as it explicitly allows choice of versions.
<MichaelRaskin> Nix technically supports it, and Nixpkgs doesn't do it more mostly because of combinatorial explosion
<simpson> nixer101: Choice of version isn't the only thing going on here; we might be talking past each other here.
<MichaelRaskin> We try to have _some_ binary cache
<nixer101> simpson: I don't want to bring Gentoo to discussion at all though. Its completely different design, with problems in package dependencies and requirement for manual configuration management.
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ab59aa7 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36162 from Kaali/wireshark...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA92h
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 023d584 Väinö Järvelä: wireshark: Add Darwin support
<simpson> nixer101: Sorry, I'm out of polite words. Your desired channel would not be feasible. Feel free to start your own channel if you disagree.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, there are multiple questions. What actually happens in Nixpkgs, what is a priority for improvement in Nixpkgs, what is >70% likely to get accepted as a PR if someone does the work, what doesn't have any conceptual issues but is not currently considered a good idea.
<nixer101> simpson: No, I understand you perfectly sir. I am trying to find the way in current situation that just suits my needs better, perhaps motivate to improvements, if there is place for them.
<simpson> nixer101: Learn to write Nix expressions and submit PRs. Be the change you wish to see in-tree.
<MichaelRaskin> Nixpkgs does have a long tail. We accept more packages than we can polish or test for each commit or whatever.
<nixer101> simpson: Thats definitely on my horizon of actions, sor.
<nixer101> sir*
<MichaelRaskin> There is a binary cache that targets building a snapshot of master (after testing that becomes the unstable channel) and the stable.
<simpson> nixer101: Rude~
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<MichaelRaskin> This disincentivizes accepting too many versions of a package without a compelling reason.
<MichaelRaskin> If a package is broken on the segfault or build failure level, any fix will be accepted into stable (either upgrade or patch), which doesn't mean someone actually cares enough to have already applied it.
<LnL> something like requiring an active maintainer for a package to be in nixpkgs would be one way of improving the general quality of things
<nixer101> MichaelRaskin: Is there guarantee that nixos-unstable is free from 1. category of bugs (evaluation, build-time problems)? The question is because I have experimented with nixpgs-stable channel and found it problematic to be used as main channel.
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<nixer101> LnL: understandable, thanks!
<MichaelRaskin> LnL: it would also require cutting down the number of packages in three or so
<sphalerite> nixer101: if nixos-17.09 and nixos-unstable are both problematic then nixos is unfortunately not the distro for oyu
<MichaelRaskin> nixer101: search bug tracker for ZHF
<LnL> yes, that obviously has some implications :)
<MichaelRaskin> LnL: I would probably abandon that version and switch to a fork that doesn't care and keeps coverage.
<nixer101> sphalerite: no, I would like to betone specifically, that nixos is for me and I find it the by far best distribution. I am just trying to figure out the way.
<MichaelRaskin> nixer101: these are the attempts to achieve full build success.
<nixer101> sphalerite: please don't see my questions as some kind of demands for changes or something.
<MichaelRaskin> nixer101: I think you have a wrong impression of some of the scaling issues; reading a few latest ZHF sprints should help.
<sphalerite> nixer101: that's nice to hear! :D but yeah mixing channels is probably the easiest way to go
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<MichaelRaskin> And also ZHF threads show where Nixpkgs usually falls behind on fixing things
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<nixer101> MichaelRaskin: Could I ask you what ZHF means? Sorry if I sound stupid.
<LnL> MichaelRaskin: yeah, I don't think it would be a great solution. there's a ton of stuff in nixpkgs that might not have been touched in a year but still works perfectly fine
<sphalerite> zero hydra failures
<MichaelRaskin> They _are_ named ZHF in the issue tracker, though.
<LnL> that's the effort we do to go from unstable to zero failures for a new release channel
<MichaelRaskin> So searching ZHF works
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<nixer101> thank you!
<MichaelRaskin> nixer101: consider using a checkout and looking up Hydra build status of the packages you do care about, by the way.
<MichaelRaskin> Using master with a lag of a couple of weeks picking the commits that do not break what you care about might be a good idea.
<blonkhart> is this forum appropriate for Nix usage questions (unrelated to NixOS development)?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes.
<sphalerite> blonkhart: aboslutely!
<MichaelRaskin> #nix redirects to #nixos anyway
<blonkhart> thanks. beginner using it for haskell. nix-build keeps rebuilding cabal from source and i was wondering if i was doing something wrong
<blonkhart> since it seemed to me this should be available from a binary cache
<LnL> are you using the default ghc version?
<blonkhart> no, 8.0.2
<nixer101> MichaelRaskin: thank you.
<nixer101> MichaelRaskin: I just copypasted the whole IRC block and will slowly go exploring every advice.
<LnL> yeah, only the default set is cached
<sphalerite> nixer101: there's also public logs of the channel, see the topic :)
<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: you cannot insert notes and checkmarks into the public log.
<blonkhart> i see, thanks. after it builds once on my machine though, it shouldn't rebuild though right - just pull the binary from /nix/store?
<blonkhart> i feel like i've seen it build the same version of cabal a large number of times
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9a6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 793cfa7 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: conkeror: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d5f6994 Kranium Gikos Mendoza: conkeror: use firefox-esr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ee735ff Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36240 from womfoo/fix-bump/conkeror-1.0.4...
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<sphalerite> blonkhart: yes, unless you gc it away
<sphalerite> or update nixpkgs
<blonkhart> hmm, OK. i'll keep a closer eye on it, thanks
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/700a717ce9d (from 7 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
<mfiano> sphalerite: Is it worth filing an issue about sdhci-pci not propagating from the installer environment to the generated harware-configuration.nix?
<sphalerite> definitely
<Dezgeg> it's definitely a hard problem to solve, do you know if other distros manage to automatically detect that?
