abathur: there's a few of those | < > << <<< that i might want to use, but i'd say the marjority of shell functionality is actually quite hard to understand and ends up having unintended behaviors
https://amoffat.github.io/sh/ is easier to understand while retaining consistency with the rest of the language
energizer I think the main point is that normal python symantics involve going back in the string frequently to wrap in a function call
energizer whereas shell semantics can effectively wrap a call in a post-process by adding to the string and requiring far less sophisticated input navigation
*semantics, even
I agree it's much less clear to read than normal function wrapping, but I also agree that wrapped calls aren't convenient to compose in a shell (at least as we currently experience them)
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I'm also kind of dreaming of switching to eshell full time
as ever, bad idea
I guess it might all be more readily fixable with something like browser consoles have
But the UX is fantastic
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blahdeblah_de_blahtyblah = "weird, what sort of monster would define a variable name like this?" <grayed-out>$1</grayed-out>
then cat($1) is more plausible
if less efficient
bqv: And I've seen some crazy shit done with eshell that's not really feasible with other shells
Like, "Ohh, I'll just quickly grab this output, turn it into an org table and suddenly it's a spreadsheet I can do some calculations on"
* energizer
thinks this is because shells are relatively underpowered languages
oh god
i'm not enough of an emacs wizard to do things like that
but if i were to attempt, i'd probably just pipe stuff into emacsclient
or simple things i can just C-x C-e
> adisbladis: I'm also kind of dreaming of switching to eshell full time
shell-mode with your prefered shell is also a great experience
adisbladis is hereby a lambda
<3 {^_^}
{^_^}'s karma got increased to 205.00000000000023
I'm actually vaguely surprised that that parsed
joepie91: I'm OK with this
> foo: a'a
it's just a bunch of identifiers
so in turn a bunch of function calls
oh yeah you can use ' in identifiers in Nix
got to think about it :)
I had to think about it*
neeasade: shell-mode is pretty terrible imo :/
energizer: that's why i'm pleased xonsh takes bash/fish and basically straps it onto python with duct tape
vterm is good stuff though
so anything i can't do in plain shell stuff, i can just outsource to python
vterm's editing sucks
* joepie91
evaluates adisbladis
vterm is majestic
I like shell-mode because I get all my editing goodness in my shell experience
joepie91: I feel violated
* bqv
genuine headtilt
I was trying to figure out an access control joke here, but brain is not cooperating
something something capability-based language
guess it's time to go to bed
neeasade: the thing with emacs is you choose between decent shell experience, with fancy term behaviour, or full emacs experience, with fancy editing behaviour and very broken term apps
you can't have both
it's awful
bqv: broken term apps are fine -- make switching cheap
bqv: Don't point out sad realities like that :/
the whole point of emacs is to rid yourself of tui silos
I like that I get one consistent interface with higher primitives than a cursor
hm, maybe you're just deeper down the emacs rabbithole than me...
(which is honestly impressive)
bqv: exwm master race!
yeup, time to sleep, night all
there are more powerful platforms than emacs...
joepie91: o/
energizer: I've yet to see one
adisbladis: chromium!
energizer: in terms of what you can represent/graphical capabilities? sure
for text, emacs is a nice interface though
so is vscode
* adisbladis
slaps energizer around a bit with a large trout
energizer: chromium and vscode? are you gunning for excommunication or execution?
bqv: they're the same product
does vscode have the same notion of repldev/global state that emacs does? the sell for me is that I can tie unrelated things together and get fast feedback
that trout emote, though
also, how long it took me to decompile emoji => emote
bqv: but anyway, I just try and make it cheap to switch to a real term when I want one -- aliases for "spawn term in $CWD" or alias tui programs to $TERMINAL -c 'command'
neeasade: there's tons of information in chrome devtools
neeasade: i'd be ok with that if there was still some protection against locking up emacs due to dumping a load of text accidentally
bqv: I have a comint filter that trims things after 2000 lines -- sec
neat. i added it to my nix conf but i haven't migrated from neotree/speedbar yet
not that i use either of those either
yeah I don't use treemacs either, just wanted a buflist-type of thing
neeasade: How do you find that scaling?
adisbladis: it seems OK with ~30 irc chans open
I've always felt I have way too many buffers for that to make sense
oh -- well I usually ivy-jump between them
the reason I like the buflist idea is a good visual for channel activity
Fair enough
I typically have a few hundred buffers :P
maybe I could make an ivy jump to unread channels and that would be fine
adisbladis: same
but few hundred irc buffers??
