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<pie__> hm i should do thatbut m on windows at themoment, ill save that for later
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<pie__> any of you guys try nixos on the surface 3?
<ndowens08> I have almost got a package to build correctly, almost lol; new issue I have encountered is that if i use configurePhase = "makeFflags=PYTHONPATH=$out"; the build process spits out that it can not find python setuptools, in which i used propagatedBuildInputs = with pythonPackages; [ setuptools]; without the configurePhase it finds it find but outputs permission denied in installing
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<gchristensen> pie__: I think cransom did
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<pie__> ohhh?? i am very interested :
<pie__> * :D
<pie__> thats surface 3 (non-pro) for the record
<pie__> this seems to be the latest general-linux one from random-internet-goer https://www.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/comments/5j7fst/linux_mint_on_surface_3_non_pro_status/?ref=search_posts
<pie__> things seeto suggest trying with 4.10rc1 kernel if anything
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<gchristensen> oh, it was a pro https://github.com/cransom/surface-pro-3-nixos
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<pie__> ah
<pie__> yeah pro seems to fare rather better :
<pie__> :/
<pie__> dunno what the chipset differences are but probably important :P
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<gchristensen> I'm still agonizing over my next laptop
<Sonarpulse> xps is mostly ok
<sheenobu> i'm not seeing any updates lately... i'm used to upgrading chromium every week
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: 13 or 15?
<Sonarpulse> anybody know about making building Setup.hs with a version of cabal that doesn't come with GHC?
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: I have 15
<Sonarpulse> last year's
<gchristensen> can you link me to that?
<Sonarpulse> ok
<pie__> gchristensen, i only get stuff as gifts xD and usually not much luck with linux support
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> who is gifting surface 3s? :P
<pie__> my uncle apparently lol
<sheenobu> ah chromium is updated on 16.09 but i'm guessing the updates haven't been deployed to the channel?
<sheenobu> might go full src build...
<pie__> the windows installation on it is really bad though
<pie__> probably backdoored and hell knows, i should know better but i havent reinstalled it since i got it
<pie__> keep wanting to wait till linux support is par :/
<Sonarpulse> I know they changed it this here
<Sonarpulse> but number is the same?
<Sonarpulse> or that is last year's?
<Sonarpulse> i duno
<gchristensen> sheenobu: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/d2cd8a0...release-16.09 indeed, still coming :)
<pie__> sheenobu, o/
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<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: the dell pages always confuse me :)
<sheenobu> ahhh thank gchristensen . I should write up a script that pulls down the as-yet-of released commits. (check nixos-version commit hash to build that URL)
<gchristensen> yeah!
<gchristensen> sheenobu: xdg-open "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/$(nixos-version --hash)...release-16.09"
<sheenobu> gchristensen, what about nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.nixpkgsVersion . should that return the same thing as nixos-version? Also: would prefer a CLI version that just prints
<sheenobu> Before switching to nixos i was trying to get gentoo to work. I really liked gentoos like 'hey pull down recent news' commands
<gchristensen> why, though?
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: yeah just cross your fingers and spend lots of money :)
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: exactly! I can't tell if anything is this year's or not
<sheenobu> yeah i'd prefer not to open a web browser. Plus with a cli I can go like 'hey go ahead and cherry-pick this commit to my local nixpkgs so I can upgrade chromium'. I build chromium by hand already so I have no reason to wait until the 16.09 channel gets it
<gchristensen> sheenobu: oh, sure
<gchristensen> sheenobu: this was the only important part, though: nixos-version --hash
<sheenobu> right. I have no idea whether what nix-instantate --eval ... has vs nixos-version
<gchristensen> nixos-version is trivial, look at the source: cat /run/current-system/sw/bin/nixos-version
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<sheenobu> oh wow
<gchristensen> hehe
<sheenobu> thanks for the info. I'll probably create that tool tonight. Now on to nix-home...
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<gchristensen> :D
<sheenobu> since it's called nix-home I'm wondering if i'll have to rename it if I add it to nixpkgs?
<sheenobu> since nix-* denotes core stuff
<drakonis> huh
<gchristensen> I'd say don't worry about it, sheenobu
<drakonis> so there's a native arc theme for kde now
<gchristensen> keep going. we can all pitch in and organize a name change if necessary
<sheenobu> gotcha. I can always change it later or get feedback on the PR
<drakonis> nix-home?
<drakonis> what's this about!
<gchristensen> yep
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<sheenobu> my shockingly popular tool drakonis . not that popular but more than I expected https://github.com/sheenobu/nix-home
<gchristensen> it is a big itch
<drakonis> i can get behind this
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<sheenobu> yeah. I installed rvm today and rvm was like 'hey i'm gonna write to .bash_profile' and nix-home was like 'no, .bash_profile is read-only'
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: buying dells always makes me feel like an idiot :|
<sheenobu> which I was really happy about. Shit which writes to dot files automatically is a pet peeve of mine
<sheenobu> write to .cache, write to .local/cache. otherwise fuck off
<drakonis> https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/arc-kde this sweet theme needs https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum to fully function but kvantum doesn't compile
<drakonis> keeps throing some strange errors
<drakonis> throwing
<drakonis> rather
<drakonis> missing files
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: in the end
<Sonarpulse> I bought from oMS
<Sonarpulse> less crapware perhaps
<Sonarpulse> (though I nixos anyways :))
<gchristensen> what is that?
<Sonarpulse> and a few hundred bucks off for some reason
<Sonarpulse> *MS
<Sonarpulse> typo :)
<gchristensen> oh! like from the microsoft store?
<Sonarpulse> yeah
<gchristensen> smart
<Sonarpulse> not sure if they still have that
<Sonarpulse> well, dumb luck
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<teto> hum I removed the nixos channel but it doesn't seem like a good thing to do ?! now I have asserts as a user but also nixos-rebuild seems to have reinstalled it xD
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<gchristensen> teto: as root, nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-16.09 nixos
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<teto> gchristensen: nixos-rebuild re-added it automatically
<gchristensen> o
<teto> it's weird that nix-channel --list shows nothing when the doc says it uses root channels too
<teto> (run as a simple user)
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: looks like 9560 is this year's (your link was for 9550)
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: do you have the one with the nvidia gpu?
<drakonis> channel collisions yoo
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: ah ok
<Sonarpulse> yes
<Sonarpulse> but I don't use it
<Sonarpulse> forced intel
<Sonarpulse> for theory of battery life
<Sonarpulse> (no empiracle measurements)
<Sonarpulse> never bothered much with bumblebee and dynamic things
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: so it does come with both, and you can force it? cool. I can't force my macbook pro 11,3, because the hardware disables the integrated one :|
<Ralith> I want to buy a 9560 without an integrated GPU
<Ralith> that's hundreds of dollars in hardware I just straight up won't use
<gchristensen> integrated? or discrete?
<Ralith> er, without the nvidia GPU, I mean
<Ralith> it was an option on the 9550
<Ralith> 4k's a must though
<gchristensen> same
<Ralith> I'd probably tolerate it if the driver situation wasn't so sketchy
<Ralith> but I just don't want to deal with it
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: hmm I thought hardware swtich was considered better?
<Sonarpulse> I just can disable kernel modules and cross fingers
<Sonarpulse> see my nixos-config
<Sonarpulse> and nixos-hardware contribution
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: I don't have a user-controlled switch, it is just disabled by the firmware if the EFI doesn't have an apple magic number in it
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<jack[m]1> The more I use NixOS, the more I dislike FreeBSD.
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: oh, shitty
<ndowens08> jack[m]1: I like freebsd too, but playing with nix more atm
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: hmm looking at it
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: yeah :( what do you think about this one? http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/productdetails/xps-15-9560-laptop/fndnxb1608s
<Sonarpulse> seems I don't get display port on my hdmi
<Sonarpulse> but this year does
<Sonarpulse> so I am stuck with 4k 30hz :(
<Sonarpulse> but you wouldn't be
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<gchristensen> ah
<Sonarpulse> tbh I'm still working and don't really have time to go over the exact config sorry
<sheenobu> rad https://api.github.com/repos/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/$(nixos-version --hash)...release-16.09
<Sonarpulse> I personally do love the 4k screen built in
<gchristensen> no worries :)
<Sonarpulse> (60hz with that at least)
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<Ralith> 1080p on a new laptop seems like insanity
<jack[m]1> Ralith; our IT department recently updated the laptop selection from 1366x768 to 1080p.
<Ralith> ;_;
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<gchristensen> :o
<MichaelRaskin> Changing to FullHD was a big step. Right now I am perfectly fine with the font I get after I kill most of fonts.conf (so not stupid enhancements that make stuff blurry); I am not sure more resolution would change the range of comfortable fonts sizes
<MichaelRaskin> (I mean physical font sizes)
<gchristensen> "you are next in queue" far a web chat :o
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<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: is your RAM soldered on? the webpage says more is sold separately, but ifixit for the 13" suggests it isn't expandable.
<MichaelRaskin> Technically speaking, you are not interested in RAM being soldered on, you are interested in an expansion slot for more RAM
<gchristensen> yeah yeah :)
<Ralith> gchristensen: iirc the 15 has two standard low-profile slots
<Ralith> even the 13" had one, I thought
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<gchristensen> this was an older 13, maybe they changed?
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<Ralith> nice
<Ralith> yep, two slots
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<Ralith> oh wow, even the battery's replacable
<pie__> finally managed to misplace my wireless mouse dongle in such a way that i havent the faintest idea where it is, and its one of those tiny ones >.< and i need it right now
<gchristensen> Ralith: what is this, a dream? a decent looking / performing computer in 2017 with a replacable battery?
<Ralith> I know, right?!
<Ralith> I wish my T430 would hurry up and die so I could replace it >_>
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<Ralith> something to be said for buying a new machine after certified refurbs are available and the driver bugs have been sorted though
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<gchristensen> Ralith: check this out ...
