<pxc> update - it was some env var thing, idk why
<Infinisil> could you fix it? What did you do?
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<pxc> Infinisil: reinitialized my shell, lollllllll
<pxc> what I don't get is why I haven't hit this earlier
<Infinisil> lol, well
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<Infinisil> A diff of the shell env would've been nice to see
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<admin123> Hi guys, NixOS seems cool but I can't install it on VirtualBox on UEFI, I'm trying now with BIOS
<admin123> Anyone could install it on VirtualBox?
<pxc> Infinisil: it was just one variable: NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE
<admin123> right now NixOS manual says to do "mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt" but there is nixos1, nios2, 3, 4 and NIXOS_ISO
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<pxc> admin123: you're responsible for creating the partition and labeling it 'nixos'
<admin123> will go with nixos 4, but really I dont know
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<admin123> pxc: will do
<pxc> admin123: what I'm saying is you need to make a partition, in gdisk or gparted if you're doing UEFI, then create the filesystem on it with the appropriate label, e.g., `mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/sda2` or whatever
<pxc> ah, you got it :-)
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<simpson> Just tried to run a JAR and the fonts were hideous. Is there a trick to it?
<simpson> To follow along, grab https://categoricaldata.net/aql.jar and then $(nix-shell -p jre --run 'java -jar aql.jar') if you trust it.
<andy__> hello, I'm trying to install jupyter on my nixos box. I'm following this: https://gist.github.com/Nekroze/775eccdc1a17d8d6cd4a4ab0e8da6581
<andy__> but
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<Infinisil> and there he goes
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<andy__> hello, i'm trying to install jupyter in my nixos box. i am trying to use the following configuration: https://gist.github.com/Nekroze/775eccdc1a17d8d6cd4a4ab0e8da6581
<andy__> but when i try using jupyter, it says that there is no module named ipykernel
<andy__> i can't seem to get the right edit of the "export PYTHONPATH" line in the systemd.services.jupyter section
* Infinisil takes a look
<Infinisil> andy__: Is python34 needed?
<andy__> the trouble also is that i wanted to add plotly. however the nixos version of plotly is too old and can't be used with python34
<andy__> well i think jupyter uses python heavily ... is that what you mean?
<andy__> i modified the file to say with pkgs.python27Packages
<andy__> because the plotly python package is for python2.7
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<Infinisil> And if that doesn't work and you still get the error that ipykernel isn't there, you should add a package override for notebook and add ipykernel to propagatedBuildInputs (which will be put into $PYTHONPATH then, probably)
<Infinisil> Or better yet, fix the package upstream
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<Infinisil> ipykernel does seem to be in propagatedBuildInputs for notebook already in master though. Not sure which version you're using
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<andy__> hmm
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<andy__> ok that didn't help, but you're saying that notebook should include the ipykernel?
<Infinisil> andy__: I mean, according to that config, it seems to be a dependency of it, right? If so then yes, notebook should include that
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<andy__> ok i see what you're saying and i now see it in the propagatedBuildInputs. I didn't think to look there
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<gchristensen> how can I clear the DNS cache on NixOS?
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<Infinisil> gchristensen: I thought this depends on each application
<gchristensen> probably so :)
<gchristensen> doees dig github.com @ show IPs for you?
<Infinisil> Yeah, and
<gchristensen> huh
<Infinisil> it doesn't for you?
<gchristensen> I'm getting SERVFAIL
<Infinisil> huh indeed
<Infinisil> From my DO server I'm getting the same 2 ips
<gchristensen> what if you hit
<gchristensen> from my packet.net box I get SERVFAIL too
<Infinisil> I believe sometimes my ISP is a bit buggy and I get SERVFAILS
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<Infinisil> .2 works too
<Infinisil> (when using my ISP's DNS)
<Infinisil> (so it shouldn't really be that)
<Infinisil> gchristensen: maybe add +trace
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<gchristensen> ugh this is hell
<gchristensen> I can't switch away from these DNS servers b/c I can't rebuild my nixops network
<disasm> how do you deal with python packages that have test suites that want to use the internet?
<disasm> example: ownload error on https://pypi.python.org/simple/pytest-forked/: [Errno -2] Name or service not known -- Some packages may not be found!
<gchristensen> doCheck = false ;)
<disasm> haha, that was easy :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29341: dyn: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.3 (master...dyn) https://git.io/v59q4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Moredread opened pull request #29343: Better example path for fileSystems.*.encrypted.keyFile (master...fix/encrypted-devices-example) https://git.io/v593d
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Moredread opened pull request #29344: Fix issue where boot fails when all encrypted fs have keyfiles config… (master...fix/fileystem-encrypted-keyfile-missing-initrd-support) https://git.io/v59sf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29345: locustio: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.5 (master...locustio) https://git.io/v59sL
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<fearlessKim[m]> I've some trouble connecting to a vpn service using networkmanager (over l2tp). can't find NetworkManager.log. Where am I supposed to look at ? is there any good tutorial for that ?
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<Moredread> wow, that was a lot of work, for a small fix XD
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<Jacoby6000h> Anybody here had issues with neovim not picking up installed python packages?
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<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h: initially I installed them systemwide which worked great but I am not sore sure it's the solution now
<Jacoby6000h> I tried to install my packages via "pyhton27.withPackage(ps: with ps; [ ... ])" in my system packages inside of /etc/nixos/config.nix
<Jacoby6000h> neovim still can't detect them for some reason :/
<Jacoby6000h> They're definitely installed though.. it's just like, sys.path inside python doesn't have the package paths.
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<disasm> Jacoby6000h: yeah, I think that's my problem. youcompleteme has been broken since I switched to unstable.
<Jacoby6000h> I don't think I'm on unstable.. I recently started trying nixos, and just used what was advertised on the nixos site
<Jacoby6000h> think I'm on 17.03
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<kiloreux_> In Go, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/compilers/go/1.9.nix#L4 <== How can I install the security requirement ?
<kiloreux_> I am trying to use the file independently
<disasm> Jacoby6000h: hmmm, worked fine for me on 17.03... want to share your config?
<Jacoby6000h> Sure. IT's probably awful :) one second.
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<disasm> ah :)
<Jacoby6000h> Is there an issue?
<disasm> one sec...
<hyper_ch> those were good times when my configuration nix was this short
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<Jacoby6000h> hyper_ch: give me time ;)
<hyper_ch> Jacoby6000h: my current configuration.nix https://github.com/sjau/nixos/blob/master/configuration.nix
<Jacoby6000h> O_o O
<disasm> Jacoby6000h: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/default.nix you need to pass those python libraries you want neovim to see in an overriden version of neovim
<Jacoby6000h> ,I'm kinda new to this, but I'd think you'd start breaking things out at that point :p
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<Jacoby6000h> disasm: ah. I need to override "extraPythonPackages" i guess?
<disasm> yup
<hyper_ch> is neovim related to vim?
<srhb> hyper_ch: afaik it's a reimplementation of most of Vim.
<hyper_ch> vim /me shivers
<srhb> hyper_ch: ;)
<hyper_ch> all I can manage is nano
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<srhb> I think the main goal was to make it extensible in other, more practical languages than VimL
<srhb> Hehe
<srhb> Vim is an excellent editor, and as a sysadmin on legacy systems, knowing basic vi is really useful.
<hyper_ch> it's awesome
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] AndersonTorres opened pull request #29347: mgba: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.0 (master...upload/mgba) https://git.io/v59cn
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<hyper_ch> but command mode/insert mode are just so.... complicated
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<Jacoby6000h> hyper_ch: I just dedicated 3 weeks to being about 1/4th as productive as normal, and now i spend most of my time being at least 50% more productive (when writing code anyway)
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<disasm> hyper_ch: neovim is a fork of vim that uses msgpack API so plugins run as co-processes that communicate with neovim safely and asynchronously. or in other words, aren't slow as molasses.
<hyper_ch> Jacoby6000h: my actual job is not really computer related :)
<hyper_ch> disasm: could you translate this to standard english? :)
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<disasm> hyper_ch: it makes things fast :)
<hyper_ch> see, wasn't that complicated :)
<rotaerk> My main issue with vim key controls is having to hit escape so much. That key is too far away for it's frequency of use
<srhb> I think there's a compromise
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<srhb> hyper_ch: Other programs can run alongside Neovim to provide extra functionality inside Neovim
<Jacoby6000h> disasm: i think your suyggestion work! lots of new words on the screen (seems to be rebuilding with python support)
<hyper_ch> rotaerk: you can remap keyboards
<Jacoby6000h> wow I fat fingered that.
<fearlessKim[m]> rotaerk: swap caps lock and escape
<srhb> fearlessKim[m]: Butbut control
<rotaerk> My caps is swapped with ctrl
<srhb> ctrl ctrl + ] is ESC
<srhb> er
<srhb> ctrl + ] is esc
<srhb> And control is more useful than escape, I feel
<rotaerk> Ah
<disasm> rotaerk: I did that for a while at one point... got tired of the caps lock light toggling on off all the time though.
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<srhb> (But I have a chord-like thing provide a means to escape by pressing j and k at the same time in insert mode)
<fearlessKim[m]> you can do Ctrl C to mimic escape most of the time
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<Jacoby6000h> I've got a 61 key keyboard, so capslock as escape is nice.
<srhb> Jacoby6000h: O_o
<disasm> ooh, capslock as escape, that's genius :)
<rotaerk> My caps lock light is toggled by the logical caps, not physical
<disasm> back in the day when caps lock was a light at the top of the keyboard instead of embedded in the key itself...
<rotaerk> I don't think I've ever seen a keyboard with it embedded into the key itself
<Jacoby6000h> srhb: http://www.wasdkeyboards.com/index.php/products/code-keyboard/code-61-key-mechanical-keyboard-mx-clear.html A great keyboard... besides the arrows are remapped to fn+j/k/l/i instead of fn+h/j/k/l. didn't know that until after I bought it >.> luckily, you can set up "layers", so I always just operate on the second layer and have the arrows remapped in a not-insane way.
<Jacoby6000h> being able to arbitrarily remap keys is really nice.
<srhb> Jacoby6000h: I tend to go the "more keys is better" route, but it's pretty :)
* srhb has hyper somewhere on here...
<Jacoby6000h> srhb: I used to be like that
<rotaerk> I'm trying out spacemacs, in vim mode. So far I love it
<srhb> rotaerk: I can't abide the mangling of configuration into that spacemacs idiom.
<srhb> Other than that, it's pretty great.
<Jacoby6000h> One of these days, I'll get my custom keycaps http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/b72c3b37e00205cb4431c936d7953f1f
<Jacoby6000h> that'd be cool
<rotaerk> The layer system?
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<Jacoby6000h> disasm: bah, still doesn't work. here's what I have now: https://gist.github.com/Jacoby6000/67668ee66c891ae03f589f15f1e7fd97 (only the packages.nix file changed)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v59cF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 446f185 John Ericson: darwin-stdenv, cc-wrapper: Fix eval on darwin...
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<disasm> Jacoby6000h: that looks better... what's it doing now?
<Jacoby6000h> Same error as before. Whenever I run a rebuild, I see neovim being rebuilt with python support though.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29349: treewide: Do not limit hardenging because gcc 4.9 in bootstrap (staging...harden-bootstrap) https://git.io/v59CR
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<disasm> Jacoby6000h: if you run nvim-python and print sys.path, do you see your python modules in the path?
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<Jacoby6000h> disasm: doesn't look like it.
<disasm> Jacoby6000h: so... haven't used these python modules before... what should I expect when I open neovim?
<Jacoby6000h> disasm: I only have them installed because a plugin I use uses them :p
<disasm> what plugin is that?
<Jacoby6000h> ensime
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<disasm> Jacoby6000h: I think I'd suggest just putting your entire vim config in nix :)
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<Jacoby6000h> I've been thinking about it... I just don't want to because I have systems that aren't on nix, and I have a vimrc repo which I just clone and symlink when I get on a new system.. If I shove it all in .nix files I lose that ability :/
<Jacoby6000h> https://github.com/jacoby6000/my-vimrc is everything I have
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<Jacoby6000h> i need to cull my plugins
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59Wv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ebb6488 Ruben Maher: nextcloud-client: use cmakeDir and cmakeFlags attrs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e02f936 Ruben Maher: nextcloud-client: add inotify dependency when building on linux...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ce18c8 Ruben Maher: nextcloud-client: enable parallel building...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 6bd0b33 Ruben Maher: nextcloud-client: use cmakeDir and cmakeFlags attrs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 bb290c9 Ruben Maher: nextcloud-client: add inotify dependency when building on linux...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 d141452 Ruben Maher: nextcloud-client: enable parallel building...
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<disasm> Jacoby6000h: you could shoot an e-mail to the nix listserv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] phunehehe opened pull request #29350: rabbitmq_server: 3.6.6 -> 3.6.10 (master...rabbitmq-3.6.10) https://git.io/v59lv
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 5e860f6 Bjørn Forsman: OVMF: add 'src' attribute...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc2566e Sarah Brofeldt: s3fs: 1.80 -> 1.82
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<M1k3y> Hello. Short question. Can I have multiple "activationScripts.stdio" entries in my configuration?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29351: pydub 0.16.7 -> 0.20.0 (master...pydub) https://git.io/v598t
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master addfb83 Peter Hoeg: neomutt: 20170907 -> 20170912
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<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h: do you plan to send that email ? Actually I develop a neovim python which relies on external python libraries and I am not sure how to do it. I like vim-plug and use many plugins so not too keen on handling the whole neovim config to nixos
<Jacoby6000h> fearlessKim[m]: I was actually digging in to the neovim nix package to see if I could figure out what the deal was.
<Jacoby6000h> Can't figure it out though :/
<fearlessKim[m]> same
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<Jacoby6000h> I assume there's an __init__.py somewhere that isn't getting the modules added, because I don't see anything about pythonpath anywhere.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl opened pull request #29352: gtk+: 3.22.19 -> 3.22.21 (master...gtk-3_22_21) https://git.io/v5940
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29353: pgpdump: disable tests (master...pgpdump) https://git.io/v59B0
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<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h:
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<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h: there seems to be a extraPython3Packages that can be used to add libraries to the env without specifying in nix the plugin themselves
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v59Rz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 304d3a4 Samuel Leathers: colanderalchemy: fixes tests...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v590O
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4a67ee9 AndersonTorres: mgba: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3e78a50 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29347 from AndersonTorres/upload/mgba...
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<makefu> i was checking out what the maunal says about configuring vim and this is what i've found https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#users-guide-to-vim-pluginsaddonsbundlesscripts-in-nixpkgs . i have the feeling this does not really reflect how people are currently configuring vim in nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v590i
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dabf89f Samuel Leathers: credstash: 1.13.2 -> 1.13.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 693de5b Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29340 from disassembler/credstash...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v590h
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 cd2ecbe Samuel Leathers: credstash: 1.13.2 -> 1.13.3...
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<fearlessKim[m]> considering vam might be the least used plugin manager and how complex it seems, I would agree
<fearlessKim[m]> i meant the process seems complex
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<vaibhavsagar> makefu: I do what I used to do with vim-plug
<vaibhavsagar> the problem with VAM is that it needs to know about any plugin I want to install
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<vaibhavsagar> and doesn't support arbitrary URLs
<makefu> you can extend the vam register
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<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h: this overlay seems to do the trick: neovim = super.neovim.override ( {
<fearlessKim[m]> extraPython3Packages = [ (super.pkgs.python36.withPackages (ps: [ ps.neovim ps.pandas ]))];
<fearlessKim[m]> });
<fearlessKim[m]> if you remove all the neovim python plugins from the system else it can choke on import I believe
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch: was just looking at your configuration.nix you posted earlier, just a suggestion — if you use androidenv.platformTools rather than androidsdk you get adb without several gigs of android SDK, in case you don't need the full SDK
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zraexy opened pull request #29356: streamlink: 0.7.0 -> 0.8.1 (master...streamlink) https://git.io/v59uA
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<hyper_ch> I just need adb :)
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<hyper_ch> good to know :)
<disasm> FRidh: what's this do? optionals (!isPyPy)
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: how good are you at nix packaging?
<FRidh> disasm: returns true if python is not a PyPy interpreter
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch: uh, intermediate, I'd say. Why?
<FRidh> and then appends items after it
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: I can't master pdf editor to run... theoretically it should be simple... but I guess it's not
<hyper_ch> can't even get the compiled binary to run :(
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<sphalerite> optionals (!isPyPy) [1 2 3] evaluates to [1 2 3] if !isPyPy, or to [] if isPyPy
<sphalerite> master pdf editor…?
<makefu> hyper_ch: compiled binaries are always a weakpoint in terms of support for nix
<makefu> you will need to patchelf the executable with the correct interpreter
<hyper_ch> makefu: that requires some advanced magic
<hyper_ch> hyper@subi:~$ masterpdfeditor4
<hyper_ch> -bash: /run/current-system/sw/bin/masterpdfeditor4: No such file or directory
<sphalerite> would probably be good to start with just trying to patch it in place using clever's thing, hang on
<makefu> hyper_ch: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ#I.27ve_downloaded_a_binary.2C_but_I_can.27t_run_it.2C_what_can_I_do.3F
<hyper_ch> "clever's thing" :)
<sphalerite> And try packaging it once you've got that working
<hyper_ch> what does that do?
<makefu> hyper_ch: i think the wiki entry is the one thing you need
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #29357: Python 3.4 and 3.5: support LD_LIBRARY_PATH (master...ld_library_path) https://git.io/v59zE
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59gv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e87a72c zraexy: streamlink: 0.7.0 -> 0.8.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3c30b5d Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29356 from zraexy/streamlink...
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<hyper_ch> sphalerite: now I get segfault :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29358: cram: fix ignored tests causing failures (master...cram) https://git.io/v59gr
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<disasm> thanks FRidh for all the help!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kamilchm opened pull request #29359: ponyc: 0.19.0 -> 0.19.1 (master...ponyc) https://git.io/v59gM
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<makefu> hyper_ch: it's something! :D unfortunately this can mean anything. you may need to create a fhsUserEnv for this package
* hyper_ch requests translation from tech to proper english :)
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<makefu> hyper_ch: your tool is super dependent on how a "normal" linux looks like (/usr /bin , whatever). sometimes it is necessary to re-create this structure by preparing an environment just like this
<makefu> in nixos this is called FHS environment. the basic idea is to copy everything at the correct place and then do a chroot
<makefu> this for example is being done for the steam environment, because a lot of games just expect libraries are somewhere special
<hyper_ch> that sounds like a lot of work
<hyper_ch> it's not "my" tool :)
<makefu> in nixos this is actually quite easy
<makefu> you can check out https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ#I.27ve_downloaded_a_binary.2C_but_I_can.27t_run_it.2C_what_can_I_do.3F
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<makefu> for certain proprietary packages it is a must-do unfortunately
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<makefu> if you do not want to set up an fhsuserenv, you could try to trace the segfault with strace. but this might be even more work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29360: ws4py: add git to checkInputs (master...ws4py) https://git.io/v592Z
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<disasm> FRidh: for mwlib, it's already it's own pyparsing library... could I do the same thing for odfpy in the module? Or should it just be marked as broken?
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<hyper_ch> makefu: or I could give up :9
<makefu> hyper_ch: what is the current state with your segfault?
<makefu> i will have a quick look
<hyper_ch> it's just segfault
<hyper_ch> no idea what you mean with current state
<makefu> current state of the package description (so your last paste)
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<makefu> strace says:
<makefu> execve("/nix/store/diz2f10n56zh2ns7cgvahpybpz5i9n6m-MasterPDFEditor-4.3.10/bin/masterpdfeditor4", ["/nix/store/diz2f10n56zh2ns7cgvah"...], 0x7ffc61a7f280 /* 72 vars */) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
<makefu> --- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SI_KERNEL, si_addr=NULL} ---
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59aF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a4a187f Orivej Desh: include-what-you-use: 0.6 -> 0.8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 233fc0b Joachim F: Merge pull request #29333 from orivej/iwyu...
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<hyper_ch> makefu: don't worry about it :)
<makefu> unfortunately i have not seen that kind of issue before, Mic92 ^ ?
<hyper_ch> there's other ways to edit pdfs.... master pdf editor just makes it confortable
<makefu> ldd ./masterpdfeditor4 > not a dynamic executable
<makefu> hyper_ch: okay :D worst case, boot up a vm
<Mic92> makefu: what does file say?
<Mic92> *file command
<makefu> masterpdfeditor4: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/sgjc1147vi5hd57ck9xgck5xjkydg5lz-glibc-2.25/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=ffb7c5f8b3d601001414d433637f1298cf06dd2c, stripped
<Mic92> but permissions are correct?
<makefu> yep
<makefu> -r-xr-xr-x
<hyper_ch> root:root
<Mic92> the list for -EPERM for execve is pretty short
<hyper_ch> 01.01.1970
<Mic92> only stuff like capabilities and setuid should trigger this error
<hyper_ch> don't worry too much about it :)
<hyper_ch> I'm glad I got my other pdf tools to run
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29361: mwlib: fix build using older odfpy (master...mwlib) https://git.io/v59Vh
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<makefu> but if we can solve this we can document it for future generations
<hyper_ch> makefu: this is the important thing for me to work with pdfs: https://github.com/sjau/pdfForts/ :)
<hyper_ch> took a while and lots of support until I got that .nix right
<makefu> make sure to contribute it to upstream :D
<makefu> Mic92: when trying to run it as root:
<makefu> execve("result/bin/masterpdfeditor4", ["result/bin/masterpdfeditor4"], 0x7ffe506e7030 /* 54 vars */) = 0
<makefu> brk(NULL) = 0x2990000
<makefu> mmap(NULL, 12288, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd30d39f000
<makefu> access("/etc/ld-nix.so.preload", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
<makefu> --- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x3ff239} ---
<makefu> +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
<makefu> Segmentation fault
<makefu> seems it tries to map some inaccessible memory
<Mic92> makefu: I get the segfault right away
<Mic92> (without root)
<makefu> seems to be similar to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/21148
<Mic92> makefu: strace triggers the permission error
<makefu> ah okay, yes this makes somewhat sense
<Dezgeg> maybe it has memory mapping below mmap_min_addr?
<Dezgeg> in the elf file itself
<Mic92> makefu: failed to map segment from shared object
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<Mic92> when I use ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 directly
<Dezgeg> I see no other reason for execve() to fail with -EPERM
<Mic92> the elf is broken
<makefu> when removing the --set-rpath "${libPath}"
<makefu> ldd works again
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/cd2ecbe919 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v59ra
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f49b7d3 Domen Kožar: vm: remove trusty-updates hash as it changes too often
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 71fb657 Domen Kožar: vm: remove trusty-updates hash as it changes too often...
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<makefu> hyper_ch: okay i've got it running (by hand right now) by setting the rpath to qtbase,qtsvg and gcc
<hyper_ch> cool :)
<hyper_ch> I nominate makefu for being masterpdfeditr maintainer on nixos :)
* hyper_ch hides
<makefu> !
<hyper_ch> how did you set the paths by hand? got a new .nix?
<FRidh> disasm: thanks for your effort on fixing these python packages. Unfortunately, we can't have multiple versions of packages as they may cause collisions
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59K4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d35e443 Robert Helgesson: cloc: 1.72 -> 1.74
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3a8887 Robert Helgesson: cloc: add myself as maintainer
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29363: adapta-gtk-theme: -> (master...upd.adapta-gtk-theme) https://git.io/v59Ky
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #29364: dovecot2: added quota, changed pop3 default (master...master_mailserver_PR-dovecot2) https://git.io/v596q
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #29365: opendkim: automated key generation (no manual changes for service ini… (master...master_mailserver_PRs-opendkim) https://git.io/v5966
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v596A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd4d957 Robert Helgesson: josm: 12545 -> 12712
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2a36c6c Robert Helgesson: josm: minor cleanups...
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<Viaken2> Why doesn't `nix-shell -p python36Packages.virtualenv` put virtualenv in my path?
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<richerVE> Hi everyone. I want to add nix packages for Mongodb 3.4 and soon 3.6 and maintain support for 3.2, what will be the best approach to add multiple versions? As apache that has 2.4.nix, for example?
<Viaken2> Never mind. direnv was breaking my .bashrc
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<richerVE> Viaken2: you can use nix with direnv also, is included in stdlib "use nix"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v59ih
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 68764d5 Peter Hoeg: mtr: 0.87 -> 0.92
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<Viaken2> richerVE: I need to spend some time with that, but it'd be yak shaving right now.
<richerVE> what it does is basically calling nix-shell but automatically on entering the directory. You can even pass custom arguments as you do with nix-shell
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59PD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 068fd9f Jörg Thalheim: perlPackages.TermReadKey: 2.31 -> 2.37
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94dc132 Jörg Thalheim: perlPackages.HTTPDAV: init at 0.44
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b96068 Jörg Thalheim: perlPackages.ProtocolHTTP2: init at 1.08
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #29366: nixcloud.email: a simple yet powerful abstraction for a basic mailser… (master...master_mailserver_PRs-nixcloud.email) https://git.io/v59Xv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29367: xorriso: 1.4.6 -> 1.4.8 (master...update_xorriso) https://git.io/v59XP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v59XQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b985df romildo: adapta-gtk-theme: ->
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<hyper_ch> makefu: still here?
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<guillaum1> Hi. There is something which is still unclear for me. Which channel is used by default when I install nix on any computer? On nixos? Can I have a nixos computer using nixos-stable AND, in the user session, the same channel as the one used by nix users on any other distribution?
<hyper_ch> nixos-stable
<hyper_ch> is default I think
<woffs> in https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ there is something written about this
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59Mt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e477fa9 Jörg Thalheim: vimPlugins.vim-devicons: init at 2017-05-29
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5c544b8 Jörg Thalheim: vimPlugins.nvim-completion-manager: init at 2017-09-05
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<guillaum1> woffs: thank you
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<phdoerfler> stupid newb question: What's the yum update or apt-get upgrade in nixos? Does nixos-rebuild switch upgrade suffice?
<phdoerfler> or whatever the exact syntax of that command is
<makefu> hyper_ch: i was at lunch :)
<hyper_ch> makefu: :)
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<Viaken2> phdoerfler: `nixos-rebuild switch` suffices as `apt-get upgrade`. `nix-channel --update` is your `apt-get update`. Make sure you're running those as root, as the user channel is different, as guillaum1 just found.
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/71fb65709c (from 80 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<musicmatze> Why the hell do I have to build texlive-bin to build mutt??
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: Thank you for clarifying. Is it normal to not see much output like the list of upgraded "packages" or something?
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<Viaken2> phdoerfler: If there are no upgrades, you won't see much.
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<Viaken2> Otherwise, you'll see a list of derivations that will then be fetched or built.
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: ok. I'll see if there's some verbosity flag to satisfy my curiosity :)
<Viaken2> What are you trying to find out?
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: I am just used to have at least one package updated each day coming from other distros, that's all.
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: Also I am extra paranoid since I got a VPS running in the interwebs with nixos and I really want that machine to have no security loopholes
<Viaken2> NixOS is fairly "stable" as far as package updates go. They only make security updates once a release is made.
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<Viaken2> If/when you upgrade to 17.09 (once it drops), you'd see a lot more.
<phdoerfler> is 17.09 not out yet?
<Viaken2> Not that I've seen.
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<Viaken2> The news feed from nixos.org and the download page still list 17.03.
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: https://nixos.org/channels/ <- what does the 17.09 on that site do then?
<phdoerfler> is this some sort of a preview channel?
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<Viaken2> It's prerelease. They need somewhere to get it ready, after all. :)
<phdoerfler> I see
<phdoerfler> Also: Can you be more specific as to how often security updates happen?
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<Viaken2> I'm not 100% sure. Haven't looked into it deeply.
<phdoerfler> I hope "once a release is made" does not mean only twice per year
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #29369: Remove kde4workspace and kdetelepathy (master...remove_kde4_workspace_kde_telepathy) https://git.io/v59yZ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v59yr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1e16bce Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.mwlib: mark as broken
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v59y1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 8822c7f Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.mwlib: mark as broken...
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<Viaken2> phdoerfler: Releases are every 6 months, yes. Security updates are more often.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29361: mwlib: fix build using older odfpy (master...mwlib) https://git.io/v59Vh
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<Viaken2> phdoerfler: If you want newer packages than release, you can use nixpkgs-unstable as your user channel.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v59yx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d29a8f2 Peter Hoeg: pdf2odt: 20141217 -> 20170207
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<Viaken2> Or go whole hog and use nixos-unstable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v59Se
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4b78d44 Peter Hoeg: mtr nixos module: wrap the proper binary
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<makefu> hyper_ch: and this is how you would put it to upstream: http://paste.krebsco.de/Gqh7XQ94/+inline , build via nix-build -E '((import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage (import ./default.nix) { })' --keep-failed --no-out-link
<hyper_ch> wow
<hyper_ch> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/ysdsqg6kchxgq1ajr5nss1zm58abhyyh-nixos-18.03pre115166.1b1fc65505/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:74:12
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: thank you :) It's all clear now
<hyper_ch> makefu: I have no idea what that second ist you just posted
<makefu> hyper_ch: if you want to put the package into upstream (nixpkgs) then it will be called via callPackage instead of the import <nixpkgs> {}
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<hyper_ch> makefu: btw, the maintainer is wrong ;)
<makefu> everybody has to start somewhere
<hyper_ch> I don't feel comfortable standing out so much in public ;)
<hyper_ch> my profession requires discretion
<makefu> i found out! who else but a document forger requires a pdf editing tool
<woffs> upgrading via nix-rebuild switch --upgrade seems the most consistent way to me, because it is based on the attributes in environment.systemPackages, contraty to nix-env -u, where you would update firefox-esr to firefox without wanting it.
<hyper_ch> makefu: you haven't seen my other tools :)
<hyper_ch> I need it to remove confidential information when required
<makefu> cosmic top secret!
<hyper_ch> I need them because I prefer to work with digial documents and also submit things electronically to courts etc
<hyper_ch> makefu: ok, the .nix worked without problems
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<hyper_ch> IT WORKS!!!
<makefu> i tried to save a pdf, this also worked
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v599f
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f5f208 Samuel Leathers: ws4py: add git to checkInputs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aff5ef6 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29360 from disassembler/ws4py...
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<makefu> i also updated the FAQ in the wiki with the new way to set the interpreter
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v599t
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 c6eb5fb Samuel Leathers: ws4py: add git to checkInputs...
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<hyper_ch> makefu: you're awesome
<hyper_ch> how did you figure out that sane was missing?
<hyper_ch> and that you just need qtbase and qtsvg?
<hyper_ch> and why do you use 2-space indents instead of the normal 4-space indents ;) /me hides
<hyper_ch> back, when I was young, I also used 2-space indents.. .but with age, I switched to 4-space
<WinchellsM> Is it possible to install nvidia drivers, or in particular nvidia's libEGL.so, with just nix (running on another distro besdies NixOS)?
<makefu> hyper_ch: i am not that old yet!
<makefu> i found out about the others via "ldd <executable>" after patching the interpreter
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<makefu> you can also use patchelf --print-needed
<srhb> WinchellsM: Is nvidia_x11 installable?
<srhb> WinchellsM: Er, linuxPackages.nvidia_x11
<timor> I am currently using exwm, and want to override it with a version from GitHub. I already have an overlay in place which fetches a newer version from melpa, but I cannot get the build directly from GitHub working. I tried with the trivialBuilder, but itg complains about not finding xcb.el, although xelb is in buildInputs. Can anyone help?
<srhb> timor: paste it somewhere. :)
<hyper_ch> makefu: but honestly, what insane person prefers 2-space indents over sane 4-space indents?
<makefu> who said i am a sane person? :D
<hyper_ch> that was an absolutely unbiased, un-suggestive question
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/97eef25947 (from 23 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
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<makefu> vim: gg=G
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #29359: ponyc: 0.19.0 -> 0.19.1 (master...ponyc) https://git.io/v59gM
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<makefu> look at this insanity
<hyper_ch> normal sane people can't handle vim
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<phdoerfler> speaking of normal: While setting up my server I noticed I need a lot of extraConfig = '' things in my nix files. I feel like the proper way would be to add these functions to the nix module and file a pull request. Is there some documentation somewhere regarding this?
<WinchellsM> @srhb I'm getting allowUnfree errors.
<WinchellsM> Is there a way to add allowUnfree = true; to a `mkDerivation`?
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<srhb> WinchellsM: Not afaik, but equivalently you could override it to be free. Why not just allowUnfree if you're using unfree stuff?
<srhb> In your user config, I mean.
<vandenoever> is anyone else having problems with firefox on nixos? i regularly have dead tabs that just have a throbber in the middle of the page
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<WinchellsM> @srhb is this ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix ?
<WinchellsM> I'm not using NixOS
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<WinchellsM> Just Nix
<WinchellsM> so this is an empty file
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<srhb> WinchellsM: That's the old location (whether on NixOS or Nix) -- I think the newer is ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<srhb> I think they're both still valid though
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<WinchellsM> What do I add to this empty file?
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<WinchellsM> nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
<WinchellsM> ?
<WinchellsM> Or I guess it starts with { config, pkgs, ...}
<srhb> WinchellsM: pkgs : { allowUnfree = true; }
<WinchellsM> Ok, now it's building.
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<WinchellsM> So this is literally installing the full nvidia drivers to my nix-store?
<srhb> WinchellsM: afaik yes.
<WinchellsM> If this works it will be crazy
<WinchellsM> And awesome
<srhb> WinchellsM: At least, it has lib/libEGL_nvidia.so
<srhb> I assume that's what you're looking for
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<WinchellsM> @srhb nvidia-x11 provides
<WinchellsM> ./lib/libEGL_nvidia.so
<Mic92> Why do I have to use explicit outputs like boost and boost.dev, when using overrideDerivation?
<WinchellsM> in the nix-store
<Mic92> That's weird
<Dezgeg> don't use overrideDerivation, use overrideAttrs
<WinchellsM> But I need a ./lib/libEGL.so -> ./lib/libEGL_nvidia.so
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<srhb> WinchellsM: Isn't that just a symlink?
<WinchellsM> Like on my Arch build
<WinchellsM> Yes
<WinchellsM> But is there a way to get that in nix?
<Mic92> Dezgeg: ah, i did not get the memo.
<srhb> WinchellsM: Not outside the Nix Store.
<srhb> WinchellsM: You need NixOS for that.
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<pie___> hey guys, for some reason my system switches TTYs with the alt-f# hotkey instead of ctrl-alt-f#, and that messes with all my hotkeys, anyone have any idea how to fix this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mguentner opened pull request #29370: fix src.url typos (master...urltypofixes) https://git.io/v595R
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<srhb> pie___: Hasn't it always been like that?
<pie___> wait seriously?
<pie___> how do you guys use alt-f4 then?
<srhb> Oh, right, in X.org it's ctrl+alt+FN
<srhb> (But I don't use alt+F4)
<pie___> so yeah uh,...how do i think the thing?
<pie___> *thing the thing
<srhb> Just to be clear, you're experiencing alt+F1 FROM x.org switching to a vty?
<WinchellsM> @srhb I think my thinking that I need nvidia_x11 might be wrong anyway
<goibhniu> pie___: could it be that your ctrl is jammed?
<pie___> ah well there seems to be some explanation here in the comments https://askubuntu.com/a/78006
<srhb> WinchellsM: Not sure if that's expected to be the path in Nix alone, but you could just symlink it in place...
<WinchellsM> What do you mean?
<srhb> WinchellsM: I am a bit surprised that it doesn't try to find it in Nix store directly, but the OpenGL stuff is impure in ways I don't understand.
<WinchellsM> I should symlink what to what?
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<srhb> WinchellsM: I meant for you to symlink the libEGL down there, but I'm guessing I'm missing some complications here related to OpenGL. Someone more knowledgeable can perhaps step in.
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<pie___> apparently it may have something to do with how grub sets up stuff, or im misunderstanding something
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<makefu> how was the new command-not-found tool called? it was sometime on the mailinglist but i forgot
<hyper_ch> makefu: so, should master pdf editor be submitted upstream?
<makefu> i am not sure if all the icons work as expected, can you check this?
<pie___> apparently a bunch of people have this issue but i havent found a solution yet
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<hyper_ch> makefu: dekstop entry isn't working either
<hyper_ch> I just look at where debian puts all those things and tried to emulate that :)
<makefu> i am currently at writing a tutorial on how to patch a binary blob for nixos
<hyper_ch> bascially - I have no idea what I'm doing and am just guessing :)
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<makefu> everybody does
<makefu> try to find working .desktop entries in nixpkgs and emulate :D
<makefu> i will write down what needed to be done
<hyper_ch> no, there are smart people like domenkozar, clever, sphalerite and others who actually know what they're doing
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<hyper_ch> makefu: I'll get there...
<pie___> i bet this is some systemd bullshittery
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<clever> hyper_ch: pkgs.makeDesktopItem
<clever> hyper_ch: as an example: jvisualvm = makeDesktopItem { name = "jvisualvm"; exec = "${oraclejdk}/bin/jvisualvm"; desktopName = "JVisualVM"; genericName = "jvisualvm"; categories = "Development;Debugger;"; };
<clever> it auto-creates a package, containing just a .desktop file
<hyper_ch> clever: I have a desktop file... but in the nix expression it's not getting put to the proper place
<clever> hyper_ch: $out/share/applications/
<hyper_ch> clever: I know :)
<WinchellsM> @srhb If my nix compiled program says it's looking for /run/opengl-driver/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so but can't initialize it, and I have a symlink on my system from /run/opengl-driver/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so -> /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so, then do I need to scrub my swrast_dri.so somehow so that nix can consume it?
<clever> hyper_ch: what is your nix expression?
<WinchellsM> Running patchelf swrast_dri.so or something like that?
<hyper_ch> working on it
<srhb> WinchellsM: That sounds possible, but sorry, I'm out of my depth here.
<hyper_ch> but it seems cp -R usr/share $out/ does not actually copy the share folder to $out/share but only the files/folders inside to $out/
<clever> hyper_ch: add -v to that cp
<hyper_ch> why v?
<clever> cp can be very unpredictable if you dont know the state of both sides
<hyper_ch> using bash it works fine
<hyper_ch> state of both sides?
<WinchellsM> @srhb Ok thanks for your help though
<clever> hyper_ch: if $out does exist, it puts share inside $out
<clever> hyper_ch: if $out doesnt exist, it puts the contents of share in $out
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<hyper_ch> ah, then first run mk $out ?
<hyper_ch> mkdir $out ?
<clever> teag
<hyper_ch> mkdir $out/share
<clever> yeah
<hyper_ch> cp -R usr/share $out/share
<hyper_ch> iiek
<clever> now you broke it again
<clever> that puts the files in $out/share/share
<hyper_ch> I'm so much better at breaking things ;)
<clever> adding -v makes it tell you what it did
<clever> then you can see if its right or not, and adjust
<hyper_ch> real men don't need -v :)
<clever> real men know the state and can type this with the display removed from the laptop :P
<clever> ive brought the wifi up before, with no networkmanager or wpa_supplicant
<clever> and without a display
<hyper_ch> awesome :)
<Infinisil> clever: How???
<clever> Infinisil: knowing the exact state of the system after every command i type in
<clever> and how it will react to each one
<Infinisil> how do you set up wifi without wpa_supplicant?
<clever> that only works for wep and open networks
<clever> iwconfig wlan1 essid foo
<clever> ip link set wlan1 up
<clever> ip addr add dev wlan1
<Infinisil> ohh fancy
<clever> ip route add dev wlan1
<clever> ip route add via dev wlan1
<clever> for wep, iwconfig can also accept up to 4 keys
<pie___> well apparently going by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-cyrillic/+bug/520546 and a stackoverflow post i lost somewhere its a kdb_mode -u issue, and kbd_mode -s -C /dev/console fixed it though i dont really know how that works
<pie___> but i have no idea what the root cause is
<clever> and the packet says which of the 4 keys its encrypted with
<clever> so you can rotate the keys without downtime
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<pie___> clever, ive done something like that before but christ the fear of typos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59b0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2581865 Tuomas Tynkkynen: diffoscope: Add even more tools
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0dc4672 Tuomas Tynkkynen: diffoscope: Move cbfstool and poppler_utils to bloat category
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<clever> pie___: you can also add || beep or || tput bel to help with that
<clever> then you can at least hear the exit status
<pie___> oh huh. neat.
<pie___> you are too good :P
<clever> beep needs root, and directly controls the bios pc speaker, and you have freq and length control
<clever> tput bel just prints a bell character to the console, and the terminal is responsible for doing something with it
<domenkozar> I used to have a script to do this via ssh
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<pie___> well tput bel doesnt work on my machine but oh well :P
<clever> ive also put my wifi drivers into the initrd, and programmed it to connect over wifi and download the rootfs
* pie___ greps his entire system for kbd_mode -u
* pie___ realizes he should just run it on the store
<clever> pie___: id start with nixpkgs
<clever> /home/clever/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/tasks/kbd.nix: kbd_mode ${if isUnicode then "-u" else "-a"} -C /dev/console
<pie___> -a doesnt fix it but -s does :/
<phdoerfler> does nix have a maybe type_
<clever> 13 isUnicode = hasSuffix "UTF-8" (toUpper config.i18n.defaultLocale);
<phdoerfler> ?
<phdoerfler> or an optional type or something like that
<pie___> whats going to break if i dont use unicode keyboard mode_
<clever> phdoerfler: there is the lib.optional family of functions, that take a boolean and a value, and can return a pre-set default
<phdoerfler> clever: thanks!
<clever> pie___: theres a real simple way to find out!
<pie___> well i changed it and nothing is obviously broken yet
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #29371: mailnag: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.1 (master...mailnag_1_2_1) https://git.io/v59bN
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<clever> pie___: this code runs in the initrd at boot
<clever> so rebuild switch wont apply it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59NI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ec7b09e Maximilian Güntner: fix src.url typos
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 610eac1 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29370 from mguentner/urltypofixes...
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<octe> how does services related to packages?
<octe> i can't find a reference to the sonarr package in it, but i assume it's installed if i add services.sonarr.enable = true
<prietoj> Hello! I'm just strating with NixOs. I've been trying to build a haskell package but the build fails because I am missing a C library called Crypto as part of the configuration step for hopenssl. I thought that I would install openssl and so I ran: 'nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA pkgs.openssl.dev' but even after that the compiler fails to find Crypto. What am I missing?
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<clever> octe: line 34 refers to the sonarr package in the systemd unit by absolute path
<clever> octe: so nix will download it, but only the service will be able to use it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59Ny
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 232fc6a Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.13.1 -> 4.13.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 537da6c Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12.12 -> 4.12.13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 43b3029 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.49 -> 4.9.50
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<pie___> turns out i may have been the culprit: "Switch the keyboard from raw mode, the mode used by programs such as X11 and svgalib, to XLATE mode" this is what sysrq r does
<pie___> the thing is after coming back from sleep mode the login screen is frozen sometimes till i do that
<clever> pie___: ah
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<pie___> so its not lennarts fault after all :P
<pie___> PEBKAC
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v59Ac
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eab8124 Tuomas Tynkkynen: pythonmagick: Fix sha256
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 14b833e Tuomas Tynkkynen: awesomebump: Yet another RPATH-contains-TMPDIR hack...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v59A4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 058cb60 Tuomas Tynkkynen: pythonmagick: Fix sha256...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 6baffd9 Tuomas Tynkkynen: awesomebump: Yet another RPATH-contains-TMPDIR hack...
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<clever> prietoj: installing dev packages wont make builds work, you must add them to the nix-shell args
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v59AS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 bd98103 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29370 from mguentner/urltypofixes...
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<domenkozar> common, where is that 17.09 channel bump
<hyper_ch> stuck in the internet traffic jam
<octe> clever, ah, so refering to the package like that is enough
<octe> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] konimex opened pull request #29372: neofetch: 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0 (master...master) https://git.io/v59xQ
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<prietoj> Like that? nix-shell -p openssl --run "sudo stack install --nix <the_package>"
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<clever> prietoj: and you should never install things that you have manually compiled
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/71fb65709c (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
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<clever> prietoj: only things that have been compiled by nix-build should be installed
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<clever> prietoj: how large is the project, what kind of dependencies?
<prietoj> It's not big, it's called cabal2nix
<clever> it already has a package in nixpkgs
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<clever> prietoj: nix-env -iA nixos.haskellPackages.cabal2nix and your done
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c6eb5fbe87 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<prietoj> Ah! that's much better :)
<clever> every single package in hackage is also in nixpkgs
<prietoj> I see
<prietoj> Thanks!
<clever> yep
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<makefu> hyper_ch: i've finished the tutorial, can you please look over it and change things if necessary? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Packaging_Binaries
<hyper_ch> makefu: you seem to be under the impression that I have some clue :)
<makefu> you are new to this, so you are the perfect target
<hyper_ch> I don't wanna be a victim
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<makefu> it is written tutorial-style (should work without any issues to repeat)
<hyper_ch> makefu: clever: so fixed things up, removed unnecessary second binary (by default it gets put into /opt....)... also fixed the indenting: https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/18c42ad6
<makefu> hyper_ch: nice, i did the same :D
<makefu> see the wiki entry
<hyper_ch> there's still 2-space indenting...
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<clever> hyper_ch: a few minor things, line 19 defines libpath as a derivation attribute
<hyper_ch> oh, you symlinked from opt to bin?
<clever> hyper_ch: but line 48 reads it via the rec {
<hyper_ch> no idea what rec does :)
<clever> so it didnt need to be on the derivation itself
<clever> rec allows you to refer to other attributes in the set
<clever> you can either move libpath to a let block, or use $libPath without {}
<clever> and have the identical effect
<clever> hyper_ch: also, you want to do the --set-rpath BEFORE the fixup phase, or you loose the fixups
<hyper_ch> yours is now like 13 lines shorter
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Heb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f59bcb6 Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 9.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9aa82d7 Peter Simons: haskell-pandoc: bump version to pandoc- to fix the build with GHC 8.2.x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c59c53b Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<disasm> hyper_ch: the 4 space indenting looks weird :)
<hyper_ch> disasm: you should get your eyes checked...
<hyper_ch> they're defective ;)
<gchristensen> Nix standard is 2 *shrug*
<makefu> clever: why setting the rpath before the fixup? wouldn't it be overwritten by any other fixes?
<clever> makefu: one of the things the fixup phase does, is run shrink rpath, to remove anything that you dont need
<clever> makefu: but if you set the rpath afterwards, it wont shrink, and your runtime closure can be larger then it needs to be
<hyper_ch> gchristensen: can I petition to make it 4 spaces?
<gchristensen> no
<disasm> ooh patchelf --print-needed is that new? I always did readelf -d
<hyper_ch> well, how about to compromise on 3 spaces
<hyper_ch> 3 is also a holy number
<makefu> clever: this is some arcane knowledge then because https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#ssec-fixup-phase does not state this
<makefu> ah remove unused directories
<disasm> hyper_ch: don't break my gg=G :)
<makefu> okay :)
<makefu> gg=G is fucking nix files up real bad
<gchristensen> makefu: what does gg=G do?
<clever> makefu: that script gets sourced by the stdenv any time patchelf makes it into the inputs
<disasm> gchristensen: vim shortcut to fix indenting on every line based on the syntax file definition.
<makefu> but syntax file definition for nix files is fubar
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<gchristensen> gross, I think lnl has a good config or something? I dunno
<makefu> i mean, nobody really knows how to indent nix correctly anyway ...
<gchristensen> fair
<hyper_ch> makefu: why did you symlink from opt to bin and not from bin to opt?
<makefu> hyper_ch: avoid more actions on the package installation
<hyper_ch> :)
<makefu> it does not really matter from where to where
<hyper_ch> btw, in the wiki entry you have mixed spacing
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<hyper_ch> sometimes the proper 4 spaces and sometimes the nixos 2 spaces ;)
<disasm> makefu: you have vim-nix plugin? https://github.com/LnL7/vim-nix
<makefu> disasm: i have "vim-addon-nix" loaded via vam
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nadrieril opened pull request #29373: bitlbee-facebook: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 (master...update-bitlbee-fb) https://git.io/v5HJf
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<steveeJ> I'm having trouble understanding the texlive packages. I want to upgrade a single one. so after regenerating pkgs.nix I cherry-pick a few lines into the original pkgs.nix. when building it, nix expects a sha512 which is not in any file in the git repo. how does this happen?
<clever> steveeJ: are you sure you dont have the 2 hashes backwards?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizzup opened pull request #29374: nodePackages.pulp : init at 11.0.2 (master...add/nodePackages.pulp) https://git.io/v5HJc
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<makefu> clever: ok i've added your remarks to the wiki derivation
<steveeJ> clever: yes. here's quick overview https://gist.github.com/steveeJ/76eedcb6f48e906b65dde23cdbe8e742
<clever> $ nix-hash --type sha512 --to-base32 013bab6a7abfff35d5316ec335ddb13e8c91e918ef78d9e49bc393be3cc6e71f22c740ff862045a5d20bbfc1a508bbc272f0dbc668db3ffc657dafb0ddfbc45c
<clever> 1fc9yyxn2ppsrgw7zdniinvy1rc5fq8lp0vy2yjlm2j11pz833j47z7qqybx4y3kgjdjy7g33lr331yn7fkbhvf67akbzxzg9manfq1
<clever> steveeJ: the hash on lne 4, for your .doc, is the one its complaining about
<clever> steveeJ: base32 vs base16
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<steveeJ> clever: ah I see, thanks! the file was generated so I wonder why the hash is wrong
<clever> the url or version could differ from how it was generated
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #29375: network-manager: 1.6.2 -> 1.8.2 (master...network_manager_1_8_2) https://git.io/v5HUz
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<steveeJ> clever: it works when I store the sha512 in base16
<clever> nix shouldnt care if its in base32 or base16
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<steveeJ> clever: you're right. the hashes are really different no matter what base is used
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg closed pull request #29371: mailnag: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.1 (master...mailnag_1_2_1) https://git.io/v59bN
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 9475c13 Bastian Köcher: mailnag: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.1...
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<disasm> makefu: yeah, I haven't used that one. I would guess that's the reason your indenting isn't working as expected.
<makefu> okay, which one is the correct one and how to enable it?
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<makefu> this looks better
<hyper_ch> makefu: "We can use patchelf to show set the library path and dynamic linker appropriately:"
<hyper_ch> s/to show set/to show and set/ ?
<makefu> disasm: but why does it indent 'in\n {' instead of 'in\n{' it seems to be not very common in the nixpkgs modules
<makefu> hyper_ch: yes true :)
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<hyper_ch> makefu: # after we've patched --> better to use "we have" because then the markup doesn't break
<hyper_ch> didn't know about nix-index this far
<steveeJ> clever: would you happen to know if it's even possible to diverge from versions which are in the currently static texlive mirror?
<makefu> i also only remembered, it is fantastic
<clever> steveeJ: not sure, i havent looked into the nix expressions for tex much
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<gchristensen> fpletz: great work getting noticed and called out by Alexander :D
<hyper_ch> makefu: nice write up
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<makefu> now we have something to reference to if new users have a similar problem
<disasm> makefu: works for me...
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<disasm> makefu: although I like my braces on the same line instead of the next, but I tested both ways, and the syntax generated without any manual indentation came as expected.
<hyper_ch> makefu: why did you use /applications/misc and not applications/office ?
<makefu> disasm: mh weird, anyways, the indentation works MUCH better than the one i used before
<makefu> hyper_ch: i did `find nixpkgs/pkgs | grep pdf` and just added it there
<hyper_ch> I see
<makefu> there does not seem to be any special design where to put stuff in the folders ... also the information is not used anywhere
<hyper_ch> the .desktop files say Categories=Office;Graphfics
<makefu> okayokay :D next time you edit the wiki entry
<hyper_ch> wikis are too complicated for my simple brain
<makefu> pfff
<makefu> but thinking about /misc instead of /office
<WinchellsM> Can I not put an override statement in a `buildInputs = [pkg1 pkg2 pkg3.override { att = true; } ]
<hyper_ch> I was just inquiring about your train of thought.... maybe I can learn something from it ;)
<clever> WinchellsM: wrap it with ( and )
<clever> WinchellsM: what you typed, is a list containing 2 packages, a function, and a set
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5HtK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3b94239 Thomas Tuegel: kdeFrameworks: 5.37 -> 5.38.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #29349: treewide: Do not limit hardenging because gcc 4.9 in bootstrap (staging...harden-bootstrap) https://git.io/v59CR
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<WinchellsM> I get "attribute override is missing" error
<WinchellsM> buildInputs = with pkgs; [ (mesa.override {driDrivers = true;})
<WinchellsM> libglvnd
<WinchellsM> freeglut
<WinchellsM> ]
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<clever> WinchellsM: mesa is a buildEnv, it doesnt have .override
<clever> WinchellsM: you probably want mesa_glu
<clever> or mesa_drivers
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<WinchellsM> Ok
<steveeJ> clever: my suspicion is unfortunately true. there's no (current) way to escape the mirror'ed versions for texlive packages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29376: ibus-anthy: fix pygobject3 dependency (master...29275-fix-ibus-anthy) https://git.io/v5Hq2
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<tilpner> clever - If you agree that buildEnv should have override... do you have merge rights? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27780
<clever> tilpner: what would .override even override on a buildEnv?
<clever> ah, paths cant be changed with overrideAttrs
<clever> yeah, i see how that can help
<clever> i dont have push, but i can give it a thumbs up
<tilpner> It's just been sitting there, and I didn't ask anyone because I fixed it locally :/
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<steveeJ> can I get a store path from a hash on the command line somehow?
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<clever> steveeJ: nix-hash can do it
<clever> i believe
<clever> but its not in the manpage
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<sphalerite> I have a 62MB HTML document that Firefox doesn't seem too keen on rendering. Anyone know of a tool I could use to view it?
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<sphalerite> pandoc also refuses to process it, just eats all my RAM trying
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<vandenoever> sphalerite: dillo?
<woffs> lynx
<sphalerite> Dillo… doesn't seem to be doing anything
<mbrock> htmltidy with the indent flag and then just read the source code in your editor, if that's not too awful
<sphalerite> lynx seems to be managing
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<sphalerite> I'll try htmltidy as well, thanks mbrock, because it's actually structured data that I'd like to extract into a more manageable format
* mbrock wonders which thingy to set up in Emacs to get GHCi integration for convenient Haskell hacking
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<sphalerite> specifically, it's the messages.html in a facebook data dump from when I left Facebook in January…
<mbrock> hah, ok! do you have a plan for parsing/restructuring the HTML? I was doing some stuff with the HXT library for Haskell a while ago, it's pretty cool
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<simendsjo> Wow! pdf-tools finally installs out-of-the-box without a lot of manual hacking! Not sure who I should thank for this, but it's much appreciated!
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<sphalerite> mbrock: I don't have a precise plan. That's good to know and I'll keep it in mind for my experiments :)
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<gchristensen> simendsjo: must be Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@ironicdesign.com> maybe :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5HGZ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c01e064 Bastian Köcher: kdeTelepathy: Remove, because it is not maintained anymore
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4bfb9e3 Bastian Köcher: kde4Workspace: Remove, because it is not maintained anymore
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 815135f Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #29369 from bkchr/remove_kde4_workspace_kde_telepathy...
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<hyper_ch> makefu: well, looks good now that howto
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5HZX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8c82a6 Tuomas Tynkkynen: swfmill: Fix build on GCC 6...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 4215b39 Tuomas Tynkkynen: swfmill: Fix build on GCC 6...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27780: Make buildEnv overridable (master...overridable-buildenv) https://git.io/v7lQB
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<makefu> hyper_ch: thanks, thats good to hear
* hyper_ch nominates makefu as Chief Documentation Officer
<makefu> only for the wiki (where i am it already i guess). the manuals are too much of a mess for my taste :D
<Infinisil> I often struggle to find stuff in the manuals, or is there some search feature I'm missing?
* hyper_ch roots for makefu
<hyper_ch> Infinisil: ctrl-f :)
<makefu> Infinisil: google
<makefu> (not helpful i know) ...
<Infinisil> Yeah I use ctrl-f most of the time, but sometimes I'm in the wrong manual (Nix vs Nixpkgs vs Nixos vs ...)
<makefu> i know what you mean
<hyper_ch> cat nix nixpkgs nixos > fulldoc
<Infinisil> Is there a manpage version by any chance??
<Infinisil> There sure has to be a way to build it
<hyper_ch> pretty sure there's a nix expression for it somewhere
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5HW0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2f70241 Vincent Laporte: gtk+: 3.22.19 -> 3.22.21
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2a73225 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #29352: gtk+: 3.22.19 -> 3.22.21
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #29352: gtk+: 3.22.19 -> 3.22.21 (master...gtk-3_22_21) https://git.io/v5940
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<Infinisil> Ohh, nixpkgs docs are in nixpkgs/doc, nixos docs are in nixpkgs/nixos/doc, but the others are somewhere else
<Infinisil> which makes sense I guess
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<Infinisil> New unstable \o/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5HEg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 808ddd8 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linuxPackages.sch_cake: Mark broken on >= 4.13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2459616 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linuxPackages.netatop: Mark broken on >= 4.13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9445438 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linuxPackages.evdi: Mark broken on >= 4.13
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 3 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5HE6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 6529d7d Tuomas Tynkkynen: linuxPackages.sch_cake: Mark broken on >= 4.13...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 7545ab5 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linuxPackages.netatop: Mark broken on >= 4.13...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 5190526 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linuxPackages.evdi: Mark broken on >= 4.13...
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<disasm> Infinisil: nix docs are in https://github.com/NixOS/nix/tree/master/doc/manual
<Infinisil> yeah i thought so
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29378: clearlooks-phenix: 5.0.7 -> 7.0.1 (master...upd.clearlooks-phenix) https://git.io/v5Hze
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<catern> what is the most prestigious company that is using Nix?
<gchristensen> it depensd on how you measure prestige
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9475c13a7f (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<catern> gchristensen: well-known?
<Ankhers> I believe Mozilla has some Nix going on.
<catern> being well-known is an important part
<catern> true, Mozilla
<catern> okay, besides Mozilla though, I guess :)
<gchristensen> there is a TOPS-500 computer using Nix
<catern> I discounted them because they are already on my list, I want 3 company names to be able to say :)
<catern> Mozilla, I see Tumblr is using Nix from the NixCon talk, and...
<catern> oh that's your's talk :)
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<catern> I've seen it
<catern> it's a lot of unknown companies
<goibhniu> kk
<catern> plus Mozilla
<domenkozar> cloud9 is using it
<gchristensen> iirc atlassian is using nix
<catern> gchristensen: oh interesting
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<catern> (so, I know some of those companies, but I'm looking for companies that the average developer would know)
<kuznero> Hi All!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Hg0
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1c58ad2 Eelco Dolstra: nix why-depends: Fix showing self-references
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 9703662 Eelco Dolstra: Add "nix add-to-store" command
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master da1e4fd Eelco Dolstra: nix-store -q --roots / --gc --print-roots: Print temporary / in-memory roots...
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<catern> gchristensen: that is super respectable to the enterprisey enterprise people at my employer :)
<gchristensen> is atlassian, tumblr, and mozilla not 3 companies the avg dev would know?
<catern> Mozilla, Tumblr, Atlassian
<niksnut> Infor is a multi-billion $ company, but nobody knows it
<catern> yes, that's it :)
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<kuznero> gchristensen: I saw catern mentioned you have a public talk on Nix (sorry if I misunderstood). Can you share a link please?
<catern> gchristensen: they are, definitely, so that's sufficient :)
<gchristensen> kuznero: http://nixcon2017.org/ search for "graham christensen"
<catern> niksnut: ah, sure, that's a good one too
<kuznero> Great! Thanks!
<catern> I can list that in my list
<catern> (even though they are unknown)
<kuznero> Sad it will be impossible to get there in person as my company is not officially using Nix/NixOS yet...
<gchristensen> your company could send you unofficialy :)
<catern> The Nix page should get a friends-of-Nix page like https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/friends.html
<catern> It would be useful for persuasion
<domenkozar> we have too many friends to list them
<domenkozar> :-P
<catern> if you say so :)
<gchristensen> that sounds actually really good
<gchristensen> to show it isn't just a little thing
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<gchristensen> marketing!
<catern> right
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<catern> I've heard people at my employer cite that friends of Rust page to justify Rust as a Serious Thing
<gchristensen> also teamviewer isn't a small co
<catern> that's true too
<edef> having a friends-of-rust style page seems like a really good move, yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5H2U
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 4515d4a Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #29369 from bkchr/remove_kde4_workspace_kde_telepathy...
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<catern> my company is listed on this page despite not even using Bazel yet, heh https://bazel.build/
<gchristensen> iirc Snabb is in HFT which is really cool
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<domenkozar> HFT?
<catern> Snabb is super cool yeah
<gchristensen> high frequency trading?
<goibhniu> rust seems to be great at marketing
<catern> Snabbswitch is awesome
<domenkozar> snabb is networking software
<domenkozar> how is it HFT? :o
<gchristensen> used in HFT :)
<Ankhers> Rust has a commercial entitiy behind it.
<domenkozar> gchristensen: source for such claim?
<catern> I would definitely believe that Snabb is in HFT
<gchristensen> this was just my impression
<catern> confirming it is probably difficult though :)
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<gchristensen> catern: I'm pretty sure DailyKos uses Nix + NixOS
<kuznero> gchristensen: I was asking here before, are there any books written about Nix/NixOS?
<gchristensen> I.... doubt it?
<gchristensen> :)
<Ankhers> Time to start writing on.
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<domenkozar> nixpills could be a book
<gchristensen> get crackin' Ankhers! :D
<Ankhers> I can write it in docbook!
<kuznero> Just noticed there was a discussion about effectiveness of existing documentation. So, a book could address that I believe...
<gchristensen> yes you can
<kuznero> :D
<Ankhers> I don't really like books for documentation. Stuff generally changes too fast. A book is nice to complement documentation, or to give someone a high / mid level overview of a technology.
<Ankhers> I would rather just write documentation.
<kuznero> Ankhers: it is not about putting documentation into a book, it is about delivering knowledge to people. Current documentation is not effective in this as I see it. So, a book might be different...
<maurer> Ankhers: A counterpoint is that a book on a topic usually means it's stabilized enough to have one :P
<gchristensen> there could be a book on the nix language
<disasm> I think this goes back to the age old problem, everyone would rather talk about how to fix documentation rather than just writing better documentation :) (says the hypocritical person doing a nixcon hackday on brainstorming how to fix documentation)
<gchristensen> !m disasm
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, disasm!
<Ankhers> maurer: While I don't disagree, there are cases when that still isn't true.
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<Ankhers> I don't know if anyone is in the Elixir world, but the Phoenix 1.2 book came out, it was a great intro to the framework. Then the 1.3 RC came out. The book was not updated. Everyone was complaining that the documentation and book were not officially updated during an RC release.
<disasm> kuznero: let me know if you need someone to copy edit/peer review your book on nix :)
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<Ankhers> Is there currently a good way to find functions in nix that does not involve looking through the code?
<kuznero> :) it might be an idea. I would write it simply to learn it!
<Ankhers> I would buy it.
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<kuznero> Let me have it in my mind for a week and I will get back saying if challenge is accepted ;)
<Ankhers> disasm: Let me know if you come up with anything for fixing documentation. I would be glad to help.
<Ankhers> Or anyone else for that matter.
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<disasm> Ankhers: are you going to be at nixcon?
<Ankhers> I wish. It isn't possible for me to make it this year.
<kuznero> Do you think the format of Real World Haskell is appropriate? I feel it can be a very good way to collect feedback...
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<Ankhers> I'm hoping to make it to the next one though. Or we should just setup one in Canada.
<Ankhers> NixConf EU and NixConf NA or something?
<kuznero> Here is the link: http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/
<catern> someone with commit privs to the website should make a friends page :)
<Infinisil> Ankhers: to find functions I mostly search for 'functionName = '
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<catern> or, if someone with commit privs says that they will merge it, maybe I can do it??
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<pxc> I would be really grateful for an American conference. I want to go to NixCon2017 but I'm still not sure if I can because I might not be able to afford it
<pxc> and I do mean the American continent although I'm a US-ian
<Ankhers> pxc: How about Canada?
<pxc> :-)
<Ankhers> Cool.
<catern> Maybe we can get printed copies of the Nix manual?
<Ankhers> Is there some way to gauge interest in an NA located conference?
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<catern> How big is it?
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<catern> I really like my printed copy of the Emacs manual :)
<catern> it's a nice thing to have :)
<Ankhers> But you can just look at the manual IN emacs...
<catern> yes, but it's fun to have :)
<Ankhers> Conversation piece?
<catern> (in general I would prefer improving the Nix manual over writing books or wikis though)
<catern> sure, and to leaf through idly, and for fortune-telling :)
<Infinisil> I feel like the wiki is a much better format for knowledge though
<Infinisil> So I'm rooting for improving the wiki
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29380: bcachefs-tools: Make eval more robust (master...eval-fix) https://git.io/v5HVr
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<pxc> I like wikis too. The truth is that if Nix continues to grow people will be writing books about it for big tech doc publishers anyway
<Ankhers> I think a problem with a Nix book would be content. Do you explain in the book how to use it as a daily driver? What about the Python people, Haskell people, etc. We would want to see how it can benefit our particular language(s).
<Infinisil> Hmm, but that's like ever changing
<Ankhers> Or do I write five books with the same content but for different languages?
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<Ankhers> I guess you could say, I'm doing it in Haskell, but in this online repo you can find the code for various languages.
<kuznero> Ankhers: that is true, it is wide... but then plan it to cover the core first, I bet it is now getting more or less stable. Then move to the other parts.
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<Infinisil> Can you really write a book about just the Haskell part of nixpkgs? There's not much to say I feel
<Ankhers> I'm just saying that I would like to see a book that shows me the "proper" way to work in a given language.
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<Ankhers> I don't know if it would fill a full book. But it would be nice to have a best practices guide per language.
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<Ankhers> *up to date
<fpletz> gchristensen: yeah, pretty awesome :) the tcpdump devs might regret putting us on their embargo list though
<pxc> I wish we had better Haskell documentation for contributors
<disasm> I think a lot of what we have in the manuals is great, the problem is the edge stuff. For example, things like cmake, libcxxStdenv, qt hooks, etc... could and should have their own sections in the manual. There's one reference to cmake in the nixpkgs manual: "These include C(++) headers, pkg-config, cmake and aclocal files. They go to dev or out by default." yet there's over 3000 uses in nixpkgs :) That's a
<disasm> problem. (and one I'm hoping we can solve at NixCon)
<pxc> all we have in the manual is mostly about how to _use_ the Haskell packaging stuff, not how to add to it for addition to Nixpkgs
<pxc> it's not that hard to figure out but it would be nice if the contributor's guide had more stuff for _contributors_ in the Haskell section
<Ankhers> I'm struggling through figuring out how to fix up the BEAM ecosystem with a couple other people.
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<disasm> but there I go again talking about how to fix things instead of fixing them, lol :)
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<kuznero> At some point I was quite impressed with how it must have been effective gathering feedback with something like Real Worl Haskell. That let people who barely scratching the surface to ask a question and potentially guide the content into a different direction to make it more accessible.
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<kuznero> Currently though I bet documentation is written and maintained by people who are deeply involved already. Is that fare assessment?
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<Ankhers> If someone can come up with a way to gauge interest in an NA based NixConf, let me know. I would love to see one here.
<pxc> same
<mbrock> kuznero: you mean with how RWH had a per-paragraph comment box?
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<kuznero> yes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #29380: bcachefs-tools: Make eval more robust (master...eval-fix) https://git.io/v5HVr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Hok
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f96f3f7 John Ericson: bcachefs-tools: Make eval more robust...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d2f4084 John Ericson: Merge pull request #29380 from obsidiansystems/eval-fix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 346aeee Eelco Dolstra: Remove Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.10...
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<disasm> Mic92: do you see any reason we should continue to support python-mpd? They haven't had a release in 7 years.
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* disasm just realizes he was trying to fix mdp, not mpd, lol
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<disasm> Mic92: you can disregard :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29381: autoreconfHook: Simplify by avoiding `findInputs` (master...autoreconf-hook) https://git.io/v5HiJ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29382: mdp: disable tests (master...mdp) https://git.io/v5HiW
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/4215b390d3 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5HPB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9111b53 Matthew Bauer: duti: init at 1.5.4pre...
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<xdelv> mbrock: OK, I can get all of the nix-shell commands to work with ghc7103, but nix-env -qaP shows only ghc-8.0.1. Do I need to switch channels to actually install ghc 7?
<mbrock> xdelv: no, I think that's because of how the packages are laid out in the hierarchy, where only the default version is at the "top level"
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<mbrock> I don't actually know if there's a way for `nix-env -q` to show all the things, but I suspect not
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<xdelv> that's fine, don't necessarily need a full listing
<xdelv> just confused about how to translate the 'haskell.compiler.ghc7103' that nix-shell likes, into something that nix-env likes
<xdelv> (or a .nix config file would like, for that matter)
<mbrock> yeah, you need to use the `-A` flag to `nix-env` to specify that you want to install by an "attribute" rather than a "name"
<mbrock> so you could try `nix-env -iA haskell.packages.ghc7103`
<xdelv> tried that, but it errored and I wasn't aware that it was supposed to work lol
<xdelv> thanks for the confirmation, let me see what I can find now that I know that needs to work
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<mbrock> I find nix-env kind of confusing myself. These CLI tools are being redesigned to be easier, and I think that'll be in the upcoming Nix version (as a new command just called `nix`)
<mbrock> someone here can probably help you but I have to run :)
<xdelv> mbrock: No worries, thank you so much for all the help!
<xdelv> (figured it out, it wanted a -f '<nixpkgs>')
<sphalerite> yep, -f '<nixpkgs>' makes nix-env's behaviour fairly consistent across different ways in which nix might be installed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5H1q
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1055c43 John Ericson: yabar: pkg-config should be a native build input
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<xdelv> sphalerite: would it be safe to just alias nix-env="nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>'"?
<sphalerite> Sure, although that might interfere if you want to install nix expressions from a different file
<sphalerite> For instance, I update my profile by doing nix-env -f ~/dotfiles -ir
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<xdelv> OHHH. <nixpkgs> is a variable that points to the nixpkgs repo. Makes a lot more sense now
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<catern> pls release 1.12 already :(
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<catern> I guess it won't happen before NixCon :(
<hyper_ch> NixCon?
<catern> I really want it released so that I can deploy it
<catern> in my upcoming
<catern> huge deployment
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<jsgrant> hyper_ch: http://nixcon2017.org/
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<jsgrant> Btw, the "Has Nix A Future" talk synopsis has a bunch of <p> tags in it.
<jsgrant> Whoever maintains that.,
<jsgrant> Only one I've seen thusfar.
<hyper_ch> sphalerite keeps ignoring me :(
<jsgrant> Oh, "Typesystem for Nix" is the same.
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<hyper_ch> NixCon - near Munich... not too far away though
<gchristensen> Profpatsch, _c_: the "Has Nix A Future" talk synopsis has a bunch of <p> tags in it.
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<Infinisil> somebody's been writing too many docs :P
<jsgrant> Profpatsch: _c_: So does "A type-system for Nix"
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<jsgrant> Latter, all sort of formatting tags.
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<mmts> new to NixOS, have setup a host with channel 17.03, can anyone give me hints on how to transform it to a XEN dom0 server ?
<hyper_ch> what's a xen dom0 server?
<mmts> it's a virtual host like vmware or KVM
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<woffs> "man configuration.nix" mentions it
<hyper_ch> why not use kvm?
<hyper_ch> kvm/qemu
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<Infinisil> "How do I do X?" "Why don't you use Y?"
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<joepie91> that's honestly not an unreasonable response, if Y provides roughly the same featureset as X and is better supported by tooling
<Infinisil> Fair enough
<disasm> ugh... there's a package in python top level "3to2", there's no way to get that into callPackage, is there?
<joepie91> there may still be reasons to need X of course, but so long as it's a question rather than a "no go use Y", I wouldn't see a problem with it :P
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<mmts> hyper_ch: I'd prefer XEN, 'cause I think it performs better...
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<hyper_ch> that's what they want to make you believe
<sphalerite> disasm: what do you mean?
<hyper_ch> I heard qemu performs really good but I use vbox because of portability
<sphalerite> oh right, as a parameter to a function?
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<disasm> sphalerite: "3to2" = callPackage ../development/python-modules/3to2 { }; I need that as a parameter in another package.
<sphalerite> yeah I don't see a way to do that :/
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<joepie91> mmts: sample size of one, but somebody I know runs a VPS provider and has always used Xen, and he's looking into moving to KVM because according to him there's no meaningful performance difference and Xen support from tooling and so on is not great
<sphalerite> disasm: all I can think of is taking in pythonPackages and getting the 3to2 attr from that
<joepie91> don't have any first-hand data on that though
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<mmts> hyper_ch: joepie91: 2nd reason, I'm used to it for years now...
<Infinisil> disasm: You could take the argument "pkg3to2" instead and use callPackage path { pkg3to2 = pkgs."3to2"; } or something like that
<joepie91> mmts: right, that makes sense
<hyper_ch> mmts: it's ok :) just seems that mose in here run kvm/qemu :)
<hyper_ch> what I found out when there were issues with vbox :)
<disasm> ah, that's probly better than my solution I just did, renaming it as threeto2 :)
<joepie91> mmts: no idea whether you can use Xen kernels on NixOS though, or how
<Infinisil> disasm: Probably it's better to rename tbh and discourage naming packages like that
<Infinisil> as in actually rename the package itself
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<joepie91> mmts: right, so it *is* supported
<joepie91> mmts: options can also be found here: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#xen
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<disasm> Infinisil: so should I rename it py3to2?
<disasm> anyways, my hack worked, so it will build once I figure out the nomenclature to use :)
<Infinisil> disasm: Yeah why not, just make sure to not break backwards compatibility
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #29386: [backport] pythonPackages.pyscard: 1.9.4 -> 1.9.6 (release-17.03...release-17.03) https://git.io/v5H99
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<xdelv> are nix profiles portable between different installations?
<mmts> my 2nd link mentions a rather old linuxPackages_3_2_xen, actual/stable is 4.4/4.5
<disasm> Infinisil: yeah, I git grep'd for it. so should I add py3to2 = "3to2";
<disasm> err, other way
<disasm> "3to2" = py3to2;
<Infinisil> ye
<Infinisil> xdelv: Define "different installation"
<Infinisil> with the same architecture i don't think it should be a problem
<mmts> So I'll just try to add "virtualisation.xen.enable = true" to my configuration.nix, and see if "nixos-rebuild switch" does the job...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] florianjacob opened pull request #29387: nixos/mysql: declarative users & databases (master...mysql-declarative-setup) https://git.io/v5HH2
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<joepie91> mmts: I don't use Xen so I don't know anything specifically about it, but to enable Xen it should be sufficient to just set the virtualisation.xen.enable setting to `true`, and appropriately configure the remaining virtualisation.xen options where needed to satisfy your requirements; it seems to also just use whatever the latest Linux kernel version is; https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L12443
<disasm> it's not a rec attr set :(
<disasm> I guess I just add it and have both call the same package
<xdelv> Infinisil: Hah yeah, same architecture. Would I just copy the manifest.nix over then? Or do I need the full dir?
<Infinisil> disasm: pythonPackages?
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<Infinisil> xdelv: Probably, have never done anything like this though
<xdelv> Cool, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
<Infinisil> xdelv: So you want to share the packages installed with nix-env?
<xdelv> not really switching systems or anything, just trying to make my nix-env changes reproducible in case I start from a clean NixOS install in the future
<xdelv> Basically yep
<Infinisil> Hmm, you might want to look into nix-env -r or home-manager instead then
<Infinisil> with both of those you can define your packages in a nix expression and then build the profile declaratively
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29388: arelle: add py3to2 as a buildInput (master...arelle) https://git.io/v5HQv
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<xdelv> Infinisil: that sounds exactly like what I want
<Infinisil> home-manager: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager and `man nix-env` for nix-env -r (as mentioned by sphalerite)
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<Infinisil> I personally use home-manager (and sometimes contribute), can recommend it
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<xdelv> Sweet, thanks for the help
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<xdelv> Will definitely give home-manager a try. Curious though, the only '-r' I can find in the nix-env manpage is an alias for '--remove-all' under the --install command. Is that what I'm looking for or am I overlooking something else?
<Infinisil> Yep that's it
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<xdelv> