infinisil: did your znc changes make it into unstable yet
or do you have an overlay that enables it?
it isn't in unstable yet, and only two weeks from the branch-off date ;)
Need to finish it
I'll have my last exam soon, after that I'll have more time, and hopefully enough motivation to finish it
ok hopefully I don't need to mess with my server because I forgot what I did to get that to work for nixops heh
i removed something and now it wont deploy because your attribute doesn't exist heh
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OH FUK! We just got a stack overflow with my recursive descent parser, peeps
Oh, unless it's just stuck in an infinite loop. Would make more sense. False alarm... hopefully
Yep, false alarm! All good :D
* jD91mZM2
looking at the code he wrote yesterday: "Dear god, who wrote this crap"
Woah! TODO list finally done! Now I need to try parsing my own nixos config and see how it goes
one nice thing to do for tests is write a basic program that outputs the AST passed to it, and try to parse->output->parse, and check it's parsed twice the same thing (preferably, using another parser than the first one, but it's enough to discover at least some errors)
you can run it on all nixpkgs, then, I've uncovered at least one bug in hnix by doing so :°
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nix-instantiate --parse is probably a suitable normaliser
ekleog: Yep, currently writing a dump-ast example
I don't currently have a way to print out the AST to valid nix but I'll make another example that does that
Darn, first try at running it against my own config was a failure
I forgot you could do thing."some text".other_thing
Oh, so you can make idents with strings... but only inside sets. That's kinda weird.
Second attempt, success! Don't know if it's valid AST, but it does parse!
jD91mZM2: do you have dynamic attrnames working?
(the test-* are hard-coded hacks for testing)
the idea being that each module states what other kinds of modules it can extend, and doesn't hardcode its dependencies
In my system I just try to treat the system composition as a normal overridable package set
But good override logic for package sets is still complicated…
(but even in Nixpkgs we suffer from imperfections of available override approaches…)
(currently the extends syntax is pointlessly complex, I've got to refactor this, but this udev issue has made me ragequit and I haven't managed to find the motivation to change it again)
basically started from a “what if I want to remove systemd” reasoning, here it'd be enough to just set init = systemd or init = runit or whatever instead of using core-system :)
MichaelRaskin: I don't really get it, how do you handle that?
Well, in Nixpkgs we have ImageMagick that can be built with different subsets of image libraries
In a system you have system path that can be built with different sets of installed packages
I don't really want these to be different
And I like what we have for package sets more than the module systems
But still, there are problems…
How do you handle eg. configuring your init system to run your webserver, and have the webserver log to your logger?
(basically, 1-to-n and n-to-1 dependencies, the two cases I came up with when designing my “module” system à-la GuixSD)
Oh well, I actually want the Nix part just to give me scripts and let the stage-3 in Lisp launch what needs launching. And I want logs to go to plain files by redirecting stderr whenever possible. but in general, n-to-1 would be to override the logging services with whatever settings need to be changed, then it gets used as a parameter by whatever services default to using the logger service.
(And can be passed by overriding to services that do not use it by default but can use it)
just so that I can picture it better in my head: for iptables, let's say I have module M that, when enabled, should open a port in the firewall, how would that look like for you? (iow, the 1-to-n case)
This is actually what I do not want
I.e. I would prefer iptables.override { rulesFromServices = [ M ]; }
also, for the n-to-1 case, if I have a logging system that accepts logs from /run/${user-defined-value}.sock, then how do you handle propagating that user-defined-value back to all services that depend on it?
hmm… but at least for init you need to have something like that, don't you? or for nginx / apache / etc. for websites
Well, how do we do a global override of libX11 = null; ?
(Answer: painfully)
(But my system definition is smaller than Nixpkgs, so it is not a problem yet; and a lot of logic is pushed to Lisp code anyway)
hmm'k :) I think I'll go back to working on my system (when I'm motivated enough to tackle eudev again) with possibility to hotswap any component in/out with a custom fixpoint, then :)
thank you for this discussion!
I want to hotswap many things in runtime, so I want system build to produce a set of bricks, not a monolith
hmm good point
but if that requires a custom daemon running to hold everything together… :/
Well, having a custom daemon was among the goals
I mean, in a location I want to reconfigure the network, the displays, the fetcher daemons…
I want to write this all in a language I don't hate, and suitable for weird policies beyond the optimum point of shell scripting.
“in a location”?
It's a laptop
ooh, a physical location
hmm… I do agree with you that nixos-rebuild requiring to restart every daemon that has changed is painful
I am OK with restarting every daemon
so the issue is “in a language I don't hate”?