Nah, only 80 atm
adisbladis: i think my record is about 600 buffers
that started to break emacs, via weechat
weechat.el ?
I occasionally kill all my open buffers -- recentf makes if feel like everything is open, even if it isn't, so I can shed major mode overhead.
Ah, I gave up on it
why? it's reasonable
i even fixed the colour parsing
Iirc it deadlocked a lot?
how do you avoid killing emacs when tramp gets stuck in uninterruptible sleep?
I don't really remember
energizer: pkill -SIGUSR2 emacs
I just think erc has better ux
probably similar effect i was seeing, having that many channels results in lots of rendering stops while weechat pushes stuff to buffers
neeasade: i'll try it next time
So now I'm on erc + znc and it's pretty good
setting up znc again would just mean i'm connected to 35 irc networks again, that's not somewhere i want to be for a multitude of reasons
I even went out of my way the other day to improve this even further by making my SSH tunnel socket activated
adisbladis: ooo nice
that's cleaner than mine
which just periodically tries
when there is no connection it will just keep trying.....
I wiped my drive before remembering I had a 400GB windows image I wanted to save
I had run a backup moments before, so no data was lost. But I have to actually copy it over.
So I've been doing that for the past few days :')
aah :)
900kB/s? :D
NTFS + truecrypt + spinning rust + external via USB = sloooowwwwwwwwwwww
waaaa :D
I had used this drive back when I was still on Windows, so of course there's no other disk format it could really be ;P
And truecrypt because... well, I don't really know. Because it's relatively easy to open (seeing as cryptsetup has support for it) cross-platform?
I haven't booted windows for like a year now, about to wipe the drive after I grab few videos from it
I play vidya games with my friends a decent amount.
hope it can do aes-ni :)
Luckily, we're playing Minecraft right now, so I'm not missing out on that much
was using it to play few old games and learning to edit fpv videos as the drive was 1TB, but now everything works on steam thanks to proton
funny thing is I've used mostly opensource software on it except games.. like openshot :D
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The only real reason I use Windows for gaming (except those few that probably wouldn't work with Proton) is because the mouse sensitivity just feels more natural (after you've got it configured just right).
It's much slower
hah, I've read this recently somewhere and find it difficult to proc :)
Or maybe it's just familiarity
I have so many hours in CS:GO from my highschool years
was about to ask if you do much awp flicks
I used to be pretty good at it, if I say so myself :P
was playing :GO for a while, now playing 1.6 :D
* srk
I like playing ranked CSGO with friends because we don't usually try that hard
getting crushed by kids, love it
ranked is certainly cool in GO, played few games
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now I mostly watch pro scene of :GO, it's quite impressive how much the league progressed
I used to watch. And then I stopped :P
The people involved are truly talented though
kennyS <3 :D
GeT_RiGhT <3
Though kenny is probably the greatest awper
Up there with s1mple and guardian
(but definitely first place0
Man, you're making me want to watch this stuff again :P
s1mple owns too hard sometimes, not even fair :D
GuardiaN is pretty good and born in my homeworld
dota2 pro scene is quite fun as well :D
"homeworld" hah
Watching MOBAs is a guilty pleasure, but I truly hate playing them :D
same! too much haters and try-hards who flame when you do mistakes which ruins the game too often
...and the fact that I just suck at it x)
Too much clicking
indeed, some mechanics are quite useless .. like last hitting
TIL: JACK stands for "JACK Audio Connection Kit"
Recursive acronyms are fun
GNU's Not Unix
srk: thanks
I've made a decision. I want to use Jack and Pulse in tandem, if possible.
