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<Shados> rycee[m]: iftop is a great tool, but it doesn't provide a summary of totals at end of run, which is the thing I'm mainly looking for. Attempting to extract the information while it is running would be about as complex as just writing my own tool to do this directly.
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<rycee[m]> True, might be easiest to just grab the data from /proc or grep it from ifconfig.
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<philipp[m]> Is there a way to also fetch submodules when fetching from github?
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<ndowens08> like cloning?
<ndowens08> i believe i know how to with cloning, but not fetch
<ndowens08> git clone --recursive
<philipp[m]> I mean with fetchFromGitHub in a nixos-package (that's not meant for the actual repo, just something quick and dirty for myself)
<ndowens08> ah nvm :\
<LnL> philipp[m]: fetchSubmodules = true; :)
<philipp[m]> That only seems to work with fetchgit.
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<philipp[m]> Because fetchFromGitHub actually just fetches a zipfile (?)
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<LnL> might have been added later
<ndowens08> trying to package way-cool, wayland wm similar to awesome
<ndowens08> someone mentioned it last nite
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<philipp[m]> Yes, it's on 16.09.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #23032: efivar: 27 -> 31 (master...upd.efivar)
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<srk> [root@nixos:/]# ls
<srk> ls: command not found
<srk> hm :D
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<gchristensen> that seems not ideal, srk
<srk> gchristensen: hehe, at least it's running ;) under openvz
<srk> nothing is working yet though
<srk> and no way to inspect :D
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<srk> journald not starting due to SystemCallFilter and MemoryDenyWriteExecute
<erlandsona> I'd like to be using the NixOS 17.x but for somereason I'm only getting version 16 with the unstable channel. How are people upgrading?
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<gchristensen> erlandsona: how did you set your system to unstable?
<erlandsona> nix-channel add nixos https.....nix-unstable
<erlandsona> Something like that.
<erlandsona> nix-channel --list => nixos
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<gchristensen> erlandsona: did you do that as root, or?
<erlandsona> I don't think I've done any nixos related stuff as a user... that said, I probably fat fingered something?
<copumpkin> what's the giant red spike?
<ndowens08> i add channels like : nix-channel --add nixos
<ndowens08> to upgrade my sys to unstable
<erlandsona> ndowens08: That's the command I used. 100%. I just couldn't remember off the top of my head.
<ndowens08> by using nixos, you could name it nixos-unstable at the end
<ndowens08> brb gonna try sway/wayland
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<erlandsona> ndowens08: Does you're nixos-version output 17?
<gchristensen> erlandsona: you would have to add the unstable nixos channel as root for nixos-rebuild to use it
<erlandsona> gchristensen: I feel dumb. LOL. Thanks again! Probably gonna be recompiling the kernel again! Oh well.
<gchristensen> aye ...
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<gchristensen> erlandsona: why are you switching to unstable?
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<erlandsona> gchristensen: elm v18, and maybe it'll fix the mapping of my internal laptop speakers so they work properly (fingers-crossed but not optimistic).
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #23033: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates)
<erlandsona> But I don't know, because Nix just makes stuff like that super easy. It's literally my dream OS. It gives me the answer to the age old frustration with Mac that is, """
<gchristensen> cool, erlandsona
<gchristensen> :)
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<erlandsona> I shouldn't have upgraded to the latest OSX (Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Yosemite, Sierra, etc...), it's sucking up all my machine's resources! Dang, I wish I could just reboot into an old install... crap where's my install CD! Oh wait, it's the app store now! :(
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<erlandsona> This has been the bane of my Audio Production existence ever since I started with Logic back in High School.
<erlandsona> NixOS is literally making my dreams come true. (Insert compiler jokes here.)
<erlandsona> But truly.
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<Drakonis> the closest thing to bsds, just without bsds
<MichaelRaskin> Just wait until it starts working on your nightmares
<MP2E> hah :p
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<Drakonis> compiliing your nightmares
<MichaelRaskin> Drakonis: I guess Not-OS (Nix/NixPkgs/pieces-of-NixOS based) would be closer to BSDs, because no systemd?
<MP2E> there's a fork of NixOS that removes systemd? :P I thought the systemd holy wars were over already
<MP2E> hehe
<erlandsona> I was thinking like the typical xkcd... "If only I could get it to compile."
<Drakonis> the holy wars are not over yet
<Drakonis> far from it actually
<MichaelRaskin> MP2E: there is a fork of NixOS to be lightweight
<erlandsona> MP2E I'm such a newb should I even ask about the holy war between systemd, and... what's the other one?
<MichaelRaskin> It trims a lot of things, systemd is just among the things
<Drakonis> nixos should get rid of systemd vOv
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<MP2E> it's more systemd vs not systemd than any specific alternative
<MichaelRaskin> I just run a NixPkgs-based no-real-init system
<Drakonis> there are other alternatives
<Drakonis> openrc is great
<MP2E> I see. A more minimalist version
<Drakonis> its mostly about lennart poettering being a twat
<erlandsona> What's the point of systemd / openrc again? Or either if aparently you don't need them?
<MP2E> well i agree with that
<erlandsona> Are they like brew services?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I sometimes use some features that systemd works hard to breal
<MichaelRaskin> break
<Drakonis> freebsd can use it
<erlandsona> MichaelRaskin: like what?
<MichaelRaskin> So it is easier for me to write my own bootscripts
<Drakonis> the bsds can use
<Drakonis> except for openbsd
<MichaelRaskin> Something like xinit
<Drakonis> i think the issue with systemd is that it is encroaching onto linux's kernel
<erlandsona> xinit does what systemd does? Okay now I'm super confused...
<Drakonis> changing it to fit systemd
<MichaelRaskin> xinit is forbidden by systemd
<MichaelRaskin> systemd breaks POSIX-defined useful things that actually work everywhere at will, too
<Drakonis> linux is becoming a lot less posix compliant these days
<MichaelRaskin> Like, GNOME3 cannot manage its own processes, so systemd implemented a kludge that breaks actual sane software like screen and nohup
<MP2E> systemd is an init system, one of many. the init system basically sets up the userspace after the kernel boots
<MP2E> so you could have it automatically do a task on boot
<MP2E> among other things
<MichaelRaskin> That's a lie
<Drakonis> MP2E, it isn't just a init system anymore
<Drakonis> it does lots of other things beyond being an init system
<MP2E> well yeah it does now
<MP2E> erlandsona was asking what it 'does' fundamentally
<MichaelRaskin> It approximately never was an init system
<erlandsona> MP2E: Yeah that's correct!
<Drakonis> this is important
<Drakonis> there's a bsd implementation of systemd
<Drakonis> who'd think
<MP2E> i mean the first line says it's an init system used to boot strap the userspace on that page
<MP2E> so i don't think it's a lie
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<MP2E> just maybe not the full story
<Drakonis> not the fulll story
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<Drakonis> it does
<Drakonis> tons of stuff now
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<Drakonis> and the systemd devs have in the past, submitted kernel code to fix systemd issues
<MP2E> heh
<Drakonis> this is the grand issue with it
<MichaelRaskin> Not really
<Drakonis> if they can, they'll change the kernel instead of their code
<Drakonis> it wasn't allowed in
<MP2E> only complaint i have with it so far is feature creep
<MichaelRaskin> The grand issue with it is that it breaks random functionality and claims that's how things should be
<MichaelRaskin> Also, it is tightly integrated with some very low-quality code, yes
<MichaelRaskin> Like journald
<Drakonis> scary
<MP2E> yeah.. journald is pretty bad. Have actually read a few things about that one before
<Drakonis> will it be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
<simpson> Someday I will have boot-to-Monte and not have to worry about any init systems.
<ndowens08> has anyone tried sway-wm yet, based on i3 for wayland?
<MichaelRaskin> Having an actual init is overrated
<ndowens08> on nixos that is
<Drakonis> sway is wayland i3
<MichaelRaskin> Unless you run a server
<Drakonis> it works but isn't production ready
<MichaelRaskin> I have tried launching wayland (works somehow), but not sway
<Drakonis> doesn't have all of i3's features
<ndowens08> hmm i couldnt get firefox/terminator to load
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<MichaelRaskin> There was a discussion that maybe it's time to enable wayland support in gtk
<MichaelRaskin> So we would have a wayland-compatible Firefox
<Drakonis> reminder: bash you guys
<Drakonis> no longer posix compliant
<gchristensen> no?
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<ndowens08> but anyway, i created a PR for the sway module :)
<ndowens08> works in vm fine, but didnt on my system, maybe b/c i have i3 installed on the system but didnt in vm
<Drakonis> bash has a posix mode
<Drakonis> hm
<NANDgate> I'm having trouble locating specs for system req's. What is a reasonable baseline for nixos? i.e. ram and processor?
<Drakonis> its just linux
<Drakonis> what are even your specs
<Drakonis> linux runs everywhere
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<ndowens08> NANDgate: what spec do you currently have
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<NANDgate> ndowens08: The lowest x86 is a dual core with 4gb ram
<Drakonis> that works
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] corngood opened pull request #23034: WIP: Steam openssl fix (master...steam)
<NANDgate> thanks just checking to see if it was worth attempting
<ndowens08> yup, and if you want it to feel faster, use a window manager instead of a desktop manager
<ndowens08> less memory usage
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<NANDgate> I did see mention of arm support(experimental)
<NANDgate> I've been using LXDE and XFCE
<NANDgate> they feel pretty fast
<simpson> NANDgate: I think pretty much any amd64 chipset should work. For 32-bit, i686 is the requirement IIRC, which means that it needs to have been made in the past what, 30 years?
<simpson> Ah, I'm sorry, 1995. So only 22 years.