<mfiano> Ok, I've seen so much weirdness with this awful hardware that it's hard to tell what should be reported
<mfiano> Dezgeg: I'm not sure, but I've installed Arch and Ubuntu on this hardware multiple times without issue
<Dezgeg> okay
<mfiano> Well different hardware, same make/model (wife's laptop is the same)
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<Dezgeg> I think it's enough to have the script look at parent devices of all block devices (and recursive all the way up the tree) but would be useful to use something that other distros use as well
<samueldr> mfiano: reporting as an issue will allow tracking the problem, and it could also be documented in the wiki in a hardware-specific page → https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Hardware/Aspire_One_Cloudbook
<clever> Dezgeg: that reminds me about an impurity i found in nixos-generate-config
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e7946b0 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #36246 from Ma27/solve-keychain-issues-for-intellij...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9VG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a38466a Maximilian Bosch: idea: add `libsecret` to the library path...
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<samueldr> (this would help discoverability for the issue, especially if it links to the issue)
<clever> Dezgeg: if any usb mass-storage device is plugged in, it will add usb mass-storage support to the initrd
<clever> Dezgeg: even if its not related to the rootfs in any way
<blonkhart> nix is definitely building Cabal- more than once with GHC 8.0.2
<mfiano> samueldr: I agree, and I'll do that. Does that link actually work? I'm in a linux console at the moment so can't click :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 1dcd022 Maximilian Bosch: idea: add `libsecret` to the library path...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/vA9VW
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<samueldr> mfiano: not yet, but that's where you should do the writeup
<samueldr> (if you so desire to)
<mfiano> I'll consider that then, if only for me in the future, because old brains forget easily :)
<mfiano> Is the wiki open, or do I have to get on some user list to create/edit content?
<samueldr> it's open, login through github is preferred
<mfiano> Great, thanks.
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<Dezgeg> I suppose 'sudo udevadm info /dev/mmcblk0p1 -a | grep DRIVERS' or something might discover the correct driver
<Dezgeg> at least sdhci-tegra is found for me there
<mfiano> assuming there was a p1
<Dezgeg> well whatever is specified in hardware-configuration.nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0811e7f aszlig: nixos/netboot: Fix evaluation error...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9wf
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<mfiano> indeed, it finds mmcblk and sdhci-pci for me, but not the other modules needed
<Dezgeg> what are the others then?
<mfiano> rtsx_usb_sdmmc, rtsx_usb, sdhci. unsure if any of those are dependencies however
<sphalerite> I think the usb ones are probably for the card reader
<Dezgeg> yes, I'd expect so
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<Dezgeg> sdhci is an dependency of sdhci-pci probably so no need to explicitly mention that
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e6b8eb0 Robert Schütz: pythonPackages.natsort: fix tests...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9w3
<mfiano> well to be honest, the pci one is listed under /sys/bus/usb
<mfiano> no wait, cancel that
<Dezgeg> the card reader theory can be tested with plugging in a card and running the command for the other mmcblk1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ThomasMader opened pull request #36258: Dlang update (master...dlang-update) https://git.io/vA9wC
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<mfiano> I don't have an sdcard
<sphalerite> couldn't you also rmmod it and it would complain if it's the eMMC?
<mfiano> Yeah I removed them all just now
<mfiano> Ok good. So I only really need the generic sdhci-pci module for the internal storage
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<clever> Mar 03 14:40:21 amd-nixos display-manager[9218]: (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
<mfiano> Yeah, I think a better strategy is needed for the .nix config detection. it added usb-storage because i had the livecd usb plugged in, even though its not required to boot the root filesystem. it's adding sdcard, and failing to add the only module it actually needs to boot the rootfs
<clever> Mar 03 14:40:21 amd-nixos display-manager[9218]: (II) UnloadModule: "amdgpu"
<clever> power went out for a split second, and now i discover that my gpu drivers are toast
<freeman42x> are there any Haskell / Atom ide-haskell-repl users that have run into this issue (might be NixOS specific)? https://github.com/atom-haskell/ide-haskell-repl/issues/62
<sphalerite> clever: as long as it's the drivers and not the GPU I guess..?
<mfiano> but i admit it's a hard problem to solve. no real way to detect what device the root fs will be installed on
<clever> 355 and 354 wont start...
<Dezgeg> during nixos-generate-config it does know that
<sphalerite> ^
<clever> 352 wont start
<mfiano> how?
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<sphalerite> mfiano: well it's mounted at that point
<clever> sphalerite: ok, thats strange, i rolled back to a generation older then the last boot, and X still cant start
<sphalerite> clever: uh oh.
<mfiano> sphalerite: ah very true. I'm not sure why it's adding a bunch of storage modules then, even for the device the livecd is mounted on
<mfiano> i think this really needs to be fixed proper
<clever> mfiano: i found an impurity, where it will add usb storage drivers if any usb storage is connected
<sphalerite> it just goes through all the block and mmc devices in the system
<mfiano> I'll document all this into an issue and begin writing a hardware-specific wiki page tomorrow when i'm more awake
<sphalerite> and works out what they're using
<sphalerite> as opposed to basing it on what's mounted
<sphalerite> clever: does it really count as an impurity? The whole of nixos-generate-config is impure :p
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<clever> sphalerite: its a variable that doesnt depend on what you mounted to /mnt/
<sphalerite> for purity to make sense here we'd have to have a well-defined set of inputs
<sphalerite> which we don't really
<mfiano> Well at the very least, it fails wrt sdhci-pci then. I guess it doesn't hurt the initrd to have a few extra modules that aren't needed, but it hurts it when the only 1 that is needed, isn't included
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<sphalerite> yeah
<clever> sphalerite: i suspect its a kernel side issue, switching to an old generation doesnt fix it, but booting into an old one does
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<sphalerite> oh so the failure was when starting back up after the power failure
<Dezgeg> are the drivers the same version in the generations? I wouldn't expect that to work with proprietary drivers
<sphalerite> I misunderstood, I thought the power failure was short enough for the computer to stay on but X crashed
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<sphalerite> amdgpu isn't proprietary is it?
