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<tobiasBora> ok thanks
<tobiasBora> boomshroom: I don't know if it can help but I used this expression http://paste.debian.net/1015014
<foldingcookie> ah, I need hardware.opengl.enable = true; and hardware.opengl.driSupport = true;
<boomshroom> It's similar enough to the file I'm building that it should be fine.
<boomshroom> I could have made this easier on myself by not cross-compiling.
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<foldingcookie> awesome, glx works
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<tobiasBora> ok nice
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<boomshroom> I halted the build and made it not cross compile.
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<boomshroom> it should be faster this way.
<boomshroom> and it's done
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<boomshroom> Oh right, it's not a script, it's nix-store --something
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<boomshroom> tobiasBora: Try running the given nix-store with --load-db nix-path-registration
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<tobiasBora> boomshroom: error: no arguments expected
<foldingcookie> is xtrlock packaged for nixOS?
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<foldingcookie> ah, nixpkgs.xtrlock-pam
<boomshroom> tobiasBora: It's silly, but it wants it piped in through stdin. `nix-store --load-db < nix-path-registration`
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<tobiasBora> boomshroom: ok thanks. It did not give any error so I guess it worked... But now not sure to know what I should do to generate the .nix-defexpr files
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<boomshroom> tobiasBora: at this point, try setting a channel and runing nix-env -i nix or similar and it should be fine from there.
<boomshroom> My class is over, so I'll be heading home now and attempt to troubleshoot my desktop.
<boomshroom> Bye!
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<tobiasBora> Ok great it works great
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<tobiasBora> Just one more question: I used ./nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/default to create my .profile
<tobiasBora> however now I've a folder ~/.nix-profile/bin with the packages I just installed, but there is nothing linked with nix
<tobiasBora> so no nix-env...
<tobiasBora> any idea how I could put them here?
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<tobiasBora> strange error: ./nix-env -i mu
<tobiasBora> error: value is a set while a list was expected, at /nix/store/czimc0sqif2b1ccwm6rc8amvq44mc8y6-nixpkgs-18.09pre131986.893b69a54cb/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix:131:8
<jtojnar> can error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion) be caused by the broken evaluation of master?
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<tobiasBora> error solved
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<boomshroom> 1 btrfs check --repair later and I'm back in buisness.
<yorick> nix-copy-closure --use-substitutes just worked, and now it doesn't use substitutes
<yorick> weird.
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<simpson> Hi! Is WABT https://github.com/webassembly/wabt packaged already under some sneaky name? I didn't find it when grepping, but it seems like the sort of thing that's surely already been needed.
<shlevy> clever: Hmm that seems like a bug in systemd-binfmt?
<MichaelRaskin> simpson: probably not; where would the source be downloaded from?
<simpson> MichaelRaskin: I dunno, but I've been burned every time I fail to ask.
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<MichaelRaskin> Are there any source mirrors that would call it something not containing wabt?
<simpson> I have no idea.
<tobiasBora> Hum...
<tobiasBora> I just tried to use doCheck=false to disable tests, and they are not disabled at all... Any idea why?
<tobiasBora> Here is the full version http://paste.debian.net/1015017
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<ryantm> gchristensen: Something seems up with evaluations
<gchristensen> master is broken
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<gchristensen> how can I make it clearer that the problem is due to someone breaking master, and how can I motivate people to instead of pinging me going to fix it?
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<Dezgeg> a bisect bot? :P
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<gchristensen> :(
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<ryantm> gchristensen: Sorry, now I know what "Target branch master doesn't evaluate!" means.
<gchristensen> how can I clarify?
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<ryantm> I think the unclear part for me is not having a good idea what "Target" is.
<gchristensen> oh, I took that from github: <span class="css-truncate-target">master</span>
<tobiasBora> gchristensen: what is broken?
<tobiasBora> By the way, yesterday the build depends changed
<gchristensen> huh?
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<tobiasBora> and libboost was added to compile nix
<ryantm> Is that the same branch GitHub calls the "base" in the PR UI?
<gchristensen> ryantm: yeah
<gchristensen> I'm going to bed
<gchristensen> 'night
<tobiasBora> good night
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<ryantm> night
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<tobiasBora> hum...
<nullvoid8> nixos is throwing out the warning "unknown setting 'signed-binary-caches' ". Is that just because I'm not on nix-2.0?
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<boomshroom> nix-store --optimise has just been sitting there for over half an hour and hasn't made any sign that it's doing anything.
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<disasm> qtwebengine built fine for me locally, does someone need to poke this to try again? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/70736674
<alhariel> the neovim on my system is 0.2.0, is there a not so convoluted way to install a newer version without having to compile it myself?
<disasm> normally I wouldn't care much about qt libraries, but my printer driver of all things depends on qtwebengine, lol
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<disasm> I have 0.2.2 here, want to help beta test 18.03? :)
<disasm> alhariel: ^^
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<kandinski> Hi, I'm installing Nix on my laptop for the first time, and it's not clear to me what isNormalUser means.
<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: some services create a user to run as
<vaibhavsagar> those are not normal users
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<kandinski> also working from chris martin's published nixos config, which doesn't have isNormalUser=true; in it, but rather an explicit configuration
<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: hi!
<hariel> disasm, sure, im a nixos noob tho
<kandinski> I see, it means it is a human-person-at-a-terminal user
<vaibhavsagar> I believe so
<vaibhavsagar> and I think the default is probably fine
<vaibhavsagar> wait, no
<vaibhavsagar> so you could set it to `true` or do do the explicit configuration
<kandinski> yeah, very much so
<kandinski> or replace username there
<kandinski> etc
<kandinski> ta
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<vaibhavsagar> no wuzzles
<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: I'm liking this. I still have to get it to run though :)
<kandinski> (I'm still in the installer, editing the configuration so I can get the most right in the first pass)
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<vaibhavsagar> I wouldn't worry about it too much, you don't have to reboot every time you make a configuration change
<vaibhavsagar> that would be pretty annoying
<angerman> how do I upgrade nix to 2? I've got 1.11.16, and fetchurl and fetchTarball seem utterly useless.
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<vaibhavsagar> angerman: nix-env -i nixUnstable
<disasm> lol, pruning my home directory, I still have this hanging around: nixos-graphical-15.09.784.7b85b8a-x86_64-linux.iso -- I think that can go!
<angerman> hmm...
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<angerman> vaibhavsagar: is 2.0 still unstable?
<disasm> angerman: using nixos or not?
<angerman> not.
<hariel> im using 17.09, how would i go about installing packages from 18.03?
<vaibhavsagar> angerman: it's stable, but it's under that name until 18.03
<angerman> disasm: I just learned that the one I installed on debian via the installer, is 2.0 and seems to work fine.
<vaibhavsagar> hariel: installing as in nix-env installing or some other method?
<angerman> while the one I have on my mac is still 1.11.16.
<angerman> maybe I just rerun the installer.
<angerman> e.g. what I'm seeing is this:
<angerman> "/nix/store/5ccm40qi2cx7z12ih31rmk98pfiqz79j-BCMtools-0.1.1.drv"
<angerman> and that seems utterly garbage.
<vaibhavsagar> hariel: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels:$NIX_PATH <some nix command>
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<disasm> angerman: so... mac channels are dumb because of the way sudo works...
<vaibhavsagar> angerman: what if you use nix-prefetch-url?
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<disasm> angerman: sudo -i then nix-channel --update
<hariel> <some nix command> being something line 'nix-env -i neovim'?
<vaibhavsagar> sure
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<vaibhavsagar> I would expect that to work
<angerman> vaibhavsagar: same ;-)
<hariel> like*
<angerman> disasm: alright, let's give that a try.
<disasm> angerman: sudo nix-channel --update on mac preserves your current user, so it doesn't actually update the channel the build daemon uses.
<vaibhavsagar> bahahaha
<hariel> and it will install the latest one?
<vaibhavsagar> hariel: it'll install the one in that revision of nixpkgs
<hariel> i see
<vaibhavsagar> actually, I'm not so sure anymore
<disasm> hariel: nixos or other?
<vaibhavsagar> because nix-env uses its own copy of nixpkgs
<angerman> disasm: bah, that didn't work... i'll just nuke nix and re-install it.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/12a88b2c518 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<hariel> disasm nixos
<hariel> is this the preferred way to do this?
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<hariel> vaibhavsagar, 'installing ‘neovim-0.2.0’'
<hariel> it just installed the same version
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<angerman> alright, no issues with nix 2.0 anymore.
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<angerman> nix 2 gives me the source location of the lambda? I'm sold.
<boomshroom> angerman: nix 2 is really cool, isn't it?
<angerman> can it also show me the source for the lambda, or do I need to go the source file with my $EDITOR?
<boomshroom> nix-store --optimise has been going for a few hours now and still no sign of anything.
<kandinski> I just realised I'm about to install 17.09. I better install 18.03 and get Nixos 2, right?
<hariel> what package is 'make' in
<boomshroom> hariel: nixpkgs.gnumake
<hariel> thanks
<boomshroom> hariel: No problem!
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<kandinski> what does this mean in a configuration file?
<kandinski> foo = with pkgs; [ list of stuff ];
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<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: `with` sort of 'opens' pkgs and puts everything inside it in scope for the following expression
<vaibhavsagar> so instead of writing `[ pkgs.foo pkgs.bar ]` you can write `with pkgs; [ foo bar ]`
<kandinski> ta
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<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: since I have your attention. I'm still booted in the 17.09 installer. Worth it to reboot in the 18.03 installer and install a more up-to-date version, or shouldn't I bother?
<disasm> hariel: I think you can do something like sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-18.03 nixpre and then install nixpre.neovim
<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: 18.03 isn't properly out yet
<vaibhavsagar> I wouldn't bother for now, it's very easy to upgrade later
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/12a88b2c518 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<disasm> kandinski: it's easy to upgrade to 18.03 later. Not like most linux distributions that you cringe when you apply a major update.
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<disasm> kandinski: 18.03 is pretty stable for me. Minor inconveniences here and there. It'll be released within the next month. If you want to help beta test, we'd love to have more people using it! :)
<kandinski> disasm: given that it's the first time I install Nixos ever, and I've never used Nix before, and I'm doing it on my main laptop, I think I'd rather not beta test.
<kandinski> but thanks for the offer :)
<disasm> kandinski: you can also set nix.package = pkgs.nixStable2 in your config to use nix 2.0 with 17.09.
<kandinski> thanks
<disasm> kandinski: welcome! If you can wrap your head around the FP parts of nix, you'll never go back :)
<kandinski> I am a believer in Merkel DAGs for everything
<kandinski> so I come pre-persuaded
<kandinski> my issue is going to be change my habits and learn the mechanics for common tasks
<kandinski> * Merkle dammit
<disasm> kandinski: I started dabbling with it on my home server about 4 years ago, and made the jump and put it on my main laptop last May.
<kandinski> I believe in skin in the game
<kandinski> therefore, main laptop install
<disasm> kandinski: what's your previous OS?
<kandinski> debian and ubuntu
<kandinski> and ansible for deployments
<disasm> lol, my load average is 11.78 right now :) And that's all iowait time on the CPU bogging down as this rsync from 5400 rpm -> SSD occurs!
<disasm> kandinski: so, if you're a devops person, you'll love nixos. There's just something beautiful about your package manager, OS and deployment tool (nixops) all using the same syntax that's just beautiful.
<disasm> I came from ansible/CentOS 7 for work, and arch on my personal laptop with some crazy bash scripts for a very hacky form of configuration management.
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<kandinski> disasm: I feel like you are trying to persuade me of the things that moved me to try Nixos!
<disasm> kandinski: one of the things that will blow your mind is being able to fully upgrade your system from one release to another, have it completely fail to boot, and be able to just boot back into the previous release, no issues :)
<kandinski> like, I need help getting stuff done at this point, but I am 100% sold on it.
<kandinski> disasm: yeah, that feels really good I'm sure. Still, good backups are paramount.
<kandinski> The thing that led me to finally take the jump to Nixos was a partial disk failure.
<kandinski> (partial, so system mostly worked, just not quite)
<disasm> kandinski: I only backup stateful data now that I have nixos :) Knowing I can rebuild the system identically from scratch gives me piece of mind not to backup my entire OS :)
<kandinski> I've been doing that for ages
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<kandinski> backing data up, versioning my dotfiles
<disasm> kandinski: yup, same here, although most of my dotfiles are built with nix now :)
<disasm> at least the ones I care about are (zsh, vim, tmux, etc...)
<kandinski> disasm: I guess that will come soon. That and also modularising configs so I have dotfiles for laptop, for my own servers, for client servers, etc.
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<disasm> 3 laptops here using nixos locally: https://github.com/disassembler/nixos-configurations my router and home server here using nixops: https://github.com/disassembler/network and I have a few other servers that the configs aren't public that use nixops as well.
<kandinski> some client servers I'll only be able to nixops my own user, but still it will feel good knowing I can have a working environment done in one go.
<kandinski> disasm: thanks.
<disasm> also, clever has some really cool configs that are public too: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs
<kandinski> thanks! I like also https://github.com/chris-martin/home (in ./nix directory)
<kandinski> I get a strong "he knows what he's doing" vibe from this guy
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<boomshroom> Oh my gosh, optimise finally finshed... and it's saving OVER A HUNDRED GIG!
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<boomshroom> My partition usage droped from around 70% to 37%
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<hariel> how long since last optimize?
<boomshroom> hariel: a few hours
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<boomshroom> Since before 6 o'clock
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<vaibhavsagar> hi, can I access the internet from a FHSUserEnv?
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<disasm> vaibhavsagar: yeah, that's how steam is packaged I believe.
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<vaibhavsagar> disasm: I wasn't including pkgs.iana-etc, seems okay now :)
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<kandinski> ah, NixOps can't be used to deploy non-Nixos servers.
<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: how would you expect that to work?
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<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: well, you can use Nix on MacOS to maintain certain packages. So the same, but remotely.
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<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: you don't need NixOps for that, nix-copy-closure will do it :)
<kandinski> vaibhavsagar: \o/!
<coconnor> FYI that is how nixops copies a NixOS update to a managed host: nix-copy-closure of the system derivation.
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<coconnor> As I understand it, Disnix, is can automate service components to any OS nix supports
<coconnor> Which, again, ends up involving nix-copy-closure. handy tool!
<kandinski> coconnor: so could Disnix be a replacement for Ansible?
<coconnor> kandinski: I don't know enough about either to say haha
<kandinski> coconnor: fair enough.
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<boomshroom> goodnight
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<robstr_> Morning, I'm struggle to setup my dev env with oraclejdk because of `allowUnfree` flag, can someone help here, https://gist.github.com/rsoeldner/64d74bfff22f5b309f31137dabf9eb17
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<etu[m]> I think I need to start to use NixOS.
<etu[m]> On all of my machines.
<etu[m]> So I also need to start using NixOps for some of them.
<kandinski> apparently I'm building chromium from source
<etu[m]> Gratz... :p
<robstr_> I want to build a nix file containing a complete env for tsec, therefore i need to translate this script https://github.com/jmcardon/tsec/blob/master/tsec-libsodium/jni/setup.sh , can someone point me to the documentation ? :P
<clacke[m]> just run that script in your shellHook?
<clacke[m]> (after depending on the right things and possibly patching the script to not do absolute non-nix references to tools etc)
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<robstr_> clacke[m]: I tried but receive: ldconfig: Warning: ignoring configuration file that cannot be opened: /nix/store/d54amiggq6bw23jw6mdsgamvs6v1g3bh-glibc-2.25-123/etc/ld.so.conf: No such file or directory
<robstr_> ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /nix/store/d54amiggq6bw23jw6mdsgamvs6v1g3bh-glibc-2.25-123/etc/ld.so.cache~: Read-only file system
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<kandinski> so apparently my nixos-install process is compiling chromium from source. Is there something I could have done so binaries were downloaded instead?
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<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: have you overridden any options in your configuration?
<vaibhavsagar> and which channel are you using?
<kandinski> no idea what channel
<kandinski> and yes, I overrode some options by copying from Chris Martin's config.
<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: don't override anything
<kandinski> too late, heh
<kandinski> I'll just let it finish this time
<vaibhavsagar> no, you can always cancel
<kandinski> ok
<kandinski> nixpkgs.config is where I overrode, right?
