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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e967068 Shea Levy: nodePackages: Add ios-deploy, update the rest
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<adfuado> i am trying to use the numix gtk icons
<adfuado> i installed them with nix-env -i numix-icon-theme
<adfuado> when i go to appearance settings, the Icons tab shows the Numix and Numix Light icon themes with error warnings beside them. hovering the mouse over the warning shows this text:
<adfuado> warning this icon theme has no cache file. you can create this by running
<adfuado> gtk-update-icon-cache /home/a/.nix-profile/share/icons/Numix/ in a terminal
<adfuado> in a terminal emulator*
<adfuado> anyway, when i run that, i'm told Failed to open file /home/a/.nix-profile/share/icons/Numix/.icon-theme.cache : Read-only file system
<adfuado> maybe my real question is how to do i execute gtk-update-icon-cache or anything which tries to modify a file within .nix-profile
<adfuado> is there a section of the guide i might have skipped that i need to read?
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<Ralith> you can't
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<AshtonK> Hi! I'm having an issue getting Nixos to boot on a VM.
<AshtonK> All I'm getting is "GRUB _" in white text on a black screen.
<AshtonK> No response to keyboard inputs, etc.
<AshtonK> I've tried rebooting a few times to re-mount and fiddle about with config and re-run nixos-install to no avail.
<AshtonK> This was using nixos-minimal-16.09.1600.140ff04-x86_64-linux
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<AshtonK> I also used a GPT table with only 2 partitions (root and swap)
<AshtonK> The docs were a bit thin on recommended partition layout, and I've used graphical installers for far too long
<alphor> adfuado: Ralith because of this reason? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/12758#issuecomment-221850967
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<Ralith> not really, a cache isn't settings
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<Ralith> you could modify the package to create the cache as part of its build procedure
<alphor> right. it's just that that's part of the configuration to get it working, so it must be declared.
<alphor> is there any facility to do so outside of patching the derivation?
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<AshtonK> Welp, I'm kinda at a loss here.
<AshtonK> Grub's got no logs.
<AshtonK> At least that I know of.
<gchristensen> does GPT mean EFI?
<AshtonK> ... I think so?
<gchristensen> you might try systemd-boot instead of grub
<avn> grub works well with efi as well, although need some tricks to install
<gchristensen> boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
<gchristensen> boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
<gchristensen> is how I've enabled systemd-boot
<AshtonK> Anything to do other than set boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable
<AshtonK> Ok, I'll give that a go.
<avn> you need big enought EFI partition, because this way copy kernel/initrd each time when you rebuild system
<Ralith> any latex users around? I can't get anything that depends on epstopdf to work :/
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<AshtonK> How big of an EFI partition?
<AshtonK> I'm running a 20GB VM.
<gchristensen> my /boot is 200M
<avn> My /boot/*/efi is 128mb, but I keep only grub there
<AshtonK> The more I look at it, the more uncertain I am that GPT = EFI.
<AshtonK> Mostly because systemd-boot is very angry with me.
<gchristensen> "GPT stands for GUID Partition Table. It’s a new standard that’s gradually replacing MBR. It’s associated with UEFI — UEFI replaces the clunky old BIOS with something more modern"
<gchristensen> what is systemd-boot saying?
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<AshtonK> File system "/boot" is not a FAT EFI System Partition file system.
<AshtonK> Does this require a separate /boot?
<gchristensen> ah, yes! sorry -- best to have a separate /boot partition formatted as vfat
<gchristensen> I should have been more clear
<AshtonK> Okay, I'll need to reformat then.
<AshtonK> Good thing it's an empty VM!
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<gchristensen> ;)
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<unlmtd[m]> good thing its nixos
<unlmtd[m]> just git clone config.nix && nixos-install
<unlmtd[m]> which is why I gave up on void linux last night and reached for nixos again
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<avn> would be nice, if sometimes nixos-install will have some keys to add extra cache and clone configs ;)
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<gchristensen> oh?
<avn> gchristensen: cache/signing cert (or no sigs) mainly, when I tried it last time, it was impossible ;)
<gchristensen> I don't understand :/
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<AshtonK> Should I disable boot.loader.grub.enable if I'm using systmd-boot?
<gchristensen> hrm. probably?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #22180: services: ipfs: separate system units, add offline mode (master...offline_ipfs) https://git.io/vDe0Z
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<gchristensen> fpletz: did you see my mail? no need to rush on the ipfs stuff :|
<AshtonK> Now it's stuck in a reboot cycle with "GRUB " and a crylic character I can't type.
<AshtonK> Any key input restarts instantly.
<AshtonK> Maybe I need to actually wipe the disk.
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<fpletz> gchristensen: do you plan to build PRs on hydra.nixos.org?
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<AshtonK> Success!
<AshtonK> Thanks for the help.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22331: nomad: 0.5.3 -> 0.5.4 (master...nomad) https://git.io/vDqSX
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<pikajude> how do I set up chrome to use client certs in nixos
<pikajude> oh! nvm i figured it out
<pikajude> just had to super-kill chrome
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<justan0theruser> how do I add a custom keyboard layout?
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<muyfine> does anyone have an example of bringing in a local package to their nixos configuration?
<muyfine> I've done this for haskell, but having troubles with python
<muyfine> there's lots of examples of using nix-shell
<muyfine> but I'm having issues with trying to get my local package in and available on the system
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<muyfine> any pointers to source or examples would be super appreciated
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<tilpner> muyfine - Google turns up https://github.com/garbas/pypi2nix
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<muyfine> yeah, I've used that before
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<muyfine> trying to hook packages into my nixos config and have them available like the other python packages
<tilpner> By "nixos config" do you mean ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix or /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<tilpner> And do you perhaps have an error or an attempt so I could try it myself?
<muyfine> yeah, hooking it under /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<muyfine> for haskell, I've been able to put something in like this to get packages and overrides in:
<tilpner> You may have to set PYTHONPATH to find the package, perhaps via a wrapper
<muyfine> trying to figure out how to bring in local python packages similarly
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<roconnor> When mention-bot mentions potential reviewers on a PR, are those people already pinged, or should I ping them?
<MP2E> they're pinged in the sense that the email sent to them is marked as 'important'
<MP2E> but they might have missed it
<MP2E> i speak from experience :D
<roconnor> Thats okay. I'll wait a bit longer. Thanks.
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<pikajude> somewhere in the last 10 generations of my system i managed to add a change to my config that makes my computer accept neither mouse nor keyboard input on boot
<pikajude> any idea where i could start debugging this
<pikajude> the nature of the issue makes it hard to debug
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<pikajude> ugh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] maurer opened pull request #22334: chromium: 55.0.2883.87 -> 56.0.2924.76 (master...chromium-bump) https://git.io/vDqj3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDqjK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8ba82f2 Russell O'Connor: compcert: adding clightgen to the build...
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<philipp[m]> pikajude: I'm almost certain you removed USB HID support from your initrd. Try to add it again. Also: Try to add a ps2 keyboard if you computer has that kind of interface.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #22306: luaPackages.luazlib: fix on darwin (master...luazlib-darwin) https://git.io/vDIpT
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<pikajude> philipp[m]: i don't have a ps2 keyboard
<pikajude> philipp[m]: also, how would i have removed usb hid support from my initrd? or more importantly, how could I add it back
<clever> boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "uhci_hcd" "ehci_pci" "ata_piix" "megaraid_sas" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ];
<clever> pikajude: this entry in either hardware-configuration.nix or configuration.nix
<pikajude> oh, i just have usbhid
<clever> in my case, its adding usb card drivers, mass storage, hid, some sata drivers, and a raid controller driver
<pikajude> and usb_storage
<pikajude> actually, let me get the full list
<pikajude> boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" ];
<clever> "uhci_hcd" "ehci_pci" these give usb driver support
<pikajude> oh
<pikajude> i'll add those then
<clever> xhci_pci i think is usb 3.0 only
<clever> checking the contents of the initrd will also help, let me find that nix expression
<clever> # nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.bootStage1.modulesClosure
<clever> # find -L result/
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<pikajude> oh ok
<clever> pikajude: this will build the module set for the initrd and drop it in result, then list the modules off
<pikajude> so what should i be looking for in there
<clever> so you know exactly which modules actualy wind up in the initrd
<pikajude> ok
<clever> youll want to check for things that i listed above
<pikajude> okay
<pikajude> well
<clever> and also anything usb related in "lsmod"
<pikajude> that list of kernel modules has been the same since i installed nixos
<pikajude> but if i switch from nixos master to 16.09, the problem goes away
<pikajude> so it's not me that's done it
<clever> re-run the nix-build on each channel, and compare the outputs
<pikajude> but something has
<ertes> is it safe to just delete /nix/store/.links?
<clever> ertes: i think that would mess up some of the optimize logic, why do you want to delete it?
<ertes> clever: because i want to replace it by btrfs deduplication
<clever> ah
<pikajude> clever: they have identical lists of modules
<clever> ertes: even if you delete .links, the actual duplicates are still hardlinked to eachother
<clever> ertes: all .links does is act as a central index of extra hardlinks, to speed the process up
<pikajude> BRB
<ertes> clever: that's fine, as long as they slowly go away
<ertes> as i update
<clever> ertes: they would also slowly go away if you just stop running --optimize
<clever> so removing .links wont speed it up any
<ertes> i really just want to save the scanner from having to traverse the highly redundant .links directory =)
<ertes> maybe i can exclude it somehow
<clever> which scanner?
<ertes> i'm trying bedup
<clever> i would expect fs level dedup to operate directly on the inode list
<clever> rather then traversing the directory tree
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<clever> and the inode list wont have duplicates
<ertes> good point
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* clever heads off to bed
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<pikajude> hmm, nope
<pikajude> not even with every conceivable USB module in existence can i use my keyboard at startup
<pikajude> philipp[m]: any other ideas
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<philipp[m]> pikajude: Can you use it after startup outside of X?
<pikajude> i don't know how to get outside of X
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<philipp[m]> Ctrl+Alt+F1
<MP2E> pikajude: i ran into this issue as well
<pikajude> MP2E: what fun
<pikajude> did you get anywhere with it
<MP2E> had to revert commit 82bcfef109ecf58ac1503e4cab15ae53dd524f4b.