<clever> sphalerite: i think thats the open-source one
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #36259: clementine: apply upstream patch to fix build w/gcc7 (master...fix/clementine-gcc7) https://git.io/vA9rz
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andrey-komarov opened pull request #36260: systemtap: 2017.02.04 -> 2017.10.18 (master...systemtap) https://git.io/vA9rg
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<MichaelRaskin> radeon is the open-source driver, no?
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<sphalerite> radeon is the free one for old GPUs iirc
<sphalerite> amdgpu is the modern free one
<sphalerite> and amdgpu-pro is the proprietary one, and a variation on amdgup
<MichaelRaskin> Oh
<sphalerite> I think.
<clever> generation 351 boots just fine
<clever> hmmm, maybe not 351, but the one from before feb 16th booted
<clever> and `last` says it previously booted on feb 10th
<lejonet> sphalerite: iirc amdgpu is the free, mandatory layer, but amdgpu-pro uses that layer and adds some proprietary stuff, like opencl and such
<clever> ahh, i have been wanting to look into opengl
<clever> opencl*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9rD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cca9ec2 Léo Gaspard: openldap module: cleanup
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aeef7c9 Léo Gaspard: openldap module: allow defining contents declaratively
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2acbe5 Jörg Thalheim: nixos/openldap: add test
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<mfiano> Sleep. Thanks for all the help today
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #36163: deepin: add meta package for the Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) (master...new.deepin) https://git.io/vAMVE
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<clever> sphalerite, lejonet: i should probably experiment with the options before i open everything back up
<lejonet> clever: opencl is interesting, I'm waiting for 4.16 when ROCm hits mainline, so that you don't have to use the proprietary driver to do opencl
<attila`> sphalerite: You were right. I added `sed -i 's|/usr/include/libusb-1.0|${libusb1.dev}/include/libusb-1.0|' src/qtcam.pro` into the preconfigure phase, and now it can find libusb.h . Thank you.
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<clever> attila`: ah, so its trying to be too smart and looking for the file, rather then letting gcc find it within the search path nix setup
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kragniz opened pull request #36261: nixos/networking: add hostname to /etc/hosts by default (master...hostname-in-etc-hosts) https://git.io/vA9oU
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<attila`> clever: Yep, the target.path was also hardcoded.
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 99d9c35 Will Dietz: clementine: apply upstream patch to fix build w/gcc7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fb765d Will Dietz: Merge pull request #36259 from dtzWill/fix/clementine-gcc7...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA9oB
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<saksham> Hi all, a Gentoo to Nix convert here. Been trying to get a particular haskell package to build locally, but so far pkgconfig refuses to acknowledge that gtk3 is available in the shell environment.
<clever> saksham: which haskell package?
<saksham> This package is available in nixpkgs, but we recently had a major overhaul, and switched to gtk3.
<saksham> It's taffybar. I've pasted the shell file I'm using (^) above. I modified the output of cabal2nix in my attempts to make it work.
<clever> *looks*
<clever> error: attribute 'local-gtk-traymanager' missing, at /home/clever/Downloads/taffybar_nix_shell.txt:47:24
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<saksham> Oh right, I had to make that work separately too (we're using a out-of-repos version right now).
<saksham> Pasting here.
<saksham> SOURCE: git@github.com:travitch/gtk-traymanager ; SHELL =>https://pastebin.com/9LrrS8Au
<clever> saksham: it helps if you put a fetchFromGitHub into the nix file, then it doesnt need a local clone
<saksham> Right. Will do that in the future. Meanwhile, this is the my local .config/nixpkgs/config.nix => https://pastebin.com/w3T5ZFL0
<clever> *edits*
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<saksham> Funnily enough, building gtk-traymanager had the same issue. I made it build by *removing* gtk3 from the pkgconfigDepends in its default.nix (the one I pasted above).
<clever> !tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<nick_l> Why does nixops create a type "none" entry when I create a deployment in nixops info output?
<clever> nick_l: did you set the targetEnv to something?
<clever> saksham: what us the url for taffybar's src?
<nick_l> clever: yes, to "ec2".
<nick_l> clever: I am deploying a bunch of other machines using the exact same logic.
<clever> nick_l: can you gist the deployment file and the output of nixops info?
<nick_l> clever: those display "ec2" in the type column.
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<saksham> clever: Here's taffybar: http://github.com/travitch/taffybar . Meanwhile, I'm modifying this file to use github sources.
<nick_l> clever: none is output when I set the subnetId.
<clever> nick_l: can you gist the output of `nixops info` ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9Kb
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 55b5c40 Tuomas Tynkkynen: iperf: 3.4 -> 3.5
<nick_l> clever: the output is normal now, but when I uncomment # deployment.ec2.subnetId = my_subnet; ec2 turns into "none".
<clever> nick_l: is there any error near the top of the info output?
<nick_l> clever: no
<clever> nick_l: how is my_subnet defined?
<coconnor> I'm encountering an odd build error with nix 2.0: "builder: line 1: .attrs.sh: No such file or directory"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #36245: qes: init at 0.0.2 (master...qes) https://git.io/vA9Cc
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<nick_l> clever: it is "subnet-<hex>" with an existing subnet.
<sphalerite> coconnor: are you using structuredAttrs?
<coconnor> this is building a nixos VM test with nix-build --no-out-link release.nix -A tests.jenkins.x86_64-linux --show-trace
<nick_l> clever: the same happens for subnets that are created by nixops.
