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<siva_> Newbie here - Is there a way to specify declaratively, user installed packages? As a user, I added unstable to install newest version of a certain package (using nix-env -iA ...). But this seems imperative and was thinking it would be nice to have a declarative way of saying that a user needs a certain package from a channel. I tried finding it out, but as a newbie, can't figure out how to do this from nix docs
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<ryantm> siva_: Yes. For example, I do it like this https://github.com/ryantm/dotfiles/blob/master/nix/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<krey> o/ guys
<krey> I updated the Python page on the wiki, can someone who's less of a noob take a look and make sure it's not crazy? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Python
<krey> I tried to keep it practical/beginner friendly
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<siva_> LnL, ryantm: Thanks. Sorry if my questions are too basic - trying to navigate unknown waters :) I see in LnL's gist, <nixpkgs> refers to stable and I'd replace it with nixos-unstable (assuming that's my channel name). And, in ryantm, it would replace pkg_? In both cases, there's still one imperative step of adding the unstable channel through nix-channel?
<ryantm> siva_: You could get into nixpkgs pinning if you want that to be declarative too. In my case, I don't use nixpkgs channels, I just set my nixpkgs repo to whatever commit I want to install from, usually the latest nixpkgs-unstable branch.
<ryantm> Channels kept causing me too much trouble, because you have to be updating user and root user channels.
<ryantm> If you know you'll have nixpkgs on your path, you can do this simpler thing: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/27994#issue-248275986
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<ryantm> Did any of this pinning stuff get better in Nix 2.0?
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<siva_> ryantm: I see. Thanks. A lot to digest. Let me try those links
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<manveru> siva_: also check out https://github.com/rycee/home-manager :)
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<pcarrier> anybody using nixos in qubes?
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<ryantm> pcarrier: Isn't qubes its own OS already? Do you mean nix?
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<samueldr> qubes has AppVM concept, and generally can be used with guest operating systems AFAIK
<samueldr> so it may as well be about nixos
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<hiroshi> so what are you saying pcarrier is anybody running nixos inside qubes has a hvm
<pcarrier> hiroshi: yes, or if that's not exactly what they're doing but they recognize themselves I'm interested.
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<hiroshi> I don't if anybody has it but it is possible . I installed nixos in a pure xen/debian but it was only like a server
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<hiroshi> for qubes is a different story. we will see in the next two months and with the 4.0 as a stable machine
<hiroshi> I will like to see nixos inside a lxzone
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<mpickering> :D It no longer segfaults woop woop. Thanks for the hint LnL I stopped it bundling the Qt framework
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<mduggie> is there an approach in the works / in existence to deal with modules that have mutable configurations?
<mduggie> configuration files, that is
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<TimePath> mduggie: pass a string path to somewhere writable?
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<ottidmes> mduggie: it will depend on the situation, if the config can be separated, only generate the immutable config in nix. An example would be ssh_known_hosts, which is static, and the known_hosts in your home folder which you generally edit at will. The etc folder is another example, you can modify whatever, but here the choice has been made to overwrite it with what is in the configuration
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<ottidmes> mduggie: You could also use systemd services or activation scripts to for example check if some mutable value has already been set, if not, supply some default based on your configuration
<gchristensen> does the nixpkgs manual show up as a manpage?
<gchristensen> oh man
<gchristensen> https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-allow-unfree doesn't even mention allowUnfree :D
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<mduggie> Thanks ottidmes. Do you know of any modules or packages that do that sort of conflict resolution?
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<boomshroom> When having a dependency needed at build time when cross-compiling, that's using nativeBuildInputs, right?
<boomshroom> I'm trying to build an ARM package on x86 and it's failing because it's trying to use the ARM version of Python to preform the build.
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<boomshroom> Or is the system just not up to convoluted cross-compilation yet?
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<17WAAW9B0> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAhbh
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<17WAAW9B0> nixpkgs/master 3a40b89 Ryan Mulligan: qpdf: 7.1.1 -> 8.0.0...
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<7GHAAAXQU> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #36678: qpdf: 7.1.1 -> 8.0.0 (master...auto-update/qpdf) https://git.io/vAhJp
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<nullvoid8> I'd like to start editing the source of a package (sgt-puzzles). To this end, I've git cloned the source repo, and copied it's nix expression from nixpkgs, but two problems arise.
<nullvoid8> 1) mkDerivation doesn't like bare folders for it's src attribute.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/3ab34a01e07 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<nullvoid8> 2) trying to `make` in nix-shell fails to find gtk.h, despite gtk being in the buildInputs
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<nullvoid8> can anyone tell me how to build from a local source tree, or point me at the relevent docs?
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<clever> nullvoid8: what did you set src to?
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<clever> nullvoid8: oh, did you run the preConfigure hook?
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<nullvoid8> clever: I must admit, I can't remeber how to run it by hand
<nullvoid8> clever: I'm kind of jumping in the deep end after a few years away from any linux, let alone nixos
<clever> nullvoid8: simplest thing, jsut read the .nix file, and run each command in preConfigure
<boomshroom> nullvoid8: src = ./.
<nullvoid8> boomshroom: src = ./. makes cp complain that . == ./.
<clever> nullvoid8: dont bother running the unpackPhase when in nix-shell
<clever> nullvoid8: the src is already in that directory
<clever> you dont even need to change src when using nix-shell, only nix-build
<boomshroom> if src = ./., then you can just use nix-build to build the whole thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't do incremental compilation and will copy your entire source into the store every time you make a change and build.
<boomshroom> clever: is there a functional distinction between buildInputs and nativeBuildInputs, or are they just guidelines?
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<clever> boomshroom: when cross-compiling, the stdenv.mkDerivation will run a map function over one of them, to force it to a certain arch
<nullvoid8> boomshroom: this is what I get for nix-build with src = "./." https://pastebin.com/weAuKwNU
<clever> nullvoid8: ./. not "./.", and dont try to do unpack when in the source directory
<boomshroom> nullvoid8: What's the nix file you're building?
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<nullvoid8> boomshroom: games/sgt-puzzles/default.nix
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<nullvoid8> with an import <nixos> added to the top
<nullvoid8> clever: how to disable unpackPhase? is it as simple as unpackPhase = "" ?
<boomshroom> strange. nix-build should be building it in a separate directory if you're not manually calling the stages in nix-shell.
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<boomshroom> I have derivations with src = ./. and nix-build works just fine.
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<nullvoid8> boomshroom: specifically, I've copied that file into my local copy of the source repo, and wrapped it with "with import <nixos> {}; callPackage( ... ) "
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<clever> nullvoid8: what are you running inside nix-shell?
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<nullvoid8> clever: boomshroom: https://pastebin.com/MN6qSgVa
<nullvoid8> clever: I ran the preconfigure Line by line
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<clever> nullvoid8: why is unpack running then?
<boomshroom> Have you tried making a build directory and from within calling `nix-build ../.`?
<clever> nix-build makes its own build directory
<boomshroom> It's just a hack, but it might work. I'd expect nix-build to make its own.
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<clever> he is having trouble in nix-shell, not nix-build
<nullvoid8> clever: sorry, that's two seperate issues, boomshroom is debugging nix-build, you're on nix-shell. I'm trying to attack from two directions at once
<clever> ah
<nullvoid8> neither of them work, for different reasons
<clever> nullvoid8: what does nix-build fail with?
<nullvoid8> clever: https://pastebin.com/weAuKwNU
<clever> thats because you quoted ./.
<clever> it must not be quoted
<boomshroom> clever: In the nix file he uploaded, it's not quoted.
<clever> 2018-03-09 22:47:38 < nullvoid8> boomshroom: this is what I get for nix-build with src = "./." https://pastebin.com/weAuKwNU
<nullvoid8> always save your files kids
<nullvoid8> I did the unquote the path >.<
<nullvoid8> now I feel dumb and stupid
<boomshroom> Saving is usually a good thing to do. 👍
<boomshroom> "./." is a string while ./. is a path, and they're treated as separate data-types.
<clever> nix will automatically copy the path into /nix/store, and turn it into a /nix/store/hash-name string
<clever> and then cp will copy hash-name to ., rather then copying . to .
<nullvoid8> I swear, I used to know that. Problem is, it doesn't seem to be specifed in any of the manuals
<clever> it might be in the nix manual, since its an internal of nix
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<nullvoid8> that is, the difference between "./." and ./.
<clever> things are a bit split up, between nix, nixpkgs, and nixos
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<nullvoid8> On a related note, what does export do when called directly in nix-shell?
<nullvoid8> is it any different to just assigning the variable directly?
<clever> exactly the same
<clever> just keep in mind, that nix-shell starts a new instance of bash, and the variables are contained to that sub-shell
<clever> so when you 'exit' out, they are all lost
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<nullvoid8> clever: boomshroom: thank you for the help
<clever> yep
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<boomshroom> No problem.
<boomshroom> python-recursive-pth-loader is causing me some trouble. It doesn't seem to act like a usual python module.
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<ryantm> After almost cycling through the alphabet of outdated packages, my nix-update bot is succeeding in making PRs for about 4% of the outdated packages.
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<boomshroom> It has python as a normal dependency rather than using buildPythonPackage, partly because it doesn't seem like a normal package. Just moving the python dependency from buildInputs to nativeBuildInputs didn't change the fact that it tried running with the target's python rather than the builder's python.
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<boomshroom> I am cross compiling packages for ARM on an x86_64 machine.
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<boomshroom> I should also mention that .nix-defexpr and .nix-profile apear to be absent due to the unusual way I've been doing things.
<boomshroom> nox may be blocked on python-recursive-pth-loader, but let's see if neovim can build.
<boomshroom> nope
<boomshroom> does `setuptools-38.4.0.zip-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` look like a zip file to you? It appears as though the cross-compilation's suffix is interferring with the zip's file extension.
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<tnks> I'm looking at builds on hydra, and I'm having a really hard time finding the corresponding commit in a checkout of Nixpkgs.
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<ryantm> tnks: You can see the git commit hash on hydra, so how about git show hash
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<tnks> ryantm: it's weird. I see it on GitHub... but not in my clone, and I did a "git fetch --all"
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<ryantm> tnks: What remotes do you have set up?
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<pcarrier> so I really wish I could remember enough Nix after a few weeks not touching it to understand how I can use ./nixos/modules/virtualisation/virtualbox-image.nix
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<vonpost> im fairly new to nix, so I really cannot wrap my head around this.. how do I override a makeflag in one of qt5s modules (qtwebengine)?
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<tnks> ryantm: I almost feel like there's something about Git usage that I'm mistaken about.
<tnks> in the meantime, I'm just git bisecting to debug my problem.
<tnks> pytorch broke somewhere.
<edef> tnks: fetch the remotes individually
<edef> --all doesn't do the right thing for reasons that are beyond me
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<ryantm> vonpost: Are you using NixOS or just Nix?
<ryantm> gchristensen: My bot got through the alphabet again, so it's not running right now. Was every 15 minutes an okay interval?
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<tnks> edef: thanks for the tip!
<edef> it's bitten me too many times now, i wish i understood why the semantics of --all aren't the obvious
<edef> i should probably look at the code sometime and learn
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<ryantm> I hope git fetch --multiple works though.
<vonpost> ryantm: NixOS
<ryantm> vonpost: Start by adding an overlay to the overlays array in your configuration: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#overlay
<ryantm> vonpost: the example overlay there might be a good start for what you want to do too.
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<vonpost> ryantm: I'll give it a shot again, I tried before but I got really confused by the structure of the qt suite nix expressions. They use hooks and patches, not really self contained like other packages.
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<ryantm> vonpost: hmm, yeah, qtwebengine is something called "qtModule"
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<ryantm> vonpost: you could clone the nixpkgs repository, and make an edit on top of it, and use that to build your NixOS configuration
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<ryantm> vonpost: https://youtu.be/J4DgATIjx9E?t=10m27s talks about pinning nixpkgs and applying patches on top of it, if you want to be very declarative
<ryantm> I use that idea at work with nixops to maintain a version of nixpkgs with my patches that haven't made it to nixpgks-unstable yet.
<vonpost> ryantm: thanks! I will take a look and see what I can come up with.
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<ryantm> If a package attribute is foo_baz but the package is called foo-baz, do we want to change the attribute to be foo-baz? If we do, do we want to have an alias for a while?
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<boomshroom> goodnight
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<Li[m]> I want to override mpd attrs for the service, but using packageOverrides doesnt seem to override the mpd closure its building
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<Li[m]> do I have to use an overlay?
<clever> Li[m]: which file are you using packageOverrides in?
<Li[m]> im calling it in configuration.nix
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<clever> Li[m]: can you gist your configuration.nix?
* Li[m] sent a long message: Li[m]_2018-03-10_07:23:30.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XMtykMLIIjisZFzQGNOrnQEH>
<clever> Li[m]: that is creating an override on pkgs, not mpd
<clever> remove the pkgs. from the first half and it will work
<clever> also, you want to use override, not overrideAttrs
<cmcdragonkai> I've activated gpg-agent with agent.enableSSHSupport in my configuration.nix. However when I check SSH_AUTH_SOCK, it keeps pointint to /home/cmcdragonkai/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh when gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket is /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh
<Li[m]> clever: ahh yes, sorry I added that pkgs just to see
<Li[m]> but ill change the 'override' thanks
<cmcdragonkai> What could be setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK and be overridding it
<cmcdragonkai> ?
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ cat .xsession
<clever> gpg-connect-agent /bye
<clever> export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh
<clever> cmcdragonkai: this is what ive been using
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<Li[m]> clever: thanks that worked!
<Li[m]> now I have a different question: Im still getting libpulseaudio in the closure. How can I find out what is pulling it?
<clever> Li[m]: are you using nix 1 or 2?
<Li[m]> 2
<clever> nix why-depends
<clever> answers your exact question
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<Li[m]> awesome!
<Li[m]> ill have to find your donate button
<clever> dont have one
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<Li[m]> so that should use my overriden 'nixpkgs.mpd' ?
<Li[m]> looks like its actually building it to find out
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<genesis> what's your workflow when you need to keep building directory to write installPhase for example ?
<vidbina> morning all, is there a nice way to define symlinks that only exist within a nix shell (e.g.: I want to symlink /workdir to $SOME_PATH_IN_HOME inside my nix-shell only)
<genesis> nix-build with --keep-failed and force failure in derivation ?
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<lassulus> vidbina: maybe you want to run something like `proot -b $SOME_PATH_IN_HOME:/workdir` inside your shellHook?
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<vidbina> lassulus: how can I use shellHook's when I'm using buildFHSUserEnv? I basically have `pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv { ... }).env` in my .nix file and shellHook is not an attribute that buildFHSUserEnv supports.