<ndowens08> NANDgate: ah, well i personally use i3wm and awesomewm; gotten use to tiling managers
<ndowens08> but i have used those b4 in the past
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<ndowens08> seems like i have used a pc with only 1gb or 2gb of ram with linux
<NANDgate> it's been awhile since I've used i3wm, and awesome looks... well awesome
<ndowens08> 4.0 is nice :)
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<NANDgate> Good tips and good info. Thanks all!
<ndowens08> np
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<srk> uuh, seems like some symlinks are not preserved when in openvz. for some reason I don't have /run/current-system although it's in the image
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<srk> wow!
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<srk> had to run /nix/store/j96k6wi33fl50gf5yv0xwfdx8qq4xf4i-nixos-system-nixos-16.09.1763.51d4de9/activate
<copumpkin> the activation script didn't run!
<srk> and I can 'ls' now \o/
<srk> :D
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<copumpkin> yeah, things will be pretty weird if that doesn't run
<copumpkin> but why didn't it run? :O
<srk> no idea
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<copumpkin> that's where it should run from
<copumpkin> does dmesg tell you anything?
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<srk> that's the config I'm using for tarball
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<copumpkin> boot.isContainer?
<srk> hmm!
<srk> it is a container but an openvz one
<srk> guess it's not right
<copumpkin> I dunno anything about openvz
<srk> also is there a way to patch .service files?
<copumpkin> they're mostly generated from nix so you should be able to change them from nixos config
<srk> these are part of systemd
<copumpkin> ah
<srk> systemd-journald and logind
<srk> needs patching due to syscall filter
<copumpkin> not sure; you can patch the underlying package fairly easily
<Drakonis> why does every time that reproductible builds gets mentioned, guix gets mentioned instead of nix
<copumpkin> I think they've put a bit of effort into producing bit-for-bit reproducible builds
<copumpkin> we have too, but not recently
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<copumpkin> (as far as I know)
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<Drakonis> right, i see
<Drakonis> netbsd seems to be really ahead of everyone in this
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<copumpkin> perhaps
<copumpkin> it feels like it matters a bit less in the nix world
<copumpkin> since we get "effectively deterministic" builds
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<copumpkin> or whatever you want to call it
<copumpkin> they're equivalent modulo stuff that almost never matters
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<ndowens08> night all
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<Drakonis> their build system is amazing
<Drakonis> you can always output the same architecture no matter which one is the source
<copumpkin> transparent cross-compilation?
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<Drakonis> yes
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<gchristensen> anyone have a nitrokey pro? (or perhaps another hardware token for gpg?)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8c98c31 romildo: nitrogen: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23031: nitrogen: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (master...upd.nitrogen)
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<erlandsona> anyone here know if google-chrome supports a cli flag to make it read keybindings similar to OSX? ctrl-shift everything on linux is really getting to my head.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e6fd228 romildo: albert: 0.8.11 -> 0.9.3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 85fba54 David James: Attempt to update RocksDB to 5.1.2.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22976: Update RocksDB to 5.1.2 (master...master)
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<erlandsona> Rather I just updated to NixOS 17 and Konsole is throwing a "I can't open because I need xcb"... which xcb package do I need? xcb-util, libxcb, or perlPackages.X11XCB?
<erlandsona> I'm running Konsole from XMonad which is probably why I'm missing dependencies... Aren't Nix expressions supposed to quasi-eliminate missing dependency issues? Like shouldn't Nix expressions define all dependencies needed for a package to run / work?
<erlandsona> Meh... whatever :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8f325ee Antoine Eiche: pythonPackages.robotframework-requests: init at 0.4.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 85fe839 Antoine Eiche: pythonPackages.robotframework: 2.8.7 -> 3.0.2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #23017: pythonPackages.robotframwork: 2.8.7 -> 3.0.2, and init pythonPackages.robotframework-requests at 0.4.6 (master...robotframework)
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<Drakonis> how's hurd support for nix?
<Drakonis> because it seems like it will be ready during my lifetime
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<srk> I get a lot of these error during boot ++ /nix/store/60m1mvfdlya3s831ry1j5y5brh2qbi78-util-linux-2.28.1-bin/bin/mount -t tmpfs -o remount,nodev,strictatime,mode=755,size=25% tmpfs /run
<srk> mount: /run not mounted or bad option
<srk> it won't mount stuff during initial activate but it works when I run it from within container
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da33c8a Kevin Cox: systemd: Properly escape environment options....
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22214: Properly escape systemd environment options. (master...env-quotes)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2d78767 Paul Kinsky: Add tips for resolving https issues in containers...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b14dd0e Paul Kinsky: wrap added notes in <note>
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22183: Add tips for resolving https issues in containers (master...patch-1)
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<erlandsona> Anyone here know why Konsole is borked? I updated to 17 and Konsole is reporting it needs This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
<erlandsona> in "".
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<srk> so for the reference I've had to mount /run from openvz prior stage2, everything looks good now
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<copumpkin> arggh
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<copumpkin> debugging these installer tests is unpleasant
<Drakonis> automate them
<Drakonis> automate everything
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<copumpkin> they are fully automated!
<copumpkin> it's impressive how much they test :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #23032: efivar: 27 -> 31 (master...upd.efivar)
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<erlandsona> So anyone have any ideas on how to fix Konsole in latest unstable?
<erlandsona> konsole
<erlandsona> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
<erlandsona> in "".
<erlandsona> The SO solution is konsole
<erlandsona> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
<erlandsona> in "".
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d963c3 Anders Papitto: herbstluftwm module: add configFile option...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master be30dce Pradeep Chhetri: marathon: 1.3.6 -> 1.4.1 (#22935)
<erlandsona> Solved! I had qt55.full installed and I needed qt57.full I think instead?!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #22715: xen: update domU config for pvgrub2 (master...fix-22709-xen-domU)
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<copumpkin> is nix-store --check-validity expensive?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1f49403 Matt McHenry: bins: fix permissions issue regenerating albums...
<mguentner> anyone here got a working qtcreator environment w/ a debug build of qt? qtcreator detects gcc, g++ and qmake correctly but says "Qt version is not properly installed, please rum make installed"
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<mguentner> okay...this only affects Qt 5.5, 5.6 does work out of the box
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<hyper_ch> hmmmm, when I try to do upgrad,e I get now: the option 'services.xserver.desktopManager.kde4' defined in con.nix does not exist
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<hyper_ch> mguentner: and that means?
<hyper_ch> ah, read title
<hyper_ch> :(
<hyper_ch> I thought this wouldn't happen yet
<hyper_ch> so sad
<mguentner> hyper_ch: relevant PR if you want to revert locally (but I guess that you will regret this in the long run)
<mguentner> the collective has decided that you need a new DE, hyper_ch
<hyper_ch> why would I regert in the long way to run kde4?
<hyper_ch> kde 5 is so flawed
<hyper_ch> huge waste of space
<hyper_ch> external monitor setup fucks up all the time
<hyper_ch> can't even set custom locale
<mguentner> hyper_ch: not because of kde4/5, just because maintaining such a huge package tree locally could mean a lot of work
<hyper_ch> I have yet to see one benefit coming from it
<mguentner> but on the other hand, reverting the few commits now is not that much work and you could track it in a branch locally
<mguentner> go for it (I am not using kde anymore because of kde5)
<hyper_ch> well, you maybe "can".... I "can't"
<hyper_ch> what DE do you use now?
<mguentner> i3
<hyper_ch> why that one?
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<mguentner> at some point I wanted a tiling WM and i3 seemed to be the easiest solution, also in terms of configuration
<hyper_ch> what's a tiling wm?
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<mguentner> hyper_ch: in kde/gnome all windows are floating (means they can overlap, you can drag them around) - a tiling window manager arranges the windows as tiles, covering the whole screen
<mguentner> it encourages you to use workspaces instead of minimizing windows
<mguentner> have a look at the wikipedia article to get an idea:
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<hyper_ch> mguentner: I don't think that's for me
<endformationage> /quit
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<mguentner> hyper_ch: have a look at XFCE or LXQt
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<mguentner> both XFCE and LXQt can be compared to KDE when it comes to look&feel
<hyper_ch> I've used xfce back on ubuntu 6.04
<hyper_ch> or rather xubuntu... well, 6.06 ig was
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<mguentner> hyper_ch: a lot has changed since then, you have been using a version that has been released at least 11 years ago
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* mguentner also used 6.06 at some point
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<mguentner> gchristensen: ^ so kde4 is/was still being used after all :)
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<ilyaigpetrov> Hi. `nix-build -A bison '<nixpkgs>' ` returns "error: file ‘nixpkgs’ was not found"
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<copumpkin> ilyaigpetrov: how about `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A bison`?
<copumpkin> that's the order I always write it in
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22944: trytond: init at 4.2.1 (master...add-trytond)
<copumpkin> if that still doesn't work, it's probably your NIX_PATH being messed up
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<hyper_ch> mguentner: there's many people still using kde4 :)
<hyper_ch> we urgently need #kde4lives
<Ralith> how many?
<Ralith> what proportion of NixOS users?
<hyper_ch> how many people regularly pull kde4 stuff from the repos?
<hyper_ch> nixos admins should have the stats
<Ralith> nixos admins aren't the ones claiming that there's "many people"
<hyper_ch> but they have the stats
<hyper_ch> gotta get to work
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<Ralith> I'm wondering why you're making that claim
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6fd27c7 Franz Pletz: linuxPackages.sch_cake: init at 2017-01-28
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<aloiscochard> hi all, I had error trying to upgrade yesterday (unstable), unable to build xmonad/xmonad-contrib.
<aloiscochard> seems to be related with GHC8, is there some known issues on unstable regarding GHC?
<srhb> aloiscochard: cherry pick ffb1ef78921a8 from master
<srhb> If it's the xmonad 0.13 issue anyway :)
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<srhb> contrib requires xmonad < 0.13 before that.
<aloiscochard> srhb: makes sense, thanks so much! I'll try that :)
<aloiscochard> yep, I'm pretty sure that's it!
