gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<__monty__> infinisil: Have some sweet swiss nix/haskell job offers?
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<infinisil> ,tell __monty__ There are some openings! I'll first try to finish my bachelor before I start really looking for jobs though :)
<{^_^}> infinisil: I'll pass that on to __monty__
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<disasm> ugh... this freenode spam is driving me up the wall to the point where I disabled my pushover alerts for PM's :(
<ekleog> disasm: you can set user mode +R :)
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<disasm> wow, thanks!
<kalbasit> The +R is also mentioned on #freenode 's topic
<ldlework> I wonder does anyone here use styx for their blog?
<ldlework> It looks very interesting
<disasm> ldlework: yup
<ldlework> infinisil: what was the trick for fixing indentation in nix-mode?
<ldlework> disasm: nice, how do you like it?
<disasm> ldlework: https://samleathers.com/
<disasm> love it so far, but I don't have anything super complex
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<infinisil> ldlework: nix-mode#42
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nix-mode/pull/42 (by yorickvP, 8 weeks ago, merged): better `nix-indent-line`
<disasm> I've also been playing with it for my business website, but haven't gotten far beyond the skeleton defaults: https://www.nixedge.com/
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<disasm> no fault of styx, that's me lacking motivation
<ldlework> infinisil: i wonder why i don't get that behavior
<infinisil> ldlework: Did you read the comments?
<ldlework> just did
<ldlework> time to install from git
<infinisil> Or just an override
<samueldr> disasm: please work on diversity ;) https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/08/20180807001250.png
<samueldr> (that's a joke btw)
<disasm> lol :) like I said, not much further than playing with the skeleton. I had two other people that were interested in doing some work if it formulated and it never did
<disasm> you'll have to tell me what stuff.samueldr.com is running. You have some kind of automated way to upload screenshots to your own URL?
<samueldr> like everything, good will and bad scripts :)
<disasm> just an nginx static site with some scp magic?
<samueldr> a script which uses maim for selecting a window, and rsyncs them to my server which serves files
<samueldr> it's basically a whole lot of nothing, but is really useful
<disasm> yeah, I was thinking of doing that with a wrapper around `scrot` :)
<disasm> but haven't quite figured out the best way to get the url it generates when it copies the screenshot
<disasm> lot about logging it, but then I gotta check the journal every time I take a screenshot, and at that point, might as well just manually scp it :)
<samueldr> I pre-fill the filename within the script
<samueldr> so it's the script that decides the filename, gives it to scrot, so since it knows, can then copy to clipboard
<samueldr> and since it's a well-known pattern, rsynced to the server, it's easy to concat stuff
<disasm> oh, copy to clipboard...
<samueldr> it's also bound to a key combination
<samueldr> ctrl+print screen will do it, it's become *too* natural
<disasm> yeah, I use ctrl-z already for screenshots, but don't have the upload magic. What command are you running to add the URL to the clipboard?
<samueldr> xclip
<disasm> that requires a daemon running iirc, right?
<ldlework> imgur-screenshot is what i use
<samueldr> no
<ldlework> it is in nixpkgs
<samueldr> but then, imgur isn't self-hosted :)
<ldlework> it uses scrot behind the scenes
<samueldr> (I really like to brand my URLs ;))
<ekleog> samueldr: BUT if you add an entry to /etc/hosts to redirect imgur to your server…!
<samueldr> no, add it to all nixos machines!
<ekleog> mwahahahahaha
<samueldr> we have the technology
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<disasm> ah, just tried it with `echo test|xclip -i` and it worked :) Might be writing a script tomorrow, time for bed now
<samueldr> about to do the same
<ldlework> disasm: if xclip doesn't work for you sometimes
<ldlework> try "xclip -sel clip"
<ldlework> infinisil: do you use yasnippet?
<infinisil> nope
<ldlework> its quite useful for writing nix
<disasm> so essentially, I can just replace `bindsym --release $mod+z exec /run/current-system/sw/bin/scrot -s ~/screenshots/%Y-%m-%d-%T-screenshot.png` with bindsym --release $mod+z exec ${myScript} where `myScript` is defined as `writeScriptBin "samleathers-screenshot-sync" ''script here'' and I should be in business.
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<ldlework> infinisil: do you use nix-format-buffer? are you using nixfmt?
<ldlework> i have the latest nix-mode and closing parens still indent too far
<ldlework> so annoying
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<Drakonis> is spacemacs worth it?
<ldlework> i don't use it
<ldlework> oh i fixed the indent problem
<ldlework> nice
<ldlework> happy days
<ldlework> I had to do (define-key nix-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'nix-indent-line)
<ldlework> strange
<ldlework> here is a function to format a nix-buffer without nixfmt https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/dc0b1c15bc2b8cb375b094728b938118
<ldlework> \o/
<ldlework> now to add that to save hook
<Drakonis> whoa nelly i got my
<Drakonis> pull requests, i'm a big boy now
<ldlework> (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'nix-format)
* ldlework sighs in relief.
<Drakonis> what's a fun way to learn lisp?
<etu> Build a mode
<etu> that's what I did, now I have two modes.
<Drakonis> i said fun!