<gchristensen> Ralith: watch this video / read the description: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+XPS+13+Teardown/36157#s81025
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<glines> I'm building a thing with nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./default.nix {}'
<glines> now how do I get this derivation installed if nix-env does not support -E?
<gchristensen> you could nix-env -i ./result
<glines> woah
<glines> that was easy
<glines> thanks
<gchristensen> :)
* glines puts that in his bag of tricks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spinus opened pull request #22644: pgjwt: init at 0.0.1 (master...pgjwt) https://git.io/vDVr2
<greymalkin> What is the best way to build a package that has multiple remote sources?
<greymalkin> (They are currently implemented as git submodules)
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<gchristensen> greymalkin: myothersrc = fetchgit...; myotherothersrc = fetchgit... then use $myothersrc and $myotherothersrc in your build phase
<greymalkin> gchristensen: Excellent, that should work very well, thanks!
<gchristensen> great :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] davidak opened pull request #22647: caddy: set file descriptor limit to 8192, fixes #22454 (master...caddy-file-descriptor) https://git.io/vDVoL
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<gchristensen> davidak: have you tested that to verify it works? ^
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<davidak> gchristensen: done
<gchristensen> merged :) thank you for testing
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22647: caddy: set file descriptor limit to 8192, fixes #22454 (master...caddy-file-descriptor) https://git.io/vDVoL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22649: libxml2: add icu support (master...f/libxml) https://git.io/vDVK8
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22650: terragrunt: 0.9.9 -> 0.10.0 (master...u/tg) https://git.io/vDVKu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22651: neovim-qt: clean up (master...f/nvim-qt) https://git.io/vDVKK
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<Ralith> gchristensen: neat
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDVKN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d9ab783 Graham Christensen: nixos manual: correct reference to sddm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDVKA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5615313 Franz Pletz: mattermost: 3.3.0 -> 3.6.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9973f49 Franz Pletz: matterircd: 0.9.0 -> 0.11.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3fd44e2 Franz Pletz: network-interfaces service: add metric option for defaultGateways
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<sheenobu> hrm. where do i put .desktop files to get picked up?
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<sheenobu> I'll just have to wrap this .desktop into a derivation
<Ralith> ~/.local/share/applications is a thing
<Ralith> I feel like you're always better off with a derivation though
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<sheenobu> yeah it doesn't work with .local/share/applications
<sheenobu> i'm sure i'm missing a step between adding a file to .local/share/applications and running rofi/dmenu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22654: sdl: fix very long filename (master...f/sdl) https://git.io/vDV61
<Ralith> sheenobu: perhaps use strace to see where they're looking?
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<sheenobu> I'm lost on how to use strace
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<sheenobu> oh neat
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<sheenobu> ah I had NoDisplay=true...
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<Ralith> neat
<Ralith> isn't NoDisplay false by default? you probably don't need to specify it
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<Ralith> also, do you really need to do the mkDerivation dance? Couldn't you just call writeText directly?
<Ralith> sheenobu: ^
<sheenobu> Yes it's false by default. I just had it to true
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<Ralith> right, so you can just delete the line entirely
<sheenobu> I tried (and failed) but i think it was due to the NoDisplay. I may eventually make a shell wrapper for it too
<sheenobu> yes i understand that. i just decided not to
<Ralith> desktop files have a great many options; if you're going to avoid defaulting then you've got a lot more work to do :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] spinus opened pull request #22655: test all postgresql versions, test server restart (#1735) (master...postgresql-tests) https://git.io/vDVi2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] RubenAstudillo opened pull request #22656: hakuneko: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 (master...hakuneko-1.4.2) https://git.io/vDViw
<c74d> How long should starting a nix-shell reasonably take?
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<c74d> `nix-shell -p rustfmt` takes about 8 to 10 seconds for me, with much disk I/O noise, even after running it multiple times shortly before
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<DavidEGrayson> clever: domenkozar: My MinGW cross-compiler in https://github.com/DavidEGrayson/nixcrpkgs is now better than the one from nixpkgs because it has winpthreads, and thus libstdc++ std::future should work too.
<DavidEGrayson> GCC configure option I am using after installing winpthreads: --enable-threads=posix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] ericsagnes opened pull request #1230: builtins.tryEval: catch EvalError (master...feat/try-error) https://git.io/vDVib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vrthra opened pull request #22657: dgsh: Init at nightly-2017-02-05 (master...dgsh) https://git.io/vDVPP
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<riptawr> o/
<riptawr> i made some notes on issues during install, since wiki is ro, how do i contribute?
<drakonis> visit the git repo
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<drakonis> swell, gotta go.
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<riptawr> meh, which git repo? =)
<riptawr> for the manual?
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<riptawr> thx
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<riptawr> this is one thing i didn't find obvious, since the migration issue did not say where the migration is going to
<riptawr> another question regarding the manual, does it make sense to pull request for 16.09 or should i just target the latest?
<riptawr> by default it build 17.03
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<sheenobu> riptawr, always go on master. either you or someone else will then decide on whether it needs to be cherry-picked a given release (and there is a specific process for that)
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<riptawr> ok thanks
<riptawr> what is the policy on adding examples with reasonable defaults ala arch wiki, e.g. providing a full example in the manual for synaptics with palm detect etc?
<sheenobu> /no idea/
<riptawr> pasting the options together from the appendix while half the system isn't configured yet is hard imho
<sheenobu> what do you mean?
<riptawr> if you check the x server section of the manual for touchpad
<riptawr> the example has only enable and twoFingerScroll
<riptawr> and a link to the appendix for further options
<sheenobu> you can navigate the options via nixos-options to show all available (but that won't always help)
<riptawr> so i would add a full example for a reasonably speedy touchpad with palm detection
<riptawr> i see
<sheenobu> yeah i have no idea what the post-wiki plans are for stuff like that
<riptawr> well since we have nixos-option it would make more sense to put such configurations into the man or something
<sheenobu> yes probably
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<riptawr> bbl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22651: neovim-qt: clean up (master...f/nvim-qt) https://git.io/vDVKK
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22658: syncthing-inotify: 0.8.4 -> 0.8.5 (master...u/st) https://git.io/vDVyt
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<riptawr> does someone have a working steam / nvidia *.nix for reference?
<riptawr> do i need to set the initrd and kernel parameters when choosing nvidia in hardware or how does that work in nix?
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<riptawr> i saw it leads to some services starting automatically, without me specifying anything
<FRidh> riptawr: did you enable driSupport? https://github.com/FRidh/nix-config/blob/master/machines/fr-desktop.nix#L64 You need the 32 bit as well.
<riptawr> i added it yes, but starting xserver fails after reboot with nvidia in hardware
<riptawr> so i
<riptawr> 'm stuck at that step
<FRidh> and you have services.xserver.videoDrivers = ["nvidia"];
<FRidh> oh, I think you meant you have
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<riptawr> yeah
<pierron_> riptawr: on some hardware, you cannot use nvidia alone, and you have to have a discrete GPU, from what I heard, so listing both nvidia and intel
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<pierron> riptawr: then use bumblebee to use the other gpu per application.
<riptawr> pierron - i see, thx - i'll disable xautostart and have a shot at it then
<riptawr> do you know whether i need to load kernel modules manually or rebuild the initramfs?
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<pierron> I don't. maybe lsmod would tell you if a module is loaded after "nixos-rebuild test"
<riptawr> kk
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<riptawr> i think the bumblebee package handles modules automatically, judging from https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/hardware/video/bumblebee.nix
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<riptawr> ah no wait, this is someones actual config?
<riptawr> nvm ^^
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<riptawr> got it working using bumblebee, without specifying any hardware.video - loaded modules automatically
<riptawr> thanks for the help
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<sphalerite> the contents of http://nixos.com/ are unfortunate... (NSFW)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 5 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vDV9S
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6cf8875 Vladimír Čunát: xorg.{libXi,libXpm}: minor update
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 201f0ce Vladimír Čunát: xorg.presentproto: 1.0 -> 1.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 78a115d Vladimír Čunát: xorg util-macros: 1.19.0 -> 1.19.1
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDV9H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b185b6 Vladimír Čunát: xfce.xfconf: minor update 4.12.0 -> 4.12.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4588ee Vladimír Čunát: xfce4-panel: maintenance 4.12.0 -> 4.12.1
<sziszi> sphalerite, zomg! :)
<sphalerite> Someone mistyped the link from memory in an issue on the VLC project, so I went to check... not what I was expecting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #22580: gimpPlugins.gmic: -> 1.7.8 (master...gimp_gmic178) https://git.io/vDufq
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #22639: bash-completion: call readlink without errors on Darwin (master...darwin-readlink-bashcompletion) https://git.io/vDapz
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi closed pull request #22604: zdbsp: init at 1.19 (master...add-zdbsp) https://git.io/vDg3n
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vDVHN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f586e4b Renaud: nghttp2: 1.17.0 -> 1.19.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f4d1bcb Vladimír Čunát: llvm: fix #22567 oversaturated red icons
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 205376e Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22534: nghttp2: 1.17.0 -> 1.19.0
<sphalerite> ok.. so is it "nixoss" or "nix oh ess"?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vDVQO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 8f5b3ae Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vDVQC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c5fcd96 Peter Hoeg: sdl: fix very long filename
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4927aa0 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22654: SDL: fix very long filename of patch
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22658: syncthing-inotify: 0.8.4 -> 0.8.5 (master...u/st) https://git.io/vDVyt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22650: terragrunt: 0.9.9 -> 0.10.0 (master...u/tg) https://git.io/vDVKu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Riptawr opened pull request #22659: adding grub option to avoid #21830 to documentation (master...master) https://git.io/vDVQF
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDVQb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 357c536 Ruben Astudillo: hakuneko: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb61e3a Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #22656 from RubenAstudillo/hakuneko-1.4.2...
