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<infinisil> clever: I wish it were that easy
<infinisil> s/easy/simple
<samueldr> I can see when the kernel build waits on something to continue parallelizing :) https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2019/04/20190416202540.png
<samueldr> (that's htop)
<gchristensen> oh cool how do youg et that history
<samueldr> F2Setup
<samueldr> from there that initially confusing (to me) interface can be used to manipulate the meters, but also change some options in htop
<gchristensen> 62g nice
<samueldr> it's the annoyingly loud workstation https://gist.github.com/samueldr/6315a5ecf4aa7efa853464623ca4a44f
<samueldr> oh neat, didn't think (yet) about seeing if ddcutil worked on my three screens with that new setup, it does, should setup that with a setup similar to redshift, and probably link it to the hue lightbulbs :)
<gchristensen> oooooh whaaat
<samueldr> ddcutil can be used to control most settings in screens, including brightness
<gchristensen> I haven't reconfigured redshift since waylanding
<samueldr> all the sweet blue tint you've been ingesting
<gchristensen> love too not sleep
<samueldr> tbf, I think that even with full redish colours, it must not be as effective as some attribute; I see users with their phone screen red from that feature, but brightness maxed out :/
<samueldr> a better way to reduce the amount of blue light is to reduce the amount of light
<infinisil> I doubt ddcutil would work for my screen, but I'll try
<samueldr> I've just now been pleasantly surprised to see it work with my 2006 monitor
<infinisil> Do you have a quick command to test it?
<samueldr> (while I knew it worked with the pair of more recent monitors)
<gchristensen> or "step away from the computer" -- surprisingly effective
<samueldr> gchristensen: but then you're not on #nixos-chat if you're away from the computer
<gchristensen> tragically true :(
<samueldr> and in all fairness, they'll be using their phone in bed full brightness
<infinisil> samueldr: Well, running `ddcutil detect` gives me "No displays found", soo I guess that's a no
<samueldr> bed is for sleep! (and maybe something else)
<samueldr> I completely forgot how it works
<gchristensen> bed?
<samueldr> I have this wrapper script that works
<gchristensen> oh
<samueldr> no, ddcutil :)
<samueldr> bed works entirely fine, I definitely know how to use it
<gchristensen> good. beds are pretty user friendly.
<samueldr> hmm, ddcutil detect doesn't detect the monitor it previously changed settings to :/
<infinisil> samueldr: Huh, odd
<samueldr> that i2c thing for monitors has always been iffy on all setups
<samueldr> nvidia with nouveau, with proprietary, intel
<infinisil> samueldr: sudo?
<samueldr> not a case of sudo no :/
<samueldr> detects the other monitors fine
<infinisil> I did get some more output with sudo at least
<infinisil> Only "reports no EDID or has invalid EDID. ignoring" though
<infinisil> Oh well, was worth a try
<samueldr> oh, EDID shouldn't be an issue
<infinisil> Ha, computers talking to the displays they're connected to, what a weird thought to have, that could never work
<samueldr> it just won't be able to say "that's that model"
<infinisil> Oh, guess I'll try that /dev then
<samueldr> did it list it as "Display 1" ?
<infinisil> samueldr: Nope
<samueldr> ddcutil -d 1 setvcp 0x10 15 # 0x10 is for brightness
<infinisil> The full output is `Monitor on device /dev/usb/hiddev0 reports no EDID or has invalid EDID. Ignoring.\nNo displays found`
<samueldr> ddcutil -d 1 getvcp KNOWN # to list known parameters
<samueldr> hiddev0 is more likely to be a mouse
<infinisil> Ah yeah probably
<samueldr> hmmm
<samueldr> boot.kernelModules = [ "i2c-dev" ];
<samueldr> forgot about that
<samueldr> maybe a modprobe
<infinisil> Well I can still use /sys to control the brightness on that machine anyways, it's my macbook
<samueldr> but the brightness of attached monitors!
<infinisil> Alright trying with the non-laptop machine with i2c-dev
<samueldr> (I used that to clone the config of my two same-model monitors when I got the second one)
<infinisil> Display 1!
<infinisil> Wowzers
<infinisil> It worked!
<infinisil> For some reason however it took ~20 seconds to apply 15 brightness
<samueldr> yeah
<infinisil> Same for you?
