gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.09 release managers: vcunat and samueldr | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<infinisil> Question regarding the module system:
<infinisil> I have written code that can disallow declaring options named `config` and `options`
<infinisil> Because those are ambiguous: Should `{ options = ...; }` be interpreted as declaring a new option or should it be the same as `{ config.options = ...; }`?
<infinisil> All well, but there's a problem, namely that fileSystems.<name>.options exists already
<infinisil> I guess the best option is to add some more code to allow exceptions, such that I don't need to rename this option
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<LnL> I'm having trouble figuring out hoe to check whether a store path has a root
<LnL> isn't there something in the store api to do that?
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<srhb> LnL: --query --roots ?
<LnL> oh you're right it's only implemented there
<LnL> was expecting something in store-api.hh
<srhb> Ah, right.
<LnL> hrm, kinda ugly but it works
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<{^_^}> nix#2394 (by LnL7, 43 seconds ago, open): nix doctor: add command
<LnL> gchristensen: ^ the thing I've been talking about
<infinisil> LnL++
<{^_^}> LnL's karma got increased to 5
<infinisil> Nice!
<gchristensen> LnL++ for sure!
<gchristensen> LnL++
<{^_^}> LnL's karma got increased to 6
<LnL> :D
<LnL> hmm, I think builtin:buildenv is going to cause problems for nix upgrade-nix from 2.0 -> 2.1
<gchristensen> upgrade-nix is already broken :/
<LnL> I fixed it
<gchristensen> oh
<gchristensen> but in 2.1?
<LnL> yeah.... exactly :p
<gchristensen> yeah
<LnL> hold on, I think we can make this work
<gchristensen> gotta go
<LnL> ah no, maybe it's fine because of sudo -> no deamon
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<LnL> I have a second nix version in PATH on one of my machines
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<jtojnar> could someone point this to gnome-3.30 branch?
<LnL> sure
<LnL> I don't see any gnome branches tho
<jtojnar> just pushed it
<LnL> ah, done :)
<jtojnar> thank you
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<samueldr> hi! would a member be kind enough to review and hopefully merge two of my PRs before branch-off? simple ones, #44526 #45911
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/44526 (by samueldr, 3 weeks ago, open): nixos/activation: Identifies the snippet that failed
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45911 (by samueldr, 1 day ago, open): nixos/manual: nixos-help knows about colon-separated BROWSER
<samueldr> the first one I'll probably merge before branch-off anyway since it has a couple eyeballs on
<gchristensen> samueldr: might be more tolerable if it wasn't one-per-line?
<samueldr> gchristensen: you're talking about?
<gchristensen> 44526
<gchristensen> maybe better: activating the configuration: stdio, binsh, domain, users,
<samueldr> oh!, I think my description is confusing
* samueldr rewrites
<gchristensen> sorry. let me write the feedback inline.
<gchristensen> oh
<gchristensen> I didn't look at the PR diff :')
<samueldr> I think I understand why there seemed to be unrelated talk on the PR!
<samueldr> *I* made the unrelated remarks!
<samueldr> thanks!
<gchristensen> anyone looking for a project to hack on?
<gchristensen> pour one out for github
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<{^_^}> #45930 (by aszlig, 13 hours ago, open): nixos: Split paras by \n\n in option descriptions
<xeji> ^ pretty cool
<samueldr> vcunat: I have this opened, any objections? #45912
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45912 (by xeji, 1 day ago, open): dhcpcd: 6.11.5 -> 7.0.8
<samueldr> (uh, I meant open in a tab to merge)
<xeji> i was already wondering :)
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<vcunat> samueldr: the description sounds good
<vcunat> and in the worst case we have a few weeks before real release anyway
<samueldr> (you were asked for specially in the PR body :))
<samueldr> anyone think it's a mistake to merge #45345 without the tests, and open a new PR for tests (which would be backported)?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45345 (by vmandela, 2 weeks ago, open): nixos/install-grub: include child configs in grub menu
<vcunat> I know too little about these things. In general I'd be careful about grub, as that's a special place that can prevent you from rolling back the system (in an easy way).
<gchristensen> I agree, I think it would be a mistake
<xeji> After a quick glance I think the tests require more testing, so I wouldn't merge them yet. Risk of channel blocking.