<riptawr> this chat bot is really interesting
<riptawr> i hope nobody minds me hacking away at missing documentation, while i set things up :D
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<mudri> riptawr: To your earlier question, I'd say absolutely make the manual like the Arch Wiki. We need something like that, and now there's nothing else to provide it.
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<pierron> sphalerite: the second one.
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<riptawr> i see, great. I am taking notes anyway for my config repo
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<pierron> garbas: can we un-deprecate the wiki, until there is viable alternative?
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<mudri> sphalerite: To people who know it, I'd go for “nixos”, and otherwise “nix O S”. That's just me, though.
<pierron> mudri: This is "Nix O S", there is no other spelling.
<peterhoeg> gchristensen: I believe I "owe" you a fix for mupdf on 16.09.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDV7E
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 52d6927 Peter Hoeg: libxml2: add optional icu support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db8ac61 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22649: libxml2: add icuSupport ? false...
<pierron> mudri: otherwise the letter would not be capitalized.
<mudri> The other is a little bit shorter and clearer, though. ;-)
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<peterhoeg> Any good ideas on how to fiddle with patches that are being retrieved by fetchpatch if the filepaths in the patch are not right? I'm not talking about using -pX with patch to strip as the issue is the opposite in that the patches reference a subdirectory.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDV7w
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 166464b Matt McHenry: patch ati-drivers for kernel 4.9...
<pierron> mudri: From now I would consider every person saying "nixos" as one word, that they are talking about the IRC channel, and not the distribution!
<riptawr> pierron i think unfreezing will make the diff worse
<pierron> riptawr: ?
<riptawr> i mean the wiki
<pierron> riptawr: is there already something else than the wiki?
<pierron> riptawr: from my point of view we deprecated the wiki but never made anything else, or never advertised it.
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<riptawr> pierron: yeah that was confusing since i've seen the issue to move it without really saying where to. But i guess the manual?
<pierron> riptawr: no the manual is more formal.
<pierron> riptawr: from what I recall garbas wanted us to use github as a wiki
<pierron> riptawr: but the only thing which happened was the read-only on the wiki.
<FRidh> at the time a decision was made to first move items to the manual, and then....possibly split again, like in a cookbook or whatever. In any case, some items were moved, some were not.
<riptawr> judging from the mess which is the IPFS "documentation" using github issues is not a very good idea, but this is where it seems to have gone
<pierron> riptawr: what are you trying to document?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDV7p
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 369fd67 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22649: libxml2: add icuSupport ? false...
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* pierron fails at compiling rustc locally, without using the nix expression :(
<riptawr> pierron: my idea was to have a newbie guide, similar to the arch wiki one, which allows to go from 0 "Nix O S" knowledge to some minimal GUI install
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<riptawr> for me it was not obvious how to work on Nix O S and whether all regular configuration options apply or not
<riptawr> or that neither nixos-option nor nix-env -qaP shows all packages in nixpkgs
<pierron> riptawr: isn't that already the case of the NixOS installation manual?
<pierron> nixos-option is not meant to show all packages, nor all options.
<riptawr> yeah, i meant for options
<pierron> nixos-option is meant for debugging configuration.nix, when you don't understand what interfere with your config.
<riptawr> the installation manual pre-supposes a lot - setting up yesterday night i was constantly cross referencing the wiki and issues
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDV5J
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b16957 David McFarland: glew: 1.13.0 -> 2.0.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 686d3fb Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22577: glew: 1.13.0 -> 2.0.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #22577: glew: 1.13.0 -> 2.0.0 (master...glew) https://git.io/vDENK
<pierron> riptawr: you are supposed to have the manal in one of the virtual terminal, and "man configuration.nix"
<riptawr> if you check the arch newbie installation guide - it almost reads your mind as to what you may want to do when you are setting up something else
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vDV5G
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 2ce45fb Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<pierron> riptawr: so, maybe you can list a series of questions, such that we can at least answer them somewhere, and then later on improve the installation documentation with these answers.
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<pierron> riptawr: such as opening an issue "The manual does not answer X when reading Y"
<riptawr> isn't it easier to add such things to the manual via pull request?
<pierron> riptawr: as you wish, but if you are new to NixOS, then you might have some incorrect wording.
<pierron> riptawr: and might have to iterate over it with the feedback of the reviewers
<riptawr> i see
<pierron> riptawr: your call ;)
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<riptawr> well for small edits, i don't think this will be a problem. For bigger ones i'll try to get feedback first then
<pierron> cstrahan: globin: Havvy: Who is the rustc maintainer? Have you ever tried to compile it from a nix-shell? I keep getting failures because usize / u128 / … are not defined.
<pierron> ^ while building nightly out of the repository
<Havvy> I don't think that `nightly` should even be _in_ the nixpkgs repository.
<Havvy> u128 not being defined sounds like Stage0 built at least...
<pierron> Havvy: I will look at your nix expression, and test it.
<pierron> Havvy: I am trying to add a new MIR plugin interface, such that we can register a MIRPass right before the translation into LLVM IR.
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<Havvy> pierron: Then you probably want a nix shell using this: https://gist.github.com/Havvy/2a6e4fde76292b03cabf2ca70d0ece09
<pierron> Havvy: that would not work on NixOS?
<pierron> Havvy: as rustc build system is trying to pull dependencies, such as the boostraping compiler out of the network, and without the proper interpreter is will fail to run
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<Wizek> Hey! Is it possible to have a small Haskell library and/or executable with nix without cabal, just plain ghc? And if so, could someone point me towards a simple example?
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<Wizek> clever, This looks great, thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDVdo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d4bf624 Vladimír Čunát: nixos manual: add grub option to avoid #21830...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #22659: adding grub option to avoid #21830 to documentation (master...master) https://git.io/vDVQF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDVdP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 693195f Vladimír Čunát: nixos manual: add grub option to avoid #21830...
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<riptawr> idea-ultimate in nixpkgs is latest, but installing it on the stable channel yields 2016.2.x hmm
<riptawr> *wants scala
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timbertson opened pull request #22660: nix-update-source: init at 0.3.0 (master...nix-update-source) https://git.io/vDVFt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xwvvvvwx opened pull request #22661: range-v3: init at 2017-01-30 (master...add-range-v3) https://git.io/vDVFY
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<flox> hi guys, I am trying to rescue a broken remote server, so I booted into the rescue mode, chrooted into the nixos install (chroot /mnt /nix/store/<path-to-bash>/bash ) and ran 'nixos-rebuild switch', but it always stops with the error while setting up the build environment: cannot pivot old root directory onto ‘/nix/store/5m4s85j86rpgxn12w10flc46g9gciwwp-unit-script.drv.chroot/real-root’: Invalid argument
<flox> what am I doing wrong?
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<hyper_ch> hmmm, should one report cache.nixos.org errors?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hrdinka opened pull request #22662: libretro: add mednafen-saturn core (master...add/libretro-mednafen-saturn) https://git.io/vDVbp
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDVNI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 980565b Vincent Laporte: smtube: 16.7.2 -> 17.1.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4464199 Vincent Laporte: smplayer: 17.1.0 -> 17.2.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDVNl
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5712ac6 Vincent Laporte: coqPackages.{ssreflect,mathcomp}: 1.6 -> 1.6.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dedba2a Vincent Laporte: coqPackages.coquelicot: 2.1.1 -> 2.1.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8bfce24 Vincent Laporte: coqPackages.interval: 2.2.1 -> 3.1.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #22664: melpa: fixed hashes of frame-cmds, frame-fns and zoom-frm (release-16.09...fix-emacs-packages) https://git.io/vDVNw
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDVNM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8ea925b Frederik Rietdijk: ansible_2_1: windowsSupport off by default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1ba1798 Frederik Rietdijk: ansible_2_2: windows support off by default...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6cf3667 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.cinderclient: mark as broken...
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<Unode> hi everyone. Is there any website/resource that collects/lists all options that can be set on nix/nixos?
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<MichaelRaskin> nixos-option command…
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<BlessJah> there is http://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html as well
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<flox> hi guys, I am trying to rescue a broken remote server, so I booted into the rescue mode, chrooted into the nixos install (chroot /mnt /nix/store/<path-to-bash>/bash ) and ran 'nixos-rebuild switch', but it always stops with the error while setting up the build environment: cannot pivot old root directory onto ‘/nix/store/5m4s85j86rpgxn12w10flc46g9gciwwp-unit-script.drv.chroot/real-root’: Invalid argument
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<gchristensen> mudri|srcf: I used to say "nixos" now I practice saying "Nix O S"
<gchristensen> peterhoeg: I'd say download the patch and put it in the repo :)
<Unode> BlessJah, MichaelRaskin thanks. I knew packages already didn't know about options
<peterhoeg> gchristensen: then I'd still have to massage the patches. I was kind of hoping for a "move to this directory before trying to apply this patch"-option.
<peterhoeg> or maybe some sed
<gchristensen> peterhoeg: I don't think there is a way :/ but, it is very easy to massage the names in patches :)
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<Unode> BlessJah, MichaelRaskin again thanks, already found what I wanted.
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<joachifm> peterhoeg: would (cd dir/sub && patch) work? if so, you *could* do that manually instead of using `patches`, if you can stomach it.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDVxZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2057837 Tuomas Tynkkynen: U-Boot: Fix ubootBananaPi & ubootPcduino3Nano by adding python2...
<joachifm> peterhoeg: but I suppose that's just about as much work as fixing the paths ...
<peterhoeg> joachifm: hackish but should work. Unfortunately, the patches are not applying properly to the version in stable (I just downloaded them and ran sed to fix up the paths).
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<peterhoeg> Turns out the JS bit is a separate project, so maybe we can pull down that separately.