<samueldr> sometimes it takes time, but not 20 sec
<samueldr> but one of my monitor does it incrementally
<samueldr> like if I held the button to increment one by one the setting
<infinisil> I see, no for me it wasn't that
<infinisil> It also takes this long for a detect
<infinisil> I bet it always first needs to detect to know what -d 1 refers to
<samueldr> I guess that i2c shenanigan is always slow :(
<infinisil> Aha! Using -b to give the bus number makes it fast
<infinisil> Nice, 0.5s
<infinisil> ddcutil detect outputs something like /dev/i2c-7, so you can use -b 7 to address that display
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<samueldr> nice
<infinisil> Unfortunately using -n for addressing via serial number is slow
<infinisil> As is via model number, seems to also do a detect for those
<samueldr> unplug/replugging the power of the display worked to make it show up again
<samueldr> didn't want to break out the remote :)
<infinisil> Ah nice
<infinisil> Now I'm wondering whether these i2c bus numbers stay the same.. probably not
<samueldr> pretty sure they'll move around
<infinisil> So I'd probably have to store the current bus number after every restart for use in commands
<samueldr> infinisil: cat /sys/class/i2c-dev/i2c-X/name
<samueldr> I get usable things
<gchristensen> i2cdetect might be useful
<infinisil> Ah neat
<samueldr> and in my case the paths of the /sys/class devices are a good indication for two out of three https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2019/04/20190416210731.png
<samueldr> the DVI one is on -3
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<samueldr> i2cdetect (through -l) seems to detect the same names as found under those name nodes under /sys/class
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<infinisil> Yeah they all say nvidia adapter for me, unfortunately
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<infinisil> I can even turn off all blue color with ddcutil
<infinisil> !
<gchristensen> :O
<samueldr> on my monitors it can control every setting I can in the menus
<gchristensen> :O
<infinisil> samueldr: Yeah same
<samueldr> (including yeah, changing tint)
<samueldr> do remember it's just mostly blocking all blue, not stopping production of "blue light" :)
<infinisil> I read that as "tilt" for a moment!
<samueldr> it does tilt too
<samueldr> VCP code 0x44 (Tilt (rotation) ): current value = 0, max value = 0
<gchristensen> :O
<samueldr> I believe it's related to CRTs
<infinisil> Haha, but not like that your display rotates when you set that
<infinisil> ..right??
<samueldr> (I'm not using a CRT, but the controller apparently exhibits all known settings for CRTs)
<samueldr> well
<samueldr> VCP code 0xaa (Screen Orientation ): 0 degrees (sl=0x01)
<samueldr> (read only)
<samueldr> those benq monitors know which side is up
<samueldr> (in 90° increments)
<infinisil> Neat
<samueldr> sadly it seems to have stopped working in one of them
<samueldr> yes it's neat, their windows driver automatically switches them when rotated AFAIK
<infinisil> These are all settings I have: https://paste.infinisil.com/JwLqHbDp_8
<samueldr> (cue people joking "why do you need a driver for your monitor??")
<infinisil> Wow
<samueldr> that second one is quite something
<samueldr> but many of them are dummies
<infinisil> If I didn't filter out all Invalid responses, mine looks like this: https://paste.infinisil.com/keWXdR6MJw
<samueldr> I'VE BEEN SWINDLED! the benq monitors do have a light sensor, but they don't expose them in DDC, but the other monitor doesn't have a sensor... which is exposed!
<gchristensen> O.o
<infinisil> Bamboozled!
<samueldr> (though the benq monitor light sensors have been disabled by application of electrical tape as they "helpfully" change the brightness in annoying ways)
<gchristensen> dell xps 9380 does that, but fixable via firmware interface
<infinisil> Ah yeah, I remember that when I was using macOS on my macbook. Whenever a shadow hit the light sensor, the screen would dim..
<samueldr> hm! 3.5 years of total use on that 12 year old monitor
<samueldr> I'm slacking off!
<gchristensen> junky syslog I just found in a nixos config: nc -dklun 1514 | tr '<' $'\n'
<infinisil> gchristensen: nc is nice
<gchristensen> yeah :)
<infinisil> gchristensen: Do you know of ncat?