<MP2E> on master
<pikajude> philipp[m]: but my keyboard doesn't work
<MP2E> then rebuild
<MP2E> then it worked
<MP2E> there's a bug on the tracker for it
<pikajude> oh ok
<MP2E> seems a recent refactor broke things :(
<philipp[m]> Ah, I thought your keyboard just didn't work while booting
<pikajude> ok, i will revert that change
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDmJF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6a04086 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.menhir: 20161115 -> 20170101
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<teh[m]> gchristensen: just saw your email. 1/ it's worth asking amazon about a re-fund blaming a rouge script - they are very generous if this is your first time
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<teh[m]> 2/ if that doesn't work I'm happy to pay part of the cost
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<musicmatze> The github PRs keep me thinking whether I should ask for commit access... simply to close PRs which are older than 1 year... -.-'
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<peti> Fellow Nix'ers, I'm wondering whether NixOS's container support will allow me to virtualize other operating systems, too, like Ubuntu or openSUSE Tumbleweed? Or is that facility designed to run NixOS only?
<maurer> peti: I don't think nixos-container will help with that - it basically just creates some namespaces around a system built from a nix expression
<maurer> peti: is there something you were hoping from above and beyond e.g. docker or lxc?
<maurer> (docker at least has good support in nixos, haven't tested lxc)
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<peti> maurer: Hmm, I have no clue about docker at all. Can I control docker in NixOS from configuration.nix?
<maurer> peti: Individual containers, no, but you can enable it via virtualisation.docker.enable = true
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<peti> maurer: Okay, I see. Thanks a lot for the pointer. I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet and, like, read documentation. :-)
<maurer> peti: If I wanted to do that, I'd set virtualisation.docker.enable = true;, then write a custom service module for it, similar to the one at https://github.com/maurer/weechat-server but invoking docker functions
<maurer> peti: I don't know that this is the best way, but it'd probably get the job done
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<peti> maurer: OK. I'll have a look. I need to understand first what it is that I want to do, really. I need those VMs mostly for testing/development purposes, i.e. to reproduce bugs customers report on their setup. So I'm not quite sure yet to what extend automation is necessary. I'll experiment with docker to figure out what it can do
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<defel> Hi, I installed nixos the first time yesterday night .. it worked and I am really happy :)
<defel> Now I tried to configure the xserver, but I get the Error "(EE) no screens found" in the journalctl
<defel> can someone say me what the best way is to configure the monitor in the xserver?
<goibhniu> hi defel, are you using the right module for your GPU?
<goibhniu> also, which display-manager are you using?
<goibhniu> ... can you post your configuration.nix to a pastebin?
<defel> currently I dont use any entry at `videoDrivers` .. it should have a intel iris pro
<goibhniu> ah, you should put "intel" in there
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDmLV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f4e6738 Domen Kožar: buildStackProject: set GIT_SSL_CAINFO and LANG
<defel> ok, added and rebuild .. error stay the same but I see that intel driver was loaded
<defel> hmm, `lspci` is not found in my PATH
<defel> but it is a intel nuc, it should definitly have an iris pro gpu
<defel> windowManager is i3
<defel> more specific error: No monitor specified for screen "Screen-intel[0]". Using a default monitor configuration.
<goibhniu> and your display manager?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #22336: default nixos config: add firewall options. (master...nixos-firewall-config) https://git.io/vDmtq
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<goibhniu> defel: ah cool, so I guess it's using slim as the display manager
<defel> just updated the gist with the full xserver log
<defel> yes slim should be the default
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<goibhniu> hrm, sorry I don't know why it's not working
<defel> ok np, thank you for looking on it :)
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* goibhniu wonders if a newer kernel would help
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi opened pull request #22338: heroku: pass command line arguments in (master...heroku) https://git.io/vDmmf
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vdemeester opened pull request #22339: docker-machine: 0.8.1 -> 0.9.0 (master...docker-machine_0_9_0) https://git.io/vDmmT
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<sphalerite> I just realised another thing I love about nix. It makes working out dependencies so much easier because you can simply run stuff in an environment that has nothing directly available.
<slyfox> yeah
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<defel> (wrong channel lol)
<sphalerite> defel: for lspci, either install pciutils (nix-env -iA nixos.pciutils) or download and run it without installing it in your environment (nix-shell -p pciutils --run lspci)
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<sphalerite> and did you try a newer kernel?
<defel> @sphalerite cool lspci works now, it is a iris pro 580
<defel> currently the kernel 4.4.45 is installed
<defel> i will try to install a newer one
<defel> @sphalerite can you give me a hint how to install a newer version? just add the kernel package to systemPackages?
<defel> hmm, I dont find a newer kernel than 4.4.45
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDm3a
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0cbb65c Bas van Dijk: ghcjs-HEAD: upgrade to the latest HEAD...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd613c2 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #22197 from LumiGuide/ghcjsHEAD-upgrade...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDmsr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 79503c1 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #22197 from LumiGuide/ghcjsHEAD-upgrade...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22341: heroku: 3.43.12 -> 3.43.16 (master...f/heroku) https://git.io/vDmsH
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<manveru> btw, anyone know how i can get neovim to inherit my current $PATH, so i can actually use executables via :! ?
<LnL> huh, it doesn't?
<manveru> not that i can see... i'm in a nix-shell (non-pure) with rubocop and eslint, but it can't find either
<manveru> and the PATH is my standard user one, not the one in the nix-shell
<manveru> maybe the wrapper is wrong
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<manveru> it uses --suffix PATH
<manveru> why doesn't that work then...
<trupanka> hi. How do I override configureFlags of nixpkgs (pcre) in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix? I've tried https://gist.githubusercontent.com/trupanka/00369162f1fa15b65d6eb5daa73dd5d5/raw but it did not work.
<manveru> hmm, maybe the neovim :! doesn't inherit the env from the editor but starts a shell from scratch
<manveru> can confirm, no nix issue, it's neovim and zsh problem
<manveru> works with :set shell=bash
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<LnL> trupanka: overrideAttrs, but that's only in unstable at the moment
<sphalerite> defel: sorry for the delay, for some reason my client didn't catch the @sphalerite. There's a special option for it because a lot depends on the kernel, like kernel modules and such: set boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_8; or similar. You can check which other versions are available using nix-repl — nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' then type linuxPack and get it to autocomplete
<sphalerite> What was the command again for generating a password hash for use with mutableUsers = false?
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<trupanka> LnL: thank you
<defel> @sphalerite It works!
<sphalerite> defel: awesome!
<defel> Thank you very much! :)
<sphalerite> All credit goes to goibhniu for guessing that a newer kernel would help :p
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<goibhniu> wow, lucky guess! well done!
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<gchristensen> roundup #20 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ amazed and impressed we have consistent support in here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22342
<FRidh> Python packaging is getting more fun everyday. Jupyter now depends on a new package called testpath, which is in Flit format. Wheels can be made from Flit just as is done with Setuptools packages. Nixpkgs supports installing Flit packages, as well as wheels. Jupyter is available for Python 2 and 3, however, Flit is only support on Python 2. That means, we would have to use Python 3 to build a universal wheel which Python 2 can use, or use a
<FRidh> wheel that is distributed via PyPI. It seems building Python packages from source gets harder every day...
<gchristensen> oh my word
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<defel> is it a good idea to use nixops to install services as virtualbox images on the same idea?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDmBH
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 583ff4e Eelco Dolstra: release.nix: Drop nix-shell references
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 7a65b24 Eelco Dolstra: Restore default signal handling in child processes...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #22343: dbus service: use /etc/dbus-1 for configuration (master...dbus-etc) https://git.io/vDmRU
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<trupanka> LnL: it works but only when I run `nix-build -p pcre`. But it doesn't if `pcre` is a dependency, for example for stdenv (`nix-build -p stdenv`).
<gchristensen> fpletz, domenkozar: _so cool_ we're getting on people's lists :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22326: pythonPackages.lpod: fix missing dependency (master...lpod-py-regular) https://git.io/vDqGW
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<samae> Hello. I'm attempting to deploy with nixops on a physical nixos machine, but it cannot ssh as root on the destination machine
<samae> I've set the public key to use and PermitRootLogin in services.openssh
<samae> sshd[26707]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for root from x.x.x.x
<samae> is there anything else preventing connecting as root ?
<samae> must root have a password for this to work?
<MoreTea> can your user log into that machine as root?
<samae> with su ?
<samae> I access root with sudo
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<MoreTea> If you're running nixops as 'samae' on your dev machine, then you should be able to log into the machine you want to provision as root
<samae> I must have misconfigured something then
<samae> when I: nixops deploy -d machine, I tries to ssh as root
<MoreTea> it should
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<samae> but trying this results in: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
<MoreTea> you must make this work with your local user account: `ssh root@<ip_of_server>`
<samae> yeah
<MoreTea> is that working, or not?
<samae> nope
<MoreTea> than that's the problem
<samae> my destination is running nixos too : )
<MoreTea> perfect!
<MoreTea> so you should solve this first
<MoreTea> then nixops should work perfectly fine
<samae> That's my question
<MoreTea> how to solve that?
<samae> yeah
<MoreTea> do you have a password for that machine?
<samae> nope
<MoreTea> then how can you log in to that remote machine?
<samae> only ssh keys
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<MoreTea> but logging in with the ssh key works? or not?
<samae> yes, pretty well : )
<samae> every user can log without problem, only root cannot
<MoreTea> do you use `ssh -i <keyfile>` or just plain `ssh`
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<samae> plain ssh, my key is in default path
<MoreTea> you're a bit hard to understand. You said that `ssh root@<ip>` does not work.
<MoreTea> But later state that you *can* log in
<MoreTea> could you clarify this a bit?
<samae> ssh samae@ip is ok
<samae> ssh root@ip is not ok
<MoreTea> ok, then you should add your key signature to the root account
<MoreTea> have you tried that :)?
<samae> yep
<MoreTea> how?
<samae> first I set: permitRootLogin = "yes"; in services.openssh
<k0001> How do people working on Nix proper try new Nix versions? In particular when these changes affect things like nix-daemon. Should I start a NixOS VM pining the Nix version to that version I'm attempting to try?
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<samae> then: users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "rootpublickey" ];
<samae> I found rootpublickey by calling $ nixops export
<MoreTea> have you done a `nixos-rebuild switch`?
<samae> just test actually
<samae> ah !
<samae> nope
<MoreTea> test should be good enough AFAIK
<samae> Not doing anything
<MoreTea> @k0001, I have no experience doing that, but I think that would make sense
<samae> I mean, not working better
<samae> when I try to ssh root@ip, I get, on my destination machine: error: PAM: Authentication failure for root from <ip>
<MoreTea> Ok, try adding your ~/.ssh/id.pub on the server (or some other public key that you have)
<samae> that's why I'm a bit puzzled
<gchristensen> samae: are you making thes echanges to the nixops configuration, or on the servers itself?