<gchristensen> we shouldn't compromise on tests on our one weak spot
<samueldr> in that particular instance, the change is really miminal, I had it tested without-tests as 100% positive on my end
<samueldr> and the installer tests test the bootloader for non-child-configs
<samueldr> I have ported their tests to be (imho) cleaner
<samueldr> though yeah, I understand that it is a iffy situation and will not (which is why I asked)
<samueldr> vcunat: does the senior or junior RM handle the branch-off?
<vcunat> When I asked the previous pair, they told me the tradition was for the junior to be the "main one" with the senor providing help, experience, etc. where needed.
<samueldr> thanks
<vcunat> I understand that may seem contrary to intuition to some people :-) I'm not opposed to arranging something else if it seems better.
<samueldr> nah, feels alright, just don't want to have clashes!
<samueldr> oh... I'll need to setup GPG signing it seems (following the doc!)
<vcunat> I suppose this all started from the fact that the first manager was on duty for way too long, so he wanted to get relieved as soon as possible.
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<samueldr> in a way, if the senior does all, the junior becomes a lossy abstraction going forward :)
<vcunat> Over the past couple years I got into the habit of signing all commits. Only the initial setup seemed relatively complex, and perhaps amending the workflow/habits.
<niksnut> 2.1 release incoming
<gchristensen> yay!
<gchristensen> niksnut: what would you think about showing docs for Nix from the 2.1-maintenance branch instead of the current 2.1 release, so docs can be improved and not require a release for them to hit the website?
<samueldr> oops
<samueldr> turns out I had garbage tags into my history :/
<samueldr> should've trusted my instincts and gone with a clean clone
<gchristensen> at least you didn't push 100 ancient private branches to nixos/nixpkgs.git
<samueldr> yet
<gchristensen> an accident which has happened in the past :)
<vcunat> git push --tags
<vcunat> Hmm, we should improve that instruction in the manual to be safer.
<samueldr> happy to help improving the docs ;)
<vcunat> :-D
<samueldr> not a bunch, but I'll clean them https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/09/20180902162318.png
<niksnut> gchristensen: too much work
<samueldr> niksnut: happy to help with the website work if there's a list of "too much" to do :)
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<gchristensen> that is fair, there is so much
<samueldr> canceled that :/
<samueldr> weird how it didn't care for the creation
<gchristensen> I feel really excited that I might have figured out a decent way for determining maintainership.
<samueldr> nah, still noisy :/ should I rip the band-aid and finish them up or learn to live with the mistake of adding dirt in?
<gchristensen> samueldr: try now?
<samueldr> done, thanks gchristensen
<gchristensen> great!
<samueldr> hopefully no members or future members, especially future RMs have them locally :)
<gchristensen> hehe
<samueldr> (I also created a local pristine repo for future non-pr use)
<vcunat> I already created #45957 so that future releases might be unaffected.
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45957 (by vcunat, 2 minutes ago, open): [WIP] nixos manual: releases workflow improvements
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<samueldr> I'll need someone to protect the branch :)
<gchristensen> niksnut: can you do that? adding protection to release-18.09?
<jtojnar> it is now possible to protect regex
<gchristensen> whoa!
<jtojnar> there was no announcement
<jtojnar> must have happened sometime after May
<vcunat> I think we've stumbled on that information somewhere around nixos.org
<vcunat> so I guess we want the pattern to be: release-*
<gchristensen> yeah
<vcunat> (and hope that noone will accidentally push a new branch with matching name)
<jtojnar> lol, I did just that on gnome:glib today
<vcunat> Oh, so that's why you remember this feature? :-)
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<jtojnar> that was thanks to another accident of removing unprotected branches :-)
<jtojnar> looks like branches need a better access control
<samueldr> I'll also need a bit of help for the hydra jobsets
<samueldr> » Create two Hydra jobsets: release-18.09 and release-18.09-small with stableBranch set to false.
<vcunat> samueldr: hmm, do you even have permissions for that?
<LnL> and nixpkgs-18.09-darwin :)
<samueldr> that's part of it
<vcunat> (ever did anything on Hydra.nixos.org)
<gchristensen> I can do that
<gchristensen> mind?
<samueldr> mostly being confused at hydra :/
<samueldr> gchristensen: please do
<samueldr> being a good RM is also relying on others (I hope)
<vcunat> I find it easiest to just clone the corresponging jobsets from the previous generation
<gchristensen> it is what you make it. but probably yes, delegating
<vcunat> it has "manager" word in it
<gchristensen> vcunat: if we clone, won't it "spam" build notices?
<gchristensen> (I'm wondering if the instructions should indicate disabling email for the first evaluation)
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<samueldr> glad to help in improving documentation :D
<LnL> does that even still work?