<gchristensen> mmmnot sure
<infinisil> I think it's pretty much nc, but with more features and more bugs
<infinisil> (well at least I've encountered a bug with it, that might have been due to the network though, not sure)
<gchristensen> hah
<infinisil> gchristensen: You can give ncat a command to execute for every connection, you receive the tcp input from stdin, you reply to tcp via stdout
<infinisil> There's also ncat --chat apparently
<Ralith> see also socat
<samueldr> it does proxying too
<infinisil> samueldr: ncat infinisil.com 1500
<samueldr> ugh, now I have to nix-shell it
<samueldr> :)
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<infinisil> buckley310: ^^
* gchristensen caught the hamburglar
<infinisil> Could've used this for btw on nixo.sh!
<infinisil> Well you don't see your own username with ncat --chat, but still
<samueldr> weird, I was there at first but then
<samueldr> [nix-shell:~]$ ncat infinisil.com 1500
<samueldr> Ncat: Network is unreachable.
<infinisil> Oh
<infinisil> samueldr: Haha sorry I accidentally terminated it
<samueldr> ah
<infinisil> Did a Ctrl-C out of habit in the shell I started it
<samueldr> no worries then, I was about to do something possibly annoying :)
<infinisil> samueldr: I started it again
<infinisil> But it escapes shell codes
<infinisil> So you shouldn't be able to do funky stuff
<samueldr> just as annoying as I thought
<samueldr> well, even more so :)
<samueldr> it becomes trivial to flood with a simple pipe
<samueldr> yeah
<infinisil> What's that supposed to be?
<samueldr> unicode chars
<samueldr> just like that
<samueldr> <user7> \360\237\223\214
<samueldr> 📌
<infinisil> Ah
<infinisil> So it just converts everything non-ascii to escape codes
<samueldr> looks like it
<samueldr> I was also going to use BEL
<samueldr> but seems it won't work :)
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<infinisil> > CEST
<{^_^}> "The time in CEST is currently 4:18:34 (UTC +2)"
<infinisil> > EDT
<{^_^}> "The time in EDT is currently 22:18:38 (UTC -4)"
<gchristensen> :D
<infinisil> gchristensen: You shall not confuse me with timezones anymore!
<gchristensen> <3
<jackdk> > UTC
<{^_^}> "The time in UTC is currently 2:19:21 (UTC 0)"
<samueldr> > EST
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'EST' at (string):249:1
<infinisil> > :v CEST
<{^_^}> CEST = UTCShift "CEST" 2
<infinisil> samueldr: jackdk: You can define new ones like this ^
<samueldr> yeah, though thinking about daylight saving
<samueldr> at least named timezones already are offsets, I think, so less of an issue
<samueldr> but then when should you use EST or EDT!
<gchristensen> > grahamc = UTCShift "Graham's location" -4
<{^_^}> grahamc defined
<gchristensen> > grahamc
<{^_^}> value is a function while an integer was expected, at (string):103:12
<infinisil> (parens around negative numbers)
<gchristensen> > grahamc = UTCShift "Graham's location" (-4)
<{^_^}> grahamc defined
<gchristensen> > grahamc
<{^_^}> "The time in Graham's location is currently 22:24:22 (UTC -4)"
<gchristensen> :D
<infinisil> :D
<samueldr> what about leap seconds?
<samueldr> :D
<gchristensen> get out!
<infinisil> Man, I can't do that, because then I'd have to change this definition twice a year
<gchristensen> I will almost definitely forget to update this
<infinisil> samueldr: This has to be accounted for, it couldn't be a coindicence that the unix epoch lines up with our days exactly
<samueldr> yeah, mostly pulling your leg
<gchristensen> > grahamc
<{^_^}> "The time in Graham's location is currently 22:26:31 (UTC -4)"
<infinisil> gchristensen: Just install this simple app that pulls your location every 5 seconds all the time to update your location on all your social media, and now this IRC bot too!
<gchristensen> perfect!
<gchristensen> time for bed :)
<infinisil> Good night :3
<samueldr> 'night!
<gchristensen> night!
<infinisil> Ohh I have a cool idea
<infinisil> For the > function of the bot, I could make it pass the nick as an argument
<infinisil> Then I could implement functions like > whatsmylocaltime
<infinisil> Which could look up the username in an attrset to get that nicks timezone
<samueldr> sounds like not-nix
<infinisil> Only the passing-the-nick part would have to be outside of nix!
