LnL: when you mentioned the thing about deploying yesterday, I stopped deploying
I'm happy to merge these PRs, but I'd like to deploy them around the same time -- let me know what I should do :)
yeah, the debugging stuff I mentioned doesn't have to block that
cust0dian has joined #nixos-borg
I like how the switch to tracing appears to be mostly changing the imports from log -> tracing
but I think you'll have to at least reboot the aarch server soon
I don't have enough permissions to look at the stuck builders or restart them
cole-h: yeah, it's really implemented as a superset in a lot of ways
borg seems to have hung on my PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/86334 — is this a minor issue and I should just push something else there to trigger another run or do I need to raise an issue?
one thing that's neat that I already noticed is that it also handles logging of libraries (like lapin) by default
cust0dian: Usually it's fine to just `@ofborg eval` and restart the eval. I think I know the issue but haven't been able to find time to actually look into fixing it.
gotcha, thanks!
Unless you see a big purple label that says `ofborg-internal-error` -- then, come find me.
why is clippy yelling at me? :/
LnL++ Thanks for adding a picture -- I was gonna ask for one :P
LnL's karma got increased to 46
LnL: I think clippy wants you to split `head_waiter`'s closure to a separate function and `thread::spawn()` that
idk about the others
I smile every time I see "lmao I got a job?" show up in the logs
LnL: jk, splitting that closure did nothing
urgh yeah
LnL: It appears to be related to the `info!` macro. Commenting out lines 134-5 gets rid of that one error
btw I don't get these with latest
Latest what, clippy?
oh, sounds like the heuristic might be counting the expanded macro then
Yep, just found that too
I generally work in a ~nixpkgs-unstable shell
LnL: What are your clippy, cargo, and rustc versions when this doesn't happen?
0.0.212, 1.43.0, and 1.43.0, respectively?
also posted some output of the json formatter
Now the question is how it looks in Loki
yeah I don't know how that integrates
It might be useful to remove the date "segment", since Loki does that automagically
btw, I really don't have much of an opionion on the library
if either of you think slog or whatever is the better option I can also try that out
cole-h: there's a without_time so that looks straightforward if we don't want it