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<gchristensen> peterhoeg: another thing is you don't strictly need to do this, especially if debian hasn't yet (they make our lives easy as patchers) and 17.03 is coming soon
<gchristensen> but if you want to, it would be appreciated :)
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<riptawr> how can i build something from the nixpkgs repo, that is not searchable by nix-env? could someone point me into the right direction?
<gchristensen> riptawr: it may be nonfree or it may be broken
<gchristensen> or it may be in a few sets we don't expose because they're thousands and thousands of packages, like haskell packages
<riptawr> gchristensen: i added nonfree to settings, and i see pkgs/applications/editors/idea/default.nix has idea-ultimate with version 2016.3.3 but building it with nix-env -i idea-ultimate yields 2016.2.5
<riptawr> so it is not quite clear to me whether i need to build a derivation or override package args etc
<FRidh> what channel/repo are you using?
<riptawr> FRidh: 16.09 stable i guess
<riptawr> just did the default install tonight
<FRidh> 2016.3.3 in in unstable
<riptawr> ah
<riptawr> so what is the correct way to proceed in such cases, is there a way to switch channels for specific packages?
<FRidh> yes, you could always set NIX_PATH, or use the -I option. Or, declaratively, you could use fetchTarball function
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<MichaelRaskin> Or you could use -f argument to nix-env
<riptawr> do you mind an example?
<riptawr> or well, let me read the man first
<FRidh> I still find it confusing that nix-env has an -f argument
<riptawr> thx
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<riptawr> and declaratively i would do what? add some function to custom install it from the repo?
<FRidh> check fetchTarball in https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-builtins
<riptawr> i'll have a look, thx
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22665: mupdf: update mujs due to CVEs (release-16.09...f/mupdf) https://git.io/vDVp2
<gchristensen> thank you for persevering, peterhoeg :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22665: mupdf: update mujs due to CVEs (release-16.09...f/mupdf) https://git.io/vDVp2
<peterhoeg> gchristensen: no worries.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #22666: nvidia: support application profiles (master...nvidia) https://git.io/vDVp1
<riptawr> FRidh: with nix-env i get an error though that it does not match any derivations, so i guess it was not build into the archive?
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<FRidh> riptawr: here it evaluates and is now downloading openjdk which takes like forever
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #22525: Sile: Init at 0.9.4 (master...sile) https://git.io/vD4Dd
<riptawr> huh, what am i missing then
<riptawr> ah
<riptawr> i am missing sudo
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<DarcsAurelius> riptawr: Just curious, do you know why sudo fixed the issue? Without it, shouldn't it be installed into your user's environment/profile? Asking as I had a similar (unresolved) issue last night
<riptawr> DarcsAurelius: it didn't, i just noticed it redownloaded the tar.gz as for the root environment but failed with the same issue
<DarcsAurelius> Ah
<FRidh> odd
<riptawr> i am playing around with settings NIXPKG to the clone of the repo
<FRidh> you're using nix in single-user mode?
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<riptawr> what do you mean?
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<riptawr> i didn't specify runlevels or anything
<riptawr> btw NIXPKG=/gitrepo/ doesnt show a derivation for ultimate in master
<riptawr> community 2016.3.3 though
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<gchristensen> riptawr: are you using NixOS or Nix on debian/ubuntu/etc.?
<riptawr> gchristensen: NixOS
<olesk> hi! just started using nixOS and having a good time so far. i've bumped into an issue though. my editor of choice is kakoune, which stores files defining syntax highlighting etc. in the folders ~/.nix-profile/share/kak/rc/ . I want to edit these files, but as they're symlinks to a directory that has read-only access, I cant do so. I tried chowning both the ~/.nix-profile directory and the /nix directory, but
<riptawr> maybe i should open an issue for reference?
<olesk> it doesn't work. any tips?
<gchristensen> olesk: the files in the /nix store are read only, which is a huge part of how Nix works so well.
<gchristensen> gosh, I wish I could help more... I have to go... but is there a way kakoune can be told to look elsewhere?
<olesk> gchristensen: no problem. I can get it to read a kakrc file from ~/.config/kak/kakrc, which adds to the other kakrc in the previously listed directory
<riptawr> gchristensen: thx for your help so far
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<riptawr> maybe i'll read the paper or lookup some vids first to understand how this is intended to be used :D
<olesk> but I haven't been able to do so with the definitions of syntax highlighters etc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22615: subsurface: 4.5.97 -> 4.6.0 (master...u/subsurf) https://git.io/vD2Uw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDVju
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bab37c7 Frederik Rietdijk: nvidia-x11: undo parallel building...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22640: phpPackages.composer: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.2 (master...update/phpPackages.composer) https://git.io/vDVeQ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDVj1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bbbd3c0 Robert Helgesson: sile: minor cleanup
<riptawr> just realized Nix - means nothing in german
<riptawr> is that a clever way to say we have no mutable stuff? ^^
<michaelpj> anyone know if there's a way to make systemd user units depend on x being started? AFAICT, e.g. the redshift service requires this, and only works because the restart timer is long enough that it eventually happens to try after x has started
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<bennofs1> michaelpj: I think that only works if x tells systemd when it has started, using the sd service api
<joachifm> michaelpj: depend on and order after graphical.target?
<michaelpj> graphical.target is a system target, not a user target
<joachifm> michaelpj: ah, I missed the "user" part
<bennofs1> michaelpj: how should systemd know when x is fully started? What is the definition of fully started
<michaelpj> and apparently you can't depend on system targets from user targets, which seems odd
<michaelpj> I think depending on graphical.target is what I *want*
<mudri> riptawr: I believe so. One of Eelco's papers explains it in a footnote, coming from Dutch “niks”.
<joachifm> michaelpj: in newer systemd there's graphical-session.target, which is for user instances
<michaelpj> aha, that sounds like probably what I want
<joachifm> michaelpj: not sure which version it appeared in, but its in 232 at least
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<michaelpj> joachifm: that's odd - I think I've got 232 on this machine, but `systemctl --user list-units` doesn't include it
<joachifm> michaelpj: see man systemd.special
<michaelpj> huh, I *do* see it there. Perhaps it's available and simply not listed for some reason
<gchristensen> does it show targets at all?
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<joachifm> michaelpj: see systemctl --user list-unit-files --type=target
<michaelpj> yes, I see default.target, basic.target etc in there
<gchristensen> I don't have it on 16.09
<michaelpj> but no graphical-session.target
<joachifm> michaelpj: hrm, it shows up here (but I'm not on nixos currently)
<michaelpj> given that the others are there, I would have expected it to be there if it was available
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<joachifm> michaelpj: it's possible we don't install it, I don't know that all upstream units are installed unconditionally
<gchristensen> what I see: http://ix.io/1T5M
<michaelpj> yep, same here
<joachifm> michaelpj: hm, it's listed in upstreamUserUnits in systemd.nix
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<michaelpj> and it looks like that was introduced along with the 232 upgrade, so I'm pretty sure I should have that configuration
<joachifm> michaelpj: sure you used list-unit-files? it won't show up in list-units
<gchristensen> not in 16.09
<michaelpj> joachifm: d'oh - I was indeed using list-units and it shows up in list-unit-files
<michaelpj> I confess I don't understand the difference
<joachifm> michaelpj: seems to me the former doesn't include stuff that can't be started manually
<michaelpj> that would make some sense
<michaelpj> and it looks like the right way to depend on it is `BindsTo`?
<joachifm> michaelpj: to add stuff to a session, I think PartOf makes sense
<michaelpj> it sounds like the difference is that PartOf means that if the graphical session is restarted, then this unit will be restarted too
<michaelpj> which I guess is probably reasonable
<bennofs1> Is there a Hydra API to retrieve the hydra job name <-> store path mapping?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22642: kde4, kdm: mark services as deprecated (master...kde4-deprecate) https://git.io/vDV3T
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwvk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7001a12 Michael Weiss: lf: 2016-10-02 -> 2017-02-04
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 651bd53 Joachim F: Merge pull request #22609 from primeos/lf-c55c4bf...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] avnik opened pull request #22667: wineUnstable: 2.0 -> 2.1 (master...wine-update) https://git.io/vDwvt
<michaelpj> joachifm, gchristensen: thanks, that was very helpful :)
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* gchristensen wonders how far he can go w.r.t. removing kde4 from 17.03
<joachifm> gchristensen: what's keeping you from going all the way?
<gchristensen> it seems a bit rude, is all, for people on 16.09 to suddenly have KDE4 go away
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<gchristensen> whatdo you think, joachifm? domenkozar?
<gchristensen> globin?
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<joachifm> gchristensen: strong +1 for removing, but then I have no real stake in it, so my opinion shouldn't matter :)
<gchristensen> hehe
<joachifm> anything I don't use is *clearly* bloat and ought to be removed
<gchristensen> LOL
<joachifm> :)
<drakonis> "bloat"
<gchristensen> and from my perspective, they're just a PITA when the security bugs get reported :P
<MichaelRaskin> The only things I ever use from KDE are: Kig, KDiff3, KSpaceDuel
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<MichaelRaskin> And Kig is actually nice and best-of-the-type
<drakonis> kde5 is pretty good though
<gchristensen> I don't think I can remove all of KDE4 myself, but disabling the module will at least be a good start
<MichaelRaskin> And we don't have it in KDE5 version
<MichaelRaskin> (yet)
<drakonis> not all of KDE's tools are packaged for KDE5 yet
<drakonis> hrm
<riptawr> gchristensen, FRidh, DarcsAurelius: fixed it, the issue was with my nix-env missing allowUnfree while nix-rebuild has it. This is also the reason why sudo may behave differently, due to different env profile
<riptawr> it sucks though that it just silently fails
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<riptawr> i learned how to build packages on a side note though :D
<drakonis> i want to learn how to package things
<drakonis> i want to package kvantum engine so i can use arc theme on KDE itself instead of a gtk theme
<riptawr> drakonis: read through here - https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-quick-start, then download the git repo and look through some packages / experiment
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<gchristensen> riptawr: that does suck! :(
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<riptawr> i'll open an issue
<riptawr> once i figure out how to leave some reproduce steps, without killing myself
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<riptawr> basically should work by creating a new user, without the allowFree in profile and trying any nix-env -i something -f archive where something is unfree
<khajvah> guys, why isn't firefox in the repo?
