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<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: an extra `unshare -m -r` lets you create an environment during the build where you can bind-mount anything to anything
<infinisil> You do need to get your SSH key in the build somehow
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin what do you mean?
<infinisil> so either it's in /tmp or as a build input aka in the store
<infinisil> none of which is very secret
<Lisanna> infinisil yeah, in this case it's coming in through the store... like I said, not very secret, but that's intentional
<infinisil> Ohh I misread sorry
<Lisanna> I'm enforcing security at the access to the build servers and nix code level... e.g., the channel is behind HTTP authentication
<MichaelRaskin> unshare -m -r sh -c ' mount --bind /dev/null /etc/shadow ; wc /etc/shadow '
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin that goes in the derivation?
<infinisil> Lisanna: Is sshfs an option for you? You could just mount your machine via ssh, then refer to the paths with nix directly
<MichaelRaskin> That is a code sample to show how unshare works…
<MichaelRaskin> unshare -m -r sh -c ' mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /etc; touch /etc/test; mount --bind /dev/null /etc/test ; wc /etc/test '
<MichaelRaskin> Basically, inside unshare you will have a command that copies useful stuff from /etc, monuts tmpfs over /etc, creates whatever /etc/passwd you want, then runs scp
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin sorry, I meant, is unshare something I would run as part of the derivation's build?
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<Lisanna> oh, okay
<MichaelRaskin> And inside unshare will be the fetching
<Lisanna> Okay, I understand
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<Lisanna> so I could use unshare to create a fake /etc/passwd or whatever openssh is trying to get at
<MichaelRaskin> Yes
<alex_> hello, i want to use systemctl --user start resilio with services.resilio.enable but its dont work :(
<infinisil> Why do you need a fake /etc/passwd though?
<clever> Lisanna: if you lack root, you must create a user namespace at the same time as the mount namespace
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil: because OpenSSH
<clever> Lisanna: then the setuid binaries dont actually give you the uid your expecting
<infinisil> huh
<MichaelRaskin> clever: -m -r in my command takes care of it
<alex_> I wanted to know if anyone's ever tried it before?
<MichaelRaskin> clever: setuid stuff in build shouldn't work anyway
<Smithx10> I think IM confused about what I am supposed to do for a BIOS firmware, partition wise.
<infinisil> alex_: systemctl start resilio
<alex_> infinisil: Yeah, but I'd like to boot it from a standard user.The doc says it should work but when I look at the. nix I don't see anything that fits.
<alex_> s/boot/start/
<infinisil> Which docs?
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<infinisil> I don't see anything in nixos that would create a user service for resilio
<Lisanna> Okay, I noticed in the strace that scp was trying to query the passwd database through a nscd socket... is that going to be a complication?
<infinisil> alex_: Huh weird, that's not what the module does
<alex_> yes
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: let it fail
<MichaelRaskin> Just make sure there is home directory with proper .ssh access, and with proper known_hosts.
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin it doesn't seem to have any fallback after that though...
<Lisanna> it just prints a message and exits
<infinisil> alex_: Oh, it got removed by Mic92: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26303#issuecomment-305900094
<MichaelRaskin> What message, though?
<MichaelRaskin> Does ~ exist and contain .ssh?
<alex_> infinisil: thanks ! :)
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin it doesn't even check
<infinisil> alex_: Can you make an issue that this description should be updated?
<MichaelRaskin> I run ssh fine on a system that doesn't contain nscd sockets
<Lisanna> but, no, I haven't made any special modification to the sandbox FS yet
<MichaelRaskin> In strace it should look at /etc/passwd
<Lisanna> Oh, maybe because I'm passing /dev/null as the ssh_config
<Lisanna> ...not sure
<infinisil> alex_: Or a PR, or I could make a PR for it
<MichaelRaskin> Why do you even specify it?
<alex_> infinisil: you can
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin it was a workaround to prevent it from attempting to create ~/.ssh
<Lisanna> here's more of the strace: http://lpaste.net/9107024061455663104
<Lisanna> Here's the comment I made to myself: "SSH attempts to create '<home>/.ssh' if no config file is specified on the command-line. <home> is determined by querying the "pw_dir" attribute from the passwd database entry for the current user, which in the Nix sandbox resolves to "/" for some reason. Pass -F /dev/null to prevent this."
<MichaelRaskin> You actually want to create ~/.ssh in advance with known_hosts
<MichaelRaskin> You really don't want to play with interactive confirmations
<Lisanna> I also pass flags to turn off the strict host key checking
<Lisanna> to deal with that
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe it needs nsswitch.conf
<Smithx10> infinisil: and coconnor I got it to work
<Smithx10> I was an idiot and forgot grub semantics :)
<Smithx10> and bios boot partitions, read over the man pages again and was all g00d
<Smithx10> thanks for trying!@!!
<tilpner> ca8aa5dc877 (Use GCC 7 by default) broke fcgiwrap. gcc7 uses -Werror=implicit-fallthrough, which trips on a false-positive during error handling.
<tilpner> It builds again after NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-Werror=implicit-fallthrough=0";. Should I PR this, or is there a better fix for this?
<Rusty1_> +
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin is there an SSH option for configuring that?
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: create /etc/nsswitch.conf
<infinisil> The github bot didn't announce this PR, weird
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin I mean the strace doesn't show it trying to open that file
<MichaelRaskin> infinisil: ryantm keeps the bot banned
<infinisil> Haha
<gchristensen> DoS'd by ryantm
<infinisil> Damn
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<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: around line 350–400 of strace log there should be /etc/nsswitch.conf access
<infinisil> He should put some dampening in his automation
<infinisil> Adjust it to #nixos'/freenode's spam limit
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<MichaelRaskin> No, it is manual banning because… just…
<infinisil> oh
<infinisil> Right, because it pretty much is spam
<Guanin> I just tried using abcde to rip a CD, and it fails because the helper script "Can't locate MusicBrainz/DiscID.pm" (Running on 17.09)
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin strange... even with an scp run outside of the nix sandbox from my regular shell, I'm not seeing that ):
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<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: maybe you have some _really_ interesting environment variables
<Dezgeg> I suppose it first checks the nscd socket and only then nsswitch.conf ?
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<MichaelRaskin> That is probably true.
<Lisanna> Dezgeg but in the nix sandbox it didn't attempt to fallback to opening an nsswitch.conf after the nscd query failed
<MichaelRaskin> But inside the sandbox it must try to read nsswitch.conf
<Smithx10> lol, i celebrated too quickly
<MichaelRaskin> Does it check /etc existence?
<Dezgeg> isn't the nscd socket forwarded inside the sandbox?
<Smithx10> cannot import rpool, no such pool available
<Smithx10> so im in grub, but now can't import the pool
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin not that I can see
<clever> Smithx10: i try to avoid using /boot on zfs for that kind of reason, ext4 is what i typically, use, about 512mb
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<Smithx10> clever: I have ext4 as /boot now
<Lisanna> neither the sandbox one nor the regular shell one attempt to load anything in etc except for /etc/ld-nix.so.preload
<Smithx10> so grub is booting up, just rpool isn't importing
<clever> Smithx10: is the error in grub, or the initrd?
<Smithx10> i wonder what is missing
<MichaelRaskin> Do you have Nix sandbox on?
<Smithx10> its in nixos stage 1
<Lisanna> yes
<Smithx10> running udev
<clever> Smithx10: ah, then its not grub anymore
<clever> Smithx10: is this a VM?
<Smithx10> yes, i used /dev/sda1 for the bf00
<clever> Smithx10: try zpool import <name> -d /dev/
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<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: what is the first file it opens after loading the libraries? /dev/null? And afterwards?
<MichaelRaskin> For some reason it also opens its own /proc entry, though
<Smithx10> clever if I go into the iso
<Smithx10> errr, if i boot into the install media
<Smithx10> i can zpool import rpool no issue
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin /run/current-system/sw/lib/locale/locale-archive
<clever> Smithx10: i'm thinking you need to add `boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev";` to the configuration.nix and re-run nixos-install
<Dezgeg> does ssh really need to do a passwd lookup to work or is this a X-Y problem?
<Smithx10> ill give it a go
<clever> Smithx10: just mount all the datasets back to where they belong
<clever> and /boot
<Smithx10> k
<Lisanna> then it does getuid, then opens a connection to /var/run/nscd/socket
<clever> all under /mnt/
<Smithx10> I've battled this on arch linux
<clever> Smithx10: by default, nixos forces zfs to look for drives in a place like /dev/disk/by-id/
<Smithx10> I'm gonna be starting a new job
<infinisil> clever: Why would that be required though? The devNodes setting. I mean I use it on some of my machines too, but I don't understand why
<Smithx10> and want to use nix
<Lisanna> oh yeah, /dev/null is the first thing
<infinisil> Oh
<clever> Smithx10: but a VM lacks those symlinks, so it just fails to find any drive
<Smithx10> clever: understood
<Smithx10> thank you!
<clever> i think its a performance thing, to make it not check floppy drives
<MichaelRaskin> It mul does many getuid
<clever> or something like that
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<Smithx10> does nixos not come with the zfs module because of licensing?
<clever> Smithx10: yeah, it got removed from the default iso a year-ish ago
<clever> Smithx10: one simple solution i like, just run nixos-install against a usb stick, and use zfs there
<MichaelRaskin> I have LOCALE_ARCHIVE set, but it doesn't open it right after /dev/null, it opens it much much later
<clever> you now have a portable nixos you can just run anywhere, and it also has nixos-install on it
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin huh
<clever> and any changes you make will persist
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<MichaelRaskin> Maybe not much much
<MichaelRaskin> But significantly later
<Smithx10> clever: good idea
<MichaelRaskin> After nsswich.conf and passwd
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<Lisanna> something is really fishy here... I don't even see it loading an ssh config
<Dezgeg> probably it doesn't like the home directory it gets from passwd
<elvishjerricco> Can Hydra be told to put transitive build inputs in the cache? Seems to only copy closures in, which don't include build inputs like CMake.
<MichaelRaskin> In general, I cannot really see anything from strace snippets
<Lisanna> Dezgeg this is outside the sandbox
<Dezgeg> when running what?
<Lisanna> scp
<MichaelRaskin> (I usually set -s 999 then search)
<Dezgeg> you mean scp without any arguments?
<pjan> Anybody here who managed creating a "live NixOS usb" - I want to install NixOS on a USB stick I can boot my MBP into. But happy to hear if somebody was successful (and how they did it) before investing time
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<infinisil> primeos: that's pretty easy, just downnload the iso and dd that onto the usb
<Dezgeg> but I guess even then the problem is that scp forks an ssh process, so you need to strace with -f
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: ah wait your strace is useless
<Lisanna> Dezgeg no, a basic scp to send a file
<MichaelRaskin> You _have_ nscd
<infinisil> pjan: I meant you
<clever> Dezgeg: and then the logs get interleaved, i prefer `strace -ff -o logfiles -s 999` to solve that
<MichaelRaskin> Could you please post the _full_ strace from inside sandbox with -s 9999 and -f?
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<Dezgeg> yeah, usually it doesn't matter too much unless the debugging gets too intensive
<Lisanna> -f to strace?
<MichaelRaskin> follow forks
<Lisanna> Oh...
<Lisanna> ffs
<infinisil> pjan: Ask here if you have trouble with this
<clever> Lisanna: -ff makes it append the pid to the output filenames
<MichaelRaskin> clever: interleaving is a feature!
<clever> which makes it a lot more readable
<MichaelRaskin> Nope
<MichaelRaskin> Please do not separate the traces
* deepfire waves at clever
* clever waves back
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, we are looking at what-happens-first.
<Lisanna> welp, even if this goes nowhere else, I've learned something today
<MichaelRaskin> Interleaving is our only chance to see anything…
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<Dezgeg> I'm still wondering what is the exact problem that is being debugged
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<pjan> ininisil: just making sure. It's not he install I want on a USB drive, I want to install it on a USB drive.
<ottidmes> Are there people here running Samba shares that are access not just locally, but over the internet? I would have thought the use case to have Samba over the internet with Windows clients and a Linux server to be quite common, but so far I have only found outdated articles on how to set such a thing up.
<MichaelRaskin> OpenSSH wants a lot of stuff to be just right
<Dezgeg> yes, I imagine inside sandbox it won't like the whatever home directory returned by passwd not being owned by the current uid
<clever> pjan: ah, then just boot any nixos (or the installr), format the usb as normal, mount the partitions, and aim nixos-install at it, as normal
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<infinisil> pjan: Ah, well then i think the easiest way is to use the iso on one usb, boot into that, then install it to another usb
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<pjan> clever, infinisil: thanks. It'll inevitably be the last step before going full NixOS I reckon...
<Smithx10> clever that didnt work :(
<Smithx10> is there something I'm not setting on the pool?
<clever> Smithx10: do you have lsblk and blkid?
<Smithx10> of the drives before bouncing?
<clever> Smithx10: try finding the device with the zfs pool, while in the initrd, where is it?
<dgpratt> I've decided to install postgresql as a means to doing some database development, but I'm not sure what is the best way to set it up and run it in the context of nixos -- I've gotten as far as "nix-env -iA nixos.postgresql", I suppose the next thing is to decide where to put PGDATA...
<clever> dgpratt: nixos has a postgres service that does that for you
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<infinisil> dgpratt: config.services.postgresql.enable = true;
<Smithx10> clever, errrrrr
<Smithx10> its saying I have more than 1 matching pool now
<clever> Smithx10: at what paths?
<Smithx10> mounting rpool/root/nixos
<Smithx10> on /mnt-root/ failed no such file or directory
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<dgpratt> clever, infinisil I suppose that is something I should put in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ?
<clever> dgpratt: yeah
<infinisil> (Without the config.)
<dgpratt> for some reason I have this idea that user-based installs are better than machine-based installs, but I guess I can't see a significant downside here
<infinisil> dgpratt: Well in theory a lot of nixos options would totally work on a per-user basis, and I plan to realize that eventually
<infinisil> But currently they are only available for the nixos configuration
<clever> infinisil: id also like to see them allow multiple configs
<infinisil> clever: you mean multiple services?
<Dezgeg> well, scp doesn't indeed like when the passwd lookup fails
<clever> infinisil: why cant i just run 2 postgres's as different users, on different socket,s with different datadirs
<Dezgeg> maybe try rsync and hope that works?
<clever> infinisil: yep
<Lisanna> Dezgeg but rsync just wraps ssh doesn't it?
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: apparently it succeeds int connecting to the main system nscd.
<infinisil> clever: yeah
<infinisil> clever: Although I'm not sure how to best tackle this problem
<Dezgeg> it seems _scp_ that doesn't like it, I don't think ssh cares (well, it could)
<clever> Dezgeg: -ff and checking the execve tells you which process doesnt like it
<Lisanna> Dezgeg I mean, I could try
<MichaelRaskin> use -o to redirect the strace output to a file
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<Dezgeg> I mean the only match for that error is: scp.c:fatal("unknown user %u", (u_int) userid);
<clever> Dezgeg: ah, definitely scp then
<MichaelRaskin> And try the same, but inside unshare, with a tmpfs over/var/run/nscd/
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin okay, hang on, never used unshare before, need to go back and look at your examples
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin unshare -m -r sh -c ' mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/run/nscd; scp ...'
<Lisanna> like that?
<MichaelRaskin> And strace -f -s 9999 -o scp.log
<Lisanna> okay
<MichaelRaskin> (Before unshare)
<Lisanna> strace goes before unshare, okay
<dgpratt> clever, infinisil installed and seems to be running fine, thanks -- but should I not be able to now "sudo su postgres" ? "This account is not currently available" is the response to that command
<dgpratt> maybe I just need to reboot
<infinisil> nah
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<clever> dgpratt: skip the su, its pointless
<clever> dgpratt: also, bash isnt enabled on that user, so you have to "sudo -u postgres bash" to force a shell
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin oh my god I think that made it work
<Lisanna> I got the motd from the remote server
<Lisanna> ....was not expecting that to just fix it
<Lisanna> ...and ssh is pulling 9337.572 KBps down
<MichaelRaskin> Actually, sounds a bit of too-good-to-be-true.
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<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin ...I know, but it's working
<Lisanna> it's in the sandbox
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<MichaelRaskin> Ah right, the real real showstopper is the pty, and you don't need it at all
<dgpratt> I've been getting by on a very weak understanding of the various sudo invocations, I guess I need to correct that
<Lisanna> the pty? what's giving it a pty?
<Laboon3k> Can someone help me (again)? Nix-env is not working...
<Laboon3k> Something like "permission denied"
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<Lisanna> oh, you mean for the interactive prompts?
<MichaelRaskin> Pseudo-terminal
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<MichaelRaskin> Yes, I wanted to enter password through a pipe.
