gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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<samueldr> I'm curious how high the 500 rate is at github in a daily fashion
<samueldr> I get those often when doing searches on nixpkgs
<gchristensen> yikes
<samueldr> fun!
<samueldr> the search API is useless :(
<samueldr> so I can't limit the amount of PRs to fetch to only what's needed to update locally
<samueldr> related, the search pages are weird, click next on this page https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?page=400&q=repo%3Anixos%2Fnixpkgs+is%3Apr&utf8=%E2%9C%93
<samueldr> (the search in the API works like this, you have to use the repo:OWNER/REPO syntax, and the results don't match reality)
<samueldr> on a brighter note, the connections on my server stopped earlier today
<samueldr> (IRC spam)
<gchristensen> nice
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<gchristensen> w00t got dry-run deploys working in buildkite for ofborg
<gchristensen> time for bed ...
<samueldr> if he comes back before tomorrow morning, we'll know he's test driving the bed thing with a dry-run first
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<ldlework> I have three users of emacs-nougat and it feels really good :)
<Drakonis> LnL, i don't think elixir 1.7 is building correctly
<Drakonis> its still broken
<etu> ldlework: I'll tried the nix autoformatting from your repo there
<etu> ldlework: I was quite unhappy with nix-mode when nix-indent-line always indent the first line with two spaces if it's a comment. Which caused the entire file to indent with two spaces every time I saved the file :D
<etu> s/I'll/I've/
<ldlework> etu: no idea the edge cases, but having everything just be formatted all the time was made me quite happy indeed
<ldlework> etu: you should try to throw yasnippet into the mix
<ldlework> then you're really cruising
<etu> ldlework: Try to put a comment at the top of a nix file and save it and you'll see :p
<etu> I should report it to nix-mode really
<Drakonis> disregard me, my local copy wasn't building
<Drakonis> because i'm a fool.
<ldlework> etu: y-yeah!, nix-mode is as fault here :)
<etu> But I was also thinking of fixing it myself since I have some experience with elisp
<Drakonis> i'm mildly confused now
<Drakonis> how do i keep my channels up to date?
<Drakonis> for upgrading packages through home manager
<ldlework> etu: please do!
<ldlework> etu: also maybe consider switching to emacs-nougat and contributing some snippets :)
<ldlework> i'm sure you use nix to build your config though
<Drakonis> yes i do
<Drakonis> nixos-unstable still stuck
<etu> ldlework: This is my emacs config: https://github.com/etu/nixconfig/blob/master/home-etu-nixpkgs/dotfiles/emacs/config.org -- I install packages with home-manager and have a bootstrap to load the config in the same directory as that org-file
<Drakonis> well this explains why i can't have up to date elixir without manually building
<ldlework> etu: you could probably work it to integrate with nougat snippets
<etu> ldlework: I've been building on that config for 10 years now. It's been through many big changes. One big change was package.el to begin with, and then use-package and then org-mode :)
<ldlework> etu: sure, but you don't have to change anything really
<ldlework> the main mechanism is #+import
<etu> ldlework: I'm open to change:)
<etu> If I find it useful
<ldlework> etu: like, all nougat is, is a script that resolves all #+import's in your org file before tangling
<ldlework> and so we each have our own org-outline, and a shared library of snippets
<etu> :)
<ldlework> we're free to #+include whatever snippets we personally like
<ldlework> and to contribute snippets to the library
<ldlework> and you can keep most of your config as just elisp blocks in your outline
<ldlework> so migration can be really piecemeal
<ldlework> a competent nix user using nougat to reformualte how we do builds and stuff so that it works with nix would be reeally cool
<ldlework> right now it is just a shell script that calls emacs in batch mode with an elisp file that does the export
<ldlework> probably not too dissimilar to what you've automated with nix
<ldlework> but no pressure
<ldlework> though we have some cool features in nougat
<ldlework> like we have major-mode-hydra integration
<ldlework> and a system for doing stack-based hydras
<ldlework> so when you exit one hydra you go back to the one that brought you here
<ldlework> etc
<ldlework> I don't really know how it could be made to integrate with nix though
<ldlework> since it uses (use-package) and straight.el for package-management
<ldlework> maybe I could write a (use-package) wrapper so that nothing happens if the feature is already loaded
<joepie91> quote of the day: [06:14] <xxx> joepie91: fwiw, the world is at odds with you buddy, the people who actually earn money, the people who actually progress the world, the ones who make changes occur - they aren't you
<joepie91> making friends wherever I go...