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<coconnor> (where nix-build --version reports nix-build (Nix) 2.0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] dtzWill opened pull request #1943: release.nix: don't try to use nix-2.0 branch, no longer exists (master...fix/nixpkgs-branch) https://git.io/vA96k
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<nick_l> clever: I had to remove the subnetId declaration from all network descriptions to get nixops info in a sane state.
<coconnor> sphalerite: not intentionally. That build is done by my CI to integrate nixpkgs changes
<coconnor> sphalerite: I would presume the nixos release tests would succeed with the nix 2.0 merge
<coconnor> sphalerite: but I'm not terribly sure what the relation is between branches and stability in nixpkgs repo X-D
<saksham> clever: Right, that's nice. Will take care from next time. Meanwhile, as you can see, the nix-shell doesn't load up since gtk-traymanager doesn't build.
<coconnor> If anyone already has a nix 2.0 env up and can try that test then that would narrow it down to my specific setup
<clever> saksham: got more edits coming up
<nick_l> clever: how does adding a single declaration modify the type in nixops info output? I thought nixops info didn't contact the network.
<clever> saksham: refresh the gist link
<clever> nick_l: info doesnt contact aws, but it does re-eval the deployment files
<nick_l> clever: and what determines whether something is of type 'ec2' then?
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<clever> nick_l: can you gist the output of it before and after the change?, i suspect something else is being missed
<nick_l> clever: there are no other changes and the exit code is 0 in both cases.
<clever> nick_l: what is the status in both cases?
<Judson> There was an issue on nixpkgs (I think) about "too many wiki pages about language packaging" (or something like) Does that strike anyone's recollection?
<nick_l> | the_querya | Missing / New | ec2 [eu-west-1] | | | vs | the_querya | Missing / New | none | | |
<nick_l> clever: that's all.
<coconnor> I don't recall there being a specific issue, but I know documentation of packaging for each language is lacking ;)
<coconnor> except, maybe, haskell
<clever> nick_l: i cant see anything obvious, id need more of the nix expression to know whats going on
<Judson> That's certainly true. It's tautological given a particular audience, even.
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<Judson> I'm partilcularly interested in overall strategies for language packaging in Nix.
<Judson> *Nixpkgs
<coconnor> haha aye
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<nick_l> clever: I have a function computing an attribute set common to all machines, then I apply that to the standard arguments provided and do // {deployment.ec2.subnetId = "subnet-fdfsdf";}
<coconnor> I think a year ago there wouldn't of been much to say about overall strategies. Now, tho, there is similarity between a number of languages
<coconnor> can't think of any documentation addressing that tho
<clever> nick_l: and theres your problem
<nick_l> clever: it is my understanding that {<anything>} // {<else>} is equal to merging right into left with right taking precedence.
<clever> nick_l: { deployment.targetEnv = "ec2"; } // { deployment.ec2.subnetId = "bar"; } == { deployment.ec2.subnetId = "bar"; }
<clever> nick_l: the // isnt recursive
<clever> so the entire deployment attribute is overwritten
<clever> nick_l: try it in a nix-repl
<Judson> coconnor, There's https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_For_Lang_Packaging and I started https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Mirroring_repos. Partly I'm trying to resolve (if only in my own mind) the difference between (in particular) how Ruby and Python get handled in Nixpkgs
<clever> nix-repl> :p { deployment.targetEnv = "ec2"; } // { deployment.ec2.subnetId = "bar"; }
<clever> { deployment = { ec2 = { subnetId = "bar"; }; }; }
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<saksham> clever: Still trying to make it work. There's allowBroken requirement coming up for Agda, then allowUnfree for StrategyLib, and then an insecure issue coming up for erlang. Is this expected? (I have allowUnfree and allowBroken set to true in my user config, yet...)
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<nick_l> clever: OMFG
<nick_l> clever: OK, so how do I merge recursively then?
<clever> nick_l: first, if you have a 2nd deployment file (and you can use requires to chain them), nixops will merge things for you
* clever grabs example
<nick_l> clever: I prefer to not introduce extra files, but will look at your example.
<clever> nick_l: nixops will inteligently merge the report-server-bucket-storage.nix with everything else
<clever> nick_l: so you can make a file for each broad feature, and then load in a subset of the features you have written
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a4fa6c4 Tuomas Tynkkynen: diffoscope: 90 -> 91
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 984fa1c Tuomas Tynkkynen: cbfstool: 4.5 -> 4.7, fixes build
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA96h
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<clever> the other option is
<clever> nix-repl> :p lib.recursiveUpdate { deployment.targetEnv = "ec2"; } { deployment.ec2.subnetId = "bar"; }
<clever> { deployment = { ec2 = { subnetId = "bar"; }; targetEnv = "ec2"; }; }
<clever> but thats not aware of types, and cant merge things like functions
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<clever> in the require example, i set report-server twice, with 2 different functions, and each sets a number of nixos options for the report-server machine, which all get merged up nicely
<nick_l> clever: where is "require" documented?
<clever> nick_l: i think its in the nixops manual
<clever> nick_l: it mostly works the same as imports does within nixos
<nick_l> clever: It didn't seem like it was documented (I just looked)
<clever> saksham: your nix-build is trying to build all of haskell packages
<nick_l> clever: what does it mean to merge two functions?
<clever> saksham: you want nix-build taffybar.nix --fallback -A gtk-traymanager
<clever> nick_l: in my case, nixos will run both functions (line 6 of the file i linked, plus 6 of the file in require)
<clever> nick_l: then nixos will merge the nixos options they both set
<blonkhart> for a haskell build, is there a way to ensure that nix passes a flag to cabal to pull up the right version of a library (ghc versus ghcjs)?
<blonkhart> here is where i've got to http://lpaste.net/7775313225913991168
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1dcd022f01b (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
<saksham> clever: Yikes, the last line slipped my eye. Thanks! Checking it out.