<joachifm> khajvah: it is.
<khajvah> error: selector ‘firefox’ matches no derivations
<khajvah> I am on Mac OS if that helps
<riptawr> is firefox unfree?
<drakonis> gotta get deez aliases
<drakonis> no firefox isn't unfree
<joachifm> khajvah: consider using attribute paths instead of names; as in nix-env -iA nixpkgs.firefox
<riptawr> ;D
<michaelpj> joachifm: depending on graphical-session.target doesn't appear to do anything. The examples in the manual suggest that you might also need e.g. a `gnome-session.target` to bind to it, otherwise it doesn't have any dependencies!
<khajvah> error: Package ‘firefox-unwrapped-51.0.1’ in ‘/nix/store/da4pdihbjb9hvrm1jywkp61ipn761sg0-nixpkgs-17.03pre100738.3fd44e2/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/default.nix:132’ is not supported on ‘x86_64-darwin’, refusing to evaluate.
<khajvah> this made sense
<gchristensen> khajvah: to be honest, I would suggest getting firefox on OSX from their website.
<joachifm> oh, right, our firefox is linux only
<MichaelRaskin> Or at least complicated enough that nobody wants to say whether it is Linux-only
<khajvah> I am a linux user using mac, so I was looking for a proper package manager. Thanks guys
<MichaelRaskin> You can try exporting NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 and trying to run the installation
<MichaelRaskin> No idea if it is going to end well
<joachifm> :)
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe the platform set is just too paranoid
<khajvah> let me try
<khajvah> nope, something fails, I give up
<gchristensen> khajvah: yeah I know the feeling, but nix on darwin is a bit rough in places.
<LnL> all the pure unix things are generally fine, but things that depend on apple's frameworks are a lot harder
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<FRidh> gchristensen: what's the plan now with building PR's? I saw one machine was included in hydra.nixos.org
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<drakonis> man even the bsds have kvantum
<gchristensen> FRidh: we'll be moving another machine over. the two we'll have are the big ones (24 physical cores, 256GB ram) and are tagged to run the big jobs like qemu tests, chromium, etc.
<gchristensen> FRidh: globin (and to a much lesser extent) are working on making a way for trusted people to trigger PRs to build, as Eelco doesn't want just anyone to trigger arbitrary builds (out of a totally valid concern of targeting kernel vulnerabilities.)
<gchristensen> (and to a much lesser extent, me)
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<avn> gchristensen: great news, I hope chromium will be always built now ;)
<gchristensen> :)
<FRidh> gchristensen: yes, sounds like a good idea. Perhaps something like a bot that runs PR's when asked?
<gchristensen> exactly
<FRidh> it gets confusing with all the nixbots around :)
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<gchristensen> yes :)
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<badabingbadaboom> hi
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<badabingbadaboom> can someone give me pointers on how to start understanding the nix language?
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<LnL> gchristensen: that's good news :)
<gchristensen> badabingbadaboom: https://nixcloud.io/tour/?id=1 and the nix pills series
<MichaelRaskin> badabingbadaboom: the nix language manual is good
<badabingbadaboom> I went through the documentation and the nixpills but i still feel very confused
<badabingbadaboom> the manual is good as a reference
<badabingbadaboom> but whenever i try doing things i get errors and then i have no information on how to go about it
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<badabingbadaboom> LnL: thanks, this looks good
<slyfox> nix-repl is also good to poke at nix expression interactively
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jerith666 opened pull request #22672: nix-daemon: add support for 'idle' IO scheduling class (master...nix-idle) https://git.io/vDwUk
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<guillaum1> hello. After most of nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade, I'm loosing network (on a wired computer, I had never configured anything for network). Actually I'm still connected, but /etc/resolv.conf does not contain any DNS information. Do you have an idea ?
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<ilyaigpetrov> Hi. I try to boot from graphical CD w/ nomodeset but it hangs immediately without printing anything to screen
<ilyaigpetrov> I have old EFI (not modern UEFI)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwUh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0b7fec6 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDwTf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 6692162 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDwTq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 bcf97ef Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.flexget: use html5lib 1.0b8...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwTm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45b1d0c Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: maintenance 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1
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<drakonis> yeah hey.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwTb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a749b73 Langston Barrett: ne: migrate from (broken) tetex to texlive...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9d6a6c Langston Barrett: enblend-enfuse: migrate from (broken) tetex to texlive...
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<eacameron> Why would `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA tmux` install tmux-2.2 and then `nix-env --upgrade` install tmux 2.3? `nix-env -i` will even downgrade after I run upgrade.
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<FRidh> apparently your channel has a never version than the repository you first explicitly pointed to
<joachifm> eacameron: check ~/.nix-defexpr
<FRidh> ah no,
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwkm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2aff29c Vladimír Čunát: tex4ht: deprecate in favor of texlive.tex4ht...
<eacameron> joachifm: What should I look for?
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<jophish> I'm making a change to nix, what's the best way of running tests? nix-build release.nix build.x86_64-linux fails, telling me about empty documents
<joachifm> eacameron: the first command uses NIX_PATH, the latter falls back to ~/.nix-defexpr, so it stands to reason that the two disagree somehow
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<eacameron> joachifm: Hm. My root user definitely has a different channel than my current user. Could that be it?
<eacameron> joachifm: The OS is running on 16.09 channel but my user is on unstable.
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<jophish> hmm, dev-shell doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere
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<jophish> It seems a little ironic that I can't just do 'nix-shell --run make'
<jophish> or just nix-build
<joachifm> eacameron: I guess so, if ~/.nix-defexpr links to the system channel
<eacameron> joachifm: ~/.nix-defexpr is a directory with `channels` and `channels_root` as subdirs
<jophish> ah, this might be because I'm on a 2014 version of nix
<jophish> HEAD does have shell.nix
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<clemix_fenix> how can i prevent nixos-install from installing grub or another bootloader? I want to use my existing loader but nixos-install shall copy the kernel image to /boot. I tried: http://pastebin.com/JavVy63F
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #22675: Audacious: updates and name change Qt5 version (master...audacious) https://git.io/vDwki
<domenkozar> DavidEGrayson: nice! that's really awesome.
<joachifm> eacameron: okay. nix-env will use whatever is in defexpr, so to ensure that it uses the channel you prefer, make sure that's the only link
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<eacameron> joachifm: Interesting. So I should just get rid of `channels_root`?
<chris|> hm, any idea what could cause a "cannot stat ... no such file or directory" error during nixos-rebuild?
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<joachifm> eacameron: I guess. I've resigned to always use nix-env -f because defexpr kept tripping me up, so I've kind of swapped that part of it out of my memory
<eacameron> joachifm: Ahh. I see. So using -f overrides it for both of them.
<eacameron> install and upgrade, I mean.
<joachifm> eacameron: for nix-env, yes; as I recall, it uses defexpr unless specifically told otherwise with -f
<eacameron> joachifm: Ah well that helps. Thanks very much. So as long as I consistently use -f or consistent don't use it, the two commands agree.
<eacameron> That's really what I'm after. Agreement. :)
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<FRidh> ttuegel: I'm now testing latest versions of kde5 packages. Do you want to stay with plasma 5.8 LTS or change to 5.9?
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<Arguggi> (just started using nixos) If I add something like networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 28493 ]; to my conf will other ports like 22 still be open since sshd is enabled in the conf?
<ttuegel> FRidh: I want to stay on LTS Plasma and Qt for the 17.03 release. I tried Plasma 5.9, but it didn't work. I think it may have an undisclosed dependency on Qt 5.7 at runtime.
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<FRidh> ttuegel: and frameworks?
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<joachifm> Arguggi: yes, list values are typically concatenated in the way you'd expect
<Arguggi> joachifm, ok thanks!
<ttuegel> FRidh: Frameworks 5.31 was released today (supposedly), I intended to put that into 17.03.
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<FRidh> ttuegel: oh, indeed, today. I noticed there were some updates and thought 'let's test it'.
<joachifm> Arguggi: more generally, multiple value declarations are handled according to the merge semantics of the option type, see lib/types.nix for details
<ttuegel> FRidh: I hadn't looked yet. I've spent the morning mucking about with patching my shell. ;-)
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<DavidEGrayson> domenkozar: thanks :)
<drakonis> error: anonymous function at /home/drakonis/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/themes/qt5/kvantum/default.nix:1:1 called without required argument ‘libx11’, at /home/drakonis/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix:56:12 what is this about
<FRidh> shouldn't that be an uppercase X in libx11 ?
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<drakonis> huh
<jophish> When I build build.x86_64-linux (for nix) are all the tests run?
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<drakonis> cannot coerce a set to a string, at /home/drakonis/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/themes/qt5/kvantum/default.nix:4:3
<drakonis> https://ghostbin.com/paste/8ewhb what am i doing wrong?
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<joachifm> drakonis: qt5 is a package set
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<drakonis> can i call qt5.common?
<joachifm> drakonis: you'd typically do qt5.callPackage ./foobar.nix ..., I think
<ttuegel> joachifm: drakonis: That is correct.
<drakonis> murrine calls gnome3
<ttuegel> Then your package should depend on whichever Qt modules you need: qtbase, qtdeclarative, etc.