Is that possible?
And if so, how do I do it?
start with the wiki page
That seems suspiciously easy.
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lotta things on nixos are suspiciously easy
ashkitten: as people said many years ago: with nixos you trade one problem category for another. some things become incredibly easy, however you now have problems you never thought about before that this could ever be an issue
but then again, once you solve it you never have to again
...Unless you forget to commit your solution and run into it when you reinstall a year later
cole-h: Do you have uncommited state?!
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uhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo
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Conspicuous answer
No clue what you're talking about
Nothing to see here, move along
Definitely didn't just push all my dirty state
adisbladis: DO YOU EVER SLEEP DAMN IT :p
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Only when you're not looking
eyJhb: Sometimes?
What timezone are you in?
From my perspective you have just been up all night :p
also, srhb the insurance is valid and active! :D Now I can drive around all I want! >:)
adisbladis: there are sooo many files... e.g. Pulseaudio stuff on reboots
ldlework: nix-store --delete
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samueldr: no audio when playing using mplayer, do you use youtube-dl as well?
srhb: My top speed is 160, so... Not fun in my car. But I will be enjoyriding my car all the way!
With my sketchy self changed breaks (that do work!)
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I did however have a scare on the highway srhb. I felt that my car started to "shake" waaay too much, and I hadn't tightened the nuts a second time. So I had to pull over, find out that the decorative caps on my nuts are hard as hell to get off then go to T-Hansen, buy a tool I have at home and tighten the nuts then. Luckily there wasn't anything wrong
But better safe than dead :p
Cars are terrifying.
They are... Do you have one srhb ?
I do not, nor a license.
adisbladis: Uncommited is my default state
uncommited to anything is a great state of mind?
talyz: <3
srhb: that seems like it is a normal thing in CPH, most in Jylland can't live without it :|
Today is one of those days I wish I was completely uncommited :/
I will uncommit from work soon
adisbladis: draw the get free card ;)
halfday <3
eyJhb: Yeah, when I lived in Jutland most people were horrified that I didn't have one.
eyJhb: I actually started taking one back then.
etu: I wish I could have those days. Only two years left...
srhb: STarted?
Then what?
eyJhb: I work 80% now, it's great. Especially since I have 96% salary :py
eyJhb: I missed the same full stop sign on the same road a couple of times and my teacher threw a snide comment at me. Decided I don't have the attention span for driving :P
eyJhb: It will be worse when it goes the other directon though, work 20% more for 4% more money lol
adisbladis: I feel ya :/
etu: ooh, nice
I wish we had halfdays, like, ever..
talyz: I work 7 hours (mon-thu) and 4 hours on fridays.
It's pretty great
talyz: study?
srhb: But then who am I going to race with? But makes sense.. But tbh. you learn to drive after
unfortunate for me that the company is still doing great :p
talyz: haha :D
Maybe some day you will take the your license, and join the good side!
eyJhb: forgot /s :)
talyz: We have more traffic than over, but no ads to drive money :p
srk: ? :p
For the race part?
talyz: 5 years left of education then?
cars are pretty handy though, I have plenty of use for mine
eyJhb: for the good side :D
srk: Jylland is the good site! That I use Displaylink, not that good. Btw. did you hear I fixed the monitor?
Same for me etu , use it everyday
eyJhb: yup, good job! :)
eyJhb: studying is definitely more stressful than my current work.. not a worthwhile trade-off :p
eyJhb: I've sold my local traffic card to a neighbour :D
It has 6 months left and I haven't used it for 2 months
But I was lazy with the old monitors, and threw out everything except the LCD...
talyz: yup, it is no fun and basically no holliday. I have a exam in August I think...
etu: congrats :D
eyJhb: oh, ouch :/
talyz: They will pay me per month, so they will save like 150sek/month and I won't have that drain of cash every month. I call that win-win.
etu: yep, that sounds great :)
But only two years left! Unless I want a PhD
I feel violated by this - https://youtu.be/CyT4-IfTpy0 . I never got the hang on making curly brackets, so now a child is saying I am new a maths :( Damn it
Ahaha, I wonder what would they say about the curly braces actually drawn by people not new at maths
I think they call us idots. But most of everything I do looks.. Like a child drew it
People not new at maths _can_ typically draw a proper curly brace, but often skip it for a faster-to-draw version
Like writing Zeta... Or Xi. That sucks as well
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Lets just say I do that, mine is a lot faster!