<clever> blonkhart: haskell.packages.ghcjs.callPackage or haskell.packages.ghcjs.mkDerivation
<blonkhart> hmm, but i am using ghcjs.callPackage
<clever> saksham: i changed it so i could shell into either of the 2 packages, but it also has that ugly side-effect
<blonkhart> and yet cabal doesn't seem to be recognizing the impl(ghcjs) flag at 105
<blonkhart> of the lpaste
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<nick_l> clever: how does play with the first line of the required file { IOHKaccessKeyId, ... }:?
<nick_l> clever: I am not seeing you passing in that value anywhere.
<nick_l> clever: at least not on the require line.
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<clever> blonkhart: can you post the files to gist instead?, gist -p file1.txt file2.txt ...
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<clever> nick_l: thats set via nixops set-args --argstr IOHKaccessKeyId foo
<clever> nick_l: which is optional
<clever> nick_l: any deployment file you pass to nixops (or put in require) can accept params, and set-args is used to set them
<nick_l> clever: the nixops source code doesn't seem to define what "require" does, so that's then part of the Nix lanuage?
<clever> nick_l: for example, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3cd4e6ba478b6e1d7a99b354003a8563 + `nixops set-args --arg walletsPerNode 10 --arg nodes 10` lets me customize the deployment
<Judson> In fact, I'm re-reading "Nix For Lang Packaging" and came across this passage: "Extending stdenv.mkDerivation - It's tricky to extend the stdenv.mkDerivation to make it open for extension. TODO: add more on the subject"
<Judson> I'm not clear on what it takes to make a derevation admit extension, honestly.
<Judson> Is there docs for that somewhere?
<nick_l> clever: what do you do when you find a missing resource in nixops? E.g. vpc are in only since Jan.
<clever> nick_l: if you run `nix-env -f release.nix -iA build.x86_64-linux` in the root of a clone of nixops, it will build that exact version and install it
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<clever> nick_l: so you can just skip right to master if you want to
<nick_l> clever: yes, I was running master already via that method (which works well).
<nick_l> clever: that code looks like gibberish to me.
<clever> nick_l: it took me an hour to figure out how the nixPath can be set within nixops, lol
<nick_l> clever: there is no mention of what "f" is, although it is probably a file.
<clever> nick_l: line 382, f is an argument to the function called getRequires
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<nick_l> clever: yes, but what is it?
<clever> nick_l: and line 391 recursively calls itself on every file in requires
<nick_l> clever: i.e., its type.
<nick_l> clever: right, so it's supposed to be some kind of of file.
<clever> nick_l: it can be either a function or a path
<nick_l> clever: multi-type arguments are the devil, imho.
<clever> nick_l: ah, wait, i think its always a file, that can contain a function, or a bare set
<clever> blonkhart: and now i can just `git clone` that url and test it :)
<nick_l> clever: so, how do you set the nixPath within nixops?
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<clever> blonkhart: though client is missing, so its not reproducable yet
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<clever> nick_l: nixops modify deployment.nix -I nixpkgs=...
<clever> nick_l: the -I path you set gets saved into the state file, and can be seen in nixops info
<nick_l> clever: oh, I am already doing that :)
<blonkhart> oh, i see, yeah i didn't give you enough to do that. i haven't used github this way before
<nick_l> clever: I was just wondering whether I missed something.
<clever> blonkhart: gist also doesnt support directories, they dont want you abusing it as free private repos
<rizary> hi all, i look into https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html in its azure section. It says that the version is still in 16.03. But now the stable version is 17.09. How to contact the maintainer who handle the azure blob? is it possible to use the 17.09 one?
<nick_l> clever: is there a way to do require semantics without extra files?
<clever> nick_l: i dont think so
<nick_l> clever: ok, that sounds hacky, but thanks a lot.
<saksham> clever: Sorry for the delay. So, was that gist supposed to allow building taffybar/gtk-traymanager? It didn't for me. I ran "nix-build taffybar.nix --fallback -A gtk-traymanager". Even tried "nix-shell taffybar.nix" after modifying the last line to nixpkgs.haskellPackages.taffybar
<clever> nick_l: i find it more powerful, the report-server-bucket-storage.nix example i linked, can just be removed from require, and the deployment still works perfectly fine
<clever> more modular
<clever> saksham: yeah, it fails with a gtk error within traymanager for me, i havent figured that out yet
<clever> saksham: but its at least all in one file, so its easyer to pass around
<nick_l> clever: How do I port this to your approach then? All free variables here are in a surrounded let binding now. machine = { resources, pkgs, lib, nodes, ... }@args: let common = (common_machine args); in common // { deployment.ec2.securityGroupIds = common.deployment.resources.ec2.securityGroupIds
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<clever> nick_l: you may need a 3rd file, that contains the stuff from the let block, and then import that, or only set it once in a single deployment file
<tnks> hmm... the fancy new "nix build" is terrible for capturing output in a script.
<saksham> clever: Right, thanks! Any idea why I could build gtk-traymanager with this: https://pastebin.com/w3T5ZFL0 ? (
<clever> saksham: you have 2 super's in there, and its not entirely clear which it will use, and i may have also picked the wrong revision from github when i switched it over
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<clever> blonkhart: have you tried the nix files already in the miso repo?
<blonkhart> i am learning nix and was trying to go by analogy to something in the miso repo
<blonkhart> putting together a simplified gist to illustrate
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<clever> blonkhart: what is the exact error you get when building this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9041eff Tuomas Tynkkynen: diffoscope: Update tools list
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9ip
<muzzy> Hey clever, I saw that you use system76 in your github repo. What's your opinion on them bc I opted for a thinkpad
<blonkhart> the error is that when building the client, the "Effect" type is out of scope
<clever> muzzy: the laptop has worked great so far, only a minor issue with suspend sometimes locking up
<nick_l> clever: so, I need to convert let foo=1;bar=2; in <blah> to {foo = 1;bar = 2;} in a file old_let.nix and then with import ./old_let.nix; <blah>?
