gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<samueldr> my kind of evening: using archive.org to find the specific revision of an otherwise impossible to find font
<ivan> heh, which font?
<samueldr> the nixos logo font
<samueldr> the specific version
<samueldr> (the font is known, the specific revision isn't)
<samueldr> (though I think I just found it)
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<infinisil> Damn it
<infinisil> Spent a couple hours implementing a Jot evaluator/parser/translater/etc.
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<infinisil> Now is not the time to be carried away! I have exams to learn for!
<samueldr> when are they already?
<samueldr> like next week?
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<infinisil> samueldr: 3 out of 4 are already done :)
<infinisil> Last one this tuesday
<samueldr> great
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<gchristensen> samueldr: sounds like quite the evening!
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<ldlework> I have basic nested parens working, i get the start/end for each piece of the AST
<ldlework> so technically, I could take the (point) and search this AST to find what part of the AST the point is on
<ldlework> then go to the parent token, and find what column it starts on
<ldlework> and then indent whatever line we're on
<ldlework> technically, I could indent all lines that the expression is on
<ldlework> but first I need to build a PEG that will parse Nixlang lol
<ldlework> at least better than nix-mode does right now
* ldlework sleeps
<infinisil> Not sure why you ping me for that but nice :)
<infinisil> I just had my compiler design exam a few days ago, in which I had to know about top-down and bottom-up parsing (not sure what the methods are called exactly though)
<__monty__> Knowledge in, knowledge out? In a matter of days : p
<infinisil> Heh I don't even think so, it was quiet an interesting course and I'm very interested in programming languages in general
<infinisil> Just looked it up: the bottom-up kind was an SLR parser. I now know how to do it by hand :P
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<infinisil> These scam attempts are getting pretty lame: https://i.imgur.com/062tfyg.jpg
<infinisil> Where's my Nigerian prince
<LnL> heh
<LnL> I used my donation to may the bill of my stolen nonexisting credit card
<srk> it's useful to know the difference between LL/LR parsers but most of the time you just use attoparsec :D
<infinisil> srk: I've recently seen an interesting paper on a new type of parser that has lots of advantages
<srk> gimme
<infinisil> (I just skimmed through it though)
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<srk> "First, the combinator library can explicitly expose backtracking primitives to the user of the library, so that programmers can control when backtracking can occur. This does resolve the problem, but a drastic price: there is basically no specification of the accepted language beyond the actual code of the parser implementation."
<srk> not really "drastic price" IMO :P
<gchristensen> loads of languages have no spec beyond the implementation!
<srk> nice thing about parser combinators is that you can write parsers at 3am without much thinking, it's just totally straightforward after a while
<andi-> Isn't 3am peak-productivity? :)
<gchristensen> by 3am I've already been asleep for 5hrs :')
<andi-> wow
<andi-> I never manage that
<simpson> I slept a 9-5 in my local time zone. It's nearly 7AM right now.
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<infinisil> Noice
<infinisil> Oh wait, I read 9PM lol
<infinisil> 7PM*
<jD91mZM2> samueldr: joepie91: IT'S WORKING! It's scanning the ENTIRE nixpkgs, parsing all files, then converting them back to strings and comparing with the original
<jD91mZM2> After fixing an issue with interpolation, it's still going after well over a minute of running
<samueldr> awesome
<infinisil> :O neat
<jD91mZM2> All thanks to matklad's help
<samueldr> while I know some scoff(s|ed) at the way you did it, IDGAF, thank you for doing the thing :D
<gchristensen> very cool
<jD91mZM2> He explained how Swift's libsyntax worked and helped me with quite a few design ideas
<jD91mZM2> What way did I do it wrong?
<jD91mZM2> (samueldr)
<samueldr> I thought you rolled down your own parser?
<jD91mZM2> Oh
<jD91mZM2> Right, that
<samueldr> yep
<samueldr> but I like that
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<tertle||eltret> NixOS, best new distro 2018
<infinisil> "new" lol
<andi-> compared to Debian (25y as of yesterday) it's "new" :)
<drakonis_> debian is old enough to drink and drive
<pie_> aszlig, <Profpatsch> pie_: aszlig complains about this all the time, bit parsing sucks compared to Erlang.
<pie_> aszlig, I havent actually written anything yet, but wat do? xD (sidenote: I'm a beginner with haskell)
<pie_> aszlig, the main thing i'd want to use bit based parsing for right now is swf (flash), which has stuff like 5 bit fields
<pie_> samueldr, looks like i forgot to repost that in nixos-security
<pie_> unless its already made its rounds
<samueldr> no idea
<samueldr> just saw this this morning
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<gchristensen> the cool thing is we don't have to "redistribute" it
<gchristensen> so we can do it
<pie_> gchristensen, now that you mention it :D
<samueldr> it kinda leaves a sour taste... like PR and legal decided to throw all sense away
<pie_> b.u.s.i.n.e.s.s. :D
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<aszlig> pie_: i'm complaining about what? O_o
<pie_> that bit instead of byte based parsing in haskell isnt great
<aszlig> pie_: but yeah, erlang bitstrings are quite wonderful for parsing binary blurb, especially if it comes to binary networking protocols
<pie_> aszlig, do you have any advice on the haskell side?
<aszlig> pie_: i think the last time i did binary parsing in haskell i used instances of Binary
<pie_> yeah ive run into Binary.Bits and something else i think
<pie_> there does seem to be two or three established looking approaches
<aszlig> but it's not as nice as <<X:2, Y:6>>
<aszlig> maybe there exists a quasi quoter for something like that now, haven't looked since quite a while
<pie_> i havent seen anything new
<pie_> doesnt mean it doesnt exist though
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<elvishjerricco> Hm. I was interested in making a tail recursive bash script by ending with `exec $0`, just to get it to auto-update the code being run when the script changes. I know this is a terrible idea, but I was surprised to find that it grows in space usage over time.
<elvishjerricco> Very, very slowly.
<elvishjerricco> Like 2min of just `exec $0` and nothing else to get to 10G used.
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<infinisil> Oh god, the leap motion developer page is horrible: https://developer.leapmotion.com/
<infinisil> I got myself a leap motion some years ago and did some stuff with it, and the webpage was good back then
<infinisil> But now it's just a mess of "cool looking web stuff", I can't find the stuff I need, and I just spent 10 minutes being confused
<infinisil> Aaaand I downloaded the wrong thing lol
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<ldlework> infinisil: neat whatre you going to do with it
<infinisil> Wanna try get it running again, the big challenge being NixOS
<infinisil> And it's not open source..
<infinisil> Maybe I could do some cool stuff with it, some 3d space manipulation things
<infinisil> Would be neat
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<aszlig> infinisil: lots of mixed-content warnings
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<gchristensen> helm seems to seriously slow my emacs experience
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<ldlework> gchristensen: huh that's too bad I've never had an slow down
<ldlework> gchristensen: helm is mostly a front-end for completing-read so it is usually whatever helm is engaging with that is slow
<gchristensen> ah
<ldlework> gchristensen: do you use workgroups2?
<gchristensen> no
<ldlework> ok, just an issue i saw while googling
<ldlework> gchristensen: here are some tweak I made if you want, to nix-mode
<ldlework> it doesn't fix everything
<ldlework> but I made it easier to control indentation by surrounding forms with ()
<gchristensen> oh cool, nice, thank you :D
<ldlework> so if you have some let variable that is indenting like crazy, just wrap it in a parens and its contents should behave
<ldlework> still breaks on some obvious cases