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<vidbina> lassulus: I was wondering if I should perhaps try overriding the resulting env i.e. `(pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv { ... }).env.overrideAttrs(old: { shellHook = "echo blah" })` but I figured there may be a better way out there
<lassulus> hmm, overrideAttrs is also the best way which comes to my mind
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<vidbina> lassulus: thanks... I'll give overrideAttrs a shot
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<__monty__> Why does nix.sh use the order bin then sbin in the PATH? General recommendation seems to be the other way around.
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<MichaelRaskin> Because we generally tried just to merge them, so /sbin is really a fallback.
<srk> anyone at linux-tage? :)
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<snajpa-> greetings from CLT!
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<srhb> Can anyone explain to me why the kubernetes tests are not running on Hydra? They appear to be included in release.nix and are not disabled as far as I can see.
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<Guanin> Hi, is it desirable to add native options for more configuration options and to make a PR? For example, I use services.openssh.extraConfig to set the supported cipher suites, KexAlgorithms, AuthorizedKeysCommand and have a Match-Block in there, too
<srhb> Guanin: More options usually mean more automatic validation, which is nice.
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<pcarrier> my attempts at a nixos-rebuild from 17.09 into my unstable-based config are suuuper slow, apparently due to cache.nixos.org downloads hanging in download-from-binary.pl?
<srhb> pcarrier: Perhaps you could try upgrading Nix first?
<srhb> Might help with downloads, I think.
<pcarrier> srhb: how do I get back to the previous expression?
<srhb> pcarrier: You don't have it in version control?
<pcarrier> nah I'm bootstrapping this machine
<pcarrier> trying some env for the first time, haven't nailed everything :)
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<manveru> nixos-rebuild --rollback ?
<srhb> Then I only think you can recover it if system.copySystemConfiguration was on.
<manveru> ohh, that's a thing?
<srhb> It is a thing!
<manveru> thanks man :D (or woman)
<srhb> (Note that only this single file is copied, even if it imports others.)
<srhb> And woman :)
<srhb> It's a bit brittle, but...
<srhb> More fun than recovering from the derivation.
<manveru> hm, is that new in 18.03?
<srhb> Nope.
<manveru> it's just my nixos-option being broken
<manveru> for some reason it won't tell me
<Guanin> srhb, is there any small howto on contributing to nixpkgs?
<srhb> Guanin: Yes! One moment.
<pcarrier> so I tried reverting to the blank-ish config and just upgrading trough config.nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable, and that's still taking forever
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<Guanin> Thank you :)
<srhb> Guanin: And the entire manual has lots of good tidbits about it too. Worth a skim :)
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<srhb> pcarrier: Meh. No idea then. :/ I think you should just be hitting an S3 mirror, which is usually not slow.
<srhb> Perhaps increasing the number of downloads could help, but...
<manveru> well, it'll still use old nix until you're in the new config
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<manveru> what i noticed though is that fetchGit is slow as hell, and not because of bandwidth issues
<srhb> Oh, I was assuming they were changing the installer setup
<Guanin> srhb, I know, I've read a decent portion of it - I just did not find that page again, as it is in the nixpkgs manual :)
<srhb> Guanin: Cool :)
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<Guanin> So right now, I do not really feel confident enough to contribute anything resulting in binaries, but the options are mostly text manipulation and I could use them, too. So I guess this is a decent starting point for contribution
<srhb> Guanin: Heh, I'd feel the opposite way :-)
<srhb> Guanin: But I guess that's just individual :)
<srhb> Guanin: There's a test in nixos/tests/openssh.nix that you can run by invoking nix-build nixos/tests/openssh.nix -- that should also aid with confidence that you didn't break it. And you could extend it to cover whatever cases you're adding :)
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<Guanin> Thanks :)
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<eyJhb> What is currently being done about - https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/8 - I see it as a problem everywhere
<srhb> eyJhb: I don't know of any current efforts. And yes, it's a huge pain point.
<srhb> eyJhb: Better support for providing paths to secret files helps somewhat.
<srhb> eyJhb: But it uglies up the modules and does ruin composability.
<srhb> With NixOps some of the pain is indeed alleviated by that, since it can transfer the secrets out of band of Nix.
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<MichaelRaskin> @chelstorrm: «I was fired for having a concealed carry permit. Not the gun, the permit.»
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<eyJhb> srhb, but as far as I know, it isn't that big of a deal, for a 1 person system, right?
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<srhb> eyJhb: For a one person system, no. Assuming no one breaks into your system as an unprivileged user.
<srhb> The difference is that on most systems, you need to be privileged to steal secrets
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<eyJhb> And that seems like enough reason, not to choose nixOS :(
<srhb> (ie. effectively root)
* srhb shrugs
<srhb> Like I said, you can just handle secrets like you do on any other system.
<srhb> That is, by hand
<srhb> NixOS is no worse in that regard.
<eyJhb> But, that is only, if I store passwords inside my nix file, eg. wifi passwords, right?
<srhb> The problem is that it *feels* like you should be able to deal with secrets via nix itself.
<srhb> Yes.
<srhb> Again, as long as you don't manage secrets inside Nix (embedding them in the Nix store) there's no difference to any other distro.
<srhb> Of course, handling secrets on any other distro is pain and horror as well!
<eyJhb> I'm having a really hard time grasping how big of a difference nixos is from eg. ubuntu in the form of config packages, setting up WiFi, etc...
<srhb> *huge*
<srhb> It's like no other Linux system you've tried before, really.
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<eyJhb> Like I can install packages without using the nix conf file, right?
<srhb> Yes, using nix-env
<srhb> Assuming you meant configuration.nix
<srhb> You lose a lot of advantages by doing that, however (but gain others)
<eyJhb> Yeah, /etc/nixos/configuration.nix is the global configurating file, right?
<MichaelRaskin> And then there is nix-build and nix-shell that ar ebetter than nix-env once you know Nix
<srhb> By default, yes, that is the NixOS configuration file. Installing via nix-env is available on non-NixOS as well though
<eyJhb> Hmm....
<srhb> I have to go play chef for 60 people now. Have a nice day :)
<eyJhb> srhb, You too! Thanks for your help ;)
<eyJhb> And enjoy :p
<MichaelRaskin> Basically, as long as systemd limitations are not a problem for you, for most things you have even a choice between doing things NixOS way or LFS/Arch way…
<eyJhb> MichaelRaskin, I currently run Ubuntu (cause I had neither the time nor the health to switch), but I'm now considering Arch, but it seems like I should use NixOS instead...
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<eyJhb> I think I might just give it a run, and see how it goes! - If I need to do any crazy dev stuff with weird dependencies I can always spin up a VM or use docker I guess?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, NixOS doesn't ship GUI configuration tools for stuff that is managed via configuration.nix
<obadz> eyJhb: you can easily try nixos in virtualbox. also you can try nix on ubuntu..
<MichaelRaskin> Even back when I was using NixOS mainline, I was still running wpa_supplicant via scripts when desired
<eyJhb> Hate GUI anyways :)
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, installing Nix on Ubuntu gives you most benefits of Nix package management with no risk
<MichaelRaskin> Ubuntu should be pain then…
<eyJhb> obadz, currently have it installed on virtualbox! :p Have tried a simple config. But I might try it from scratch
<obadz> MichaelRaskin: I wish we enabled network manager by default so that newbies can just use nmtui to turn on wifi. so frustrating to find out after an install that it requires a phd to turn on wifi
<MichaelRaskin> I cannot empathise, as by the time I came to Nix it was frustrating to me to have NetworkManager running…
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<MichaelRaskin> I hadn't even finish MSc back then!
<eyJhb> I sounds like it will be a blast to get it working with mchap, certs, etc.......
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<MichaelRaskin> We-ell. Step one. Instead of GUI you look into the wpa_supplicant.conf.example shipped with wpa_supplicant, step two, replace the values with something that matches the local network
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<obadz> MichaelRaskin: maybe you know something others don't, but when I saw globin using wpa_supplicant, I felt it required a lot of knowledge that one only ever uses very infrequently… that seems hard as knowledge fades away if not used frequently. nmtui however…
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<__monty__> Problem for me was I needed internet to understand how to set up internet. Probably not as much of an issue now that everyone and their grandmother seems to have a smartphone.
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<obadz> __monty__: yes!
<eyJhb> __monty__, get outta here you!
<obadz> having to fiddle with your smartphone while you're setting up a desktop makes one feel kind of stupid no?
<MichaelRaskin> obadz: man wpa_supplicant.conf is short but a good lookup, I remember nothing
<MichaelRaskin> obadz: and by now my wpa_supplicant.conf (stored in a VCS, obviously!) contains enough stuff that I don't even need that, I just need the search function in Vim to work.
<__monty__> Does wpa_supplicant deal with roaming?
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<Guanin> anyone who has a clue why fail2ban/iptables do not work when using the hardened profile?
<MichaelRaskin> Depends on what you call «deal with roaming». Yes, if it sees that the previous network is far away and weak, and another known network is available, it will hop
<MichaelRaskin> (Unless it has been told not to…)
<__monty__> I meant more take your laptop somewhere and connect to a network you haven't before.
<MichaelRaskin> New SSID and new password?
<__monty__> Yes.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, either you add one more five-line block into your wpa_supplicant.conf, or use wpa_cli or use wpa_gui
<MichaelRaskin> I treat list-of-networks as a file that just lives under VCS, not something immutable, of course.
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<MichaelRaskin> But of course before NixOS I used A/B LFS
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<MichaelRaskin> And also, wpa_supplicant.conf is simple related to some of the shaman dances for Broadcom…
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<ottidmes> Any idea why `cp -L ${pkgs.sysrq-scripts}/bin/* $out/bin` in boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands would fail with: cp: cannot create regular file '/nix/store/x504g1fhvwkrbqj7rskn9bcpqcp4q9ks-extra-utils/bin/sysrq-poweroff': Permission denied
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<clacke[m]> does bin exist and is it writable?
<clacke[m]> if some other script did cp -rs ${somewhere}/bin $out/bin, $out/bin would be 555
<clacke[m]> bit me the other day
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<ottidmes> clacke[m]: That could have been it, but I checked, and I had no such cp rules and when I did `ls -ld $out/bin` I got: drwxr-xr-x 1 nixbld nixbld 4894 Mar 10 12:02 /nix/store/rlxkv3w19hxg2zk38klks354ax0jb8b1-extra-utils/bin
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<clacke[m]> what about sysrq-poweroff? if it already exists that would be a problem too, and it would likely be 555 as well
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<ottidmes> clacke[m]: That was what I was thinking first, because I just called it poweroff and reboot, I am sure the sysrq-* do not exist
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<clacke[m]> then I'm out of ideas :-) :-(
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f8926fbcc9e (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<gchristensen> ryantm: yep, seemed fine!
<ottidmes> clacke[m]: Hmm, they actually do exist, that was unexpected, but when I rename them to something random, still getting the error, thanks for thinking along! I will just have to debug this further
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<infinisil> gchristensen: Just found a quirk with nixos-mailserver
<nullvoid8> any ideas on how to debug a hash mismatch when installing a node package?
<gchristensen> infinisil: oh?
<infinisil> Well it's more of a bug maybe
<infinisil> I have bind DNS running on my server, but nixos-mailserver also enables a dns server
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<infinisil> And there can't be 2 processes listening on port 53
<infinisil> So one of them is just gonna fail, in my case it was bind, so my DNS just broke because of that
<gchristensen> huh... how did you only just now find the quirk?
<infinisil> Well bind was constantly running, and then i enabled the mailserver, which couldn't enable its dns because the port was already bound
<infinisil> But i just did some stuff which required bind to restart yesterday
<gchristensen> ahh
<gchristensen> well that seems reasonablee
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<infinisil> You know I actually wanted to implement this a bit ago, to have nixos verify that no 2 processes use the same port.. Which would've prevented this
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<gchristensen> it wouldn't be a bad check on the common case
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<infinisil> And I just found out nixos-mailserver has an option to disable its dns: https://github.com/r-raymond/nixos-mailserver/blob/master/default.nix#L417
<infinisil> But I'm gonna open an issue for adding a warning when another dns server is enabled already
<gchristensen> it can get tricky if your DNS servers are setup to listenon different interfaces, or different names for the same interface
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<infinisil> Hmm true
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<lejonet> Well this was a new one, failing to stopping a killed process... dafuq
<infinisil> systemctl kill
<lejonet> Is not a nixos system, just never encountered this before
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<lejonet> Its ofc also the server where the BMC is broken, so I can't really remote reboot it either
<gchristensen> how about remote power? =)
<lejonet> gchristensen: due to the BMC being broken, the server cannot restart without someone pressing F1 when bios informs you that the BMC is broken...
<Dezgeg> good ol' weight on keyboard?
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<lejonet> I've got SSH access to the machine, so I could just issue a reboot, but it wouldn't come back again :/
<genesis> need a kvm ?
<symphorien> Maybe you can systemctl kexec
<symphorien> It bypasses the bios
<lejonet> Its an openrc system :P
<symphorien> Just kexec then :p
<lejonet> xD :P
<lejonet> "# CONFIG_KEXEC is not set"
<gchristensen> lejonet: that is a heck of a pickle
<lejonet> I guess I'll just have to head to the DC, goddamnit
<gchristensen> how far is the trip, how much is gas, and how much is remote hands? :)
<lejonet> Tho I guess I shouldn't be all to surprised, due to the stupidity that caused it (and yes, that stupidity is all my own xD )
<lejonet> gchristensen: its only like 15-20 mins by bus, but that means I have to go there... :P
<gchristensen> ah not bad at all
<lejonet> Yeah, could be a lot worse
<gchristensen> I was looking at coloing at the DC nearest here and it is a 1.5hr drive
<lejonet> Ouch
<MichaelRaskin> Bus also has the benefit that you can read while on the bus. Works worse with driving.
<lejonet> This DC is actually one the way to work for me, so its quite painless for me to go there directly after work and such
<lejonet> MichaelRaskin: haha yeah, the traffic police would probably want to have a word or two with you if you'd do that :P
<BlessJah> lejonet: bios shows up on ipmi sol, maybe it's possible to redirect it to other serial port and have it connected to some nearby server?