<Drakonis> i also said lisp not emacs
<etu> One that's more popular and one that is more useful :-)
<Drakonis> hmm, alright i catch what you mean
<ldlework> etu: i learned the Helm and Hydra APIs
<Drakonis> hydra mode?
<Drakonis> call it the hydra slayer
<etu> :D
<etu> ldlework: I mostly have webpaste:-)
<Drakonis> but don't steal screen time from good game hydra slayer
<ldlework> no idea what that is
<etu> The more popular one I don't care much for
<Drakonis> its some math roguelike. its very fun
<ldlework> i meant 'webpaste'
<Drakonis> oic
<etu> ldlework: Pastes parts of buffers or whole buffers to random pastebin-like services, and has failover if one fails.
<Drakonis> webpaste is some kind of website for pasting software?
<Drakonis> its useful
<ldlework> why are you telling me about it?
<Drakonis> although pastebin itself is absolute crap these days
<ldlework> there's only one pastebin you need, gist
<Drakonis> what if github dies
<ldlework> when has it ever done that
<Drakonis> (unlikely given microsoft owns it now)
<etu> I kinda prefer ptpb.pw
<etu> (No affiliation with it though, just that it's clean and nice)
<ldlework> gist is associated with the rest of my portfolio
<Drakonis> well that's fine
<ldlework> anyway it feels so good to have auto-formatting for nix code :D
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<sphalerite> Drakonis[m]: you don't need to wait with submitting PRs until ofborg is alive again, you can always write `@GrahamCOfBorg eval` later on (or get someone with permission to do so)
<LnL> alive again?
<LnL> /o\
<LnL> looks fine
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<sphalerite> samueldr: disasm: I use dmenu to get a filename for my screenshot-upload script
<sphalerite> LnL: drakonis said it was down, so I just based what I said on that
<LnL> don't scare people like that so early in the morning! :D
<adisbladis[m]> ldlework: What did you do? :)
<adisbladis[m]> I want a better nix editing experience too
<adisbladis[m]> Cool
<adisbladis[m]> Thanks
<ldlework> np
<ldlework> adisbladis[m]: you will need straight.el
<ldlework> but if you can otherwise get the git version of nix-mode then you can just steal the :config stuff
<ldlework> :straight (nix-mode :type git :host github :repo "NixOS/nix-mode")
<ldlework> this line depends on straight.el's use-package integration to install the package from git
<adisbladis[m]> I use nix to manage my emacs packages :)
<ldlework> i figured
<ldlework> infinisil: ah crap, somewhere along the way i removed whatever was providing me with your znc module enhancements. Would you happen to have an overlay for that?
<ldlework> argh
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<gchristensen> it is a bad look having spam recommend other networks
<samueldr> do they?
<gchristensen> 17:43 <nlsun> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/
<samueldr> hadn't seen those in the other channels I track that are victim
<samueldr> (but they are there)
<samueldr> though, to be fair, efnet is probably a victim here too :/
<samueldr> (as is matrix)
<samueldr> it's all a mess :(
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<__monty__> What is with the tidal wave of spam lately?
<{^_^}> __monty__: 16 hours, 38 minutes ago <infinisil> There are some openings! I'll first try to finish my bachelor before I start really looking for jobs though :)
<infinisil> Perfect timing {^_^} lol
<__monty__> : )
<samueldr> __monty__: someone's got beef against freenode, probably constructed, and unleashed the classical skiddie kind of attack
<samueldr> scorched earth
<samueldr> they also spam *other irc networks*
<__monty__> Sounds like discidents.
<__monty__> sic.
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<gchristensen> so Pony looks like a cool lang
<simpson> Pony's cool. They're ocap, kind of, although their commitment to taming is lacking.
<gchristensen> ocap? taming?
<simpson> ocap is object capabilities; Pony sits next to languages like E, Monte, Waterken, etc.
<gchristensen> gotcha, I knew "cap" but not "o"cap
<simpson> Taming is the act of making cap-aware stuff integrate with non-cap-aware stuff. For languages, taming the kernel and userland is usually the hardest part.
<gchristensen> ooOOOoo cool
<simpson> e.g. here's a Monte & Pony contributor trying to convince the Pony folks that maybe the system timer is dangerous: https://github.com/ponylang/rfcs/pull/28
<{^_^}> ponylang/rfcs#28 (by dckc, 1 year ago, open): FFI taming
<simpson> (Meanwhile, Monte has *no* FFI; we don't believe that taming a ctypes interface is possible!)
<gchristensen> yes that is a complicated line to walk, given, well, they want to be in that space :P
<simpson> Definitely. Like the language name suggests, they want a whole bunch of conflicting features all at once.
<gchristensen> right
<gchristensen> they do describe their thought process there pretty clearly
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<gchristensen> anyone using nixops as part of a ci deployment pipeline?
<simpson> Like, calling it from CI? Gutsy.
<gchristensen> most deploys I do are pretty safe
<gchristensen> for scary ones? happy to do it by hand :P but I'd like to be able to allow other people to do easy ones safely
<LnL> not nixops specifically
* gchristensen looks at his yak rapidly grow hair
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