gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.09 release managers: vcunat and samueldr | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<domenkozar> building '/nix/store/q0sypahkjddpmq5j9naxjbxc8sjq05ld-nixos-manual-combined.drv'...
<domenkozar> error: a 'aarch64-linux' is required to build '/nix/store/fzfba53zcjk0klqxxff7jiws06q8vkh3-options-db.xml.drv', but I am a 'x86_64-linux'
<domenkozar> wat? :)
<domenkozar> is that features gone wrong?
<domenkozar> aha
<{^_^}> #37903 (by disassembler, 26 weeks ago, closed): manual fails to build on master
<domenkozar> it used to work, but ok :)
<domenkozar> change is the only constant, domen :)
<{^_^}> #47418 (by domenkozar, 10 seconds ago, open): Add ssh backdoor to VM tests infrastructure.
<srhb> nixos-unstable appears to have erroneously advanced despite massive test timeouts: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/82148855#tabs-constituents
<srhb> latest-finished appears to be the culprit
<{^_^}> #47419 (by srhb, 6 seconds ago, open): nixos-unstable advanced despite timeouts in tested
<srhb> This appears to me to be quite a critical bug.
<srhb> Probably not in this specific evaluation though, but potentially. :)
<srhb> So far it looks like all the paths I've tested actually *are* built.
<srhb> Same for tested. Does appear to be a false negative. Confusing though...
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<aszlig> domenkozar: regarding #47418, i'd like to push a few more improvements to that using cloonix_vsock, so we can make it even easier and the terminal more painless, so hope that's okay?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/47418 (by domenkozar, 5 hours ago, open): Add developer accessible backdoor to VM tests infrastructure.
<ekleog> anyone knows an easy way to figure out whether a package currently builds on hydra aarch64?
<gchristensen> beyond looking on hydra?
<ekleog> oh, it's in the web interface?
<cransom> is that a 'can build' or 'does buld' ?
* ekleog still lost on the hydra interface
<ekleog> cransom: it's a “ofborg fails the build, want to know if it's a regression or not” :°
<ekleog> gchristensen: oh indeed found it, thanks! :D
<ekleog> (for the record, https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/trunk -> click on latest # -> search job by name with the attribute name)
<domenkozar> aszlig: can we make it a separate PR? I'd like to understand what it improves and at what cost
<aszlig> domenkozar: well, it does the same but instead of using socat it uses cloonix, as mentioned yesterday... with setting env variables, terminal size (including SIGWINCH), etc...
<domenkozar> cool :)
<domenkozar> aszlig: I'd like this to land into 18.09, so hope not to drag it too long
<domenkozar> do you think it's ready?
<aszlig> domenkozar: not yet, but in a few hours
<domenkozar> k
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<manveru> is there any reason why binary s3 caches must be in us-east-1 region?
<manveru> is that just wrong documentation or actually a thing...
* gchristensen goes to find his notes
<gchristensen> only for binary caches which are private, manveru
<manveru> any reason?
<manveru> i need a private cache in eu-central-1 :P
<gchristensen> it was fun to go document that stuff
<manveru> i can imagine...
<gchristensen> it actually was
<manveru> :P
<manveru> damn, i thought it'd work because `nix copy` worked with the `?region=eu-central-1` thingy
<gchristensen> I forget, does s3 support http basic auth?
<manveru> but what's the point of copying stuff to s3 if noone can ready it :|
<gchristensen> people can read it as long as it doesn't require auth ... :)
<manveru> *read
<manveru> did i mention it has to be private? :)
<gchristensen> you did, but I was clarifying that there is a point
<gchristensen> maybe you can help make Nix support reading from private buckets in other regions
<gchristensen> most of the code is there, but needs to be shared between the upload and download
<manveru> i can maybe bribe someone to do it...
<manveru> i'm a C++ virgin
<manveru> hmm, maybe i can do HTTP or SSH instead somehow
<manveru> my scylla todo-list is already 3 pages long
<gchristensen> lol. my first C++ code wasn't so long ago
<gchristensen> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2037 my first ever
<{^_^}> nix#2037 (by grahamc, 25 weeks ago, open): List the features a derivation requires when it cannot be built locally
<manveru> so... basically https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/libstore/download.cc#L624 has to take the region query value from request.uri
<manveru> and default to us-east-1
<gchristensen> yea
<gchristensen> then read both profile and region from the URL
<gchristensen> 2 years ago my explicit goal was to _not_ learn C++ but here I am ;)
<manveru> i think i'm running from C++ for 15 years or so :(
<manveru> don't really want to proliferate it if possible
<manveru> either way i'll find yet another workaround for this... this project somehow consists of those :P
<manveru> like having ssh on port 443 to work around firewalls
<gchristensen> if we can work together to make this work, I'd be happy to help
<gchristensen> given my preference to not work around / ignore problems in Nix itself
<manveru> well, i'd put it up on bountysource, but that only has nixpkgs issues it seems
<gchristensen> does that work?