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<xeviox> hi guys I know this is somehow unrelated to nixos but is it possible to set an environment variable when using a nix expression with nix-shell?
<xeviox> (I want to set the folder where the nix expression is located as the GOPATH when I enter the nix-shell)
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<dmj`> xevox: all attributes in a derivation become environment variables
<dmj`> xeviox:
<xeviox> dmj`: thanks :D
<dmj`> np
<dmj`> Ugh, can't wait until my nixos sticker comes in the mail
<xeviox> dmj`: where did you order it?
<dmj`> Sticker mule
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<xeviox> have to order one, too :D
<xeviox> can I get the path of the expression file (e. g. default.nix) within the expression?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mcmtroffaes opened pull request #23035: wolfssl: 3.9.10b -> 3.10.3 (master...feature/wolfssl-3.10.3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88cc35f Matthias C. M. Troffaes: wolfssl: 3.9.10b -> 3.10.3
<ilyaigpetrov> "nix-build -A perl <default.nix>" fails -- where should I create issue: in hydra or nixops, or nixos?
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<ilyaigpetrov> I guess I should use existing one filed in nixops
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<xeviox> maybe someone can help me to set the GOPATH to the current folder in line 8, I don't get it to work :/. ->
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #22239: certbot: 0.9.3 -> 0.10.2 (master...certbot)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #22264: usb-modeswitch: 2.2.1 -> 2.5.0 and nixos module (master...m/modeswitch)
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<echo-area> Can I set networking.proxy.default for nix? How should it be set in config.nix?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2cc4703 Nikolay Amiantov: wrappers service: make /run/wrappers a mountpoint...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0338817 Jörg Thalheim: vnstat: provide full path of "kill" in ExecReload
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #23037: Revert "sqlitebrowser: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.1" (master...revert-sqlitebrowser-update)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] johbo opened pull request #23038: Add trytond module dependencies (master...add-trytond-dependencies)
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<gilligan_> hi
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<georges-duperon> I'm trying to use sandboxing (for a PR), via: nix-env -f $NIXPKGS --option nix.useSandbox true -iA crack_attack
<georges-duperon> But it uses the already-built package. How can I force nix-env to rebuild the package even if it already has a built copy somewhere in the store?
<rmrfroot> anyone know why the firejail binary does not have SUID set?
<gilligan_> georges-duperon, change something in the default.nix of crack_attack? :-) dunno how else to do that tbh
<rmrfroot> i found the answer to my question: "The Nix store cannot contain setuid binaries"
<gilligan_> I have a question about SSL_CERT. I have an impure derivation that needs to fetch something from https in the installPhase. Of course "the right thing" is to not have impure derivations in the first place. At this point I cannot avoid it. *Question*: Is my best/only option to just set SSL_CERT to SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ? The problem with that is that it will fail on non-nixos systems!
<georges-duperon> gilligan_: tried that, but it seems more resilient than I expected, just adding a character to the description wasn't enough. I'll try with a more extensive change :) .
<georges-duperon> gilligan_: Ah, changing the package's name was enough. Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub closed pull request #23037: Revert "sqlitebrowser: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.1" (master...revert-sqlitebrowser-update)
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<fpletz> gilligan_: you can use "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
<gilligan_> fpletz, *D'OH*
<gilligan_> fpletz, thank you ;)
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<gilligan_> fpletz, i guess that was too obvious for me to think of hehe
<fpletz> :)
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<gilligan_> fpletz, am I going to see you at BusConf by the way? :)
<fpletz> gilligan_: what is busconf? never heard of it
<fpletz> oh, I see
<gilligan_> fpletz, you haven't? I thought you are actually following @_BusConf_ hehe
<gilligan_> but maybe i am wrong - if not you should do so now
<fpletz> gilligan_: sorry, my twitter attention span and memory is very limited these days :)
<fpletz> but looks interesting, not sure yet though
<gilligan_> actually - anyone who is interested in attending a FP-themed open space unconference: ** ** </advertisement>
<gilligan_> ;)
<pSub> gilligan_: Sounds interessting, thanks
<gilligan_> pSub ;-)
<gilligan_> ticket registration will open soonish
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<x1n4u> hi, how can i use a local json file as src in stdenv.mkDerivation ?
<gilligan_> x1n4u, src = ./foo.json
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master df66d34 Eelco Dolstra: Log AWS retries
<gilligan_> unpackPhase = ':'
<gilligan_> because otherwise it will complain that it does not know how to unpack your src
<x1n4u> gilligan_: thanks, i could not figure out the part with unpackPhase :D
<gilligan_> x1n4u, welcome
<x1n4u> gilligan_: what does ':' exactly do ?
<gilligan_> nothing
<gilligan_> ;-}
<gilligan_> it is customary to use ":" in nixpkgs if you want to skip some phase
<gilligan_> you could also write unpackPhase = "true";
<x1n4u> well it doesnt seem to work. i get following "error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined,"
<x1n4u> or did you mean to type ';'
<gilligan_> nope
<gilligan_> remember that if you have foo.json as input it will not be foo.json later during your buildPhase or installPhase
<gilligan_> unless you change your unpackPhase to "cp $src foo.json"
<x1n4u> ok thanks;
<gilligan_> x1n4u, are you by any chance using a package.json as src?
<x1n4u> yes
<x1n4u> why ?
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<mbrgm> is there a regex replace, similar to replaceStrings, in nix?
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<LnL> I think there's only builtins.match
<qknight_> what is the return type of this:
<qknight_> it is used in extraPath = [ mediawikiScripts ]; in the httpd abstraction
<qknight_> but i don't understand what type extraPath should have
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<LnL> that's a derivation
<lassulus> runCommand returns a derivation (so a path) check the implementation here:
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<gchristensen> mguentner: :( hyper_ch: the way nix uses hashes to look up packages makes it extremely difficult to collect statistics, I don't think such an attempt has ever been made.
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<michiel_l> Hi, is down?
<icetan> I'm trying to setup a hydra but with only moderate success, trying to lobby for nix as a good solution for our builds and CI
<LnL> gilligan_: are you still using nix at work?
<michiel_l> I wanted to do a quick check if I needed to update any packages for 17.03
<gilligan_> LnL, yes
<gilligan_> LnL, our ci is a nixops deployed machine
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: also, I'm sorry I broke your use case. but the facts remain: KDE4 hasn't received any kind of patching for over 2 years now, with the exception of serious security patches to a very teeny tiny subset (kdelibs.) on top of that, kde4 itself has not seen proper maintainership in nixpkgs maybe ever. these are the reasons I've been pushing to remove kde4 for 17.03, despite knowing it would hurt some
<gchristensen> people like yourself.
<icetan> anyone tried the hydra-tutorial that peti made?
<gilligan_> LnL, even though that might be changing in the future - might have to throw away my nixops setup and adjust everything to packer
<LnL> I used it as a reference when setting up hydra on my desktop
<gchristensen> gilligan_: you can you nix to produce AMIs :)
<icetan> I can't get it running by following the readme, the closest I got was getting the web UI up but not being able to add inputs to jobsets for some reason
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<icetan> LnL: did it work out of the box for you?
<LnL> gilligan_: oh, I was wondering how that was going what's the reason?
<LnL> icetan: yeah that's broken on master, sec
<hyper_ch> gchristensen: kde4 is stable... why would there be patching needed if there aren't vulns known? since it's also already setup in nixos, doesn't look like maintainership is needed
<hyper_ch> I fail to see the point to remove it while kde5 is not a full replacement
<gchristensen> it is a discontinued product
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<hyper_ch> it's still supported
<icetan> LnL: why is the tutorial pointing to master of hydra source btw? doesn't it defeat the purpose of determinism a bit?
<LnL> yeah, since there are no releases for hydra it would be nice to keep track of a working version somewhere
<icetan> LnL: thanks, that was exactly the issue I was looking for
<gilligan_> LnL, well there is some existing infrastructure that uses packer and ubuntu base images
<gilligan_> LnL, and currently it looks like I might have to adhere to that
<icetan> LnL: which rev are you using?
<LnL> icetan: to run on it 16.09 I also had to configure something in the services
<gilligan_> gchristensen, ami does not help on GCE and it is sadly also about conforming to their base image config and not what. And just not being flexible in general
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: at any rate, the other issues remain in that nobody has maintained it in nixos. that is all I have to say on that, though, if you'd like to step up maintainership and can provide evidence that kde4 and kdm are maintained (despite us thinking otherwise) we could revert in time for 17.03
<gchristensen> gilligan_: gotcha :(
<hyper_ch> gchristensen: does it have bugs or things that need to be maintained?
<hyper_ch> I have no idea how to maintain that
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<LnL> gilligan_: right, I'm in a similar situation. we have an internal distribution based on ubuntu with a whole bunch of infrastructure around it
<gilligan_> LnL, so basically the new infrastructure is on GCE and to even just reach our github enterprise they have some network fiddling going on in their base images
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<gilligan_> LnL, i'm still on aws but my server is pretty much the *only* one there
<LnL> hyper_ch: 53b1f7da6408c4b6f39a71643009adc2d3bd3d6d + that a revert of that commit I linked
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<gchristensen> LnL: I'd really rather not encourage that sort of recovery :(
<LnL> well it's what I'm running at the moment :/
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<LnL> but it looks like it was also reverted on master
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<gchristensen> LnL: where did 53b1f7da6408c4b6f39a71643009adc2d3bd3d6d come from?
<icetan> nixops at least with vbox is very shaky for me
<LnL> oh, master should just work my revert disappeared when I rebased
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 79f4583 Eelco Dolstra: Fix XML validity
<gchristensen> LnL: oh are we talking about hydra?
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<icetan> how do you add hydra to your configuration.nix?