<vcunat> I'm not aware of Eelco lifting the e-mail sending restriction.
<gchristensen> well in case he turns it on again :P
<LnL> heh
<vcunat> ... but lets disable the checkbox anyway in the beginning
<gchristensen> yeah, ok, Clone the previous jobset, and ensure to deselect "Email notification" for the first evaluation
<gchristensen> ^ should expand the docs to include nixpkgs-N-darwin
<vcunat> thought it's weird to have -darwin in nix *OS* release notes :-)
<samueldr> vcunat: I'm leaving the notes in your PR, but don't take it you're forced to do them
<vcunat> yes, it's a good place to collect the observations
<samueldr> though, it's the branch's name that named the channel :)
<samueldr> ah, or not, yeah, probably should have been nixpkgs-yy.mm-darwin :)
<samueldr> funny, the doc states hummingbird as being released on 2017/09/??
<samueldr> vcunat: I may just have been confused by the commit count thing
<vcunat> I believe we need to shift the count on master primarily, because the releases are dead ends.
<vcunat> I don't remember ATM what the number is good for.
<vcunat> In `nixos-version` output I don't see it subtracted.
<samueldr> looks like it would be to reset the count to 0 for the release branch?
<clever> gchristensen: how do you think the stats logic in https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2392 should be adjusted?
<{^_^}> nix#2392 (by cleverca22, 22 hours ago, open): Improve stats
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<gchristensen> not uncommon on Hydra unfortunately
<samueldr> gchristensen: for 18.03 there was an aarch64 jobset, just to confirm, there isn't one for 18.09, right?
<gchristensen> oh there should be probably
<vcunat> I haven't looked at what's changed about the status. There was a jobset, but nixos tests weren't workable (reportedly), so there wasn't a channel.
<gchristensen> ah
<vcunat> Anyway, we can set it up the same and later change it if new information is found.
<aszlig> samueldr: hm, can we get that PR (#45930) also into 18.09?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45930 (by aszlig, 15 hours ago, merged): nixos: Split paras by \n\n in option descriptions
<gchristensen> should be there already
<gchristensen> oh, just missed it :)
<samueldr> just
<vcunat> seems safe enough
<gchristensen> I definitely meant for it to reach 18.09, so let's cherry-pick it
<aszlig> i'll add a release notes entry afterwards
<aszlig> gchristensen: thanks
<samueldr> 20:11 is later than 20:00; branch-off was at no-later-than 20:00 UTC ;)
<gchristensen> pshaw
<samueldr> pulling your leg, this is entirely good contents
<aszlig> i had another work i wanted to get done before 18.09, but i guess that's better off for 19.03
<aszlig> branch name "systemd-chroot" ;-)
<gchristensen> :o
<samueldr> aw, isn't publicly available :|
<aszlig> like eg: systemd.services.foo.chroot.enable = true;
<andi-> sounds nice.. I am thinking about an unshare wrapper myself.. to run stuff like browsers with less permissions
<aszlig> andi-: ah, i have something like that already as well
<gchristensen> check this out! https://gist.github.com/grahamc/d9ce5c8c8782665860eda16e86cab5fc given a PR number it generates people to ping. the example PR in this gist is a merge of staging-next to master.
<samueldr> ZHF #45960 created, with the darwin and aarch64 siblings
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/45960 (by samueldr, 2 minutes ago, open): 18.09 Zero Hydra Failures
<samueldr> (though it's uh, unhelpful since it doesn't have counts!)
<gchristensen> generates _a list of_ people to ping. it'd be nice if we could generate people to review PRs but that is a bit weird.
<vcunat> :-)
<gchristensen> I was surprised it didn't generate output for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45843 but it is because bison doesn't have a maintainer
<{^_^}> #45843 (by r-ryantm, 2 days ago, open): bison: 3.0.5 -> 3.1
<aszlig> andi-: and i intend to get this in nixpkgs at some point, but i want to rewrite it first to get rid of the c++/c mixture
<aszlig> andi-: not sure about which language to use... i'm tending towards rust, but i'm not sure about the closure size (eg. if that's to be used during initrd or something like that)
<andi-> lately the colosur esize for some of my rust programs increased to a few hundred megabyte.. probably due to added dependencies and dependencies on linux-headers, binutils etc.. For things used very early I like C since it make accidential dependencies harder :-)
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<aszlig> hm, otoh i highly doubt it will be used during initrd because it needs nix to query the runtime paths
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