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<etu> ldlework: Do you have any good trick to build the emacs config from an org-file with home-manager or so?
<etu> ldlework: To have it byte-compiled and ready for first start
<ldlework> etu: nah, i don't use nix to build emacs config
<ldlework> I'm literally constantly hacking on my emacs config
<ldlework> having to rebuild nixos or hm would be obnoxious
<etu> oh, ok
<etu> I don't touch my config that much these days
<ldlework> etu: I'm interested in extensions to org to treat it structurally, and hacking Helm and Hydra
<ldlework> right now I'm writing an irc bot :)
* etu have code for an irc-bot he wrote in elisp once
<etu> as a learning exercise
<ldlework> yeah I'm writing it in elisp
<ldlework> i've modularized it so much that the core is now a plugin for itself
<ldlework> :3
<joepie91> whoo! my typing/validation library thingem is now far enough done that I can start writing code with it!
<joepie91> so much work...
<joepie91> https://git.cryto.net/joepie91/node-data-modeling/src/master/test/registry.js -- latest tests, for 'registry' support, ie. a way to deal with circular type references...
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<LnL> Drakonis[m]: yeah it should be working now, I used it myself yesterday
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<joepie91> sigh
<joepie91> npm's package pages have now been broken for 1:30 hours or so
<joepie91> they're leaking what looks like a backend error, a JSON.parse trying to parse undefined
<joepie91> no updates on the status page; no response on the support twitter
<joepie91> no indication whatsoever that anybody is even aware of the outage; apparently no automatic detection either
<joepie91> that "we're going commercial to ensure better quality of service" is working out very well... :|
<simpson> If only there were a company that oversaw npm's operations~
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<andi-> Has anyone made attempts at using nixos on an OpenNebula cluster?
<gchristensen> what image format does it use? probably isn't so hard
<andi-> I can find references to some cloud-init support but all the images I have booted so far seem to be running some custom scripts.
<andi-> I am building a nova image to test now.
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<andi-> also toying with https://github.com/andrewchambers/terranix lets see if that works..
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<andi-> first success with OpenNebula.. too bad I didn't think about the slow internet connection at the local hackspace before moving here.. Uplading VM images with 10Mbit/s...
<gchristensen> oh jeeze I know that pain
<andi-> Another attempt at primeing people for nix at the office... not really nice how many things you have to touch to make that work.. grr... Why aren't they just using AWS :D
<gchristensen> :)
<samueldr> not related to nixos/nixpkgs, anyone has a good review workflow for reviewing (large) changes to a codebase
<samueldr> specifically interested in tooling
<samueldr> I've been put into a foul mood by the gitlab UX that just broke down and now hangs the tab when loading the diff view
<infinisil> Use git diff locally?
<samueldr> I was about to say what I've resorted to doing right now
<samueldr> I used git diff base...branch > file.diff
<samueldr> since it allows me to annotate and delete what I looked at
<samueldr> it's ~2500lines of diff
<samueldr> and that's after filtering out what's "garbage" from the diff
<infinisil> Hmm I see. I bet magit has something that would work super well
<samueldr> and magit works fine with vim ;)
<samueldr> yeah I bet magit has something
<samueldr> I should probably look into it
<infinisil> magit in vim??