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<clever> nick_l: yeah
<muzzy> clever: which model do you have?
<clever> muzzy: kudu
<blonkhart> the module is only exposed on the ghcjs side
<nick_l> clever: my mind is heavily protesting the idea that there are semantics which don't work as a function, though.
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6326053 Tuomas Tynkkynen: diffoscope: Add script to list required tools
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA9PI
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<saksham> clever: I kinda got it to work, and it is hilarious. I had spent so much time on this that I forgot I removed 'pkgconfig-depends: gtk+3.0' from the actual cabal file of gtk-traymanager (in my local sources) to make it build. Somehow, pkg-config does not find gtk+3.0 if it is listed in the cabal file, otherwise it is good to go.
<clever> saksham: there is a bug with pkgconfig in nix, pkgconfig will refuse to give the flags for gtk, if it cant find the .pc files for gtk's dependencies
<clever> saksham: and due to how nix works, those dependencies wont be in the search path for traymanager
<clever> and pkgconfig just silently doesnt tell you so
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<saksham> clever: I gotta say "that's not clever" :) Anyhow, this was painful. So, any sane way to build such packages without losing my mind / modifying source files?
<clever> saksham: read the .pc file for gtk, and add its dependencies to gtk-traymanager
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1e10744 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Merge commit '618ac29687a650d854c8bea7efd4490387589ce2' into staging
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vA9PW
<saksham> Oh. Okay. So, can I generalize this to: "all gtk3-based haskell packages need to list deps of gtk3 in their cabal files" ?
<saksham> clever: ^
<clever> saksham: the proper fix, is to put the gtk3 deps into the propagatedBuildInputs of gtk3
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<clever> saksham: then what you said happens entirely automatically, by only putting gtk3 into the deps
<nick_l> clever: in the terraform folder of your repository it says that you need to run nix-shell in the README.md, but there is no default.nix.
<clever> nick_l: is there a shell.nix?
<nick_l> clever: no
<saksham> clever: Aah I see. Will try that. Thanks a lot !
<clever> nick_l: you run the nix-shell command one directory up from terraform
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<clever> nick_l: shell.nix is present there
<nick_l> clever: in that case the documentation needs to be fixed.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] launerbie opened pull request #36263: dcrd: init at version 1.1.2 (master...decred) https://git.io/vA9Pg
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<clever> nick_l: it does say to "cd terraform" after you nix-shell
<clever> which implies you have to be one dir up
<nick_l> clever: sure, but documentation is read in a current directory.
<clever> the linebreaks in the readme.md got eaten by github, it looks better if you open it in raw mode
<gchristensen> man, I think I just did a super cool thing
<nick_l> clever: I found a potential security issue in your repo, btw.
<clever> nick_l: where?
<nick_l> clever: I sent it via a private message.
<ryantm> I think nix-repl is failing to build for me on nixpkgs/master but I might be just be using nix 2.0 wrong. I'm doing `nix build -f . nix-repl`
<clever> ryantm: 2.0 also has `nix repl` with a space, but its tab-completion is a bit too different for me
<ryantm> clever: oh right, I forgot about that, and that works.
<blonkhart> clever: this is impressive, it is like watching a chess master play 8 games at once
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<clever> blonkhart: i think you killed them all, lol
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: ?
<MichaelRaskin> A Borg feature?
<blonkhart> put some time on your clock anyway
<blonkhart> were you able to reproduce from the gist? if not no worries i need to sit down with the nix docs and think it through from first principles
<blonkhart> the main ghcjs frp frameworks express a strong preference for nix
<rycee> manveru: If you update HM now then your pipeline with `home-manager generations` should work better.
<blonkhart> which suggests it is worth the investment as i head in that direction
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<BenceF> Hi is anyone using sway (the tiling wm for wayland)? I can't seem to run X11 apps
<BenceF> also GTK3 apps want to start as X11 apps even though GDB_BACKEND is set to wayland
<Baughn> Turns out my workstation has bad ram. Which explains a few glitches.
<Baughn> Is there any way to regenerate the entire Nix store?
<MichaelRaskin> Wipe /nix, reinstall with the same configuration.nix?
<clever> blonkhart: it fails because i dont have the client or server directory
<Baughn> Without doing that, preferably. :P
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if you want to regenerate the entire store, what would be the difference?
<blonkhart> oh sorry the gist just indicated the directories with a hyphen rather than a slash
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<clever> blonkhart: yeah, gist doesnt support directories, simpler to use a full git repo at that point
<blonkhart> so client-Main.hs and client-default.nix are in a directory and similarly for server-
<blonkhart> everything else is at the project root
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<Baughn> MichaelRaskin: Whether or not I need to bootstrap from scratch or can do it in the background.
<clever> blonkhart: attempting to rename...
<clever> blonkhart: its downloading things
<clever> Baughn: oh, nix-store --verify --check-contents
<blonkhart> sorry i'll have to figure out how to create a repo soon. i don't get out much
<clever> Baughn: that will tell you which paths have become corrupt
<MichaelRaskin> Nix 2.0 solution: build a system configuration into an alternative store on the same partition, reboot, rename the stores, activate
<MichaelRaskin> clever: what about local paths that were corrupted during the build?
<Baughn> Nix 2 can do that? Hum, I'll try that approach.
<clever> MichaelRaskin: less likely, but i think nix-store --repair can forcibly rebuild them
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tex opened pull request #36264: kitty: 0.7.1 -> 0.8.0 (master...kitty) https://git.io/vA91W
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<clever> Baughn: there is also my rescue env, one min
<Baughn> Once I narrow down the exact fault, at least. Still running memtest86. :)
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<clever> Baughn: if you put this into the imports section, an entire nixos installer is dropped into /boot and added to grub
<clever> Baughn: you can then boot that, blow away /nix, and rebuild it with nixos-install
<Baughn> Useful.