<clever> Laboon3k: are you on nixos or another distro?
<Laboon3k> NixOS.
<MichaelRaskin> When a kernel doesn't think having pts support is a good idea.
<MichaelRaskin> (/dev/pts, the filesystem for handling pty
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin sshpass can do that I think
<Dezgeg> there's a package called sshpass or something that allows entering the password from a file
<MichaelRaskin> I would expect it uses pty's inside.
<Laboon3k> clever : when I run "nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info" it says "error: getting status of /nix/var/nix/db/schema: Permission denied
<Laboon3k> "
<clever> Laboon3k: you need to set NIX_REMOTE=daemon
<Dezgeg> I would expect it poses itself as the graphical password agent
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<Laboon3k> 18.03pre130932.cc4677c36ee (Impala)
<clever> Laboon3k: oh, what does which nix-store say?
<Lisanna> Okay, great, so now I have a working implementation of fetchScp, albeit with an assumed weak security model
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<Laboon3k> clever : $ which nix-store
<Laboon3k> Hey, where I can set that variable, clever ?
<MichaelRaskin> Lisanna: and then there is an obvious way to strictly improve it.
<Lisanna> I'm sure this could be extended to also support the sshpass usecase (instead of just keys), and also the correct way to handle SSH auth in nix
<clever> Laboon3k: what did which output? you may not need to set it
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<Lisanna> that clever mentioned
<Laboon3k> clever, it spits out '/home/atorres/.nix-profile/bin/nix-store'
<clever> Laboon3k: yeah, thats the problem, you installed nix 1.11 with nix-env, and now nix 2.0 isnt setting NIX_REMOTE anymore
<clever> Laboon3k: NIX_REMOTE=daemon nix-env -e nix
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder just how much access to the outside FS you can get from a builder…
<Laboon3k> clever, maybe in an update, you say?
<Laboon3k> Now I need to install Nix 2?
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin well, you can specify mappings into the sandbox in nix.conf
<clever> Laboon3k: you already have nix2 on the system
<MichaelRaskin> That I know
<clever> Laboon3k: but you installed the nix1 version in your profile, and that overrides the update
<MichaelRaskin> I just have a feeling that access to the main nscd is a bit too much
<MichaelRaskin> It looks like your default access is already too much.
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin is it even accessing the man nscd though, or a dummy one?
<Laboon3k> clever : Yes, now you have said it, I tested the commands: nix-env is 1.11.16 and nix is 2.0
<clever> Laboon3k: `NIX_REMOTE=daemon nix-env -e nix` will fix it
<Laboon3k> I need to do it as my normal user? No root intervention required?
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin it was trying to access uid=1000 and complaining that the user doens't exist. I don't have a uid=1000 on my system, but I could create one temporarily and repeat the test
<clever> Laboon3k: yeah, run it as the atorres user
<MichaelRaskin> Could be funny
<Smithx10> clever: I'm booted :)
<Smithx10> thank you!@
<MichaelRaskin> On my system fixed-output builders get no /var and no /run
<MichaelRaskin> They do get /etc/passwd though
<Laboon3k> clever, well, it is running now! Thanks!
<Laboon3k> A last question: I will need to repeat these steps all over again?
<clever> Laboon3k: nope
<clever> Laboon3k: the problem is that you installed nix on the atorres user some time ago, and upgrading to 2.0 caused them to fall out of sync
<clever> now that its been uninstalled, there is no conflict
<MichaelRaskin> clever: yes, I do understand it is a custom-made /etc/passwd
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<MichaelRaskin> Ouch. It does pass nscd socket if it exists
<clever> try just stopping the nscd service and see what happens
<clever> i suspect nscd is leaking replies about the wrong passwd
<MichaelRaskin> Obviously
<MichaelRaskin> But _I_ don't have nscd
<clever> nixos still works with nscd stopped
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<deepfire> Anyone seeing this with GHC 8.4/cabal-install 2.2: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5201 ?
<clever> deepfire: does it make any difference if you compile the Setup.hs in the root dir and run ./Setup configure?
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<Laboon3k> A related question: how the hell I could know about that incompatibility? It is very strange, after all...
<infinisil> Well damn, something is messed up badly with zfs on my nixos server
<infinisil> It doesnt boot anymore, and nixos rollbacks don't do anything
<clever> infinisil: what error does it fail with?
<clever> Laboon3k: ive run into the same problem when using nix-repl (its still linked against 1.11) and have debugged it alredy
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin thanks for your help, I wouldn't have been able to get this working without your input, and I also learned a lot :)
<Lisanna> Hopefully I can start work on an upstream fetchScp at some point :|
<infinisil> clever: systemd says that a couple tasks can't be started/hang, some zfs services and then probably dependencies of those
<infinisil> Well all of them hang, no error
<clever> infinisil: try changing the init= on the grub cmdline to init=/bin/sh and then boot it, the initrd will claim file not found, tell it to continue
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<coconnor> Smithx10: responding a bit late but here if curious: https://gist.github.com/coreyoconnor/df20334f1a9d271378cd46cf9735d6bb
<Smithx10> coconnor: I got it working :)
<Smithx10> Thank you tho!!!!!
<infinisil> Alright the units are: Networking Setup, ZnapZend, ZFS Scrubbing, Home-manager for infinisil and root, and <something> Cache Daemon
<infinisil> clever: How can i do that?
<clever> infinisil: if you hit e at the grub menu, you can edit any entry
<clever> then just hit f10 to boot the modified version without saving it
<infinisil> This all happened without my intervention, around the time the automatic ZFS scrubbing takes place
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<Smithx10> Where is the best place to learn about all of the things available in configuration.nix?
<Smithx10> is there a api page?
<Smithx10> or reference
<clever> Smithx10: you can either do `man configuration.nix` or search https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#
<gchristensen> anyone around familiar with nic bonds? cc cransom :)
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<Smithx10> Thanks Clever
<Smithx10> Which Desktop Environments run well on this?
<Smithx10> I might switch over my arch machine :)
<Smithx10> awesome
<infinisil> clever: It just seems to try to boot the standard entry anyways, then go back to the grub menu
<infinisil> Using nixos all the time to be able to rollback, then when something bad happens for once it doesn't work lol
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<clever> infinisil: try booting the installer(or a usb stick) and try to import the zfs pool, then check zpool status
<infinisil> i can't, it's a digitalocean droplet
<infinisil> But I do have my server config and backups, so I could just create a new one
<infinisil> (So glad for having set up these backups properly recently)
<clever> infinisil: ahh
<clever> infinisil: i'm guessing that its a problem with the zfs pool
<infinisil> Yeah
<deepfire> clever: interesting, I'll need to take a look..
<clever> deepfire: the weird part, is that the nix-shell provides the cabal library, but not the cabal executable
<Smithx10> Wow this is such a breath of fresh air.
<clever> deepfire: so the only way to use the right cabal is to build Setup.hs
<deepfire> clever: I'm taking control and feeding in the 'cabal-install' from the current ghc's package set
<gchristensen> Smithx10: =)
<deepfire> because otherwise it was failing with "failed to parse output of 'ghc-pkg dump'"
<deepfire> clever, which is kind of natural, given the 2.0 -> 2.4 bump that goes with GHC 8.4..
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<deepfire> clever: my 'shell.nix' is: https://github.com/deepfire/nh/blob/master/shell.nix
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<clever> deepfire: ah, nothing seems obviously wrong with it
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<Smithx10> managing many nixos servers over pxe
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<Smithx10> is there any centtralized configuration server?
<clever> Smithx10: this sets up a full netboot server, complete with nat, and it runs the systems from a ramdisk
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<clever> Smithx10: you can replace the boot.php on line 25-28 with your prefered server-side scripting, ti dynamicaly change the config based on the ?mac=XXXX sent in the URL
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<Smithx10> nice.
<Smithx10> Any higher level abstractions for managing them long term?
<clever> Smithx10: an out-dated expression i used to boot my laptop over iscsi
<clever> Smithx10: configuration-client.nix tells nixos what iscsi device to connect to get access to /
<Smithx10> I imagine its easy to write new modules
<clever> Smithx10: iscsi-boot.nix teaches nixos how to connect to iscsi in the initrd (it needs an overhaul)
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<clever> iscsi_module.nix just runs iscsid long-term, i think that deals with reconnection and re-auth
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<clever> tgt-module and configuration-server are a mess and never really worked right
<clever> Smithx10: and the boot.php in this gist, has a switch-case statement, so each machine can boot from a unique iscsi target
<Smithx10> my use case would be virtualization hosts
<clever> Smithx10: id use something more like the ramboot in netboot_server for that
<Smithx10> I'm curious if anyone has create any centralized management tooling
<clever> Smithx10: so the drives in the VM hosts are optional and the system will survive the loss of an entire disk
<Smithx10> Yeah, i'd be pretty much following Joyents Triton approach
<clever> and they have no state either
<Smithx10> be following*
<Smithx10> they run a compressed ramdisk
<clever> yep, netboot_server uses a squashfs held in the initrd
<Smithx10> clever: is there any UI / for managing systems? Or is that something I'd have to write
<clever> Smithx10: i think you would have to write that currently
<Smithx10> Being declarative this would be somewhat easy to hack together
<clever> Smithx10: but you could for example, store all of that in a database, and then replace boot.php with something that looks config up in a DB
<cransom> nic bonding? i know some things but it generally towards the knowing how as a network admin, they never do what the user desires and they should have figured for 10g instead of the cheap stuff
<Smithx10> pretty much this
<Smithx10> and just store everything in PG
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<Smithx10> in particular sdcadm platform
<cransom> (^^ re: gchristensen )
<gchristensen> hah
<gchristensen> cransom: I just rolled out a new image to a server of mine, and it boooted up with broken networking nd "bond0: Warning: No 802.3ad response from the link partner for any adapters in the bond". if I roll back to the prior version, it works fine. I'm not so experienced with bonding. any suggestions on where to look for the root cause? here is some info from dmesg:
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<Smithx10> clever: best place to query packages on the web?
<clever> Smithx10: there is also `nix search`, nox, nix-repl, `nix repl` and some nix-env incantations
<Smithx10> instead of nix-env?
<cransom> (before i look at the link) if it's asking about 802.3ad, it means it's expecting to chat with the upstream switch(es) to form a link for the load sharing stuff.
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<cransom> gchristensen: what's the config look like for the nics? and for the upstream switch, are they expecting you to bond with LACP?
<gchristensen> cransom: yep, this box 2x10Gbps , and 802.3ad should be the one...
<gchristensen> yeah, LACP
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* clever heads off to bed
<gchristensen> night, clever
<cransom> but as why it complains on the new version, either a) it was broken on older version but it didn't log it or b) software/behavior change on the updated deploy is broken. you could tcpdump on the box on either version to double check they are chatting if you don't believe logs
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<cransom> tcpdump would tell also if the switch was holding off on lacp due to some kind of hold down and you just need to wait another 30 seconds for it to start negotiating
<infinisil> Haha wow
<gchristensen> so the weird thing is the old image / new image are PXE-booting, the firsts one works straight away and the second one doesn't
<gchristensen> but based off the same version of nixpkgs even.
<infinisil> clever: I just screwed up my kexec installation my doing `mount -t zfs tank/root/nix /nix`
<infinisil> by*
<infinisil> I can't run anything anymore
<cransom> if lacp doesn't negotiate, iirc nothing breaks. it just doesn't distribute the incoming packets across the links it knows about.
<gchristensen> interesting
<gchristensen> networking is totally busted
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<cransom> well hrm. maybe. it could be broken. i forget that paret lacp interfaces are the right interface.
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<boomshroom> Hello!
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<cransom> gchristensen: it doesn't netboot off the 10g interfaces does it?
<gchristensen> I think it does
<cransom> packet box? it's not an atom, right?
<gchristensen> its the type 2a
<gchristensen> unfortunately I don't have so much energy to debug it tonight. could I raincheck? :)
<cransom> i'm low on ideas for the riddle too. rain check ahoy.
<gchristensen> thank you <3
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<Smithx10> is there any tutorial about writing a nixos package?
<Smithx10> i noticed gnome-do is missing
<kaychaks> while installing kubernetes in Mac via nix I am facing this weird permission denied errors for a particular directory:
<kaychaks> *go: disabling cache (/homeless-shelter/Library/Caches/go-build) due to initialization failure: mkdir /homeless-shelter: permission denied
<kaychaks> ```
<kaychaks> ```
<kaychaks> Eventually, it's failing to install coz of some Makefile error. I could not find any useful discussion around it anywhere else.
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<Ralith> that error looks harmless
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<kaychaks> ok but then it fails with the following makefile error
<kaychaks> ```
<kaychaks> make: *** [Makefile:92: all] Error 1
<kaychaks> make: Leaving directory '/private/var/folders/4m/8lbd4pzn2z73b5zjzbbpc0tc0000gn/T/nix-build-kubernetes-1.9.1.drv-0/source'
<kaychaks> !!! Error in ./hack/generate-docs.sh:36
<kaychaks> Error in ./hack/generate-docs.sh:36. 'make SHELL=/nix/store/pkjmwq7sqrvjg7cjiph6hq0khsmfl6p8-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash -C "${KUBE_ROOT}" WHAT="${BINS[*]}"' exited with status 2
<kaychaks> Call stack:
<kaychaks> 1: ./hack/generate-docs.sh:36 main(...)
<kaychaks> Exiting with status 1
<kaychaks> builder for '/nix/store/517nvdn555418g0jsc0gplc8b10wbb3d-kubernetes-1.9.1.drv' failed with exit code 1
<kaychaks> error: build of '/nix/store/517nvdn555418g0jsc0gplc8b10wbb3d-kubernetes-1.9.1.drv' failed
<kaychaks> ```
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<Smithx10> this doesnt seem to be working
<Smithx10> its not creating my .vimrc
<Smithx10> am i missing something
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<ryantm> Smithx10: Where are you expecting it to create the .vimrc file?
<Smithx10> yes
<Smithx10> guessing taht assumption is wrong "_"
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<boomshroom> Does nixpkgs support using a custom libc? Ie, a non-standard one who's derivation you can provide manually?
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<mduggie> i know you can supply your own nixpkgs through `nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=/nix/pkgs/path`, not sure about individual packages. i would assume so
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<ryantm> boomshroom: Search for libc in pkgs/top-leve/all-packages.nix it looks like it's part of the stdenv bintools, it might be complicated but I think you can provide your own stdenv using an overlay
<ryantm> I don't know of some easy way to replace it.
<boomshroom> ryantm: I ask because Redox got fed up with newlib and started their own libc and I was wondering if I could get nix to try to build GNU hello with it.
<ryantm> boomshroom: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#idm140737318385552 talks about libc
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<boomshroom> The problem is that libc is a string in the platform rather than an object or derivation that specifies how to build with it.
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<ryantm> boomshroom: You could try to figure out where that string input gets used, and add your own case for your libc.
<boomshroom> Ya. The way it is right now would require modifying large peices of nixpkgs rather than "here's my libc, no go build with it."
<samueldr> boomshroom: this may be of interest for you https://github.com/dtzWill/rfcs/blob/feature/musl-rfc/rfcs/0023-musl-libc.md
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<boomshroom> On a related note, hello was able to build for RISC-V.
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<shlevy> elvishjerricco: I have a solution to the hail restarting itself issue, but in general activation scripts should be made as atomic as possible
<shlevy> boomshroom: On the staging branch we can cross-compile and boot an entire NixOS for RISC-V
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<elvishjerricco> shlevy: Actually I think the `activate` script may just continue running when Hail gets killed. Haven't tested this, but I think that's how `spawnProcess` works
<boomshroom> shlevy: Sweet! I really want a RISC-V system and now I know what OS to put on it unless I end up with a complete one of my own.
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<shlevy> boomshroom: I've had to set it aside the past week for some other work but my hope is to get native and cross toolchains fully working
<elvishjerricco> shlevy: What other systems can we cross compile NixOS entirely to?
<shlevy> I have a HiFive Unleashed all the way
<boomshroom> Jelous.
<shlevy> elvishjerricco: I don't know the full list, but I think bgamari- is doing it for aarch64 and some are doing it for armv7
<elvishjerricco> That's so cool :)
<shlevy> s/all the way/on the way
<elvishjerricco> Can't wait to do RPi builds completely on my desktop
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<shlevy> elvishjerricco: I'm pretty sure you need the systemd-run approach as systemd will otherwise kill everything in the cgroup (unless you explicitly configure it not to)
<shlevy> I think cross-nixos rpi should work on staging too
<shlevy> (staging has some general cross-nixos fixes)
<boomshroom> S just checked and some of SailfishOS is open source, so it should be possible to build a touch friendly UI using Nix and get my Nexus 4 running a full NixOS installation... ON A PHONE!
