gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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<ekleog> loljava: (-) :: short -> short -> int
<ekleog> that's really great when developing for JavaCard, and there is no `int` type
<ekleog> (esp. when said `int` is automatically cast to `Integer` then `Object`, and you discover the error only when trying to downcast that to the expected `Short`)
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<andi-> no thinkpads around?
<gchristensen> no
<andi-> :/
<gchristensen> on the other hand I don't exactly need more projects :P
<samueldr> :)
<samueldr> I can still share that link with AMT-enabled machines at low $CAD price
<andi-> how can you say that? Thats the only stack with unlimited space? :P
<gchristensen> oh yes please re-link samueldr
<samueldr> not all of them are: http://www.deltaserverstore.com/tower.html but you can find the information in the computer's manual from the OEM
<samueldr> I have a z420 which has AMT
* gchristensen drools
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<joepie91> in which an asshat working at Elsevier complains about people "acting like they deserve free stuff": https://twitter.com/mrgunn/status/1029042978482868224
<gchristensen> lol
<gchristensen> love rent seekers
<jD91mZM2> rnix now has a preserve branch that should in theory preserve all the comments and spaces and everything. It now also uses an arena-based tree to avoid allocating one AST node at a time
<{^_^}> jD91mZM2: 21 hours, 1 minute ago <infinisil> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17749750
<jD91mZM2> good bot
<jD91mZM2> infinisil: What's this?
<jD91mZM2> Interesting though, no doubt
<MichaelRaskin> It is shameless pseudo-data manipulation, I guess
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<infinisil> jD91mZM2: Ah, I guess it doesn't include context. It's a reply to you complaining that you'll have to rewrite rnix again after the reddit suggestions
<jD91mZM2> Ah yes
<jD91mZM2> Which is almost done now, I think, assuming it actually works
<sphalerite> gchristensen: but you don't need AMT for wake-on-lan do you..?
<gchristensen> I don't
<samueldr> AMT has cool things like remote serial, remote access to the bios, power on from poweroff state (without using WOL)
<samueldr> AFAIK not all ethernet hardware has WOL form poweroff
<sphalerite> fair enough. But it's also extremely privileged nonfree software that you can't audit or even disable :x
<gchristensen> that is true
<MichaelRaskin> And that you actually know to be buggy _and_ malicious
<gchristensen> also true!
<gchristensen> AMT lets me pretend to be physically at a computer's console and pretend to be plugging in a USB disk
<elvishjerricco> Anyone here use ZFS for swap?
<LnL> don't
<elvishjerricco> oh?
<gchristensen> if you do, do it very carefully https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-use-a-zvol-as-a-swap-device, but generally don't
<elvishjerricco> Yea I've done what that page suggests exactly
<elvishjerricco> But it does not appear to work
<gchristensen> sphalerite: imagine our QEMU installation tests issued against actual laptops automatically
<sphalerite> gchristensen: that would be cool
<gchristensen> -> AMT :)
<sphalerite> but bleeeeeeh
<samueldr> in a vacuum without malicious+bugs, AMT is a great feature
<elvishjerricco> Are there any other details about swap on ZFS?
<sphalerite> isn't there a freedom option
<samueldr> probably could be cobbled with more hardware
<elvishjerricco> i.e. more detailed reasons not to do it other than "It doesn't work" :P
<gchristensen> and more $$$
<gchristensen> elvishjerricco: ZFS likes to use RAM, RAM is scarce under the scenarios where swap is desirable
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: I thought that's what the primarycache option was for
<MichaelRaskin> Also, it likes copy-on-write, swap workloads are not for that
<gchristensen> that was just my personal understanding
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<jD91mZM2> samueldr: joepie91: anybody else who has earlier shown interest but is now probably tired of hearing about rnix: Using the new preserve branch, I made an example that loaded some AST and printed it out. Apart from some TOOD stuff, it's identical. EVERYTHING is preserved!!!!