* eyJhb
*scribles unreadable stuff*
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Come on, Xi is easy. Of course, xi (lowercase) is a bit harder
In many areas reliably distinguishable xi and zeta are a must, including probabilistic areas (and therefore in algorithmics it is useful to have this skill so you can reproduce a proof sketch that your probabilistic algorithm works…)
"I kinda don't like to take this task upon me but I don't see any other way to solve these problems in a sane way. Flames and suggestions welcome :-). /me puts on burn-proof pants. David"
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neeasade: ok you're not in #nixos-emacs so i'll turn this into an emacs channel again: your ideology of total assimilation of all activity into emacs intrigues me, but how do you get past that being a complete pain in the ass? like, when you have a new action, is your first thought really to make an elisp wrapper for it?
gchristensen: enjoyed your talk, thank you
Something to watch while setting up mail
gchristensen: same here, thanks!
did something change in NixOS 20.03 that might have broken my Git + GPG setup?
aha, I think it's this one
" GnuPG is now built without support for a graphical passphrase entry by default. Please enable the gpg-agent user service via the NixOS option programs.gnupg.agent.enable. Note that upstream recommends using gpg-agent and will spawn a gpg-agent on the first invocation of GnuPG anyway. "
hm, or not
talyz: I thought I told you? :O
I'm outsourcing some research!
Which language ecosystems do we have in nixpkgs?
once resholved merges, bash
Of course we have a bunch in pkgs/development
But what else
we've got some ruby packages and python packages and perl packages
I had the idea to just run filelight on the tree
infinisil: sorry for the issue spam last night :P
I tried to use nixus to deploy all my boxes and wanted to document the snags
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lovesegfault: No problem, I appreciate it :D
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Anyone here that uses Bitlbee with Facebook?
infinisil: Regarding the ctrl+c issue: I'd be really sad to see nixus use Haskell as that would create a dep on GHC and the rest of the Haskell ecosystem which IME breaks often on nixpkgs
Haskell pkgs are always a bit of a headache to use 😅
i love it when I, as a racial minority, get accused of being racist by white people
it's a good thing i'd already involved the police in this debacle, it's gonna be a spicy week
bqv: DRAMA
Give the details
Like, just did you find out who it was? And what it was?
lovesegfault: I'm using a pinned nixpkgs version for nixus, users wouldn't have to worry about it, would just be an internal implementation detail
made a noise complaint about a random extremely loud noise i hear intermittently, but couldn't work out for certain where it was from so the council said they didn't care. asked around the neighbourhood to figure out where it was from, people either didn't even notice it or directed me at the ventilation above two nearby shops/restaurants. asked another neighbour just now, he said with good
confidence that it's one of those two, so I paid them a courtesy visit before I pointed the council and police at them. their response was to start shouting at me, accuse me and everyone i'd cited of racism, dismiss my concerns because i'm a tenant and not a landowner, and mock me for involving the council and police
Well I guess you couldn't write your own bash deploy phases then
i'm quite sure it's them now, and this has turned into slander and harassment
bqv: yikes
infinisil: What is nixus? can you give me a link where I can read more?
so to translate the alias with certainty resholved has to tiptoe over the line into understanding its internal structure, or calve off the simplest set of aliases to handle and ignore the rest; the latter may tractable though
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it would be more consistent with how it handles other things if it did okay with alias=<identifier>, at least; I'll add a TODO to the code there
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heheh, it's like I've been here before: # TODO: not sure this is the right thing to store here. Could be a set? Could save the expansion?