<clever> in my case, i used it to move /nix from the zpool/root to zpool/nix dataset
<clever> so i could turn off snapshots on /nix
<clever> only issue, is that its automated to the point that nixos-rebuild rebuilds the rescue env
<clever> and if your ram is bad, you risk corrupting the rescue env :P
<clever> and the rescue always uses the same nixpkgs as your main nixos
<clever> so if nixpkgs is broken too badly, so is the backup :P
<MichaelRaskin> clever: how repair would know there is a corruption? It could come before checksumming
<clever> MichaelRaskin: i think --repair can just force a rebuild, even if its "not corrupt"
<clever> and it will then swap the entire $out after its done
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<Baughn> ...oh. I think I just managed to run zfs on bcache on zfs.
<Baughn> With the same zfs pool on both sides.
* Baughn blinks sheepishly.
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b84fd70 Nikolay Amiantov: doomseeker: 1.1 -> 2018-03-03...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vA91K
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<sphalerite> Um. The configure script for a bunch of derivations seems to be failing with "bad system call" on one of my (nixos) machines o.o
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<sphalerite> oh maybe it's a bug in this nix version, it's a 1.12pre version
<sphalerite> I also don't get why it's even trying to build them locally
<sphalerite> hm nope, same issue with 1.11.16
<sphalerite> aclocal: error: echo terminated by signal: 31
<sphalerite> hm, --no-filter-syscalls fixes it
<sphalerite> any ideas welcome! This is a regular, albeit a bit old, x86_64 machine
<wilornel> how can I install sqlite-devel package?
<sphalerite> !library
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<sphalerite> wilornel: ^
<sphalerite> use sqlite in your nix-shell
<clever> sphalerite: if you strace the nix, what syscall does it fail on?
<sphalerite> oh yeah, that would make sense to check >_>
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ekleog opened pull request #36265: riot-web: make package configurable (master...configurable-riot) https://git.io/vA91j
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<wilornel> sphalerite: I get
* wilornel sent a long message: wilornel_2018-03-03_21:29:39.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WndZdeHgYYsBoOgSKflHmnVb>
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<wilornel> ah one second
<symphorien> wilornel: did you use nix-shell ? if yes how ? you may add pkgconfig to the build-inputs
<sphalerite> clever: brk(NULL)
<symphorien> sometimes build systems need it
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<wilornel> symphorien: yes, I made a mistake. I was outside of a nix-shell. I put sqlite in my temp/default.nix then ran `nix-shell default.nix` on it and then `cd ~/human`. `bundix -m` shows "/nix/store/gd5f1i038kh8wcglqjlbyx640r1jnsxx-bundler-1.14.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/bundler-1.14.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:40:in `block in setup': You have already activated bundler 1.16.1, but your Gemfile requires bundler 1.14.6. Prepending
<wilornel> `bundle exec` to your command may solve this. (Gem::LoadError)
<wilornel> "
<manveru> never use bundle exec
<clever> sphalerite: thats a pretty standard syscall...
<sphalerite> clever: indeed
<manveru> wilornel: what's your version of bundix? did you try `bundix -l`?
<clever> sphalerite: what if you use strace -f
<clever> sphalerite: maybe a different thread used something bad at the same time
<sphalerite> clever: I used strace -ff
<wilornel> 2.3.1
<wilornel> manveru: Hey!
<wilornel> I did `bundix -l` but then I get issues when trying to install webpacker
<clever> sphalerite: and you confirmed which thread was the failing one, or the exit code from the syscall?
<sphalerite> clever: all 4 of the processes killed by SIGSYS were sh, but this happened very early on, just after exec, and before any of the actual loading happened
<clever> sphalerite: can you gist the logs?
<wilornel> `bundix -l` works
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<manveru> wilornel: if you need sqlite as a dependency for one of your gems, you can put it into gemConfig
<wilornel> manveru: where is gemConfig?
<manveru> i tried webpacker, the executable works, but didn't feel like making a whole rails app to try it more
<wilornel> also, I don't understand what is `bundix -m`. I don't know if I needed it
<manveru> usually you won't need magic
<wilornel> manveru: you were able to do bundle exec rails webpacker:install`?
<wilornel> ah you said never to do `bundle exec`
<wilornel> I'm not sure how to install it...
<wilornel> that's what the webpacker installation instructions say
<manveru> simply `rails webpacker:install`, which is an alias for `rake webpacker:install` i guess
<manveru> ok... `rails new` is evil :P
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<clever> sphalerite: any cross-compile or qemu-user going on?, what is /bin/sh ?
<sphalerite> nope on both counts
<sphalerite> /bin/sh: symbolic link to /nix/store/9xg3d7r173zzybgh8v4lhf3zcf0wx51g-bash-4.4-p12/bin/sh
<clever> sphalerite: are you building glibc or bash?
<sphalerite> /bin/sh: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped
<sphalerite> clever: nope, ag
<sphalerite> same problem with a couple of other packages too though
<clever> sphalerite: what derivation does it start with when you try to build ag?
* wilornel sent a long message: wilornel_2018-03-03_21:40:36.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/fcPUowXqNjIIeUwaopYuQqfW>
<sphalerite> ag
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<sphalerite> same happens for tinc, tcpdump, htop
<manveru> wilornel: you also won't need binstubs...
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<clever> sphalerite: strange
<sphalerite> clever: yep. And with seccomp disabled it's fine
<sphalerite> but disabling seccomp is not a Good Thing…
<manveru> nix-shell is way better than `bundle exec` and binstubs :)
<wilornel> manveru: I don't understand ibnstubs sorry
<manveru> wilornel: gimme a minute
<wilornel> It seems like I need public_suffix though
<wilornel> yes
<manveru> i only have DSL, so it takes a bit to try it :)
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<wilornel> what DSL?