<elvishjerricco> shlevy: Ah. Makes sense
<shlevy> :D nice
<elvishjerricco> boomshroom: If you ever get that working, please let us know :) That would be my ideal phone
<shlevy> It's interesting... I've been running Linux on all my personal computers since I was 13, but never once seen the appeal of getting it all set up on my phone :D
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<elvishjerricco> shlevy: I don't see the point unless it's NixOS :P
<boomshroom> As a member of the Rust community I have seen "RIIR Everything" and even tried to to RiiR a couple things myself, but the philosophy feels way stronger with Nix where I won't be happy until I can build the whole world in a single Nix expression. XD
<Smithx10> hmmm i can't get configuration.nix to update my ~/.vimrc
<TimePath> Don't stop until you can declare your whole life with nix
<boomshroom> Unfortunatly, today was the day my Nexus 4 decided to bootloop. It wasn't doing this yesterday.
<boomshroom> There's still hope to get NixOS on my Switch once to bootrom exploit get's released.
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<boomshroom> Quick derivation for relibc and lets so how it goes.
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<boomshroom> On the one hand, I'm confused as to why it didn't abort when I used dummy hashes. On the other, I have the old problem of not being able to find the rust standard library.
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<Smithx10> Hmmm so the vim configuration i am doing is working, but the vimrc is located at /nix/store/nlib8sk8h33k8f0wj9zy2b2q59zdvhq1-vimrc instead of ~/.vimrc ..... how come?
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<boomshroom> How do I build a rust package using the nightly compiler? It can't seem to find the rust standard library. I've run into the problem before.
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<boomshroom> Any idea? I'm stumpted.
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<boomshroom> How can I have nix build a derivation and then give its store path rather than linking a result symlink?
<Myrl-saki> Has anyoone used Nix under Docker under Nix? I'm using Postgres, but I don't want to have Postgres running all the time, and Docker is currently the best-looking solution.
<Myrl-saki> OTOH, I don't want to use Docker. So Nix under Docker is my idea.
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<joepie91> Myrl-saki: huh? can't you just stop the service?
<joepie91> `systemctl stop postgresql`
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: That's also one solution, but how about for deployment?
<joepie91> well, 'deployment' is very vague :) what specific scenario are you thinking of?
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<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Currently, I'm fine with a system with both the database and the program in a single machine, but I'm considering that I may have to scale.
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: I don't really see how Docker relates to or changes that, though. either way it's going to be a case of deploying another system with PostgreSQL and transferring over the stateful data.
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Docker is probably the best way to test that, I can spawn multiple Docker instances that will communicate with each other rather than a mono system. That also allows me to test the deployment.
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<Myrl-saki> s/mono/monolithic/
<joepie91> I mean, sure, you can? but what's the concrete benefit?
<joepie91> it's just a container
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: I can partially simulate multiple machines with a shared database.
<boomshroom> On the topic of "Nix Everywhere," what are the chances of getting Nix running on RedoxOS?
<joepie91> but why do you need to? it's not going to be an accurate simulation either way
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: True.
<isHavvy> boomshroom: I already tried convincing the Redox person when they first started out to use Nix natively for package management, and they wanted to do something different, so *shrug*.
<joepie91> boomshroom: can't see a reason why it wouldn't be possible, but it's probably not going to work out of the box :)
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Thanks, I'll give it more though.
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Oh right, what's your suggested architecture? I guess this isn't really nix related anymore though.
<boomshroom> isHavvy: Given "RiiR", they'd probably rather have a package manager in Rust. Kind of like how they're writing their own libc in rust. :P
<boomshroom> But that doesn't mean we can't have a version of Redox using Nix, or even better: a version of Nix writen in Rust. \s
<Myrl-saki> boomshroom: No \s. :P
<boomshroom> (not that I wouldn't try anyways)
<Myrl-saki> boomshroom: Imagine, fearless concurrency with Nix! (somewhat /s)
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: suggested architecture for what specific scenario?
<joepie91> also, Nix-in-Rust has been on my eventually-list for a while...
<joepie91> it's the eventually-list though, so it could take a week or a decade
<joepie91> :p
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Distributed HTTP servers and database.
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: is there a specific reason for distributing your HTTP servers?
<boomshroom> FACEPALM. The reason it wasn't failing was because it saw the hash matched the xargo sources, so it just built xargo instead.
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: There's no specific reason for disributing my *database*, but distribute HTTP servers are useful for load balancing, right?
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<joepie91> Myrl-saki: well, yes and no - that implies that you have a reason to be load-balancing in the first plac
<joepie91> place*
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: generally you want to prefer vertical scaling, because it just produces less headaches in terms of state consistency, and only move onto horizontal scaling when you've (nearly) exhausted your vertical scaling capabilities
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: It's just an assumption.
<joepie91> (note that this does not rule out having two redundant vertically scaled systems for availability reasons)
<joepie91> so *ideally*, your scale is small enough that you can get away with one or two vertically scaled systems, and no distributed servers / load balancing at all
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: I doubt my program will ever reach adoption, but I do want to learn good practices.
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<Myrl-saki> (OTOH, YAGNI is also a good practice.)
<joepie91> but if you must distribute things, then prefer distributing the stateless things (eg. your HTTP server, which likely depends on the DB for most or all of its state) and apply the same 'vertical-first' strategy to just the database
<joepie91> once you outgrow that, start adding caching layers which can also be distributed, while keeping your primary data store central
<joepie91> once you're big enough to have to distribute your *database*, you'll probably have gained enough experience to figure out the optimal scaling strategy for your specific usecase :P
<joepie91> tl;dr vertical scaling first, when needing to scale horizontally always prefer the least stateful things, 'wing it' when you really have no other choice based on the data available to you then
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Thanks, that's good advice. Should I have a monolithic system as a start?
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Database and HTTP in the same server
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: monolithic infrastructure, yes; monolithic code, no
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<joepie91> so yes, database and HTTP server on the same system
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Thanks!
<joepie91> (possibly two systems running in sync for failover, if you need high availability guarantees)
<joepie91> (but that won't help your scale, as eg. all DB work has to be replicated on both systems anyway)
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: How does one sync the database in such systems?
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Send a query to both databases?
<joepie91> it's database-dependent, but most databases have some form of master-master replication that can be used for this scenario
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Ah.
<joepie91> though application-level recovery logic may be needed
<joepie91> (eg. "oh the database server that missed a few writes is back, let's make sure we don't get conflicts")
<joepie91> basically, very carefully read the documentation of your database of choice :)
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Application-level means my code?
<joepie91> and make sure you understand exactly what the guarantees and failure scenarios of each replication strategy are, because there's always going to be some sort of tradeoff
<joepie91> yeah
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: also, general warning against hype: anybody peddling a database that claims it can distribute or replicate without tradeoffs, is lying :P
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Thanks again! I really appreciate it.
<joepie91> the tradeoffs may be irrelevant to specific scenarios, but there's always *some* sort of tradeoff
<joepie91> np :)
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<joepie91> Myrl-saki: oh, also, possibly obvious but I don't know your background: have monitoring in place, so you know when you need to start worrying about scaling
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<joepie91> exact measurements will vary by technologies used and your application; RAM usage and CPU usage are obvious metrics, but eg. in Node.js you'd want to measure event loop latency as well
<joepie91> in Python you might want to measure GIL congestion (if that's even possible)
<joepie91> and so on, and so forth
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: I'm using Haskell, I guess my first step is RTS logging?
<joepie91> ah, I have absolutely zero idea about Haskell :)
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Oh. :P
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: what's the tl;dr of what RTS does/is?
<boomshroom> I've run into a problem trying to build relibc. One of its dependencies (compiler_builtins) is directly taken from its github repository. The lock file does specify a commit hash, but nix is still having trouble pulling the dependency.
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<Myrl-saki> joepie91: I don't use Haskell for applications, so I haven't tinkered with the RTS, but basically, from what I understand, the RTS is what "manages" the Haskell program, something along the lines of the CLR with .NET applications, I think?
<joepie91> so the runtime basically?
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Yeah, RTS stands for Runtime System.
<joepie91> ahh, right.
<joepie91> I'm not sure whether it exposes any meaningful metrics, but collecting runtime logs is always a good idea :)
<joepie91> I think Haskell probably has concurrency down to a point where you don't need any equivalent of event loop latency / GIL congestion measurements
<joepie91> from what little I know of it anyway
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<Myrl-saki> joepie91: Thanks, I'll go read up on how to write Haskell for applications. I know a few problems such as GC stalls and mem "leaks"
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: ah, GC time might be a good measurement
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<boomshroom> Thanks nix. That was a very helpful 10 lines. On an unrelated note, would you mind showing me what came before? Thank you very much.
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<jack[m]> TIL; acme cert renewals are awesome. But services may need restarting
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<TimePath> jack: or just signalling with SIGUSR1 or similar
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<fuzzy-id> i had to repartition, so i rsynced everything from the partition and back to it, the system is now up and running again; i did 'nix verify --all' and get a lot of entries like these:
<fuzzy-id> path '/nix/store/zlqrv5r8wxfkhx09f4vdcip99w52lx7f-glibc-locales-2.26-131' was modified! expected hash 'sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', got 'sha256:0ylr9mxrwqvbn9cza230p9vjmjd0sjaai3f554s88ny3wj41rp6w'
<fuzzy-id> summary: [2342 paths verified, 319 corrupted, 319 untrusted]
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<fuzzy-id> i'm on a raspberry pi (aarch64) with nixos unstable…
<boomshroom> fuzzy-id: If it expected a null hash, that might mean the file/folder itself may be empty. Can you check what's in it to make sure?
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<boomshroom> I've finally managed to build relibc as a derivation! 😓 Now to make an stdenv that builds using it.
<elvishjerricco> boomshroom: There was a PR recently that added support for musl as a libc implementation. I think that was the first major alternate libc mainlined into nixpkgs. Might be a good inspiration for using relibc.
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<elvishjerricco> mainlined into stdenv, that is
<fuzzy-id> boomshroom: most of them (236) are not empty
<fuzzy-id> there are only 2 empty dirs: fc-cache and system-generators
<boomshroom> elvishjerricco: The big differences that I can think of are 1. I have no plans of mainlining this in the near-term, 2. musl is a recognised triple component that gcc (probably) understands.
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<boomshroom> fuzzy-id: If you're fine waiting forever, `nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair` will usually fix most problems. If it doesn't fix it, we have big problems.
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<boomshroom> elvishjerricco: I'm actually looking into the 'custom' stdenv where the stdenv gets passed from the nixpkgs config, which I can set when importing.
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<ambro718> No nixos-18.03 branch in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels ?
<ambro718> I am unable to upgrade on nixos-unstable, build hangs early: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J2c2f6PRgV/
<ambro718> oh it started, but now it's printing garbled download progress
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<cmollekopf> Hi, has anyone had any success with getting debug symbols installed into ~/.nix-profile/lib/debug? The debug symbols build just fine, but I can't get them installed for the life of me...
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<srk> ambro718: happens only once during a rebuild due to nix2 switch
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<ambro718> right, I suspected so :)
<srk> further rebuilds are not garbled
<srk> :)
<boomshroom> Making a custom stdenv with a custom libc was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Easier than building the dang libc itself! The only problem is ld is looking for crt1.o which is build into libc.o.
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<pcarrier> wow, nixos as a vmware guest works really well
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<schmittlauch_> ohai
<schmittlauch_> I try to install nixos for the first time, but always get "could not download … from any binary cache". How can I wor around such errors?
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<boomshroom> schmittlauch_: What's the output of `ping -c 3`?
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<i-am-the-slime> Hello there! Can anybody help me to keep spacemacs from crashing when opening any haskell file?
<boomshroom> i-am-the-slime: sorry. I don't know much about spacemacs.
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<boomshroom> I'm not sure if I should still be here. It's 2 in the morning.
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<boomshroom> I'm being kept awake though determination to make this work!
<i-am-the-slime> It's 10 in the morning, you should get some sleep :D
<boomshroom> 10: is what my alarm is set for on weekends. When I didn't have an alarm, I slept clear through to 2 in the afternoon.
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<schmittlauch_> boomshroom: I can connect to the internet if you mean that (pinging works). Some packages even get downloaded successfully until 1 fails
<schmittlauch_> ah, looks like the nix rw store is full. My VM only has 1.5GiB RAM and it lies in a tmpfs
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<isHavvy> This may be due to 16697 commits....
<schmittlauch_> but I didn't plan to use swap, so if this is the reason for failure I should probably move the /nix/.rw-store somewhere else
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<schmittlauch_> why doesn't it write the nix stor onto the install target hard disk?
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<gudea[m]> Hey guys, I just received an email: The status of Hydra job ‘nixos:release-18.03:nixpkgs.qbs.x86_64-linux’ has changed from "Success" to "Failed". For details, see
<clever> schmittlauch_: thats a bug that was recently introduced
<gudea[m]> This arrived at an email address I use in commits but have no Github notifications sent to.
<gudea[m]> There is no List-Id: or unsubscribe header which is rather unprofessional.
<clever> gudea[m]: what is your github username?
<gudea[m]> clever: phi-gamma
<clever> email?
<gudea[m]> clever: can I reach you through mail?
<clever> you can PM me on irc
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<vidbina> I am not being the brightest today... am reading through the buildFHSUserEnv files and can't figure out how to symlink a work directory into my FHS hierarchy in a nix-shell file that uses buildFHSUserEnv.env any pointers to help me figure this out?
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<vidbina> the shellHook is kind of "special" and appending or prepending to it doesn't seem to get my what I want. Considered extraInstallCommands but can't notice the output of a "ln -s target /here" in the FHS setup.
<vidbina> s/my/me/
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<vidbina> clever: thanks... the runHook is executed before the shellHook but I need to set up the symlink after the last line of shellHook which states `exec ${chroot-user} ${init "bash"} "$(pwd)"` otherwise I have no symlink permissions into root, right? Am I misunderstanding the setup or trying to do something that is bad practice?!?
<vidbina> clever: problem is that after that exec the thing forks out, right?!?
<clever> exec doesnt fork, it just hijacks the current process
<clever> but if your using overrideDerivation, your able to replace or mutate shellHook however you want
<vidbina> clever: oh yeah, just replaces the current process... by bad... okay... So I guess I'll have to do that. Was hoping that there would be smoother way into this. Thank you so much. You are all so quick to provide any tips when I'm getting stuck. Makes my Nix(OS) experience practically feasible :D
<vidbina> and pleasant
<clever> overrideDerivation also passes you the old attributes
<clever> so you can do shellHook = "prefix\n" + drv.shellHook;
<vidbina> clever: which I already had, but then I run into permission issues which led me to believe that I may have to symlink inside the chroot env.
<clever> ah, yeah, the issue is that your destination is in the store
<clever> so you need to override something sooner, not later
<clever> it has to be done during the nix build
<clever> why does it have to be an FHS env anyways?
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<vidbina> clever: to (more) closely mirror a debian setup as a first attempt to rebuild some Yocto images on my setup and then slowly move towards a more Nix-ish solution.
<clever> what is yocto?
<vidbina> clever: used the CROPS containers before, but now I'm wanting to do some experiments in QEMU and want to run the VM's on my host rather than starting them inside a docker container (which intuitively doesn't make too much sense to me). Yocto = toolset for build linux distros for embedded applications.
<vidbina> s/build/building
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<clever> ah
<jesuspc> Hello. I'm experimenting with nixos and I started writting my first derivation. As part of the build it uses curl, so I added curl to buildInputs. Even though when I run nix-build I get "curl: (77) error setting certificate verify locations". But when I open the nix-shell the same curl commands works properly. Is that normal?
<clever> this is an embeded OS i wrote a year or 2 ago
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<clever> vidbina: it uses nix to build everything, and ends with a kernel, initrd, and root.squashfs
<symphorien> How comes I received a mail for a Hydra failure of a job whose I am even not a maintainer ?
<symphorien> for a package* sorry
<clever> symphorien: it also check the git log
<symphorien> Ah ok
<symphorien> So if I am pretty sure I didn't touch any dependency, I can safely ignore it
<vidbina> clever: dope. lassulus mentioned not-os to me yesterday. I'll try to build it and if I have any questions, I'll know where to find you. Have you abandoned the project due to lack of time? Which hardware have you tested this on?
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<clever> vidbina: i think i ran it once on a raspberry pi, but i mostly just tested it under qemu
<clever> vidbina: it was more as an example/base that others can build upon and i havent really done much else with it
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<snajpa-> vidbina: chmming in on not-os, it's really cool that nixos/nixpkgs let themselves be bent this way
<snajpa-> *chimming
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<clever> yeah, its surprising how easily i can just grab certain nixos modules whole, and recycle them
<manveru> so... i'm looking for ways to make https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/35334 possible to merge without having to include thousands of lines of package.json and yarn.lock files...