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<jcbrand> Hi folks, hoping someone can help me with the following issue. I upgraded from 16.03 to 16.09. I have a NixOS (systemd) container which runs xserver and I forwardX11 over ssh into that container so that I can run selenium webdriver tests. After the update, xserver no longer starts in my container. I get the error: xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 7 (No such file or directory)
<FRidh> hyper_ch: if you want kde4 so badly, then why don't you maintain it? It also doesn't have to be in the Nixpkgs tree.
<jcbrand> looking in /dev/ of that container, there aren't any tty devices except /dev/tty
<hyper_ch> FRidh: I have no idea how to maintain something like that
<LnL> icetan: fetchFromGitHub and (import "${hydraSrc}/release.nix").build.x86_64-linux
<hyper_ch> so in the end, it would just be asking other people again
<jcbrand> I also see this in my system log: systemd-logind: logind integration requires -keeptty and -keeptty was not provided, disabling logind integration
<FRidh> hyper_ch: you could also build kde4 from an older commit of Nixpkgs where it is still included, although I am not sure how well the service would work
<icetan> LnL: great, so the rev that hydra/master is on right now should work with 16.09?
<gchristensen> jcbrand: hmm can you paste the relevant bits of your config?
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<icetan> LnL: aren't you running hydra as a service?
<jcbrand> gchristensen: inside my container's .nix file:
<jcbrand> xserver.enable = true;
<LnL> icetan: for 16.09 you'll also need this, otherwise the evaluator won't work = [ hydra ];
<jcbrand> xserver.layout = "us";
<jcbrand> xserver.xkbOptions = "eurosign:e";
<gchristensen> jcbrand: cany ou use a pastebin?
<gchristensen> for example
<jcbrand> yeah
<icetan> LnL: so no more importing hydra-module.nix?
<icetan> do i still configure hydra with services.hydra?
<LnL> yeah, but you override services.hydra.package with the one from master
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 99bbdde Eelco Dolstra: Fix building without S3 support...
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<icetan> and `hydra` in `hydra-evaluator.path` is also the hydra build expression from master?
<jcbrand> domenkozar: I saw that, but that's "permission denied", I get "no such file or directory"
<gchristensen> man, apparently what we call KDE5 isn't even KDE5 and KDE would like us to change it
<jcbrand> gchristensen, domenkozar: here's my log output:
<dtzWill> o_O re:kde wut. gchristensen: link/info? Just curious what that's about...
<FRidh> kde5 doesn't really exist
<FRidh> its frameworks, plasma, and applications now
<gchristensen> what FRidh said
<dtzWill> ⊙_ʘ
<dtzWill> okay, reading. ty for the links!
<dtzWill> eep those 2014 dates lol where have I been? :D
<gchristensen> dtzWill: same :|
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<domenkozar> jcbrand: try
<domenkozar> services.xserver.tty = null;
<domenkozar> + services.xserver.display = null;
<domenkozar> well, without +
<dtzWill> ~~~ kde transcends version numbers ~~~
<dtzWill> can we call it the "plasma *experience*"? lol
<jcbrand> domankozar: When I tried that, I got "/dev/tty0" no such file or directory
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<jcbrand> domenkozar: something along those lines
<jcbrand> domenkozar: but I can double check
<gchristensen> dtzWill, jcbrand: I wonder if the issue is related to the top section of
<domenkozar> jcbrand: is that x server started as root?
* gchristensen doesn't know, though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3d04d47 Vladimír Čunát: cjdns: fix build with glibc-2.25 via upstream patch
<jcbrand> domenkozar: Error happens upon starting the container but also when I start it via systemctl (as root)
<domenkozar> hmm nothing comes to my mind
<domenkozar> jcbrand: best to open an issue
<jcbrand> yeah ok, I'll open an issue
<jcbrand> thanks
<goibhniu> could it be related to the DeviceAllow option?
<goibhniu> it's the same thing that prevents /dev/net/tun from being created inside containers
<jcbrand> looks promising
<goibhniu> jcbrand: I guess you know how to hack that option, to see if it helps?
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<michiel_l> For those interested in reproducible builds particularly:
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<icetan> LnL: think I got hydra working but I only switched nixpkgs to 16.09 nothing else really, I think at least
<icetan> is there a way to reference a branch when specifying a git repo as input for a jobset?
<LnL> <remote> <branch>
<jcbrand> goibhniu: I've set to allow "/dev/console" and "/dev/tty0" but it doesn't seem to make a difference
<icetan> LnL: aha, thanks
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<LnL> icetan: I made this so I can build a subset of nixpkgs
<goibhniu> jcbrand: hrm, I don't know what syntax should be there ... I'd try doing a nixos-rebuild on a branch based on the one that was used for your current system (`nixos-version`) and removing the Device* options, or setting them directly
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* pierron wonders why thunderbird pulls wayland
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<icetan> LnL: neat
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<icetan> I'm mostly trying to build my companies product to se if it's feasible
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<FRidh> collision between `/nix/store/lywhskfdmsafs4lz2lkvmwan66xx2a0l-python3.5-html5lib-0.999999999/lib/python3.5/site-packages/html5lib/filters/' and `/nix/store/ip531qk15wrmcv9dwhg7qb240qjng4jj-python3.5-html5lib-0.9999999/lib/python3.5/site-packages/html5lib/filters/'
<FRidh> i knew this was going to happen at some point...
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<gchristensen> ugh
<LnL> nice version numbers
<FRidh> yep
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<FRidh> thinking of patching bleach so it vendors the old version of html5lib
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<LnL> FRidh: doesn't that older version have a security issue? or was that another .999... version
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo opened pull request #23040: TF 1.0 (
<FRidh> yea, it does
<FRidh> but bleach hasn't migrated yet
<FRidh> which I need (indirectly) for the jupyter notebook
<LnL> huh, so 0.999... was a breaking change?
<LnL> ...
<FRidh> nice hmm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga closed pull request #22497: vint: init at 0.3.11 (master...vint)
<FRidh> It's interesting to see how important certain libraries turn out to be.
<copumpkin> ugh stupid version schemes
<gchristensen> asymptotically approaching 1 isn't best?
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<ilyaigpetrov> what does semver says about 0.99 and 0.9 -- must their APIs be compatible
<gchristensen> not pre-1.0
<gchristensen> which is the reason they hit this insane version scheme
<copumpkin> anyone around who deeply understands the installer tests and I'd appreciate any guidance you can provide on
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<ixxie> copumpkin: perhaps clever?
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<copumpkin> not sure :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #23044: updates pythonPackages.channels and dependencies (master...channels_updates)
<jophish_> I've just turned on sandboxed builds and am getting an error while building the language-nix haskell package
<jophish_> unable to make filesystem ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’
<jophish_> does this ring any bells?
<jophish_> This is using the nix daemon, so it makes sense that it doesn't have access to my tmp directory
<jophish_> this isn't limited to the language-nix package either
<sphalerite> Does nixpkgs rely on bash, or just a POSIX-compliant bouen shell?
<sphalerite> bourne*
<gchristensen> sphalerite: like in the builders?
<sphalerite> yes
<gchristensen> I would bet it relies on bash specifically, as it uses bash, and there is no effort to avoid bashisms
<sphalerite> aww, ok.
<gchristensen> sphalerite: why?
<copumpkin> sphalerite: how does that affect you? the main place I know of that's annoying is nix-shell, but the new UI should improve that bit for end-users
<sphalerite> Just in terms of how portable it is :)
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<copumpkin> well, it very explicitly depends on the bash it wants, so it shouldn't matter too much
<sphalerite> that's fair enough
<copumpkin> oh, you mean the /bin/sh
<copumpkin> yeah that's a PITA :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Zimmi48 opened pull request #23045: nixos/manual/xserver: propose more alternatives (master...patch-1)
<jophish_> I've been using zsh in nix-shell for ages without any problems
<jophish_> ns(){ nix-shell --command "IN_NIX_SHELL=1 exec zsh; return" "$@" }
<copumpkin> niksnut: does the build-use-sandbox option today point /bin/sh at or just pass through to the host?
<copumpkin> ah, it does the good thing
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<copumpkin> so the /bin/sh references aren't the end of the world if you're building with the sandbox turned on (which someday we'll have by default!)
<LnL> jophish_: why the IN_NIX_SHELL and exec dance?
<jophish_> LnL: PS1 has some logic to put '[nix-shell]' there when IN_NIX_SHELL is present
<jophish_> I can't remember why the exec is there :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4b72153 Vladimír Čunát: glibc: fixup libm.a...
<LnL> nix-shell will set that environment variable for you
<sphalerite> I guess the exec is so you don't have a bash running around the zsh?
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<sphalerite> can confirm that IN_NIX_SHELL is already set
<sphalerite> The issue with using zsh is that functions defined by the setup scripts won't be available
<sphalerite> if the environment variables are all you need that's fine of course, but yeah
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 012b5a5 Eelco Dolstra: Add Fedora 25
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master acb2acf Eelco Dolstra: VM builds: Use -smp when enableParallelBuilding is set
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fdb52f Eelco Dolstra: Add Ubuntu 16.10
<LnL> yeah, I don't think zsh has anything like --rcfile
<LnL> (or nix-shell doesn't know about it)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 b155408 Eelco Dolstra: Add Fedora 25...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 3e86c8e Eelco Dolstra: Add Ubuntu 16.10...
<jophish_> sphalerite: I've not encountered any problems yet
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master bb6656b Eelco Dolstra: Build RPMs for Fedora 25...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master e4dd7da Eelco Dolstra: RPM build: Use parallel make
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b95ce31 Eelco Dolstra: Debian build: Use parallel make and add Ubuntu 16.10
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9c1399e zimbatm: packer: 0.12.1 -> 0.12.2
<sphalerite> And there are also those little incompatiblityes between bash and zsh >_>
<sphalerite> typing without echo is hadr:(
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<ibrahims> hello people, how do we increase the file descriptor limit on nixos?