<samae> in the config
<gchristensen> ok, for this first time you need to do it on the servers itself and nixos-rebuild there
<samae> then nixos-rebuild test after each change
<gchristensen> oh
<samae> gchristensen: yeah, I do these modifications on the server : )
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<samae> MoreTea: well, they are there already
<samae> you mean, for root?
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<MoreTea> I'm not 100% sure how `deploymentTarget = "none";` and SSH pub keys interact
<MoreTea> (targetEnv, sorry)
<samae> I'm even less sure :3
<gchristensen> you may need to `nixops destroy --include yourmachinename` and then `nixops deploy --include yourmachinename` to reset nixops' ssh key
<samae> yeah, but then I'll have to copy it again, won't I?
<manveru> samae: the nixops public key isn't the public key for your personal private key
<manveru> you can use `nixops ssh nameoftargetmachine`
<gchristensen> it creates its own just for its own use
<manveru> yeah
<MoreTea> @samae, you should first fix being able to do `ssh root@<ip>`
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<samae> yes
<MoreTea> Then nixops should work (according to https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/200 nixops uses the SSH keys configured for your local user)
<samae> I think the main problem is here
<samae> MoreTea: so I should make my user able to connect as root
<MoreTea> yes, as user `samae`, you must be able to run: `ssh root@<ip>`
<manveru> the `nixops ssh` is only needed for hetzner and the like, where nixops generates the key for you, afaicr
<MoreTea> If that works, you might need to do what gchristensen suggested: "<gchristensen> you may need to `nixops destroy --include yourmachinename` and then `nixops deploy --include yourmachinename` to reset nixops' ssh key"
<samae> I'll copy my own public key then to root's authorized keys
<samae> and this *should* work
* MoreTea nods
<jophish> gchristensen: thank you for the hard work you do on the nixos security updates.
<samae> ok, this works : )
<samae> ssh root@ip
<samae> finally
<gchristensen> ^.^ you're welcome, jophish!
<samae> ok nixops is building \o/
<MoreTea> samae, congrats!
<samae> thx MoreTea, gchristensen \o/
<MoreTea> If you have more questions, please ask them here :)
<samae> much love to everyone
<gchristensen> yay! glad to hear it, samae!
<MoreTea> gchristensen, I hope you did not spend too much $$$$ on S3
<MoreTea> for the hydra-PR experiment
<FRidh> if I have a {format, ...} @attrs: then attrs shouldn't contain 'format', or should it?
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<MoreTea> From what I gathered from reading the implementation some time ago, it should include all
<k0001> nix-repl> ({format, ...}@attrs: attrs) { format = "foo"; x = "y"; }
<k0001> { format = "foo"; x = "y"; }
<MoreTea> nix-repl> ({f,...}@a: a) {f = 1; b=2; } ==> evaluates to { b = 2; f = 1; }
<FRidh> Thanks. Especially for the nix-repl example :)
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<MoreTea> Ah, missed that :)
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<gchristensen> it is ok :)
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<MoreTea> egress :(
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<manveru> so... in nix 1.11.4, is there any possibility to make a derivation that acts like fetchTarball, so i can import a .nix file from it?
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<manveru> because i'm a bit tired of waiting 15 seconds every time i start a nix-shell :(
<ckauhaus> manveru: just place an unpacked nix source tarball somewhere and import it
<FRidh> manveru: you could set the nix option "tarball-ttl"
<manveru> ckauhaus: i'd rather not add nixpkgs to all my repos :)
<manveru> FRidh: that sounds nice
<manveru> doesn't seem like it's documented anywhere
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<ckauhaus> didn't know tarball-ttl either
<manveru> it's mentioned as "please someone write docs for it" in the github issues at leat
<manveru> *least
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<manveru> i assume it's in seconds
<ckauhaus> manveru: I though more of a pattern like:
<ckauhaus> (1) start your nix file with "{ pkgs ? import (fetchTarball ... ) }"
<ckauhaus> (2) use nix-shell --arg pkgs 'import some/other/nixpkgs {}'
<MoreTea> ah, nice one. I wonder if fetchTarball is doing an ETAG comparison
<gchristensen> I doubt it
<manveru> newer versions of fetchTarball are supposed to take sha256
<ckauhaus> this doesn't help when the remote server is just slow in HTTP request processing
<MoreTea> manveru, oh, that's cool!
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<MoreTea> so the api for fetchTarball broke?
<manveru> (optionally, to make it available in safe mode too)
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<MoreTea> ok, cool.
<MoreTea> It's what you want in 99% of the cases.
<manveru> unfortunately i'm stuck on older nix version atm, so i'll just up the ttl, since the file never changes anyway
<ckauhaus> IIRC there are two versions availabe: builtins.fetchTarball and pkgs.fetchTarball
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<manveru> talking about builtins, for pkgs you need nixpkgs already
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<manveru> and i don't want to fetch two
<ckauhaus> obviously
<MoreTea> yeah, I use builtins.fetchTarball to pin a specific nixpkgs version most of the time.
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: ping
<MoreTea> (given that i'm mostly just starting a nix-shell to do development, the few seconds delay is acceptable)
<gchristensen> fwiw I use the current nixpkgs to use fetchFromGitHub a pinned version with a sha256 so there is no startup delay
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<MoreTea> :)
<MoreTea> I'm just lazy. It's less nix code to use builtins.fetchTarball =)
<manveru> i open a ton of nix-shells for development ^^;
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<jophish> gchristensen: I think one can use a hash with fetchTarball now
<gchristensen> not in stable nix, I think?
<jophish> ah
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<MoreTea> speaking about nix code, has some one thought about parallel evaluation of nix expressions?
<jophish> MoreTea: yes!
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<jophish> MoreTea: It's important if we are ever to get this functionality working well: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/666
<jophish> I have it on my todo list to write a Nix implementation with parallel evaluation as a priority
<MoreTea> I've been playing a bit with a -very- naive interpreter for a nix-like language implemented in rust with the goal to experiment with multi-threaded evaluation of expressions
<jophish> I'd like to start once nix has a type system :)
<MoreTea> It doesn't do any memoization of computed values at the moment, for example.
<jophish> MoreTea: have you got a link for me to bookmark? :)
<MoreTea> jophish, are you coming to FOSDEM?
<MoreTea> erm, I could put it on GitHub.
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<jophish> MoreTea: I'm afraid I'm busy this weekend
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<MoreTea> it's just 500 lines of prototype rust
<jophish> No hurry, whenever you think it's ready :)
<MoreTea> made a note, will ping you when I've got something worth showing
<jophish> thanks
<MoreTea> I started with this project to have a program that can act as a language server (https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol) to lookup where some variable is defined
<MoreTea> That will probably entail also evaluation nix code, hence the prototype interpreter to get a feeling for how things work
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<Dezgeg> gchristensen: pong
<gchristensen> hi, I'd like to try and provision a new arm machine. can you help with that?
<Dezgeg> yeah, sure
<gchristensen> great :D
<Dezgeg> let's see where I first put all the grub hacks...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from 4cf8ae3 to 89ff6c9: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 788bd53 Jake Waksbaum: smartmontools: 6.4 -> 6.5 and fix segfault on darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 81e7481 Vincent Laporte: luaPackages.luaexpat: fix build on darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 816570b Frederik Rietdijk: Python Flit: run tests by default
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<SuprDewd> only 30 commits to 100,000 commits in nixpkgs :O
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #22345: Python package updates and new fetchers (master...python-wip) https://git.io/vDmKn
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from 89ff6c9 to 369f791: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 7b6b7f6 Frederik Rietdijk: Python Flit: run tests by default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 695ff0d Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages: new fetchers...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 4d57cd4 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.configparser: 3.3.0r2 -> 3.5.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDm62
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 05ee547 3noch: Add callCabal2nix to haskell packages...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #22191: Add callCabal2Nix to haskell packages (master...call-cabal2nix) https://git.io/vDvTw
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<lukego> Is it legal to write things in a derivation like: buildPhase = "${./foo.sh a b c}"; ? or is this referring to local files not okay?
<gchristensen> you can do "${./foo.sh} a b c"
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<gchristensen> are a b c files?
<lukego> oh, sorry, wrong example. I meant: buildPhase = "${./foo.sh} a b c"
<gchristensen> oh sure
<gchristensen> ./foo.sh will be copied in to the store and it'll become "/nix/store/<hash>-foo.sh a b c"
<MoreTea> lukego, you can even import .nix expressions from derivations
<lukego> oh, I think I am just misinterpreting the error message, thinking it can't find the script when really it is an error inside the script
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<lukego> MoreTea: you mean that I could look at my inputs and synthesise a new nix dependency during the build?
<lukego> thanks gchristensen for clarifying
<gchristensen> you're welcome
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<lukego> are there easy cheats to make nix-build print more debug info? e.g. the output of the builder, or to run the builder with 'bash -x'? or do you always debug inside nix-shell?
<gchristensen> I sometimes add prePatch = "set -eux"; to the mkDerivation
<MoreTea> lukego, let's say that you have a (deterministic) program that e.g. turns a `yarn.lock` file into an nix expression
<MoreTea> You could then do a stdenv.mkDerivation, that calls this program, and as an output, writes a yarn.nix file containing instructions on how to build those npm deps.
<MoreTea> Then you could import that yarn.nix file later on
<lukego> MoreTea: That sounds potentially very useful, thanks for the tip!
<lukego> MoreTea: I am already wanting to be able to refer to all the versions of a program that are tagged on Github. Could be that I could use this trick to build the sources nix expression.
<MoreTea> not really!
<lukego> Oh but that is not deterministic..
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<MoreTea> Because in nix you can have two types of derivations
<MoreTea> 1. fixed outputs (that you can use to download URL's, git repo's etc)
<MoreTea> 2. fixed inputs
<lukego> gchristensen: do I need to do more than this prePatch? I don't see an effect. Maybe bash is printing the debug info but nix-build is discarding it?
<gchristensen> lukego: can you paste your code?
<MoreTea> But you could definitely use this trick to e.g. run a python program to extract git tags from a repository, and then generate a .nix file that you'd import later on
<MoreTea> This git repo should be an input to the derivation that runs the python program.
<MoreTea> (and therefore making it deterministic again)
<MoreTea> However, in nixpkgs we prefer to externalize those tools, because it will require builds during the evaluation of nix
<lukego> MoreTea: Makes sense.
<gchristensen> oh, prePath -> prePatch
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<lukego> gchristensen: doh :) thanks! added comment to gist with new output. seeing a trace but not apparently running the shell script?
<gchristensen> oh hehe you should remove the `u` from `set -eux` since it is causing an early failure
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vDm9t
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a2e7770 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDmH9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 86fe7a4 Eelco Dolstra: Only read overlays ending in .nix...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7dacca3 Eelco Dolstra: $NIXPKGS_OVERLAYS -> <nixpkgs-overlays>...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d6a55a Eelco Dolstra: ~/.nixpkgs -> ~/.config/nixpkgs...
<lukego> gchristensen: thanks for the tips. somehow I am still struggling every small step of the way :)
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<gchristensen> can you paste the output after removing that `u`?
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<lukego> gchristensen: the problem is inside my script now. just having a hard time getting used to debugging that from within the nix environment.
<lukego> gchristensen: and I don't understand why when I open nix-shell and run "buildPhase" it says "no Makefile, doing nothing" instead of running my script (which does happen when I run nix-build)
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<gchristensen> I have two systemd services, one is a server that needs configuration when it starts, the other is a systemd service to write that config. when the primary is started (for any reason, from stopped / failed, or restarted) I'd like to restart the secondary. I've tried using : after = ["primary.service"]; partOf = [ "primary.service" ]; ... and ... after = [ "primary.service" ]; bindsTo = [ "primary.service" ];
<gchristensen> ... but with both of these, I'm not seeing the secondary service restarting when the primary restarts. any advice on this?
<gchristensen> lukego: hmm can you paste your shell session, the updated output from the nix-build (despite the issue being inside your script), and the current default.nix?
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<gchristensen> hmm I think I want a target? :/
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<AMDmi3> hi
<AMDmi3> I'd like to get metadata for all nix packages (e.g. name, version, downloads, homepage, license etc.)
<AMDmi3> is there something like that available online?
<gchristensen> we don't collect download statistics
<AMDmi3> downloads is download urls, not statistics
<gchristensen> I don't think this includes URLs, but you might find https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/packages.json.gz useful
<lukego> gchristensen: thanks but I think I'm up and running now. have the script running. just not very confident about how to resolve each problem as it arises. one thing is that it seems like instead of "buildPhase" I need to say "$buildPhase" in order to run my code?
<gchristensen> ah perhaps
<gchristensen> you're doing great, let us know if you need more help :)
<lukego> thanks :)
<AMDmi3> gchristensen: nice, seems to be what I need. almost. is there a reliable way to extract version?
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<domenkozar> lukego: yeah you have to do: eval $buildPhase
<gchristensen> as a rule, split the name on "-" and pick the last element
<AMDmi3> gchristensen: unfortunately no, because "name": "2048-in-terminal-2015-01-15",
<gchristensen> ah fair
* gchristensen has no idea, then
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<AMDmi3> dang
<rmeis> hi, trying to write my first nix expression. Can I skip the unpackPhase? I am downloading an executable directly via fetchurl.
<simpson> gchristensen, AMDmi3: Something's screwy with that derivation: error: undefined variable ‘in-terminal’ at (string):1:6
<gchristensen> unpackPhase = ":" should do it (: being bash's "noop" )
<gchristensen> oh, no, that is subtly wrong ...
<gchristensen> guh, sorry rmeis I gave you a half-answer and can't finish my anwser. sorry :(
<rmeis> no worries :)
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<lukego> @domenkozar: The documentation seems to be misleading on this point: https://nixos.org/wiki/Debugging_a_Nix_Package
<rmeis> thanks
<pem_> Hi! I keep getting a "kernel driver not accessible" in VirtualBox. I've already rebooted five or six times with different solutions suggested on github and here, but… :( Any idea? (I'm on the stable channel)
<drakonis> the wiki is outdated fyi
<drakonis> there's a new one on github
<Baughn> The wiki is outdated, and there should be a banner saying so.
<Baughn> ..ah, there is.
<domenkozar> lukego: wiki has been deprecated a year ago so it's very out of date
<lukego> drakonis: oh good point. the docs say to run: eval "${!phase:-phase}". nb - the "this is how" link on the docs is broken. https://nixos.org/wiki/Debugging_a_Nix_Package
<drakonis> the wiki's being moved to github
<drakonis> so yes
<rmeis> @gchristensen your suggestion seems to work
<rmeis> thanks
<gchristensen> ah, good :)
<drakonis> i reinstalled nix after staying a while away from using linux and looks like everything's working correctly
<lukego> domenkozar: ok. but the wiki comes up first on Google and when I am skimming for info I don't necessarily read the disclaimers at the top of the page
<lukego> (didn't realize it was a wiki page)
<pem_> btw, how does one access the new wiki?
<drakonis> steam booted properly on the first try and everything else is neat and tidy
<Baughn> drakonis: Server or client? Need a sample desktop config? :)
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<drakonis> client
<drakonis> i'd like a nice sample though
<Baughn> Sure. Let me see if I can find the link..
<drakonis> the one that comes with the config generator is fairly skeletal
<Baughn> It is!
<Baughn> And geared towards servers.
<lukego> oh, I also assumed that the "Related reading" at the bottom of the wiki page was a link to the nix manual, but on closer inspection I see that this page is also a wiki page :)
<domenkozar> lukego: I agree, there thee error should be more annoying and we should add robots.txt to ban it from google
<gchristensen> I was just looking up how to do that :D
<domenkozar> niksnut: can we add robots.txt and ignore all wiki content?
<drakonis> hm, its compiling libreoffice's fresh branch
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<drakonis> this gonna take a while isn't it
<Baughn> Ah, there we go.
<Baughn> drakonis: http://sprunge.us/VbUT <- This is my current desktop config.
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<drakonis> i need to set up my dot files repo
<drakonis> save myself time
<Baughn> drakonis: You should go at it with an axe, but it should be fairly straightforward.
<Baughn> The zfs params in particular are tuning for an intel 750. You don't want to keep those.
<drakonis> a 750, a little old arent we :v
<drakonis> hold on no
<drakonis> this is an ssd :v
<Baughn> Not that 750. :P
<Baughn> The PCIe version.
<drakonis> that's a pretty good ssd
<lukego> (The info in the wiki was very helpful btw.)
<drakonis> you know you can use sddm for kde5's display manager, right?
<Baughn> I don't like kde 5.
<domenkozar> lukego: we have github issues as a list to port those wiki articles to the manual
<niksnut> domenkozar: sure
<drakonis> i find kdm to be a bit tacky
<domenkozar> lukego: I started http://nix-cookbook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ as a replacement, but it's a slow process :)
<drakonis> a cookbook, how fresh :v
<lukego> domenkozar: you sure keep yourself busy :)
<gchristensen> !m domenkozar x1000
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, domenkozar x1000!
<Baughn> drakonis: KDE4 was a least-effort install. If I start spending more time on this system, outside of gaming, I'll install xmonad.
<domenkozar> let's not talk about that :)
<drakonis> hahaha, i'm trying to get rid of windows myself
<drakonis> and looks like nvidia already got one of my big issues covered
<drakonis> which was not being able to switch to other tty instances
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<drakonis> the newer drivers got that fixed and damn it is good to switch them again
<Baughn> Yeah, that got fixed quite a while ago.
<Baughn> Though right now I've got tearing... *sigh*
<drakonis> heh, tearing
<gchristensen> *sigh* I <3 systemd, but sometimes it is maddening trying to convey to it what you're looking for
<drakonis> make your own systemd :v
<gchristensen> _definitely_ not :P
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<sphalerite> I have a love-hate relationship with systemd
<sphalerite> I love the unit files
<drakonis> if guix succeeded with shepherd
<drakonis> i can't see why not :v
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<drakonis> boy howdy, why isn't libreoffice fresh already compiled :v
<lukego> ok my stuff is working now. nix is awesome. thanks for the help all :)
<domenkozar> !m lukego
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, lukego!
<drakonis> this is good
<drakonis> now time to fuck around with emacs to package keepassxc
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<drakonis> because the guy who runs keepassx doesn't stick around for too long
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<gchristensen> aaaaa thank goodness, after = [ "primary.service" ]; wants = [ "primary.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "primary.service" ]; bindsTo = [ "primary.service" ]; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
<drakonis> that is one hell of a headache right there
<gchristensen> I don't know how much of it is specifically necessary, but yes
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<drakonis> huh
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<drakonis> i accidentally typed nix-env -i and it tried to install everything
<drakonis> except it didn't install anything
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<srhb> drakonis: How sad! HAving everything is such a time saver.
<srhb> :-)
<gchristensen> srhb++
<drakonis> :v
* mbrock falls in love with https://github.com/larskuhtz/ghci-pretty
<mbrock> eh, wrong channel, but there you go
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<drakonis> how long does a libreoffice compilation normally take
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<simpson> How many roads must a man walk down?
<simpson> But seriously, yeah, it takes hours.
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<drakonis> well damn, i better use 5.1.4 then, because i don't have time to compile it right now
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<drakonis> o shit
<drakonis> what's changing with nix 0.12?
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<Baughn> drakonis: The database layout, for one.
<Baughn> drakonis: If you accidentally upgraded, then you can't downgrade. Unless you have a backup.
<drakonis> i haven't yet
<Baughn> ("can't". There are ways and ways.)
<drakonis> running unstable though
<drakonis> is this something i should be aware of
<Baughn> Depends on how you use it.
<Baughn> The lack of downgradability can be bad if you're bisecting nixpkgs; it bit me a while ago.
<Baughn> (And yeah, you can git-bisect your OS. That's a nice feature.)
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<Baughn> Though it isn't an absolute killer. nixos-rebuild build-vm still works, for example.
<drakonis> truly.
<drakonis> but what's the new flashy toys
<Baughn> In 0.12? :)
<drakonis> heh yes
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<domenkozar> lots of things
<Baughn> It doesn't seem to be officially out yet. The best I can suggest is looking at the commit list.
<drakonis> o boy :v
<Baughn> At least, the newest tag on NixOS/nix is 0.11.6
<Baughn> There's unlikely to be anything that'll affect you directly, *but* the next-gen `nix` command-line tool is coming ever closer.
<drakonis> ah yes
<drakonis> the next gen nix
<drakonis> i can't wait :v
<drakonis> 24 nix commands but not a singular nix
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<drakonis> alright now, time to go, peace folks.
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<teh[m]> we have a pretty interesting PR that'd help improve security by moving from general setuid to setcaps: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/16654
<teh[m]> but I'm somewhat unclear on what needs to happen to help get it in ... it'd be a real shame to lose that work
<simpson> teh[m]: If only they were real caps.
<simpson> Still, better than setuid.
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<teh[m]> simpson: what are real caps? I have only a weak grasp of the intricate details of linux permissions
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<simpson> teh[m]: In capability theory, a capability is an *unforgeable* and *transferable* token of authority.
<simpson> While Linux caps might be unforgeable, they aren't transferable; actually getting a cap from one process to another is very ad-hoc.
<teh[m]> simpson: ah right! Yea, that'd be awesome. I think that 80% of the linux API sucks but it's the only game in town ... :(
<simpson> teh[m]: There's Capsicum, which is an actual cap-safe system for Linux, but it's not in-kernel IIRC.
<simpson> There are libraries like Capn Proto, languages like Monte, and platforms like Sandstorm which all use real caps.
<niksnut> Baughn: IIRC, you can downgrade by doing "echo -n 7 > /nix/var/nix/db/schema"
<Baughn> Java also attempts to have caps, doesn't it?
<Baughn> Didn't work so well in that case.
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<simpson> Baughn: Kind of? There was a vague awareness, culminating in a pile of cap-safe languages in the mid-90s: Joule, Waterken, Joe, E.
<simpson> Monte is a modern flavor of E. It's a thing. It's not as much of a thing as I'd like.
<simpson> Sandstorm and Capn Proto are *definitely* things.
<Baughn> Mm. I'd like to see it in a mainstream language, but that seems unlikely.
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<simpson> Well, we want Monte to be mainstream. The problem is that very few people have ever tasted cap-safe languages.
<simpson> And we're still hard at work killing memory-unsafe languages! It's 2017 and people still insist on using ridiculous languages to get things done. :c
<Baughn> Between Java, Go and Rust, I prefer Go. :S
<Baughn> Er.
<Baughn> Java.
<yorick> I think -unstable might have something weird, dns resolves failing everywhere
<simpson> Totally understandable.
<Baughn> Though if "No GC" is part of the requirements, Rust is better than nothing... it has its share of warts.
<simpson> Rust is at least (more or less) memory-safe.
<Baughn> Yeah, it's just hard to use.
<Baughn> Comes with the territory, but I think it could be done better.
<simpson> Just remember: All code is terrible, nobody has any idea how to write code, and our attempts at computing in this era will someday be compared to cave paintings.
<Baughn> Meanwhile, kotlin is an actually nice language. I've got some hope it'll get used.
<Baughn> ..nah. Cave paintings were still made by humans. The only way we'll get humans writing good code is if they're Reyvateils.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDYk8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6ba3533 Peter Simons: youtube-dl: update to version 2017.02.01
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #22347: julia: fix build and execution on PaX. (master...fix/julia-pax) https://git.io/vDYLW
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<roconnor> what does the recursiveHash option in fetchurl do?
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<gchristensen> I think it sets outputHashMode to `recursive`, search for "outputHashMode attribute determines" here: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/
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<roconnor> ty
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from 369f791 to fae20e6: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 9f74012 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.testpath: init at 0.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 2d06224 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.xarray: 0.8.2 -> 0.9.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 5cd9e1c Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.pandocfilters: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
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<Profpatsch> What’s the best way to check the type of an attribute and abort with a good error if it doesn’t match?
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<Profpatsch> (outside of the closed module system of nixos per se)
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<simpson> `assert lib.isInt whatever` ?
<simpson> No idea, sorry.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nand0p opened pull request #22348: hologram: 8d86e3f -> d20d1c3 (master...hologram-module) https://git.io/vDYsn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #22349: mbedtls: 1.3.17 -> 1.3.18 (master...mbedtls-1.3.18) https://git.io/vDYG3
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<shlevy> What texlive combination do I need to get org-mode to output pdfs?
<shlevy> Should I just have scheme-full?
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<Ralith> I'm using pdflatex outside of orgmode just fine with scheme-medium
<shlevy> OK
* shlevy knows nothing about latex
<shlevy> "scheme-medium" sounds nice and middle-groundy though
* Ralith knows (nearly) nothing about org-mode, so we're even
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<simpson> nixops: Is there any plan to have support for container services? They're getting popular, and Nix already has tooling to make Docker images...
<cransom> i only know that i spent more time than necessary yesterday getting texlive.combined.scheme-full installed because it's pinned to one mirror and if you repeatedly pull files, the server blacklists you momentarily. the files werent' making it into the store so it would fail and restart from scratch.
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<shlevy> cransom: --keep-going would help with that last issue at least
<cransom> shlevy: it did. but I did start poking to see if there was a mirror network that could be in use rather than hugging one czech university persons account and didn't get far before i decided to stop shaving the yak
<peti> niksnut: Do you remember the trouble I had signing into Hydra.nixos.org with my Google account? I have another data point. The sign-in works with Chromium, but it does not work with Firefox.
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<Ralith> cransom: is this stuff not binary-cached?
<clever> peti: are both browsers signed into the same google account?
<clever> peti: ive switched one of my services over to openid, and thats a very common problem
<cransom> Ralith: in code, `( { # lots of derivations, not meant to be cached`
<cransom> so, no, not part of binary cache as far as i can tell. wasn't in 16.09 nor unstable
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<Ralith> weird
<Ralith> sounds like we're abusing whatever hosting service, as it is
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<drakonis> alright, so i read eelco's commits and its overlays
<peti> clever: Yes, both browsers are signed in and I use them both to access the same Google services.
<drakonis> this is cool.
<peti> clever: Also, I have only one Google account.
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<bennofs> peti: i noticed a small problem with the recently commited callCabal2nix: as implemented, it requires copying all of $src just for generating the .nix file. Wouldn't it be better if we used filterSource to just copy the .cabal file, and then patch up the src on the resulting derivation? That would avoid copying large paths during evaluation (it may still be necessary during building though, nothing changed
<bennofs> there). Not sure if that would be too much complexity though for an arguable niche gain
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 7 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDYWT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea5c83d Michael Raskin: mupdf: 1.9a -> 1.10a
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6899587 Michael Raskin: asdf: 3.1.7 -> 3.2.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1567d3c Michael Raskin: sbcl: 1.3.13 -> 1.3.14
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<gchristensen> my NixOS test harness continues to pay off, exposing race condition bugs in underlying software and providing reproducible test cases: https://github.com/tumblr/collins/issues/509 :D
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<cransom> wow. the first time i've seen someone mention/use collins in the wild aside from a place i was once at.
<gchristensen> cransom: thinkingface.jpg where was that one place you were at?
<cransom> jive software
<gchristensen> cool
<clever> gchristensen: how did you do "click to expand" in github? :O
<cransom> it was... kind of used. they migrated some data to it but never completely finished the project and it was left in a pseudo functional state.
<gchristensen> gross
<clever> gchristensen: ah neat
<gchristensen> cransom: did they use jetpants, too?
<cransom> gchristensen: never heard of jetpants
<jack[m]1> gchristensen: nice!
<gchristensen> clever: updated
<gchristensen> cransom: it is tumblr's tool for manipulating database topologies, and it depends heavily on collins
<cransom> gchristensen: they did have thousands of mysql instances but they were all fully autonomous
<gchristensen> ah, gotcha
<bennofs> gchristensen: what's your "NixOS test harness"?
<gchristensen> I'm using NixOS as a test harness for testing jetpants + collins against "real" mysql servers
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<bennofs> ah cool
<gchristensen> it is the same code that nixos/tests/* uses, but using a lot of custom modules and what-not for setting up jetpants + collins + a mess of mysql daemons in nixos containers
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<cransom> gchristensen: jetpants looks interesting. how is it so far (aside from collins failures)?
<bennofs> Description=Collins MySQL Node Intake: mysql-container-13
<bennofs> Wants=collins.service
<bennofs> [Service]
<bennofs> ExecStart=/path/to/collins-intake-mysql-container-13-start
<bennofs> whoops sry
<gchristensen> cransom: it is good-bad. I work for tumblr, so I have a fairly steep interest in setting up a test harness in order to make it better.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22249: firefox-bin: Update sha512 hash (backporting) (release-16.09...firefox-bin-51.0.1-hash-backport) https://git.io/vDUC0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDY8K
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac10c19 Gabriel Ebner: veriT: 201506 -> 2016
<gchristensen> I have: ["a" "b" "c"] and I'd like to get: [["a" "b"] ["b" c"] ["c"]] is there a way to do this?
<jack[m]1> gchristensen: looks like a fold
<codedmart> I am using nix package manager on archlinux. I have installed elasticsearch but am unsure how to run it? I get an error about setting ES_HOME, but I am not sure what to set it to.
<codedmart> Anyone that can help?
* gchristensen goes to look up a fold
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<LnL> gchristensen: zip will probably be usefull
<jack[m]1> codedmart: nixpkgs will install the software, but nixos modules will have the rest of the glue to set up services and such.
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<gchristensen> hmm
<LnL> gchristensen: xs: zipListsWith (x: y: [x y]) xs (tail xs)
<LnL> gchristensen: ++ last xs
<gchristensen> neat...!
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<LnL> don't know if there's a nicer way to fix the last element
<codedmart> jack[m]1: Got it thanks!
<gchristensen> can I tell nix-repl to hide less stuff? [ [ ... ] [ ... ] [ ... ] ]
<pikajude> i wish
<gchristensen> heh
<cransom> :p ?
<gchristensen> nice!
<LnL> gchristensen: not that I know of, but there's nix-instantiate --eval --strict
<gchristensen> I thought you were maybe giving me a funny face, cransom, but it works!
<LnL> cransom: nice! I had no idea you could do that
<ixxie> Have anybody ever considered applying this to Nix: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computability_logic
<pikajude> q: does haskell have a list indexing function? a: yes !!
<simpson> ixxie: To what end?
<drakonis> woops i fucked up badly
<drakonis> my home isn't set correctly
<drakonis> its in the same partition as root
<cransom> Wow. Mark this day. I had a teaching moment in #nixos.
<ixxie> simpson: I was not sure if there would be any, which is partly why I am asking xD
<gchristensen> guh man getting stuff done with FP still feels like a magic trick sometimes, but so satisfying
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<drakonis> well fuck
<drakonis> the configuration i used to install is gone
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti opened pull request #22350: Update R package set (master...r-updates) https://git.io/vDY07
<drakonis> nope, actually i'm a idiot, its there
<k0001> @drakonis you can find your old configuration.nix files in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-SOMENUMBER-link/configuration.nix`
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<drakonis> a question, i have lvm2, how would i set my home partition? users.users.<name?>.home?
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<drakonis> or is it best just to expand the root partition
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<drakonis> eh fuck it, gonna kill the home partition and expand root
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<k0001> Even in a multiuser Nix setup using nix-daemon, files are still downloaded from the internet by the user initiating the nix-env/nix-build/whatever call and not by nix-daemon itself, right?
<gchristensen> I think the nix daemon still does it
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<k0001> drakonis: I don't see why that is necessary. You can have your home folder in another partition.
<drakonis> space concerns
<drakonis> leaving a 32 gigs partition to handle root isn't ideal
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<drakonis> i already have 12 gigs used up
<drakonis> and things get installed to it, so no thanks.
<drakonis> this is the dumb thing about some distro installers, their defaults dedicate a tiny fraction of space to root while everything else goes to home
<k0001> gchristensen: that was my original thought, but some things I'm trying locally suggest otherwise. I'll keep digging.
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<Sonarpulse> what does one do again if nix-channel --update with root hangs on nixos?
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<gchristensen> I wish `nix-build` could take `--check` whether or not it has already been built >.>
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDYgY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fda3edd Peter Hoeg: heroku: 3.43.12 -> 3.43.16...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7f3f30b Alexey Shmalko: Merge pull request #22341 from peterhoeg/f/heroku...
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDYgn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b70a979 Eelco Dolstra: Remove unnecessary "sort" call...
<Sonarpulse> I think the moral of the story is I should have never switched to nixUnstable system wide :/:/:/
<Sonarpulse> halp schema downgrade halp
<niksnut> k0001: files downloaded by derivations, and binary cache downloads, are done by the daemon
<niksnut> but nix-prefetch-url and builtins.fetchTarball run under the calling user
<k0001> niksnut: ah! That clarifies some things. Thanks.
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<drakonis> how do i reset the generation count?
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<OJFord> Hi folks, can anyone explain why vim is at version 7.4 on my system, freshly installed, when I can see on Github that v8 something is in the package? I've run nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade, on channel 16.09 stable.
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<drakonis> stable, friend.
<drakonis> the unstable builds have 8.0
<ToxicFrog> OJFord: when you look at github, are you looking at the 'release-16.09' branch or the 'master' branch?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDY2B
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d10d5f Vincent Laporte: omake: 0.10.1 -> 0.10.2
<OJFord> Agh, I see
<ToxicFrog> The latter is the default if you just went straight to github rather than clicking through from the package search page
<ToxicFrog> But your system is using the former
<drakonis> the next update is in a month
<OJFord> How unstable is unstable..? :)
<drakonis> vim 8 should be the newest
<drakonis> not very unstable
<drakonis> it just has the latest
<OJFord> Cool, then I'll just use that channel. I'm running in a VM anyway.
<drakonis> ToxicFrog, your name is quite familiar.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDYaT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2bf0fd0 Bjørn Forsman: Revert "nmap: use python infra's .withPackages"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #22017: Revert "nmap: use python infra's .withPackages" (master...unbreak-zenmap) https://git.io/vMQTG
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<ToxicFrog> I'm seriously considering switching my laptop to unstable in the hopes of being able to install digikam and maybe getting a version of kwin_x11 that doesn't crash as much.
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<drakonis> i do like how steam is working again
<drakonis> last time i tried, i hit a wall trying to make it work
<ToxicFrog> drakonis: there's a bunch of places you might know me from? I'm active (or have been in the past) on a bunch of IRC networks, a slack, github...
<ToxicFrog> Steam seems to be fine in 16.09 at least
<drakonis> steam i guess :v
<cransom> OJFord: you also have the option of running unstable as your local user, leaving the system on 16.09 without fear of ever having an unusable system.
<drakonis> i think its you on steam
<ToxicFrog> As long as you remember to install 32-bit DRI and PulseAudio support
<drakonis> green and black icon, triangles.
<ToxicFrog> Oh, yeah, that's me
<drakonis> lots of kerbal
<drakonis> huh.
<ToxicFrog> Lots and lots of kerbal
<ToxicFrog> I wonder why we know each other on steam, I don't generally have people on my friends list without knowing them from somewhere else
<drakonis> goons
<drakonis> possibly.
<drakonis> internet forums
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<ToxicFrog> That would be it.
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<OJFord> cransom: that sounds like additional complexity I could do without for now.. I love the idea of NixOS, but I'm just getting started, immediately running into issues like "gah, no package for blah", "ugh, vim's at pre-8", etc.
<drakonis> i can't wait for overlays ;v
<Sonarpulse> ok better not downgrade then
<ToxicFrog> Overlays?
<drakonis> yes
<drakonis> kinda like gentoo
<drakonis> you have the nix packages tree and you can add other trees over it
<gchristensen> OJFord: I mean, most distros probably have _far_ older vims
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<drakonis> i think ubuntu doesn't even have 8 yet
<drakonis> probably at 6
<drakonis> emacs is at least 3 years old
<drakonis> eclipse is ancient at this point
<OJFord> That's true, but the general system is more familiar in a way that means it's easier to fix for yourself, for me at least
<drakonis> you can import the vim derivation
<OJFord> Like there was something else I wanted that there was no package for at all, so I figured I'd build from source, which was immediately a rabbit hole starting with how do I get rust nightly
<drakonis> nightly builds, what a draem
<drakonis> dream :v
<drakonis> this kind of stuff is really for personal use, so you don't need to rewrite derivations frequently
<Ralith> OJFord: that's easy, see https://github.com/solson/rust-nightly-nix
<drakonis> fetchurl, so good
<MoreTea> @simpson, there is a project by offlinehacker to generate manifests for kubernetes
<MoreTea> I'm quite interested in all this as well.
<MoreTea> Especially the combination of Kubernetes + CRI would be quite interesting
<OJFord> Ralith: well.. thanks! The one I found yesterday did not have a readme, so being (completely) new to Nix, the next curve in the rabbit hole was "uh.. where do I put this", which I think I have sorted now.
<MoreTea> (CRI = the interface between Kubernetes and a 'container runtime', e.g. docker)
<MoreTea> it can be swapped with something else entirely
<Ralith> OJFord: this is the package you should be using regardless
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<drakonis> so how do they avoid the sha256 check
<simpson> MoreTea: I don't care especially about k8s; I'm noticing that both Amazon and Google are doing container serivces, and it'd be nice if I could deploy to those container services easily.
<drakonis> the hashes
<drakonis> hm
<drakonis> nevermind that, the post explains it.
<drakonis> that's a good use for overlays actually, making one that's nothing but nightly builds
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<drakonis> for the folks who really like to compile their stuff daily
<Sonarpulse> hmm so still stuck with this nix-channel
<Sonarpulse> hang
<drakonis> what kind of hang?
<MoreTea> simpson, that's actually a pretty neat idea as well.
<MoreTea> Luckily, google's container service GKE is just a hosted kubernetes
<layus> I have an issue on NixOS where I have to install packages using `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello` but have no nixpkgs channel defined, only nixos and unstable. Anyone ?
<Sonarpulse> drakonis: downloading ‘https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable’... [0/0 KiB, 0.0 KiB/s]
<simpson> MoreTea: I hear the "just", but it's a big "just". I don't have the patience to maintain my own k8s.
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: you can download nixpexrs from anywhere, if nix-channel doesn't work for whatever reason ... seems a bit odd though.
<MoreTea> ah, the "just" referred to that they are (mostly) running a piece of open source code instead of a proprietary non-portable system
<drakonis> the repo changed to https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc
<drakonis> and the latest is 2.1.0 now
<gchristensen> ugh so I spent a lot of time making these systemd units execute in parallel, to learn about a race condition requiring I make them run in serial. what a day!
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<MoreTea> @drakonis, isn't keepassxreboot a fork of keepassx?
<Sonarpulse> joachifm: is there some curl I can do by hand?
<drakonis> MoreTea, yes it is
<drakonis> because the main is pretty much dead
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<drakonis> or moves very slowly
<drakonis> the fork already has a derivation but it is outdated
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<drakonis> "KeePassXC is a fork of KeePassX that aims to incorporate stalled pull requests, features, and bug fixes that have never made it into the main KeePassX repository."
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: easiest way is probably to use the nixpkgs-channels repo, as in nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz or whatever
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: I'm sure you can download the archive and do whatever it is nix-channel does to it manually, if you prefer.
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<drakonis> i don't have anything set up for doing derivation fixing yet
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #22343: dbus service: use /etc/dbus-1 for configuration (master...dbus-etc) https://git.io/vDmRU
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<Sonarpulse> joachifm: thanks!!
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: np :)
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<drakonis> brb rebooting to make linux aware of partitions
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<Sonarpulse> joachifm: hmm so the end goal is nixos-rebuild though
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<Sonarpulse> I'll need to get the underlying commands for f
<Sonarpulse> or use NIX_PATH ?
<mckeankylej> How do you change the order of the default phases? Is it possible to put patch after postInstall?
<Sonarpulse> joachifm: ah so the underlying issue is nixUnstable is broke
<Sonarpulse> and doesn't seem to want to download that path
<Sonarpulse> NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz nixos-rebuild build
<Sonarpulse> also hangs, for example
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: nix-build -I nixpkgs=... '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system or something?
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<joachifm> Sonarpulse: but if you're trying to downgrade nix, I think you need to be a bit careful; I don't know what the appropropriate procedure is for that
<Sonarpulse> joachifm: I think I'm giving up on downgrading
<Sonarpulse> :(
<Sonarpulse> but at least would like to get latest nixpkgs!
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: here is an idea ... nix-shell -p nix (ie: stable nix) then use that to update your channels
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: I worry I'll still get daemon schema stuff?
<Sonarpulse> but maybe not!
<gchristensen> don't think so
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<gchristensen> channels don't touch the daemon, I think
<joachifm> hm
<Sonarpulse> using the daemon
<gchristensen> dang
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<Sonarpulse> or rather complaining about the store
<Sonarpulse> if no daemon is being used
<Sonarpulse> urg
<drakonis> i don't get it, i expanded the root partition, why isn't linux picking up the increase?
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<joachifm> Sonarpulse: afaik, your only option is to nuke the db to downgrade
<Sonarpulse> joachifm:
<Sonarpulse> yeah
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<Sonarpulse> I guess that's not so bad as I don't have too many custom-built derivations?
<Sonarpulse> would not want to loose my nixos generations though!
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: well, you don't need to nuke the store
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: just the db stuff
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: so nix/var/nix et al
<Sonarpulse> next time I GC though
<Sonarpulse> a lot of store could disspear?
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: if you're careful, gcroots could be preserved, I think
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<joachifm> Sonarpulse: not exactly sure what you need to delete, but at least nix/var/nix/db and the top-level sqlite files may need to go; the rest I'm not sure about
<Sonarpulse> joachifm: I guess I'll ... rename? :)
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<joachifm> Sonarpulse: they're mostly just symlinks, not necessarily tied to schema in that way
<Sonarpulse> ah i see
<Sonarpulse> if symlink, I'll delete
<Sonarpulse> !
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDYKD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3e5022c Bjørn Forsman: hardinfo: init at 0.5.1...
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: well, to be safe, you could just not run gc until you're sure everything you want has been re-installed using the stable nix
<Sonarpulse> yeah, absolutely
<Sonarpulse> well, here it goes! :)
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: just make sure you have the older nix available in your store first :)
<Sonarpulse> yeah!
<Sonarpulse> it's there
<Sonarpulse> I can use whatever nixpkgs channel I have just fine
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: well, there's still the bootstrap tarball, so all would not be lost if it disappeared
<Sonarpulse> yeah
<joachifm> Sonarpulse: it takes a bit of effort to completely hose things :)
<joachifm> but you can get pretty far
<Sonarpulse> sure yeah
<joachifm> but in theory, if you re-init the state under nix/var/nix using nixStable, all should be well
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<Sonarpulse> goign for it!
<Sonarpulse> (stopped the daemon)
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<drakonis> by the way, where is the new wiki
<jophish> Lots of repositories on github include .nix files describing how to build them. Is it the correct thing to do to duplicate 'default.nix' (or whatever) in nixpkgs if one adds one of these packages?
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<jophish> Almost certainly not
<jophish> I wonder if there is some happy middle ground between loading the derivation from the source and duplicating it entirely in nixpkgs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDY6N
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 d162594 Bjørn Forsman: hardinfo: init at 0.5.1...
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<joachifm> jophish: can you give an example of what you mean? I'd think you'd be able to do stuff like `with (import <nixpkgs>{}); callPackage ./src/default.nix`. depending on what default.nix contains exactly, of course.
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<jophish> Sonarpulse: I had exactly the same issue. I just have to use nixUnstable when not going via the daemon
<jophish> please let me know if you find a good way to downgrade
<Sonarpulse> jophish: oh?
<Sonarpulse> well i am still in weird limbo
<Sonarpulse> but just the nix-channel part would be nice
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<Unode> hi all, are all the hardlinks inside the nix/store created by nix itself?
<jophish> joachifm: It's technically possible, however with that one has to fetch the source in order to get the derivation
<jophish> which means 'nix-env -i foo' has to grab the source of some random package to check if its name is 'foo'
<Unode> in other words, can a package actually hardlink itself such as providing the same binary under two different names?
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<joachifm> jophish: err, but how do you expect there to be a middle ground between not having the expr and having it? whether it comes from nixpkgs or you download it yourself makes no difference
<joachifm> jophish: if you'd like to treat it as if it were part of <nixpkgs>, I guess you can add it via overrides or the new overlay mechanism
<jophish> joachifm: I can't think of a nice middle ground myself, except using recursive-nix
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<joachifm> jophish: hm, I think I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to accomplish then
<jophish> I'll explain again :)
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<Sonarpulse> bad interpreter: /nix/store/3qag0gwlar4rsh786ff25f4zdw6vqb7d-perl-5.22.2/bin/p
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<Sonarpulse> why would removing the db case this?
<Sonarpulse> seems...very bad lol
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<jophish> I am a developer who uses nix-shell to develop, and nix-build to build my software; of course I add a 'default.nix' and 'shell.nix' to my project I'm working on to get me all the dependencies and set up any environment my project requires. When I feel my project is in a good enough state to release to the wider world I'd like to add it to nixpkgs. Usually when this happens one would write the build instruct
<jophish> ions and put them somewhere under 'pkgs', the point I'm wrestling here is the code duplication between the source repository of my project and what's going to go into nixpkgs.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDYPa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 220adbb Domen Kožar: docs: fix link for python
<joachifm> jophish: oh, so you want to add it to nixpkgs but re-use the existing expr somehow
<jophish> In some cases it would be nice to have 'let src = fetchFromGitHub{...}; in import src;
<jophish> joachifm: exactly.
<jophish> This is just hypothetical, but I'm curious to see what #nixos thinks
<jophish> But IFD isn't something which I think nixpkgs should be doing very much
<jophish> especially when the derivation fetches source from somewhere else
<jophish> with recursive nix this has a better story. A stub derivation is put in nixpkgs which downloads the source and runs nix-build in there, "tail recursing" into that build product
<simpson> It sounds nice-to-have and tough-to-build.
<jophish> simpson: It's already been written https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/213
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<joachifm> jophish: I guess the builtin fetchers are insufficient for your use?
<joachifm> jophish: those let you refer to remote exprs at eval time fwiw
<simpson> jophish: I know that IFD works. I'm saying that it's not pleasant to use at all. It seems to always make Hydras upset.
<jophish> joachifm: yeah, technically this works today, in fact I do it all the time in my own projects :)
<jophish> like simpson said, IFD is a pain :)
<jophish> simpson: sorry, I thought you were talking about recursive nix
<jophish> also, tell me about it! I get it every so often that hydra takes 30 minutes to evaluate my expression with no indication about what's going on.
<jophish> simpson: this could make IFD a little more pleasant https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/666
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<simpson> jophish: Yeah.
<drakonis> almost at 100k commits
<drakonis> woo.
<drakonis> and nix is almost at 5k commits
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDY11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a674415 Gabe Evans: rcm: 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c13aabb Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #22161 from gevans/rcm-1.3.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDY1H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32a6a4d Pascal Bach: gitlab-runner: 1.10.0 -> 1.10.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4818af0 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #22351 from bachp/gitlab-runner-1.10.4...
<gchristensen> who wants commit #100,000?
<drakonis> 3 commits until 100k
<drakonis> i'll try :v
<cransom> no points if you own the commit that causes github to delete a live production database.
<drakonis> :v
<gchristensen> haha awww
<gchristensen> poor gitlab :(
<drakonis> points deducted you mean :
<drakonis> ;v
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<drakonis> i'm trying to figure what rev is supposed to do
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDYMF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 93392fb Pradeep Chhetri: nomad: 0.5.3 -> 0.5.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ed7dc9c Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #22331 from pradeepchhetri/nomad...
<drakonis> 99999
<drakonis> who's the lucky chap
<gchristensen> it sort of feels like niksnut should be it
<viric> Backups are important
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<viric> One of the NAS we have has the option of backup. Then it gives you the operaetion of "check backup integrity", and it includes a flag (default disabled) that reads "Check that backup data can be retrieved".
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<viric> (network remote backup)
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<drakonis> freeze commits until nix 0.12
<gchristensen> the suspense, it is killing me
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<tjg1> i started using nix today. i installed android-studio (in an FHS environment). running it on debian (stretch) as a non-root user gave me a permission denied error in chroot-user.rb, but it works fine on fedora. any idea why?
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<tjg1> btw i love how with nix i no longer have to worry about stuff like 'does this distro ship ffmpeg?'
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<Yaniel> you know what I love with nixos? how the risk of a normal update making the system unbootable is not an issue anymore
<Yaniel> or a config change doign the same for that matter
<drakonis> yes that is nice.
<cransom> or if it doesn't boot, unless the circumstances are extreme, getting back to a good state is trivial
<drakonis> opensuse has that to some degree
<jophish> I love being able to patch installed software so easily, or use a different version
<drakonis> can't say i like opensuse's repositories though
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<drakonis> lots of missing packages.
<drakonis> say
<drakonis> can i get some help updating the keepassxc derivation?
<tjg1> i might give nixos a try once i'm more familiar with nix
<drakonis> i can't figure out where rev = "${version}-http"; should point to instead
<drakonis> as the previous repo was replaced with https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc
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<cransom> drakonis: it would likely be one of the tags
<cransom> there's a 2.0.3-http. i don't know what the difference is between a `-http` and 2.1.0 though, for example in the current repo
<drakonis> oh a tag
<drakonis> i see
<drakonis> that's quite a lot of downloads though
<drakonis> so how do i test it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #22301: khd: 1.1.4 -> 2.0.0 (master...khd) https://git.io/vDIBX
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDY9W
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9290751 Lancelot SIX: glpk: 4.56 -> 4.61...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a1dd5f Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #22227 from lsix/update_glpk...
<gchristensen> LnL MERGED #100,000 Ballons for LnL!
<drakonis> rip
<LnL> huh?
<LnL> OH
<LnL> 🎉
<drakonis> you are our 100,000TH CUSTOMER
<drakonis> here, have a cake.
<gchristensen> (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ LnL ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
<LnL> I had no idea we where that close
<gchristensen> kmicu: come celebrate #100,000 with us!
<gchristensen> if you're a tweeterer, https://twitter.com/grhmc/status/826902383917670400
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDY9w
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master de172ae Robert Helgesson: copyright-update: init at 2016.1018
<drakonis> WE'RE POPULAR
<drakonis> a question, is it actually true that we're getting overlays or was i tripping when i was talking about it earlier
<drakonis> because that would pretty much start eating a piece of arch and gentoo's cake
<maurer> Haven't you been able to do informal overlays for a long time? Or do you mean a formal tool for managing them?
<drakonis> a formal way to deal with them
<gchristensen> a recent PR added proper overlays yes
<drakonis> without straight up overwriting existing ones
<drakonis> cool.
<Yaniel> hmm what do these overlays do?
<drakonis> basically
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<gchristensen> they let you extend nixpkgs with more packages, without doing nixpkgs.config.overridePackages
<drakonis> yes and that owns
<maurer> gchristensen: So uh, how is this functionally different from just having nixpkgs and mypackages in NIX_PATH with mypackages taking nixpkgs as an argument whose value defaults to <nixpkgs> ?
<maurer> Just namespacing, or is sthere something else?
<maurer> (This is how I was homerolling overlays on my machine before)
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<drakonis> also please push overlays to git pls
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<drakonis> after i'm done with dota, i'm going to get another DE, i can't deal with kde
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #22339: docker-machine: 0.8.1 -> 0.9.0 (master...docker-machine_0_9_0) https://git.io/vDmmT
<Yaniel> oh so I can basically have "nixpkgs + mypkgs + yourpkgs" somehow easily without mirroring nixpkgs?
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<LnL> anybody else having issues with nox-review?
<drakonis> yes that's the whole point
<drakonis> and when is nix getting proper package searching :v
<gchristensen> drakonis: I think we would love to merge a PR adding better package search!
<drakonis> i'd probably do that by learning how nox does that first :v
<drakonis> then build that into nix
<drakonis> can't be hard, right?
<Yaniel> what I'd like is some utility that shows a reverse dependency graph of a given package
<Yaniel> it took me way too long to find out what was putting an ancient ffmpeg in my env
<drakonis> doesn't that exist already?