<drakonis> a question
<drakonis> is there a qt modules for svg
<ttuegel> drakonis: Yes, qtsvg
<drakonis> good
<drakonis> this is what i need
<drakonis> type as qt5.qtsvg or ?
<joachifm> drakonis: your expression would take qtsvg as a parameter, which qt5.callPackage would fill in for you
<ttuegel> drakonis: Just qtsvg, but call your package with qt5.callPackage instead of just callPackage. (This is needed because there are multiple Qt version floating around.)
<ttuegel> drakonis: The complete list of Qt modules we have is here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/default.nix#L65
<drakonis> its buildin gnow
<drakonis> its going now
<eacameron> What sets up NIX_PATH for a user when they login?
<drakonis> time to see if it works, then work towards getting KDE's version of arc working
<drakonis> hm no wait
<drakonis> it isn't able to get the source
<eacameron> I want to override NIX_PATH for my user but it feels like setting it in bash_profile is hacky.
<drakonis> is it?
<eacameron> drakonis: Is that directed to me?
<joachifm> eacameron: I suppose you can do it via pam_environment, but bashrc is fine imo
<joachifm> or bash_profile or whatever
<ttuegel> eacameron: That should be fine. Normally /etc/profile sets NIX_PATH.
<drakonis> eacameron, it was
<drakonis> its only hacky it if it s a convulted mess to solve something
<eacameron> Hah ok. Then I'll do that. I just don't understand why my CURRENT NIX_PATH is so dumb: nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<eacameron> Well I don't know if that's dumb
<eacameron> But it's definitely not using my current user's channels at all.
<eacameron> ttuegel: Perhaps that's because /etc/profile doesn't set NIX_PATH for the current user specifically?
<ttuegel> eacameron: Yes, there's a global default. I'm confused what you mean by "current user's channels". Only root has channels IIRC. But, I don't use channels, so maybe ignore me.
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<eacameron> ttuegel: Well...my current user definitely has a channel because I added it... Lol. But it's not been working out so well as you can see.
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<joachifm> eacameron: the expectation is that running nix-channel would update links under ~/.nix-defexpr and that you'd use nix-env for all per-user installs; that way it works out, even if the nix path is not suited to the user
<joachifm> eacameron: I think
<joachifm> eacameron: but like ttuegel I don't use channels either ... so same caveat applies :)
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<eacameron> joachifm: Ok that makes sense. But when I use `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>'` it always sellects the nixpkgs of root...not my user.
<eacameron> Well maybe I should just not use channels then. :P
<ttuegel> eacameron: Right, because you used -f <nixpkgs>.
<ilyaigpetrov> If I can't boot installer image in UEFI, will I be able to install in legacy mode with UEFI/GPT support?
<eacameron> ttuegel: But why wouldn't it use the nixpkgs that's in my channel?
<drakonis> how do i make it build with qmake?
<drakonis> ilyaigpetrov, why not MBR
<eacameron> Well I guess that's just the issue: channels don't work as I'd expect at all.
<ttuegel> eacameron: Because '<nixpkgs>' means "Find 'nixpkgs=' in NIX_PATH."
<eacameron> ttuegel: I see.
<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: no, hdd is already in GPT with windows on it, don't want to remove windows
<eacameron> So what I *really* need to do is set NIX_PATH in my profile and stop using channels :P
<joachifm> eacameron: or add some logic to prepend your channel to the nix search path
<drakonis> are you sure you're doing it right though?
<drakonis> is secure boot off?
<eacameron> joachifm: Ah right. That would work too.
<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: I have no secure boot option in BIOS
<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: I am able to load three-items menu
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<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: then I try different options (nomodeset, etc.), but get just blank screen after this grub menu
<drakonis> it should get to the terminal with nomodeset
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<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: I only can boot if I disable uefi
<ttuegel> drakonis: You can build with qmake by adding qmakeHook to the buildInputs.
<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: other linux distros (opensuse, ubuntu) was able to load uefi installers, problem is with nixos specifically
<eacameron> joachifm: ttuegel: drakonis: Hooray! Thanks for your help. This does the trick: export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$(whoami)/channels/nixpkgs:$NIX_PATH
<drakonis> ilyaigpetrov, ehhh, if these worked, then why doesn't nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwLK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a352302 David Terry: range-v3: init at 2017-01-30 (#22661)
<ilyaigpetrov> drakonis: I guess other kernel flags are used, maybe some driver is missing
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<drakonis> https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum/blob/c2b8f9ff60d280775edf7b04ebe039d09e56be79/Kvantum/INSTALL how do i get nix to do "qmake && make" then "make install"
<drakonis> also it can be compiled for qt4
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<drakonis> ilyaigpetrov, when i installed it, the only way i got it to boot into the terminal was through nomodeset with the second option
<Mateon1> Hello, I recently heard of NixOS and am currently trying it in a VM. I'm probably misunrestanding something about nixpkgs, as in the github repo, at /nixos/modules/services/monitoring/netdata.nix, there is a package definition that seems to be enabled by `services.netdata.enable`. When I try to put that into my config, I get a message "the option `services.netdata` defined in [...] does not exist."
<jophish> hmm, how can I generate the manual to allow nix to build from source?
<drakonis> you need to do services.netdata.enable = true;
<Mateon1> drakonis: I am doing: services = { [other services...]; netdata.enable = true; [other services...]; };
<drakonis> hmm
<drakonis> that is nixpkgs not unstable
<drakonis> it does not reflect 16.09's current state
<drakonis> uhhh
<Mateon1> Do I need to switch something in the configuration to use things from the github repo?
<drakonis> that doesn't exist?
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<drakonis> no wait
<drakonis> that's just github throwing a shitfit
<drakonis> http://nixos.org/nixos/options.html go here Mateon1
<Mateon1> Hm, "No matching options were found."
<Mateon1> for "netdata"
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<drakonis> its not on 16.09 yet
<drakonis> its on unstable though
<drakonis> pull from the unstable channel if you want it
<Mateon1> How can I use the unstable channel?
<drakonis> look at the manual
<Mateon1> Hm, it seems that netdata-1.0.0 exists as a package, but that's nearly one year old
<Mateon1> Thanks for the link
<drakonis> what no.
<drakonis> it isn't nearly one year old
<drakonis> its 3 months
<drakonis> it was added to nixpkgs after 16.09
<Mateon1> Huh? https://github.com/firehol/netdata/releases claims v1.0.0 was released 2016-03-22
<drakonis> ???
<drakonis> that is not nixpkgs
<drakonis> while it was released last year, it wasn't added to nixos until november last year
<drakonis> the service that is.
<drakonis> netdata is at 1.5.0 on nixpkgs already
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<Mateon1> Hm, okay. I saw netdata-1.0.0 in the Packages tab on the nixos website
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #21313: picard: use lower mutagen version (master...picard-fix) https://git.io/v1Amx
<drakonis> the packages tab on nixos pulls from 16.09 and so does the options tab
<drakonis> get unstable if you will
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<drakonis> now then, i need to figure out how to change the install commands on the derivation
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<ndowens08> Still doesnt seem awesomewm 4 is installed even though version says 4.0 because a theme for version 4.0 doesnt work gives errors unlike archlinux
<ndowens08> posted it on reddit.com/r/nixos but no solutions yet
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwtz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e644f9f Peter Simons: python-packages: update "osc" to latest version from git
<ndowens08> installed from local nixpkg repo on git since it is at version 4.0 and built it and installed but yea i dont know what is wrong
<Mateon1> Hm, I have changed the channel to unstable, but get the exact same issue. I'll give up on netdata for now I guess
<ndowens08> try cloning nixpkg repo from git and build it from the local repo, usually it is updated version than channel
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<LnL> Mateon1: I'm running netdata on 16.09 by including the module and overriding the package from unstable
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<drakonis> ilyaigpetrov, maybe a updated nixos image will do the trick
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<drakonis> is there a way to modify the commands used to build the packages?
<drakonis> build the make files
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<ilyaigpetrov> makefiles accept flags, no?
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<ilyaigpetrov> not a nix coder, but I guess makefiles use variables from environment/elsewhere like $(CC) $(MAKE), etc.
<drakonis> i mean
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<drakonis> kvantum requires me to execute commands to build a makefile before the install begins
<ilyaigpetrov> like configure and/or autoconf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22540: rakudo-star: 2016.07 -> 2017.01 (master...rakudo-star-2017.01) https://git.io/vDBh0
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<c74d> drakonis: would I be correct to suppose that this project doesn't use Autoconf?
<drakonis> no
<c74d> or anything else with a `configure` script
<c74d> which of qmake and CMake do you want to use?
<drakonis> i'd try to get qmake working
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<drakonis> although
<drakonis> i don't know which one is the best one
<c74d> I'll see where qmake is in nixpkgs
<ttuegel> drakonis: You should be able to get qmake working for Qt 5 by adding 'qmakeHook' to your 'buildInputs'.
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<drakonis> it is working though?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 8573 opened pull request #22676: perlPackages.Swim: 0.1.44 -> 0.1.45 (master...8573/pkg/update/perlPackages/Swim/0.1.45/1) https://git.io/vDwmB
<ttuegel> drakonis: What do you mean?
<drakonis> the issue is that apparently it needs qmake && make to build a make file
<ttuegel> drakonis: Right. configurePhase calls qmake, and then buildPhase calls make.
<ttuegel> And installPhase calls make install.
<drakonis> hmm
<drakonis> that's the default isn't it
<c74d> once you've added qmakeHook, try-- oh, configurePhase knows to try qmake? okay
<ttuegel> c74d: qmakeHook overrides configurePhase, so as long as you don't also have a custom configurePhase set.
<ttuegel> drakonis: You do not have 'cmake' in 'buildInputs' right?
<drakonis> no
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<drakonis> do i need to move anything to native buildinputs?
<ttuegel> drakonis: Not unless you are cross compiling.