<ibrahims> security.pam.loginLimits is not helping beyond 4096
<ibrahims> ulimit -Hn and ulimit -Sn returns 4096 even if i set it much higher.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fac3438 Eelco Dolstra: Fix Ubuntu 16.10 name
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 8fe5f05 Eelco Dolstra: Fix Ubuntu 16.10 name...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d0d5ea0 Eelco Dolstra: Grrr
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Zimmi48 opened pull request #23046: nixos/manual/networkmanager: add info on nm-applet (master...patch-2)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 43241e7 Eelco Dolstra: Grrr...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1a57f49 Eelco Dolstra: Drop some Ubuntu releases
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 8d7c664 Eelco Dolstra: useChroot -> useSandbox
<niksnut> ibrahims: for a user session or for systemd services?
<ibrahims> i have a systemd service spawning docker containers
<ibrahims> so, i guess it might be about docker container service. but i'm not sure.
<ibrahims> i mean, the docker daemon might need more descriptors, not the service starting them.
<niksnut> well, it probably inherits the limit from the service
<niksnut> so try bumping serviceConfig.LimitNOFILE
<ibrahims> but i don't have the docker service config, it's enabled with `virtualisation.docker.enable = true`
<copumpkin> niksnut: I like your "Grrr" commit message :)
<copumpkin> do the Nix RPMs and debs still use the nix store for Nix's own dependencies or somehow depend on host packages?
<copumpkin> I see that the RPM build has a bunch of RPM-level dependencies and am curious how that works
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<niksnut> it uses native dependencies
<jophish_> Not been much chatter on the wiki issue for a while
<jophish_> where did that end up
<qknight_> lassulus: thanks
<copumpkin> jophish_: if nobody gets to it before me (probably a few days more once I finish this NixOS image crap), I'm still going to plug GitHub OAuth into the current wiki config
<niksnut> copumpkin: +1, only way to move this forward :-)
<copumpkin> jophish_: once wiki is editable again, I'd like us to continue the existing "replace wiki" documentation efforts, but also keeping the wiki alive (if nothing else, to observe what sorts of things people put on it and maybe migrate them off if relevant, or leave them in place otherwise)
<copumpkin> niksnut: :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FlorentBecker opened pull request #23047: pijul: remove (master...remove_pijul)
<copumpkin> niksnut: how do the native dependencies work? do you patchelf to FHS paths? I can't find anything obvious doing that in release.nix
<copumpkin> also, presumably the moment I upgrade Nix using Nix, it'll start using a full store-native version of everything
<jophish_> copumpkin: That sounds like a very good plan
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<jophish_> copumpkin: you said in the discussion that the PR based method was undesirable becuase it may exclude people for whom a PR is an unfamiliar concept. Doesn't using github for auth on the wiki exclude the same people. It's very possible I'm wrong on this: but how many github users are unfamiliar with PRs?
<sphalerite> ibrahims: you can still set it
<gchristensen> is there a way, native or via proxy service which already existts, to use a git repo as a channel, with `nix-channel --update` support?
<niksnut> copumpkin: it just builds like any other native package
<jophish_> I'm not trying to be snarky here! I'm interested in what you have to say :)
<gchristensen> jophish_: I know about a dozen people who don't know how to use PRs but have github accounts
<copumpkin> jophish_: I do agree, but we can add other OAuth methods easily (against gmail, whatever) going forward. I also don't think that was my only point :) there's also "cognitive overhead"
<copumpkin> also, getting a github account takes a second
<niksnut> Persona!
<copumpkin> hah
<copumpkin> if only
<gchristensen> they have github accounts because they're involved with GH for project management work, but have no clue / care about prs or git
<jophish_> gchristensen: gotcha
<jophish_> copumpkin: makes sense. Other oauths sounds like a good idea
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f1e6dc8 Robin Gloster: networking.defaultGateway{,6}: fix example
<copumpkin> we need SSO!
<copumpkin> so my signin to hydra signs me into wiki too :P
<gchristensen> we could use openid and simultaneously have an editable wiki but nobody able to edit it:)
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<copumpkin> lol
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<sphalerite> jophish_: 80% of the people on my course know git. of them, probably 80% have a github account, and probably 10% of them know what a PR is. (Just guesstimates of course)
<mbrock> one of my future dreams is being able to use some kind of smart contract crowdfunding thingy to sponsor specialized hydras, like one that builds hella Haskell packages all day long with profiling and whatnot
<maurer> Wait did we undeprecate the wiki?
<gchristensen> maurer: "In progress"
<maurer> OK. What was the reasoning in the end? Unwillingness of people to learn docbook, or?
<copumpkin> maurer: long thread, but not that at all
<gchristensen> not all documentation needs to be in The Manual I think sort of summarizes it
<copumpkin> s/needs to be/should be/
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<jophish_> sphalerite: oh right, I must move in different circles :)
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<sphalerite> jophish_: and the first number should be 100%, as we were required to use git for a project last year :p
<domenkozar> I really wish to meet these users that use nixos but are unable to make a PR
<domenkozar> I feel like we're solving the 0.1% problem here ;)
<sphalerite> That's true
<domenkozar> you use one of the most obscure linux distros
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<domenkozar> but are unable to click button on github, even if you managed to register
<domenkozar> I'd *really* be interested to see statistical representation of such group.
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: most obscure linux distro? :o
<sphalerite> there may be people who set up nixos for their grandfather or whatever, in which case the grandfather would be a user who's unable to make a PR. But he probably equally wouldn't be able to make any useful contribution to the docs either :D and the grandchild probably would
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* ikwildrpepper slaps domenkozar
<sphalerite> ikwildrpepper: note "one of"
<ikwildrpepper> (friendly slap, obviously)
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: well it's true, nixos is probably still by far haredest to manage if not even install
<domenkozar> I really think we're wasting time talking how incompetent user group we have instead of focusing of making docs better
<sphalerite> really? I find myself suffering every time I have to ssh into my debian server since getting into nixos
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<maurer> domenkozar: A PR is a different degree of mental overhead than a wiki edit
<maurer> domenkozar: And I say this as someone who does issue PRs against nixpkgs
<domenkozar> maurer: you click a Edit button on github
<domenkozar> and save
<domenkozar> and github makes a PR
<domenkozar> just like for the wiki
<domenkozar> it even forks for you!
<maurer> domenkozar: There's two primary differences
<maurer> 1.) I don't know docbook, and am unlikely to learn
<domenkozar> I'm not saying we should use docbook for wiki
<jophish_> maurer: wiki has its own syntax though too
<domenkozar> quite the contrary, I think we should use a PR
<mbrock> I've been using Linux since 1953 and NixOS is both ridiculously hard and ridiculously simplifies my life
<gchristensen> mbrock: tell me more!
<maurer> domenkozar: 2.) When I edit a wiki, it's done, I walk away. When I issue a PR, I have something up in the air that I have to check in on occasionally
<domenkozar> OK, I'm going to write last time to that issue, because it really ignites anger in me and it makes me unfriendly
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: i think nixos is one of the easiest OS's to install
<domenkozar> maurer: EXACTLY - I don't want documentation without reviews
<domenkozar> otherwise we'll get poet songs as comments like I've been saying in my last job
<maurer> domenkozar: Sure, but perhaps it makes sense to have both - an official set of documentation which is reviewed
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<ikwildrpepper> but I agree you need some experience for the rest ;)
<maurer> domenkozar: and an unofficial set which is "So, I just hit this problem, this is how I solved it"
<goibhniu> maybe it's a good idea to have a process for reaching a decision and acting on it, it's hard to determine the outcome of a discussion thread
<domenkozar> maurer: it's not that easy, most of wiki articles are first hit when googling
<Drakonis_> mbrock, linux isn't that old :V
<domenkozar> so if you have half-assed articles you're doing a poor job
<maurer> domenkozar: This is because they were getting linked to since they were useful :P
<domenkozar> and I don't think community should embrace that
* goibhniu feels that a lot of people have put a lot of work into wiki/documentation alternatives which fell by the wayside
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I'd be interested to see how you plan on measuring the group that doesn't interact with your systems :)
<mbrock> gchristensen: I mean the process of learning to use NixOS involves basically reverse engineering the syntax and semantics of a lazy functional language with the help of outdated blog posts, and figuring out how to install and configure a package often involves grepping a 600M git repository, but then once you figure out your configuration it's easier and
<mbrock> more reliable than anything else, and it's actually possible to understand the state of the system as something other than the result of a random sequence of sudo commands
<copumpkin> I'd love to see such stats too, but I know of several such people in my immediate social circle
<domenkozar> copumpkin: I'm curious how you do it :D
<copumpkin> I don't, but I have anecdata!
<copumpkin> :P
<Drakonis_> make linux manuals better
<domenkozar> I claim such group doesn't exist, more or less
<domenkozar> so hard to prove that :D
<mbrock> and the NixOS community is like one of few places where you can basically assume Haskell as background knowledge
<maurer> I will say that the manual _has_ gotten better since the wiki got deprecated
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<domenkozar> mbrock: lol
<Drakonis_> it has to get much better though
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I'm saying I don't know if it exists or not (not making a positive or negative claim), but I know several people who want the old wiki to work like a wiki again, so why stop them?
<mbrock> admittedly as far as I remember making a Debian package was also quite a nightmare
<copumpkin> well, I know it exists, but I don't know how big it is
<Drakonis_> as it stands, the current manual gets more and more things added to it
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 8b1b5f9 Eelco Dolstra: Handle CURLE_RECV_ERROR as a transient error...
<Drakonis_> but not a full rewrite
<domenkozar> copumpkin: because we've been doing on/off wiki for last 5 years and the result that we're in 2017 is exactly because of these ad-hoc decisions
<domenkozar> "why not" was how we closed wiki :D
<gchristensen> mbrock: I know no Haskell, but understand where you're coming from
<copumpkin> anyway, assuming haskell knowledge is something I'd rather not do
<maurer> domenkozar: So, one example of something that I think probably belongs in a wiki style article rather than a manual chapter is something along the lines of "Help, I've hit error ERROR_TEXT_HERE wat do?"