<vaibhavsagar> yep, just comment out the `chromium = { ... }`
<kandinski> I'll come back to this
<kandinski> thanks
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<kandinski> now I'm running out of space
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<kandinski> /nix/store and /nix/.rw-store are at 95%, /nix/.ro-store is at 100%
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<vaibhavsagar> kandinski: how much space have you allocated to this?
<kandinski> nowhere was I asked to allocate any
<kandinski> like my boot partition is 500M and the root partition is 100s of Gigs
<vaibhavsagar> hmm, that's very odd
<kandinski> but these partitions that are 100% are /dev/loop0, tmpfs and unionfs
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<kandinski> why does the installer use a /nix/store tmpfs and not /mnt/nix/store, which is where I've mounted my install-to media?
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<sphalerite> kandinski: it's a bug which has been fixed in unstable
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<rsa> hmm, i'm on nixos-unstable and updated recently, now every nix-command hangs with the message "waiting for exclusive access to the Nix store..."
<sphalerite> rsa: do you have NIX_REMOTE set?
<etu[m]> !stuck
<rsa> sphalerite: not that i know of, not in my current shell
<etu[m]> rsa: as you can see there, nixos-unstable is quite old ;)
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<worldofpeace> Hi, I'm really interested in how this `patches = copyPathsToStore (lib.readPathsFromFile ./. ./series);` works inside nix expressions? Any pointers to information would be appreciated.
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<rsa> got it working by killing some old perl processes and restarting nix-daemon
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<Fare> 18.03 is out. Yay!
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<kandinski> sphalerite: thanks. I'll just copy and mount-bind /nix/store somewhere else
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<MichaelRaskin> Fare: it is not announced, this is a pre-release branch
<MichaelRaskin> So, technically not yet 18.03
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<jtojnar> was some change to /bin/sh pushed to master yesterday? suddenly I am getting unsupported $((arith) on Hydra
<Fare> MichaelRaskin, what kind of known-breakage is there?
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<MichaelRaskin> Search for ZHF in the issue tracker, for example — everything that fails on Hydra should be marked broken (unless it is fixed, of course)
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<hyper_ch2> fpletz: online?
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<la_putin> has patchelf recieved any updates since 0.9a ?
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<la_putin> as it does not free its contents upon completion which can use up alot of memory if called recursively alot of times
<la_putin> (in my case it uses up 3GB upon recursively calling with --print-interpreter)
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<angerman> can I somehow ask nix for the definition site of a variable? E.g. I have `x` in scope, but no idea where `x` came from.
<angerman> and I'd like nix to tell me where `x` was defined
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<vaibhavsagar> I don't know of any such thing
<kandinski> now running the 18.03 installer; much nicer.
<kandinski> living on the edge.
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<infinisil> angerman: You can do `let a = { x = 10; }; in builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "x" a` => { column = 11; file = "(string)"; line = 1; }
<angerman> infinisil: let's see.
<infinisil> only works for attribute sets
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/52e6f6f60ce (from 35 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
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<angerman> infinisil: let's see.
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<tfc[m]> hey there. i am running nix-serve on one computer and configured it as binary cache on the other computer. i created a secret/shared key file pair and use it via NIX_SECRET_KEY_FILE as an env variable on the server. but somehow the client does not accept it. i am a bit clueless how to debug that. does anybody know?
<angerman> infinisil: could nix potentially add `__loc` to every symbol ever defined?
<angerman> infinisil: that way I could just ask for `a.__loc`
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<infinisil> angerman: Um, what's the usecase?
<angerman> and I could figure out the definition site of any symbol I end up having in my hand.
<angerman> e.g. where does this specific `callPackage` come from?
<angerman> where does `x` currently in scope come from?
<angerman> infinisil: so I ended up writing something like: traceShowValWithLocation = attr: x: let pos = builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos attr x; in lib.debug.traceShowValMarked "${pos.file}:${toString pos.line}:${toString pos.column}" x
<infinisil> Hm yeah, but that's kind of on the meta-nix level, not something the language should provide
<angerman> but that kind of requires me to know an attribute in `x`, and, as you said this will only work on attr-sets.
<angerman> infinisil: I would find that quite helpful for debugging.
<infinisil> This is something a nix debugger or language analyzer could provide
<infinisil> Or IDE's
<angerman> well, IDE's would probably make use of it, I would imagine.
<LnL> tfc[m]: don't know about NIX_SECRET_KEY_FILE but the daemon needs to be restarted if you add trusted keys
<angerman> infinisil: and I would need it to work sufficiently close to what `nix-build` ends up instantiating, to figure out why something broke.
<infinisil> It's probably possible to implement this hackilysh in the language itself, but it really really doesn't belong in the language
<kitemikaze> Hi guys, I'm currently installing a NixOs server on Scaleway following the wiki instructions here http://bit.ly/2pk3v71, everything ok. But I want then manage this machine with nixops. and I'm looking for the right boot arguments that keep the kexec stuff after the reboot, I already did an attempt, but I scratched the boot. I added the same boot instructions in my nixops machine definition as described in the wiki. I
<kitemikaze> KEXEC flags ?
<kandinski> so, I install from the current 18.03 installer but don't want to run unstable, I probably want to remove the nixos-unstable channel and subscribe to the nixos-18.03, correct?
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* Synthetica was gonna update Atom (released 14 hours ago)
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<Synthetica> "Merged 12 hours ago"
<Synthetica> ... Nice
<kitemikaze> clever: do you have an idea or experience with Scaleway and your kexec instructions ?
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<sphalerite> kitemikaze: part of your message (between "described in the wiki. I" and "KEXEC flags ?") went missing
<kitemikaze> sphalerite: thanks I will write it again
<kitemikaze> Hi guys, I'm currently installing a NixOs server on Scaleway following the wiki instructions here http://bit.ly/2pk3v71, everything ok. But I want then manage this machine with nixops.
<kitemikaze> and I'm looking for the right boot arguments that keep the kexec stuff after the reboot, I already did an attempt, but I scratched the boot. I added the same boot instructions in my nixops machine definition as described in the wiki. Is there some kernel params I should add in regards to the KEXEC flags ?
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<clacke[m]> tfc: have you set trusted-substituters and trusted-public-keys?
<clacke[m]> globally
<tfc[m]> clacke: the latter yes, the former no. one moment, let me try it.
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<tfc[m]> clacke: what's the syntax for trusted-substituters? host names? urls?
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<tfc[m]> clacke: ok it does not work for both hosts/urls
<disasm> kandinski: I haven't played with it but there's something else called disnix that can deploy services to non-nixos systems.
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<tfc[m]> clacke: this somehow seems to be related to https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1921 but i do not see how to fix it for me.
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<clever> kitemikaze: nope
<clever> kitemikaze: first thing, is that the kexec image will reboot itself at the top of the hour, so you can just run it, and see what happens
<clever> kitemikaze: and if it fails, just wait for the hour to end
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<kitemikaze> clever: It seems not related to kexec or nixops in fact. I wrote down a gist to track here: http://bit.ly/2Iqj9qd. I have the feeling there is a problem with mounting the volumes...
<mojjo> hi! I'm having a very strange issue on my nixos system since a few days: Whenever I copy something inside chromium (either ctrl+c or with the mouse) I immediately get the 'Aw, Snap... something went wrong page'. The chromium log tells me this ugly message http://lpaste.net/363688 .. Does anyone have a suggestion for me? Usually I'd just re-install the browser, but this is not really possible in nixos..
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<sphalerite> mojjo: did this start happening after an update? Have you tried rolling back?
<mojjo> oh, yeah.. actually I did an update recently... I try to rollback..
<clever> kitemikaze: something has to be added to the boot.initrd.availableKernelModules to give it access to the rootfs
<clever> kitemikaze: you need to look at the hardware-configuration.nix that nixos-generate-config made, and add the right entries to nixops, or nixops wont know how to boot the machine
<clever> kitemikaze: does scaleway offer a serial console?
<kitemikaze> clever: thank your the help, I will check. yes there is a serial console.
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<clever> boot.loader.grub.extraConfig = "serial --speed=9600 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"
<clever> kitemikaze: i havent tested it recently, but that should enable serial in grub
<clever> kitemikaze: that would allow you to perform rollbacks and undo what nixops did
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<kitemikaze> clever: Ok, I'll try thanks !
<mojjo> sphalerite: Can I rollback like this: nixos-rebuild -p system-30 test ? Or do I have to restart..
<clever> mojjo: i believe test alone is enough for the chrome problem
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e557b37549e (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<mojjo> It looks like my system did not roll back after the above command... (I still have pkgs installed which where not installed in generation 30)
<clever> mojjo: such as?
<mojjo> for instance th sbt package, which I just added yesterday to the config...
<clever> mojjo: what output did nixos-rebuild give when you ran that command?
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<mojjo> no error, just the usual...
<mojjo> building nix... setting up tmpfiles...
<clever> it shouldnt be building anything when doing a rollback
<clever> try /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-30-link/bin/switch-to-configuration test
<mojjo> ok, this worked
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e557b37549e (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<mojjo> ok, the rollback did solve the chrome issue... I could find out the specific generation that introduced the issue
<clever> mojjo: yeah, work you way from 50 to the latest and see what the newest one that works is
<mojjo> yes, I did so.. I'm just wondering how I'd fix that for good.. Would I define an overlay that uses an older chrome version instead of the default?
<etu[m]> mojjo: There has been someone else having the same kinds of issues around here like one or two days ago. Don't remember who... So it would be good if you could locate where it occurred since it's not just one person...
<clever> mojjo: what ive done, is find the path to chrome (type chromium) then just nix-env -i /nix/store/<hash>-chromium-1.2.3
<clever> mojjo: so now my user ignores the chrome installed in the system, and always uses that version 1.2.3
<clever> all updates will cease, but it will keep working
<etu[m]> Oooh, that's clever. I like that :)
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<mojjo> alright, Ok, this worked for me...
<mojjo> However it would be better to spot the real origin of the problem.. If someone has some instructions for me on how to analyse this, I could do so (now that I hear someone else had the same issue)
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<clever> mojjo: in your case, nixos rollbacks where not needed at all
<clever> you can just go thru every X in /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-X-link/sw/bin/chromium
<clever> to manually run the old chromes without changing the OS at all
<mojjo> oh, that's good to know
<disasm> new server is up and running with 240G SSD zfs root and 4 TB mirrored zfs data partition :) Amazing how easy it is to replace every disk in your system with NixOS, a quick nixos-install for base system, nixops deploy to get real config and then a really long rsync :)
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<gchristensen> nice, disasm!
<infinisil> disasm: Nice! At home I'm using a 500GB SSD as a cache disk and a 2x2TB mirror disk, all for one zpool
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<disasm> infinisil: cool :) I'm doing separate zpools mainly because I don't care about performance on the data disk. It's just storing backups and media. Thought about 500 GB SSD but 240G was the best price point, and my previous root system never exceeded 40 GB (mostly prometheus metrics)
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<disasm> feels good to no longer have root fs and home directory on a 5400 RPM drive, lol :)
<ottidmes> disasm: I am about to use a similar setup as you and infinisil, but I have just one large disk, and another large disk on a remote machine, so I do not have any raid setup, only remote mirroring. I am just wondering if wasn't better of with smaller disks but doing raid (but that would have my space again, halved by remote, halved by raid)
<hyper_ch2> once you have nixos running as you want to, it's really nice - especially for redeploy... but it takes some pain to get there
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<ottidmes> hyper_ch2: If you have already learned the tooling, I find it not much different than writing a small log of what you do when installing say Ubuntu or Arch, with the obvious benefits of NixOS being that this log is executable and has to be correct
<infinisil> ottidmes: mirror with a remote disk???
<infinisil> Isn't that hellla slow?
<disasm> hyper_ch2: In my experience, the pain is really only for desktop systems. Deploying services to a server is a snap to setup quickly and get full monitoring. My old debian server I spent hours installing packages, setting up services, and then when a major security update needed to happen, cross your fingers and pray really hard... Took me about 30 minutes to move all that to nixos and I deploy with random
<disasm> abandon now :)
<disasm> ottidmes: by mirror with remote disk, I'm guessing you mean rsync for mirroring and not real-time zfs mirror, right?
<ottidmes> infinisil: It just copies over the difference at a set time interval, that is not that expensive with zfs or btrfs
<infinisil> ottidmes: Oh, so it's not a zpool mirror
<infinisil> just a regular backup
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<ottidmes> infinisil: Yeah, termonology, it does "mirror" the data, just at a delayed rate :P
<ottidmes> * terminology
<disasm> ottidmes: mind sharing how you have that configured? I have a 5400 rpm 4 TB drive I pulled out of my server I'm thinking of putting in a small enclosure with a raspberry pi and taking to my in-laws as a off-site backup.
<ottidmes> disasm: I have it with a friend that runs his server with the same software (so their NixOS configs are like 15 lines apart), and I have one my drives in his server, and he has one of his in my server
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<ottidmes> disasm: Sure: https://pastebin.com/QrkZAyLJ
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<ottidmes> disasm: That is the important bit, it uses the latest znapzend module found on master, made by infinisil
<infinisil> \o/
<hyper_ch2> infinisil: you already have fans
<hyper_ch2> I still need to optionalize my auto-snapshot tool :9
<infinisil> ottidmes: Btw the plan for the destinations defaults to the source's plan iirc
<hyper_ch2> disasm: raspberry pi seems to be a bit low on ram for zfs IMHO
<infinisil> I'll look that up
<infinisil> ottidmes: Yeah it does, but apparently I didn't put that in the options description
<ottidmes> infinisil: So I could remove the rec and inherit plan?
<disasm> ooh, I finally figured out how to middle click with latest synaptics on a macbook pro running linux. It's 3 fingers pushing down at same time :) yay, I can copy/paste again without ctrl-alt-c/ctrl-alt-v!!!!!
<infinisil> Yup!
<ottidmes> infinisil: Updated, thanks again!
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<clever> disasm: that has always driven me nuts with xfce-term, i keep doing ctrl+alt+c in chrome, lol
<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, although in my case it is ctrl+shift+c, which annoyingly opens the inspector in chrome...
<disasm> clever: this past week on 18.03 has been painful without middle click! To the point where I've been carrying a USB mouse around the house with me.
<clever> ottidmes: same
<disasm> lol, looking at hydra service file comment: SSL_CERT_FILE = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"; # Remove in 16.03
<infinisil> Hah
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* disasm is going to have to take a look at znapzend
<ottidmes> clever: High time to fix that one, this works: https://askubuntu.com/a/991632
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<clever> ottidmes: lol
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<infinisil> disasm: can recommend znapzend, although it does have some very minor problems
<infinisil> Well actually it does have a major problem too..
<ottidmes> clever: The same plugin is also available in Firefox and the solution works the same. Why did I let this annoy me for so long? :P
<hyper_ch2> I do use the default auto-snapshot feature of zfs and have written my own backup script that makes use of it (but still needs to be setup as nixos service with options)
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<ottidmes> infinisil: The major problem was no support for the ZFS built-in encryption, right? What are the minor problems?
<infinisil> Yeah
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<infinisil> minor problems i can think of right now: if a destination was unavailable for longer than your longest retention period on the source, it has to do a full transfer
<infinisil> And: no support for selecting ssh port
<ottidmes> infinisil: The latter can be easily worked around with a Host entry in your SSH config, that is what I am doing
<infinisil> ottidmes: yeah same, but it's not very nice
<ottidmes> infinisil: The first, well if the server is still down after 2 years, I have bigger problems :P
<infinisil> Oh another minor problem: You can't do a recursive dataset while ignoring a certain subdataset
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<infinisil> ottidmes: i discovered that with my server that doesn't have a lot of storage, so i retain it max 1 month, and then the ssh host didn't work and i didn't notice for a month
<infinisil> but yeah it's a minor problem indeed
<infinisil> overall I'm pretty happy with znapzend
<ottidmes> infinisil: 2 years is probably to long, but I have 8TB, so only once it really becomes a problem I will lower it
<ottidmes> infinisil: Yeah, seems to work great in my tests so far
<infinisil> Although I am starting to write my own tool that may replace znapzend for me :)
<ottidmes> infinisil: Keep me posted :)
<infinisil> I'll try :P
<disasm> now the last really annoying 18.03 regression on my laptop to figure out is why entering visual mode with zsh doesn't open neovim anymore.