I am not OK with systemd failing the basic logic of logging, limiting how I am allowed or not allowed to spawn multiple X servers, etc.
Also, my concerns are cross-cutting
yeah well forcing systemd is stupid, but that sounds orthogonal to the need for a custom daemon holding everything together to me :)
nixos-rebuild is not supposed to run xrandr
(typically, I've defined an interface between services and the init service, so I can have a runit running as pid1, then another runit as pid2 that's run by pid1, and then have some services under runit-pid1 and some services under runit-pid2)
Well, I want a lot of small things. The real logic I want from sudo is orthogonal to what is normally offered
(it doesn't need to be all runit's btw, can be a runit spawned by openrc, or whatever -- just that actually I've implemented only the runit backend)
Well, in different locations I might have different monitor sets — and different desired brightness
I want custom daemon because I will need to implement a lot of small logical pieces anyway
but… couldn't that be implemented as a small standalone daemon?
A ton of them
One for true sudo logic
One to manage Firefox etc. isolation
* ekleog
rather have a ton of standalone daemons than a single big daemon, makes daemon failure less painful
Meh, that's Lisp.
Failures are either clean crash or ignorable
You don't have the memory walks causing random actions
even clean crash is an issue when all your computer handling is in there… or not?
Main daemon crashes, it is respawned, big deal
oh, it's stateless?
There is a little bit of state (when I grab random high UIDs, I want to remember which user account has access to what transient UIDs).
Stored on a tmpfs with sqlite
I probably should do better locking around sqlite calls from threads, as it sometimes gets unhappy.
But if sqlite gets unhappy, I just crash the daemon and everything is fine again
hmm'k :)
so next question because I'm curious about your setup: what do you call “true sudo logic”? 😇
Erlang people are right: if you have any doubts, crash it and let it recover
Well, what is the true condition when you want a person to ask for reboot?
policykit? :3
a) they know root password, b) they know one of the passwords from accounts in sudoers c) they are sitting at the computer, goddamn it
Policykit is getting all that wrong
If I am logged in to my notebook but issue the command via SSH, it is a different situation
And I don't want an abomination to take over all the sessions to answer the question «is the request from a user near the laptop»
I want to use that nice invention called «VTs»
so if I understand correctly, your daemon checks that you are on a local VT before granting you the right to reboot?
(yeah, polkit was a bit of a taunt 😇)
Nope. It shows me a confirmation dialog on VT63.
hmm… vt63? what did you bind on it?
Nothing. It switches to tty63, locks it, starts fbterm, shows the request, waits for reaction or lack thereof, switches back (unlocking the vt switch)
oh 'k :)
all your ideas sound really good, I just find it a bit sad that they come in an all-or-nothing package ^^
Well, not completely all-or-nothing
As the daemon is ready to be force-crashed, it is also _not_ assuming it is the only daemon managing the system (unlike, well, some other system manangement approaches)
So it is not hard to have your normal system, and also run this daemon to invoke only for requests you want to pass it
hmm, but then the daemon is ~equivalent to a setuid wrapper around some helpers? if it's only reacting to requests you explicitly pass it
The daemon is supposed to only reqct to requests, yes
* ekleog
got to go, thank you for the discussion!
Finally done with dynamic attributes
> { foo = 10; } ? foo
jD91mZM2: Got this? ^^
infinisil: Darn, no I haven't
btw renaming rust-nix to rnix
It looks nicer when using as a library. extern crate rust_nix; vs extern crate rnix;
Nix patterns should use `or` and not ?, in that case btw
makes more sense
infinisil: Implemented that and `or`
I pretty much just formatted my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix using rnix :D
Not sure all comments are intact, but I'm honestly surprised at how many were
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Currently trying to run nixpkgs. Main file has this:
inherit (trivial) id const concat or and boolToString mergeAttrs
flip mapNullable inNixShell min max importJSON warn info
nixpkgsVersion mod compare splitByAndCompare
Oh yeah, we just discussed that, that's something I gotta fix
Point is the span informatin
> { if = 5; }
error: syntax error, unexpected IF, at (string):169:3
inconsitencies :D
> { assert = 4; }
error: syntax error, unexpected ASSERT, at (string):169:3
nix-repl> { "if" = "hi"; }
{ if = "hi"; }
That works in mine too :D
good :)
Implemented dynamic attributes earlier today. Was a pain :P
> let foo = "hi"; in { ${foo} = "there"; }
{ hi = "there"; }
like that?
Obviously it doesn't need to do any variable lookup though - it's just a parser
I don't like that syntax, I think it was a mistake to not put it in quotes.