<copumpkin> minimizing friction seems like a good thing; I realize we're niche but if we keep making decisions that assume we're niche is going to ensure that we stay niche
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<domenkozar> maurer: fully agreed
<mbrock> yeah, another side of all this is that the Nix language is a super cool gateway drug into lazy functional programming, because it really truly makes sense in a pragmatic context
<gchristensen> domenkozar, copumpkin: I'm glad both of you care about our users so much :)
<lambdamu> it should be mentioned that the wiki often appears at the top in google results, which is unfortunate since it often practically outdated and even formally deprecated
<domenkozar> maurer: just for the record, I've started a while ago and I think all documentation changes should be review in such big community as ours
<copumpkin> I also think there's plenty of google optimization to be done
<mbrock> I mean, Nix expressions are mostly not obscure, just like good Haskell code can be very clear and easy despite using the "scary IO monad"
<Drakonis_> it can be made better
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<domenkozar> reviewed*
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<lambdamu> the difference between a wiki edit and a pr is that the review is nonblocking in the former and blocking the latter case
<lambdamu> i think you can have reviews in both cases
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<copumpkin> niksnut, domenkozar: how about I reopen the wiki and then we introduce something a bit like in GitHub that tells people what sorts of things we'd like where. So a clear breakdown of what sorts of documentation we want where and how, but still allowing them to edit the wiki?
<domenkozar> all reviews are blocking, that's the purpose of a review.
<copumpkin> I mean on the mediawiki edit page
<domenkozar> copumpkin: so the main disagreement we have is if reviews for documentation should be upfront or later in the process?
<sphalerite> oh dear, my system just completely broke
<Drakonis_> how did it
<copumpkin> domenkozar: not even that I think; it's more that thanks to wikipedia, a huge swath of the internet (ranging from top programmer to people who have never heard of linux; obviously the latter half of that spectrum isn't going to be using NixOS, but I want to move farther along it than we are right now) knows that they can go fix a typo or that when they google something and they find something silly obviously wrong, they can go fix it. I
<copumpkin> want to take advantage of their pre-existing instincts and then either harvest their contributions (if they're small typos, or documentation of something we haven't anticipated, or a new type of documentation we hadn't considered) or direct them to a more productive place for them to contribute
<Drakonis_> have you rolled back
<sphalerite> null pointer dereference in the kernel, apparently :(
<sphalerite> in the graphics driver
<copumpkin> sphalerite: types are for nerds haha
<gchristensen> copumpkin: null pointer dereferences are the spice of life.
<lambdamu> domenkozar: i don't want to argue about semantics here but i don't think that the change in question needs to be pending is a defining property of a review
<sphalerite> copumpkin: we need nix-on-redoxos :D
<lambdamu> it is desirable though
<copumpkin> fwiw, phabricator supports both pre- and post- reviews
<gchristensen> copumpkin: oh boy.
<gchristensen> copumpkin dropped the p-word
<copumpkin> I'm not a huge fan of it; just saying it does :)
* gchristensen `git send-email`s all future patches to copumpkin
<copumpkin> lol
<copumpkin> for example, I think gerrit is a good tool
<copumpkin> but I wouldn't advocate it for this project because it increases friction
<copumpkin> and I prefer minimizing friction for projects that need contributors
<gchristensen> oh the horror
<gchristensen> I used to think gerrit was good / cool
<copumpkin> it's also why I think GHC is doing it wrong ;) but it's their project
<gchristensen> aye
<copumpkin> although they recently started accepting PRs on github for small things
<maurer> gerrit is something that I think is a great tool if you have a bunch of people for whom the project is their job
<maurer> not so much otherwise
<gchristensen> and like 500 git repos
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<copumpkin> anyway, my point is just that the most technically optimal solution that ignores user inclinations won't produce optimal outocmes :P
<copumpkin> domenkozar: on a much more important topic, did you see my latest PR? :)
<copumpkin> not sure if you understand installer tests but I don't really know who does
<domenkozar> copumpkin: I did see it incoming, I'll review shortly
<copumpkin> thanks! interested both in a review on the direction it's going and ideally "here's how you fix your current bug", since I'm confused by it right now :)
<18VAALUVS> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 4 new commits to master:
<18VAALUVS> nixpkgs/master c5d211d Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-packages: 2017-02-20
<18VAALUVS> nixpkgs/master 602fbdb Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages: 2017-02-20...
<18VAALUVS> nixpkgs/master e2487c2 Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-packages: 2017-02-20...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #23033: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates)
<domenkozar> copumpkin: roger :)
<copumpkin> niksnut: is --check-validity kinda slow? I noticed it seemed pretty slow
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a840d4 Florent Becker: pijul: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ba26783 Domen Kožar: Merge pull request #23047 from FlorentBecker/remove_pijul...
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<Kendos-Kenlen> Hi :)
<gchristensen> guh osx is so broken for me
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<LnL> spotlight crashed my machine this morning, I wasn't even doing anything...
<Kendos-Kenlen> Is there any project to split the NixOS manual ? It's definitely too long and when I look for an info, it's not easy to find it ...
<gchristensen> Kendos-Kenlen: I've heard this before, but I don't understand the logic. How does breaking it up make it easier to find stuff?
<niksnut> Kendos-Kenlen: it used to be split, and everybody complained about it
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<LnL> heh :)
<Kendos-Kenlen> :|
<simpson> Kendos-Kenlen: Out of curiosity, what were you looking for in the manual and what keywords were you hoping to find nearby?
<Kendos-Kenlen> Maybe it's just that I'm used to the Arch wiki but I like to have an install/upgrade page, another one dedicated to network, etc ...
<gchristensen> niksnut: yeah but we've had 15,000 issues since then. Time to switch it up!
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<simpson> Kendos-Kenlen: It indeed sounds like you want our manual to be laid out like another distro's manual. That's ultimately a losing proposition since NixOS is fundamentally different in its underlying structure.
<Kendos-Kenlen> I was looking for the update system. I found it's separated in 2 or 3 differents parts. The I.4 and II.6.2 chapters
<simpson> Kendos-Kenlen: If there's specific information in the manual that you wanted but were unable to find, then that's another issue entirely; we can *do* something about that.
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<Kendos-Kenlen> I know that NixOS work differently (and sincerely, I really like that) but when I try to find infos in the manual, I find it a bit difficult. What I would have prefered is maybe a part "upgrading the system" with channel stuff and rebuild stuff, and another one "upgrading your profile".
<Kendos-Kenlen> (Also it miss a note about allowUnfree)
<Drakonis_> sincerely
<Drakonis_> why is allowunfree not on by default
<Drakonis_> are you shooting to be allowed into gnu?
<simpson> Drakonis_: Sincerely, freedom is important for several reasons. For example, allowUnfree being off by default means that the contents of your store are generally redistributable.
<Kendos-Kenlen> Drakonis_: personnally I think it's a good thing. You make the user remember that they are using unfree packages.
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<Kendos-Kenlen> By the way, how am I supposed to delete a bad generation ? It doesn't boot
<Drakonis_> hmm
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<Drakonis_> collect garbage
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<Drakonis_> nix-garbage-collect
<Drakonis_> read the manual
<LnL> you can remove a specific generation with nix-collect-garbage
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<copumpkin> niksnut or others: do we have a good way of pre-injecting user-specific/application-specific files into a NixOS image today? I know we can add other store paths and we have etc to add things to /etc, but what if I want to add stuff to a user home folder or some application state folder in /var?
<Kendos-Kenlen> Thanks ! :D
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<globin> niksnut, ikwildrpepper: could you check the kernel versions on the build machines?
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<sphalerite> is it just me or is i3 broken in nixos-16.09?
<sphalerite> as in the executable isn't an executable?
<gchristensen> LnL: I let my darwin-configuration.nix go entirely to hell >.>
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<LnL> what happend?
<LnL> I hope that I didn't break somethign
<gchristensen> it is super confusing and I don't remember why I made it the way I did. I've been trying to clean it up again / move entirely off my crappy version of your nice system.
* LnL needs to setup some proper tests
<gchristensen> you didn't break it, I did :)
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<sphalerite> nvm the broken i3 was because of the kernel crash
<copumpkin> niksnut: argh, the image building stuff is so fragmented :) iso9660 supports "contents" which lets me specify non-store paths for the ISO, but make-disk-image doesn't
* copumpkin resolves to unify everything
* copumpkin loves images
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<copumpkin> I've also seen nearly the same code for images copied and pasted all over the place
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<gchristensen> copumpkin you're doing great work, thank you :)
<copumpkin> <3
<copumpkin> I think it'd be amazing if other distros are stuck with packer and running sequences of commands that take 10-15 minutes per build
<copumpkin> and we can tweak a config and get another image in <1m
<gchristensen> yes
<copumpkin> my goal!
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<LnL> that would be really nice :)
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<tlotze> Hi, I'm rather new to Nix and I'm trying to install packages on top of another OS. Works fine, but one thing I wanted to get this way is cmus (an audio player) with opus capabilities. cmus installed fine but without using opus, and a glance at the nix expression told me that opus has been commented out for a long time because something didn't work in the past. Is this something to file an issue about, or is this kind of thing considered too much "maint
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<goibhniu> hi tlotze, maybe it's easy to fix? That would be best
<hyper_ch> what are security.wrappers or how do they work since setuidPrograms isn't supported anymore
<hyper_ch> still shows setuidPrograms
<tlotze> goibhniu: maybe it's easy; I'd just have to learn more about the system so I thought about filing an issue so it doesn't get lost
<goibhniu> tlotze: sure, go for it!
<tlotze> fine, thank you
<goibhniu> cheers
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<LnL> hyper_ch: security.wrappers?