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<disasm> well, that and pmodload: no such module: nix popping up in all my new terminals :)
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<hyper_ch2> infinisil: if longest retention isn't there anymore, just use bookmarks... I do create bookmarks in my script
<infinisil> hyper_ch2: Well znapzend apparently doesn't use them, but they would indeed solve this problem
<hyper_ch2> infinisil: I use them in my scritp that uses auto-snapshot
<infinisil> hyper_ch2: Do you happen to know how much bigger send/recv's are with bookmarks instead of snapshots?
<hyper_ch2> infinisil: basically nothing
<infinisil> So you tested this or just a guess?
<hyper_ch2> bookmark is just another entry that is based on a snapshot.. it's prabably a few additional bytes of storage used
<hyper_ch2> you add a bookmark to a snapshot... when the snapshot is gone, the bookmark is still there, zfs still knows what data was written since then
<infinisil> Yeah i know how bookmarks work
<infinisil> But the manual mentions that an incremental update from a bookmark does need to transfer more than from a snapshot
<hyper_ch2> infinisil: easy to test: make a snapshot, make a bookmark.... make another snapshot
<hyper_ch2> output snapshot->snapshot to file
<hyper_ch2> output bookmark->snapshot to file
<hyper_ch2> and compare
<hyper_ch2> infinisil: can you point that out in the manual?
<infinisil> Hmm, can't find it in the man page, but I'm sure I read it somewhere
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<hyper_ch2> that's more disk i/o for transversing... not acutally more data being sent
<hyper_ch2> at least that's how I understand it
<hyper_ch2> (but then I could add a logic to my tool to first check if the src snapshot is still there and if so use that one, otherwise use the bookmark)
<infinisil> Ohh yeah sounds like it
<hyper_ch2> that way you get the best of both worlds
<infinisil> I'd think it would do that automatically
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<hyper_ch2> no, it doesn't
<infinisil> Source?
<hyper_ch2> you have to define the increment step src-from-snapshot/bookmark src-to-snapshot
<infinisil> Wait let's go to #zfsonlinux, kinda offtopic
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<hyper_ch2> :)
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<BlessJah> is it possible to build nixos iso without stdenv included?
<LnL> nixos doesn't (or shouldn't) depend on the stdenv at runtime
<BlessJah> gcc-6.4.0 -> gcc-wrapper-6.4.0 -> stdenv -> nixos-system-iso (nix-store --query --referrers)
<BlessJah> it's included in installation iso, I have hard time tracking where exactly or how to build iso without it included
<LnL> try using nix why-depends
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<BlessJah> I;m trying to find out why stdenv is included in nixos-system-iso, I don't thing why-depends will help here
<BlessJah> it is implicitly included derivation, which makes sense since I build iso based on installation image, but I cannot figure out how to exclude it
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<LnL> why-depends is for runtime not build time, so it should show what you're looking for
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<BlessJah> how do I specify system argument?
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<BlessJah> stdenv is listed in extra-dependencies
<BlessJah> Ha! system.extraDependencies in nixos/modules/profiles/installation-device.nix includes stdenv
<dylex> I'm trying to figure out the right way, in an overlay, to patch qt510.qtbase. i'm using qt510.overrideScope (super: self: { qtbase = super.qtbase.overrideAttrs ... }) but it doesn't get picked up by other qt510 modules.
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<dylex> (or would this be better in #nixos-dev instead?)
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<alhariel> so suppose i run nix-shell and it finds a default.nix with a non-empty buildInputs, so it install some packages
<alhariel> if i run nix-collect-garbage those packages will be garbage collected right? how do i prevent this
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<infinisil> alhariel: don't run it? :P
<infinisil> Nah what you're looking for is gc roots
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<infinisil> Installing packages to your environment is a simple way to get packages to stay, another is the automatically created result symlink of nix-build, the product will be kept unless you remove the symlink
<infinisil> Another is to manually add a root with the nix-store command, check out the manpage for this and search for "root" in it
<infinisil> All 3 of these use gc roots in the end
<alhariel> i see, thanks :)
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<romildo_> Maybe someone can merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36320 (gsettings-qt: init at 0.1.20170824)
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7f16996a353 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<tokudan[m]> could someone merge the pull requests for firefox-bin #36921, #36922 and #36923, please?
<tokudan[m]> this solves severall security issues: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2018-06/
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<gchristensen> thank you tokudan[m], sorry for the delay
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<tokudan[m]> glad to know it reached the right ears now ;)
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<MagnificentPako> Hello! I'm trying to convert my arch to nixos right now. Is there anything I should keep in mind while doing that (I've never used nixos before)?
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<MagnificentPako> Also, do packages installed with `nix-env` stay after a rebuild or are they just wiped?
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: You might want to export the list of packages you had in Arch Linux and of course backup config so you can port them over
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: They stay
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Even packages of previous builds technically stay, they will have to be garbage collected from the Nix store
<MagnificentPako> I'm backing up my home right now. Are there any other folders i should back up?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I would backup /etc as well, for potential custom configs
<MagnificentPako> Should I just copy my home back into nixos afterwards or do I selectively pick out the stuff I need?
<infinisil> MagnificentPako: and /var/lib, very important
<infinisil> Maybe some other parts of /var too..
<MagnificentPako> I'm still a bit confused by how nixos works. my home isn't touched by a rebuild, right?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: And of course the usual suspects when changing OSes, all files important to you, and don't forget things like bookmarks if you do not sync them
<infinisil> Ah yeah, this was just general backup advice, nixos almost doesn't touch any data at all
<infinisil> It puts pretty much everything in /nix
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: No, your home is not touched, other then by some of the nix-* tools, but they only create their own files and directories (config files and such in dotfiles)
<MagnificentPako> Btw, if I were to use XMonad (might as well move to a fully functional workspace; I'm coming from bspwm though) would I configure it using Nix or a .hs config somewhere in my home?
<MagnificentPako> infinisil: why should I back up the libs?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Just using the .hs file somewhere in your home
<MagnificentPako> (and other parts of /var)
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Probably if you have databases and such and want to keep them around
<infinisil> MagnificentPako: Well that's just something to back up in general, nix doesn't touch it
<MagnificentPako> Fortunately I don't have anything like that. I will probably use nixos-in-place for the move so I should keep my stuff in /old-root anyway
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I would recommend keeping bspwm initially, take it one step at a time, going from Arch to NixOS already is a huge leap
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<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: Oh, okay. Thanks for the advice!
<kthnnlg> Hi All, I'm writing a nix script to automate the installation of my c++ header library. Now, I have a second such header library which has a build dependency on the first one. In the nix script for the second, how do I encode the build dependency for the first nix package? Should I create a "private channel" and use that channel to represent the build dependency?
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<MagnificentPako> I just realized that nixos-in-place seems to be rather "old" (last commit on the 31st of October last year). Is it still safe to use?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I am using bspwm on NixOS, so if you have any questions about setting it up, let me know
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7f16996a353 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: it will still use the usual config at `~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc`, right?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I would not consider that to be really old, but I would not know if you could still consider it safe, I have not used it before
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Yep
<MagnificentPako> Guess I'll see how well it goes then
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<MagnificentPako> Is this my best bet for figuring out how to set nixos up? https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Yeah, and the wiki can help, there is also a NixOS pills series (mini tutorials) that generally help with understanding NixOS
<MagnificentPako> Wew. This actually feels like a lot more to learn than I thought
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<disasm> I ran `nix-build -A nixops -K` in nixpkgs but I can't seem to find the build in /tmp anywhere.
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<dylex> kthnnlg: assuming you're using nixpkgs, and it's only a build-time dependency, you'd add the first to the second's nativeBuildInputs
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Here is a list of active nixos config repos I have found so far, which can hopefully help your understanding with concrete examples: https://pastebin.com/E8FyYhvV
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<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: Is messing up nixos setup common for beginners?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: It is a lot to learn, but for me it made tinkering with Linux fun again
<disasm> ottidmes: friends don't let friends use pastebin.com :)
<ottidmes> disasm: Give me an alternative that does not keep things listed and around forever and I will use it instead
<disasm> ottidmes: I like sprunge.us
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: If you follow the manual, and start out with tweaking the config file that is automatically generated for you, there isn't much that can go wrong
<disasm> ottidmes: or gist, then you can remove them yourself if you don't want them around anymore
<kthnnlg> dylex: thanks! so, supposing i have module A.nix representing my library A. Now, in module B.nix, I want to have a runtime dependency on module A. Is the trick that I can use 'import ./A.nix pkgs' to access the packages in pkgs and in my module A?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: The nice thing is, so long as you have a working build once, you can always return (unless you garbage collect it eventually). This makes it almost impossible to break things badly
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<MagnificentPako> Oh, that definitely is awesome!
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<disasm> also, there's my server/router configs here ottidmes https://github.com/disassembler/network
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<MagnificentPako> I'm just a bit lost on the NixOS wiki :/ It has a lot of stuff about "changing the config" and "configuration syntax" but they are all rather abstract sections
<MagnificentPako> Do they document what I should change for an initial install too?
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Just start out with the NixOS manual, only when you have installed it properly would I venture into the wiki :P
<MagnificentPako> Actually, I think I'm looking at the manual lol
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Yeah, they mention it in the comments in the generated config file, basically, enable a boot loader, that is the minimal thing left to do
<MagnificentPako> ohh, it automatically generates a commented config
<MagnificentPako> that's handy
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Don't forget to mount / swapon your filesystems before generating the config, then they will be included in the generated hardware configuration
<ottidmes> disasm: Thanks, added them to my list of configs as well :)
<MagnificentPako> I have stuff like my fstab and swap ready when installing from nixos-in-place
<MagnificentPako> Atleast I hope that's enough and nixos-in-place will figure the stuff out
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<MagnificentPako> I'll give it a go now. Wish me luck :P
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: This is also helpful: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ch-expression-language in order to understand the syntax being used in NixOS and related tooling
<disasm> MagnificentPako: on a new system, I usually mount all my disks to /mnt (including EFI boot to /mnt/boot) turn on swap, nixos-generate-config --root /mnt, uncomment systemPackages section so I have vim, uncomment services.openssh.enable, set services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "yes"; nixos-install, systemctl reboot and then either copy/create the real nixos config or run nixops to deploy the system depending on
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Good luck!
<disasm> if it's managed with nixops or not. (permitRootLogin is only enabled temporarily until I get my ssh keys pushed to the system)
<MagnificentPako> This is for a desktop pc though so I don't really need SSH access :p
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<MagnificentPako> So configuration for actual packages is still done using their normal config files, right? Or are _some_ configured using Nix?
<tilpner> Some configuration files can be generated using Nix
<MagnificentPako> Oh, nice
<tilpner> Those can be delivered to the programs via wrappers or home-manager-like tools
<MagnificentPako> home-manager-like tools?
<makefu> home-manager is a tool for managing user-environments without the need to run nixos
<disasm> MagnificentPako: you don't run ssh on all your laptops? :)
<tilpner> NixOS doesn't manage your home directory. home-manager fills that place
<dylex> kthnnlg: the nixpkgs way to do it is to have a scope using libs.makeScope and use { a = callPackage ./A.nix {}; b = callPackage ./B.nix {}; }, where your .nix files are functions that take their dependencies as input, like b.nix has { a }: mkDerivation { builtInputs = [a]; }
<MagnificentPako> disasm: I only have a single desktop :p
<MagnificentPako> and no laptops
<makefu> `yet` ... we all started like this
<MagnificentPako> tilpner: thanks show pointing at home-manager. It looks like an awesome addition to NixOS!
<dylex> kthnnlg: you might find https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/index.html a helpful start
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<kthnnlg> dylex: many thanks :)
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<MagnificentPako> Oof. Just figured out that nixos-in-place doesn't support UEFI
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I just finished writing a little tool to help find the package name as found in nixpkgs (the repo containing the package descriptions): https://pastebin.com/vUBCixXz It should be very helpful to figure out what the name of packages are in NixOS compared to Arch Linux when you want to add them to you configuration
<disasm> MagnificentPako: if it's a desktop, I wouldn't recommend using nixos-in-place. That's more for cloud servers you can't install normally.
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<MagnificentPako> disasm: So my only option is a clean install?
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<gchristensen> maybe not, but nixos-in-place is more of a last-resort thing
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<disasm> MagnificentPako: not necessarily, just boot off a usb, mount your old stuff, make a good backup of /etc/ and /var/ and run nixos-install.
<MagnificentPako> so I should install over my old system without repartitioning?
<disasm> MagnificentPako: well, ideally, I'd use subvols using zfs or btrfs
<MagnificentPako> Won't that leave me with a lot of cruft from arch?
<disasm> I triple booted debian/arch/nixos on my desktop that way for years.
<disasm> but if you want to go all in, then your best bet is to start the fs from scratch
<MagnificentPako> Is setting up btrfs/zfs correctly hard for a noob?
<MagnificentPako> I've only ever used ext4 for my partitions until now
<MagnificentPako> Btw, should I back up anything other than /etc and /var?
<tilpner> All your userdata of course
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: btrfs is trivial, zfs takes a little bit more work, some things to look out for, but the wiki page covers most
<MagnificentPako> I got /home backed up already
<MagnificentPako> should I back up /usr?
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<tilpner> No need, if you're absolutely sure you'll stay with NixOS
<tilpner> If you back up everything, you can switch back to Arch by restoring from backup
<tilpner> (Otherwise, you'll just have to reinstall)
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<maurer> MagnificentPako: I would strongly advise against using btrfs, not for reasons of nixos, but for reasons of data eating and difficulty with recovering from full disks
<maurer> MagnificentPako: I use zfs on nixos, and it's quite stable, though a bit tricky to configure. Even then, I'd recommend sticking with ext4 unless you have an actual use case for _why_ you want zfs
<maurer> (90% of the value of ZFS only comes if you have multiple disks, or somewhere you want to do differential snapshot backup to)
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<maurer> (The other bit comes from data integrity checks, so for that part it depends on how much you value data integrity)
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<MagnificentPako> If I were to switch back I would definitely reinstall. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back was me updating openssl and suddenly my stuff broke down
<MagnificentPako> sudo refused to find libcrypto, for example
<MagnificentPako> rendering `sudo` useless :^)
<MagnificentPako> I kinda got it working by relinking some files but now I routinely run into situations where I run against a wall thanks to openssl
<ottidmes> maurer: My disk has been full for most of the time it has been used (as in, fully used by btrfs), and I have had no data left on device plenty of times as well, with btrfs, but yeah, zfs is considered more stable
<maurer> ottidmes: Yeah, mostly I'm trying to save him from the trap of "I will use the most advanced tech available, paying configuration and maintenance costs, while not actually needing any of the benefits it brings over the simple solution"
<maurer> It's like people who use blockchains where Paxos or Raft will do
<magnetophon> Anyone using qutebrowser on NixOS? Does spellcheck work for you? (Just asked the same, but I think I wasn't connected. appologiess if this question *did* get trough twice)
<foldingcookie> hi, what's the difference between running "nix-env -iA foo" and putting foo in systemPackages in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<MagnificentPako> I assume `systemPackages` would make it global?
<maurer> foldingcookie: nix-env -iA foo installs it for your user, systemPackages installs it for all
<maurer> foldingcookie: Basically, you see .nix-profile in your homedir? nix-env -iA foo adds a root for your user at foo, and references foo's files into .nix-profile so they're there for your user
<ottidmes> maurer: Yeah, there used to a great commercial on television about that, "my smartphone can do X, Y, Z, etc. all kind of advanced features", and then the question is asked, but what do you use it for, "well, actually, I just call people with it, thats about it", which indeed is rediculous, to remain in the example, just buy a "dumb" phone then, those things can last for weeks with one charge!
<foldingcookie> how does nix-collect-garbage interact with the two? it seems like it deleted packages I'd done nix-env -iA on?
<maurer> It should not
<maurer> both add garbage collection roots
<foldingcookie> hmm
<foldingcookie> strange, I'll have to figure out what's going on
<disasm> maurer: I'd argue subvols are a huge advantage to zfs/btrfs as well. Being able to not have to logically partition your disk ahead of time, as well as boot multiple OS's from the same partition and share data (like /nix /home) between those systems
<MagnificentPako> Should I go with the graphical installation CD?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: yeah, you should
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: You want to have a graphical environment on you desktop I take it, than you should take the graphical LiveCD
<maurer> disasm: Yeah, I've done that in the past, but if you just want that you can get by with a quick bind mount and pivot root
<maurer> then again, I guess employing pivot root might be fancier for someone than configuring zfs or btrfs
<MagnificentPako> the minimal disc won't allow you to install a WM? :thinking:
<maurer> MagnificentPako: They both have the same installation power and process
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: It will, it just won't come preinstalled
<MagnificentPako> oh, I see
<MagnificentPako> well, it ships with Plasma so I don't see how that gets me nearer towards bpswm
<MagnificentPako> I'll just get the graphical one. I hope it has a browser
<goibhniu> MagnificentPako: BTW you can also install stuff into the live environment
<MagnificentPako> oh, that's interesting
<adisbladis[m]> MagnificentPako: Just `nix-shell -p package` :)
<MagnificentPako> If I have a drive used to share files between windows and Linux, should I mount that when installing too? Or add the mounting for that later on manually?
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<fearlessKim[m]> I run "stack --nix build" as per the documentation but the install fails wiht "missing zlib.h". I am not familiar with haskell, is this a problem in the cabal/stack file or nix ? this happenswith https://github.com/neovimhaskell/nvim-hs
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<adisbladis[m]> MagnificentPako: It might help to mount it before you do `nixos-generate-config`
<MagnificentPako> are users managed by Nix or do I just `useradd` them?
<adisbladis[m]> But it's not a huge deal to add a mount after
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<adisbladis[m]> MagnificentPako: Managed by nix :)
<MagnificentPako> Okay, then the manual triggers me
<fearlessKim[m]> arf the doc says to add zlib to stack.yaml. I was hoping not to modify any upstream file
<MagnificentPako> step 14 of `ch-installation` is using `useradd`
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/12a88b2c518 (from 15 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
<goibhniu> you can do it either way MagnificentPako
<coconnor> morning all
<goibhniu> o/
<adisbladis[m]> "Morning" :)
<coconnor> haha. Is Europe the most popular geo here? Seems like
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<adisbladis[m]> coconnor: Yeah most ppl here are in UTC+- a few hours
<gchristensen> we have a growing contingent in EST/CST/PST
<coconnor> yay!
<adisbladis[m]> In HKT too :)
<adisbladis[m]> Surprisingly many nix users here
<gchristensen> nice!
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<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: does nvim-hs have a "nix" section already?
<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: you might be able to create a https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/nix_integration/#using-a-custom-shellnix-file
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<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: keep external to the upstream repo.
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<maurer> I am EST. I think you're right that we aren't the majority though
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<fearlessKim[m]> coconnor: nope, I ve edited the file to match the manual better
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<coconnor> PST tho I just came back from hawaii and am thinking HST is really the best. No daylight savings!
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<fearlessKim[m]> coconnor: hum if I create a shell.nix and call stack --nix, then I won't have to modify the stack.yaml ?
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<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: I haven't tried it with stack, but I've done the equiv for cabal projects
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<adisbladis[m]> coconnor: I'm not sure.. I quite miss CET
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<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: specifically - created a [package name].nix that provides a derivation to build the package
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<cx405> Hello. Current 18.03 channel fails to eval since around 6 hours, stopping at "python3.6-pycurl-". Am I the only one experiencing this issue?
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<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: in your case that would be something like that shell.nix but with an override for the zlib buildDepends
<MagnificentPako> Are there any packages I *need* in my global .nix config? Or should I just install all of them with `nix-env -i`?
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<cx405> MagnificentPako: "nix-env" installs into user profile. If the profile is root - then packages are visible globally. Global stuff belongs into configuration.nix.
<MagnificentPako> the only one using this computer is me though. Do I need any global packages?
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<adisbladis[m]> MagnificentPako: I'm not a big fan of installing packages with nix-env. Either they go in the declarative config or they are ephemeral (nix-shell)
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<MagnificentPako> adisbladis[m]: so the best option would be to use the config for every package? Won't I have a shit-ton of rollback thingies when regularly installing new packages?
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<coconnor> hrm. does anyone have a working nix-serve configuration that uses nix 2.0?
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<coconnor> When building I don't see remote nodes accessing the binary cache served by nix-serve.
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<coconnor> I've checked the basic stuff: The nodes can access the nix-serve over HTTP as expected.
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<robstr> Hey guys, i want to switch from xterm to st, i added st as dependency and changed my xmonad.hs `terminal = "st" ` do i need to recompile
<foldingcookie> iif anyone wants to help clean this up or suggest improvements, I'd really appreciate it: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Using_X_without_a_Display_Manager
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<foldingcookie> if*
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<MagnificentPako> How would one install discord on NixOS?
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<sphalerite> !unfree
<{^_^}> You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
<sphalerite> MagnificentPako: ^
<sphalerite> I think discord is packaged
<clever> it is
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<clever> audio capture also stops working if you leave it open for 2 days
<MagnificentPako> I tried `https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html#discord` but that doesn't show me any related package
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<tilpner> But chromium --app='https://discordapp.com/channels/@me' works well too!
<clever> MagnificentPako: nix-env -iA nixos.discord
<goibhniu> yeah, that doesn't include unfree packages
<MagnificentPako> > implying I'm a chromium boi
<tilpner> You can use FF/qute/* and chromium :)
<MagnificentPako> I prefer using FF nightly for everything. Once though about qute but that broke for some sites :/
<robstr> Hey guys, i want to switch from xterm to st, i added st as dependency and changed my xmonad.hs `terminal = "st" ` do i need to recompile on my own ?
<tilpner> I use FF as my primary browser too, but AFAICT it doesn't have such an app mode
<clever> MagnificentPako: also, the discord app is just electron, which is just chromium :P
<MagnificentPako> I would gladly use a native client like discord-cli but they are hunting people using non-official stuff ;-;
<tilpner> But electron gives more permissions to apps, so I use chromium
<coconnor> I'm not a fan of electron apps haha
<MagnificentPako> electron apps sure are shady
<MagnificentPako> btw, is there a search tool for non-free packages?
<clever> MagnificentPako: did you check the wiki page sphalerite linked?
<MagnificentPako> yea
<MagnificentPako> it documents how to enable the installation of unfree stuff
<clever> ah, it doesnt mention
<clever> after you enable unfree, the nix-env -q tool can search for unfree things
<clever> i forget the exact params it uses
<coconnor> btw. At least signal (an electron app) has a packaging bug on nixpkgs. Have an incoming patch for that, but might effect other electron apps
<MagnificentPako> nix-env -q can search for any packages, right? first time hearing about that command lol
<tokudan[m]> nix-env -qaP --description hello
<MagnificentPako> btw, is nixos using more resources than arch?
<foldingcookie> tokudan[m]: if I run "$ nix-env -qaP --description zathura" I get "error: selector 'zathura' matches no derivations" but I'm pretty sure zathura is packaged for nix
<foldingcookie> any guesses what I'm missing?
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<tokudan[m]> define resources
<MagnificentPako> foldingcookie: there is `zathura-with-plugins`
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<foldingcookie> MagnificentPako: I figured, so I'm curious why it doesn't come up in search for me
<MagnificentPako> oh, thought you were trying to install it lol
<foldingcookie> eventually, yeah :P
<MagnificentPako> maybe you need an exact match?
<coconnor> ehhh. comparing "more resources" of nixos vs arch is overly broad
<MagnificentPako> Zathura is a nice viewer :3
<clever> foldingcookie: the package name shouldnt be in the description
<clever> foldingcookie: try nix-env -iA nixos.zathura
<tokudan[m]> well, for search this probably works better: nix-env -qaP --description | fgrep zathura
<clever> nix-repl> zathura.meta.description
<clever> "A highly customizable and functional PDF viewer"
<foldingcookie> clever: isntalling works, I'm just wondering how I should be searching
<foldingcookie> installing*
<clever> foldingcookie: without the --description flag
<MagnificentPako> well... wish me luck. I'll be installing now
<foldingcookie> "nix-env -qaP zathura" also gives "error: selector 'zathura' matches no derivations"
<GuillaumeBuisson> I would say the base OS is leaner but the nix package manager uses more ressources when operated.
<clever> GuillaumeBuisson: what command appears to use a lot of resources?
<MagnificentPako> as long as it won't eat more resources the more packages I have I'm fine with it :^)
<clever> foldingcookie: nix-env -qaP '.*zathura.*'
<clever> foldingcookie: this finds it
<clever> nixos.zathura zathura-with-plugins-0.3.8
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<clever> foldingcookie: the attribute is zathura but the name is zathura-with-plugins
<foldingcookie> ok, it's a regex match on the entire name
<foldingcookie> that's what I didn't get :)
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5cef3289e70 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<foldingcookie> other question: why do I get double results from "nix-env -qaP" (one with nixos.foo and one with nixpkgs.foo)?
<clever> foldingcookie: you have 2 channels
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<clever> one called nixos and one called nixpkgs
<foldingcookie> that's probably a mistake on my part
<foldingcookie> no?
<clever> check `nix-channel --list` both with and without root
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<foldingcookie> root has nixos and nixpkgs, my user has only nixpkgs
<foldingcookie> both pointing at https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable
<foldingcookie> is there any reason to keep the "nixos" one around?
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<tokudan[m]> MagnificentPako: i suggest you decide how you want to keep your software updated, as well. using mainly configuration.nix gives you the advantage of updating in the background and activating all updates through a reboot. using nix-env -iA results in requiring another step to update your system, as you have to update these packages as well
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<clever> foldingcookie: nixos requires a channel called nixos
<cx405> Hello. Current 18.03 channel fails to eval since around 6 hours, stopping at "python3.6-pycurl-". Am I the only one experiencing this issue?
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<clever> foldingcookie: id say get rid of all of the nixpkgs channels, they are only going to cause confusion
<foldingcookie> ok, thank you
<MagnificentPako> Hello again. Tried booting the graphical live system but when starting the display-manager my screen just flickers a few times
<cx405> MagnificentPako: do you have nvidia card?
<clever> MagnificentPako: journalctl -u display-manager
<MagnificentPako> When checking the status of display-manager it tells me that it couldn't start the x server
<MagnificentPako> cx405: yes
<clever> MagnificentPako: the above cmd gives you the full logs
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<cx405> MagnificentPako: I can think about default setup pulling free driver (nouveau) and it then not supporting your card.
<cx405> MagnificentPako: you will have to research about installing nvidia proprietary driver. (I have radeon cards, so can't help from there, unfortunately).
<tilpner> You can try installing a minimal system from TTY, so you can leave the live ISO
<cx405> MagnificentPako: I can recommend to begin with allowing unfree packages in configuration.nix.
<tilpner> Then you can try fixing the nvidia issues without having to build your own ISO
<MagnificentPako> The logs say "screens found. But none have a usable configuration"
<cx405> tilpner: but you can boot into vesa and disable drm (all free drivers) via kernel option, which would force vesa.
<disasm> cx405: I think that's an option in the installer boot menu, isn't it?
<MagnificentPako> I'll check
<cx405> MagnificentPako: yes, that means no current driver could manage your card. You need to pull nvidia proprietary driver, if nouveau driver doesn't support yours. You can read dmesg about how noveau behaved.
<cx405> disasm: quite possible to do
<MagnificentPako> I think it didn't even load noveau
<MagnificentPako> There is no option for different drivers
<cx405> MagnificentPako: and similar searches
<MagnificentPako> Looks like it won't detect my gpu at all
<MagnificentPako> Doing `dmesg | grep -i nvidia` only displays some hdmi inputs
<MagnificentPako> But that counts as sound card
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<cx405> MagnificentPako: you should check lspci instead.
<cx405> MagnificentPako: kernel displays "nvidia" only if some driver does that. "nvidia" is name of proprietary driver.
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: The LiveCD might not contain your particular driver, but if you managed to make it work under Arch, you should be able to make it work on NixOS as well, given the right config, so like suggested, I would first try to have a functional NixOS install without any GUI, and then go from there, tweaking your config until you get it right
<MagnificentPako> That displays a "vga compatible controller" followed by its name
<cx405> MagnificentPako: right, that means card is here, you need driver for it.
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<MagnificentPako> Tried to do nixos-install with nvidia as driver
<MagnificentPako> It complains about unfree software but the config has allowUnfree set to true
<manveru> MagnificentPako: can you show the config?
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<MagnificentPako> Actually, nevermind. Looks like i wrote it in a dumb way. Now it works
<manveru> :)
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<MagnificentPako> Should i have reformatted my drive before installing though? Right now I'm just installing over an existing arch installation
<tilpner> D:
<tilpner> Yes, you should have reformatted, or at least cleaned the filesystem
<MagnificentPako> oof
<MagnificentPako> Going to wipe it then
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<MagnificentPako> I can just interrupt the installation, right?
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<tilpner> You don't need to wipe everything, just the one partition you want to install NixOS into
<tilpner> Yes, cancelling should be fine at most points (Not sure about during grub installation)
<MagnificentPako> Well, it's all on its own ssd anyway
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<Pako> Oof. First my connection dies, now i can't use my nick
<disasm> Pako: did you identify to nickserv?
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<tilpner> MagnificentPako disconnected the second Pako joined
<tilpner> (So do /nick MagnificentPako)
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<MagnificentPako> :thinking:
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<disasm> MagnificentPako: and if you register it with nickserv, you can force steal the nick when splits happen.
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<MagnificentPako> Do i have to wipe my /boot too?
<tilpner> No
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<MagnificentPako> Wtf is going on with my network
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<MagnificentPako> How long does a normal installation take?
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<tilpner> A small installation can take 5 minutes
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: That will depend on what you have specified in your configuration, but if it can download most from the binary cache, it often takes a few minutes
<MagnificentPako> It already started compiling like a madman
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: That is pretty normal, especially with clean installs (compared to rebuilds), as long as it does not start building things like chromium you should be ok
<MagnificentPako> Nah, it was some nvidia stuff i think
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: That is unfree, so it will always build locally
<MagnificentPako> Any idea how to fix a multi monitor setup?
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<MagnificentPako> Right now the left edge of my lef monitor tries to connect to the right edge of my right monitor
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<MagnificentPako> Oof. The loging in worked but all I get is a terminal that isn't focused
<sphalerite> plug them in the other way round :p
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<sphalerite> I think yo ucan also confugire it using xrandrHeads or something
<sphalerite> blargh typos
<MagnificentPako> On arch i used an nvidia tool for that
<manveru> MagnificentPako: i use `xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --auto --output DP-3 --primary --auto --right-of DVI-D-0 --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of DP-3`
<sphalerite> or for one-off you can use xrandr — `xrandr --output HDMI2 --right-of HDMI1` or similar
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I use arandr, generates a xrandr script for you
<MagnificentPako> Umm... How do i rebuild with a new config?
<manveru> `nixos-rebuild switch`
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<MagnificentPako> Hm... Looks like the config i stole from is broken
<MagnificentPako> It complains about "displayManager" not being defined
<tilpner> It's services.xserver.displayManager
<MagnificentPako> Oh
<tilpner> (As you can also look up via "man configuration.nix")
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<MagnificentPako> Can one search inside a manpage?
<srk> '/'
<srk> or backwards with '?'
<tilpner> And use 'n' to jump to next match
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<srk> sphalerite: xrandrHeads, nice! was doing that in .xinitrc till now :D
<sphalerite> :)
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<MagnificentPako> Now I'm in a login loop. Damn
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<coconnor> does the nix daemon cache responses from substituters?
<coconnor> I'm seeing 'substituter 'http://agh:5000' does not have a valid signature for path' but no actual activity on agh
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Your session probably just keeps crashing so you return back to the display manager to login for a new session?
<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: that's what i assume is happening
<MagnificentPako> Not sure how to troubleshoot that though
<MagnificentPako> I have a basic bspwm and sxhkd config which should work
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: So that is probably your driver issue again. Go to one of your tty's (e.g. ctrl+alt+f2) and login and edit via nano (or whatever your fav and installed cli editor is)
<MagnificentPako> Slim is loading just fine though
<MagnificentPako> Executing bspwm manually gives me "can't parse display string"
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<ottidmes> coconnor: This really should be on the wiki, or given a section in the manual, but you will have to supply your cache with a private binary cache key and sign the already existing paths in the nix store with said key
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<coconnor> ottidmes: the docs are vague, I admit haha. I have signing working. I can copy the paths via ssh and verify the signatures exist using 'nix path-info --sigs ...'
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Could still be driver issue, I believe the display manager is not backed by the X server, so that is why that might still work even though X server (and thus your session) crashes
<coconnor> ottidmes: I was also to verify nix-serve was loading the signature
<ottidmes> coconnor: Do you have the matching public key configured as well?
<MagnificentPako> I've already installed the driver though :/
<foobar__> How can I run a newer Plasma (5.12.2 which is in master) on 17.09? Or is that just impossible?
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Sure, but being installed != working properly, maybe you have the wrong one installed, or maybe it needs some more configuration (kernel version is often a problem with closed source drivers)
<coconnor> ottidmes: Yes. On the client I'm testing with. I am able to copy store paths using 'nix copy --from ssh://agh' on the client. Which failed until I added the pubkey to the client
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<tilpner> foobar__ - Not impossible, but maybe tricky if you don't know what exact packages to pull in newer versions for
<ottidmes> coconnor: I have to admit I have only had it working with ssh substituters so far, am about to try what you are doing though, so maybe I run into the same issue, but with ssh substituters it worked fine after
<tilpner> foobar__ - You could try updating to nixos-18.03, and see how that works for you. You can always roll back :)
<ottidmes> coconnor: Did you also run: nix sign-paths --all --key-file <secret-key-file>, so your existing paths are also signed, I kept getting the error you got until I realized it only had signed newly build packages
<coconnor> ottidmes: yep. I'm wondering if I should just use ssh substituters instead of http.
<coconnor> though then I have to set up some users and ssh keys AFAICT.. hrm
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<ottidmes> coconnor: Do you know if http substituters will error just like ssh substituters do when they cannot connect, that is the reason why I am trying to switch
<foobar__> tilpner: it seems rather inflexible that I cannot just say "use the service module from the master branch".
<foobar__> tilpner: I can imagine that there might be non-trivial interactions, though.
<tilpner> foobar__ - You can say "use the plasma5 attrset from master/nixos-unstable"
<foobar__> tilpner: how?
<tilpner> (And that would apply globally)
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<cx405> Hello. Current 18.03 channel fails to eval since around 6 hours, stopping at "python3.6-pycurl-". Am I the only one experiencing this issue?
<tilpner> You would add an overlay, fetch and import a newer nixpkgs, then overlay the plasma5 attrset from the new nixpkgs
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<foobar__> tilpner: no idea how to do that in a few minutes.
<tilpner> self: super: { plasma5 = nixos-unstable.plasma5; }
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<foobar__> tilpner: what variables are in scope there?
<foobar__> tilpner: "there" being in the body of that function.
<Slabity> What's the recommended method of creating a derivation for a project that automatically pulls dependencies during it's build phase? It's CMake and I'm not really sure how to deal with that
<robstr_> I want to patch `st`, is there a buildin way to specift this inside my configuration.nix ?
<tilpner> foobar__ - self, super, builtins
<coconnor> hrm. there is a path info cache in nix. Is there a way to flush that? I tried restarting hte daemon
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<tilpner> foobar__ - I cheated with just using nixos-unstable, to keep it short
<foobar__> tilpner: i.e. how can I pass it the existing binding to my master nixpkgs called foopkgs?
<tilpner> foobar__ - You mean like self: super: { plasma5 = (import ~/dev/foopkgs {}).plasma5; }?
<foobar__> tilpner: or would that just be an import expression in the overlay?
<foobar__> tilpner: yeah, so I cannot pass variables from my existing configuration.nix
<foobar__> I.e., overlays are completely independent of configuration.nix.
<tilpner> Not easily
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<tilpner> But you can define this overlay inside your configuration.nix, and then you'll have access to all those variables
<tilpner> Or nixpkgs.overlays = [ (callPackage overlays/plasma5.nix {}) ];
<cx405> tilpner: how self super differs from nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { unstable = import <nixos-unstable> { config = config.nixpkgs.config; }; }; ?
<cx405> tilpner: in you know ofc
<foobar__> tilpner: how about running configuration.nix in a VM?
<foobar__> tilpner: is that *easily* possible?
<tilpner> cx405 - packageOverrides is the old and less generic version of overlays. This would work too
<tilpner> foobar__ - nixos-rebuild build-vm
<cx405> foobar__: nixos-rebuild supports test in vm
<foobar__> tilpner: i.e. something that perhaps even copies my entire homedir such that I can test things in isolation.
<foobar__> tilpner: it shouldn't modify files in any case.
<foobar__> It could do so with some overlayfs, but that's it.
<tilpner> You really don't want your entire homedir inside /nix/store
<ryantm> Yay now nix-update is including gists with `tree` called on the result: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37183
<foobar__> tilpner: well, if it's gone after, I wouldn't mind.
<cx405> tilpner: I asked because I have a problem with it.. It works for 1 channel. But If I add two, it looks like second is ignored.
<ottidmes> cx405: Overlays make it easier to extend the packages, because instead of one place to override, you have layered overrides, if you check the source, it is just a fold on the list of overlays calling extend (where super is the parent and self allow self referencial definitions)
<coconnor> yep... yep.. definitely a persistent narinfo cache. Looks like it's caching the old (bad) responses from the substituter
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<tilpner> cx405 - Paste and error?
<cx405> tilpner: sure, 1 sec
<coconnor> is it relatively safe to delete /nix/var/nix/db/ ?
* tilpner votes no
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<ottidmes> coconnor: nope, that would be bad, because your should see the /nix/store and the db as one, if you remove one, you break the whole
<coconnor> makes sense
<coconnor> on the plus side they are sqlite dbs...
<foobar__> ryantm: why aren't those simple automated updates automatically merged?
<foobar__> ryantm: at least, after you have identified yourself to the owner of the project with a passport of some kind, that is.
<ottidmes> foobar__: Just because it can be automatically detected that there is a version bump does not mean that they keep working, regressions happen
<foobar__> ottidmes: if a regression happens, upstream should fix that.
<cx405> tilpner: I am totally ill with virus stuff in the nose and handkerchiefs around, so sorry if I dont respond instantly.
<foobar__> ottidmes: so, there would just be automation that tells upstream a test case that fails.
<foobar__> ottidmes: and if upstream doesn't respond for too long, it's just dropped from nixpkgs.
<foobar__> ottidmes: there is nothing to review about most such changes.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9e3aa30b794 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<tilpner> cx405 - Check your PMs
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<ottidmes> foobar__: Not sure if you can actually automatically test that, a build failure, sure, but not whether the semantics are still correct, those kind of bugs, not that most maintainers will test everything truly in depth when bumping a version, but they are likely to at least test it by using it, to some degree
<foobar__> ottidmes: we could even switch to a model where all bug reports have to be scripts.
<ottidmes> foobar__: If you mean, they run a script to get in an environment in which the bug can be reproduced, then yeah, that would be awesome, but again, that won't work in general, e.g. GUIs or other applications that require more complex interaction that is not as easy to script
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<foobar__> ottidmes: all the tooling exists to make GUIs also automatically testable.
<ryantm> I'm not sure if there is a good definition for simple updates. Even on the simple ones, my scripts sometimes get it wrong.
<foobar__> ottidmes: that is abstractions like "Press File" exist.
<foobar__> ottidmes: the only problem with GUIs is that they tend to be less stable.
<foobar__> ottidmes: (which is why writing a monolithic GUI application is almost always a bad application)
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<ryantm> For example, it recently got this wrong: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36702/files
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<foobar__> ryantm: interesting
<ottidmes> foobar__: In theory there is nothing stopping us from having that, I would agree, but I am afraid there will be too many edge cases, e.g. are you able to capture all the particulars that cause the bug in the abstraction of the hardware
<foobar__> ryantm: what's wrong there? Other than that I see the length of hash being different?
<ryantm> Hard to tell, isn't it!
<foobar__> ryantm: I suppose j* fixed the mistake your tool created?
<foobar__> ryantm: I also see a beta version.
<ryantm> The problem was the hash was not base32 and the source URL didn't use the version attribute
<ryantm> So my script accidentally changed the hash format and built the old package.
<foobar__> ryantm: so, you now have added that check to your script?
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<ryantm> foobar__: Not yet. I opened and issue for it now https://github.com/ryantm/nix-update/issues/17
<foobar__> ryantm: oh, cool, you made the scripts available.
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<foobar__> ryantm: the way you format your code is super annoying, but otherwise I am not saying no to your updates.
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<foobar__> ryantm: You know that this could be written on one line, right? https://github.com/ryantm/nix-update/blob/master/check-result.sh#L49-L54
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<infinisil> There's nothing wrong with using lots of spaces
<foobar__> At least, it looks like you were going for the most inflated code base award from where I am standing.
<ryantm> You mean without the `then true` case?
<infinisil> Cramped code can be annoying to look at
<infinisil> I also prefer using lots and lots of spaces and newlines in nix code
<ryantm> I think I could do if ! [ -s ... to avoid that case. I'm not that familiar with bash though.
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<foobar__> ryantm: [ ! condition ] || echo "hello"
<foobar__> ryantm: done
<ryantm> Cool, thanks for the suggestion.
<ryantm> I probably don't need the ! in that case though.
<foobar__> ryantm: you should read the BashFAQ if you decide to write anything in bash.
<foobar__> ryantm: at least, if you don't want to have other people think "wtf". Perhaps it's your goal to do that, I don't know :)
<foobar__> GIST= GIST=tree $RESULT_PATH | gist || "" # another wtf
<ryantm> foobar__: My goal is to make nixpkgs be the most up to date package repository.
<foobar__> ryantm: that goal is going well.
<ryantm> Oh yeah, that's message up. I shouldn't add that line to the log if it doesn't get a listing.
<foobar__> ryantm: also | "" has no meaning.
<foobar__> ryantm: other than run-time error.
<foobar__> : command not found
<ryantm> foobar__: Sure it does, I'm saying if tree somehow fails don't exit the script.
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<Slabity> Anyone know how to make a derivation for a CMake project that uses `ExternalProject`?
<foobar__> ryantm: that's terrible.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5264e4191a2 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5cef3289e70 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<foobar__> ryantm: this is also terrible: cat $LOG_FILE || true
<foobar__> ryantm: to be honest, I'd rewrite every single line of your scripts.
<ryantm> foobar__: Go for it. PRs welcome!
<gchristensen> foobar__: feel free! ryantm's script has been producing serious value to our community, which is way more important to me than the contents of the script.
<gchristensen> not sure I'd call || true terrible, || "" a wtf,
<foobar__> ryantm: I would keep lines 4-7.
<foobar__> ryantm: anyway, not trying to piss you off, just giving you some feedback. I hope it helps. And if not, I will just not give you feedback in the future.
<coconnor> progress - removed the stale binary caches entries from the sqlite DB.
<ryantm> foobar__: I'm happy for feedback and you haven't pissed me off.
<coconnor> I think that's a bug - I don't think nix should persist narinfo on failed sig verification.
<ryantm> foobar__: Like I said I don't have much experience with bash.
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<MagnificentPako> How do i check if my gpu driver is working properly?
<boomshroom> Hello!
<kini> I usually use `glxgears -info` but there's probably a better way :P
<boomshroom> I'm feeling way better now after learning that I have a chance to not fail every course I'm currently taking.
<ryantm> foobar__: It is more helpful though if you say why you think something is terrible.
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<boomshroom> In other news, I'm working on a Nix language interpreter in Rust. It seems like it could be fun.
<ottidmes> coconnor: Agreed, and it should probably have an easier way to drop some cached value
<sphalerite> ooooooooooh!
<MagnificentPako> kini: i don't even reach a point where i can run that. After logging in my screen goes blank, then returns to the login screen
<sphalerite> boomshroom: do you ahve a github project I can star?
<clever> kini, MagnificentPako: also of note, with glxgears, a lower fps is actually better, 300fps means its just going nuts with cpu rendering, but 60 fps means its doing proper vsync and gpu rendering
<foobar__> ryantm: nix-env -iA nixos.shellcheck && shellcheck *.sh # to be executed in your repository
<boomshroom> sphalerite: It's a lalrpop grammer and a bunch of enums to represent the ast.
<boomshroom> Also, firefox seems to be derping. SSH and weechat work just fine, but I can't web browse.
<foobar__> boomshroom: why are you announcing this here?
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<sphalerite> clever: go team 120Hz
<sphalerite> (I don't actually have 120Hz myself lol)
<ryantm> foobar__: Thanks for the suggestion added an issue for it https://github.com/ryantm/nix-update/issues/18
<Yaniel> kini, MagnificentPako `glxinfo | grep RENDERER` should tell you which driver it is using at least
<coconnor> "invalid character in Base64" from nix-serve. Well, at least that narrows it down a lot
<ottidmes> foobar__: Because why not? Seems still quite on-topic if you ask me. There might be others interested
<MagnificentPako> I don't even have glxinfo. Damn
<clever> MagnificentPako: nix-shell -p glxinfo
<boomshroom> There's also the fact that I'd like more info on why firefox stopped working.
<coconnor> looks like the secret key file provided to nix-serve is not in the right format. What is the right format?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I would read your journalctl thoroughly and make sure that the right driver is configured in the configuration nix, I would also try older linux kernels, like 4.9 or even 4.4 (I am on 4.4 because of my GPU)
<boomshroom> A refresh seemed to fix it.
<clever> coconnor: mine is in the form of name:base64, with the usual trailing == on the base64
<ottidmes> coconnor: You can generate a binary cache key with nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key <key-name> <secret-key-file> <public-key-file>
<goibhniu> MagnificentPako: are you re-using a home folder that you used on another distro?
<MagnificentPako> I think i got a bit further
<MagnificentPako> No, i did a clean install
<coconnor> ottidmes: this key is generated from that.
<coconnor> clever: same here.
<coconnor> the line of code failing is "encode_base64(signString(decode_base64($secretKey), $fingerprint), "");"
<boomshroom> Never mind.
<MagnificentPako> Now after logging in I'm stuck at a white screen with the text "Session: none+bspwm"
<coconnor> I presume it's in the "decode_base64" that is failing, but the stack trace doesn't mention :-
<clever> coconnor: and where did $secretKey come from?
<coconnor> :\
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Check your journal again
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Ah maybe it is xterm
<coconnor> clever: $secretKey is from NIX_SECRET_KEY_FILE which is the path to key file generated with nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: services.xserver.desktopManager.xterm.enable = false;
<clever> coconnor: yep, line 39 split the string at the :
<MagnificentPako> Running glxgears gives me "couldn't open display"
<clever> MagnificentPako: how did you run it?
<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: i disabled that
<MagnificentPako> I ran glxgears from a tty
<kini> glxgears is an X app so that won't work I think
<clever> MagnificentPako: it has to be ran from a terminal inside the xorg to inherit $DISPLAY
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: DISPLAY=:0.0 glxgears
<kini> oh, if you do have X running somewhere else then setting $DISPLAY would work, yeah
<MagnificentPako> I have checked the journal and it loaded nvidia
<foobar__> ryantm: do you think it's reasonable that I got a warning from gchristensen for talking to you?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: But it would normally load the driver before running X, so that does not say anything about whether your X server is running
<joepie91> foobar__: I'm getting the impression that you're trying to stir up shit here. please don't do that.
<MagnificentPako> Running with the display variable set I get "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyError: couldn't open display :0.0"
<foobar__> joepie91: please, find one unreasonable thing I have said.
<clever> MagnificentPako: it has to be ran as the user that is currently logged in
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<MagnificentPako> Ohhh
<foobar__> joepie91: and, I also do not get why you are interfering in whatever it is this overly sensitive channel is.
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<MagnificentPako> It actually displays the gears when switching to tty7 now
<clever> MagnificentPako: what kind of fps does it report?
<joepie91> gchristensen: this part message format will never stop amusing me, by the way :P
<gchristensen> joepie91: :D
<joepie91> "has left this channel (requested by..."
<joepie91> is that just a Freenode thing, or?
<MagnificentPako> While i'm watching it it's at 60
<gchristensen> brb, joepie91
<MagnificentPako> Otherwise i get ~17k
<coconnor> 17k? Real gamers go for 20k /s
<clever> MagnificentPako: ah, then vsync is working, and you likely have the gpu drivers working properly
<MagnificentPako> Hm...
<coconnor> MagnificentPako: glxinfo | head
<MagnificentPako> Is bspwm broken then?
<clever> MagnificentPako: try something simple, just enable xfce and see what happens
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Could be, I am using a git version
<coconnor> MagnificentPako: is useful for "what drivers am I using and is everything accelerated"?
<coconnor> without wathcing glxgears anyways...
<MagnificentPako> I think sxhkd might be the problem
<MagnificentPako> How do i set it's config location?
<coconnor> ottidmes: clever: do you happen to have a working nix-serve with nix 2.0 btw? just curious if this is expected to work haha
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<clever> coconnor: yes, it works fine on my machine
<MagnificentPako> coconnor: that gives me stuff like "direct rendering: yes" and "glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation"
<clever> coconnor: though while checking the key format, i discovered that i have 2 keys for this machine, i need to fix that
<coconnor> clever: OK. this might be related to a previous bit of weirdness
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I have not idea how to configure its location, I just use the default location
<coconnor> clever: check the owners. For signing with nix-daemon I needed one owned by root. For nix-serve I needed one owned by nix-serve
<MagnificentPako> Which is? ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc?
<coconnor> I suppose weeker perms (group read) might work but... for secret keys I don't like that haha
<clever> coconnor: everything works perfectly, and the keys are owned by different users
<clever> for me
<coconnor> clever: exactly same content too?
<clever> different secrets and names
<clever> i forgot i had a keypair, and made a 2nd keypair
<clever> so nix daemon and nix-serve are using different keys
<coconnor> clever: ah ok!
<clever> that would likely also explain why nix-serve works perfectly, but `nix copy` didnt
<clever> the daemon key isnt trusted, only the serve key
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<coconnor> clever: aye. nix-serve signs separately from nix-daemon
<clever> yep
<coconnor> which is a bit weird... but
<clever> id say nix-serve needs to be updated
<coconnor> haha aye.
<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: so you mind sharing how you set up bspwm in your .nix?
<MagnificentPako> *do
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Maybe I do not have it in its default location, but cannot find where I have it configured, I have it in .config/bspwm/sxhkdrc
<boomshroom> Vivaldi works fine. I wonder what the problem was. Also, is flash support present in Vivaldi at the moment?
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I really should put some time in to put my configs online, I am still afraid of putting secrets online by accident, so I really have to double check, but I can copy snippets of what I have
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<MagnificentPako> Omg
<MagnificentPako> It actually works
<MagnificentPako> Thanks for telling me that location
<MagnificentPako> On arch i had it in the directory i thought was the default lol
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Great to hear :)
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Do you still want my config? If you do not mind maybe having to alter some of your scripts/config, I would recommend updating to the latest git version, there have been a lot of changes since the last official release
<MagnificentPako> What do these changes imply?
<MagnificentPako> Right now I'm trying to get my nvidia-settings xserver config to save lol
<MagnificentPako> How do i paste in an xterm?
<sphalerite> MagnificentPako: middle-click for primary selection, shift+insert for clipboard
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: bugfixes, more consistent API, new features
<MagnificentPako> sphalerite: hm... Shift+insert doesn't seem to work :/
<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: that definitely sounds interesting. Is it documented though?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I can recommend xfce4-terminal if you want a terminal if you are not into tweaking your terminal programs much
<sphalerite> MagnificentPako: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ works for me
<sphalerite> what about middle-click?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: The manpage is consistently updated
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<sphalerite> If you have a touchpad, you can typicalaly middle-click by tapping with 3 fingers
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<MagnificentPako> Oh, derp
<MagnificentPako> I think it cleared my clipboard or something
<clever> sphalerite: i recently discovered that xfce terminal behaves very weirdly with middle click
<MagnificentPako> It works
<clever> sphalerite: for some programs (i think readline interactions) it pasts fine
<MagnificentPako> I'll probably get st or urxvt later
<clever> sphalerite: for others, it wraps the paste in unprintable characters
<MagnificentPako> I personally have more experience with latter
<sphalerite> go team st! :D
<clever> xterm hasnt had any of these issues
<sphalerite> >go team st! :D
<sphalerite> I've got a linux machine which has at least two globally routable IPv6 addresses (one via VPN, one direct), but each of them is on a different interface. Is there a way to get it to accept SSH connections via both of them? Currently I'm running into the issue that it will always respond to connections via the direct interface, even if the incoming connection is through the VPN, which the router it's connected
<sphalerite> to directly doesn't like.
<ottidmes> I tried all those, was annoyed to no end when nano/man and those kind things were not behaving the way they always did for me with my Arch dropdown terminal and now xfce4-terminal on bspwm/NixOS
<sphalerite> s/linux/nixos/ :)
<gchristensen> sphalerite: sounds like your routes are mucked up
<clever> sphalerite: i think you need to check `ip -6 route` and confirm a src is on each route
<clever> sphalerite: also, mess with ping6 on every possible route, while tcpdumping each IF, to see if the reply is taking the correct path
<sphalerite> oh so if I just `ip route add default via <vpn gw> src <vpn ip>` it should work?
<clever> maybe not default
<clever> hmmm, yeah, i'm not sure
<clever> try default and see what happens
<sphalerite> + -6
<clever> one thing ive been anoyed by, is that my isp has no v6 support, and the v6 gateway i'm using cant share an ip
<MagnificentPako> Yay, i think i made my xorg config global
<boomshroom> How can I get access to my function keys without holding the fn key?
<clever> so i cant run 2 gateway sessions from home
<clever> so the laptop either has ipv6 via the router, or nothing
<infinisil> boomshroom: mac?
<boomshroom> infinisil: A macbook running NixOS.
<sphalerite> clever: gchristensen: hm nope, it's still trying to respond through the direct connection
<boomshroom> infinisil: Thank you.
<clever> infinisil: ive also recently helped somebody install nixos onto a newer macbook, and anoyingly, nixos lacks drivers for both the mouse and keyboard
<infinisil> boomshroom: But I found it occasionally doesn't work, maybe related to a very slow boot due to an almost empty battery
<clever> infinisil: https://gist.github.com/roadrunner2/1289542a748d9a104e7baec6a92f9cd7 claims to fix it, but i havent gotten around to translating it into nix
<infinisil> clever: really? I never explicitly declared drivers and it works without problems
<clever> infinisil: he has the model with the touchbar, which is basically a whole ipod touch, lol
<infinisil> Oh the new huge touchbar with the 3D touch thing?
<infinisil> Or force touch i think it's called
<clever> i think its basically an ipod touch that has stolen the place of the F1-F12 keys
<boomshroom> clever: I've seen the touchbar and it seems really useful for apps that support it, but gimmicky for everything else. I don't imagine there are many apps that support it.
<clever> boomshroom: i recently discovered that electron has support for it, but i suspect it doesnt carry over to linux on a macbook
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<infinisil> clever: Ohh that one, ugh
<boomshroom> I'm only on an Air that doesn't have the touchbar.
<clever> boomshroom: also, in theory, the touchbar can run even with the main cpu shutdown, so you could potentially get things like email notifications
<infinisil> I personally hate the keys up there, because i can't use them without looking down
<clever> yeah, i need to feel the shape of keys to push them
<Yaniel> boomshroom: it's pretty gimmicky even for stuff that supports it tbh
<infinisil> I plan on making a keyboard layout with lots of smart switches to do everything from a couple rows
<Yaniel> clever: yeah that would be actualyl useful, but is against apple's rules
<infinisil> the linux xkb keyboard configuration is helllaa powerful (but complicated too)
<Yaniel> they explicitly disallow using it as a display AFAIK
<clever> Yaniel: it would also rely on the touchbar being able to access the wifi hardware directly, i dont know how the motherboard is wired up
<clever> thats an example of how to use the touchbar from inside electron
<clever> https://github.com/sindresorhus/touch-bar-simulator there is also a simulator for it
<infinisil> I'm so glad I have decided on a linux-focused laptop for my next one
<infinisil> Will be getting a Librem 15
<clever> infinisil: ive got a https://system76.com/laptops/kudu
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<infinisil> system76 was also in my consideration, but they seem more power focused (and GPU, which i don't need), and less for privacy and security
<clever> infinisil: the intel ME is disabled on my processor, and there is no GPU option for this model
<infinisil> Ah nice
<infinisil> Lol
<clever> infinisil: oddly, there is a noticable void where a gpu would fit: https://imgur.com/a/hMY9A
<clever> infinisil: but there is no gpu choice on the site
<clever> so this motherboard&case may also be used in models other then the "kudu" that have a gpu option
<infinisil> Lol, system76's website uses a certificate that isn't trusted on my machine, getting a big warning screen
<[Leary]> infinisil: I've found it's actually pretty easy to tell xkb to spit out the working config, modify it (pretty much just following the format) then load it back in. The real problem with the xkb approach is that unlike the equivalent internal keyboard firmware, applications can decide to ignore it.
<ottidmes> I did not find this intuitive: nix ping-store --store ssh://mac1, why the --store, or is --store more general or something? (not that familiar yet with nix 2.0)
<gchristensen> clever: do you have those "undocumented features" of system76 documented anywhere?
<clever> infinisil: its a thawte cert on my end
<clever> gchristensen: which ones?
<gchristensen> clever: the weird things about the keyboard
<clever> gchristensen: it just works
<jtojnar> ryantm: this is second gnome-themes-standard PR
<gchristensen> clever: I mean like pressing something-f1 turns on fans at full speed. you mentioned a whole mess of things about it.
<clever> gchristensen: oh, those, yeah, no list yet
<clever> gchristensen: fn+1 is the fan, fn+f1 is the touchpad
<boomshroom> bye, heading out.
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<infinisil> clever: yeah also thawte on my end
<clever> infinisil: perhaps your missing the thawte ca?
<MagnificentPako> Oof. After setting the xserver.config I'm getting a "couldn't open module nvidia" "module does not exist"
<gchristensen> clever: ah ok
<clever> gchristensen: everything else is obvious from the graphics
<infinisil> clever: Yup.. but that doesn't leave a very good impression on them
<MagnificentPako> I literally just copied the stuff the stuff nvidia-settings generated for it though
<infinisil> I do remember going to their site before and not getting the warning
<clever> gchristensen: the webcam one appears to entirely unplug the usb camera, udev and lsusb claim it was unplugged
<gchristensen> nice!
<clever> gchristensen: ive noticed the same with the asus eeepc 701, when i repurposed the usb for the camera as a serial port
<clever> in the 701 case, you can turn it on/off from software under /sys
<infinisil> [Leary]: Yeah, keycode versus key symbol, i hate that issue
<infinisil> [Leary]: One of my keyboards' drivers is programmable though, so i can change the actual keycodes there. But I'm not gonna do that because I need to use my laptops keyboard regularly, which isn't programmable of course
<joepie91> lowest common denominator strikes again :)
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<infinisil> Yeah..
<[Leary]> infinisil: Honestly, I would probably just do it anyway, then resign myself to resenting the laptop forever. <.<
<infinisil> Wait isn't there a feature to remap key codes? I think I read something like this in the xkb manual
* infinisil dives in the xkb guides once more
<clever> infinisil: i was playing with xkb a week ago, and found that i could turn capslock into shiftlock
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<clever> infinisil: in shiftlock mode, it even effects anything that shift effects
<MagnificentPako> Any idea why setting the xorg config makes the nvidia driver disappear?
<srhb> infinisil: Oh boy, have fun down there.
<srhb> infinisil: I've done this and it's... Scary.
<infinisil> clever: yeah there's tons of rules like this
<samueldr> a lesser known linux software to manipulate keymaps: https://github.com/kraxel/input
<infinisil> srhb: Yeah there's so much stuff
<samueldr> input-event, specifically
* srhb has rules like "key <AE01 { [ exclam , 1 ] };"
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: Few suggestions, you have nixpkgs.config.unfree = true; ? You have services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; (or whatever the right one is for your driver)
<samueldr> sorry, input-kbd
<srhb> It's terrifying.
<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: yep. It works when not setting xserver.config
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<coconnor> ok. back from diving into nix-serve some more. Pretty sure nix-serve is now double base64 decoding the secret key.
<MagnificentPako> Setting that to the config nvidia-settings spits out makes xserver die though
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: I have never set xserver.config myself, maybe it overwrites some of import defaults?
<infinisil> srhb: I have one to remap only my right Cmd/Win key to an unused key sym, then use that as a prefix for lots of commands, e.g. CmdR-t-b (pressed with releasing) is toggle xmobar
<infinisil> the latter part is done with xmonads keyboard config
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<samueldr> pretty sure that yes, it overrides the whole config including the nixos magic needed for modules
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<samueldr> I had to do *ugly stuff* to use dual-gpu xinerama
<samueldr> I took the generated X11.conf and had to cheat my way into making the X11 conf look right using the sub sections
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<samueldr> (and of note: xinerama with nvidia drivers... doesn't work well)
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: samueldr: But if I check the source code, it is of type lines, which joins multiple values together with a newline, and the xserver module defines its own config using this option as well, so it should merge
<samueldr> (I was going from memory here)
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<coconnor> wow.. yea.. double base64 encoding hte secret key worked
<clever> wtf
<clever> something is obviously broken
<clever> maybe the perl code for signing was updated to expect base64?
<clever> and then after you base64_decode, you feed it binary, which breaks
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<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: So, maybe it is more of an issue that what is already defined conflicts with what is being generated, maybe you only need a subset of the generated file? I would follow the error messages
<MagnificentPako> It only complains about the module not existing
<clever> coconnor: this is a 2 year old change, but that would explain the problem
<MagnificentPako> So i assume I'm overwriting, not appending
<clever> coconnor: so the api of the perl helpers was likely changed in a way that breaks nix-serve
<MagnificentPako> Is there some = equivalent that appends?
<ottidmes> MagnificentPako: It already appends, just check the generated file, it should be appending if the type of the option is lines
<coconnor> clever: looks like it. With the double base64 encoded key I'm now able to query nix-serve and received narinfo with signatures
<MagnificentPako> I'm rebuilding with exportConfig set to true right now
<clever> coconnor: if you modify nix-serve to remove a decode, it should be fixed
* samueldr is trying to remember what was causing the actual issue when using nvidia-settings exported config within nixos configuration
<MagnificentPako> Is the xserver config based on indentation?
<samueldr> luckily, no!
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<alhariel> what package is notify-send in
<gchristensen> libnotify I think
<alhariel> thanks
<samueldr> nix-locate seems to agree, libnotify
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<MagnificentPako> ottidmes: you're right. It appends
<MagnificentPako> And i have all the module stuff at the top of the file
<samueldr> MagnificentPako: though, is there anything particular that makes you want to use the output of nvidia-settings?
<ottidmes> With nixops, run as root user on my desktop I now get: server> could not connect to ‘root@’, retrying in 1 seconds... Permission denied (publickey). While I can SSH from the same shell just fine to that machine, the logs on the server only give: sshd[1092]: Connection closed by authenticating user root port 52542 [preauth], on the desktop I see the same messages in the journal as
<coconnor> clever: ok. yea. no way around it. gotta fork and change nix-serve
<ottidmes> I see in the shell. Any idea where I could look to solve this?
<clever> coconnor: and then file a PR against nix-serve
<MagnificentPako> samueldr: i have to swap the monitors and enable 144Hz for one of them
<coconnor> clever: fortunately, the changes should be mostly deletions haha
<clever> ottidmes: when you ssh, is that with or without nixops?, and is it using ~/.ssh/id_rsa ?
* coconnor dusts off the Perl book from the shelf.
<samueldr> 144hz I don't know for sure, but swapping them can be handled using xrandr, autorandr or possibly the nixos configuration services.xserver.xrandrHeads
<alhariel> dolphin gives me an erron on startup 'Unable to create io-slave. Cannot talk to klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher5 was not provided by any .service files'
<samueldr> MagnificentPako: if you know the setting for 144hz, it could be appended to the right *Section option in the nixos options
<maurer> ottidmes: Do you have an ssh key set up for it?
<ottidmes> clever: When I ssh it is without nixops, and it should be using ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
<clever> ottidmes: nixops sets a -i flag that changes the private key in use
<schoppenhauer> hi. does anyone use lean+vscode under nixos? because I find a lean package, but no packages for lean-IDEs.
<clever> ottidmes: you need to fire up an ssh agent, which leaks in and makes it work
<ottidmes> maurer: I have the keys setup, and it should have failed with a normal SSH login if it was not
<alhariel> how do i enable klauncher
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<ottidmes> clever: Thing is, it worked fine a few days ago, so it is weird to so it now fail. I did change my SSH config files to not have my user as the default SSH user, but make it depend on the actual user (so root has User root instead of User myadmin)
<clever> ottidmes: you can also try `nixops ssh -d foo bar -v`
<clever> ottidmes: the -v gets passed to ssh, and then you can get ssh debug
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<ottidmes> clever: Thanks, I will try that
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<Slabity> I'm trying to make a derivation for https://github.com/mujx/nheko, but I'm running into an issue where the build process tries downloading a dependency with git. What's the recommended method of doing this?
<Slabity> Stupid comma in the url
<ottidmes> clever: Thanks, that indeed gave me the info: Trying private key: /tmp/nixops-tmpZbfHBJ/id_nixops-server
<clever> Slabity: check to see if it can auto-detect the dep already being at the right path
<clever> ottidmes: that keypair is stored inside the nixops state file, and it deletes the tempfile after the ssh fails
<tilpner> Slabity - Did you see that nheko already has a default.nix for you?
<ottidmes> clever: How can I make it use the root keys instead?
<clever> ottidmes: run an ssh agent
<Slabity> tilpner: Yes. It doesn't work though due to the issue I'm running into, so I offered the developer to make a new one
<tilpner> Ah, okay
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<tilpner> (I remember it working at some point in the past, but didn't try recently)
<ottidmes> clever: so nixops actually checks for this, or how does it magically no use its own private key?
<clever> ottidmes: what is the targetEnv for this machine?
<Slabity> clever: That link doesn't seem to be complete?
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<ottidmes> clever: undefined, so the default, I am using deployment.targetHost = ipAddress, so a NixOS machine is the target
<clever> ottidmes: ah, the none target
<clever> ottidmes: this is the code that sets the -i: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/master/nixops/backends/none.py#L74-L84
<clever> ottidmes: when you first create the machine, nixops generates a keypair on line 59
<clever> ottidmes: it will then inject that key into the nixos config it generates and deploys
<clever> so as long as the machine is running the nixos that nixops made, it will have access
<ottidmes> clever: Ah, that probably is it!
<clever> has the version of nixos on the remote machine changed?
<ottidmes> clever: I nixos-rebuild it myself
<clever> ah
<clever> that deleted the nixops key
<clever> run an ssh-agent like i said, and add a key that has access, and the deploy will be able to fix it
<clever> ottidmes: also, consider adding this file to the nixops config: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/nixops-managed.nix
<clever> that replaces configuration.nix with a file that throws an error, so you cant nixos-rebuild
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<ottidmes> clever: Hah! I found that one on someone else's config as well, copied it, but have not yet used it yet, because I kinda want to still be able to rebuild it locally as well
<maurer> clever: btw, since you seem to use nixops a bunch, do you have a solution for managing the nixops state file?
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<clever> any time you do that, nixops will loose access
<clever> maurer: currently none
<maurer> e.g. backups, dealing with corruption, etc
<maurer> ok
<clever> all of my personal nixops stuff is with the none backend
<clever> so even if the state is lost, i can just create a new deployment with the same .nix files, and it will connect to the same machines
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<ottidmes> clever: But if I setup the keys correctly, will it still lose access every time?
<clever> ottidmes: you will need to dig the nixops key out of /etc/sshd/authorized_keys.d/root and then manualy give it access
<clever> and each backend handles the keypairs differently
<clever> ec2 has its own fun corner cases to be aware of
<ottidmes> clever: For my use cases I do not see me using ec2 any time soon, there are easier and less expensive alternatives for small scale stuff
<clever> ottidmes: the biggest benefit i can see with ec2 vs none, is that nixops manages the creation of the entire vm
<clever> so i dont even have to deal with generating more machines and copying ip's around
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<clever> i just say "give me 10 machines, now!" and it does it, lol
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<Slabity> clever: So I managed to get the source in the correct spot (yay!) but I get a permission denied error when `fixCmakeFiles` is called: `/nix/store/{...}-cmake-3.10.2/nix-support/setup-hook: line 10: ./.thirdparty/matrix-structs/CMakeLists.txt.tmp: Permission denied`
<ottidmes> clever: But I understood that nixops is great for managing a fixed set of machines, but less so for having a flexible network of machines that need to dynamically scale
<clever> Slabity: you may need to chmod -R +w the src after you copy it in
<clever> ottidmes: yeah, it starts to have trouble when you get to 100 machines in a single deployment
<clever> ottidmes: even for the none backend
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<Slabity> clever: Looks like it still tries to access the git repo: `fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/mujx/matrix-structs/': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate`
<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, that is a limitation of how configurations are loaded, but I mean more, the nature of the tool, nixops has a static view of the world, while things like kubernetes are more dynamic (tailor to a different use case, sure)
<clever> Slabity: you may also need to patch the build scripts to not do that
<Slabity> Okay
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<clever> ottidmes: i have written nixops deployments that just accept a number of nodes, and dynamically generate that many
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<clever> ottidmes: this auto-generates `nodes` machines in aws
<clever> i can just `nixops modify --arg nodes 20` to bump it up to 20 machines
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<clever> and with `nixops deploy --allow-destroy` i think, it will automatically terminate any extras
<clever> so i could just crank the size up&down all i need
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<ottidmes> clever: Yeah OK, but I meant more, act upon things dynamically in nature, like load, I asked because I read: https://zef.me/kubernetes-make-it-so-240b5d2dd36d which made me doubt that when I get to the point where I need many machines, if nixops is the right tool for that job
<ThatPako> omg It's working!
<clever> ottidmes: yeah, if i wanted it more dynamic, i would use nix to generate an AMI, then setup aws auto-scaling
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<clever> ottidmes: you can just give aws an AMI id, and a port, and just say go!
<clever> and it will handle the load balancer and cluster size
<ThatPako> Is it possible to search for unfree packages in my browser too?
<ottidmes> ThatPako: So, do tell, what did you do to make it work?
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<ThatPako> ottidmes: I copied the relevant parts from the generated nvidia config and used them in fields like `xserver.monitorSection`
<ThatPako> btw, how do I enable the nodeadkeys variant for my layout?
<ottidmes> clever: Hmm, that would work, something to keep in mind whenever I find the need to do something like that :)
<ThatPako> also, instead of using whatever crap the bspwm nix config I found uses I made it provide it's own stuff and now it all resides where it should
<samueldr> ThatPako: when I have the time to integrate to the homepage code, I'll do a PR for the website, but meanwhile I have a local deployment https://nix.samueldr.com/explorer/?channel=nixos-17.09&page=1&unfree=true
<ThatPako> however, I have no idea why I was using `hsetroot` in my old bspwmrc in order to set the background color
<ThatPako> that probably was one of the reasons it didn't start
<ThatPako> samueldr: Thanks!
<samueldr> (I'm updating the channel commits for the packages right now, in ~2-3 minutes it should be fresh)
<samueldr> (it's probably two weeks old)
<ThatPako> still downloading qutebrowser anywa :^)
<ThatPako> so... anything regarding the nodeadkeys layout option?
<clever> ThatPako: or xkbOptions
<ThatPako> btw, is there any reason for one to go "cutting edge" with the kernel version?
<ThatPako> I'm used to 4.15 from arch, now I'm on 4.9
<samueldr> missing features for your hardware
<clever> ThatPako: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_15;
<samueldr> e.g. my laptop has IIO sensors (ambient light, orientation) on 4.14, but not on 4.9
<ThatPako> it only adds hardware stuff?
<samueldr> not only, but that's a common reason
<ThatPako> Does NixOS ship with openssl or am I able to install something like libressl too?
<samueldr> other than that, any recent kernel feature you may need, but if you don't know, you probably don't need them?
<sphalerite> ThatPako: libressl is available, but you don't install libraries
<sphalerite> !library
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<samueldr> (or eh, it isn't strictly a good or bad idea, 4.9 was the LTS when 17.09 released, which is why it's the default AFAIK)
<clever> and overriding openssl = pkgs.libressl causes infinite recursion in curl (can be fixed) and rebuilds half the world
<ThatPako> oof
<ThatPako> I'll stick with openssl then
<sphalerite> ThatPako: you *could* override packages so that libressl is used instead of openssl everywhere, but that would mean rebuilding everything that depends on openssl
<ThatPako> one "doesn't install libraries"?
<ottidmes> clever: I cannot find the keys, I guess I will just have to remove and redeploy them somehow
<ThatPako> Is there any tool I can use to test sound?
<sphalerite> ThatPako: exactly. Libraries are there for applications to use, so they're brought in as dependencies on applications and development environments but not installed directly. https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries
<sphalerite> ThatPako: speaker-test
<ThatPako> speaker-test
<ThatPako> kk
<ThatPako> yay, it works
<ThatPako> thanks <3
<ottidmes> clever: lol, that was trivial in the end: nixops destroy --include server, and just deploy, done, recreated
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<tilpner> sphalerite - Couldn't you use system.replaceRuntimeDependencies for s/openssl/libressl/?
<ThatPako> Just tried to start qutebrowser... I'm getting "could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"". any ideas?
<clever> ottidmes: you can also view them with `nixops export | jq something`
<ThatPako> shouldn't that be pulled when installing qute?
<clever> ottidmes: the public and private should be in there
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<ottidmes> clever: Ah, that seems safer, although I checked the manpage of course, before calling destroy and it said it would not do anything to those of none, except, as I hoped destroy the metadata
<ottidmes> clever: Ah, I see what you meant "NixOps client key for server"
<sphalerite> tilpner: Not sure the paths have the same length, in which case it would fail disastrously. Maybe though.
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<tilpner> Maybe after overriding name = librssl
<clever> tilpner: the ABI would also have to be compatible
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<ottidmes> clever: Ah, those entries in the export match the source code you linked, e.g. "none.sshPrivateKey"
<clever> ottidmes: yep
<ottidmes> clever: And I assume the "IP address" column is empty because they are local IP addresses?
<ottidmes> clever: When I do `nixops info`
<clever> probably
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<sphalerite> so I'm still having my multiple-globally-routable-IPv6-addresses issue. https://gist.github.com/lheckemann/1759c9a8231beadda317a46115d2ca93 I want to be able to ssh into the machine via the 2a01:4f8 address, but currently it tries to respond via enp2s0f0 rather than tinc.lugnet. It works fine if I remove the `default via fe80::1 dev enp2s0f0` route, but I don't want to do that because I'd like the normal IPv6
<sphalerite> traffic to still go via the non-VPN connection :) any suggestions?
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<ThatPako> I know that this isn't really nixos related but... does anyone know why qutebrowser can't play back stuff on soundcloud?
<foldingcookie> presumably gstreamer plugins
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<ThatPako> samueldr: umm... any idea why your site is blocking qute because it apparently doesn't implement window.fetch? is that actually the case? :/
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<samueldr> it could be
<samueldr> let me install qute
<bkchr> Hi, I'm trying to load a derivation with nix-shell from a nix-store --realise, but that does not work anymore since nix 2.0 I think. Does anyone know why?
<sphalerite> bkchr: what do you mean? What exactly is the command you're using?
<samueldr> I may have assumed that "whatever webkit" used by all webkit-derived linux browsers would implement fetch
<samueldr> ThatPako: probably related to this warning from a fresh qutebrowser profile https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/03/20180316165144.png
<bkchr> sphalerite: some like https://pastebin.com/9nC15cdA
<ThatPako> I already installed qtwebengine
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<samueldr> I don't know if "installing qtwebengine" should change anything for qutebrowser, but my gut feelings tell me no
<samueldr> (see previous discussion about installing libraries)
<ThatPako> well
<ThatPako> going to youtube before installing it displayed a "this browser is not supporter"
<bkchr> sphalerite: I don't know if you know direnv, but I'm using the following script: https://github.com/direnv/direnv/wiki/Nix#persistent-shell Just look at the nix stuff. It worked, but since I updated to nix 2.0, it stopped working
<ThatPako> *supported
<ThatPako> after doing it I can use youtube
<bkchr> sphalerite: error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at /nix/store/8v3c5ipngg2rc0nf1zgz1ncq1gfklnib-nix-shell.drv:1:15
<samueldr> as I said: "not sure" :)
<ThatPako> :p
<sphalerite> bkchr: I think the problem there is `nix-store -q --references default.nix` — it should be applied to a drv file, not a nix expression
<sphalerite> bkchr: maybe you meant $(nix-instantiate default.nix) rather than default.nix?
<samueldr> ThatPako: loading youtube shows me that warning, then clicking the youtube logo goes loads youtube :/
<ThatPako> oh
<bkchr> sphalerite: yeah, sorry
<ThatPako> I'll just drop qutebrowser then
<samueldr> that's with a freshly re-deleted qutebrowser config
<sphalerite> bkchr: since that's what the direnv script seems to do
<samueldr> it's entirely possible it's fixable, but I don't know either how qtwebkit stuff works, and how qutebrowser is packaged, though, that's something you can explore in the future if/when you explore packaging and fixing stuff :)
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<bkchr> sphalerite: yeah, I missed some stuff.
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<bkchr> But the error was the correct one
<samueldr> (less-used software sometimes becomes stale :( )
<sphalerite> bkchr: oh right, yeah, I think it might be a change in nix-shell's behaviour where it doesn't work with .drv paths if they're not directly in the nix store anymore. Probably woth reporting an issue on nix; does `nix-shell $(readlink -f shell.drv)` work?
<bkchr> sphalerite: yeah that works!
<sphalerite> bkchr: in fact, I'm not sure it's a change in behaviour at all.
<sphalerite> bkchr: what if you replace "build" with "build.drv"?
<sphalerite> and use the full path to build.drv?
<sphalerite> iirc it special-cases on the path A, being absolute, and B, ending in .drv
<sphalerite> kind of ugly, but the direnv script does ensure those things and neither of those conditions are fulfilled in your paste
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<bkchr> sphalerite: ignore my paste, the direnv script is better
<sphalerite> Are you sure this is a regression from 1.11 to 2.0 and not just a case of the conditions having been broken?
<sphalerite> AFAIU the direnv scirpt should still work
<bkchr> sphalerite: I worked before and after switching this week, it got broken instantly after that
<sphalerite> so what exactly isn't working?
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<bkchr> sphalerite: integrating the readlink into the direnv script, fixes the problem
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<sphalerite> hm ok so it's a regression in that it no longer works for non-store paths even if they end in .drv
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<sphalerite> Right, I think it should be a fairly easy fix. I'll make a Profpatsch
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<sphalerite> PR*
<sphalerite> lol
<sphalerite> don't know where that tab completion came from
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<bkchr> sphalerite: thanks for your help :)
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<Baughn> Okay, um...
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<Baughn> What should I use for virtualization?
<ottidmes> Any idea how to refresh the cache that is responsible for NixOS trying to download from a particular binary cache? I tested my binary cache with a package that only it had, then I purged them from my nixops management machine (my desktop) and the target host (another server), to test what would happen if the binary cache was down (my hope it would just have 0 cache hits), instead it still tries to download
<ottidmes> from the powered off binary cache
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<Baughn> KVM works, but it's awfully manual. libvirtd doesn't. Virtualbox requires proprietary modules, and has poor performance. VMWare doesn't run at all.
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<Baughn> Xen doesn't work with UEFI. Containers seem ill-disposed for anything but nixos, and the nixos-container command is glitchy.
<ThatPako> Any idea why fc-list won't display a font I installed?
<Baughn> What am I missing?
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<Baughn> ThatPako: How did you install it?
<alhariel> setting services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable overrides fonts.fontconfig.defaultFonts, how do i suppress this?
<ThatPako> Baughn: I added the package to my `configuration.nix` and rebuilt
<ottidmes> alhariel: mkForce on your value?
<Baughn> ThatPako: To *what* in configuration.nix?
<alhariel> thanks ill look into it
<srhb> ottidmes: Hmm, isn't that kept in /nix/var/nix/binary-cache-v3.sqlite ? I think that's safe to nuke
<ThatPako> Baughn: environment.systemPackages
<srhb> Might want to check google first though :-)
<ottidmes> srhb: Haha, thanks, I will look it up :)
<Baughn> ThatPako: Right, that won't work. That's for adding binaries to your PATH, mostly; it doesn't touch the environment otherwise.