<drakonis> hm
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<drakonis> OH SHIT
<drakonis> i know what is wrong
<drakonis> its because the root folder doesn't contain the source
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<drakonis> just a folder named "Kvantum"
<drakonis> how do i get around this?
<drakonis> change the configure phase?
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<ttuegel> drakonis: Set a 'postUnpack' hook to set 'sourceRoot'.
<drakonis> any examples?
<c74d> would just setting `sourceRoot = "Kvantum";` in the derivation work?
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<ttuegel> c74d: That should do it.
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<c74d> drakonis: ^
<drakonis> inside stdenv?
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<c74d> inside `stdenv.mkDerivation { ... }`
<c74d> (I'm getting this from <https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-stdenv>, for reference)
<drakonis> aight
<pikajude> folding at home needs python 2.6 !!!
<pikajude> and it doesn't even build
<pikajude> this is not fun
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<drakonis> strangely not working
<drakonis> can't find it
<tjg1> I'm having an issue with installing NixOS on a UEFI system. I want to use Grub 2 as a bootloader (for LVM support), but when I run nix-install it tries to install the MBR (i386-pc) version of Grub. The partition table is GPT, I have boot.loader.grub.efiSupport, boot.loader.efi.{canTouchEfiVariables,canTouchEfiVariables} set. LiveCD media is booted via UEFI
<tjg1> as well.
<tjg1> Do I need a bios boot partition even on a uefi system?
<ilyaigpetrov> I get black screen after passing grub of the install CD, may "linuxPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest" help me?
<drakonis> zip:/home/drakonis/Downloads/Kvantum-0.10.3.zip/Kvantum-0.10.3/Kvantum/ this is the structure it should be
<ilyaigpetrov> tilpner: GPT has uefi partition
<tjg1> as in does it try to install both mbr and uefi versions of grub at the same time?
<tjg1> s/mbr/bios
<ilyaigpetrov> tjg1: when you boot installer -- does grub have bg image?
<tjg1> ilyaigpetrov: no
<ilyaigpetrov> tjg1: then you have three-items menu, right?
<drakonis> c74d, shit is still broken
* gchristensen plows forward
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #22677: Drop kdm and kde4 modules (master...drop-kdm-kde4-modules) https://git.io/vDwYU
<c74d> drakonis: have you run a `nix-prefetch-…` command?
<drakonis> thanks nonstandard folder structures
<drakonis> hmm no
<tjg1> ilyaigpetrov: yes and /sys/firmware/efi/efivars exists
<drakonis> the git uses a nonstandard format
<c74d> drakonis: what is your derivation's `src` attribute?
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<drakonis> see here current derivation
<ilyaigpetrov> tjg1: GPT has "boot" partition, they call it EFI system partition (ESP)
<drakonis> https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum/ this is the repo
<drakonis> please notice Kvantum folder on root
<c74d> okay I'll fetch it and inspect the structure more
<tjg1> ilyaigpetrov: I do have that and set boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint
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<ilyaigpetrov> tjg1: I think you should state your problem one more time and wait for somebody more informed to answer you
<tjg1> ilyaigpetrov: there is also a "BIOS boot partition" for backwards compatibility with older systems and that's what nixos-install is complaining about, since it's trying to install the BIOS GRUB payload (i386-pc) on an UEFI system
<drakonis> tjg1, yes you need one
<ttuegel> drakonis: You have a leading slash on your sourceRoot which should not be there.
<drakonis> i added it last
<drakonis> it still doesn't work without it
<drakonis> chmod: cannot access 'Kvantum-0.10.3/Kvantum': No such file or directory
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwYB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c4a47bd Christoph Hrdinka: libretro: add mednafen-saturn core
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6d536f9 Joachim F: Merge pull request #22662 from hrdinka/add/libretro-mednafen-saturn...
<tjg1> drakonis: ok, thanks. i'll probably open a bug for it, if one doesn't already exist.
<gchristensen> ttuegel: can you help me excise kde4?
<drakonis> i have a efi install
<drakonis> wait are you really killing kde4 entire?
<gchristensen> I'm going to put in a PR for it, we'll see if it get smerged
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<tjg1> i'd try to fix it myself, but as you can probably guess, i'm just getting started with nix
<gchristensen> I think vcunat is right, whatever we do we won't offer any support for it
<gchristensen> what are you thinking & feeling about that, drakonis?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22641: kakoune: 2016-12-30 -> 2017-02-09 (master...kakoune-2017-02-09) https://git.io/vDVqI
<drakonis> eh, move it to a separate repo
<drakonis> a archive repo
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwYr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1713dae Christoph Hrdinka: cdi2iso: init at 0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ec08d6f Joachim F: Merge pull request #22621 from hrdinka/add/cdi2iso...
<drakonis> all excised derivations go there
<ttuegel> drakonis: This works for me, at least as far as finding the source. http://lpaste.net/7996581114846117888 Still missing dependencies.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwYo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d04ee2f Christoph Hrdinka: libretro: add reicast core
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2488e42 Joachim F: Merge pull request #22620 from hrdinka/add/libretro-reicast...
<gchristensen> I'm not going to do that, lol, but somebody could
<drakonis> its a good application of the new overlay feature
<ttuegel> drakonis: Crap, wrong url, hold on.
<drakonis> for archival sake, it doesn't have to be built anymore
<drakonis> archival's sake
<drakonis> copying and pasting that just throws everything in a single line
<ttuegel> gchristensen: I can probably help you excise it. I would just remove the desktop bits for now
<drakonis> maybe its best to link it through lpaste
<drakonis> it seems like a much better place to paste things
<gchristensen> I'm not sure what that means, ttuegel, which parts do you consider to be desktop bits?
<drakonis> no nix support though
<gchristensen> (I have no idea how kde and things fit together, I'm just hard-headed enough to plow forward.)
<ttuegel> drakonis: Is this better? http://lpaste.net/7542404528205725696 Only thing I changed was lines 14-16.
<drakonis> yeah
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<c74d> I like <https://dpaste.de> and <https://bpaste.net>, personally
<ttuegel> gchristensen: Not the third-party apps that just happen to depend on kdelibs4. Just the stuff released by KDE e.V.
<gchristensen> ah
<drakonis> now it has a different error code
<drakonis> very well
<drakonis> very swell.
<ttuegel> gchristensen: I mean, if the third-party stuff hasn't been updated to KDE 5 yet, it's functionally unmaintained, but as we're not removing kdelibs4 yet, it can stay for the time being, I guess.
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<gchristensen> ttuegel: so does this mean deleting ./pkgs/desktops/kde-4.14/* ?
<gchristensen> except for kdelibs*
<ttuegel> gchristensen: Delete everything in that folder. kdelibs4 is part of pkgs/desktops/kde-5/applications now.
<gchristensen> oh awesome
* gchristensen starts a new branch
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<ttuegel> gchristensen: Then, I guess I would just 'nix-instantiate ./. -A pkgs.kde4' and remove everything that doesn't evaluate.
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<drakonis> by the way, what does a error code 2 entail
<drakonis> woops i forgot a module now
<drakonis> x11extras is missing now
<gchristensen> ttuegel: what about qt4?
<ttuegel> gchristensen: Ugh, I want to get rid of it, but leave it for now...
<gchristensen> ok
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<drakonis> holy shit
<gchristensen> ttuegel: and how do I reference kde4's kdelibs?
<drakonis> its going now
<drakonis> yass
<drakonis> its compiling
<ttuegel> gchristensen: What do you mean?
<drakonis> its finally working
<gchristensen> ex: libreoffice wants kde4.kdelibs. should I delete the kde integration features of libreoffice (easy) or is there a way to preserve this?
<drakonis> yassss.
<gchristensen> drakonis: NICE! :D
<drakonis> now onto the other little things like kvantum's themes and adding it to kde5
<drakonis> also maybe doing the same for qt4 users
<ttuegel> gchristensen: You can continue to call it kde4.kdelibs, because all the non-KDE-e.V. packages are still going to be under kde4.
<drakonis> there's a compile flag that compiles qt4 instead
<drakonis> i'll soon do a pull request once i'm done with kvantum and arc kde
<MichaelRaskin> We need an official platform to make polls… «Does any user use LibreOffice KDE integration or at least know what it is supposed to do?»
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #22678: WIP: Delete kde4 (master...delete-kde4) https://git.io/vDwOK
<drakonis> my main suggestion is still keeping a repo for these removed packages
<drakonis> outside of old nix versions
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwO6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae29322 Facundo Domínguez: spark: 1.6.0 -> 2.1.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0b59657 Joachim F: Merge pull request #22505 from tweag/fd/spark-2.1.0...
<gchristensen> ttuegel: hmm but I deleted the kde4 definition from the top level: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22678/files#diff-036410e9211b4336186fc613f7200b12L16561 ... have I done this incorrectly?
<gchristensen> drakonis: it is possible to use an ancient version of nixpkgs
<gchristensen> for just particular things
<drakonis> hm
<ttuegel> gchristensen: You don't want to do that because it will get rid of third-party stuff, too.
<gchristensen> oh :D
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<drakonis> very hm.
<drakonis> also i might try to package other DEs :v
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwOy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 70d54cd Vincent Laporte: skrooge: 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0
<gchristensen> drakonis: sure!
<drakonis> raid arch wiki's list of DEs then start writing derivations for all of them
<drakonis> then modules
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<drakonis> can't be that hard
<drakonis> as the toughest ones are already there
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<gchristensen> ttuegel: I suppose then I misunderstood "Delete everything in that folder." since I need to pass in a `dir` for kdePackagesFor
<ttuegel> gchristensen: It takes a path? Ugh. We need to fix that, then. That's silly.
<gchristensen> yeah, "kdePackagesFor = extra: dir:"
<ttuegel> gchristensen: The only place I see that used is in 'makePackages'. If you just remove every reference to it from there, that should be OK.