<samueldr> I'm tired of hearing about it, I want to use it *ducks*
<jD91mZM2> Tomorrow I'm gonna finish up the last stuff & merge. We'll have proper preservation and an arena-based tree
<joepie91> jD91mZM2: I'll give it a spin Some Time Soon
<joepie91> whenever my todo list allows :P
<joepie91> (and nah, not tired of it at all)
<Drakonis> rnix?
<jD91mZM2> joepie91: Cool :D
<Drakonis> oh nice
<ldlework> jD91mZM2: Nixlang LSP soon?
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<ldlework> :(
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<ldlework> jD91mZM2_: will we see a Nixlang language-server at some point?
<jD91mZM2_> Hi! Joining from my phone to asnwer, didnt see before I pressed shut down
<jD91mZM2_> I could look into the language server protocol, that'd be a cool idea
<jD91mZM2_> Nothing I've thought of previously though :)
* jD91mZM2_ heads off to bed
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<infinisil> I have a friend, and she wanted me to check out a website, but it just went down. I told her "the server seems to be down now"
<infinisil> The replied "why don't you try a different server then!", to which i said "it's not like i can choose it". She again: "just download one! I use google chrome"
<infinisil> Yeah she's not a tech person lol
<manveru> serverless finally got a meaning :)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, Web Archive might have a copy
<infinisil> Well actually it's a survey, about removing summer time in the EU. I filled it out, but couldn't send it before it went down
<infinisil> Today is the last day to fill it out, so it makes sense that it's down now..
<MichaelRaskin> Removing summer time sounds nice
<manveru> i filled that out some weeks ago
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<manveru> they have a bunch of interesting surveys :)
<Lisanna> okay... I feel really happy right now but also incredibly dumb
<Lisanna> kill -STOP
<Lisanna> kill -CONT
<Lisanna> you can just tell linux to pause and resume processes on-demand
<Lisanna> I mean... duh, but, I'd just never thought about it before :|
<simpson> Yeah, it's kind of a mind-opener.
<infinisil> Lisanna: Related: https://criu.org/Main_Page
<infinisil> Allows you to save processes state to disk and resume them from it
<Lisanna> yeah, I've heard about such efforts awhile ago
<MichaelRaskin> What is the state of CRIU, though? Last time when I checked it was quite limited…
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin well, they describe it as "a project to implement checkpoint/restore functionality"... which implies that it's probably still fairly limited
<MichaelRaskin> It is a long story.
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<maurer> If you want to see something really fancy, look at the old openmosix patchset
<maurer> (I assume it doesn't apply today)
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<maurer> it lets you serialize a process... then restore it on another machine int he cluster
<infinisil> Wouldn't this be about the same as criu? It also needs some serialization to be able to store the process in a file
<maurer> So, the difference is that it could do things like move sockets and file descriptors around
<maurer> etc
<maurer> If you just want to checkpoint and restore the computational part, that's not hard, and criu had that done basically instantly
<maurer> it's all the other resources that are tricky
<maurer> openmosix was solving a trickier problem because the resources needed to be restorable on a different machine
<infinisil> I see
<MichaelRaskin> It also used a heavier hammer — CRIU tries to be in userspace with mainline kernel
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<infinisil> Hah: "Warning: running these infinite loops may cause some browsers to crash---on my system, Netscape 4.77 crashes."
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<infinisil> Just seen from an older website, very very interesting stuff! https://www.nyu.edu/projects/barker/Iota/
<infinisil> Talks about a language called Jot, which can express untyped lambda calculus terms with just 0's and 1's
<infinisil> Even such that *every* bitstring is a valid encoding
<maurer> Is it just like, SK combinators?
<infinisil> Based on them
<infinisil> Heh, this also means that you can even use just a single symbol for it
<infinisil> You just translate a bitstring by converting it into the number it represents amount of "0"
<infinisil> With 1 prefixing, Jot programs and (in regex) 0* are a bijective then!
<infinisil> Neat