<MichaelRaskin> lejonet: the key part is whether they need to wait for the medics to approve having a word with you first…
<lejonet> BlessJah: nah, the BMC is more or less permanently dead (because I accidentally issued a cold reboot with ipmitools, like 2 months ago... I haven't been able to get it back, at all)
<lejonet> MichaelRaskin: haha yeah
<BlessJah> lejonet: check if you're able to choose non-bmc serial interface for BIOS
<lejonet> BlessJah: yeah, gonna take the oppertunity to poke around the bios a bit, see if I at worse can shutoff the BMC part from bootup completely, because then I could atleast remote reboot it when I have SSH access
<BlessJah> you may also be able to set it to ignore BMC errors
<lejonet> I hate that my supplier is having huuuuge troubles sourcing the epyc parts I ordered 2 weeks ago :(
<lejonet> I want to replace this server
<BlessJah> I guess you've been in DC already to unplug it from power and reset everything?
<lejonet> BlessJah: hmm, I actually haven't unplugged it, but reset and fiddle with it I've done, will have to try that
<ottidmes> clacke[m]: BTW I solved my issue, it was what you suggested, I had multiple modules copying over those files as their dependencies. I now just use cp -Ln to specify I do not want to overwrite if it already exists.
<lejonet> I'm quite perplexed why the BMC would just die from having a cold reboot issued to it
<ottidmes> clacke[m]: I was confused because it first stated that it did already exists, then I renamed it, and then it reported no such file existed, but I think my wildcard somehow failed
<BlessJah> it's just another computer in your computer, you may need to reboot it (by unplugging power cords)
<BlessJah> lejonet: what's the brand of that server?
<lejonet> BlessJah: supermicro
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<BlessJah> I think it's possible to choose between bmc and com1, but I'm not sure
<lejonet> Will have a peek in the BIOS, it would be awesome if I could get the BMC back, because even tho I'm replacing this server, I'm going to repurpose it to a db machine
<BlessJah> I guess it's out of warranty?
<lejonet> Yeah, its a good 6-7 years old
<BlessJah> then it may be anything
<lejonet> Mhm, well, I'm off to fix my stupidity (or well, atleast the wreckage caused by it, the root cause is probably not fixable, me xD )
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<BlessJah> lejonet: may be supermicro as well, like their fuckup with xeon-d boards fuckup
<BlessJah> you can kill sata ports on x10sdv boards by plugging what looks like 4-pin atx which is not 4-pin atx
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<gchristensen> anyone know of a package wich is darwin-only?
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<genesis> should be some in os-specific/darwin/ ;)
<ottidmes> gchristensen: Anything in pkgs/os-specific/darwin I guess
<gchristensen> d'oh good call, thanks!
<mpickering> iterm2?
<genesis> xquartz etc too.
<gchristensen> nice
<genesis> gchristensen : you warm me with your review and don't finish me with a merge :')
<gchristensen> link?
<mpickering> gchristensen: I was looking yesterday at some of the automated pull requests and many reported to fail on darwin but a lot of the failures were because the platforms attribute explicitly said the package didn't work on darwin. Is this really a build failure? Should they be reported differently?
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<gchristensen> interesting you should ask that, mpickering
<genesis> yes when you can't on darwin, you can't presume it's working so ...
<genesis> +test
<mpickering> It is somewhat true that many packages declare platforms.linux when they work fine on darwin as well but it doesn't seem like you can assume that
<gchristensen> I can't, and I don't override it
<gchristensen> the root of the problem is I don't _check_ the supported platforms
<MichaelRaskin> genesis: «finish him» would be associated with close-without-merge for me…
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<gchristensen> thanks for handling that, MichaelRaskin
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<gchristensen> I'll get back to adding platform soft-fail support :)
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, instantiate problems, timeout problems, out-of-space problems and actual build problems are all different and are currently reported in the same way…
<MichaelRaskin> There is even an issue about that, though.
<gchristensen> indeed
<gchristensen> alas I'm only one person
<gchristensen> employed, even
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<MichaelRaskin> That's true, that's more about IRC not being able to add any new information
<BlessJah> gchristensen: out of space might be hard to tell from regular build failure
<gchristensen> I'm not going to try detecting that right now
<gchristensen> I'm only going to detect platform problems
<ottidmes> I know what causes the error, but I am not sure why it causes the error. If have I have in my boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands the following line: cp -pdv ${./grub4dos-0.4.5c-2016-01-18/grub4dos-0.4.5c/grub.exe} $out/grub4dos, then it will give the error: output ‘/nix/store/c33idqb7f3hdbr3k6ijjyg7xn9aja3b0-extra-utils’ is not allowed to refer to path ‘/nix/store/l6b6b6z1xkwaiwpq11na3clqq6japb5j-grub.exe’
<mpickering> Thanks gchristensen!
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<MichaelRaskin> xdummy works on mac, right?
<gchristensen> =)
<gchristensen> thank you!
<ottidmes> The error is likely caused by allowedReferences, but why can't I copy /nix/store/l6b6b6z1xkwaiwpq11na3clqq6japb5j-grub.exe when the other copy calls also copy from /nix/store
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<clever> ottidmes: run nukeReferences on the binary after you copy it
<clever> ottidmes: that will wipe all store paths within the binary
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<ottidmes> clever: But grub.exe is just some file I downloaded, it should not have references itself, or do you mean that NixOS keeps track of the references and nukeReferences removes those?
<infinisil> Oh no
<infinisil> My DNS troubles... were stateful..
<infinisil> I just disabled and enabled some options and then it worked again :(
<clever> ottidmes: nix finds the references by checking for store paths within the files
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<clever> ottidmes: so there must be a store path inside the file, or your doing something else a bit off
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<ottidmes> clever: I copied the file directly from their website, unpacked it, and I am referring to that file
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<ottidmes> clever: It did work before with the one build from source, but that build seems broken... so I thought it worth a shot to just use their prebuild version
<clever> ottidmes: try without -d
<qewzee> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<qewzee> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<qewzee> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<srk> cats <3
<ottidmes> clever: I tried it with cp -v, cp -Lv, cp -Lpv, cp -pdv, none worked
<gchristensen> qewzee: you ok?
<clever> ottidmes: after you cp, do ls -ltrh on the file, what does that output?
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<ottidmes> clever: Found it, I forgot the fact that if you cp from the store like this, it will be <hash>-grub.exe, and somehow that makes the allowedReferences fail
<clever> ottidmes: ah
<clever> i thought nix only checked the contents, but it sounds more like nix just serializes the entire output into a NAR and checks that
<clever> filenames and all
<ottidmes> clever: So just changing, $out/grub4dos as the target to, $out/grub4dos/grub.exe, solved it
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<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, I am a bit suprised as well, but I guess it makes sense on some level to check it like that. I would not hurt to show me the file in question, like so: /nix/store/09gyf9zipswfkdl89bncipsq2rz1wqgh-extra-utils/grub4dos/l6b6b6z1xkwaiwpq11na3clqq6japb5j-grub.exe instead of /nix/store/l6b6b6z1xkwaiwpq11na3clqq6japb5j-grub.exe
<clever> ottidmes: yeah, it is a bit anoying that it doesnt show that
<ottidmes> clever: That would have given me an immediate d'oh moment
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a79bd5e0d03 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<lejonet> BlessJah: you're a genius :P Pulling the power cord got the BMC back :D
<clever> lejonet: its plausible that the BMC just had to be rebooted
<clever> and the idiots never put a reset or power button on it
<clever> who would ever need to reboot the BMC? :D
<lejonet> clever: well yes, I was the one that issued a cold reboot on it, instead of a warm reboot, because supermicros ipmi hangs itself now and then because reasons
<BlessJah> lejonet: it's reboots are completely independent of server reboots
<lejonet> But restarting the server wasn't enough to bring the BMC back from a cold reboot apparently, I had to pull all the power for it to reboot
<clever> the BMC is basically a second computer, thats always on
<lejonet> BlessJah: I know, I'm just a bit surprised that I had to pull the power to cold reboot it
<clever> and there is no way to turn it off
<clever> other then cutting power to the whole chassis
<lejonet> A regular cold reboot on a server doesn't require that you know :P
<BlessJah> clever: there is ipmitool bmc reset
<lejonet> Now to figure out why the hell the VMs still won't restart -.-
<clever> BlessJah: one scary thing about BMC's, there is a server i rent that has a BMC and i have real baremetal access
<clever> BlessJah: in theory, i could infect the BMC with malware, then ask the hoster to shut the system down
<clever> what happens next?
<BlessJah> you own the server
<clever> yep
<BlessJah> clever: what if I told you that you have similar computer in your computer?
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<clever> BlessJah: intel ME
<BlessJah> and amd psp
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<clever> BlessJah: but at least the set of people who have had access to it is smaller and more known to me
<clever> and i believe my laptop has it disabled in the firmware, for such reasons
<Lisanna> I'm so glad there are ways to disable the Intel ME now
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<BlessJah> lejonet: you may want to configure ipmi on servers operating system in case there is network issue with bmc
<lejonet> BlessJah: whatcha mean?
<BlessJah> lejonet: it's hown as /dev/ipmi0 or something like that
<lejonet> BlessJah: ah yeah, that I do have
<clever> crw------- 1 root root 248, 0 Mar 14 2017 /dev/ipmi0
<clever> i also see that on the machine i mentioned
<lejonet> That is how I "bricked" the BMC :P By doing ipmitool bmc reset cold
<clever> i had to use the BMC in combination with 2 VM's just to install nixos
<clever> an XP vm for the virtual iso mounting, and a win7 vm for the remote-desktop
<clever> due to all the activex
<lejonet> sigh, now to get the BMC to actually do its frikin job too...
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<BlessJah> lejonet: you know bmc is usually available undev /dev/ipmi0, via http, ssh and ipmi protocols?
<lejonet> BlessJah: yeah, and I can access it with ipmitool, but the HTTP interface doesn't seem to be accessible
<BlessJah> clever: sol is really nice though (if os is configured)
<clever> in my case, the BMC wasnt enabled, and its dedicated NIC wasnt plugged in
<clever> i had to get techsupport at the datacenter to configure it and plug it in
<BlessJah> lejonet: ipmitool lan print, does it have IP assigned?
<lejonet> BlessJah: yep, but can't ping that IP nor access it over SSH/HTTP on that IP
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<clever> BlessJah: mine still has a static ip, but i believe the datacenter has since unplugged it
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<BlessJah> it's likely on a separate network, your DC might restrict access to it
<BlessJah> ask them
<lejonet> I fully control all of it :P
<clever> BlessJah: when i asked them years ago, they had to actually send somebody into the DC to plug it in
<clever> BlessJah: and prior to that, i was getting photos of monitors, not screenshots
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<lejonet> I can see that its MAC address has been registered in the switch, but can't ping it still
<lejonet> Can ping other hosts in that net, so there is clearly access to it
<clever> Ambient Temp | 19.000 | degrees C | ok | na | 3.000 | 8.000 | 42.000 | 47.000 | na
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<clever> looks like they have some decent cooling
<BlessJah> clever: btw, did you have to configure anything to have ipmi work?
<BlessJah> it seems I had to modprobe some modules, not sure which one though
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<clever> BlessJah: just now, or previously?
<clever> all i did was nix-env ipmitool, and it worked
<lejonet> It requires a few kernel modules, but thats it
<qewzee> ,-**/
<BlessJah> i think it was ipmi_devintf
<lejonet> Yeah
<lejonet> iirc its ipmi_devintf and ipmi at a minimum
<BlessJah> I had ipmi_ssif ipmi_si and ipmi_msghandler loaded by default
<BlessJah> clever: huh, 10G interface is 52C, while cpu is 42C
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<lejonet> Hmm, I think I might have a slight problem, it would seem like the IP headers used by the BMC have been zeroed, so it has TTL set to 0...
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<gchristensen> mpickering, MichaelRaskin what is the proper thing for ofborg to do if a build command is issued, and none of the attributes are builable on the system
<gchristensen> ie: `@grahamcofborg build systemd` -> what should the darwin builder report? success? fail? neither?
<MichaelRaskin> My sincere opinion is that there are multiple states, not clearly reducible to a single notion of failure.
<mpickering> Neither, if should report a build wasn't started because of the platform attribue
<gchristensen> great, say more
<MichaelRaskin> No attributes to build → «not-applicable»
<mpickering> A failure should mean - don't merge me
<gchristensen> mpickering: agreeed!
<MichaelRaskin> Timeout is a different failure from true build failure
<MichaelRaskin> ENOSPC is impossible to detect reliably.
<gchristensen> is a failure to instantiate a sufficient litmus test for "not applicable"? given ofborg's insistence on evaluating everything everywhere anyway
<MichaelRaskin> Don't merge me is probably only the true-failure case.
<MichaelRaskin> We-ell
<gchristensen> (that we-ell is why I'm asking you ;))
<MichaelRaskin> Ideally it should be «meta.available» or what was it
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<gchristensen> the tragic thing about meta.available is it is not universally available in Nix
<MichaelRaskin> Something like «not meta.available» → OK, failure to instantiate on master → OK, failure to instantiate on branch with meta.available true — failure to instantiate as a separate notion
<gchristensen> interesting
<MichaelRaskin> Won't it be a universal assumption after 18.03 release?
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<MichaelRaskin> I mean, Borg currently thinks in terms of master/staging anyway, maybe latest-stable
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<mpickering> systemd seems a bad example here as it has an assert "stdenv.isLinux" which evaluates before the platform attribute in meta can be consulted
<gchristensen> nope: nix-repl> (x.runCommand "foo" {} "").meta.available
<gchristensen> error: attribute ‘available’ missing, at (string):1:1
<MichaelRaskin> A correction: meta.available with config.checkMetaRecursively is probably the sane idea
<__monty__> What's all this talk about borg lately? Is borg going to be a core part of nixos 18.03?
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<gchristensen> __monty__: ofborg is the tool doing the PR testing on GitHub
<MichaelRaskin> Well, it is already a core part of Nixpkgs development. It is not needed to NixOS for the end-point.
<gchristensen> mpickering: I'm wasn't planning on looking at platforms at all
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<__monty__> Ah, so nothing to do with borg the backup tool? Thanks for the clarification.
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<gchristensen> __monty__: I try to say "ofborg" any time I mention it, but it is a bit confusing
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<gchristensen> because not everything goes through stdenv, not everything has meta.platforms, noteverything has meta at all
<gchristensen> so I was thinking I'd just borrow the asserts stdenv does already for platform
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<__monty__> Is ofborg just nixpkgs hydra instance?
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: runCommand on master is an mkDerivation
<MichaelRaskin> What version are you running?