<hyper_ch> LnL: is it just config name change or did other things change as well?
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<LnL> don't know, I've not looked it it yet
<lassulus> hyper_ch: the interface did change, you can now set single capabilites and other owners
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<lassulus> and you must probivide the path to the executable that gets wrapped instead of the package
<hyper_ch> and where does one find all that info?
<hyper_ch> on how to use it now?
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<LnL> it looks very similar
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<hyper_ch> --> the testing part at the bottom doesn't work
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<lassulus> the info is in the unstable doc (not sure how to find it though) you can check some nixpkgs modules (like )
<hyper_ch> nah, that's me it seems
<sphalerite> Is there a reason that the kernel contains its build date?
<lassulus> also the path of the wrapped binaries did change from /var/setuid-wrappers to /var/run/wrappers/bin
<hyper_ch> o*** due to remove of kde4 I can't install exfat
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<hyper_ch> now I have to rebuild all the config
<hyper_ch> and I fail now at setuidprograms becasue I have no idea how to write it now
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<hyper_ch> lassulus: I still have no idea how to use that
<hyper_ch> I had security.wrappers = [ "mount.cifs" "cdrecord" ];
<hyper_ch> it was simple and straightfoward... no idea what I need now
<gchristensen> copumpkin: oh my heart
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<lassulus> hyper_ch: now you can do security.wrappers."mount.cifs".source = "${pkgs.cifs-utils}/bin/mount.cifs";
<hyper_ch> that's way more complicated
<lassulus> but its more powerful
<hyper_ch> fail to see how
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<lassulus> and I'm not here to discuss why I just want to help you
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<jophish_> Does anyone run nixos without channels, just using a git checkout in /etc/?
<jophish_> I find channels really confusing :|
<lassulus> well it's more powerful because the old interface wasn't able to take another owner than root, couldn't set specific capabilties und you couldn't really specify a specific version for a setuided executeable
<copumpkin> niksnut wants to get rid of them, fwiw :) I think channels should behave pretty much like git checkouts though
<FRidh> jophish_: I don't use channels, but indeed a git checkout
<lassulus> jophish_: I also don't use channels and pin a specific nixpkgs version
<jophish_> good to hear :)
<lassulus> sometimes my own nixpkgs branch to test changes before I push them upstream
<lassulus> or to cherry-pick some changes from unstable to stable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging cab0b44 Vladimír Čunát: python-3.4: fixup with glibc-2.25 (/cc #22874)...
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<gchristensen> niksnut: do you know when NixOS was first released?
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<domenkozar> 15.09
<domenkozar> afaik
<domenkozar> for a stable release
<domenkozar> gchristensen: or do you mean the very first usable version
<gchristensen> how about a not stable release?
<gchristensen> yeah
<copumpkin> huh, I had 14.12 in a VM
<copumpkin> and I vaguely remember a 13.x
<gchristensen> like if we celebrated a birthday of NixOS, when would it be?
<copumpkin> I see a 13.10 there
<domenkozar> copumpkin: slap me :)
<copumpkin> although link is b0rked
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<NixOS_GitHub> [hydra] edolstra pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 7081f97 Eelco Dolstra: Pedantry: CLOCK_REALTIME -> CLOCK_MONOTONIC
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 81ac547 Eelco Dolstra: Move most of AddBuilds to hydra-eval-jobset...
<NixOS_GitHub> hydra/master 52753e4 Eelco Dolstra: hydra-evaluator: Handle SIGINT...
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<Drakonis_> what could you party about with nix
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<goibhniu> copumpkin: IIUC the first commits to nix and nixpkgs were March 9th, 2003
<copumpkin> oh yeah, but NixOS?
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<goibhniu> 14th anniversary in two weeks!
<gchristensen> that seems good enougm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 723f23d Vladimír Čunát: dmd: fixup build with glibc-2.25
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging cbc343e Vladimír Čunát: criu: fixup build with glibc-2.25
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3d60072 Vladimír Čunát: xen: fixup build with glibc-2.25
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<srhb> jophish_: I have /home/me/nixpkgs be the checkout I use for basically everything, I fiddle too much to put it elsewhere :-P
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<srhb> Oh, I was scrolled up...
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* srhb time travels a bit
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<aloiscochard> hi there, I would like to use experimental features from the rust compiler (rustc), but they are availble only in the nightly builds.
<aloiscochard> but I'm unsure how to use this, as it's not listed in the default packages, any idea?
<pikajude> i think it's rustNightly
<pikajude> rustNightly.rustc, rustNightly.cargo
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<pikajude> although i have trouble building that derivation so you might also try rustNightlyBin
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<aloiscochard> that looks very useful, thanks all!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 4 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging cc8104f Vladimír Čunát: ekiga: mark as broken for now...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c986f4f Vladimír Čunát: fatrace: fixup build with glibc-2.25
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 9fe56e5 Vladimír Čunát: dolphinEmu*: fixup build with glibc-2.25
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<pikajude> that doesn't work on darwin though :(
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<stepcut> How would I create a `shell.nix` that has the same effect as `nix-shell -p package1 package2 package3` ?
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<maurer> stepcut: make a derivation with buildInputs = [package1 package2 package3]
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<stepcut> maurer: I'm not sure that is right. `nix-shell -p package1 package2 package3` will install all the dependencies required to build those packages, but not actually build the packages themselves. I think your suggestion would actually build the packages?
<maurer> stepcut: nix-shell -A package1 does deps only
<maurer> stepcut: nix-shell -p package1 installs the package
* stepcut ponders what he actually wants
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<gchristensen> stepcut: nix-shell -p installs those packages, not the build ependencies.
<gchristensen> oh maurer got you covered
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1d64f5f Tristan Helmich: libvirt: expose libvirt qemu configuration file...
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<stepcut> yeah I realized now that maurer is correct. So.. my actually problem is that I have several `shell.nix` files that I generated using cabal2nix, and I want to create a shell.nix that merges those and drops me in a shell
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<srhb> stepcut: I don't see how that would work, if you intend for buildPhase etc. to work for each of them
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<stepcut> srhb: I'm not sure I want the build phases to work ?
<maurer> It sounds like he's trying to make a dev env where he can work on multiple packages at once
<stepcut> yes
<maurer> I've always done this manually, which is why I've gotten quiet, I don't have an easy answer
<srhb> Oh, I see.
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<srhb> Actually, I don't see. Isn't that just exactly what you suggested, maurer? Make drv = mkDerivation ... buildDepends [ foo bar baz ] in drv.env ?
<maurer> srhb: He is developing foo bar and baz
<srhb> Right, derp.
<maurer> He wants the dependencies for all of foo, bar, and baz present
<srhb> :-)
<maurer> but does not want foo, bar, or baz
<aloiscochard> pikajude: I tried `rust-nightly-nix` but no luck, I would love to try to build rustNightly/rustNightlyBin, but I'm confused about how to start a shell/env with those derivation. maybe you would have a few pointers to share?
<srhb> So could we traverse those dependencies for foo bar baz
<maurer> stepcut: In any case, there might be a way, I've done this manually before, sorry
<pikajude> aloiscochard: nix-shell -p rustNightlyBin.rustc
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<aloiscochard> pikajude: that must have been a typo earlier then, copy pasting it, just works now :) ty
<stepcut> So, it seems there is no easy way, so perhaps I can use zipAttrsWithNames to merge together things like `buildInputs`. Except it seems that in the derivations `buildInputs` in an empty list and I need to merge `propogatedNativeBuildInputs` and other things -- but I am not clear where to find a list of what `other things` a derivation actually has :-/
<srhb> stepcut: You would need all those inputs (but that's a fixed set, I think?) and merge those into new attributes of the same kind, I think
<srhb> stepcut: so nativeBuildInputs, propagatedNativeBuildInputs, ...
<srhb> I was attempting to fold them...
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<fendor> Hello, i have a problem with installing nixos graphical install on my computer, has anyone the time to help me out?
<fendor> i tried booting it from dvd and usb, in uefi mode and bios, i'm pretty sure that the system runs on uefi
<srhb> fendor: Pose your question, perhaps someone can help.
<srhb> Ah, there :-)
<stepcut> ok, I think this works,
<srhb> fendor: You mean the installer won't boot?
<fendor> however, it hangs when it comes ahci
<srhb> stepcut: Oh, clever.
<fendor> the installer shows me the menu and when i select the menu, it stops when reaching some line about ahci
<fendor> then it just stops
<fendor> oh, well, i should stop for a second to think about what i'm writing, it must be terrible hard to follow :D
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<fendor> did you get the gist, or should i explain my problem in better english again?
<srhb> Booting the NixOS installer from either BIOS or UEFI causes it to get stuck on the boot loader with an AHCI error, yes?
<fendor> yep, exactly
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<srhb> I think the exact error message may help.
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<fendor> well, not a real error, unless `ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq led clo pio slum part ems apst` is an error message
<fendor> the line prior to this is ahci `0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 6 ports 6 Gbps 0x7 impl SATA Mode`
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #22350: Update R package set (master...r-updates)
<srhb> fendor: How old is this computer?
<srhb> Is it possible to switch it into IDE mode?
<fendor> one year old
<fendor> i'm sorry, i'm a linux n00b, only used ubuntu until now, i do not know how i change into IDE mode
<fendor> or what that might be
<srhb> It's a BIOS/Firmware setting relating to how the disk controller operates
<srhb> I can't read the error message either, so I'm grapsing.
<srhb> grasping*
<fendor> oh yeah, i looked it up, ok, i'll try that
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<fendor> ok, now it worked
<fendor> wtf?
<srhb> Without changing anything?
<fendor> no, changed the SATA settings to IDE
<fendor> now i see the root terminal
<srhb> OK. :)
<fendor> what happens, if i change it again?
<fendor> do you think it would still boot?