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<infinisil> "Observers falling into a Schwarzschild black hole (i.e., non-rotating and not charged) cannot avoid being carried into the singularity, once they cross the event horizon. They can prolong the experience by accelerating away to slow their descent, but only up to a limit.[92] When they reach the singularity, they are crushed to infinite density and their mass is added to the total of the black hole. Before
<infinisil> that happens, they will have been torn apart by the growing tidal forces in a process sometimes referred to as spaghettification or the "noodle effect"."
<jackdk> We agreed not to talk about the noodle incident
<infinisil> Hehe
<infinisil> Oh also interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_black_hole
<infinisil> Wow, apparently black holes "evaporate" over time, the smaller it is, the faster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawking_radiation
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<infinisil> "A supermassive black hole with a mass of 10^11 (100 billion) M☉ will evaporate in around 2×10^100 years"
<infinisil> Now that's a nice way to think of a Googol! And that mass is around the mass of the most massive black hole known, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_massive_black_holes
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<srhb> Am I the only person that, at least twice a year, is surprised that systemd has a notion of "file changed" but you still have to hack something togeter to go from file changed -> restart service foo? :-P
<srhb> (not that it's terribly hard, it just feels like it should already be a thing...)
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<Synthetica> gchristensen: If I add myself as a maintainer in a PR, ofborg gives it the "11.by: package-maintainer" badge, even though I wouldn't be a package maintainer if that PR isn't merged. Is this intended behaviour?
<Synthetica> (See #59766)
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/59766 (by Synthetica9, 31 minutes ago, open): vscode: use absolute predetermined path instead of heuristic
<etu> Same thing happens if you create a new derivation
<pie_> was this recorded by any chance https://www.meetup.com/NixOS-London/events/251792988/
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<LnL> possibly yes, gchristensen should know
<gchristensen> it wasn't but I could relay everything you'd like to know! :)
<pie_> dunno, just had the momentary urge to learn about CI :p
<gchristensen> right on
<pie_> gchristensen, force multipliers and whatnot
<gchristensen> the thrust of the talk is that hydra solves problems at a scale that most people's CI doesn't face
<joepie91> heh
<joepie91> "the perfect solution to the problem that you probably don't have"?
<gchristensen> right
<gchristensen> most people don't have 350 build slots (like 800 cores?) busy
<gchristensen> most people don't have enough work to keep 350 build slots (like 800 cores?) busy
<joepie91> gchristensen: wait, is that ofborg, or?
<gchristensen> hydra
<joepie91> oh, the regular nixpkgs hydra?
<joepie91> (I dunno if ofborg uses hydra or not)
<gchristensen> hydra.nixos.org, ofborg is a totally separate infra since it builds possibly sketchy code
<joepie91> right
<gchristensen> the part about ofborg afair was about its possible future (building more of nixpkgs!) and its goals (better support nixpkgs contributors and committers)
<gchristensen> and I think I talked about its architecture some, and why it isn't just using travis or buildkite or whatever
<pie_> im interested in those whys
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<buckley310> infinisil: ooh, im just now reading that ncat-chat thing. interesting
<buckley310> its a bit feature-bare though :\
<infinisil> buckley310: Sure is, but I wouldn't expect anything else from ncat
<buckley310> mine at least pauses the chat log while you're typing so your input doesnt get clobbered :)
<pie_> what if you use it with rlwrap?`:p
<buckley310> although ncat-chat has the benefit of being remotely accessible
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<__monty__> Any gamers? Assassins Creed Unity is free on the ubi store in honor of Notre Dame.
<lassulus> hmm
<lassulus> can I run ubi store on nixos?
<lassulus> is it a webstore?
<__monty__> You do need to run Uplay to play any ubi games. I assume it "works" on linux though.
<lassulus> hmm, someone stole my nickname!
<lassulus> and my password is to strong
<sphalerite> for how long is it free though? :p
<__monty__> To keep afaics.