<manveru> the way it works right now is, that it gets the checksums for the npm packages from the yarn.lock, which is in the repo of the package i'm trying to build
<manveru> but it seems like that's not pure enough for nix
<vidbina> snajpa: have you used not-os on a production device? It's really cool indeed. It also looks like a more maintainable codebase. I just read commit one and I'm smiling at how maintainable this feels from a first impression.
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<snajpa-> vidbina: we are about to, in about 2-3 months from now
<snajpa-> there's still some work on the management backend
<snajpa-> but you can take a look how we bent not-os here: https://github.com/vpsfreecz/vpsadminos/tree/master/os
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<snajpa-> though we took not-os and ported it back to x86-64 ;)
<manveru> but you kept runit <3
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<clever> snajpa-: all of the testing ive done was in x86-64 based qemu's
<John882> hello guys so the isos are not signed?
<John882> I can find only the sha256, but not the sig
<manveru> John882: they're generated automatically...
<snajpa-> clever: actually we've got some raspberrys on TODO in our hackerspace, so there's some heavy not-os QA on the roadmap for next months :D
<manveru> would it make sense to have hydra sign them?
<clever> snajpa-: i have had it network booting with just a bootcode.bin on the SD card at one point
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<snajpa-> clever: where I could see nixos + not-os specifically going, is to replace many of OpenWRTs deployments
<snajpa-> I'm saying that with fresh braindamage of trying to bring up a custom wrt image with custom packages :D
<clever> snajpa-: i also have full nixos running on my router
<clever> but my router hardware isnt normal
<John882> manveru: well the isos should be then signed automatically too, It makes alot of sense to sign them
<John882> manveru: How can I know that the file i downloaded is the real one?
<manveru> John882: you can build it yourself to verify
<clever> snajpa-: http://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/Xeon800/E7520/X6DH8-G.cfm is the motherboard from my "router"
<John882> manveru: ?? from where?
<snajpa-> aha, those were the series where IPMI was still a separate board :D
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<clever> snajpa-: i dont think i have that module
<manveru> John882: there's a "reproduce locally" thing in the actions
<John882> manveru: ok, thanks. Btw without the sig practically we risk that we are a hacker target
<John882> I mean mint got hacked and they exchanged the iso and the sha256
<John882> some years ago an a huge ammount of people got ....
<MichaelRaskin> John882: ISOs are built automatically
<snajpa-> clever: there's a few things which differ significantly when compared to OpenWRT - it's got routing/network interfaces completely controllable through UCI (where in nixos, I still haven't managed to build a config which passes rebuild switch without network downtime, expecially if there's bridging involved)
<clever> John882: nix does sign the iso store paths, with the hydra key, and everything is uploaded directly to https://cache.nixos.org
<MichaelRaskin> An attack against the server can make it build ISO from a wrong source
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<clever> John882: if you go to the details page on hydra, find the store path, and run `nix-store -r <storepath>` it will download from https://cache.nixos.org, and check the signatures
<snajpa-> clever: and the other one would be that openwrt knows about all the different flash layouts of all the devices, so it produces correct uboot and kernel/initrd images to be loaded to correct adresses
<michalrus> I’m experiencing a very weird issue. On an EC2 instance, when running nix-instantiate, disk IO goes up crazily and the instance freezes.
<manveru> John882: the problem with automatic signatures is that they're automatic... so you can just change the nixpkgs source and it'll sign the output :P
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<michalrus> :o
<clever> snajpa-: i dont have bridging at play in my config, i use an external switch to deal with that
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<John882> manveru: If you sign the file automatically with your gpg. If someone attacks the website needs to have access to your gpg
<John882> or there is no way he can sign the iso
<clever> snajpa-: recently, i upgraded my router from 16.03 to 17.09, with only ~30 seconds of downtime, not enough to break any tcp sessions
<MichaelRaskin> John882: the ISOs are built on the site, on the server
<MichaelRaskin> Automatically and without supervision
<clever> snajpa-: and thats after converting it from nixos-rebuild to remotely controled via nixops
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<noqqe> hi
<manveru> John882: so where do you put your gpg key/passphrase?
<John882> MichaelRaskin: hmmm I understand but it's not a good thing for privacy
<snajpa-> clever: does it recreate ifaces like vlans from scratch? ie. if it exists, it destroys it and still creates a new one? because it looks to me like this is the heart of the problem
<noqqe> i recieve all kinds of build mails for packages i was never participating in from hydra
<John882> manveru: on the keyservers?
<noqqe> how do i stop it?!
<clever> snajpa-: in my setup, it doesnt recreate any network interfaces
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<MichaelRaskin> John882: then you need to find someone who is willing to hand-pick base revisions for the ISO.
<John882> manveru: you put the gpg pgp.mit.edu and you sign the image with your gpg
<clever> snajpa-: but i have noticed an anoyance with how it uses iptables
<clever> snajpa-: its not using iptables-restore, and that causes performance and packet loss during reload
<manveru> John882: the point is, the "build server" is the person that'd sign it, which means the pass phrase has to be on the build server
<manveru> John882: which means, if you have access to change iso and hashes, you could just access that as well
<clever> snajpa-: iptables uses read/copy/update lists, so every time you run an iptables command, it has to clone the entire list of rules, then update a pointer to them
<clever> snajpa-: and that leads to non-atomic changes, so packets can be ran thru half your rules
<clever> and each change requires more cpu then the last, due to the copying
<John882> manveru: Yeah I have understood this but. It is really bad for security actually, would be better to make the iso 1 weekly tbh
<cocreature> noqqe: if you figure it out let me know. it looks like it emails everyone that commited in some timeframe (probably since the last release)
<John882> well I came here just for suggestions, since nixos seemed intresting and wanted to try it
<MichaelRaskin> John882: you don't realy need the ISO
<John882> but yeah downloading the unsigned isos...
<MichaelRaskin> You can get the Nix from a fe wweeks ago
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<John882> uhm?
<noqqe> cocreature: ah good.
<noqqe> The status of Hydra job ‘nixos:release-18.03:nixpkgs.qbs.x86_64-linux’ has changed from "Success" to "Failed".
<MichaelRaskin> Build it, use it to build nixos-install from a checkout from a few weeks ago
<noqqe> "This may be due to 16697 commits by .... "
<noqqe> yeah probably everyone gets those mails
<manveru> noqqe: yeah :|
<MichaelRaskin> install NixOS using the locally-built tools from weeks-old repositories
<clever> MichaelRaskin: you could also just build the iso locally with nix
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<John882> MichaelRaskin: Can you link me to the checkout from a few weeks ago, please?
<kini> Anyone have any idea what's causing these emails? 16697 commits? What happened?
<xeji> hydra seems to have mutated into a spambot
<clever> kini: probably a merge commit of some kind
<asymmetric> hey everyon
<asymmetric> *e
<noqqe> xeji: manveru cocreature im opening an issue at hydra atm.
<asymmetric> is there a way to unsubscribe from hydra's emails? i don't remember signing up for them :)
<manveru> Ideally hydra would bisect those and point to the actual failure ;)
<MichaelRaskin> John882: I have the commit f6de73b4366754f7f1a064a4b7f948543a90d067 as Feb 28, and I hae made it more than a week ago according to my human memory
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<MichaelRaskin> So if you clone nixpkgs and checkout that commit, it is highly unlikely that things mentioned in this commit, including packages source hashes, did not exist on March 1
<noqqe> opened an issue here https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/545
<John882> MichaelRaskin: link please
<MichaelRaskin> Bisecting… build resource allocation… sigh.
<aristid> i must've missed the release of nix 2.0 oO
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<manveru> MichaelRaskin: well, before it sends out mails to thousands of people...
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<MichaelRaskin> John882: I don't understand your request. If you clone the fresh version from https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs and check out the commit with that hash, you have it
<manveru> even if you build from nixpkgs directly, you'll still have to trust all the committers, most of which don't sign their commits
<MichaelRaskin> If you do not trust git (maybe you need git fsck for extra confidence) to give you the same content as me, I have bad news for you — the entire Nixpkgs development process can never produce anything that suits your needs.
<manveru> or at least the maintainers that merge them
<manveru> John882: once you have the repo, you can build your iso with `nix build -f ./nixos/release-combined.nix -A nixos.iso_minimal.x86_64-linux`
<kini> if you wanted a "link to the commit"
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: that's why I gave a hash of my own week old commit: there doesn't seem to be a panic right now, so even if there is an attack, it is more likely to be more recent
<manveru> yeah
<manveru> i'm just wondering what an actual "secure release" of nixos would look like :)
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: I think Hydra spam actually goes to way less than a hundred people per incident, but oh well
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<manveru> 752 people in this email
<michalrus> Re: this EC2 freezing; what’s interesting, when I run it with --verbose, it doesn’t freeze…
<MichaelRaskin> At some point I have explained why 1000 work hours + 3 months of wall-clock time is likely to be enough to compromise NixOS integrity for forseeable future.
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<michalrus> =(
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: hm, maybe there is also that increased build interval. Unfortunate.
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<MichaelRaskin> On the other hand, bisecting will mean that as a side-effect the channel will just never go forward.
<manveru> it's not thousands, but it should at least be opt-in then
<manveru> agreed
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<manveru> the good news is, nixos is growing fast :D
<MichaelRaskin> We should document maintainers.nix better, maybe
<MichaelRaskin> (maybe create a human-only email attribute separate from the default email that is also for Hydra)
<cocreature> these mails are not based on maintainers.nix, they are based on mailing addresses in git commit messages
<manveru> maybe we could add a meta attribute to it for receivi... yeah
<manveru> oh?
<clever> MichaelRaskin: that doesnt help with the case of hydra pulling emails out of `git log`, the first user i saw complain wasnt even in maintainers-list.nix
<cocreature> I’m not the maintainer of anything and I’m getting all those emails
<cocreature> just because I made a PR at some point that got merged
<clever> the biggest problem i think, is that hydra just went over 16k commits, and emailed every single user
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, that does sound a bit too aggressive.
<clever> it should abort if the commit log gets that big
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<MichaelRaskin> Yes, that's true
<gchristensen> eh
<cocreature> and it also emails every user for every failure, I hope it stops in the foreseeable future :)
<gchristensen> it emailed ~16k but who cares, each person received only so many
<clever> gchristensen: and at least one user has complained and asked for an unsubscribe link
<manveru> i got at least 12 mails so far
<gchristensen> it doesn't email users
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<cocreature> I got 17 emails in the last hour so far
<clever> ive got none!
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: going over 16k commits and mailing all authors for every independent failure (we normally have hundreds)…
<John882> MichaelRaskin: sorry got disconnected for the server can you re-link the signed checkout?
<MichaelRaskin> It is not signed, I just say it existed before 1 March
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<John882> uhm
<gchristensen> it emails maintainers
<MichaelRaskin> And signing commits gives you _nothing_ in the Nixpkgs development model
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: no, commit authors
<John882> ok so there is no way I can download a signed iso right?
<gchristensen> ah
<MichaelRaskin> _and_ maintainers, but that's realistically included when we are talking of thousands of commits
<gchristensen> John882: tragically no :( I could sign one for you from a key you can trust
<MichaelRaskin> Why tragically?
<John882> because it is a big security flaw not signing isos
<gchristensen> having the bootstrapping tools (ie: nixos iso) signed is probably a really good idea
<gchristensen> since its the first step in to the ecosystem
<MichaelRaskin> John882: once again, it is _easier_ to get a malicious patch into Nixpkgs than attack ISO generation
<gchristensen> John882: which ISO would you like?
<John882> all you need to do is enter the website and gg
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, bootstrap tools are a good idea to sign, as they don't change too often, and they can be checked by multiple people, and so on
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: not bootstrap-tools in nixpkgs, but the user-end bootstrapping tools
<John882> MichaelRaskin: If someone changes the iso it can change everyithing inside
<gchristensen> John882: MichaelRaskin surely understands that :)
<MichaelRaskin> John882: if you care about security, you should not go for an ISO anyway
<gchristensen> oh jeeze please
<gchristensen> this isn't fruitful
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<MichaelRaskin> There are components that we use _only_ in ISO
<MichaelRaskin> nix-build of a nixos-install is way more inspectable.
<gchristensen> John882: would you like me to sign an ISO for you? you'll be able to validate it from my key on https://nixos.org/nixos/security.html
<John882> gchristensen: If you can ofc!
<Dezgeg> if someone gains access to the website wouldn't they also change the pgp signature on the webpage?
<gchristensen> which one, John882?
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: wait, how are you going to find out the proper sha256 hash?
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<manveru> Dezgeg: yeah, without an existing web of trust it's yet another bootstrapping problem
<John882> I don't mind, the one you choose
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<manveru> reminds me of this quote: "Satan offers to prove to you that his code is safe by presenting an Authenticode certificate which will certify that Satan signed the class. You could verify that the signature is truly Satan's, but proof that it came from Satan is not proof that it is safe."
<clever> lol
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<John882> manveru: Actually we can see the key of satan hosted on the Hell website
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<shlevy> I don't necessarily disagree with any of the claims being made, but I'd love to see some viable options. Not claiming there aren't any, I'm genuinely curious and this is not an issue I've personally spent a lot of time exploring.
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<John882> gchristensen: uhm, it is even newer than the one on the download page?
<gchristensen> yeah, the channel bumped but the website hasn't updated yet
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<John882> okok
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<nioncode> I'm debugging an issue with SpaceFM (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/31797). when it is installed, XDG_DATA_DIRS is mostly empty and spacefm segfaults. when I open a nix-shell based on its default.nix and print XDG_DATA_DIRS there, a bunch of other directories are seen and running spacefm from there works fine. what is the proper way to export XDG_DATA_DIRS for spacefm? do I have to wrap it?
<manveru> nioncode: yes
<gchristensen> John882: a signature file is coming, my internet is slow. another option someone brought up is using nix, which has a gpg signature, to fetch the ISO and nix will automatically validate the signature
<nioncode> manveru: thanks. how do I figure out which paths are actually needed in XDG_DATA_DIRS? and shouldn't all things already be symlinked in my .nix-profile so that they are available to all applications?
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<manveru> nioncode: there's a difference between build-time env vars and run-time env vars
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<John882> gchristensen: I don not know while I am disconnecting still... btw I found out the sha from the server just waiting for the sig
<pstn> Am I the only one getting tons of hydra emails about packages he's got nothing to do with?
<gchristensen> how many is tons? I've gotten 6
<Yaniel> about 60
<gchristensen> ouch
<Yaniel> and no pstn is not the only one
<gchristensen> unfortunately this seems to happen when new channels are made
<shlevy> We should turn off emailresponsible on new jobsets
<gchristensen> then re-enablee?
<shlevy> Maaaaybe
<gchristensen> lol
<shlevy> Only if we're cherry-picking
<shlevy> if we're ever merging master into that branch then no
<pstn> ```This may be due to 16697 commits by [...]```, thanks, Hydra!
<pstn> I'm not bothered by the mails, just thougt I let you know that hydra has gotten a bit spammy.
<Yaniel> also what's the policy wrt nix2.0 features?
<Yaniel> because placeholders seem to be blocking #36761
<gchristensen> thanks pstn it only happens when we make new channels, but we should update the new release runbook to avoid the emails
<symphorien> Maybe hydra could be taught to aggregate these emails
<gchristensen> much harder than updating a runbook
<symphorien> Then it would be much less annoying
<symphorien> True
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<nyuki> gchristensen: john882 has network problem and asked me if you can send me the signature of the iso
<gchristensen> PM'd
<tsmeets> Why did I get around 21 mails today about failed hydra jobs? Did something big break?
<clever> nyuki: why does this feel like a mitm attack aided by a ddos? lol
<gchristensen> tsmeets: we made a new release channel, so hydra is seeing all the broken packages break for the first time
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<tsmeets> gchristensen: Ah, ok.
<aristid> so wednesday march 7 was nix 2.0 day?
<aristid> hmm no, feb 22
* aristid is confused
<manveru> aristid: 2018.02.22
<MichaelRaskin> There is Nix 2.0 release, then there is Nix 2.0 as defalt Nix in Nixpkgs.
<aristid> manveru: i think ISO 8601 prefers dashes
<aristid> so 2018-02-22
<manveru> i'm austrian, sorry
<clever> at least your not american, getting your day and month swapped :P
<aristid> [insert bad joke conflating austrian and swiss people]
<manveru> :D
<gchristensen> if you want to stick with 8601 but don't like dashes you can just skip them 20180311T112203Z
<aristid> clever: mixed endian is just more efficient
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<gchristensen> don't like americans mixing up day and month? skip that too! 2018-070
<clever> lol
<gchristensen> maybe you're more week-oriented: 2009-W53-7
<gchristensen> (ISO8601 is a terrible spec!)