<gchristensen> I'm not sure I grok it well enough to make that work, but I'll see what I can do
<drakonis> a question gchristensen
<drakonis> how come recently installed packages are not immediatly picked up by the system
<gchristensen> ok
<drakonis> i install a package but it doesn't immediatly show up
<drakonis> on the application menu
<drakonis> is this a symlink limitation?
<gchristensen> I don't know, heh, I don't use kde. I do know the problem you mention, though
<ttuegel> drakonis: It's because everything in /nix/store has timestamp 0. Since the mtime never changes, you must run kbuildsycoca5 manually.
<ttuegel> Or log out and back in.
<drakonis> and is there any way to do aliases that cover folders?
<drakonis> so it is possible to restructure the messy folder structure
<drakonis> chuck in a folder all of the gtk based themes
<drakonis> have things be a bit more ordered up
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<gchristensen> ttuegel: oof, I don't think I'm going to figure this out. if you can make this initial fix, I can deal with the broken packages
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<ttuegel> gchristensen: OK, let me take a look. This might be harder than I thought it was.
<gchristensen> I'm happy to do grunt work :)
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<drakonis> looks like i might need to do some more tweaking to the derivation
<drakonis> it isn't showing up on kde
<ttuegel> gchristensen: From this branch: https://github.com/ttuegel/nixpkgs/tree/excise-kde4 I think all that's left to do is remove packages that complain about missing dependencies. The fast way to check that is with 'nix-instantiate ./. -A kde4'
<gchristensen> cool, on it!
<gchristensen> I've got errors. perfect. thank you!
<gchristensen> I'll grind on this a while today
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<drakonis> https://cgit.kde.org/sddm-kcm.git is this not in the repos yet
<gchristensen> what is -kcm?
<gchristensen> back in a bit, lunch.
<drakonis> the kdm control modules
<drakonis> settings modules
<drakonis> can't modify sddm through the settings menu without it
<drakonis> and turns out kvantum isn't fully functional yet
<ttuegel> drakonis: We won't ever have sddm-kcm because we configure SDDM through a NixOS module.
<drakonis> can i change the wallpaper at least
<simpson> Stupid question: I need a /usr/share/dict/words because I am a Luddite. What's the right way to get a path to a words file in NixOS?
<drakonis> the default is to blue
<drakonis> too blue
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<ttuegel> drakonis: TBH, I'm not sure you can change the background color at all, except for making your own theme.
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<Mateon1> Hm, I just rebuilt my config, accidentally doing `switch` instead of `boot` for a profile I want to test, and my networking died
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<MichaelRaskin> I think NixOS doesn't have the words file
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<jophish> simpson: depends how you want to access it from. Whenever I want a file from a particular package I use nix-build, so you could do something like $(nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A package.with.words)/share/dict/words
<jophish> I don't know what package supplies this though
<jophish> IIRC domenkozar had a fancy script which could tell you what package a file is supplied by
<simpson> jophish: I just want to grep for words matching patterns.
<jophish> simpson: might just be easiest to download one to your home then :|
<simpson> jophish: Yeah, that's what I've ended up doing.
<gchristensen> ttuegel: is there a kdepimlib in kde5 that could be packaged?
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<ttuegel> gchristensen: Yes, but it will be Qt 5-only.
<gchristensen> ttuegel: ok, there seem to be many packages that depend on kdepimlib is why I ask. I'll be back in an hour or so -- errands to run.
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<Mateon1> Is there any way to view the list of profiles?
<viric> ls /nix/var/nix/profiles
<Mateon1> Ah, that works. Thought it would be a command
<viric> it is
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwGM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89db3a0 c74d: perlPackages.Swim: 0.1.44 -> 0.1.45...
<jophish> :( Just missed ttuegel
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #22676: perlPackages.Swim: 0.1.44 -> 0.1.45 (master...8573/pkg/update/perlPackages/Swim/0.1.45/1) https://git.io/vDwmB
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #22680: creduce: init at 2.6.0 (master...feature/creduce) https://git.io/vDwZa
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<justanotheruser> where does nixos store build intermediaries
<jophish> justanotheruser: the builds take place in a temporary folder, which is removed when the build completes
<jophish> you can get it to stick around if the build fails with the -K flag
<justanotheruser> where is it if I use that flag?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwnb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c4fab21 Eelco Dolstra: blender: 2.78a -> 2.78b
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<justanotheruser> oh /tmp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #22681: LLVM: Fix licensing metadata, closes #22679. (master...fix/llvm-licenses) https://git.io/vDwck
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xwvvvvwx opened pull request #22682: spotify: -> (master...update-spotify) https://git.io/vDwcq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aneeshusa opened pull request #22683: Add nixos test for radicale (master...add-nixos-test-for-radicale) https://git.io/vDwca
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDwc7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb4e891 David Terry: spotify: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3684b6b Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #22682 from xwvvvvwx/update-spotify...
<jophish> hmm, I've bumped into an empty env-manifest
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] xwvvvvwx opened pull request #22684: spotify: -> (release-16.09...update-spotify) https://git.io/vDwCF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDwCp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 7c7d977 David Terry: spotify: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 a260f5f Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #22684 from xwvvvvwx/update-spotify...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDwWn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 fd7e5cb Vladimír Čunát: glibc: security 2.24 -> 2.25...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #22685: Add option to power up bluetooth controller (master...bluetooth) https://git.io/vDwWu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwW1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b2a71f Profpatsch: droopy: init at 20160830 (#22499)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aneeshusa opened pull request #22686: cryptography: 1.5.3 -> 1.7.2 (staging...update-cryptography-to-1.7.2) https://git.io/vDwWb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj closed pull request #22438: masscan: init at 2016-11-03 (master...masscan) https://git.io/vDcOp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwlU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 947c269 Will Dietz: LLVM: Fix licensing metadata, closes #22679. (#22681)...
<ekleog> any nixos member lurking around? I was curious about whether it would be a good idea to redo https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22634 as a library function that could be called from modules requiring it (allowing for modules to factor code generating DH params between them, while not having a non-nix-y module around)
<ekleog> (a function that would just generate a shell script that creates the DH params if needed, and it's up to the caller to decide where to put this shell script)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwlF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c3e3b6a Jude Taylor: nvidia-x11: fix parallel building variable name
<ndowens> Ok, how is name = "pymarkups"; a cannot coerce a set to a string?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #22675: Audacious: updates and name change Qt5 version (master...audacious) https://git.io/vDwki
<ndowens> never had that error when telling the name of the package that will be built
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDw8R
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 35d06e9 Peter Simons: python-packages: bump osc to fix bug with NixOS's default $PAGER setting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDw8N
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 8dc4af6 Will Dietz: LLVM: Fix licensing metadata, closes #22679. (#22681)...
<moet> nixos ami yay!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] siddharthist closed pull request #22279: tetex: mark as broken, migrate packages to texlive (master...tetex) https://git.io/vDTvz
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<anelson> hey guys, is there an option to nix-build to disable signature checking when fetching from a binary cache? I'm getting lines like "NAR info file '...' lacks a signature; ignoring"
<anelson> I think it's reading this option from my /etc/nix/nix.conf, which it shouldn't be because I compiled nix with a different system configuration directory, so I'm not sure why it's still looking there
<anelson> (I'm running this on nixos)
<Drakonis> feature request: nix on reactos
<simpson> Drakonis: Sounds fun. Good luck.
<Drakonis> twas a jest but hey, its shaping up to be better than windows
<Drakonis> or at least replace older versions of windows
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<pikajude> why does systemd-vconsole-setup always fail now?
<pikajude> "Virtual console /dev/tty0 is not in K_XLATE or K_UNICODE."
<pikajude> what's up with that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vrthra opened pull request #22687: elvish: 0.1 -> 0.5 (master...elvish) https://git.io/vDwBo
<Drakonis> pikajude, same question
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDwRa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0045f93 Vincent Laporte: proj: 4.9.2 -> 4.9.3
<brody> I've never used FreeNode before. Is this the proper place to ask questions?
<Drakonis> yes it is
<Drakonis> welcome to the world of irc
<Drakonis> it owns
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<brody> Thanks! I'm trying to get started setting up a python dev env with nixos
<Drakonis> rad.
<Drakonis> ah welp, i gotta go.
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<brody> I'm not sure what is best practice. I assume python pkgs that I want to be common across all my dev env's should be in environment.systemPackages in my main configuration file. Should I make a separate nix configuration file for each group of packages I want in each dev env? Where in the filesystem are all these nix files usually stored?
<Ralith> I make a separate shell.nix for every project which contains a complete list of packages I want in that project's dev env
<brody> so you store the shell.nix file directly in the project directory and load it with nix-shell every time before you run your project?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vrthra opened pull request #22689: Agate (master...agate) https://git.io/vDw0U
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<Ralith> brody: yes, though sometimes I use nix-instantiate to pin an environment down so it doesn't change when I update nixpkgs
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<tippenein> if anyone could direct me on how to fix this package override, I'd appreciate it https://github.com/tippenein/rsvp/blob/nixify/frontend/packages.nix#L16
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<tippenein> value was path instead of set
<rogezy> hi, i'm trying to make a package for paraview-5.2 currently
<rogezy> I could managed this (mainly inspired by the existing 4.0.1 one) on Nixos
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<rogezy> but to get benefit of the est performances, I had to build it over nixos specific kernel including the video card non-free drivers
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<rogezy> my final goal is to make a package on a nix packaging system which is not run on Nixos but on a debian or centos
<rogezy> is there someone who know how to achieve this ?
<rogezy> thanks !
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<rogezy> (I guess the same kind of issues appears for applications that uses OpenCL, Cuda ...)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDw0u
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 e76c8ac aszlig: nixos/tests/chromium: Run tests as normal user...
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