wwmm/pulseeffects#350 (by Paul17041993, 39 weeks ago, closed): Audible stutter, crackle or pops occur when an application changes volume or state
Dooon't think my headphones fit into that high of a quiality
eyJhb: You don't need fancy headphones for FR compensation to make sense.
In fact I'd say it's the complete opposite.
I don't want to EQ most of my headphones
It was just going from the text `TL;DR If you are here just looking to make your headphones sound better, find your headphone model in results folder's recommended headphones list and follow instructions in Usage section.`
It's not "better", it's just closer to the harman target curve
And pretty quickly I don't know enough to paricipate in anything audio related.. Basically, I just want my ears to hurt with bass, and then I am a happy camper !
Whatever floats your goat :)
Well, I mostly hear music when I run.. So that just seem to perform better
eyJhb: I'm the complete opposite :P Usually have to reduce the bass a by a few db
Oh, I can't do that at all. It is normally the difference between dying after 4 minutes or after 11 minutes :| But I do have to pull out my headphones after, because after that amount of time it hurts my ears .......
Long distance however, then I have to drop it too
eyJhb: May I ask what headphones you have?
Not quite sure if I should have called them something else than headphones, seeing as it is `Bose SoundSport in-ear black for Android`
Right... If you can I suggest switching to Comply tips
It's one of very few universal tips I've liked
I don't know how well it would work for you though
Oh, when I say hurt, it is more because the music is too loud. They only start to hurt efter 2-3 hours of use. But I will look at it! :D
Ahh :D
Hmm, nope, can't use those.. :/ I can pretty much only use things that are in ear like that
Everything else falls out within secounds
eyJhb: I doubt the complys would
They're memory foam. You compress them, put them into your ears and let it expand
Well.. Sometimes earplugs don't even fit.. :p A joy when the neighbour won't shut up
I have a similar issue.. My left ear has a weird bend so I always get pains from univerals
Sometimes I even end up with a wound
interfacing with humans remains a difficult problem
joepie91: The API keeps changing
and every deployment seems to be slightly different :P
That does not sound nice! :(
Argh.. I thought that somewhat big rewrite would be smaller.. But I keep finding myself setting up more structs, endpoints and tables...
But then also hoping ,when this is done, it will only be minor changes and I can do eveeerything I have in mind! *but will properly not be the case*
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Does anyone know of a case where a female {micro,mini}-USB, or USB3 port breaking?
Err, USB-C*
yeah, mine is broken
Like, breaking, physically. The thing that the male part chipped off.
I had some grit stuck in my phone's USB-C port previously which rendered it more or less inoperable
The thing that the male part encloses chips off
Because I just find it insane that it seems much easier to break the female part than the male part.
I had a USB-C to headphones adapter break the internal part of the female end
that long pokey-outey-bit. I had it in my pocket. I bent over and it snapped the phone's inside bit
Taneb: Damn. I wonder if it's harder to get it out with USB-C than older revisions, considering that there's no flat side to pin it against.
I have an ereader that's very difficult to charge through its micro-USB port
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it still plugs in perfectly fine, but it only makes contact with a very particular application of force
(luckily gravity is enough in terms of magnitude, but the direction is hard to get right)
Anyways, it never happened to me. Uh, 8 years and counting, I guess?
I've slept with my phone and all that. So I was wondering if it's just structurally strong, or I just got lucky.
I think it's a matter of design as well
I think my e-reader didn't have enough material taking the stress off the actual data/power pins of the port
sphalerite: I've found e-readers to have particularly bad ports
failure rate seems considerably higher than for other USB devices
not really sure why
Ah. I was also wondering how many cycles does it take to scrape off the contact points.
anyway! it probably just came loose off the board and resoldering it can fix it
yeah, I'm not sure how to resolder it. But I can probably take it to work and discuss with some colleagues, and if that fails go to my local CCC instance :)
I'm sure that somebody can help you with it :P
sphalerite: pst. Just superglue it ;)
gchristensen: That adapter is really bad... It's so huge it acts like a lever
Also I almost have to max out the volume on it
gchristensen: I also have the Apple USB-C adapter and it's pretty great
Except it doesn't work properly on android
gchristensen: I blame Android though. On standard Linux it's plug and play.
On Android you have to drop down to the alsa layer and increase the volume from there
Then you can get satisfactory output
That's what I typically use when playing music from my laptop
It's surprisingly good considering it costs almost nothing
i just wish i could use pulseaudio like jack's patchbay metaphor
jack is a pain in the ass, but pulse doesn't do what i want
maybe i should just get a physical mixer and patchbay lmfao
but i can't have every application output on a different port for that to work sadly
pulse can do some of that fanciness, but it is a bit (a lot) annoying
maybe i'll mess around with jack some more
but use it to control pulse only
because i don't want it to break everything
elvishjerricco: look for mes, stage0, and other things around (is a few projects around this topic: plan9 cc, some small c compilers, tcc/pcc, mini-c compilers (tons of them))
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anyone know of a nicer version of this? while [ "$1" != "--" ]; do shift; done; shift # pop off the "--"
don't you want `==` there?
in this case the argument list is like ... `./test.sh foo bar baz -- tux bux lux` and I want to shift off "foo bar baz --"
ah yep you're right. that's how I'd write it, unless there's some shenanigans with $@ or something?
I'd maybe break from the loop that is likely parsing the stuff left of the -- clause
even though I generally dislike breaks
there's nothing to manipulate arrays as a whole in bash, really
(oh, prove me wrong if you want :))
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