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<sphalerite> aristid: s/swiss/australian/
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<aristid> woe is me. i wanted to use weechat's /lua command to print the current time in seconds since the unix epoch
<aristid> but my weechat is too old to have /lua eval
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<aristid> 1520772213
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<aristid> turns out i don't need lua: /eval ${date:%s}
<aristid> Why would anybody care about ISO 8601 if they can be nice and precise and use seconds since the UNIX epoch 1520772363 (admittedly ignoring leap seconds)
<MichaelRaskin> Why do you still think in leap seconds (which implies non-metric years) instead of proper TAI, citizen?
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<aristid> MichaelRaskin: because POSIX seconds is not specified in terms of TAI /o\
<gchristensen> even TAI is flaweed
<gchristensen> I prefer the imprecision of the unix epoch ;)
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: true, TAI second count is flawed, but you want live long enough to check
<MichaelRaskin> If you succeed in that, the small annoyance of TAI being flawed won't bother you
<gchristensen> well they don't agree with each other if they're at different heights
<gchristensen> what even is time, man
<MichaelRaskin> But that correction is actually a known calculation.
<gchristensen> :)
<manveru> time = trying to express the number of rotations of massive bodies in an arbitrary solar system around each other...
<gchristensen> the golden age of time was before trains probably
<MichaelRaskin> time = measure of which server your email can rech with a given timeout
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: the bliss of nonexistence?
<gchristensen> it existed but wasn't so rigid
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<Li[m]> is there documentation on setting up a nixpkgs channel?
<Li[m]> how do people propagate their nixpkgs tree efficiently? must be a channel right?
<clever> Li[m]: i just pointed nix-channel to a webserver i controlled, and looked at the access.log to see what 404'd
<Li[m]> clever: thanks ... :S
<jluttine> anyone using nixos + (spac)emacs + haskell? just wondering if someone has ideas to set this up properly.. i'd like emacs to find the packages when it's doing syntax/code checking assistance
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<clever> Li[m]: for the most part, its just 2 files in a directory, nixexprs.tar.xz and binary-caches
<jluttine> i'm now running emacs inside a pure nix-shell. if i launch ghci, the packages are found, but inside emacs they're not found
* aristid wonders how long it will take to get used to the nix 2.0 commands
<aristid> jluttine: yes, multiple people, but unfortunately not me /o\
<MichaelRaskin> aristid: no less than it takes for them to settle.
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<aristid> it seems there is something wrong with the nix in nixpkgs:
<aristid> i don't get manpages
<aristid> $ man nix
<aristid> No manual entry for nix
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<teozkr> aristid: are you using nixos or on top of another distro?
<aristid> teozkr: nixos
<teozkr> oh, okay :/
<aristid> but bash completion works \o/
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<the-kenny> I don't have a man page for nix either
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<Ankhers> Is there something wrong with hyrda notifications? I seem to be getting dependency failed notifications for packages I do not maintain.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/370e01accea (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<Ankhers> va1entin: Thanks!
<the-kenny> Has anyone here an idea how to debug this issue? There seems to be some very strange interop between erlang and buildRubyGem, detailed here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/fced35fa44098be0296d8b42166583bd5e505141#commitcomment-27974860
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<seanparsons> That explains why my inbox has been carpet bombed.
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<Yaniel> and the emails just keep coming
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<gchristensen> unfortunately there is probably nothing we can do :(
<gchristensen> * for this one
<MichaelRaskin> At least ofBorg is no longer the noisiest bot?
<gchristensen> hydra will have to send more mail than this to keep up!
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<schmittlauch_> ohai, I have a weird issue installing nixos on a UEFI system (part bootloader installation): when run by nixos-install, systemd bootctl fails to install the bootloader. But when I run the command given in the python trace manually, it succeeds.
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<clever> schmittlauch_: what did you mount to /boot/ ?
<clever> or rather, /mnt/boot/
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<schmittlauch_> clever: I mounted my efi system partition /dev/sda1 to both /mnt/boot and to /boot
<clever> schmittlauch_: and what does `mount` output?
<schmittlauch_> clever: mount shows that they're mounted there
<clever> schmittlauch_: i'm looking for something else in the mount output
<clever> efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
<clever> yep, the efi vars are visible
<clever> schmittlauch_: and what is the type code on the sda1 partition?
<schmittlauch_> clever: EF00, as it's supposed to be
<schmittlauch_> clever: btw, I'm using the unstable iso to install a stable system
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<clever> schmittlauch_: i suspect the file not found came from this region of the code
<clever> no idea why it works outside the chroot
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<schmittlauch_> clever: should I try to comment out the bootloader installation part from nixos-install?
<clever> i suspect that it will already boot as it is
<clever> since you manually ran that command
<schmittlauch_> I don't know what steps are still due afterwards
<hodapp> yeah, I too am getting spammed out the wazoo by hydra
<clever> schmittlauch_: i dont think there are any others, just umount everything and reboot
<sphalerite> aristid: there is no manpage for nix
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<sphalerite> compare man nix-store
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<schmittlauch_> clever: just tried, there's no boot entry. Maybe the VirtualBox EFI implementation is still buggy
<clever> schmittlauch_: i remember being able to edit the efi vars from the efi firmware directly
<clever> schmittlauch_: just manually create a boot entry and pick the stemd-bootx64.efi file in its UI
<schmittlauch_> I'll try that
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<schmittlauch_> turns out systemd-boot *was* indeed loaded, but only has 1 entry "EFI default loader" which does nothing
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<sphalerite> schmittlauch_: did you mount your ESP in the installer?
<schmittlauch_> sphalerite: my whole /boot is the EFI partition
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<h30[m]> jluttine: Could it be this problem? https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/2294
<h30[m]> I remember encountering something similar and the `dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(exec-path-from-shell)` approach worked for me
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<psychon_> hi, does anyone have some hints on how I can avoid getting spammed by Hydra?
<sphalerite> psychon_: set up a filter rule :/
<psychon_> I got like 40 mails informing me that some build failed; apparently Hydra just collected the authors of like 20k commits and spams everyone
<sphalerite> properly avoiding it is not possible AFAIK
<gchristensen> sorry psychon_, Hydra got a new set of NixOS release jobsets added to it. This means for the first time it is finding lots of failures and sending mail. This won't continue much past today, even though it really sucks for today.
<gchristensen> we're going to find a way to avoid this for the next release.
<psychon_> in case your goal is to punish people just because they contributed one commit, you are succeeding (sorry, consider this line a rant and feel free to ignore it)
<psychon_> okay, thanks
<psychon_> thanks for the pointer
<MichaelRaskin> Or maybe 544 — there are links in both directions, though
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* psychon_ wonders how long this continues until some spam filter "learns"...
<gchristensen> oh no
<gchristensen> is hydra going to send all this mail again when it is fixed
<srk> someone should kill the mailserver before :D
<sphalerite> let's not fix it xD
<MichaelRaskin> Please do not backport fixes for ZHF from master to 18.03 until Hydra mailing gets fixed?
<h30[m]> I guess this means 18.03 is close at least...
<gchristensen> no, we must carry on
<sphalerite> +1 for "kill the mailserver"
<psychon_> <gchristensen> is hydra going to send all this mail again when it is fixed <- I already have one of those for something with "hardened" and "v4l2loopback" in its job name
<sphalerite> I don't think these notifications are critical really?
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<cmollekopf> Is anyone here that understands how separate debug symbols are supposed to be installed in the user profile (if at all)?
<psychon_> since I just got a new one (which this time was already flagged by my spam filter): how many different jobs are there? O.o
<clever> psychon_: currently, 1062 jobs are failing
<gchristensen> psychon_: but about 40,000
<psychon_> okay, so 41 mails means I'm "almost there"
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<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure: does Hydra send «newly succeeding» emails, too?
<sphalerit> MichaelRaskin: to maintainers definitely
<sphalerit> To committers I'm not sure
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<psychon_> I got one mail "... has changed from 'Failed' to 'Success'." so far
<MichaelRaskin> Ouch.
<clever> The status of Hydra job ‘nixos:release-18.03:nixpkgs.plasma5.plasma-nm.x86_64-linux’ has changed from "Success" to "Dependency failed". For details, see
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<gchristensen> psychon_: what jobs have you received email for?
<psychon_> gchristensen: lots of random stuff, anything specific you are interested in?
<psychon_> the common part seems to be nixos:release-18.03:
<gchristensen> psychon_: the prefix, like "Hydra job nixos:release-18.03:"
<gchristensen> ok cool
<gchristensen> email has been disabled for that jobset, hopefully that'll stop it
<psychon_> after there is e.g. nixos.tests.mysqlReplication.i686-linux, but also nixpkgs.haskellPackages.gl-capture.x86_64-linus
<psychon_> mpv failed, plasma failed, k3b failed, python27 failed etc
<psychon_> thanks
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<clever> The status of Hydra job ‘nixos:release-18.03:nixpkgs.haskellPackages.elerea-examples.x86_64-linux’ has changed from "Success" to "Dependency failed". For details, see
<clever> gchristensen: i suspect it might be a post-build hook slowly working thru backlogs
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<psychon_> yup, I just got that ^ mail, too
<gchristensen> Eelco says it should work
<gchristensen> some mail is definitely still going to be in the send queue, but hopefully no new mail will be added
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<clever> Created at:Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 11:43 AM (Delivered after 5 seconds)
<clever> Dependency failed: Hydra job nixos:release-18.03:nixos.tests.avahi.i686-linux
<clever> gchristensen: it feels like the backlog isnt in the mail agent, but in hydra itself
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<i-am-the-slime> Ga
<i-am-the-slime> I'll try here again. Is there anybody using spacemacs with stack (haskell) around?
<gchristensen> clever: I have no powers here
<clever> gchristensen: mostly just commenting on things
<gchristensen> aye
<psychon_> (10 new mails while I was on the toilet)
<psychon_> 11
<gchristensen> hotfix: don't use the toilet (I'm sorry, I can't do anything :( )
<aminechikhaoui> maybe stopping the postfix service should fix it
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<aminechikhaoui> cmollekopf: you could probably use Eelco's dwarffs to pull debug symbols automatically if say gdb or an elfutils binary needs it
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<clever> aminechikhaoui: neat, i was considering making a gdb plugin that could just fetch that stuff from the binary cache
<aristid> sphalerite: i've noticed that there's no manpage for nix, but if you just run "nix" without arguments, it says: "For full documentation, run 'man nix' or 'man nix-<COMMAND>'."
<aristid> so the bug is either that there is no manpage, or that this message exists :)
<MichaelRaskin> The former, and it is work-in-progress
<aristid> excellent
<MichaelRaskin> No idea about ETA…
<aminechikhaoui> clever: yeah it's really useful and super easy to add, just imports = [ (builtins.fetchGit https://github.com/edolstra/dwarffs + "/module.nix") ]
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<aristid> MichaelRaskin: maybe the message could tell you to go to https://nixos.org/nix/manual/ until the manpage is ready
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<clever> aminechikhaoui: neat
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<aristid> aminechikhaoui: haha that is almost too clever
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<aminechikhaoui> well niksnut is pretty clever+awesome :D
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<monotux> trying to make a nftable portforward to work as expected but obviously missing something. https://hastebin.com/yadeducito.pl
<monotux> the port I am trying to forward is in the example 12345, which is listed in the tcp_accepted set
<monotux> but if I try to access the port from outside of my network it simply times out
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<Myrl-saki> Is there any update on mutually dependent build machines?
<Myrl-saki> Last time I tried it, on nixos-16.09, it deadlocked.
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<psychon_> just for the statistics: 10 new mails, the last one a minute ago (and one of them was about haskellPackages.curl-runnings.x86_64-linux going Failed->Success)
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<clever> gchristensen: can you get the borg to check-over https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36809 ?
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<gchristensen> clever: why aren't you a trusted user lol
<clever> what does it take to add that?
<MichaelRaskin> A PR against ofborg adding cleverca22 to a list
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<clever> ah
<LnL> clever: you also still don't have a commit bit?
<clever> LnL: nope
<LnL> how... :D
<MichaelRaskin> This all seems a setup for elaborate trolling.
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<clever> gchristensen: looks like all the tests pass
<dtz> :)
* gchristensen waits for aarch64
<clever> gchristensen: that aarch64 error doesnt seem possible on master: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/blob/master/util/coding.h#L103-L114
<cmollekopf> aminechikhaoui: thanks for the suggestions. All I really need is that the debug symbols from e.g. /nix/store/7jjmm9c79dm8gm10g94hzr84069yqrxs-kube-develop-debug/lib/debug/ appear in ~/.nix-profile/lib/debug though. I already have the symbols available locally, it's just that I have to manually point to them via debug-file-directory...
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<clever> gchristensen: oh, the tail and -j hid the real error
<clever> gchristensen: something i saw when i went to ase2017, is that the absolute value of tests isnt very meaningfull, the difference is
<clever> gchristensen: so it would help if ofborg knew the previous state of rocksdb on aarch64, and told me if i made things worse, or had no effect on it
<gchristensen> yea
<clever> either query hydra some, or just build it again from the common ancestor of my branch and master
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<nckx> Oh cool a mail from Hydra.
<MichaelRaskin> «a» mail?
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<nckx> ‘Several’.
<psychon_> nckx: I got 81 so far, how's your number?
<nckx> I've just deleted them, but that sounds about right.
<thefloweringash> I'm also at 81
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<nckx> Anyone here have SSH + sudo iptables access to Hydra?
<nckx> :-)
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<tilpner> Uh oh. Failed to list units: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
<psychon_> those mails list 750 people, so 82 * 750 = 61500 mails
<leons> 82? Thats nothing. I'm at ~150 ^^
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<nckx> leons: Yay! You win. Expect an e-mail soon.
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<leons> nckx: I'm excited! Got lots of space in my inbox
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<noqqe> is there any ETA on the fix for Hydra?!
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<aminechikhaoui> cmollekop: hm I think you just need environment.enableDebugInfo = true;
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<ottidmes> What should you do when you have a option with a submodule type that has both options and config, but you do not use the values of the submodule, the submodule itself only uses them in the config part. It seems that due the lazy evaluation, it simply ignores the submodule.
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<bkchr> Hi, I can not update my Nixos anymore. I think that is a problem with the nix update. I'm still on the old nix and can not upgrade to the newest. I get the following output, when I run `nixos-rebuild switch`.: https://pastebin.com/xTGZPz4T
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<clever> bkchr: can you gist your configuration.nix file?
<clever> bkchr: also, try adding --fast
<bkchr> hmm, fast seems to do something
<clever> normally, nixos-rebuild will try to build nix first, then use the new nix to build nixos
<clever> --fast skips that first step
<ottidmes> I guess I will just have to use actual modules instead of submodule types, since submodule's config blocks only seem to work for options of that module. And just use setAttrByPath to set the path I wanted to use for the module option.
<bkchr> clever: But will this update to the newest nix?
<clever> bkchr: that depends on what the nixpkgs define
<clever> bkchr: though, the warnings in your pastebin imply your already on nix2
<earldouglas> Is Hydra unusually noisy today? I'm getting hundreds of emails.
<clever> earldouglas: its being discussed in #nixos-dev
<earldouglas> Thanks.
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<bkchr> clever: Hmm, after "--fast" I get https://pastebin.com/6P5G1HEu
<bkchr> clever: so still the same
<psychon_> earldouglas: I proposed a single fix for nixpkgs some months ago and that single commit got me 94 mails so far... "a little noisy" is something else :-(
<clever> bkchr: what does `ulimit -s` say?
<bkchr> clever: 8192
<clever> same here
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<clever> bkchr: what about `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system -vvv` ?
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<bkchr> It also crashes with a stack overflow
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<clever> bkchr: do you have a fetchtarball somewhere in your config?
<bkchr> clever: pkgs.fetchurl
<clever> that one should be safe
<bkchr> but nothing more
<clever> bkchr: what is `echo $NIX_PATH` ?
<bkchr> clever: `nixpkgs=/home/bastian/projects/nixos/nixos-config/nixpkgs:nixos=/home/bastian/projects/nixos/nixos-config/nixpkgs/nixos:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:nixpkgs-overlays=/home/bastian/projects/nixos/nixos-config/overlays`
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<clever> bkchr: and `ls -lh /home/bastian/.cache/nix/tarballs/0xmmf6pd343fspa6h9c9cjmifbgl0i548i5sgzrlvi574jqrgy98-file` ?