<srhb> I would try installing, then switching back to AHCI to see if the installed bootloader/kernel is more happy about it
<srhb> If it doesn't you're stuck in IDE mode for that system.
<srhb> It sounds worth reporting as a bug anyway.
<srhb> Other users might face this issue.
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<srhb> (And I don't know how to debug it, I'm afraid.)
<fendor> ok, what is the best way to file the bug report? is there a web page for instructions?
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<simendsjo> Is dotnet core (and its clr tools) available in nixos?
<srhb> fendor: The NixOS repository on github. Let me give you a link :)
<fendor> thx, great :)
<fendor> ok, i guess hardware information will be relevant?
<srhb> fendor: That would help. Anything you can think of. :)
<fendor> ok, ill do that :)
<srhb> simendsjo: nix-env -qaP -A nixpkgs.dotnetPackages has things. I don't know what those things are, but perhaps you can tell if you take a look. :)
<simendsjo> Looks like it's mostly nuget packages
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<simendsjo> I already have coreclr installed, but it doesn't seem to include the cli tools.
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<Wizek> Can I configure nix to be less verbose when downloading from binary cache? E.g. 1 line isntead of 7 per downloaded items would be nice. Or perhaps just a progress bar?
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<srhb> Wizek: nixUnstable already does this
<srhb> So if you're patient... :-)
<gchristensen> note: I don't recommend switching to nixUnstable at this time
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<srhb> Me neither, it's wonky. :-P
<pikajude> or at any time
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<srhb> pikajude: Meaning you don't think it'll ever mature, or that attribute _name_ should never be used?
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<gchristensen> you can't come back from nixUnstable right now
<pikajude> srhb: well, if it matures, it just becomes nix
<pikajude> but i've been bitten by too many bugs in nixUnstable to ever want to use it again
<srhb> pikajude: Right, that was what I wanted clarified ;-)
<Wizek> srhb, That's nice to hear that it is in the pipeline. Is there a ticket/commit I can follow perhaps to know when it lands in a more stable place?
<srhb> Wizek: I think you can't miss it if you're here...
<Wizek> srhb, You mean that if I watch this channel 24/7? :D
<srhb> Wizek: The good thing about timezones and hobbyists is that the news will be ongoing for a long while. But to answer: No, I don't know the specific issue to track. :-P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd732de Shea Levy: zoom-us: bump
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jyp opened pull request #23054: Add python protobuf 3.1 (master...pb31)
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<copumpkin> would still welcome anyone with ideas about
<gchristensen> clever: ?
<gchristensen> [0__0]: seen clever
<[0__0]> Yes, I saw clever 23 hours ago.
<[0__0]> clever said: "romildo: the command will be available, but not its headers or libraries"
<gchristensen> his funny sleep schedule would turn me in to a wreck :P
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<mojjo> hi! I'm starting to manage some of my dotfiles with nixos. I'm not completely sure how to do this. For instance, take xmonad as an example. I'd like to make sure that a certain .xmonad.hs file is always copied/linked? to a user's home directory.
<mojjo> Would I just describe this in my configuration.nix or are there other ways to do so?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #23055: garden-of-coloured-lights: init at 1.0.9 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens closed pull request #23030: Sway: module (master...sway_module)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] asymmetric opened pull request #23057: Backport PR 2291 (release-16.09...fetch-cherry-pick)
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<ndowens08> i dislike git b/c i suck at it at times lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spinus opened pull request #23058: mailpile: 0.4.1 -> 0.5.2 (master...mailpile-upgrade)
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<mojjo> does anybody know, if the heroku package is fixed? I'm still getting the error discussed here:
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<lassulus> how can I define a systemd user service which gets restarted everytime I redeploy my system?
<mojjo> hi lassulus! mojjo = michael from berlin's nixos meetup
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23059: Sway: module (master...swaymod)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens closed pull request #22916: Hiawatha: Init at 10.5 (master...master)
<lassulus> mojjo: hey, nice to "see" you again :)
<lassulus> mojjo: if you want to manage your dotfiles with nix the easiest way is either to write /etc files with environment.etc or write wrappers for the program which execute them with a specific configuration
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23060: Hiawatha: Init at 10.5 (master...hiawatha)
<lassulus> depends on the program you want to manage though, I just wrote a systemd.user service to configure urxvt for example
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<threshold> co ~/.nix-profile/share/postgresql.conf.sample ~/.nix-profile/share/postgresql.conf # results in cp: cannot create regular file 'postgresql.conf': Permission denied
<jack[m]1> We are the knights who say !ni
<threshold> cp, not co
<threshold> I typed in cp, not co.
<lassulus> threshold: context?
<threshold> lassulus: I am trying to start postgres, and I am not sure where the configuration file should be located. Given that I found a sample configuration file in ~/.nix-profile/share/, I figured it should go there.
<lassulus> on nixos? or using nix?
<threshold> lassulus: nix
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<lassulus> then the default location /etc/postgresql.conf should work
<threshold> lassulus: /etc and not ~/.nix-profile/etc?
<lassulus> do you want to run it as your user?
<lassulus> or systemwide?
<threshold> I am trying to mimick what will be in production. I guess it makes sense to put it in /etc
<clever> gchristensen: lol
<gchristensen> clever: :)
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<lassulus> threshold: that would make sense I guess. Maybe there is a parameter to specify the config postgresql starts with
<lassulus> but I can't find currently
<threshold> -D
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<threshold> I can't copy it to ~/.nix-profile/etc
<clever> gchristensen: i sleep when you least expect it :P
<threshold> permission denied
<threshold> cp to /etc fails with the same error
<threshold> Is there anything this user can do!? :)
<lassulus> well you are not supposed to stuff in .nix-profile
<threshold> oh
<lassulus> and for /etc you need root rights
<clever> threshold: ~/.nix-profile is entirely managed by nix-env, and you would need to make a package describing the change and nix-env -i it
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<threshold> Given I am the main user of this laptop, does it make sense give myself write privs to /etc ?
<threshold> I know very little about security
<clever> threshold: just use sudo to get root
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<threshold> Oh, -d is for data directory
<threshold> I am not sure how to specify where the configuration file is
<clever> threshold: what are you trying to get done?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nixy opened pull request #23061: pythonPackages.snakeviz: init at 0.4.1 (master...pythonPackages.snakeviz)
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<threshold> clever: I just want to start postgresql
<clever> threshold: set services.postgresql.enable=true; in configuration.nix and run nixos-rebuild switch
<threshold> I need it for a web project
<clever> and it will be installed and configured for you
<clever> no need to touch nix-env or systemPackages
<threshold> clever: that is amazing
<threshold> clever: clever, even
<threshold> i am using nix on osx though
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<clever> threshold: ah, let me see
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spacefrogg opened pull request #23062: ptask: init at 1.0.0 (master...ptask)
<clever> threshold: and i believe its using the PGDATA env variable to change where it looks for config files
<clever> to get around certain locations being read-only
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<ndowens08> So what is the purpose of wrapProgram? Wiki about it doesn't make it click for me
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<gchristensen> ndowens08: sometimes we need to set environment variables before running the program, and the only way to do that is with wrapProgram
<gchristensen> makes a transparent wrapper that sets environment vars
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<ndowens08> every time i try to use fetchgit or fetchFromGitHub i get couldnt resolve host and idk why, no typo and is correct; funny thing is that prefetch-git works
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<ndowens08> which is weird, the unable to access URL, is correct; not first time it has gave me this issue
<sphalerite> maybe proxy settings for git?
<ndowens08> idk, but i dont use a proxy
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21808: sway: 0.9 -> 0.11 (master...sway)
<ndowens08> hmm unless
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<sphalerite> Wait so NixOS is older than ubuntu?
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<Drakonis> yeah?
<sphalerite> nice
<ndowens08> hmm didnt know that
<sphalerite> I had no idea, it seems fairly recent to me just because I only discovered it last year :p
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2805ac5 Peter Hoeg: utox: 0.12.2 -> 0.13.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2cd286b Peter Hoeg: Merge branch 'u/utox' into real_master
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<ndowens08> hmm i am thinking b/c it is putting a / after .git like projectname.git/
<ndowens08> but the source for fetchgit has option removeSuffix /
<sphalerite> That shouldn't be a problem anyway, if it can't resolve the hostname the rest of the URL doesn't really matter
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #22822: iputils: 20151218 -> 20161105 (master...iputils)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] veprbl opened pull request #1244: Backport SSL_CERT_FILE -> NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE (1.11-maintenance...ssl_fix)
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<ndowens08> It is weird, there is no typo, i can right click on the url and open link and pulls up fine in my browser; other downloads to build packages work, just never git
<ndowens08> unless, git uses a diff port, since I have a firewall enabled in nix
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<clever> ndowens08: can you gist your nix expression?
<clever> ndowens08: and the nixos firewall only blocks incoming, it never touches outgoing traffic
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<ndowens08> clever: yup one sec
<sphalerite> ndowens08: firewall for outgoing traffic?
<clever> ndowens08: line 18-21 doesnt look right, and what is the exact error msg?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ecaed7 Peter Hoeg: utox: remove unnecessary line
<clever> ndowens08: line 15 i believe will do what you wanted
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #23063: curl: 7.52.1 -> 7.53.0 (master...curl_7_53_0)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #23064: rkt: 1.24.0 -> 1.25.0 (master...rkt_1_25_0)
<clever> ndowens08: something doesnt match up
<clever> ndowens08: that error message includes output from git, but fetchFromGitHub NEVER uses git, despite its name
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<LnL> it actually does now with fetchSubmodules = true
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<LnL> but apart from that it downloads a tarball from github
<clever> ah
<clever> i was double-checking against the 16.09 copy by mistake
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<ndowens08> i tried regular fetchgit before and never worked either, even though url is good
<clever> ndowens08: what about just normal fetchFromGitHub, like the gist i linked?