<sphalerite> wow
<samueldr> you "buy" it for 0$; in my country-accurate store I had to input my billing information, and choose a payment method (used paypal) though it skipped payment instead of going to the processor
<joepie91> these sort of game giveaways are not uncommon
<joepie91> the common theme is that the giveaways are always on new/unpopular platforms :)
<joepie91> (ie. it's a marketing scheme)
<__monty__> Oh, I figured all the proceeds would go towards repairing the Cathedral... : >
<sphalerite> lol, I tried selecting paysafecard as a payment method (since those are vouchers you can buy with cash), and it 404s when I click confirm
<lassulus> yeah it crashed for me a couple of times
<__monty__> Did I help DDOS it? Whoops : >
<sphalerite> lol, third try lucky
<lassulus> in the end I had to confirm my email, relogin, and then I picked paypal as an option and I got it for free
<sphalerite> I thought relogin was a typo of "religion" at first xD
<lassulus> :D
<__monty__> You could've selected any method probably. They didn't forward to a processor for paypal for example, nor did I have to input my paypal credentials.
<sphalerite> now I guess we hope that this uplay thing runs in wine
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<andi-> since this is the off-topic channel: Anyone here coming to Revision this year? (https://2019.revision-party.net/)
<__monty__> Sounds weird, I don't get it.
<__monty__> Are the competitions in games?
<__monty__> Or is it drawing or coding or something?
<andi-> no, in making art with computers.
<__monty__> Does it have to be generated? Or does drawing in corel painter count?
<andi-> art being animations, graphics, intros (e.g. computer animated things) under specific restrictions (e.g. 4k binary size)
<andi-> livecoding of OpenGL shaders in a competitive environment etc..
<andi-> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoscene seems like a good introduction
<__monty__> Hmm, still can't imagine what it's like but sounds like it could be cool.
<andi-> there will be a livestream from friday to monday
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<joepie91> tab completion in /nix/store was a bad idea
<gchristensen> oops
<joepie91> oh well, lessons learned :P
<gchristensen> I did that on a verrrrry big nix store and regretted it for a long time
<andi-> Years ago I did an `ls` in a directory that contained a lot of session files (one file per session…) and it would not terminate after multiple days
<andi-> I think the situation has improved since then
<gchristensen> oh my
<joepie91> lol
<andi-> I also wrote my own LS for a webcam project I did once... ls does way too many syscalls to be efficient for that amount of files. Shaving off one or two syscalls helped a lot.
<andi-> Lessons learned :-)
<andi-> But who knows that things will keep on running for years and then become an issue
<gchristensen> one time I ptu too many files in a directory and caused kernel panics on 150 servers
<andi-> I haven't achieved that yet..
* andi- writes it down
<samueldr> is that called big data?
<gchristensen> that was my biggest production outtage ever
<andi-> well the data did still fit in somwhere.. not sure if that is big
<gchristensen> in terms of mop-up work, anyway. I caused some big stuff at Tumlbr :)
<samueldr> one friend of mine has at least DROPped or rm'd an important database of folder in prod per tech job he's had
<joepie91> thankfully they had backups
<joepie91> .... right? :P
<samueldr> thankfully they did
<andi-> I once wiped a wrong Ceph OSD and only realized a few hours into removing one of the other partition of the data.. It recovered eventually got my heart beating a bit.
<samueldr> I always delegate sketchy prod operations to others :3
<andi-> (that day there weren't backups... boss thought having a copy on the same disks would be sufficient...)
<samueldr> or the few cases I couldn't, the operations were scripted, rehearsed on a local copy first; I can't trust myself :)
<andi-> routine is the enemy here..
<andi-> putting the wrong arguments to your well-made script
<samueldr> arguments? that's chances to break it! and those are not routine scripts, if it becomes routine, then it shouldn't be made manually
<samueldr> because I do agree
<samueldr> the amount of mistakes I routinely do in my routines!
<gchristensen> remember that time AWS decimated their production S3 clusters because they made a typo
<joepie91> lol
<andi-> yeah...
<joepie91> that was the time when the status page was down too, wasn't it
<andi-> wasn't it ansible playbook with the wrong arguments?
<andi-> *an
<gchristensen> iirc, it was literally decimated -- reduced to a tenth
<samueldr> touching wood, I'm just glad I have so few non-read-only interactions with production environment
<samueldr> oh, and scripted means both a code script, and a written checklist with steps to do; so both meaning of scripted