question I guess
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are you thinking the alias definition should get rewritten, or uses of it?
the former seems safer for a script, since the alias could get written in more than one place--but I'm not sure how to reason about it since sometimes aliases are for an interactive user in which case it'd probably be disruptive if their aliases were getting nailed down on build and then pointing to stale executables unless they re-source the script that added them?
could maybe add a ~script/interactive flag to distinguish that behavior, or maybe have different allow parameters for each behavior and just make the user put them in the correct bin?
lovesegfault: For https://github.com/Infinisil/nixus/issues/4, what's the value of the attribute path config.nodes.<node>.configuration._pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system?
Infinisil/nixus#4 (by lovesegfault, 12 hours ago, open): Support nodes with different architectures
so uh, anyone got any cool new friday projects? not that I need a distraction or anything
infinisil: one moment
infinisil: is nixus intended as an alternative to nixops?
Hm, I guess for now the secret handling is quite nice in nixus (not explained in the readme), and multi-host abstraction modules currently aren't possible in nixops either (though I heard talk about using the module system for nixops too)
lukegb is now known as nijzat
But also, it's just a relatively open playground I can use to add whatever cool features I want, without having to keep compatibility
"without having to keep compatibility" sounds like a reason not to use it :/ maybe find a better way to say that intention :)
(did you mean stay compatible with nixops, or move things and break fast the nixus backwards compat?)
i interpreted it as both
as in "free to find the best version of nixus"
inclusive or is a valid answer
samueldr: nixus is very WIP, so the latter
I don't encourage anybody to use it (yet)
It's really just experimental at this point
Eventually of course backwards compat should be a thing
btw, I don't think it is an issue in itself, as long as it's correctly stated
experiments are good
energizer: Oh another thing I really like about nixus is that you don't need to install anything to run deploys
(other than Nix)
Deploying is currently done with just `$(nix-build)` (building the deployment script and running it)
ldlework: tried out styx just now, from 20.03. one of its internal files tries to reference nixpkgs.caddy.bin, which has not existed in a while. that a known issue?
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Setting up JACK with pulseaudio, on NIXOS is confusing me.
I'm looking at the wiki, and getting lost.
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iqubic: getting my audio to work and keeping it there was one of the more frustrating things I've ever experienced
I never touch it now; I'm afraid of breaking it
my volume controls don't work, but I'd rather not break it so I don't touch it :]
I would use this set of steps, but I don't know which set of steps to follow: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/JACK
IIRC I think I threw everything except alsa out of my audio stack in frustration at one point
Do I use the JACK module, or do I use the steps listed 1 2 3?
Like should I start by loading the sequencer modules and stuff?
JACK with Pulseaudio has historically been a pretty good way to spend a rainy saturday afternoon
(on other distros also)
iqubic: also worth checking in #nixos
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joepie91: by that do you mean it's actually good, or it takes forever?
energizer: the latter :P
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huh, IPv6 seems to be about 5ms faster than IPv4 for reaching the same Hetzner server from my home internet connection. It seems to take a much longer route for v4
go IPv6!
nijzat is now known as lukegb
sphalerite: one nice way to "encourage" customers to move away from a service you want to shut down is to make it slower
let's do the same for ipv4 :)
and cut people off that can't do otherwise?
it annoys me to no end how badly screwed up adoption is broken
I can't use ipv6 because someone that I have no business with forbids someone else to provide the service
yeah, not cut off -- but to make slow. and it only works if you do it in ways the decision maker cares about
it won't, those decision makers will love it
it's the big ISP that is forced to lease to smaller ISPs
they do everything in the power to make the service worse for users of their infra that is not actually their customers
it's terrible all around
right, well, it isn't a good idea then :P
yeah :(
I want ipv6, but everything around adoption is terrible, I've been hearing that globally it's been going backwards even
since corona?
no idea
I saw someone gripe about that but didn't dig deeper