<gchristensen> __monty__: no, it is its own thing
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: 17.09
<MichaelRaskin> I think meta.available is just too new for that
<MichaelRaskin> But meta per se — you have it
<gchristensen> __monty__: go look at any ol' PR and you'll see what it is:)
<lejonet> BlessJah: lol, me getting impatient and warm rebooting the server apparently knocked the BMC into shape... now I can ping it and access its HTTP interface... supermicros BMC are idiotic lol
<__monty__> gchristensen: I'm afraid to be assimilated ; )
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: ahh right. right. at any rate, I'd rather not be bound to how stdenv works
<gchristensen> the instantiates on master, instantiates after merge seems like a sufficient litmus test
<blankhart> if i understand Nix nomenclature, a dictionary of key-value pairs is called a "set" and the keys are called "attributes". anyone have color on the reason? is this terminology taken from xml or another configuration language?
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: unfortunately, that tests breaks all the correct «mark broken» things
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe instantiates on master → instantiates with NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN on branch?
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: it'd go from evaluates -> doesn't evaluate, which wouldn't necessarily be failure
<gchristensen> but perhaps a message: "foobar used to evaluate, but no longer evaluates after this PR"
<MichaelRaskin> I mean there are erroneous failures to instantiate and intentional ones.
<MichaelRaskin> meta.broken = {;
<MichaelRaskin> vs meta.broken=true;
<gchristensen> blankhart: so I _think_ the attribute is thee name/value combined , and the key is the "attributee name" and the value is the "attribute value"
<MichaelRaskin> I would like the first one to fail and the second to kinda-suceed.
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: for the purposes of how it appears, it wouldn't be a judgement call at all -- simply informational
<gchristensen> meta.broken = {; would fail the evaluation checks that every PR goes through, but meta.broken = true; would pass those checks, and then be considered informational at build time
<infinisil> gchristensen: How about adding a parse check
<gchristensen> we already have one, and every PR has received it for month
<gchristensen> s
<infinisil> gchristensen: Something like `find -name '*.nix' | xargs nix-instantiate --parse >/dev/null`?
<infinisil> (Throws 2 errors for me)
<MichaelRaskin> In reality, I would also prefer the number of free-floating assert's to go down
<gchristensen> agreed, MichaelRaskin
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<gchristensen> I'm still feeling good about using nix-instantiate simply enough for this check
<Guanin> I'm trying to use services.calibre-server on 17.09.3109 and have set the libraryDir. When trying to access it, I get "Library u'ebook' not found". Does someone has it working?
<MichaelRaskin> (broken-vs-but-not-explicitly-broken would also catch unintentionally hitting asserts)
<gchristensen> infinisil: nix-instantiate ./nixos/release.nix -A manual, nix-instantiate ./nixos/release.nix -A options, nix-instantiate ./pkgs/top-level/release.nix -A manual, nix-instantiate ./pkgs/top-level/release.nix -A tarball, , nix-instantiate ./pkgs/top-level/release.nix -A unstable nix-env -qa --json --file .
<blankhart> gchristensen: thanks
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: I think those are acceptable though
<gchristensen> IMO it is a feature that you don't have to manually cull platforms for every package based on every dependency
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I think an unintentional instantiation failure is worth a remark, and an intentional one is not.
<gchristensen> ah
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 will let the instantiation to happen even for a deep platform change
<gchristensen> well we can start with the simple thing and add meta.broken support
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 is the best version of broken-check, as it seems to cover all the explicitly declared brokenness.
<genesis> about broken , https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36206 help me finish that, and it'll remove 2 broken derivations ^^
<MichaelRaskin> Wrong number of zeros in that number to be a good lure.
<MichaelRaskin> Wait, it's pure addition, how can it remove broken derivations?
<genesis> because it will replace mess (broken ) and sdlmame (broken but not mark as)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, not sure if sdlmame will get removed…
<genesis> i wonder if i've to git rm this in my pr, but i donno
<genesis> sdlmame is an old arch binary based derivation
<MichaelRaskin> Ah
<genesis> where binaries are unreachable
<MichaelRaskin> Argh
<genesis> AND mame people prefer use MAME name since sdl is the official ui
<genesis> so no long raeson to use sdlmame.
<MichaelRaskin> installPhase seems OK, actually
<genesis> i spend days and days on that, my question are about the openglSupport
<MichaelRaskin> What is the problem with openglSupport? (note that I do not understand their buildsystem beyond the fact they don't have a sane make install — which I infer from the fact you write an installPhase)
<genesis> yes that's correct
<genesis> i can't make debug support working well, because of their qt management and other stuff , i spend lot of time on that
<genesis> it took i donno 10hours to compile, so i can't play easily;
<genesis> btw, additional to that, retroarch is completely broken too :-)
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<genesis> so best is ennemie of good, i think i could clean non-working optional as debug, and proposal as a first clean wip derivation...
<tpanum> Is there any reliable way to make gnome3 utilize Wayland under Nixos?
<MichaelRaskin> I think if it works in any one mode, that could be good enough to merge.
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<genesis> MichaelRaskin : should i add git rm sdlmame + mess ?
<genesis> (in the pr)
<MichaelRaskin> They are fully replaced, in the sense of MAME and MESS having merged?
<MichaelRaskin> I guess so.
<genesis> yes, mess is a subtarget of mess
<genesis> of mame
<genesis> get merge little by little, but a full mame have all mess
<genesis> oki, go for that.
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<Yaniel> does libsForQt5.callPackage replace wrapProgram with wrapQtProgram or should I be doing that manually?
<ottidmes> I am trying to build grub4dos from source, but when I do I get the error: configure: error: Neither start nor _start is defined, according to the comments on the grub4dos package on Arch Linux, they had to install the multilib packages to get it to compile on x64, any idea what to do on NixOS to solve this?
<tomberek> nix-shell abides by propagatedBuildInputs and populates the PATH accordingly. nix-env does not seem to do so when installing the same package. Is this on purpose? is there something I'm missing?
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<FRidh> Yaniel: manually
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<FRidh> at least, I think so
<Yaniel> hmm looks like renderdoc had makeQtWrapper but that was removed from packages en masse last spring
<tomberek> `nix-shell -p my-package` vs `nix-env -iA my-package`
<clever> ottidmes: try building it with pkgs_i686.grub4dos
<clever> ottidmes: that provides a 32bit-only gcc, so grub4dos doesnt have to deal with 64->32 cross compiling
<ottidmes> Yaniel: I checked the definition of libsForQt5, but see no reference to makeWrapper
<ottidmes> clever: Ah, thanks :)
<Yaniel> oh wait I have an idea
<FRidh> oh wrapQtProgram was removed
<clever> ottidmes: i also checked the nix source, and yeah, it just dumps the entire storepath as a NAR, and then does a string ssearch within it
<ottidmes> clever: I should just have checked top-level.nix: grub4dos = callPackage ../tools/misc/grub4dos {stdenv = stdenv_32bit; };
<clever> ottidmes: so nix doesnt know what files depended on something
<Yaniel> my nixpkgs fork is probably not quite up to date
<clever> ottidmes: ah, that will do the same thing
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<ottidmes> clever: Good of you to check, now it is a fact rather than a potential explanation :)
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<nh2[m]> I have a Python problem that makes problems. Attaching to it with GDB I get `.../bin/python2.7...(no debugging symbols found)`.
<nh2[m]> How can I get debugging symbols for cpython on nixos?
<nh2[m]> (FYI that python program with the problem is nixops)
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<symphorien> nh2[m]: you might try to use enableDebugging: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L382
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<Lisanna> Can anything in /proc be accessed from a nix sandbox?
<gchristensen> Ithink it gets its own proc namespace...
<Lisanna> I'd expect that at least my own process + any child processes should be accessible there, right?
<gchristensen> yeah
<Lisanna> alright, cool
<Lisanna> I've got this nasty piece of screen code that needs to access /proc to work... it forces a process that would normally glom onto your tty for output to write to stderr (or stdout)
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<Lisanna> useful for if you want to monitor the progress of a program like scp in a logfile
<Lisanna> screen -D -m -L -Logfile /proc/$BASHPID/fd/2 <cmd>
<tomberek> what needs to be in a derivation to ensure nix-env places the propagatedBuildInputs into the PATH? (.nix-profile/bin)
<symphorien> tomberek: you may want to wrap your program instead
<nh2[m]> symphorien: so I'd somehow have to apply that `enableDebugging` on the cPython interpreter that's used for my package, right?
<symphorien> honnestly, I have never used it :°
<tomberek> symphorien: yeah, i considered that. I may do it anyway, but it would be nice to have the proper interpreter placed into my PATH
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<clever> tomberek: propagatedBuildInputs never wind up in .nix-profile
<clever> propagatedBuildInputs are only for other build sandboxes
<clever> tomberek: propagatedUserEnvPkgs is the one your thinking of, but dont use it, it causes all kinds of fun breakage
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<clever> tomberek: first, relying on things in propagatedBuildInputs being installed, means that it doesnt work if you just `nix-build` and then `./result/bin/foo`
<clever> tomberek: second, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/30775 it breaks the very thing nix was meant to solve
<clever> package A has qt 5.4 in propagatedBuildInputs, package B has 5.5 in propagatedBuildInputs, now neither one works
<clever> tomberek: in general, its better to just use makeWrapper to insert things into $PATH, so they are available only to the program that needs it, and nothing leaks out and causes issues
<clever> tomberek: for python stuff, just put the proper interpreter directly into the #!
* clever heads off to bed
<Lisanna> how good is the testing in nixpkgs? i.e., how safe is it to switch to a nixpkgs release that hydra says was a "successful build"?
<MichaelRaskin> Not that many things are hard requirements for a global success.
<srk> Lisanna: you can check the results of the actual tests if you want to be sure
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* srk is running from master without a single problem so far
<Lisanna> srk how? the one I'm looking at https://hydra.nixos.org/build/70828311#tabs-summary
<Lisanna> oh, "Part of"
<srk> yeah
<srk> exactly
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<Lisanna> eh... I guess even if it breaks, I can just rollback
<srk> exactly :D
<MichaelRaskin> Isn't there a Nix schema upgrade involved?
<Lisanna> but I'm not changing my stateVersion...
<Lisanna> so would that matter?
<seanparsons> Does anyone have any genius thoughts on how to make this work (I just want cabal-install to be included in the environment): https://github.com/seanparsons/mtg-life/blob/master/shell.nix#L6
<srk> Lisanna: it doesn't
<srk> system.stateVersion = "master";
<srk> :)
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<Lisanna> lol
<Lisanna> didn't know you could do that
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, right, if you start from 1.11 it's OK
<srk> Lisanna: it's just a string
<Lisanna> I've never really understood that part...
<srk> identifier, doesn't actually build from master by itself
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure that will work in any useful sense
<tomberek> clever: python doesn't seem to bring the libraries with it. Is this a case of pythonWithPackages ?
<srk> Lisanna: I have /etc/nixpkgs which I use to build my system from
<srk> rebased manually from time to time
<srk> makes hacking the os easy
<deepfire> peti, processing changes..
<qewzee> ++++++
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<Lisanna> srk yeah... I figure eventually I'll reach the point where I always build from my own custom nixpkgs checkout
<Guanin> is there a nice way to configure php applications?
<Izorkin> How to fix install - Failed to create EFI Boot variable entry: No such file or directory - https://pastebin.com/LcKf6FjL
<srk> Guanin: you need to write that yourself, but only once!
<srk> Guanin: depending on the application
<srk> Guanin: there's composer2nix for packaging IIRC
<Lisanna> Izorkin did you mount your EFI partition to /mnt/boot?
<Guanin> I want to run https://github.com/seblucas/cops
<Izorkin> Lisanna: yes
<Izorkin> need mount to /boot?
<Lisanna> Not /boot, /mnt/boot
<Lisanna> that's where the nixos installer looks anyhow
<Lisanna> or, it's what I use successfully
<blankhart> the nix manual uses the term "antiquotation" to refer to a concept that i think of as string interpolation. any color on the use of "antiquotation"? makes me think that i am not understanding it
<srk> Guanin: yeah, composer2nix should work for packaging, then you need to write the module which will provide the abstraction and generate the actual config
<srk> so you can use nix to manage the app
<MichaelRaskin> blankhart: quotation is creating a constant literal with something inside that could be code but won't be evaluated; so antiquotation is declaring a part of the constant literal as something that does need evaluation
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-17.09-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a79bd5e0d03 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-17.09-darwin)
<Guanin> srk, thanks, I'll try it
<srk> Guanin: yeah, if it's your first time it might look tedious but don't give up, it's worth it :)
<srk> also this larger example of module used by nixops to deploy large python application https://github.com/otevrenamesta/otevrenamesta-cz-configuration/blob/master/modules/ckan.nix
<Izorkin> how to fix install to efi?
<srk> configuration is generated by ckanConf, it also creates and inits database ..
<srk> Izorkin: do you have GPT EFI partition mounted to /mnt/boot?
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<blankhart> hmm, thanks. i guess to me that is still interpolation. i am thinking of antiquotation in the sense it's used in quasiquoters, which is what gave me doubts - i don't see a relation to that concept
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<Izorkin> mounted gpt efi to /mnt/boot
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<srk> not sure if it runs from chroot as it tries bootctl", "--path=/boot", "install"
<srk> my EFI exposure is quite limited as well
<Lisanna> I do EFI installs fairly regularly without any trouble
<Lisanna> I'm just going to run though some sanity checks, since I don't actually understand the install process very well or EFI
<Lisanna> Izorkin Does your partition have the ef00 format code?
<Lisanna> (the EFI partition)
<Lisanna> did you make sure to enable UEFI booting in your system's BIOS? Did your system actually boot into UEFI?
<Izorkin> type - EFI System
<Izorkin> Lisanna: other install worked, nix2.0 - not work
<Lisanna> (an easy way to tell is, if the nixos installer that you booted loaded grub, you did not boot into UEFI)
<Lisanna> the EFI nixos installer boot screen is all black, no GUI interface
<samueldr> Lisanna: the nixos installer doesn't use grub, it's syslinux or systemd-efi
<samueldr> but yeah, bootloader with background picture → legacy; bootloader with black background → EFI
<Lisanna> samueldr huh, okay
<samueldr> systemd-boot*
<samueldr> using this command: [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ] && echo "UEFI" || echo "Legacy"
<samueldr> should tell you whether you're booted as UEFI or Legacy
<nh2[m]> symphorien: OK thanks a lot, this worked. I added `(pkgs.enableDebugging pkgs.python2)` to my `environment.systemPackages`, and then bind-mounted the one with debugging symbols over the one without debugging symbols in the nix store using `mount -o bind /nix/store/a4wd8mcpqr54hmw0x95fw8fhvk8avh5a-python-2.7.14/ /nix/store/i3bx1iw2d0i3vh9sa1nf92ynlrw324w8-python-2.7.14`
<nh2[m]> then gdb showed me all debugging info
<samueldr> and AFAIUI, efibootmgr could show trouble manipulating efivars with "file not founds"
<srk> hehe, we've been fighting with EFI yesterday on an Acer laptop, looks like the list of paths firmware tries to load is hardcoded based on what some major distributions use
* samueldr sighs
<Lisanna> lol
<srk> so if you download 64bit ubuntu it won't work but my guess is that 32bit would.. :D
<samueldr> what's funny/sad is how there is an open source UEFI implementation which is the reference implementation... which works great... but is ignored by implementers
<MichaelRaskin> Just rename your loader to BOOTX64.EFI
<samueldr> MichaelRaskin: in some pathological cases, it may not be enough
<samueldr> keyword: pahological
<MichaelRaskin> But this is the first step to do in even mildly broken cases…
<samueldr> yes!