<samueldr> ah, dropped the question mark on the ground
<samueldr> > and magit works fine with vim? ;)
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected WITH, expecting ')', at (string):166:22
<infinisil> Ah, yeah no it's an emacs thing
<samueldr> I know already what magit is, I have a friend which uses emacs, I still like him ;)
<infinisil> Haha
<infinisil> Well I actually use both emacs and vim
<samueldr> though I was just now thinking I should look if magit can feel "standalone"
<infinisil> Haven't used magit though, but I hear it's superb
<samueldr> yeah, heard good things too
<samueldr> I should probably look at tpope's things
<samueldr> I think it's fugitive
<samueldr> just looking for input from others
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<ldlework> Magit is *amazing*
<ldlework> best git porcelain there is
<gchristensen> one time I erased my entire home directory with magit
<ldlework> i somehow don't think that was magit's fault
<gchristensen> I typed the wrong keys a few times by mistake and accidentally git clean -dfx'd outside of a repo, and had a ~/.git so git dutifully erased my home directory
<ldlework> that seems really hard to do as you'd need to specifically set the flags and then execute the clean
<gchristensen> here we are
<gchristensen> (I love magit)
<ldlework> well as long we're on the same page about the flukiness of that ancedote :)
<LnL> wut
<ldlework> gchristensen: didn't know you were an emacsen
<gchristensen> oh yeah
<ldlework> cool
<samueldr> I'll have to try emacs again, but I'm really stuck in my comfy vim setup, not even looking for new shiny things :/
<samueldr> what's worse is the amount of custom key binds
<samueldr> I'll have to look at evil mode though
<samueldr> (again)
<samueldr> I had a good fac-simile of my setup done quickly a while ago
<gchristensen> don't even bother
<gchristensen> its fine, vim is fine
<ldlework> vim is fine, but emacs is more
<ldlework> it isn't just a text editor, but an application platform
<ldlework> vim will never have org-mode
<samueldr> I'm more thinking about the magit kind of thing
<samueldr> dired too, I think
<ldlework> that too
<LnL> what's wrong with fugitive
<samueldr> those kind of integrations are often lacking
<ldlework> samueldr: you can get ranger.el too
<samueldr> LnL: dunno, haven't tried it yet
<ldlework> it makes dired very useful
<samueldr> but I should and will
<LnL> curl https://github.com/tpope/* | sh
<samueldr> haha yeah
<samueldr> LnL: as I said earlier, I knew about it, just haven't bothered yet
<samueldr> was pretty well served with tig + git and vim as editor-only
<samueldr> still am, but having trouble reviewing that big (not even huge!) PR on gitlab
<ldlework> tig is the next best thing
<samueldr> I like how tig isn't "vim-like" or "emacs-like" (though it has some vim-like bindings) it's enough of a standalone TUI experience
<ldlework> i don't know if fugitive is even approximating magit..
<LnL> dunno, it does everything I need
<LnL> except weird stuff like recovering rebased changes or whatever
<ldlework> i recommend a screencast
<gchristensen> I feel like emacs is too much power for me, I can't keep straight all the things, and I have to constantly relearn stuff
<ldlework> gchristensen: that's what hydra and which-key are for
<gchristensen> hydra?
<ldlework> You can create little custom pop-up windows just like in Magit
<ldlework> But self-made containing whatever you want
<ldlework> In my emacs, hitting caps-lock activates my "entrypoint" hydra
<ldlework> from there I can open hydras that manage registers, macros, elisp eval, open my variou org-mode files, do org-capture, and on and on
<ldlework> It is very versitile. The hydras are obviously self-documenting, and each key can do arbitrary elisp, and they can have different colors, so some keys might leave the hydra up, other keys might do their thing then close the hydra.
<ldlework> Basically my whole emacs is magit now.
<ldlework> highly recommended.
<ldlework> Another good thing for emacs is to setup your keyboard like [hyper][ctrl][ space ][meta][super]
<ldlework> I use hyper to control my window manager
<ldlework> but super is a totally free emacs control prefix
<ldlework> so i don't have to remember everything emacs has, i can just make my own binding surface with what's useful to me
<ldlework> one last example
<ldlework> org-mode is a complex mode, it has many features including structural editing features which have no bindings by default
<ldlework> this is my org-mode hydra
<ldlework> red means keep the hydra active
<ldlework> so when i pop it up, i can navigate and reorganize headings all with single or shifted keys
<ldlework> major-mode-hydra.el will let you assign hydras to major-modes, so that a single command/key brings up the relevant hydra
<ldlework> now you can have one for nix, python, haskell, org, dired, etc
<ldlework> a good channel for modern emacs customization talk is ##apoptosis
<andi-> Now I feel like I am missing out on something... Again..
<LnL> oh god, I accidentally installed nix 1.11 on a machine and I have to redownload a closure using HTTP 1.1
<gchristensen> you poor thing
<LnL> it takes forever
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<simpson> Is there a good way to get a Racket package built as a dependency of something else?
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<simpson> I want to $(raco pkg install herbie) but in a way that lets me call Herbie from other derivations.
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