gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | NixOS 19.09 is released! https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-19-09-release/4306 | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | https://r13y.com | 19.09 RMs: disasm, sphalerite; 20.03: worldofpeace, disasm | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<lovesegfault> I hate i686 so much
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<gchristensen> new r13y report: https://r13y.com/
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<aanderse> gchristensen: nice, thanks for posting :D
<gchristensen> it is setup to go daily again
<aanderse> woo!
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: Is this normal? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/109483099
<lovesegfault> that long to send inputs
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> taking acre of it
<lovesegfault> thx, I could cancel in restart but I wasn't sure whether or not to
<lovesegfault> *and
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: I've seen that happen a few times, do you know/understand the cause?
<gchristensen> usually a deadlock bug
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: Within hydra?
<gchristensen> nix
<lovesegfault> I see
<gchristensen> trying to received lots of overlapping paths all at once
<gchristensen> I capture data each time it happens to try and narrow it down
<lovesegfault> Ah, nice
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<gchristensen> huh.
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<gchristensen> annoying
<gchristensen> seems a network blip, caused the jobs to fail, they remained failed for long enough just because of the regularity of the timer
<gchristensen> another recent cause was when nixos-unstable hadn't passed in about a week, and hydra was taking a Long Time to find the evaluation for the tested/latest URL.
<gchristensen> some testing shows a database migration we're thinking about running on Tuesday could reduce that query from a few seconds to like a few tens of miliseconds, and would fix that
<LnL> whoa nice :)
<gchristensen> the down side is the migration will take about 15 hours to run
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<LnL> needs to happen at some point...
<gchristensen> yeah
<__monty__> Another one of these migrations, gchristensen?
<gchristensen> the ones I was talking about in -chat was testing for the server swap on tuesday :)
<gchristensen> https://www.notion.so/grahamc/Database-Indexes-6d246851b1b0436eba09e1e00138358b are my notes from that experimentation
<LnL> you can configure the scrape duration for a target if it's expected to take a bit longer
<LnL> or is it the update itself
<gchristensen> the update itself
<gchristensen> LOG: duration: 738049.813 ms execute <unnamed>: SELECT ...
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: Woke up to a beautiful channel release, thanks for all the help :D
<gchristensen> :)
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: Do nar's have any compression?
<gchristensen> yes
<lovesegfault> Please don't say it's gzip
<gchristensen> I won't
* lovesegfault slams fists
<__monty__> I thought xz was nix's preferred compression?
<lovesegfault> I need to make an RFC to try and get all Nix's standard things on zstd
<tilpner> Ehh
<lovesegfault> it compresses about as well as xz but much faster
<tilpner> When Arch did that, their archives got larger
<tilpner> Which optimises for people with fast connections
<__monty__> Yeah xz is still the stronger compressor afaik.
<tilpner> But IME that's not really necessary, CPU usage of unpacking hasn't been a problem for me
<tilpner> And when I'm on a slow connection, every kB less helps
<lovesegfault> tilpner: It gets annoying on weak hw (rpi, etc)
<lovesegfault> Or even beefy hardware with weak cores (Aarch64 servers, etc)
<tilpner> I think any RFC should come with benchmarks for a few different scenarios
<gchristensen> definitely yes hard data
<lovesegfault> Yeah, I agree
<lovesegfault> I have a couple more days of vacation...
<__monty__> gchristensen: What are we looking at?
<tilpner> Including "the binary cache will cost $n more per month if this RFC is accepted"
<gchristensen> __monty__: compression ratio (bytes after compression / bytes before compression) and how many seconds-per-second are spent compressing data
<__monty__> Why does the compression ratio increase over the last hour?
<gchristensen> presumably different types of job results
<gchristensen> not sure about the variability
<__monty__> So about 2-3s are spent per second on compression. And the ratio is about 1/3?
<tilpner> zstds higher compression levels seem to beat xzs lowest compression level
<gchristensen> I guess so
<lovesegfault> tilpner: How much does the binary cache cost now? Is it S3?
<tilpner> lovesegfault: AFAIK yes to S3, paid by sponsoring companies
<tilpner> But I don't know very far
<tilpner> That goes for monthly storage as well as bandwidth via Fastly
<tilpner> I'm not saying you need to find these numbers, just that they need be determined before any decision is made
<lovesegfault> Yeah, I agree with you
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: Do you still have that incantation to track Python 2 dependencies handy?
<gchristensen> I'd have to dig through my twitter :P
<lovesegfault> gchristensen: I'll do it then, I think I rt'd it
<lovesegfault> nix-store -qR /run/current-system | grep python2 | xargs -n1 nix why-depends -a /run/current-system
<lovesegfault> boom
<tilpner> So, uhh, who of you would expect the position of the "verbose" flag to matter in Nix?
<tilpner> E.g. nix -vv --version vs nix --version -vv
<lovesegfault> oh god
<gchristensen> please file a bug :)
<tilpner> Well, I first wanted to make sure that's not generally accepted weirdness
<LnL> for version/help I can imagine it depends
<LnL> since those flags exit immediately
<__monty__> Position-dependent flags are terrible, like gpg's --expert.
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<infinisil> __monty__: Yes!
<infinisil> This --expert flag screwed me over once too
<__monty__> Yeah, I don't know why they made a complex tool harder to use.
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<gchristensen> once the cast is made it can be very difficult to break out
<jtojnar> the udisks2 r13y bug looks like https://sourceforge.net/p/docbook/bugs/1385/, gtk-doc has been already setting generate.consistent.ids for a long time
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> annoying, but nice
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