<MichaelRaskin> Can we just send all the vendor UEFI implementors as interns to Asus, with a permission to do whatever is needed to teach them, and then let only the surviving ones write UEFI code?
<samueldr> what do you mean? that Asus writes proper UEFI code?
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<MichaelRaskin> And I have a sinking feeling that it might be the only one.
<samueldr> from personal experience, it seems that they don't have *one* implementation
<MichaelRaskin> Hm.
<MichaelRaskin> OK, Zenbook team.
<samueldr> I have friends with different asus laptops (own one too) and they all are a bit different and some are better
<samueldr> though, it's, from experience still, the best OEM implementations I have seen
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<MichaelRaskin> Just imagine: in the System Boot Setup on Zenbook, you can simply select the partition and the binary.
<samueldr> TP300LA does too, which is awesome
<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, I switched from Zenbook to a ThinkPad because battery, but if Asus sold its Zenbooks scaled up to 15.??'' screen and with a big battery bolted-on, I would never even consider anything else.
<samueldr> my other uefi computers will only allow manipulation of bootloaders through a booted operating system :/
<samueldr> (excluding the default bootx64.efi)
<MichaelRaskin> In a Zenbook, Asus cuts a few corners w.r.t. cheaper suppliers but cuts zero corners w.r.t «think fifteen minutes about it and not do anything stupid»
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<tazjin> is there a way to use the texFunctions.runLaTeX helper with luatex instead of pdflatex?
<Yaniel> grahamc: looks like ofborg isn't on nix 2.0 yet?
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<MichaelRaskin> It is uneven — individual instance operators choose what Nix to have on their boxes.
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<Yaniel> yeah but this one is guarding nixpkgs PRs
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<i-am-the-slime> Hi! How do I update packages that are in my configuration.nix?
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<Yaniel> and falls flat on the updated renderdoc expression
<blankhart> why are recursive sets not permitted by default?
<Yaniel> i-am-the-slime: `nix-env -u`
<Yaniel> or do you mean the system configuration.nix?
<i-am-the-slime> the latter
<Yaniel> for those you have to use nixos-rebuild
<blankhart> no ambiguity error: let a = 2; in rec { a = 4; b = a + 3; }
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<i-am-the-slime> I always do nixos-rebuild switch
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<i-am-the-slime> but I don't think that gets me a newer version of this thing
<tazjin> i-am-the-slime: the versions are controlled by the version of your current nix-channel, you can update that with `sudo nix-channel --update`
<i-am-the-slime> I even just changed it from youtube-dl to pkgs.youtube-dl
<i-am-the-slime> ah yeah, I guess the channel is cached even if I'm on unstable, right?
<MichaelRaskin> Yaniel: well, 17.09 with Nix1 is still in support…
<tazjin> i-am-the-slime: yeah, stable/unstable doesn't inherently mean anything to nix itself, they're not treated differently
<i-am-the-slime> okay let's see
<i-am-the-slime> that will update (and possibly break) everything I guess
<i-am-the-slime> yes, now it's doing it's stuff
<tazjin> one of the beauties of nix is that if it breaks you can roll back easily ;-)
<i-am-the-slime> yes
<i-am-the-slime> so is there a rollback for a channel update?
<tazjin> I'm not sure if the nix-channel command itself has a rollback feature, probably, but you can roll back to a previous system generation
<tazjin> I personally like pinning the actual nixpkgs commit in my configs (esp. good practice if you use Nix for anything at work)
<symphorien> i-am-the-slime: nix-channel --rollback
<i-am-the-slime> very good
<i-am-the-slime> it seems stuck now
<i-am-the-slime> building Nix...
<Supersonic> (potential) noob question: what is the Right Way to set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/.config for an individual user?
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<symphorien> for user specific stuff, you might use https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
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<Supersonic> allright, thanks
<Laboon3k> Hello, people!
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<Yaniel> hello Laboon3k
<Laboon3k> I can't run Nix commands. They show an error like :
<Laboon3k> error: getting status of /nix/var/nix/db/schema: Permission denied
<Laboon3k> Hello, Yaniel !
<Laboon3k> I'm using 18.03pre130932.cc4677c36ee (Impala) version of NixOS...
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<Yaniel> did you su to your user from root like the manual tells you?
<Yaniel> right after installation
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<Laboon3k> Nope. I am using a normal user, trying to create a profile.
<Laboon3k> What is the idea? Using a normal user or su from root to some user?
<Yaniel> using a normal user
<Yaniel> but IIRC you have to su to that user from root once to create the symlinks in that user's profile
<Yaniel> > To make all nix tools available to this new user use `su - USER` which opens a login shell (==shell that loads the profile) for given user. This will create the ~/.nix-defexpr symlink
<BlessJah> Or
<Laboon3k> Command is : "nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/atorres/profile -i profile
<samueldr> Yaniel: small detail, that `su` isn't necessarily done as root, you could use `su - USER` for any user, including yourself, as long as you know the password
<Yaniel> ah
<samueldr> what's important is the login shell part
<Laboon3k> Failing, again.
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<Laboon3k> No use for the login shell :/
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<Laboon3k> I am even using the terminal F1 shell!
<Yaniel> do you have the abovementioned symlink in your home directory?
<Lisanna> downside of having lots of remote builders... you have to reupload everything for each additional one that gets used
<chreekat> Can anyone name, offhand, an example of a package that can be installed together with plugins that have to be built against the package in question? I ran into such a thing once, but now I've forgotten what it was
<Lisanna> for building nixos each additional remote builder probably actually slows the whole thing down by a huge factor
<Lisanna> I wish that was taken into account ):
<Laboon3k> Yaniel, what symlink? ".nix-profile"?
<Yaniel> .nix-defexpr
<MichaelRaskin> chreekat: ladspa
<MichaelRaskin> Or any programming language with package support in NixPkgs…
<chreekat> MichaelRaskin: thanks! Also, I figured out how to answer my own question, by searching for my name in this channel's logs
<chreekat> haha
<MichaelRaskin> Heh
<chreekat> For that matter, I think weechat logs locally.. I suppose I might have been able to find it there, too...
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<MichaelRaskin> Wait, weechat is also an example
<Laboon3k> Yep. I have tha link, Yaniel
<chreekat> The example I asked about previously was libpurple, incidentally
<chreekat> I suppose you're right, it's pretty much the same as having a compiler/tool with extensions
<seanparsons> Is there a simple way to "pull in" the outputs of multiple derivations from another? Somewhat akin to haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages and the way all of the executables are made available on the path.
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<nix-noob> Hello! I am new to NixOS, and I have a question regarding the installation of a specific Python package. Is this the correct place to ask?
<Yaniel> nix-noob: yes
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<nix-noob> Great, thank you. I am trying to install `python-bitcoinlib`. It shows up in the `pip3` search results, but obviously I need to install it by pu tting in my configuration file. Having done so, I run `nix-env -if $PYTHON_PATH`, and get the following error message: `error: undefined variable ‘python-bitcoinrpc’`
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<nix-noob> Yaniel: I have successfully installed several other Python packages this way. This is my first time with this kind of problem. Any advice?
<Yaniel> it's not packaged for nixos yet
<Yaniel> if you feel like contributing, make a PR to add it to nixpkgs
<tomberek> clever: Thanks! wrapProgram worked perfectly.
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<tomberek> I am using declarative jobsets for Hydra. I can't find any documentation describing if releases can be declarative as well.
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<yorick> ryantm: libinput-gestures should depend on python3
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<nix-noob> Yaniel: I see, thank you. I will try to build the package, myself.
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<blankhart> what am i doing wrong here in the nix-repl - i want to create a list of ints from 1 to 10
<blankhart> with (import <nixpkgs>); lib.lists.range 1 10
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<blankhart> oh
<blankhart> missing argument {}
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<infinisil_> Whew, I finally solved an ipv6 problem I've had with digitaloceans droplet and nixos
<nix-noob> Yaniel: Apologies if you're not the right person to direct this to, but I was looking at the `sha256` hash of `args`, which you directed me to, and it does not match the `sha256sum` of the `tar.gz` or the `.zip` file I downloaded of the v0.1.0 version release. Should I be running `sha256sum` against something else in order to verify the package hash?
<infinisil_> The problem was me not completely understanding networks and them not specifying a mask for ipv6
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<boomshroom> Good morning.
<Laboon3k> I will reinstall everything another day, anyway.
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<Yaniel> nix-noob: just put any valid hash and then copy the right one from the nix error message
<Yaniel> or you can try to figure out nix-prefetch
<infinisil_> nix-prefetch-nix --unpack github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz
<infinisil_> nix-prefetch-url* i mean
<boomshroom> What kinds of alternate front ends for nix have been worked on? I know about nox, but are there any others?
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<Ralith> I'm trying to provide cmake as a build input to a python package without it clobbering the python build phases. Right now it runs make even though I disabled the cmake configure phase. How do I fix this?
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<nix-noob> infinisil_: Thanks very much! The hashes output from that still doesn't match the one in the nix file for `/args`, but that is still very helpful!
<infinisil_> Ralith: make is the default build phase, cmake doesn't change that afaik
<Ralith> infinisil_: well, most python packages don't use make, so in the absence of cmake *something* is doing things differently
<blankhart> i posted a Nix solution to the first Project Euler problem in the forums. no one else seems to be using Nix to do them for some reason, but maybe this will start a trend.
<nix-noob> Yaniel: thank for your help. Still trying to figure out what I am doing wrong that is causing me not to be able to find the hash in `args`'s nix file using `nix-prefetch-git`, but I appreciate it
<infinisil_> Ralith: You can see what cmake does here: nixpkgs/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/cmake/setup-hook.sh
<infinisil_> blankhart: Um, good luck... Nix isn't a general purpose language
<Ralith> infinisil_: hm, you're right, it's not cmake's fault
<Ralith> why is buildPythonPackage trying to use make? :|
<Lisanna> what's the nix build equivalent of "nix-build \<my-channel\> -A some.path.in.channel"?
<Ralith> do I really need to invoke setup.py by hand? other python packages don't do that...
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil: well, there is an effort to convince people it is not a general-purpose language, doesn't always work well, though
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ae0b65aacc6 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
<infinisil_> MichaelRaskin: I'm interested in how far blankhart gets with nix with project euler..
<boomshroom> I did attempt to write a BF interpreter in Nix at one point. It stack overflowed.
<boomshroom> Has there been any attempt at a graphical frontend for Nix?
<infinisil_> Ralith: I think buildPythonPackage does that by default
<infinisil_> boomshroom: What?
<Ralith> infinisil_: well, it's not doing it...
<infinisil_> boomshroom: you mean a text editor?
<infinisil_> boomshroom: a graphics library for nix would be insanity so you can't possibly mean that
<MichaelRaskin> I think there was something in XUL
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil: no, a GUI for calling Nix
<MichaelRaskin> Although a library that nix-build's a reply to every X11 message sounds an interesting idea…
<blankhart> i bet you could get pretty far, since nix understands integers and that's all that's required for most of the problems
<infinisil_> MichaelRaskin: How would a GUI for calling nix look like?
<infinisil_> An AST editor?
<MichaelRaskin> A browser for the Nixpkgs package tree
<infinisil_> blankhart: Why though? Nix is not a general purpose lanaguage, it's not made for this
<boomshroom> MichaelRaskin infinisil: Michael is right. I mean something like the Ubuntu software center. A searchable list of packages where you can click on them to install and uninstall.
<infinisil_> MichaelRaskin: So something like an ast viewer
<boomshroom> Really, it would be a frontend for nix-env more than nix as a whole.
<infinisil_> Yeah
<MichaelRaskin> No, you don't go into the package expressions
<MichaelRaskin> Well, nix-build or nix-shell could also be covered…
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<blankhart> i was joking. i just did it as a way of learning nix syntax and basic library functions. i'd welcome any comments; here is the solution: http://lpaste.net/363392
<blankhart> when people start showing up here with project euler questions though, you will know where it all began.
<Lisanna> Ugh... am I really stupid or something? I can't get a basic "nix build nixpkgs.hello" command to work ):
<tilpner> boomshroom - nixui
<Lisanna> it says it can't find nixpkgs in the selection path
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, in New York.
<tomberek> I am using declarative jobsets for Hydra. I can't find any documentation describing if releases can be declarative as well. It also seems as if "One-click" install buttons are no longer present, or is here a settings that tells Hydra to make those buttons?
<Unode> hi all, I'm trying to use xdg utils (xdg-mime) to try to figure out what application is going to be used for opening a given file. I have a script (www-browser) that calls xdg-open and sometimes this causes a circular dependency leading to exhausting the number of processes in the system (or other resources).
<boomshroom> tilpner: I'm not a fan of running a second web browser, but I'll check it out.
<tilpner> boomshroom - I'm not either, and nixui never worked for me. But you were asking for an attempt, not a good solution :)
<Lisanna> nvm... they work on linux, must be something screwy with my darwin config
<Unode> when I use xdg-mime however, I get no answer. e.g. xdg-mime query default /tmp/file.pdf
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<Unode> what I'm after is a way to know (without actually doing the action) what will xdg-open do. I searched for a dry-run mode but there's nothing of the sort.
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<gchristensen> does this message confuse anyone? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36726#issuecomment-372053569
<joepie91> Unode: one moment
<Lisanna> gchristensen slightly. is "yarp" the system that it doesn't instantiate on?
* gchristensen is leaving to eat, please let me know your tthoughts
<gchristensen> Lisanna: look in the context of the command issued: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36726#issuecomment-372052048
<Lisanna> oh, no, it's the package
<Lisanna> the grammar is a little weird
<joepie91> Unode: so, part of the problem is that xdg-open is actually a wrapper script; it doesn't necessarily directly decide what to execute, but rather passes off the path to a desktop-environment-specific 'runner'
<boomshroom> I think I broke nixui by clicking the Planet option.