<manveru> not sure
<niksnut> manveru: 'nix copy --to s3://eelco-cache?region=eu-central-1 nixpkgs.hello' works for me
<manveru> yes
<manveru> copy works, but `nix path-info --store` doesn't
<gchristensen> upload works, but not download --download hardcodes us-east-
<niksnut> seems to work
<niksnut> nix path-info --store s3://eelco-cache?region=eu-central-1 nixpkgs.hello --json
<gchristensen> hmmm how? do you have the s3:GetBucketLocation permission?
<manveru> hmm
<manveru> niksnut: i see... i think i've been using the command wrong
<niksnut> gchristensen: yeah I'm admin in my account
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<niksnut> download.cc is not used by s3://
<niksnut> that's only used by other URIs, like -I nixpkgs=s3://bla/foo.tar.gz
<gchristensen> oooooooooh
<gchristensen> I need to update the docs, then!
<niksnut> btw, there is a bug in bucket creation, the first time you may get error: AWS error fetching 'nix-cache-info': The specified bucket does not exist
<niksnut> eventual consistency...
<manveru> so something just created an us-east-1 bucket for me
<gchristensen> niksnut: ok https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2455 should be ready now ... good catch on that. Can we backport?
<{^_^}> nix#2455 (by grahamc, 2 hours ago, open): nix-shell: add bashInteractive to the start of the PATH, set SHELL
<niksnut> it has been suggested that Nix should not create buckets automatically, which is probably a good idea
<manveru> niksnut: when does it do that?
<niksnut> any time you use an s3:// store
<niksnut> so just making a typo in the bucket name will cause it to be created
<niksnut> so just doing nix path-info --store s3://bla will create a bucket
<niksnut> gchristensen: not sure, it's a behaviour change
<niksnut> though probably not something anybody relies on...
<gchristensen> yeah, I'm not sure
<gchristensen> I'll do some more testing and update the docs according to this chat :)
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<niksnut> I've removed the bucket creation
<niksnut> maybe there should be a separate command for creating stores
<manveru> also seems like `nix copy` does some kind of caching... running it twice for the same store path doesn't do anything, even if the bucket is empty
<manveru> works if i delete the .cache/nix
<manveru> but even if i run `nix sign-paths` and then do `nix copy` to s3, i get `does not have a valid signature for path`
<manveru> shouldn't `nix build` already sign anyway?
<manveru> i have `secret-key-files` set in nix.conf :)
<gchristensen> sure wish aws was easier to debug.
<manveru> how do i check what signature a path has?
<gchristensen> Ithink `nix` has a command
<manveru> like `nix verify ./result` says it's fine, i think... but not sure
<manveru> and it still won't copy that signature, even if it has it somehow
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<LnL> manveru: nix path-info --sigs shows signatures
<manveru> ah, thanks
<manveru> hmm, that differs from my public key i got when generating signatures...
<manveru> wtf
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<gchristensen> wow! this is such good news!
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<gchristensen> in only a couple minutes I setup a binary cache on DigitalOcean XD
<manveru> oO
* gchristensen updates docs
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<manveru> so... i just now figured out that you can `nix build -f foo.nix --store s3://foo`
* manveru isn't very bright
<manveru> but it behaves very strange
<manveru> it won't actually build when i pass this, just exit with status 0... not even when i set --fallback
<manveru> is there some way to debug what it's doing?
<manveru> using a lot of -vvvvv it seems to stop right after instantiating the drv
<gchristensen> manveru: can you review?
<manveru> reading...
<gchristensen> I'll send a rendered screenshot
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<manveru> seems fine apart from my comment :)
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<manveru> damn, why won't `nix build` realise the derivation...
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<aszlig> domenkozar, Dezgeg: okay, this gets a bit nastier than i thought, as there is no way to expose the vsock to the host without kernel support
<aszlig> it's relatively easy to do by patching qemu though
<aszlig> or as an alternative by patching telnet, so that the telnet serial device can be used
<aszlig> apart from the telnet in inetutils i only found netkit-telnet, which also doesn't support unix domain sockets
<aszlig> adding unix domain socket support for vhost-vsock however could be useful even for the qemu upstream project, so i think it's worth doing anyway
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