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<bkchr> clever: `lrwxrwxrwx 1 bastian users 54 Mar 11 17:56 /home/bastian/.cache/nix/tarballs/0xmmf6pd343fspa6h9c9cjmifbgl0i548i5sgzrlvi574jqrgy98-file -> /nix/store/1cs1s1mk3g4fmkzscw74dcnhzy949fny-SHA512SUMS`
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<clever> nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import /home/bastian/projects/nixos/nixos-config/overlays) ];
<clever> bkchr: try commenting out this like and then re-do the nix-build
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<bkchr> clever: yeah, that did it
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<clever> ah, and thats in the github
<clever> *reads*
<clever> i'm guessing its the mozilla overlay
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<clever> yeah, wabt is too small to have an issye
<bkchr> clever: I found it
<bkchr> clever: it is latest.firefox-beta-bin
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<clever> id avoid using the latest. section for now, that definitely sounds like its to blame
<roconnor> Is anyone else getting spammed by "Hydra Build Daemon" emails?
<bkchr> clever: yeah, thanks for your help
<bkchr> I already wanted to switch back to stable for quite some time, now I have a reason to finally do it :D
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<nckx> roconnor: Everyone.
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<gchristensen> should be fixed now
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<nckx> gchristensen: \o/
<gchristensen> all Eelco
<fendor> what is the fastest way in nix to search for an application or library?
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<magnetophon> fendor: do you have nix 2 ?
<fendor> magnetophon, uhm... never heard of nix 2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #36814 → ufraw: fix build → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36814
<gchristensen> samueldr:
<magnetophon> fendor: what does " nix --version" say?
<NickHu_> Does anyone here play dwarf-fotress? I think there's a problem with the dfhack package
<fendor> magnetophon, command not found
<samueldr> \o/
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 1 commits to master`: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/8a9db83980b1...7c4886d6859f
<{^_^}> → 7c4886d6 by @NeQuissimus: rofi: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.0
<magnetophon> fendor: you *do* have nix, don't you?
<samueldr> if anyone sees something screwy with the github messages through {^_^}, tell me
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 1 commits to release-18.03`: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/b8ebbc0e3d07...8fb34d8fc29a
<{^_^}> → 8fb34d8f by @NeQuissimus: rofi: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.
<hyper_ch> can someone stop all those "Dependency failed: Hydra job nixos: ...." emails?
<gchristensen> samueldr: ^ can those be coalesced in to a single message?
<hyper_ch> it sends out like 1 email per minute
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: should be fixed
<fendor> magnetophon, sure, nixos including nix-env
<samueldr> gchristensen: probably, I think I copied the exact way the github bot did, but not sure I confirmed for 1-long commits
<gchristensen> samueldr: also what happens if a push is of a dozen commits?
<hyper_ch> thx
<samueldr> max 3, as nixos_github did
<magnetophon> fendor: try "nix search vim"
gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos to: Received email spam? Hydra bug, sorry! It should be solved by now | Share the output of nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info to help us help you. || https://nixos.org || Latest NixOS: https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html || Latest Nix: https://nixos.org/nix/download.html || Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/nixos/ || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat
<fendor> magnetophon, i followed nix-env's suggestion and installed nixUnstable, is that correct?
gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos to: Received email spam? Hydra bug, fixed! Sorry! It should be solved by now | Share the output of nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info to help us help you. || https://nixos.org || Latest NixOS: https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html || Latest Nix: https://nixos.org/nix/download.html || Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/nixos/ || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat
<samueldr> yep, exactly like nixos_github was doing
<fendor> magnetophon, ok, that works now way faster
<clever> fendor: only if your not on nixos
<NickHu_> More specifically, my problem with dfhack is that the version from the binary cache is version alpha1, rather than r2; even the source of the nix expression seems to indicate the version is r2 though; can anyone reproduce?
<gchristensen> samueldr: maybe coalesce it down to just one message in all cases to avoid the spam problems we banned the github bot for
<samueldr> oh, with a stray `, it seems
<samueldr> yes, sure!
<fendor> k, then something is weird, because i am on nixos
<fendor> 17.09
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<boomshroom> Good morning!
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<magnetophon> boomshroom: good evening! ;)
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<fendor> clever, soooooo... why dont i have it preinstalled?
<boomshroom> magnetophor: Fun with timezones. I'm on the North American west coast.
<clever> fendor: if your on nixos, then you should set nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable; to upgrade it
<fendor> in my configuration.nix?
<clever> yes
<fendor> ok
<fendor> clever, what does that do exactly? adding new tools and packages or something like that?
<clever> fendor: that changes the version of nix system-wide, and updates a few config files for nix
<clever> nix-env only changes it for 1 user, and doesnt change any configs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 1 commits to master`: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/7c4886d6859f...46037503f69e
<{^_^}> → 46037503 by @NeQuissimus: vscode: 1.20.1 -> 1.21.0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 1 commits to release-18.03`: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/8fb34d8fc29a...f57a786cfb92
<{^_^}> → f57a786c by @NeQuissimus: vscode: 1.20.1 -> 1.21.
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<fendor> clever, i see, is there some documentation to it somewhere?
<fendor> clever, thanks a lot!
<sphalerite> clever: fendor: prefer nixStable2 rather than nixUnstable :)
<fendor> sphalerite, naaaahh, thats boring i bet
<samueldr> gchristensen: It should now coalesce into one message when there is only one commit pushed
<samueldr> (well, once deployed)
<sphalerite> fendor: actually I think nixUnstable on 17.09 is currently *older* than nixStable2
<fendor> related question, why is there no man page for nix? i tried sudo mandb and mandb
<NickHu_> Ok, so building dwarf-fortress-packages.dfhack actually pulls in the wrong sources for some reason
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @davidak opened issue #36815 → kdenlive: Segmentation fault → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36815
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LightDiscord closed pull request #36800 → vscode: 1.20.1 -> 1.21.0 → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36800
<tilpner> sphalerite - On what channel is nixStable2 available? I can't find it :/ (I use nixStable from nixos-unstable for now)
<sphalerite> fendor: it's a work in progress. For now, just use nix --help
<fendor> i see
<sphalerite> tilpner: 17.09 has nixStable2. On unstable you just have nix for that :)
<fendor> sphalerite, nixStable2 should also provide nix, shouldn't it?
<tilpner> Oh, so it's a temporary thing?
<sphalerite> yes
<fendor> sphalerite, i am on nixos 17.09, but didnt have that tool
<sphalerite> tilpner: it's specific for 17.09 since we don't want to automatically upgrade users on the stable 17.09 version
<sphalerite> fendor: yes
<tilpner> Ah, okay
<fendor> ok.
<fendor> now i get the warning `unknown setting: signed-binary-caches` :(
<sphalerite> fendor: that setting was removed. You can safely ignore the warning
<fendor> sphalerite, ok, can i somehow remove that setting, too?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthiasbeyer opened issue #36816 → lua 5.2 does not ship "loadstring" but on debian it does → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36816
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed to master « nix: Fix build on ARMv6 »: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/46037503f69e...22df7410454b
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<sphalerite> fendor: update your nixpkgs
<fendor> with nix-channel --upgrade && nix-env -u ?
<sphalerite> sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
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<boomshroom> fendor: nix-channel --update with fetch the new repository if your channel isn't being controlled by nixos.
<sphalerite> boomshroom: which it is
<fendor> oh, but it will not update the application installed by my user, or will it?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 5 commits to master: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/22df7410454b...6c5aa934dda0
<{^_^}> → 68294bb2 by @NeQuissimus: linux: 4.14.25 -> 4.14.26
<{^_^}> → daded89d by @NeQuissimus: linux: 4.4.120 -> 4.4.121
<{^_^}> → cc18de18 by @NeQuissimus: linux: 4.15.8 -> 4.15.9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.15.8 -> 4.15.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.14.25 -> 4.14.2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.9.86 -> 4.9.8
<boomshroom> Not yet. It just updates the channel. nix-env -u is needed to actually install the updated packages.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.4.120 -> 4.4.12
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux-copperhead: 4.15.8.a -> 4.15.9.
<fendor> i mean sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade.
<sphalerite> !-A
<{^_^}> You'll usually want to use nix-env -i with -A. It's faster and more precise. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/nix-env_-iA for details.
<sphalerite> but see ^ for some caveats about -u
<sphalerite> fendor: no, it won't.
<fendor> sphalerite, ok.
<boomshroom> I beleive apt-get and pacman have something similar where apt-get --update and pacman -Sy update the repos and apt-get --upgrade and pacman -Su installs.
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<fendor> boomshroom, yeah, they do
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<sphalerite> fendor: nixos-rebuild with --upgrade actually runs nix-channel --update and then does a normal rebuild
<sphalerite> note that it's affecting root's channels (which is very likely what you want, even to update user packages), not user channels
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<fendor> ok, but no user space upgrade, good to know. i have defined some user-channels, not sure how useful they are ^^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #36817 → vxl: fix build by using gcc6 → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36817
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jfrankenau opened pull request #36818 → wireguard: 0.0.20180218 -> 0.0.20180304 → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36818
<sphalerite> it is userspace. Just not user profiles
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<sphalerite> The kernel will also get upgraded if there's a newer version, but you need to reboot for that to take effect
<{^_^}> [hydra] @dtzWill closed pull request #541 → release.nix: Don't force gcc6 → https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/pull/541
<gchristensen> samueldr: I dunno, I think it is probably still too much
<fendor> so, should i prefer nix over nix-env except when installing new packages?
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<sphalerite> fendor: it's up to you
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<sphalerite> fendor: the commands are sometimes prettier and you get more useful progress info
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<fendor> what does nix upgrade-nix different to the other update/upgrade commands?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NickHu opened issue #36819 → dfhack is mysteriously the wrong version → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36819
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<tnks> I'm doing a "nix optimise-store" and there's a lot of "suspicious writable files"
<tnks> Are those to be expected? Or should nothing under /nix/store be writable like that?
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<tnks> actually, I just looked at the permissions of one of the files and it's just this: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root nixbld
<sphalerite> tnks: they still shouldn't be writable
<sphalerite> nothing should
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #36820 → torque: fix build with gcc7 → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36820
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<tnks> sphalerite: I am running Nix inside of Docker, so it's not a standard setup.
<sphalerite> tnks: hm ok, but I think nix should still make the files read-only
<tnks> sphalerite: yeah, a lot of them are.
<tnks> but there are some exceptions too.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jfrankenau opened pull request #36821 → f3: 6.0-2016.11.16-unstable -> 7.0 → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36821
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « rofi: Fix patches »: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/6c5aa934dda0...edec57043ed9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « rofi: Fix patche
<manveru> Looks like the release is nigh
<sphalerite> which release?
<rawtaz> the new stable
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<sphalerite> nixos stable?
<sphalerite> it's still a couple weeks away
<rawtaz> sure
<rawtaz> pretty close :P
<MichaelRaskin> Well, people who say «the end is nigh» use even weaker definitions of nigh.
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<sphalerite> hah
<rawtaz> lol
<rawtaz> question: when upgrading from a stable to a stable version, is there any chance that NixOS leaves cruft behind in the system (that is, excluding the home directories and data folders), or is it really clean?
<rawtaz> by clean i mean that an upgrade leaves the system in the same state as if you had reinstalled it and restored all your data and settings, as opposed to there being some leftovers from the previous version or similar
<sphalerite> rawtaz: state like the data in databases will still be there
<sphalerite> oh yeah, especially your home will not be "clean"
<rawtaz> are we talking about databases the system maintain itself, i.e. that i never created?
<sphalerite> although given your question that's arguably part of what would have been restored
<rawtaz> no, of course, the home dirs are excluded. im just talking about the things i never created myself, so to speak
<sphalerite> rawtaz: no
<sphalerite> there's some stuff that's also dictated by stateVersion, like database versions and stuff. But that's part of the config
<sphalerite> it's largely up to the services you run as well. Some are more stateful than others.
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<sphalerite> But just plain nixos without any badly-behaved services, yes it will be as if you'd done a fresh install
<sphalerite> bar the old generations that will still be available for rolling back to until you delete and gc them :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed to master « josm: 13478 -> 13500 »: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/edec57043ed9...37f6b0ff9cc0
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @tomberek opened pull request #906 → Use proper buildscript → https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/906
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<rawtaz> sphalerite: cool, thanks for clarifying :) sounds good. i can live with stateful stuff that make sense
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed to release-18.03 « josm: 13478 -> 1350
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<hlolli> I'm trying to compile with Emscripten compiler, and Emscripten provides all its own tools for compiling. Includeing their own node binary. But as I'm a newb on nixos I'm quite confused to why I can't run the binary ```[hlolli@localhost:/opt/emsdk-portable/node/8.9.1_64bit/bin]$ which node
<hlolli> [hlolli@localhost:/opt/emsdk-portable/node/8.9.1_64bit/bin]$ node
<hlolli> bash: /opt/emsdk-portable/node/8.9.1_64bit/bin/node: No such file or directory
<hlolli> ```
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<hlolli> the return value from which node didn't get pasted but it is /opt/emsdk-portable/node/8.9.1_64bit/bin/node
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<manveru> hlolli: that's because it can't find any glibc I assume
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #36822 → rush: fix build → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36822
<manveru> Try lld on the file
<symphorien> hlolli: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Packaging_Binaries here is a detailed explanation
<symphorien> this means the elf interpreter is wrong
<hlolli> hmm ok, need to install lld, moment..
<sphalerite> ldd*
<symphorien> fixing this is a painful process
<sphalerite> but no, ldd won't work either if the interpreter is missing
<symphorien> so first check if the emscripten provided by nixpkgs works for you: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html#emsc
<symphorien> this would save you a lot of work
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<hlolli> yeh.. I really need the latest upcoming emscripted due to fixes in the new pthread :S
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<symphorien> then it is easier to override nixpkgs's version than to use a procompiled version
<hlolli> I guess I could just use that nix-expression to aim for the newest emscripten?
<symphorien> for example
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<hlolli> that sounds clean, I'll give that a try
<symphorien> see https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Modifying_a_Package for example
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<hlolli> nice, thanks !
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<rawtaz> is users.users.<username>.packages preferred/recommended over nix-env -i ?
<rawtaz> according to https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Cheatsheet it's there since 17.09pre, which gives the impression that it's the new thing
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<sphalerite> rawtaz: not really, they have different use cases.
<sphalerite> rawtaz: users.users.*.packages can't be managed by the user themselves. The user profile (managed through nix-env) can.
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<rawtaz> ok. so to install packages we have: environment.systemPackages, users.users.*.packages, nix-env -i, nix-shell, and i think some more
<rawtaz> sphalerite: yes, indeed. but if you have complete control over the system, so installing as root isnt a problem, then perhaps the users.users.*.packages way is recommended for packages that do not need to be system-wide?
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<sphalerite> it's a matter of personal preference really.
<sphalerite> Depends on whether you want the nixos and user package versions tied together as well, for instance.
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<rawtaz> it would be highly useful if there was a chart with the various ways to install packages, as well as each ways' pros and cons, that newcomers could review to make a more educated decision
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<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: and then at the middle of the chart the newcomers stop understanding what exactly is the chart still talking about.
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<MichaelRaskin> nix-shell -p or nix-shell with shell.nix?
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: im sure a chart like that could be made without confusing them TOO much :P
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<{^_^}> [nix-pills] @clacke opened issue #53 → pp-aterm no longer exists → https://github.com/NixOS/nix-pills/issues/53
<rawtaz> if theyre weary about those details theyre expected to look them up. the key point is getting an overview/summary of the pros and cons for these different ways of managing packages
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed to release-18.03 « nix: Fix build on ARMv
<gchristensen> samueldr: ^
<Dezgeg> is that notification missing the last byte?
<joepie91> did I hear somebody needing a flowchart
<joepie91> :P
<MichaelRaskin> Before Nix I wasn't sure why Illuminati and Freemasons needed to have different dogmas for different levels.
<MichaelRaskin> joepie91: worse, a comparison chart
<joepie91> [20:26] <MichaelRaskin> Before Nix I wasn't sure why Illuminati and Freemasons needed to have different dogmas for different levels.
<joepie91> this should go on the Nix site as a testimonial!
<joepie91> :p
<Dezgeg> ah I see that's not the only instance, this as well: linux-copperhead: 4.15.8.a -> 4.15.9.
<joepie91> no, but more seriously, we have user packages? this is news to me
<MichaelRaskin> What do you mean, user packages?
<John882> I was wondering if nixos works with btrfs good, on the website I can see it's working with ZFS
<joepie91> users.users.*.packages
<gchristensen> joepie91: sure
<MichaelRaskin> Ah that. Apparently, that appeared after I stopped using mainline NixOS
<gchristensen> ... John882 sure
<MichaelRaskin> Oh maybe I didn't notice.