<infinisil_> gchristensen: Not sure what the `: yarp` is supposed to mean
<joepie91> Unode: (it contains functions for each desktop environment, some of which call DE-specific tools iirc)
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil_: there might be multiple skipped packages, even when some packages are built
<joepie91> Unode: I'm seeing `gio open`, `gvfs-open`, `gnome-open`, `exo-open`, etc. here for example
<Lisanna> maybe reword to something like: "x86_64-darwin skipped because 'yarp' does not instantiate on this system"
<infinisil_> Ohhh I see, I thought the yarp was slang for "yes"
<gchristensen> maybe it should say "the following packages:"
<boomshroom> nixui keeps giving me "Uncaught error: don't know how to open Nix store 'undefined'"
<Unode> joepie91: hum... I'm using 'awesomewm' so, not a mainstream desktop environment.
<infinisil_> nixui looks interesting..
<infinisil_> But of course it doesn't work unless you have a very simple configuration
<infinisil_> but the package browsing is nice
<Unode> joepie91: In the past I've had similar issues and managed to find some command that would tell me the name of the target. I though it was xdg-mime query but it doesn't seem to produce any output which is puzzling.
<joepie91> Unode: whatever xdg-mime says, if anything, is not likely to perfectly match what xdg-open does, due to how xdg-open works :(
<Unode> joepie91: mimeopen isn't installed, I see xdg-mime query there.
<joepie91> it will probably match in most cases though
<joepie91> Unode: also, keep in mind that xdg-open implementations vary between distros, probably the same for xdg-mime
<Unode> joepie91: this xdg-open magic is a little too unpredictable :/
<joepie91> yep, it's an unfortunately fragile attempt at papering over DE differences
<joepie91> it's better than not having xdg-open at all, but... yeah :P
<jadsh> Hey guys, how do you get a uniform look between GTK and Qt applications using the current GTK theme? https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#idm140737316495440 says to install qt5.qtbase.gtk, but that package doesn't seem to exist...
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<Unode> joepie91: well at this point I just want to finish the "if xdg-open launches this script, abort and break the loop" statement on my script but I'm missing the boolean at the beginning :)
<joepie91> Unode: fwiw, `xdg-mime query default application/pdf` gets me `evince.desktop` so it does seem to work
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<Unode> oh
<joepie91> for some value of 'work'
<joepie91> hmm
<joepie91> can't you just use the exit code for that?
<joepie91> not sure how that works
<Unode> joepie91: no because xdg-open uses a "best effort" strategy, which means that if it doesn't find anything it launches some default app. Here it seems to be the browser.
<joepie91> ah, right.
<joepie91> here it seems to be sqlite browser for some reason
<joepie91> <.<
<boomshroom> Are there any plans to potentially add a logo field to the meta attributes that could be displayed in GUI frontends like the website or nixui?
<Unode> The whole problem started with clicking (in chromium) on a xls file downloaded with chromium which triggered opening the file in the browser, hence starting the loop.
<Unode> joepie91: totally predictable
<Unode> and sqlite browser makes sense...
<tomberek> to answer my own question. nix-install-package is no longer a thing: https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/commit/fd463ff403f039a518d84cb1f2e97bdf10526500
<Unode> joepie91: xdg-mime query filetype /tmp/download.xlsx -> application/zip
<Unode> joepie91: xdg-mime query default application/zip -> nothing and exit code 0
<infinisil_> tomberek: Yeah, I think i tried it out recently and it didn't work anyways
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<joepie91> Unode: er, it probably should not identify that as application/zip... :/
<Unode> joepie91: I was thinking the same
<tomberek> I thought I was doing something wrong with Hydra...... So the last thing I'm trying to do is establish declarative releases. Anyone have Hydra experience?
<joepie91> Unode: I mean, it's technically not /wrong/ (Office XML files *are* ZIPs), but it's not really accurate either
<joepie91> Unode: just like .cbz files are technically ZIPs but their real meaning is "comic book pages in a ZIP"
<tomberek> infinisil_: thx, i thought i was doing something wrong
<Unode> I guess mime magic fizzles at times.
<joepie91> Unode: and just like epubs are also ZIPs...
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<joepie91> :|
<infinisil_> tomberek: I thought it was a neat idea..
<Unode> joepie91: too many things are zips
<joepie91> heh
<infinisil_> clicking a link online to install a package
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<Unode> joepie91: the file was downloaded from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1clrE4WFT7A5NS5AJUdU-mbDZ9rS9fzl6QEbUFJezo7U/edit#gid=0 by clicking "File > Download as > xlsx"
<joepie91> Unode: yeah, it probably *is* a real xlsx
<joepie91> it's just misidentified as a generic ZIP for some reason
<Unode> doing 'file download.xlsx" also gives me a zip
<boomshroom> Does nix-env -qa use the same cache as nix search in 2.0?
<Unode> I guess it's missing some magic bytes...
<MichaelRaskin> xlsx _is_ a zip
<infinisil_> boomshroom: nix-env -qa doesn't cache I'm pretty sure
<Unode> but anyway... back to the initial problem. Is there any reliable way to know what xdg-open will launch?
<infinisil_> And by pretty sure i mean 100% sure
<tomberek> infinisil_: is there even a point of "releases" anymore?
<infinisil_> tomberek: why would there not be?
<boomshroom> infinisil_: I'just have it try nix search if it exists and fall back to nix-env -qa. The cache provides major speedups.
<tomberek> ah, i guess to tag specific revisions.... perhaps better put like this: there is no reason to have declarative revisions
<infinisil_> boomshroom: how about doing nix search and fallback to doing a cache refresh and nix search again?
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<infinisil_> tomberek: not sure what you're going at
<boomshroom> infinisil_: because I don't want to assume the user has Nix 2.0. I'm working on my own gui frontend that, at least initially, only interacts through nix-env.
<infinisil_> Oh i see
<tomberek> infinisil_: Here's the best doc i found so far: https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/commit/4392d3e21db42f02a70c56db9a227e6a56c9e1df I was wondering if I can make the releases declarative
<MichaelRaskin> By the time you want to distribute it, we will have pushed Nix 2.0 on everyone.
<Lisanna> nix 2.0 doesn't seem to be picking up my extra channels from my NIX_PATH at all... I have /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels in my NIX_PATH, which contains all of my channels, but unless something is added with "channelname=/path/to/channel" in the NIX_PATH, nix build won't find it. Is this expected? Why isn't nix-channel adding them to my NIX_PATH if so?
<boomshroom> Also, it apears as though nix search and nix-env -qa don't output the same format.
<Lisanna> oh, I see, this is expected behavior...
<Unode> joepie91: just checked the xdg-utils bugtracker. It's a sad thing to behold...
<infinisil_> MichaelRaskin: so you're saying he's gonna distribute it only in like 2 years?
<Unode> bugs as old as 2011 with no action whatsoever.
<boomshroom> For one thing, all the keys in nix-env -qa --json are prefixed with "nixos." and nix search --json prefixes them with "nixpkgs."
<infinisil_> Hold on why do I have an underscore after my nick -.-
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<joepie91> Unode: oh man, wait until you find out about the rest of freedesktop :)
<joepie91> Unode: are you familiar with DBus?
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<boomshroom> Also it looks like nix-env -qa ommitted to version attribute.
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<MichaelRaskin> infinisil_: in a month everyone who is ready to install a strange new UI will have Nix from some not-EOL branch (which means Nix 2.0).
<Unode> joepie91: dbus is that thing that kills X if it dies right?
<Unode> joepie91: :)
<Unode> I used some of it's incantations a few times to get things like desktop notifications and such.
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<joepie91> heh
<MichaelRaskin> DBus is that thing without which LibreOffice starts but fails to draw its menus
<infinisil> infinisil: Oh right
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: ^^
<joepie91> Unode: well, you're at least familiar with its widespread use from the sound of it, and the fact that every distro relies on it...
<joepie91> Unode: so let me link you something 'funny'
<joepie91> this is pretty much the official 'getting started' tutorial for DBus
<joepie91> and I quote
<joepie91> "This document is still far from complete. Some subjects still need to be covered:"
<joepie91> "TODO: Threading"
<infinisil> Hah
<joepie91> that's the state of the official documentation of one of the core parts of nearly every Linux system
<joepie91> but it gets better!
<joepie91> you mentioned notifications, right?
<Unode> joepie91: well.. I guess, it's surprising that it runs.
<joepie91> well, this is a separate spec - freedesktop dbus notifications
<joepie91> guess where that spec lives?
<Unode> no clue
<infinisil> the internet!
<joepie91> not on the freedesktop site, oh no
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<joepie91> until recently it lived on a random gnome dev's user space
<joepie91> it has now graduated to developer.gnome.org
<joepie91> because nothing says 'cross-desktop spec' like being hosted on gnome and being totally absent from the site whose namespace it claims to live in!
<Unode> so basically the gnome people are picking up the breadcrumbs?
<joepie91> yep
<joepie91> nearly all freedesktop stuff is like this
<MichaelRaskin> I raise you: «Commiting to a stable API for that given that there are very few other projects who could ever make use of this sounds dangerous at best.»
<nix-noob> Hi again. I have added a nix package file based on the directions here: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-quick-start. I have gotten to step 5: `nix-build -A python-bitcoinrpc` and get an error of the form: `anonymous function called without required argument ‘buildPythonPackage’
<joepie91> well-intentioned effort, poorly documented, half functional, bugs going unfixed for half a decade
<infinisil> GitHub has made stuff so much better, it's always nice to find a project on GitHub
<MichaelRaskin> Guess the author.
<joepie91> it's... horrible
<Unode> is there anyone behind freedesktop? I'm even surprised that we are still using tools from it...
<nix-noob> I simply copied Kenneth Reitz `args` `default.nix` file and replaced the relevant fields to create the package. Can anyone advise on how to debug this error?
<Unode> I mean, I know there are other efforts, but for instance XDG was pushed quite hard a few years ago, it's now everywhere as an almost de-facto standard, but the tools around it are still super messy due to bad specs.
<infinisil> nix-noob: can you show your nix file?
<nix-noob> Sure. Should I DM you or just spam here?
<MichaelRaskin> You should paste it
<MichaelRaskin> We have wgetpaste and gist in Nixpkgs
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<joepie91> Unode: I have no idea but there's not really any alternatives I think
<Unode> anyway... ranting here. Sorry about that. I guess this will have to go under 'wontfix'.
<joepie91> but every time I have to deal with freedesktop stuff I get sad :(
<joepie91> I mean, it's better than _no_ spec in some ways
<joepie91> but.. ,yeah
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<Unode> joepie91: to be honest I don't know exactly what freedesktop provides. By alternatives I was referring to wayland but I now realize it's also under freedesktop.
<Unode> I thought xorg was also freedesktop. Seems like not.
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<boomshroom> I want to use the nix tool, but there's tasks where it just seems like I'm forced to use old tools which don't have the friendly ui.
<joepie91> Unode: the idea behind freedesktop is basically 'universal interop between technologies for desktop systems'
<joepie91> (on Linux)
<joepie91> to reduce the impact of the jungle of different desktop environments
<infinisil> nix-noob: Just spam here, but don't paste it directly, use http://lpaste.net/ or something
<joepie91> stuff like .desktop files also comes out of freedesktop I believe, and that's what virtually every desktop environment uses for application representation, shortcuts, etc.
<Unode> so they set some standards which clearly need extra work
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<infinisil> nix-noob: there's lots of people who can help with basic issues
<joepie91> Unode: so freedesktop stuff is incredibly widespread and has solved some serious interoperability issues between DEs... but it's documented and maintained so poorly that working with it is a nightmare if you're not already intimately familiar with the specs/tools
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<joepie91> which is why it's better than nothing
<joepie91> :p
<nix-noob> infinisil: great thanks. Here's the nix file: http://lpaste.net/4246648561732681728
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<nix-noob> ignore the typo in the `homepage` field...
<Unode> joepie91: a bit surprising for such a central project. I guess it's also an uncomfortable place to be.
<joepie91> Unode: mmyeah, my experience with Linux userland dev has generally been very poor, to be completely honest
<joepie91> Unode: these issues are not limited to freedesktop, it's just a place where they're really obvious because their stuff is so widespread... but it's representative of a broader attitude in Linux-dev-land
<joepie91> including things like "if you don't read the code then you don't deserve to work with it" etc.
<infinisil> nix-noob: how is python-bitcoinrc defined?
<joepie91> Unode: there's just not enough focus in Linux-land on accessibility, usability, documentation, and standardization... all the fuzzy non-technical factors basically :)
<joepie91> consequently standard Linux is frankly pretty crap
<joepie91> not that alternatives are necessarily much better, but we could all be doing *so much better*...
<nix-noob> infinisil: sorry I do not think I understand the question (I am new to NixOS). `python-bitcoinrpc` is a popular Python Bitcoin package, located here: github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc
<joepie91> anyway, </rant>
<nix-noob> Apologies if that doesn't answer your question.
<joepie91> I've been diving into Linux internals too much lately :p
<infinisil> nix-noob: You must've defined the python-bitcoinrpc attribute somewhere for you to be able to call nix-build -A python-bitcoinrpc
<joepie91> Unode: (there are a few people working on stuff like accessibility and usability btw, but they're generally working within projects like KDE, and it's a small handful of people with a very low bus factor)
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<nix-noob> infinisil: Ah sorry. Yes, you mean in `top-level/all-packages.nix`. The definition looks like this: `python-bitcoinrpc = callPackage ../development/python-modules/python-bitcoinrpc { };`
<infinisil> nix-noob: How it should be defined (and you won't get an error like this) is by adding `bitcointrpc = callPackage ../path/to/your/default.nix { };` in nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
<infinisil> nix-noob: Then use `nix-build -A pythonPackages.bitcoinrpc`
<pmeunier> Hi! I'm trying to compile (and package for Nix) a C++ package, and I get an error related to __dso_handle not found (at link time). Any idea?
<infinisil> nix-noob: You could make it work in allPackages by using `pythonPackages.callPackage` instead of `callPackage` directly, but that's not recommended
<nix-noob> infinisil: Ah OK, great! Let me give that a try. Really appreciate the help, thank you!
<boomshroom> How would I grab a font path from nix at compile time and bake the path into the binary? Rust has a macro for getting environment variables at compile time, now I just need to get a font path in that environment variable.
<infinisil> boomshroom: just set in in mkDerivation as an attribute, they get relayed as environment variables
<infinisil> And a font path is just "${pkgs.font-foo}/share/something/something.ttf"
<boomshroom> infinisil: Thank you.
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<nix-noob> infinisil: Thank you very much! That error was bypassed. It looks like it is trying to build the package as a Python2.7 package. Is there a way to specify it's a Python3 package?