<ThatPako> Oh
<Baughn> Put them in fonts.extraFonts
<Baughn> Or fonts.fonts
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<srhb> ottidmes: That might actually not be a thing anymore in newer nixes. Not sure.
<foldingcookie> "security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword - Whether users of the wheel group can execute commands as super user without entering a password." so... which way around is it?
<srhb> foldingcookie: if true, wheel needs password.
<foldingcookie> srhb: ok, cool
<foldingcookie> how do I submit a change to the description?
<srhb> foldingcookie: fork nixpkgs and alter it. Let me find the file for you
<sphalerite> oh, the joys of unnecessary negations…
<foldingcookie> thanks <3
<srhb> foldingcookie: nixpkgs/nixos/modules/security/sudo.nix
<srhb> foldingcookie: Simply PR that change :)
<srhb> foldingcookie: And thank *you* :-)
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<ottidmes> srhb: All I could find was that indeed /nix/var/nix/binary-cache-v3.sqlite is the cache of the cache, but it does not seem like it is still in use, I removed it, but it still tried to download from the cache, but I saw some other paths mentioned, which I will try now
<srhb> ottidmes: Please report back :)
<coconnor> yay! Removing the duplicate base 64 decode/encode from nix-serve worked.
<Profpatsch> sphalerite: I’m okay with this. :)
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<ottidmes> srhb: Will do, if I manage to find it, so far no luck, checked every mention of the word cache in the nix manual, plenty of stuff, nothing about a potential location though. I will probably just have to check the source
<coconnor> PR opened. Overlay made for patching. aww yea.
<ottidmes> coconnor: Your problem, was that because your are on 18.03? I just used nix-serve on 17.09 with nix 2.0, worked fine
<coconnor> ottidmes: Aye. I'm on unstable. (Well, a fork of master but.. same same)
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<sphalerite> ottidmes: ~/.cache/nix/binary-cache-v5.sqlite iirc :)
<sphalerite> (check both for your user and for root)
<ThatPako> How do I use the firefox overlay in my configuration.nix? I linked it to ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays but I can't add `firefox-nightly-bin` to my systemPackages :/
<ottidmes> coconnor: Ah, that explains. Thanks! Now hopefully when I move to 18.03 it will work like it was never broken :D
<coconnor> (I located v5-sqlite under root for nixos)
<coconnor> ha!
<coconnor> hopefully
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<sphalerite> ThatPako: the system uses a distinct set of overlays, I don't know what the preferred way of locating them is but if you want to have it just use the same ones as for your user you can add nixpkgs-overlays=/home/$NAME/.config/nixpkgs/overlays to your NIX_PATH
<ottidmes> sphalerite: That was it, thanks!
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<ottidmes> srhb: So the location was, at least for me, /root/.cache/nix/binary-cache-v5.sqlite
<srhb> ottidmes: aha! Thanks.
<ottidmes> Too bad that it does not work at all as I hoped. It seems you cannot have a "not always on" cache or substituter, the substituter will just error on not being able to connect and fail the complete build, and the cache tries to download the nar file containing what the cache has to offer (I guess), and keeps trying...
<shlevy> MichaelRaskin: Can you confirm you did or didn't get the DM I sent? No need to reply or anything, just suspect some weirdness in my IRC setup...
<MichaelRaskin> shlevy: did get the message
<shlevy> Thanks!
<infinisil> Well I now know that you can do pretty much anything with xkb
<infinisil> Including changing key codes
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<infinisil> And yes I mean actual key codes, not key symbols
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<ottidmes> infinisil: I have been using the same keyboard for forever, one which many media keys, but I have only ever gotten a few to work in Linux, I have found one reference to a Xmodmap on Ubuntu for it, but that did not work, you think xkb could fix those non-functioning keys?
<infinisil> ottidmes: indeed
<infinisil> as long as your keyboard sends key codes xkb can handle it
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<ottidmes> infinisil: Any pointers how I can test that? Would be nice if the moon symbol finally is able to put my desktop to sleep, instead of pause
<foldingcookie> is there a page like https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html but hierarchical/collapsible?
<infinisil> ottidmes: Hmm, maybe we could switch to a different channel to try debug that?
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<ThatPako> any idea why I don't have sound with the normal `firefox` package?
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<foldingcookie> it kind of makes my browser chug and it's a pain to scroll past a million irrelevant things under the same namespace instead of skipping them all at once
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<foldingcookie> ThatPako: do you have pulseaudio enabled?
<ThatPako> um...
<ThatPako> not sure
<infinisil> ottidmes: I propose #xorg
<infinisil> (am there)
<ThatPako> I only know that speaker-test works
<ottidmes> infinisil: Ok, I will join that channel, brb!
<foldingcookie> that's just testing kernel+ALSA stuff
<foldingcookie> whereas FF only supports Pulse anymore
<joepie91> foldingcookie: there's https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html
<ThatPako> ohh
<joepie91> foldingcookie: searchable, not foldable
<joepie91> (fuzzy search iirc)
<foldingcookie> joepie91: that's close, maybe I can patch it
<ThatPako> foldingcookie: thanks! Now it works
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<ThatPako> If I write a package for a program that isn't available do I have to wait for the PR to be accepted or can I install before that?
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<sphalerite> ThatPako: you can install it without the PR being accepted
<sphalerite> ThatPako: if you have it in your own clone of nixpkgs, you can do nix-env -f path/to/your/nixpkgs -iA <name>
<ThatPako> so I can't install it in my systemPackages?
<samueldr> using an overlay you could
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-17.09-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5264e4191a2 (from 8 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-17.09-darwin)
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<thoughtpolice> ThatPako: You can do this with an overlay/package override, or, if you just point your nixpkgs to point to your copy. If you added a package in the repo in /home/foo/nixpkgs, you can do 'nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/home/foo/nixpkgs'
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<sphalerite> Profpatsch: I made the Profpatsch ;)
<Profpatsch> yay
<bkchr> sphalerite: Nice ProfPatsch
<bkchr> :D
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<Profpatsch> foldingcookie: man configuration.nix
<ThatPako> Any idea why urxvt on nixos is cutting off lines when resizing? on arch it just moved the text around
<timokau[m]> Is there a way to set the "speed factor" of the local machine? For some reason the non-local builder always gets preferred.
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2a32f6bc0cc (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<sphalerite> timokau[m]: I think that's hard-wired behaviour which can't cucrrently be changed :(
<timokau[m]> sphalerite: Thats a shame! Thanks for your answer anyways. Then I guess the next best thing would be if `--builders ''` would work, which I've already seen in some issue.
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<sphalerite> timokau[m]: --builders '' will work if you're root or another trusted user.
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<timokau[m]> sphalerite: Thats good to know, maybe I'll just `sudo nix` then when I want to disable the remote builder.
<sphalerite> timokau[m]: yes, or you can add yourself to trusted-users unless you're concerned about the security implications
<timokau[m]> sphalerite: Yeah as far as I understand thats simlar to logging in as root, just less footguns
<sphalerite> yeah basically it means it's easier for a malicious user who's logged in as you to become root. But you're not likely to break anything by accident with it.
<Lisanna> how are people who have nix installed on a non-NixOS linux supposed to upgrade to Nix 2.0? does the installer handle that?
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<sphalerite> Lisanna: using nix-env AFAIK
<sphalerite> Lisanna: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nixStable2
<kini> I'm using nix on a non-NixOS linux and `nix-channel --update && nix-env -u` pulled in Nix 2.0 today
<kini> haven't tried using it yet though
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<timokau[m]> sphalerite: Or for any software I run to escalate its privileges, which is what I'd be more worried about
<sphalerite> timokau[m]: if it's trying that hard, I count that as "a malicious user who's logged in as you" ;)
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<timokau[m]> sphalerite: True, its pretty paranoid
<sphalerite> timokau[m]: and if it's that malicious it's a lot more likely to go with more general techniques like snooping keypresses through X11, looking for active sudo cookies in tmux sessions, stuff like that
<sphalerite> so from a security standpoint I personally wouldn't worry about adding myself to trusted-users
<timokau[m]> sphalerite: I know its pretty unlikely, but even though local security already is a sieve I'd rather not poke any more holes in it ;)
<sphalerite> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ up to you of course
<timokau[m]> Instead I hope more and more holes will be fixed by wayland etc
<timokau[m]> sphalerite: Thanks for your advice in any case :)
<sphalerite> wayland isn't going to stop malware running as your user, it can still ptrace your compositor or whatever to log keys
<Lisanna> omg my build is using 50GB of RAM
<sphalerite> Lisanna: nice.
<Lisanna> why doesn't nix have ways to limit this ):
<Lisanna> it's not even a build running on the local machine... it's a remote build
<symphorien> You can limit the memory of the cgroup of the daemon with systemd I think
<Lisanna> but if it's going to take 50GB to build it remotely... what's the point?
<kini> it's a remote build and it's using 50GB of RAM on the local machine? that's bizarre...
<Lisanna> I mean, I'm dealing with large files... it's a 10GB disk image, and it goes through multiple stages of processing,
<Lisanna> ...so I guess it's trying to pre-allocate all of the space it will need to hold all of the build products in memory at once?
<clever> Lisanna: nix has to convert the entire storepath into a single std::string and copy it once or twice
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, that's the nix copy bug of loading too much stuff into RAM
<kini> lol oh no
<clever> Lisanna: it will use less ram once its done transfering the file
<Lisanna> ...well I only actually have 32 GB
<clever> swap helps
<Lisanna> yeah... but the rest of my system is dead slow now
<clever> why are the store files 10gig in size?
<Lisanna> symphorien that sounds like a good suggestion... will it be limited to using swap after it crosses its threshold then?
<Lisanna> clever it's a disk image
<clever> ah
<kini> btw MichaelRaskin since you're around, is there some place where common lisp stuff on nix/nixos is documented? I don't see anything in the nixpkgs manual but maybe I should be looking somewhere else?
<symphorien> Lisanna: see man systemd.resource-control
<Lisanna> cool, thank you!
<symphorien> There is an option for swap and one for memory
<symphorien> Never used it though
<kini> (I understand if it's still too experimental to be documented, just thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something)
<Lisanna> OK, I'll look into it... MichaelRaskin is there an issue open that's tracking the bug?
<Lisanna> (other than mine, which hasn't really had any activity on it)
<MichaelRaskin> kini: no, not really documented anywhere, and yes, it is always in a bit of flux
<kini> I see, thanks :)
<MichaelRaskin> kini: you could source *-path-config.sh from the packages in question, then use common-lisp.sh from clwrapper package
<sphalerite> Lisanna: not entirely sure, but I think https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/48662d151bdf4a38670897beacea9d1bd750376a may improve this stuff
<Lisanna> sphalerite ok cool, thanks
<Lisanna> ugh... I'm going ot turn into one of those people that builds from master
<coconnor> join us - the fires are warm!
<MP2E> ^^ :D
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<kini> MichaelRaskin: thanks for the hint, I'll see if I can figure it out...
<MichaelRaskin> kini: on the bright side, this is close to what the builds are doing
<kini> the builds of what?
<MichaelRaskin> For a single package, there is always the launcher script that does the magic
<MichaelRaskin> Builds of lisp packages
<MichaelRaskin> You can also cheat by looking at the existing definitions, creating a package with no source but necessary dependencies, and using its launcher script
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<kini> I'm not sure what you think I'm trying to do -- are you telling me how to launch a common lisp which has access to a certain list of packages?
<kini> Sorry, I'm actually quite a beginner at common lisp, haha... I am coming from ACL2 which is like a sanitized subset of common lisp so I'm missing a lot of pieces of knowledge I think
<kini> At the moment, I was trying to accomplish the small task of getting (cffi:load-foreign-library "libssl.so.1.0.2k") to succeed
<MichaelRaskin> kini: yes… because what else do you want to extract from the infrastructure? Well, unless you try to create new Lisp packages.
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<kini> Eventually I would like to package some more systems which exist in quicklisp but not in nixpkgs, because ACL2 uses them
<MichaelRaskin> kini: either set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or look what cl+ssl (cl_plus)
<MichaelRaskin> (cl_plus_ssl) package ;launcher script does
<MichaelRaskin> I think we have acl2 packaged separately
<kini> yes, but that package was pretty broken -- I "fixed" it a few months ago but that was only for the core system, not the included libraries, which have more dependencies
<MichaelRaskin> We have the converter script to extract data form Quicklisp and create matching packages… for simple cases making it work is simple…
<kini> so I'm slowly working on getting the libraries to build as well under nix
<MichaelRaskin> Ah
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<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, it probably fell behind at some point…
<kini> for example the core system doesn't depend on any external C libraries but there are ACL2 libraries which depend on SSL and some other quicklisp stuff
<bsima> What does this mean? "The placeholder certs are overwritten when the ACME certs arrive." https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#idm140737316185728
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<gemishhood> Hey
<bsima> how long does it take for the ACME certs to arrive? I thought they get acquired when the systemd service starts up
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<gemishhood> I'm trying to install haskell's ghc-mod with the command nix-env -iA nixpkgs.haskellPackages.ghc-mod and got the following error: https://pastebin.com/EzS4u8DQ. I tried to rebuild the system and to update the channel, what should I do?
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<Lisanna> well I'm really happy that Nix's memory usage is being looked at. I've struggled with nix copy using too much memory for a long time now
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<Lisanna> is there a builder for nix that I can pass the raw github source into and get out a working Nix package?
<bsima> Lisanna: `fetchFromGitHub`
<Lisanna> err, no
<Lisanna> sorry, I mean, something that will build Nix if I give it a fetchFromGitHub
<coconnor> Lisanna: you could try overriding hte src attribute of the current nixUnstable package
<Lisanna> oh, nixUnstable used to build and fetch from git
<Lisanna> nixUnstable doesn't actually exist anymore
<Lisanna> but, I can work it out from the way it used to work
<Sonarpulse> I want to make a "build remote" user
<coconnor> Lisanna: likely can just override src of the "nix" package then
<Lisanna> (well, the name nixUnstable does, but it just points to nix)
<Sonarpulse> that will trust public keys of other users
<Lisanna> coconnor no, it expects a source distribution
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<Sonarpulse> is there a good way to aggregate the public keys per user?
<Sonarpulse> LnL: also is it possible to user user-config between nixos and nix darwin?
<Lisanna> Sonarpulse https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#users.users.%3Cname%3F%3E.openssh
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<coconnor> Lisanna: overriding src with a fetchgit will still work. The result is sufficient
<Sonarpulse> Lisanna: I was thinking of populating that via users.users.<other-user>.buildSshPubKey or something
<Sonarpulse> but perhaps that's just overengineering
<Lisanna> Sonarpulse that's exactly what you should do, except, use the actual attribute :)
<Lisanna> coconnor I already tried that. the "nix" package does not normally have the necessary buildInputs to build from a raw git checkout.
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<Lisanna> ugh... there's a "fromGit" option in Nix's builder, but it's not exposed
<Lisanna> that's not helpful at all ):
<Sonarpulse> Lisanna: err i mean that like users.users.foo.buildSshPubKey and users.users.bar.buildSshPubKey would be aggregated in users.users.build-client.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys
<Sonarpulse> but nevermind, its an overengineered idea
<Sonarpulse> best not to exploit how anything can effect anything
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<coconnor> Lisanna: hold tight. I have an overlay that works
<Lisanna> coconnor okay thank god, I was not looking forward to copying nix/default.nix into my local tree :/
<coconnor> great potatoes.. taking a while to build.
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<Lisanna> coconnor does your overlay use nixUnstable.overrideAttrs? 'cause that approach won't work for me, because I'm on a newer version of nixpkgs that has nixUnstable set to just "nix", meaning it won't have the right builder for building from git
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<coconnor> Lisanna: yes. though withGit = true.
<Lisanna> there is no "withGit", there's a fromGit, but I already tried that and it had the same problem
<mpickering> How can I move this PR forward? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36902
<coconnor> ah yea. fromGit
<Lisanna> hmm, maybe I can use ".override" instead
<mpickering> It builds successfully on my machine but takes too long for CI
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<Lisanna> Ugh, .override doesn't work on nix ):
<Lisanna> I'm just gonna copy the file
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