<gchristensen> nix-store has some graphing abilities
<Yaniel> dunno
<maurer> nix-store --tree will do it
<maurer> I had to do this a bunch for OCaml
<maurer> because they released two different mutually exclusive macro systems
<maurer> and I needed to track down which packages were pulling in a conflicting one and split them
<Sonarpulse> jophish: ok
<Sonarpulse> I'm back
<Sonarpulse> on stable
<Sonarpulse> i nuked the db
<Sonarpulse> but then ended up with the interpreter
<Sonarpulse> issue
<Yaniel> Yay, thanks for the tip
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<LnL> Yaniel: you can for things that are installed
<Yaniel> In this case it was a dependency
<Sonarpulse> so got out flash drive and made a new nixos generation
* Sonarpulse shrugs
<Yaniel> If kde5's thumbnailer
<jophish> Sonarpulse: I might stick with unstable for now then :)
<jophish> thanks for experimenting though
<Sonarpulse> jophish: haha fair
<Sonarpulse> sure
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<drakonis> what is the hottest option in the land of picking your environment
<LnL> oh, my ~/.nox/nixpkgs was causing issues
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDY70
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 24f3abd Tristan Helmich: Revert "Make services.xserver.xkbDir conflict free when overriden."...
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<drakonis> oh, nox is a python script
<drakonis> hm
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<drakonis> still
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<viric> top
<xwvvvvwx> Hey :) I had understood that nix had a bunch of cmake logic built in already?
<viric> oops
<xwvvvvwx> I'm trying to package https://github.com/jangernert/FeedReader
<Yaniel> Speaking of cmake
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDY57
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c3badbb Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1...
<Yaniel> Can I somehow have $out evaluated in cmakeFlags?
<xwvvvvwx> but it just seems to be trying to run make (output also in that gist)
<xwvvvvwx> What am I doing wrong?
<drakonis> i haven't figured out how to fetch the correct hash for the commit
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDYdI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 c3ec888 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1...
<eqyiel[m]> Yaniel: best I could do was `preConfigure="cmakeFlags="$cmakeFlags -Dwhatever=$out/foo"` (IIRC)
<eqyiel[m]> er, one too many quotation marks
<eqyiel[m]> but somethign like that
<Yaniel> xwvvvvwx: cmake is a makefile generator/configuration tool
<eqyiel[m]> you may be able to use `${out}` as well
<Yaniel> Thanks eqyiel, I'll give those a spin
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<xwvvvvwx> Yes, but do I have to run it manually
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<gchristensen> nix commentary in the wild! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13543827
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<drakonis> getting out there
<drakonis> but hey
<nhooyr> is it possible to make nixops use an existing digital ocean droplet instead of creating a new one?
<drakonis> i need some advice on getting the hash
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<drakonis> nhooyr, someone already asked that in the past
<gchristensen> nhooyr: set targetEnv to "none" and specify an IP
<gchristensen> (it needs to already be running nixos)
<nhooyr> ah cool thanks
<xwvvvvwx> Yaniel: I might be mistaken, but previously when packaging applications with cmake based build systems I thought that nixpkgs just kinda figured everything out by itself
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<Yaniel> you still need to define the actual build tool AFAIK
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<Yaniel> try adding ninja to your buildInputs
<Yaniel> hm cmakeFlags = "-DFOO=${out}" complains about undefined variable out
<xwvvvvwx> Yaniel: same result, and anyway I thought cmake just defaults to make?
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<jophish> I dind't think that ${out} existed
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #22353: Bluetooth improvements (master...bluetooth) https://git.io/vDYF8
<drakonis> oh hey a new release of libre office
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #22324: kmix: init at 16.12.1 (master...kmix) https://git.io/vDt6E
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #22354: dbus: don't search for units in current-system (staging...dbus-etc) https://git.io/vDYbe
<eqyiel[m]> Yaniel: yeah, you probably just have to do it in preConfigure, or else figure out the relative path and pass that to cmakFlags proper
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDYbL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1095d2c Franz Pletz: jenkins: 2.33 -> 2.44 for multiple CVEs...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDYbC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 43482c3 Franz Pletz: jenkins: 2.33 -> 2.44 for multiple CVEs...
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<drakonis> gchristensen, how would i test the derivation i made?
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<Yaniel> awesome, now I only need to tell nix that there is not going to be a binary with the package name
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<Yaniel> and then renderdoc may or may not be usable \o/
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<Yaniel> does the manual cover this kind of situation?
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<cransom> Yaniel: i don't think there's any enforcment that a binary generated matches a package name
<drakonis> https://ghostbin.com/paste/ffya8 someone take a look
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<drakonis> error: syntax error, unexpected $end, at /home/drakonis/pkgs/applications/misc/keepassx/reboot.nix:1:1
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<Yaniel> well I get this during the post-installation fixup phase 'mv: cannot stat /nix/store/<>/bin/renderdoc: no such file or directory
<Yaniel> and that file is not mentioned in the install phase
<Yaniel> so idk where it gets that assumption from
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<globin> how do I make nixos-rebuild build-vm build a i686 vm?
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<globin> fpletz maybe? ^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rongcuid opened pull request #22355: fix/ngspice update (release-16.09...fix/ngspice-update) https://git.io/vDYxv
<Profpatsch> 100k !
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<Profpatsch> Let’s party!
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<drakonis> Profpatsch, you missed the moment it happened
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<drakonis> it was a riot
<Yaniel> you know it's an active repo when it's possible to miss commits
<LnL> I didn't even realise until gchristensen pinged me, I thought we where still a while off
<drakonis> our lucky winner ^
<nhooyr> :+1:
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<drakonis> wine isn't by default 2.0 on latest yet?
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<Profpatsch> heh, I tip my hat.
* Profpatsch tips his fedora
<LnL> drakonis: that expression looks fine, but I do get another sha
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<OJFord> If rebuilding after adding a package (from nixpkgs) says "cannot coerce a set to a string", can I have done something wrong, or is that a bug in the package's expression?
<cransom> OJFord: well, if it worked prior to changes, its likely you did something wrong.
<LnL> using --show-trace should give you an idea where the issue comes from
<OJFord> cransom: What do you mean? My system works if I don't have the package in config.nix, and won't rebuild if I do
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<LnL> config.nix? nixos-rebuild doesn't look at that AFAIK
<OJFord> configuration.nix, sorry just abbrev'ing
<OJFord> It's fine without the line, but if I put any of rustNightly, rustNightlyBin, rustBeta into environment.systemPackages array, no build
<LnL> ah then it's probably the package
<LnL> those are sets of packages, I think you have to add rustBeta.cargo, etc.
<OJFord> agh, I see! Thanks..
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi closed pull request #22338: heroku: fix runtime behavior (master...heroku) https://git.io/vDmmf
<OJFord> very new here, can you tell? ...
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<LnL> using nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' is very nice to explore all the packages
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<LnL> that will show you that it's an attribute set rustBeta = { cargo = ...; }
<LnL> while other things are a dervation/package hello = «derivation ...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jgeerds closed pull request #22313: rockbox_utility: use qt5 instead of qt4 (master...f/rb) https://git.io/vDLRn
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<LnL> but I'm not sure why the error message is talking about strings instead of packages or paths, type = types.listOf types.package;
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<tvon> Apologies for the vagueness, but have there been notable console/vterm changes recently? I get a blank screen on boot now (in unstable), I can ssh in fine and I can figure something out, but wasn't sure if there was a common issue or not.
<Ralith> sounds like a kms video driver issue
<ryantrinkle> Sonarpulse: ping
<tvon> Ralith: I'll follow that path, thanks
<tvon> "journalctl -k" shows a ton of nouveau output
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDOTS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0b19f2f Robin Gloster: libressl_2_4: 2.4.4 -> 2.4.5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2110d59 Robin Gloster: libressl_2_5: 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1...
<globin> hmm github bot isn't showing the 16.09 push? \o/
<globin> 13 minutes from libressl announcement to pushed security fix :>
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<k0001> I'm seeing this error "substituter $foo does not have a valid signature for path $bar" (from https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/7a65b2470eb53a320749d76746fbf65790183d9d/src/libstore/build.cc#L3338) when trying to run nix-build or something else that attemps to interact with the HTTP binary cache $foo. What does this mean?
<gchristensen> it means the binary cache provided a substitute for $bar but didn't sign it correctly
<gchristensen> ie: could be a MITM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jgeerds pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDOk5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2aaa39a Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.docker: 1.10.6 -> 2.0.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bf23aaf Lancelot SIX: docker_compose: 1.9.0 -> 1.10.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 888be22 Jascha Geerds: Merge pull request #22201 from lsix/update_docker_compose...
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<k0001> gchristensen: no MITM, it's me just configuring things on both the client and the server side of this at the moment :) Anyway... I think I have set up the signing correctly on the server side. Hmmm... I'm not using the same Nix version in the server as in the client. Maybe that's the issue?
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<drakonis> LnL, could you send me the sha?
<drakonis> and how am i supposed to make sure it works?
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<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> k0001: you're creatingyour own hydra?
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<k0001> gchristensen: this Hydra I'm working on has been running for a while, it's just that I was using the SSH substituter mechanism to share the binaries with clients, but now I'm trying to share an HTTP binary cache as well.
<gchristensen> ah
<k0001> gchristensen: yes, although binaryCachePublicKeys only on the client side.
<k0001> is that necessary on the server as well?
<gchristensen> I ... hrm
<gchristensen> I'm looking up binary_cache_public_key_file now
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<k0001> gchristensen: my store uri looks like: store-uri = file:///nix/store?secret-key=/path/to/the/secret/key/file
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<k0001> gchristensen: I'm using Nix HEAD on the client, by the way. I'm trying to add a feature to Nix related to this but I can't seem to fetch stuff from there.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin created openssl-1.1 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vDOL8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 941d5d6 Robin Gloster: openssl: default to openssl_1_1_0
<gchristensen> k0001: have you always head the secret-key in the store uri?
<frumpagumpus> in a haskell project trying to build with nix, and whilst overriding base to use version 4.8.2 (or any 4.8.*), I keep getting an infinite recursion error, anyone have experience with similar problem? Had the same problem with bytestring (which I had to override when using channel 15.09 because of version requirement conflict).
<k0001> gchristensen: yes, and the HTTP binary cache actually worked with Nix stable before. It's failing now with Nix HEAD.
<gchristensen> hrm.
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<k0001> gchristensen: give 5 minutes, I'll just double check that the current setup works with Nix stable.
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<gchristensen> ok :)
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<mudri> Heh. I tried the distrochooser.de quiz for fun, and my top result was NixOS.
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<gchristensen> nice!