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<infinisil> nix-noob: Generally it would be best to have both python2 and python3 compatible packages
<infinisil> nix-noob: but if that's not possible there seem to be 2 ways to do it
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<nix-noob> infinisil: never mind, I figured that out but the command `nix-build` is now failing because the expected hash doesn't match the actual ojne
<nix-noob> infinisil: I commented how I generated the hash in the nix file here: http://lpaste.net/4246648561732681728
<nix-noob> It seems pretty likely that that's wrong
<infinisil> nix-noob: Well you can build with python 3 by doing nix-build python3Packages.bitcoinrpc instead
<infinisil> nix-noob: the build should output the correct hash, read the error message
<infinisil> well if it's wrong it's going to output an error message with the right one
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<nix-noob> infinisil: right. I would like to know more generally how to correctly calculate the sha256 hash of packages so I don't have to bug nice people like you in the future lol
<nix-noob> I calculated the hash like this: `nix-prefetch-url https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc/releases/tag/v1.0`
<infinisil> nix-noob: well a lot of people just insert a fake hash, run the build once, then get the correct one from the error
<MichaelRaskin> !tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<infinisil> nix-noob: Most likely `nix-prefetch-url github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc/archive/v1.0.tar.gz` is going to work
<infinisil> Wait no
<infinisil> nix-noob: Add `--unpack` to that
<infinisil> I might have forgotten about that before
<nix-noob> infinisil: Nope, they still don't match
<boomshroom> I'm prtty sure DejaVuSana isn't a font.
<nix-noob> It's all good, I will follow {^_^}'s advice :-)
<nix-noob> Thanks very much for all of your help!
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<infinisil> Np :)
<infinisil> Never noticed this but i love how {^_^} says "probably-wrong" hash heh
<nix-noob> lol yeah that was my queue to not fight this battle right now and just do the easy thing here
<nix-noob> This is all enough of a rabbit-hole as it is!
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<boomshroom> How can I force nix to rebuild the shell environment even if the hash hasn't changed.
<infinisil> boomshroom: the shell environment?
<infinisil> boomshroom: well you can add --check to nix-build, but not sure what's the point of doing this
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<boomshroom> infinisil: The attribute that mapped to the font path was wrong, but updating it didn't change the hash so it won't rebuild.
<infinisil> boomshroom: the hash identifies the content, if it didn't change then the content didn't change and you won't get a different result
<boomshroom> Are the environment variables a part of the content?
<boomshroom> I'm trying to pass a path from nix into rust.
<infinisil> yeah, everything that might influence a nix build is part of the content that gets hashed
<boomshroom> In other news, cargo received an update allowing Cargo.lock to be packaged when uploaded to crates.io.
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<boomshroom> infinisil: This is actually the second time I've had this kind of problem. The first was fetching a repo from git and toggling recursive submodules didn't update the hash.
<infinisil> boomshroom: ah, well fixed-output derivations are a bit special in that if you specified the hash it can check that directly, and if that hash is in the store already then it won't even try to build it
<infinisil> boomshroom: you can change the hash a bit to force it
<infinisil> that's a problem you get with fetchurl/fetchgit/etc.
<infinisil> didn't think of that
<boomshroom> infinisil: buildRust Package has a cargoSha256. I tried changing that, but it just reused the old environment when switching back.
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<infinisil> boomshroom: why did you switch back?
<infinisil> when you changed the version of something, update the hash to force a build, then correct the hash when it outputs that the hash mismatched
<boomshroom> Because otherwise the dependencies wouldn't match the hash I gave it?
<infinisil> and if it reports the same hash as before then nothing changed
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<infinisil> Whoa there, 820 PR's..
<infinisil> I see ryantm is going for another update sprint
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<MichaelRaskin> I still support the idea of Cthulhu merge for most of the updates of this sprint.
<infinisil> Oh it's automated
<boomshroom> NVM, found the problem. It wasn't Nix at all. It was cargo not rebuilding because no rust code was changed.
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: You mean like a 100-way merge?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, to a branch to build on Hydra once.
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<infinisil> sounds reasonnable
<infinisil> Or just create a single PR for all these updates?
<infinisil> hmm, but a Cthulhu merge is probably better, and sounds infinitely better heh
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<gchristensen> I wonder what tooling will breeak
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, a manual start of Cthulhu merge and feeding it to Hydra isn't that much worse than staging.
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<MichaelRaskin> Has anyone used fMBT?
<joepie91> cthulhu, hydra, heh
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<boomshroom> Heil Hydra!
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<MichaelRaskin> We also have slow encroaching on the Hydra's heartland by Borg.
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<Unode> is it possible to use nix-shell with store paths?
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<Unode> nevermind
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-17.09-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ae0b65aacc6 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-17.09-darwin)
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<Unode> is it possible to customize which applications are available in the environment created by steam-run ?
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<Unode> I'm trying to run a binary that needs 'flock' which is part of 'util-linux' but is not available inside 'steam-run'.
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<ottidmes> To verify a problem I am having does not lie with the from source build I am doing in NixOS I want to edit a prebuilt binary. The binary embeds a config file that I need to modify. When I tried to modify it with Sublime Text, the binary was reported to be invalid, so I think it changes more than just my changes. Does anybody have experience with this, if so, any suggestions for an editor?
<ottidmes> I tried 2 hex editors already, but they only seem to allow changing bytes, not the removal and addition of bytes
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<symphorien> ottidmes: you can't delete bytes off a binary
<ottidmes> symphorien: Ah, well that explains why they do not allow it :P
<symphorien> It contains absolute offsets to itself all over the place
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<symphorien> but if the file is a proper C-like null terminated string, you can shrink it
<Unode> symphorien: so it's possible but hard to achieve? Doesn't patchElf does this to some degree?
<symphorien> by adding a \0 somewhere an leaving the other bytes after
<symphorien> they will be ignored
<ottidmes> symphorien: In this case it is a valid binary, with a text file appended and with some null padding, so it should be editable, the text file part at least
<symphorien> Unode: that is different, it only touches the ELF headers
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<ottidmes> Maybe I should use one of those editors I have installed to determine the offset and then just something like dd to append my modified config file with null padding
<symphorien> well if the binary reopens itself and reads the file this way, it will depend of how it parses itself...
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<symphorien> but if you can do it by replacing n bytes by n bytes it should be somewhat sefe
<symphorien> *safe
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<ottidmes> symphorien: It was suggested by one very active member on a forum about the binary I am editing, so I assume (s)he has used this approach before
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<ottidmes> I guess I will first try my other plan, trying out newer and older versions of the program to see if they do not have the problems I am facing, because editing a binary with dd, does not sound like fun to me
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<joepie91> wrote a little ranty thread about programming education in schools: https://twitter.com/joepie91/status/972570980152434689
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<ottidmes> joepie91: And professors are often also very time contrained such that they only have time for a quick scan of the code and they grade you more on the documentation and graphics than the actual code base
<Unode> is there any quick way to patchElf a binary that has a bunch of not-found dependencies?
<Unode> using paths from the current store
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<ottidmes> Unode: You are talking about patchelf in the context of rpath? If so, I guess you could use ldd and something like nix-locate/nix-index to automatically find the libs if they are already installed somewhere in your nix store
<Unode> ottidmes: yes, rpath. That's what I had in mind but wondered if such tool existed already.
<ottidmes> Unode: If it does not exists, someone should definitely make it :P But I am not aware of such a tool
<joepie91> ottidmes: yeah, I'm explicitly not calling out teachers here
<joepie91> ottidmes: but rather the institutions as a whole
<joepie91> there are some incompetent teachers for sure, but I'm sure there's also a lot of cases where the teachers just have no choice but to do it a certain way
<joepie91> for budgetary or whatever reasons
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<joepie91> like, the actual reasons are going to vary, but the outcome is universally awful :)
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<cmollekopf> Hi. I'm trying to get debug symbols to work for a package from an overlay. I've sucessfully enabled debug symbols, but I can't get the debug symbols to appear in ~/.nix-profile/lib/debug. Has anyone any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
<cmollekopf> The ~/.nix-profile/lib/debug directory is not even existing on my system.
<pbogdan> Unode: re: steam-run try nix-shell -p "(steam.override { extraPkgs = p: with p; [ utillinux ];}).run"
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<Unode> pbogdan: thanks, this does it but the software still isn't happy. Must be doing some silly thing to not find 'flock'
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<Lisanna> Hmm, nix-channel from nix 2.0 isn't working for me... I have an HTTP auth channel with a direct URL to a nixexprs.tar.xz, but nix-channel is not updating it. It just says "unpacking channels..." and exits with 0, but it doesn't update the channel at all.
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<jadsh> I can't get qt5.qtbase.gtk to install (per https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#idm140737316495440) to make qt5 applications use my gtk theme, I get an error saying "attribute 'gtk' missing". How do I fix this?
<paraseba> how can I compute the sha256 I should use in an invocation of dockerTools.pullImage ?
<Lisanna> paraseba put a wrong sha256 in there, and nix will complain and tell you the right one :)
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<gchristensen> !tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
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<nix-noob> Hi again, still a new user... am probably making a stupid mistake but I was wondering whether someone could help?
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<symphorien> go ahead
<Unode> does any of you happen to have teamviewer_12.0.85001_i386.deb 01vzky22gisjxa4ihaygkb7jwhl4z9ldd9lli8fc863nxxbrawks in your local stores and would be so kind to make it available somewhere?
<paraseba> oh, thanks Lisanna and gchristensen
<Lisanna> jadsh looks like gtk isn't an attribute anymore, documentation is out of date
<Unode> it's no longer on the repositories and the updating merge request doesn't start on my system
<Rusty1> Unode: samueldr mentioned tv the other day
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<samueldr> uuh, I did?
<boomshroom> I managed to make a scrollable list of Nix packages! :D
<samueldr> but yeah, Unode, teamviewer *has* that known issue of taking down the versioned .deb after a while
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<Unode> samueldr: do you have it running at the moment?
<samueldr> no, and I'm not sure I mentioned it the other day either :)
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<nix-noob> symphorien: Great, thanks. I wrote a nix file for a package, and I successfully built it, but I am having trouble importing it. Here's what happens: http://lpaste.net/363397
<Lisanna> jadsh could you file a bug against nixpkgs about this? someone will need to do a documentation update
<samueldr> Rusty1 must have been thinking about someone else
<Unode> samueldr: ok, thanks
<Rusty1> i'm not logging the channel here, soz if mistaken
<Unode> yeah, I tried https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36673 which solves the .deb issue, but then it doesn't seem to be able to reach the daemon
<symphorien> nix-noob: in nix installing a library/python package does not make sense
<symphorien> !libraries
<symphorien> !library
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<samueldr> someone the other day mentioned it https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2018-03-06#1520340010-1520340272;
<symphorien> for your use case, install "python3.withPackage(ps: [youpackagehere])"
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<symphorien> or use it in a nix-shell: "nix-shell -p mypythonpackage"
<symphorien> at your option
<nix-noob> symphorien: whoa, thanks! I wasn't even close to getting that right :-D
<jadsh> Lisanna: I'll file a bug about it, thanks!
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<nix-noob> symphorien: So can I write a package that depends on a library and run it outside of a `nix-shell`?
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<symphorien> if it is a python program, there is a shell function called wrapPythonProgram which ensures that when you call `yourpgrog` the PYTHONPATH is set up correctly
<nix-noob> Huh, OK
<nix-noob> Thank you very much for your help (and patience). I am sure this won't be the last time I depend on this community's good will...
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<symphorien> nix-noob: another possibility, is to put `python.withPackages(...)` instead of python in your build inputs
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<nix-noob> symphorien: you mean instead of specifying the Python version?
<symphorien> then when the shebang of your program is patched, it will get the path of python wrapped with this module
<nix-noob> Ah got it.
<nix-noob> So basically this is like using a standard Python virtual environment, more-or-less..
<symphorien> yes
<symphorien> to some extent nix-shell is a virtualenv generalized to everything
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<nix-noob> symphorien: Yes, that is very powerful. I should stop installing Python packages globally, probably :S
<symphorien> having a shell.nix in the root of every project to specify dependencies is really nice, instead
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<nix-noob> Yeah, I think I am finally beginning to get it. I am sure I am just missing it in the manual, but how do I have `nix-shell` create an env with `.nix` file? is it just `nix-shell -p build.nix`?
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<symphorien> nix-shell file.nix
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<symphorien> the -p switch means "don"t read a file, instead use these packages"
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<nix-noob> symphorien: Right. OK so I creating a venv with `nix-shell` but am still running into the problem where the library cannot be found. I am sure I am still doing something obviously wrong but don't see what. See here: http://lpaste.net/363400
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<symphorien> nix-noob: here is an example http://xelpaste.net/uYCD9D
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<nix-noob> symphorien: thanks. I got the following error: `error: undefined variable ‘mkShell`
<symphorien> hum
<symphorien> this may only be available on nixos-unstable
<symphorien> replace by mkDerivation and add a name="foo"; attribute
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<nix-noob> Now getting `undefined variable ‘mkDerivation’`
<nix-noob> symphorien: here's the nix file: http://lpaste.net/363402
<symphorien> stdenv.mkDerivation, sorry
<nix-noob> symphorien: success! now I'll see whether it works with my finnicky packages.
<nix-noob> symphorien: still getting the same error
<symphorien> which one ?
<nix-noob> `error: undefined variable ‘python-bitcoinrpc`
<nix-noob> This is the package for which I just wrote the nix file
<symphorien> where is it defined ?
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<nix-noob> symphorien: the `default.nix` file is in /development/python-modules/python-bitcoinrpc/` and it is called in `top-level/python-packages.nix`
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<symphorien> of your own nixpkgs checkout ?
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<nix-noob> symphorien: Yes.
<symphorien> then replace import <nixpkgs> by import /path/to/checkout
<Lisanna> wow... OpenSSH is NOT nix-sandbox friendly at all
<symphorien> in fact, <nixpkgs> is a short hand to the path to a nixpkgs checkout (your channel)
<gchristensen> not to pry, but it sounds like you're trying to defeat the sandbox
<Lisanna> gchristensen no, I'm just making a fetchScp
<gchristensen> ohh
<Lisanna> it has a sha256 and everything :)
<Lisanna> it's just that openSSH likes to stomp around all over the system, sticking its nose everywhere
<Lisanna> querying the user database and such
<Lisanna> ugh I hope I don't have to start intercepting its library calls...
<johnhamelink[m]> Hey folks! :) I'm on day 2 of using nixos so please be kind: I'm trying to install mopidy as a service on my computer (so that it can survive logouts!). I've found the nixos options for mopidy, but simply adding `services.mopdiy.enable = true;` to my configuration creates the following error: https://gist.github.com/johnhamelink/859100c7ca313737516b98a1f1c3d44d
<johnhamelink[m]> I'm not sure how to go about troubleshooting this?
