niksnut: thank you for releasing! I had this idea in my head that you don't really like to release unless there is a bunch ready to be released. I'm glad that wasn't true, it is really fun seeing my docs changes go live.
orivej has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
no, point releases can be done at any time
timokau_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
makes it more fun to send fixes :)
aszlig has made a docbook validation tool which can combine-and-validate at the same time, giving local error messages instead of "error at line 17,000,000,000 of manual-combined.xml"
orivej has joined #nixos-dev
gchristensen: yeah, although it does still have a small problem with xinclude and parse="text"
manveru: the gradient editor is... badly designed; you need to use the gradient tool, and in the toolbar at the top you'll be able to edit the stop points :/
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ah, thanks, seems like that changed :|
gchristensen: this question may be stupid, but… why would there be a deadline for backporting this? that's strictly a new feature, not breaking backwards-compatibility in any way, so why wouldn't it be back-portable like a new package or similar?
manveru: yes, in the version present in 18.03 it had a different interface... I don't like the new one
well new features and packages typically don't get backported
iirc the backporting guidelines, new packages can be backported if someone requests them
typically not, but exceptions are sometimes made
ekleog: yeah, stable *should* mean feature freeze; new features and such in nixpkgs and nixos modules shouldn't really get backported :/
but it's... not so well defined already, and some were started before and in "review hell", or other reasons... don't know what to say half the time
gchristensen: if you write a test case to ensure no regressions happened, (if there wasn't one) it probably can be argued successfully into backporting
ekleog: *packages* :)
samueldr: what is it you would expect the test to test? that by default the date is 48 years ago?
indeed, modules are more borderline because it's like updating the source code of a virtual “nixpkgs” package :) we really should get a RFC for exact backporting guidelines for all use cases :( vcunat said he had a WIP section in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43889#issuecomment-407131071 , but sounds like it didn't concretize :/ will poke
ekleog: yeah, with everything I'm doing I'm amassing thoughts and notes to refresh my RFC for backporting
gchristensen: to be fair, I haven't looked (yet) closely into the change, maybe a "date is epoch+1" for the default, and... don't know how "now" can be tested exactly as now is a fleeting moment in time :/
if it is even a testable feature
samueldr: hmm, maybe a separate RFC? this would make refering to it easier, as what to backport isn't necessarily tied to the existence of a backports team :)
ekleog: possibly yes, though still related; an RFC really focused on the what-ifs of a backport, and an RFC for how-to of a backport?
(anyway, that's just nit-picking, great to know you're actually doing the compiling rules on backporting :D)
this also works: nix-env -iE '_: ((import <nixpkgs> {}).jq.overrideAttrs (x: { meta.outputsToInstall = [ "man" "out" ]; }))'
(how-to being more about the process of ensuring nothing slips away)
yeah, I was thinking a RFC for what-to-backport (the backporting guidelines) and a RFC for how-to-not-miss-a-backport (the current backports team RFC, basically) :)
yeah, probably easier so we don't trip on the details of one of those parts blocking the details of the other
not like the RFCs are going to get merged anyway :°
gchristensen: now that I have looked, I see what changes you have made and it's not as much "adding the possibility to set a date" as it is "adding the possibility to seed now() as the date", so yeah, not sure how much testing can be done :)
(I initially assumed that it was hardcoded to only allow epoch+1)
samueldr: ah!
samueldr: though I have written a test ... :)
probably won't hurt :)
gchristensen: your images where not built in 1970?