<wilornel> It's weird because I can do `require 'public_suffix'` in `irb`
<wilornel> manveru: but I get "[nix-shell:~/human]$ bundle binstubs webpacker
<wilornel> Could not find public_suffix-3.0.2 in any of the sources
<wilornel> "
<manveru> binstubs simply makes an executable in your ./bin directory
<manveru> you don't need them because bundlerEnv already does put them on your PATH
<wilornel> so that command is looking for the binstubs of 'public_suffix-3.0.2' ?
<wilornel> Or is it simply looking for that gem?
<manveru> bundle doesn't know about your gems
<manveru> because it's not from the bundlerEnv
<manveru> wrappedRuby does
<manveru> so irb works
<wilornel> ./app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<wilornel> whoops
<BlessJah> warning: in configuration file '/etc/nix/nix.conf': unknown setting 'signed-binary-caches'
<wilornel> thank you manveru
<BlessJah> I've generated that iso myself, it seems I missed some important bit of config there?
<manveru> wilornel: got it?
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<manveru> i just tried, and `rails webpacker:install` works fine
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<manveru> used vanilla new rails app with just adding `gem 'webpacker'` in the Gemfile, ran `bundix -l`, and voila
<manveru> well, after adding yarn to the shell.nix, but i guess you did that already
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<manveru> anyway, just keep in mind if someone tells you to do something like `bundle exec foo`, just run `foo` instead :)
<manveru> and instead of `bundle install`, you run `bundix -l`
<wilornel> manveru: Thank you! That does work. I'm trying to see if I can see React in the browser now. I'll update the issue later
<manveru> glad to hear :)
<manveru> bbl
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<tnks> with nix-shell, I can use the shell.nix to make a GC root, but with "nix run" is that done for me?
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<tnks> (I don't think so, actually)
<tnks> maybe that's kind of the same as nix-shell.
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<scode> Nix 2.0 was announced on Feb 22, yet I still don't have it in the nixpkgs unstable channel (using Nix on Ubuntu, not NixOS). What am I missing? My nix-channel --update nixpkgs is pulling ‘https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-18.03pre130558.7270f2139ae/nixexprs.tar.xz
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<clever> scode: confusingly, the default wasnt changed in master
<scode> Okay. Marinating a bit for wider testing before flipping it on?
<clever> not sure what the plan is exactly
<scode> Ok. Thanks :)
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<MP2E> scode, clever : funny you mention it, nix 2.0 was just made default in nixpkgs master today, so it should be hitting unstable soon
<pie___> does pulse keep dying/breaking/whatever for anyone else with firefox?
<pie___> my sound output keeps dying
<pie___> so i keep running youtube stuff in vlc
<sphalerite> dying how? Just stopping completely?
<pie___> i dont even know
<pie___> i think pulse is still running but no sound out
<sphalerite> is this a recent development?
<MP2E> odd. I use pulseaudio and firefox and haven't experienced audio trouble
<sphalerite> same here
<pie___> sometimes pulseaudio --kill pulseaudio --start fixes it
<pie___> its...maybe a month? two?
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<scode> mp2e: thanks!
<sphalerite> ok so not related to the recent firefox change
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<bgamari-> shlevy, if I'm not mistaken staging is currently broken
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<bgamari-> perl-XML-SAX fails to build
<bgamari-> with
<bgamari-> /nix/store/3h5ws22zd5cszwxajms8f5hkv4v3pvzc-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `0,'
<bgamari-> /nix/store/3h5ws22zd5cszwxajms8f5hkv4v3pvzc-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash: -c: line 0: `PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/nix/store/kfhnbz1p69fmaf05fxiz5rf9maxw2291-perl-5.24.3/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, '../blib/lib', '../blib/arch')" t/*.t'
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<elvishjerricco> Anyone here use xfce+xmonad?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] scode opened pull request #36270: signal-desktop: 1.3.0 -> 1.5.2 (master...scode/signal-152) https://git.io/vA991
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<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: I have had a desktop with xmonad that used most of the xfce apps, but never the whole desktop environment of xfce
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<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: Doing so in NixOS seems to still have some open issue though: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18238
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] scode opened pull request #36271: flameshot: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1 (master...scode/flameshot-0.5.1) https://git.io/vA9HV
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<elvishjerricco> ottidmes: I'm just using it with `noDesktop = true` in order to get a screen lock and fix some games
<elvishjerricco> But in slim, I always have to F1 into "xfce+xmonad". Just wondering how to make that the default
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<Dezgeg> there's windowManager.default and desktopManager.default or something under services.x11
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<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: This might help: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/4300
<elvishjerricco> ottidmes: Thanks. Huh, I had no idea slim was abandoned. I guess I ought to use an alternative...
<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: I am using lightdm, if you have a better alternative, I would love to hear it
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<elvishjerricco> ottidmes: lightdm seems to make the same default session choice without letting me change it to xfce+xmonad :/
<ivanivan> I'm using vim_configurable and would like to add a custom colorscheme. After a fair bit of research, I'm still not sure how to do it...
<ivanivan> any suggestions?
<symphorien> elvishjerricco: lightdm remember the last session you selected
<elvishjerricco> symphorien: But how do you select a session at all?
<symphorien> iirc an icon on the top bar
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<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: By logging out?
<symphorien> But it depends on the theme you chose
<elvishjerricco> Must have missed it... will look again
<ottidmes> I only get to see it when I crash my xserver, in that sense lightdm is good, gets out of the way
<elvishjerricco> Ah found it.
<elvishjerricco> Where does lightdm persist that setting? I'd like to check that file into my dotfiles repo
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<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: Not sure, I have a folder called "/var/lib/lightdm-data/<user>" but it is just empty