<nix-noob> symphorien: ah of course!
<Lisanna> johnhamelink[m] this has come up before... I don't remember what the solution was though
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: there is GNU lsh
<nix-noob> symphorien: progress! Thank you so much. Next problem seems to be that packages which are included by default with Python are not being found.
<nix-noob> for example: `error: undefined variable ‘json’`
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin does it have an scp, or is everything different?
<johnhamelink[m]> Lisanna: that's reassuring that it's not a specific problem for my install I guess! Do you know what sort of things I should be doing to try to figure out what the issue is?
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<Lisanna> johnhamelink[m] probably filing a bug against the nixos module, since it's not just you :p
<symphorien> nix-noob: built-in modules need not be specified at the nix level
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<symphorien> what you have to specify is what you would have installed with pip
<nix-noob> symphorien: got it!
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: it has lcp. It _is_ an implementation of SSH2 protocol as considered for standartisation by IETF
<johnhamelink[m]> Lisanna: fair play! I'll do that now 😆
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<Lisanna> johnhamelink[m] the gist of the error is that somewhere in your nixos config two different versions of python are trying to be used at the same time, and they both have the same priority setting, so nix can't figure out how to build an environment with both of them
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin alright, I'll check it out :) hopefully it's not as annoying as OpenSSH
<johnhamelink[m]> Lisanna: I see!
<pbogdan> johnhamelink[m]: it looks like a fix has been backported (see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36205) so try updating your system
<nix-noob> symphorien: total success. I really appreciate all of your help and patience!
<symphorien> np
<johnhamelink[m]> pbogdan: aha! Thank you 😄 I'll figure out how I do that 😆
<pbogdan> (I'm assuming you are on 17.09)
<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, I think I was cross-compiling to a eBook or something, and setting up everything OpenSSH wanted was just too much of a pain, and lsh worked with a finite number of yes-I-am-sure switches
<johnhamelink[m]> pbogdan: yep I am on 17.09
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<MichaelRaskin> Frankly, would be nice to just have Nix sandbox allow passing arbitrary fake stuff. But, that would mean that sandbox has to be obligatory, which would make RedHat users complain
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin incidentally, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI5_jUgW8jU is NOT a useful video for learning about GNU LSH.
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<johnhamelink[m]> pbogdan: I think the upgrade should fix it - I see it fetching a new version of mopidy amongst other things. I've also turned automatic upgrades on now 😄 thanks!
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<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: are you sure there is no buffalo-like mascot involved?
<Lisanna> :)
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<\\\\\\\\\\\> SDDM and plasma5 are the only things needed to run KDE, right? I have a fresh install of 17.09, but SDDM hangs after login.
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<MichaelRaskin> On the other hand, «U is not a useful video to learn about GNU P» is usually true anyway, for whatever URL U and program P…
<orzo> I'm tempted to tryout nix using the unreleased 18.03 branch. I've never run nixos before, am I asking for a lot of pain? I'm a haskell coder who uses debian
<joepie91> \\\\\\\\\\\: try a different display manager (eg. lightdm?), as SDDM causes problems on some GPUs
<Smithx10> I followed the nixos zfs install instructions here https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS and after the initial reboot the machine just hangs at GRUB_
<Smithx10> Any ideas?
<symphorien> orzo: it should be safeish
<symphorien> anyway you can rollback
<symphorien> I am currently on nixos-unstable on my laptop and I never had to complain
<\\\\\\\\\\\> joepie91: but this is intel graphics....
<\\\\\\\\\\\> I'll give it a shot
<joepie91> hm, then it should work
<orzo> if i download nixos-graphical-18.03pre130932.cc4677c36ee-x86_64-linux.iso and install from it, i can rollback to stable?
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<symphorien> you can only roolback if you were on stable before
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<orzo> okay, well, i've never used nixos
<symphorien> I thought you meant "I use nix on stable on debian"
<orzo> nope
<symphorien> anyway if it is a fresh install, even less risks
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin can't really argue with that
<\\\\\\\\\\\> Hmm, I'm getting errors in the display-manager log: pam_kwallet5-kwalletd: Couldn't create or read the salt file
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin ahh... it looks like lsh might be a bit difficult to use for my purposes... I need key authentication, and the target server is not going to have lsh installed, nor a means of installing it easily
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, it is only slightly annoying
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<MichaelRaskin> But it is possible to convert the keys
<MichaelRaskin> lsh-export-key
<Lisanna> not sure how that would help... I need to be able to run lsh-authorize on the remote,
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<Lisanna> and I don't have control over what software is installed on the remote
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<MichaelRaskin> export-key exports the SSH-format key
<MichaelRaskin> OpenSSH-format
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<\\\\\\\\\\\> Meh, guess I'll try xfce. This worked flawlessly the last time I tried nixos though. :/
<MichaelRaskin> If you cannot Just Add One More Authorized Key, you do have a problem with using SSH with public-key authorisations
<Lisanna> I mean, I can control what SSH keys are in the remote user's authorized_keys file
<Lisanna> or whatever
<MichaelRaskin> lsh-export-key — unlike lsh-keygen per se — will give you the key that you can put there and pretend you have openssh as client
<Lisanna> Oh, I see
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<Lisanna> the remote server is actually some enterprise ~/.ssh2 server, so I'll likely get to do two conversions... fun
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<MichaelRaskin> I did admit the conversions will be annoying.
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<Guanin> srk, I'm trying right now to use composer2nix, but after generating the default.nix, nix-build fails with "error: invalid character ‘ ’ in name ‘composer-Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server’"
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<\\\\\\\\\\\> Lightdm is looking for /bin/rm for some reason? No graphical environments work.
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<dgonyeo> I'm trying to clear out old stuff in my /nix directory in nixos, `nix-collect-garbage -d` doesn't find anything additional but I still see a bunch of old firefox versions in /nix. Anyone know how to get those cleared out?
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin finally got the finite number of flags to pass to make lsh do what I want resolved :)
<nioncode> dgonyeo: run garbage collection as all users (also as root) to get rid of unreferenced outputs
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<manveru> Guanin: can you show us the default.nix?
<dgonyeo> nioncode: that worked, thanks! didn't realize it would behave differently based on user, but that makes sense
<nioncode> dgonyeo: also, if you've used nix-build before, you also have to rm the `result` links that got generated
<dgonyeo> gotcha
<nioncode> dgonyeo: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Garbage_Collection for more. I just went through it a few minutes ago
<manveru> Guanin: change https://gist.github.com/Amarandus/346724359d4d8bc3face269cdc96df8e#file-php-packages-nix-L519 this line to something like `name = "calibre-server";`
<nioncode> I'm almost finished setting up my first nixos machine. however, I couldn't find a way to see my usb drives in a file manager. I tried a bunch of them (pcmanfm, thunar, nautilus, dolphin), but only dolphin shows the drives and has a broken ui. does anyone have automatic usb drive discovery working and can give me a few tips?
<pcarrier> is there a trick besides ldd to understand why ENOFILE happens on execat?
<pcarrier> execve sorry
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<manveru> nioncode: one of those maybe Calibre OPDS
<manveru> argh
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<manveru> is what i meant :)
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<symphorien> pcarrier: does the elf interpreter exist ?
<pcarrier> symphorien: I don't know how to check the "elf interpreter"
<symphorien> With patchelf or readelf
<symphorien> Patchelf is easier I think
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: congratulations
<MichaelRaskin> Will you publish fetchScp?
<Guanin> manveru, seems like nix-build now can not fetch some dependencies
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin fetchLsh now :) and if I can get approval
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<Lisanna> I've got a ton of stuff that I'm /dying/ to upstream to nixpkgs
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<Lisanna> but, all of it is potentially owned by my employer and/or the federal government... so gotta get that worked out ):
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<MichaelRaskin> Federal government (apparently the USA one) would be a better case, that doesn't seem worth classifying, and it cannot have a copyright claim.
<Lisanna> not so much copyright as intellectual property claim
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<Lisanna> I'm confident neither the government nor my employer is interested at all in my nix code, but there's a process I have to go through
<nioncode> manveru: thanks, that works almost perfectly. I only tried udisks2 before, not devmon, which works better
<MichaelRaskin> I guess it is more on the employer's side, actually. I would expect that Intel is interested that whatever Nix code you write at work, it keeps working, it is actually a reason to open it, though.
<Lisanna> sure
<MichaelRaskin> I am actually currently trying to package and understand an actual big thing that Intel opensourced…
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<nioncode> only remaining issue for now is, that my exfat drives can't be mounted by `mount -t exfat` because of 'unknown filesystem type exfat'. I have to use `mount.exfat`. is there some trick to make it work with the regular mount command?
<pcarrier> symphorien: thanks, solved
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin what's that?
<symphorien> :)
<tnks> does it make sense that "nix-build my.nix" fails, but "nix-build --keep-going my.nix" finishes with no errors?
<tnks> I feel I'm missing something basic.
<MichaelRaskin> fmbt
<MichaelRaskin> Free Model-Based Testing
<MichaelRaskin> And I care nothing about all the model, it just seems to be the best GUI automation framework available.
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<MichaelRaskin> Or maybe it is not, but I cannot know without trying
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin unfortunately the only way to transfer files with lsh seems to be to tar it on the remote and pipe the tar bytestream down into another tar locally... that's getting me about 100KBps, whereas OpenSSH scp is giving me ~7MBps
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<MichaelRaskin> Hm, did you try compressing with gzip?
<samueldr> Lisanna: I have no experience with it, but looks like dropbear has an scp implementation too
<MichaelRaskin> scp should default to compression of the stream
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<Lisanna> samueldr yeah I might try that too... or I might end up screwing around with scp to try to box it in better
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: maybe cpio could be better
<Lisanna> tar itself is not the bottleneck... tar by itself runs really fast
<MichaelRaskin> or lsftp
<MichaelRaskin> If transmission is hte bottleneck, compression sounds like a plan.
<MichaelRaskin> Although 70x difference is probably not just because of compression
<Lisanna> the transfer speed is a measure of the raw bytes on the wire, not the progress of the original datafile
<Lisanna> turning on compression could only slow it down more
<MichaelRaskin> Oh
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<Lisanna> meh... I'm just gonna strace scp and figure out what it's trying to do...
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you can create a second sandbox and feed it /etc/passwd that it will like.
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<joepie91> it's always nice how I can open almost literally *any* sample .nix file from hnix' repository in my editor... and have my syntax highlighting break
<joepie91> very robust syntax highlighter, that :P
<infinisil> Which one are you using joepie91?
<infinisil> I use LnL's vim-nix and it works really well
<joepie91> infinisil: whatever Atom has to offer
<infinisil> Only breaking on very fancy nix strings
<infinisil> Oh Atom
<Smithx10> Has anyone gotten nixos on zfs to boot? AFter following the guide, I'm stuck at GRUB with no options
<infinisil> Smithx10: You mean just / on zfs right?
<Lisanna> looks like it's querying nscd
<Smithx10> infinisil: I followed this https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS
<MichaelRaskin> Everyone queries nscd
<MichaelRaskin> And usually failure is OK
<MichaelRaskin> it is glibc behaviour
<Smithx10> I'm using vmware workstation, I believe it booted via bios
<infinisil> Smithx10: I have 3 machines with nixos + zfs
<elvishjerricco> shlevy: What happens if Hail gets killed while running the `activate` script? I was thinking about that idea of having Hail activate a system config when I realized that could often result in the Hail service getting restarted.
<Smithx10> are you EFI or Bios?
<infinisil> EFI
<Smithx10> Errr, im bios.... so it should be easier
<Smithx10> do you have your configuration.nix anywhere?
<Smithx10> and hardware-configuration.nix?
<infinisil> I do, but it's all over the place
<Smithx10> i created 1 512MB boot partition, mkfs.ext4 it.
<Smithx10> and mounted it legacy onto /mnt/boot
<Smithx10> you used vfat
<Smithx10> let me give that a go
<Smithx10> i was using ext4 cause i saw in someone elses config, last time idid this with Arch i think i needed fat
<infinisil> Smithx10: you used vfat? How so?
<infinisil> vfat is needed for UEFI
<infinisil> Ah right, i misread it as you're using vfat
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<infinisil> Smithx10: So you're problem is what exactly?
<infinisil> your*
<Smithx10> after installing successfully following that guide
<Smithx10> I bounce, and on first boot it just hangs at GRUB_
<infinisil> Well this section here is just overly dramatic: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS#How_to_install_NixOS_on_a_ZFS_root_filesystem
<infinisil> You don't need all of that shit
<Smithx10> yeas, i didnt raid the bios boot partition
<infinisil> Smithx10: Can you share your configs?
<Smithx10> its teh defaults with just what is mentioned from that article
<Smithx10> Its my first time bootstrapping nixos
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<infinisil> Did you mount the stuff manually then nixos-generate-config?
<coconnor> Are you able to interact with GRUB?
<Smithx10> im using a bios firmware
<Smithx10> coconnor: no, its just hanging
<coconnor> Or is it hanging when GRUB tries to boot?
<Smithx10> i thought it might have been from not gracefully exporting the pool
<Smithx10> i had that happen in arch
<Smithx10> but i'd get an error
<Smithx10> for a bios firmware what partitioning do i need
<infinisil> grub itself is on the boot partition, no zfs involved
<Smithx10> let me try with vfat
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<Smithx10> instead of ext4
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<coconnor> aye. If GRUB is hanging then no ZFS issue yet
<coconnor> (also have desktop nixos + zfs)
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<Smithx10> coconnor: EFI? or Bios?
<Smithx10> UEFI*
<coconnor> Smithx10: BIOS
<Smithx10> Can you send over your partitioning ?
<Lisanna> Is it possible to create custom / fake files in the nix build sandbox, like a /etc/passwd?
<Smithx10> unkown setting signed binary caches is in the lopg
<infinisil> Lisanna: patching is no possibility?
<Lisanna> infinisil ...trying to run ssh in a nix build, to make a fetchScp or something like that
<infinisil> *barf*
<Smithx10> coconnor: Could you send over your partitioning? (sorry for double send, forgot to mention your name)
<Lisanna> it's either that or I find an alternative to openssh that is performant
<clever> Lisanna: with this, the build can access the ssh agent
<infinisil> Lisanna: an alternative to openssh? Your goal is to transfer a file without anybody seeing it on the way?
<Lisanna> infinisil my goal is to transfer a file that is on a remote server that allows SSH access
<infinisil> Ah
<Lisanna> clever I've been avoiding things like that since that's not reproducible... in my case, the SSH key is not very secret