Definitely true
Although, even in quotes they are just uGH
they're important to support variables in attrs
I don't personally see why that needs to be a thing
I think builtins.listToAttrs have been enough for a long time
well sometimes you need a dynamic key and it just is
Which keywords can be assigned to variables in nix, and which can't?
w/out quotes?
> { or = 3; if = 2; assert = 1; }
error: syntax error, unexpected IF, at (string):169:11
Joys of separate lexer
> { assert = 1; }
error: syntax error, unexpected ASSERT, at (string):169:3
> { "assert" = 1; }
{ assert = 1; }
> ({ "assert" = 1; }).assert
error: syntax error, unexpected ASSERT, expecting ID or OR_KW or DOLLAR_CURLY or '"', at (string):169:21
> ({ "assert" = 1; })."assert"
> { "assert" = 1; "a.b" = 2; }
{ "a.b" = 2; assert = 1; }
gchristensen: good luck using any attribute on this set without problems! :D
{ "" = 1; }.""
> { "" = 1; }.""
* gchristensen
i also recently saw warnings about using HashMap in haskell, and that an attacker can use partial hash collisions to make the performance worse
and don't forget about `${null}` :)
> {${null} = 1;}
and because aeson uses that for the keys in the json, an attacker can craft json that takes a crap-ton of cpu to parse
{ }
Horrible question: imagine a sensible language extension where { assert = …; } is useful, makes sense and is not the same as { "assert"=…; }
gchristensen: but nix doesnt suffer from this, because all keys in a set are turned into ints, and the id is just an auto-increment in a global variable
the only cost is a one-time (ish) lookup of the key in the global map
and then all keys are basically ints
iirc that is an ancient vulnerability of Perl's
samueldr: null is great to avoid rebuilds :)
, sColumn(symbols.create("column"))
and then there's this
> rec { ${null} = 1; null = "2"; }
{ "2" = 1; null = "2"; }
, sName(symbols.create("name"))
gchristensen: some of the keys in a set are pre-created very early on, and the int version is saved in a field on the class
gchristensen: so you can then just read the sName key in a set, and can skip finding out what int is behind "name"
(I mean, it all makes sense, but it could be surprising still)
clever do you know about __overrides?
(though I'm kinda assuming you know and I'm kinda not-nice for RTFMing)
I didn't :)
I've just been experimenting in the repl lol
that table is great for associativity too
for a newbie I think it is really easy to see `assert bootable -> bootImage != ""` and guess from context that it means if bootabl is true, require this other thing to be true
without taking the time to learn what it actually means
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samueldr: That just showed me a bug :D
-function arg, in my parser would be (-function) arg
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gchristensen: Sorry for not replying earlier btw, didn't wanna get into a discussion. I'm usually for having syntax be as simple and least fancy as possible, but I do get your argument about it being cleaner
rnix just scanned 22 different nixpkgs files and after some tweaking, all of them work
(It stopped because it didn't find any import statements, I haven't implemented a search in the full AST yet)
simpson: I think in software land it doesn't feel like too much change from a normal pendulum
But yeah I just made it treat all interpolated strings as multiline lol
MichaelRaskin: Maybe. I see a continued resistance to memory safety, and a continued commitment to avoiding higher-level abstractions and simpler security models.
jD91mZM2: I think the replacement will create a \n
gchristensen: Oh yeah good point
simpson: see? business as usual
simpson: other than division, what do you think about pony?
gchristensen: I should probably have some difference between multiline strings and normal ones in the AST lol
did I ask you this already?
jD91mZM2: how does rnix handle a multiline string without any interpolation?
gchristensen: It parses it like nix would - disregards leading whitespace
ponylang/rfcs#28 (by dckc, 1 year ago, open): FFI taming
simpson: h yes!
but on re-emitting it, would it emit a multi-line string, or a "..\n..\n"?
what would rnix's nix formatter do
gchristensen: FYI the formatter is just an example and not something I'll actually spend much time on
gchristensen: Currently when you parse a multiline string there's no difference between a normal string and a multiline string
gchristensen: The reason it chose a multiline string here is because it's interpolation - hardcoded to do that in the formatter. This is not correct.
you said: "But yeah I just made it treat all interpolated strings as multiline lol" so, would it read in foo = ''bar\nbaz\n'' and emit foo = "bar\nbaz\n" or foo = ''bar\nbaz\n''?
which yep?
Oh sorry, I misunderstood
The first one
thanks :)
I don't even support \n in strings lol. I was so focused on the parser I didn't think of the small things haha
Oh strings! Right, you got a lot of weird escaping to do