<John882> gchristensen: ok ty
<MichaelRaskin> John882: My /nix/store is BtrFS
<John882> so do you guys suggest btrfs or zfs?
<gchristensen> typically, I suggest ext4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dupgit opened pull request #36824 → Remove myself as a maintainer → https://git.io/vxePh
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<rawtaz> John882: can you point me to what you read about ZFS? im curious
<rawtaz> John882: 20:27 < John882> I was wondering if nixos works with btrfs good, on the website I can see it's working with ZFS
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<rawtaz> John882: i'd say ZFS any day
<rawtaz> but im somewhat biased by liking ZFS and not btrfs :-)
<LnL> yeah, doesn't really matter unless you have a specific reason or usecase to prefer a specific filesystem
<rawtaz> in the end it depends on your usecase
<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, doesn't really matter, you do have backups, right?
<rawtaz> do i run ZFS for my most important data? hell yes. do i run it at my clients/customers? nope.
<John882> 
<rawtaz> would i run btrfs at my clients, or for my own important data? nope. am i running btrfs on my temporary linux desktop just to see how it works? yes.
<rawtaz> there's no simple answer, depends on what you want and need and what you are invested in etc
<John882> https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS and reading at zfs encryption too
<rawtaz> thanks a lot! :)
<John882> since I am using zfs (bsd) usually, I was wondering witch one should I choose
<boomshroom> I'm trying out BTRFS, but my store on my laptop is ZFS because macOS doesn't support most linux filesystems. I'm thinking of switching my laptop's NixOS partition to ZFS to keep things consistent on the one device.
<gchristensen> boomshroom: it is so cool that ZFS is pretty much the "lingua franca" FS now
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<rawtaz> hmm, https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS#How_to_install_NixOS_on_a_ZFS_root_filesystem explains how to install nixos with zfs root from an already running system, rather than for a completely fresh install on e.g. a VPS or new server youre setting up. i think the latter would be needed as most people set up new servers
<MoreTea> hi y'all. is there a way to do nix-store -qR from a nix build itself?
<MoreTea> I ranted about docker + nix, and think that I can actually build all the tools already.
<MoreTea> There is nothing in theeady with the current spec
<MoreTea> *nothing in the current spec that prevents me from doing this IMHO.
<LnL> MoreTea: exportReferencesGraph
<boomshroom> If I call nixos-rebuild or nix-env with a profile argument, will it switch the default profile for future invokations to that profile series? If not, how can I change the default series?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dupgit merged pull request #36824 → Remove myself as a maintainer → https://git.io/vxePh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxe1T
<{^_^}> → 3abce29a by @dupgit: Remove myself as a maintainer
<{^_^}> → 880311a5 by @grahamc: Merge pull request #36824 from dupgit/patch-
<gchristensen> samueldr: ^ hmm a bit weird
<boomshroom> Unrelatedly, is it possible to wrap GCC in such a way that it provides default flags when called? I'd like to spoof it so it doesn't think it's using a libc since the libc is in a nonstandard format.
<mog> gchristensen, can you address mailing list about the hydra emails, i saw your github comment about it being mistake and being fixed but i imagine others havent
<gchristensen> a great idea!
<mog> thank you
<symphorien> boomshroom: there is NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE and NIX_LDFLAGS_COMPILE if I understand what you want correctly
<samueldr> gchristensen: I'll take a look later, early evening
<samueldr> seems to split at numbers
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<samueldr> uh no, otherwise PR # wouldn't be there
<boomshroom> symphorien: And that will be applied whenever I call the wrapped GCC or binutils?
<gchristensen> samueldr: I mean the 4 messages per PR merge
<symphorien> I think so
<gchristensen> samueldr: the issue Dezgeg pointed out is probably b/c you have a \n at the end of your message
<boomshroom> symphorien: Alternatively I could have the flags be global to a stdenv.
<symphorien> you can export NIX_DEBUG=1 to see what happens I think
<samueldr> there shouldn't be a \n, afaiui
<rawtaz> hmm. is there any specific reason other than "noone did it" that there's no installation program in nixos? i mean something that is graphical OR curses based and that can help the user with the basics, such as partitioning/disks/filesystems, perhaps networking, and of course the default/basic configuration before installation?
<gchristensen> rawtaz: I think a big part is it is less important due to how NixOS works
<gchristensen> rawtaz: so the driving need isn't quite there
<gchristensen> but... that is exactly as you say, because nobody did it ;)
<MichaelRaskin> I would say: there are improvements to make even for the current user base, that _had to_ read some documentation.
<rawtaz> gchristensen: im not sure i understand really. a lot of newcomers are more or less afraid of the partitioning disks part, and some may have trouble with the networking part.
<samueldr> ah, first, the PR author is used instead of who closed it (issue filed)
<MichaelRaskin> So the improvements to attract the people who won't skim the manual in advance are not the most attractive areas of work.
<boomshroom> I have never installed Linux on a laptop and not been frustrated with Wi-Fi.
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: i agree. the docs are pretty okay once you just read them carefully, but there's some nuances that need improvement :)
<samueldr> and then, there is the issue wherein I don't think I can safely coalesce push events from PR merge events
<samueldr> I could, though, simply not show PR merge
<LnL> rawtaz: I know clever and manveru have played with making a ui for the installer
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: we have a horrible PR backlog and we have given up on the issue count
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #36810 → glibc: patch to fix building w/musl-based stdenv → https://git.io/vxeE4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxe1F
<{^_^}> → 82644c15 by @dtzWill: glibc: patch to fix building w/musl-based stden
<{^_^}> → 54c4c183 by @dtzWill: glibc: make fetchpatch optional ("? null"), just in case.
<{^_^}> → 0edb8f7b by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #36810 from dtzWill/fix/glibc-with-mus
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: do you mean in the sense that focus is better put on those people that CAN/DO read the manual, than those who cant be arsed/are too lazy? or do you mean in the sense that making sure the docs are top-notch is simply feeling more important?
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: aww ;/ how can people help you with those things (people that cant really just dig in and write the code)?
<samueldr> see here gchristensen https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2018-03-09#1520633829-1520633858; the github bot was doing the same thing
<gchristensen> samueldr: oh ok
<samueldr> (though, sure we can try and improve on that!)
<rawtaz> LnL: i see, do you know if there's anything about it online?
<MichaelRaskin> Unfortunately, some parts are complicated process questions. And it is very hard to be taken seriously there without having written a non-trivial amount of code for the project, if only as a proof of understanding of scope.
<gchristensen> samueldr: :) let me know when I should pull / update
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe we need a lot of lightweight tests, which are still code but might require less experience.
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<samueldr> I need to go out for a while, so it will definitely be during the evening
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @knedlsepp opened pull request #36825 → WIP: pythonPackages.macfsevents: init at 0.8.1 → https://git.io/vxeMk
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: do you mean people asking about how things work? that this is the majority of the issues?
<gchristensen> samueldr: no wories
<rawtaz> LnL: danke
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: If you can just dig in and write the docs, it is also very useful
<boomshroom> I see there's a nix-env --switch-profile. Is there anything similar for nixos-rebuild?
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<LnL> rawtaz: don't know the status of those and/or if they are still actively being worked on
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<infinisil1> Whew, glad the mailspam is over gchristensen :P
<srk> drained my battery quite a bit :D
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: well, there are process issues in the sense of how to review PRs to minimise the risk of truly bad changes ever getting in, reasonably manage the risk of breakage, and still Do Something about the backlog accumulation.
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: let me cut straight to the chase. my thoughts are basically this; 1) what are the main reasons people create issues - bugs/problems, general questions, feature suggestions? 2) for the main reasons people create issues, what can we do to manage that more effectively AND perhaps more importantly what can we do so that people dont feel they need to create as much issues.
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: A significant share of both issues and IRC questions _are_ documentation shortcomings.
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: hm ok. im afraid i dont entirely understand what you mean by "process issues" - do you have an example or two perhaps?
<MichaelRaskin> There are also bugs, of course, and then there are real problems with triaging the bugs by «fixed by other changes/forgotten-but-shouldn't-be»
<das_j> Hey everyone, I tried to install the Hydra for testing purposes, but the channel mentoined in the manual doesn't work. Is there a more up-to-date channel?
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: right, makes sense. do you feel that people not knowing much about the state of things or the project's roadmap is also a big factor contributing to issues? perhaps a lot of issues are about the same thing, and having some other information resource where those things are addressed would give people answers before they create (redundant) issues about it
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: basically, there is the one big question of deciding what is good enough for a PR.
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<MichaelRaskin> Project roadmap is about major tradeoffs, and it's complicated, and it's not about the things newcomers usually ask.
<rawtaz> ok
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<bgamari-> how does one convince `nix build` to be more verbose in its output?
<bgamari-> e.g. print the log like nix-build used to
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<tilpner> bgamari- - I don't know, but maybe "nix log" works too for you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kwohlfahrt opened pull request #36826 → houdini 16.0.671->16.5.405 → https://git.io/vxeM5
<manveru> bgamari-: replacing `nix build` with `nix log` should work
<bgamari-> manveru, indeed this ticket is precisely what I was looking for, thanks!
<manveru> i agree though that there should be some --verbose flag for `nix build`...
<boomshroom> How can I delete an unused profile?
<boomshroom> What is the 'default' profile used for?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mogorman merged pull request #34067 → gnuclad: init at 0.2.4 → https://git.io/vNzrp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxeDv
<{^_^}> → 8e478f8f by @mogorman: gnuclad: init at 0.2.4
<{^_^}> → 9a68c569 by @7c6f434c: Merge pull request #34067 from mogorman/gnucla
<boomshroom> I want to make sure there are no profile collisions between NixOS and macOS before merging their stores.
<manveru> uhm, i don't think you can easily merge stores between architectures
<clever> manveru: i once ran armv6 and x86-64 on the same rootfs
<manveru> i mean, you can, it just won't be much use
<manveru> but either way profiles won't cause collisions if you only copy over /nix/store and not /nix/var
<boomshroom> manveru: the profile issue actually seems fairly easy to resolve by just renaming the profiles. It's just sharing the store that's hard because it wouldn't pick up all the GC roots.
<manveru> yeah, if you run garbage collection
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<manveru> what exactly would you want to do?
<boomshroom> manveru: Have NixOS and macOS using the same /nix partition with separate profiles.
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<boomshroom> But first, I'll need to resolve the fact that Mac and Windows love making other OSes inaccessible after updates.
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<sphalerite> !m shlevy
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<sphalerite> huh? Is botbot not doing that thing anymore?
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<sphalerite> oh noes, botbot doesn't seem to be logging just now either
<gchristensen> [0__0], {^_^}, and {`-`} must not get along
<gchristensen> l
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: must be some pretty serious animosity between them to stop botbot from logging any channels at all
<gchristensen> =)
<gchristensen> botbot seems to be on barely on life support, afaict
<sphalerite> oh yeah, I see the code was last updated in May :/
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<gchristensen> they haven't replied to any of my attempts to contact them, either
<gchristensen> and I've made many
<sphalerite> ah :/
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<lexokay> sup?!
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<MichaelRaskin> I guess for logging our current best bet is matrix.org…
<gchristensen> yikes
<sphalerite> ^
<lexokay> guys, i'm writing a program, and I would like to distribute \ invoke it with nix-shell --pure. And here goes problem. My program assumes user have UTF8 locale, but --pure makes locale equals to "POSIX" . and my program crashes on POSIX locale. How should I fix that?
<manveru> lexokay: add `LC_ALL = "en-US.UTF-8";` in your shell.nix?
<sphalerite> lexokay: make it not crash on POSIX ;)
<lexokay> great! let me try that, 1 min
<manveru> well, and that :)
<manveru> what language are you using?
<sphalerite> I think that should be an underscore, as in en_US.UTF-8 and not en-US.UTF-8?
<manveru> true
<manveru> i'm not fully awake anymore :P
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<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: or maybe trying to collate multiple people's weechat logs?
<sphalerite> gchristensen: you have logs going pretty far back, don't you?
<gchristensen> 2016
<gchristensen> Jan
<tomberek> Has anyone run into the "Guru Meditations" error in virtualbox using nixops?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #36455 → runc: 1.0.0rc4 -> 1.0.0rc5 → https://git.io/vANYv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxeSI
<{^_^}> → c2c9d393 by @dtzWill: runc: 1.0.0rc4 -> 1.0.0rc
<{^_^}> → 3cfbc9e6 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #36455 from dtzWill/update/runc-1.0.0rc
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<lexokay> hmmm.... here is my shell.nix https://hastebin.com/liwenuqino.js how should I correctly specify env var locale? does it require any additional packages?
<lexokay> manveru
<manveru> lexokay: it should go into the derivation
<manveru> i'm not sure if runCommand supports it, but i think it should
<lexokay> errm? how to code that?
<manveru> add it after your buildInputs in the same attrset
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<lexokay> k, lemme try dat....
<manveru> https://hastebin.com/uxumibukig.js something like that
<lexokay> bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
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<lexokay> inside --pure when I try "en_US.UTF-8"
<lexokay> bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory
<lexokay> hmmm.....
<manveru> well, you probably need to have locales
<manveru> afaict that's usually part of xlibx.libX11
<manveru> *xlibs.libX11
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<manveru> maybe you can run it in strace and see where it looks for the file
<lexokay> yay! addition of glibcLocales package resolved pure issue! here working solution https://hastebin.com/rotaqibuho.js
<manveru> ah, good :)
<lexokay> oh that tricky purity ;`)
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<rvolosatovs> hey everyone, I'm trying to set up a remote server with LUKS+LVM. I want to use Dropbear to start SSH in initrd to unlock the root partition. My problem is that network interface is not available in stage 1 by some reason. Only loopback device is at /sys/class/net and ipconfig returns 'eno2: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device'. Any ideas how I can make my internet interface available at stage 1?
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<rvolosatovs> I also tried setting up internet myself(it's static IP) in boot.preLVMCommands using `ip ..` and I also get `ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device`
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<manveru> clever: ^
<manveru> :)
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<manveru> but sounds like you need to load your kernel modules first?
<gleber_> Somehow I am unable to make `extra-socket` option of `gpg-agent` to work on my NixOS laptop :/ Anyone seen this before?
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<lexokay> i'm bad adviser, but I would suggest to build manually initrd and write script manually for initrd, then get all networking drivers modules work, and then move up higher to nix option boot.initrd.preDeviceCommands and others to add your own config
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<boomshroom> How well does NixOS play with having /nix on a separate partition?
<MichaelRaskin> Perfectly, I think
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<boomshroom> I nearly have everything from mac and NixOS in the same store! Now I'm going to need to reconfigure NixOS so it points to the new store. (Though I'll probably just reinstall since I'd rather have one zfs pool than zfs and btrfs side by side)
<rvolosatovs> Could it be related to the fact that the name of the interface is "eno2" and not "eth0" or similar?
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<rvolosatovs> lexokay: can you give some pointers on how to do that? Can I something like `mkinitcpio`?
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<infinisil1> There are nixos options for that, i happen to know that this section (written by hyper_ch *clap clap*) uses them
<lexokay> rvolosatovs there is no complete solution, but you might grasp the idea from https://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/initrd-image-linux/ https://access.redhat.com/solutions/24029 , basically 1 unpak 2 edit shell script, debug add fix to your issue 3 pack to initrd and boot 4 if works, apply fix to nix options for automation
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<hyper_ch> infinisil1: ?
<infinisil1> hyper_ch: or not?
<infinisil1> I thought you wrote this section anyways
<infinisil1> the one i linked above
<hyper_ch> infinisil1: what is this about?
<hyper_ch> nah, original one was clever I think or gchristensen
<lexokay> there are nix options like boot.initrd.preDeviceCommands and boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands and others https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#initrd that let you override internal initrd shell script, but first you might want to read that shell script and fix the error for your case
<infinisil1> hyper_ch: ah you wrote the one below about the zfs format change though :)
<hyper_ch> infinisil1: also, he uses lvm/luks and not native zfs encryption
<infinisil1> hyper_ch: yeah but the initrd network part should be the same
<hyper_ch> infinisil1: no idea about that part
<boomshroom> I was about to load the nixos installer onto my USB stick. Guess what I found on it when I checked its contents? :P
<lexokay> i've tries my strategy for plain dm crypt , and it worked for me
<lexokay> *tried
<hyper_ch> he should just switch to native encrypted zfs
<lexokay> boomshroom shrooms?
<boomshroom> lexokay: The installer I was going to put on it.
<lexokay> )
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<rvolosatovs> infinisil1: after looking through that article I started to think that maybe it's the kernel module of internet device that is not getting loaded, trying to find out if that's the case...
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<infinisil1> hyper_ch: heh yeah
<shlevy> sphalerite: What'd I do to earn that? :)
<infinisil1> hyper_ch: I haven't yet..
<lexokay> rvolosatovs makes sense
<hyper_ch> infinisil1: you should as well
<lexokay> maybe the driver not incuded to initrd by default, and you may try include ut
<sphalerit> shlevy: your emails
<shlevy> Ah :)
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<infinisil1> hyper_ch: I keep thinking about switching after i implemented my zfs tool, which would allow super nice backing up and syncing between machines, but that might take a while until I'm done with that..
<hyper_ch> infinisil1: :)
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<lexokay> offtopic: look what I have found https://steveperkins.com/using-java-9-modularization-to-ship-zero-dependency-native-apps/ LMAO, finnaly >2018 they made it
<lexokay> JAVA 9, lol, I've dropped it since version 6-7
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<boomshroom> lexokay: I still dislike Java as a whole, but it's nice knowing they're trying to patch things up.
<lexokay> yeah
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #36653 → p11-kit: 0.23.9 -> 0.23.10 → https://git.io/vApaQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @garbas pushed commit from @ryantm to staging « p11-kit: 0.23.9 -> 0.23.1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #36828 → perlPackages.ClassAccessorFast = perlPackages.ClassAccessor → https://git.io/vxe9A
<tomberek> Has anyone run into the "Guru Meditations" error in virtualbox using nixops?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed 870 commits to staging: https://git.io/vxeHf
<{^_^}> → d48b12c2 by @volth: support lxc:/// and ignore weird bridges (like openvswitch)
<{^_^}> → e123631e by @volth: add separator in case if a VM connected to more than 1 bridge
<{^_^}> → 10cbb52a by @volth: nixos/networking-scripted: restore bridge slaves dynamically added by libvirt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij merged pull request #36756 → merge master into staging → https://git.io/vAjlr
<shlevy> "shlevy pushed 870 commits" looks pretty impressive
<MichaelRaskin> Is «shlevy pushed commits» and «oxij merged PR» the same event ,actually?
<shlevy> Ugh yes
<MichaelRaskin> In a sense, it's the other way round
<shlevy> Yeah
<boomshroom> I do I make nix remove invalid GC roots?
<rvolosatovs> It worked! I'm in! Had to add the igb module to boot.initrd.kernelModules. Thanks everyone!
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<Mic92> /g/go 19
<rvolosatovs> There are 2 issues I encountered though: the name of the interface differs from the one in OS(it's eth0 in initrd and eno2 in OS); Second, documentation of boot.initrd.network.enable is wrong: 'The network may be configured using the ip kernel parameter, as described in the kernel documentation' is not true, as the ipconfig in initrd(which turned out to be ported from Arch) does not support DNS server setting
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<gleber_> The problem I had was due to `--supervisored` flag, which makes `gpg-agent` ignore `extra-socket` and instead expects systemd-style activation socket env-driven configuration.
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<epta> I was updating from 16.03 to 17.09, and 'sudo nixos-rebuild switch' failed with 'rm: cannot remove '/var/setuid-wrappers': Device or resource busy'
<epta> Is there any known workaround?
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<ottidmes> rvolosatovs: With regards to your first issue, you can use networking.usePredictableInterfaceNames = false; to get the old naming scheme consistently between the initrd and the OS, just make sure to use udev rules to make them predictable again (fixed to the mac address)
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<clever> epta: instead use `nixos-rebuild boot` and then reboot the machine
<Fare> what's the process for a 18.03 (or .04) release?
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<MichaelRaskin> People try to fix Hydra failures on 18.03 branch
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @johnchildren opened pull request #36829 → LanguageClient-neovim: 2017-12-05 -> 2018-03-06 → https://git.io/vxe7G
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @symphorien opened pull request #36830 → ssr: fix build → https://git.io/vxe7Z
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<boomshroom> Has any work been done on secret store files
<boomshroom> ? Like passwords?
<ottidmes> boomshroom: There is an old still alive issue abou it
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: what do you think about: automate adding a comment to all open issues older than X days, something like "Is this issue still relevant? If it's been resolved, or is no longer relevant, please close it. This is part of an effort to clean up lingering issues."
<ottidmes> boomshroom: Also this one is relevant: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24288
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: there's surely a lot that arent current anymore.. i dont think anyone minds a comment asking them to assess the status of their issue and asking them to close it if it's not relevant anymore.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if it is not done too often, then probably.
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<rawtaz> perhaps it has eben done recently, i have no idea. i took a peek at issues and the second one i found that's a bit old was literally said to be resolved, it just hadnt been closed.
<boomshroom> This was around since 2012? Wow. 6 years and very little progress towards it.
<rawtaz> if it's done, the message should probably include something like "If unsure, please try to reproduce the issue again using the latest version." as well. and it should be done after the next stable release, of course
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<rawtaz> it should be formulated in a way such that people are encouraged to close the issue if it's been resolved, but not to add a comment if the issue persists, as that would probably add too much noise
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, a short current reproduction would be an improvement.
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<MichaelRaskin> Maybe the first step should be a fuzzy search for apparently-resolved issues to close.
<rawtaz> yeah thats a good idea if it's doable
<rawtaz> hard to search for though
<MichaelRaskin> I guess this requires downloading the text of all issues, then gradually improving a script
<rawtaz> worth nothing in general that there ARE issues that are many years old but still relevant. e.g. #2079
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, sure
<rawtaz> right, you dont know of any "issue maintenance tools" on github?
<rawtaz> they should have that >_<
<boomshroom> How can I use ZFS within the nixos installer? It's complaining that the modules aren't loaded.
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<rawtaz> im not sure you can. but then again the only thing i read was https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS#How_to_install_NixOS_on_a_ZFS_root_filesystem
<rawtaz> this one as i said earlier seems to be about doing it from an existing system (based on the switch command)
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<tilpner> (Even if it's not a server)
<boomshroom> I tried adding zfs to the configuration.nix, but the file is read-only when on the installer.
<rawtaz> i guess to install it on zfs from the installer you need the kernel to have the zfs support loaded
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<boomshroom> chmod +w seems to work.
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<rawtaz> boomshroom: which config file are you modifying? during what environment, an installer image?
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<boomshroom> rawtaz: I'm currently booted off a USB with the NixOS installer.
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<boomshroom> the page linked earlier says to make the zfs partition use a legacy mountpoint. Can anyone here confirm that? Making it legacy might complicate things on the macOS side.
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<rawtaz> boomshroom: right, so youre modifying the configuration.nix on the installation image, then switching
<boomshroom> Yes.
<boomshroom> Not specific to NixOS: Do any of you know if it's possible to expand an existing zpool? I've deleted the BTRFS partition that used to hold NixOS as I want it to be a part of the same pool as the store.
<rawtaz> you can always add disks to the pool if thats what you mean?
<rawtaz> "disks"
<boomshroom> So I can't resize the existing block, but I can add a new block and make it a part of the pool?
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<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: by the way, if you start doing something nontrivial about triage of PRs and issues, you could want to start with old entries by Nixpkgs members.
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<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: such as?
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<MichaelRaskin> Well, I did add some labels like «by:nixpkgs-member», but these are not always present
<MichaelRaskin> Members are shown in the GitHub UI with a «Member» badge
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<rawtaz> why would those be more relevant than other issues (to triage i mean)?
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<MichaelRaskin> Not more relevant, lower-risk
<MichaelRaskin> PRs from nixpkgs members should ideally be a separate count from the non-member PRs (because the process implications are really different)
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<rawtaz> mm well i probably wont touch PRs. if i do something, it's likely going to be polishing some parts of the documentation as i go along and try to give some input in some issue(s), and if i were to do anything advanced it would just be with issues for starters. PRs is a different beast
<boomshroom> It looks like zfs is capable of autoexpanding if there's room, but I can't seem to get it to use the space left behind by BTRFS.
<rawtaz> boomshroom: i really dont know well enough, but i suggest you ask in #zfs - they should know :)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, issues by members are also lower-risk, in terms of members have enough experience to hopefully have correct expectations about the level of effort required
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: i fail to understand what risk you are talking about in that context, if what we're discussing is just bumping the issue to see if any of them can be closed :)
<MichaelRaskin> We have seen outsiders having completely wrong impression about, well, many things. Including level of authoritativeness of people's statements and level of consensus inside the project.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, whatever and however you say, people can get it wrong.
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<rawtaz> right. you mean that if one were to provide some input, doing so on issues where people have a better understanding about the context might have less risk for misunderstandings etc.
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<MichaelRaskin> Misunderstandings, out-of-context perceptions, implications of authority (a person with access shouldn't feel intimidated by a reasonable triage question)…
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<manveru> rawtaz: you got some C++ experience? :)
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<gchristensen> please check my latest email to the ML for some questions and feedback on ofborg's next feature!
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<infinisil1> gchristensen: :O
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nixy opened pull request #36831 → [WIP] linux: Add options for deblobbed kernels → https://git.io/vxeAW
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<infinisil1> gchristensen: Some feedback: Have it post a comment "All jobs succeeded, will merge in 1 hour", and then only merge in an hour without intervention
<gchristensen> I'm stepping out, please send that to the ML or github isue :)
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<infinisil1> Ah yeah sure
<rawtaz> manveru: not to any relevant degree im afraid. mostly c++ on arduino lately, and its not something i fancy at all :>
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<manveru> damn, i'm still looking for someone to help me with the nixos-installer :|
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: noted
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: ooh ok
<rawtaz> manveru: ooh ok*
<rawtaz> manveru: did you ever touch base with clever?
<manveru> i'm trying to use https://calamares.io/ and got it more or less working, just that the C++ parts need some modification to write to a configuration.nix instead of trying to modify the system themselves
<rawtaz> you guys seem to be moving towards the same goal but in parallel
<rawtaz> hm, your project page says "Combining the power of Nix, Guile & Elm to install NixOS" - did you scrap that for calamares, or is it not exclusive?
<manveru> yeah, i gave up on that
<manveru> built a simple installer with it, but partitioning is too hard
<rawtaz> quite hairy, i imagine :) so you ditched that and now calamares is the main component
<manveru> aye
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<rawtaz> ah its the calamares branch
<boomshroom> How do I set the nix builders within NixOS? Nothing comes up when I search "builder" in the NixOS options.
<manveru> calamares uses the partitioning tool from the KDE Partition Manager
<rawtaz> manveru: did you ever touch base with clever, the person who is/was working on the same type of thing?
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<rawtaz> aha. well that's fair enough.
<clever> manveru: ive got some bash scripts to fully automate installing nixos, and have a gui installer i was working on at one point
<clever> yeah, thats the gui i was working on
<rawtaz> clever: what's your take on using calamares?
<manveru> clever: i don't think i ever got it to build
<boomshroom> found it: nix.buildMachines
<rawtaz> and in general what's your take on the status of your installer thing? :)
<clever> havent tried it calamares
<clever> rawtaz: the partition editor and configuration.nix editor still need work
<Guanin> Can someone explain me how nixpkgs are organized? As I use 17.09-small, I guess I'm using the branch release-17.09. Let's say a PR gets merged into master. Does this eventually reach the release-17.09 branch?
<rawtaz> is there anything with nixos that you feel require custom partitioning stuff or is it pretty much like any other distro you install?
<clever> Guanin: the channels are all branches on the nixpkgs-channels repo
<rawtaz> i dont know of anything that's out of the ordinary on that part
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<clever> rawtaz: i prefer using zfs for the filesystem, with /nix on its own dataset so it doesnt get snapshotted
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<clever> rawtaz: and a 512mb /boot partition, plus some swap
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<rawtaz> clever: do you have a guide for the installation steps for that anywhere?
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<clever> rawtaz: i have a bash script that automates the whole thing
<rawtaz> nice name :>
<clever> rawtaz: that file is a nixos module, that installs it into the ISO or whatever else your booting
<clever> rawtaz: so you just boot the installer, and run justdoit
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<clever> and it just does it :P
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<clever> all of the config is baked into the installer image at build time
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<rawtaz> clever: so do you just place this module somewhere on the installer image or how do you "prep" e.g. the minimal installer image?
<clever> rawtaz: the last install i did was a network boot based one
<clever> rawtaz: this bakes justdoit into the netboot image
<clever> and netboot_server as a whole, configures my old laptop to act like a router and netboot server
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<clever> so you literally plug any machine into the ethernet jack, netboot it, then type in justdoit
<rawtaz> you need a callback domain justdidit.com for gathering statistics
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @symphorien opened pull request #36832 → wxhexeditor: 0.22 -> 0.24 → https://git.io/vxex3
<rawtaz> clever: interesting, gonna try that some day. but for now i have more pressing things to investigate in the NixOS world :I
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @knedlsepp opened pull request #36833 → petsc: fix darwin build → https://git.io/vxexC
<rawtaz> so regarding installers, it seems to me that both clever's and manveru's installers are more or less equally evolved. both mostly work, just need that final piece of the puzzle
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<manveru> yeah... probably combining both would be a good step :)
<manveru> use clevers logic with calamares UX
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<rawtaz> which in a way is too bad, cuz then it's harder to establish which one should be focused on :) i think it's good to have it based on something like calamares as that's a good foundation. but surely clever's has some good sides too
<rawtaz> yeah. and clever's is 50% c++, which is what the missing piece in manveru's is about :-)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed to master « nano: 2.9.3 -> 2.9.4 »: https://git.io/vxexg
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<clever> rawtaz: i couldnt fully make up my mind on what to make the UI in
<manveru> unfortunately i don't plan on learning C++ anytime soon, so that's why i put it on ice
<clever> rawtaz: it started out in QT
<clever> but then i redid it in QX
<clever> because i wanted it to be http based
<rawtaz> i agree. combining efforts to finally produce an installer for NixOS is reasonably the most productive way forward
<clever> so you could remotely control the installer
<rawtaz> clever: thats not a bad idea at all, i like that
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<clever> so you could just run it on a remote server and then connect to it over http
<rawtaz> manveru: could you update the readme in yours so people who find it can try it out?
<manveru> i shall do that tomorrow night :)
<manveru> gotta get some sleep first
<rawtaz> clever: yeah exactly. heck, most times i install a server i dont have a monitor for it and am too lazy to fire up the virtual console, so that would be nice to be able to install it remotely
<rawtaz> manveru: sleep well!
<clever> rawtaz: yep
<rawtaz> manveru: is there anything like remote install capabilities (e.g. over HTTP(S) in calamares afayk?
<clever> rawtaz: also, have you heard of kexec?
<rawtaz> clever: not really, no
<clever> rawtaz: the files in here generate a tarball
<clever> scp that to practically any server, unpack to /, and run /kexec_nixos
<clever> within 30-60 seconds, its running nixos from ram, reconnect ssh
<clever> then run justdoit
<clever> when thats done, reboot, it now runs nixos
<clever> only issue, is that you have no way to recover from any mistakes, because you cant just plug in a usb stick and reboot it
<rawtaz> wow. hmm. that's similar to the end goal of e.g. nixos-infect or nixos-assimilate..
<clever> yep
<rawtaz> man. the nixos world is one where there's a lot of redundant work being done
<clever> but kexec allows you to repartition the machine as you infect it
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<clever> the other tools reuse the existing partition layout
<rawtaz> yeah, but cant you do that with the others too?
<rawtaz> hmm ok
<clever> one of them (i forget which) just does a single-user nix install on the host OS
<clever> then upgrades it to full nixos
<clever> so your stuck with whatever FS and partition layout the machine started with
<rawtaz> it would be seriously kick-ass if there was support for hostile takeover like this in the regular installer :)
<rawtaz> so it can eat up anything
<clever> but kexec lets you change the fs, and even add luks
<rawtaz> yeah thats great
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<rawtaz> is kexec usually enabled though? is it something one can enable on an existing system without rebooting it or similar?
<clever> its a kernel option that is enabled on most systems
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<rawtaz> well rebooting isnt a problem if youre going to reinstall it anyway, so scrap that :D
<rawtaz> ok
<clever> you can also manually edit the grub config, and do it without kexec
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<clever> just copy the kernel&initrd to /boot, and add it as the default in grub config
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<clever> then it will always boot into the installer
<clever> until the installer overwrites /boot
<rawtaz> yeah
<clever> the initrd contains the entire rootfs
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<rawtaz> not-os seems similar
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<disasm> is binaryCaches in 18.03 no longer additive? I have a custom binary cache listed in binaryCaches, and it's building everything from scratch. For example, this version of zziplib that hydra has showing as successful: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/70736283
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @badi opened pull request #36834 → qtkeychain: 0.7.0 -> 0.8.0, fix darwin build → https://git.io/vxepU
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<clever> disasm: everything hydra builds is automatically uploaded to cache.nixos.org
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<clever> disasm: hydra no longer has the capability to store anything, it caused too many IO issues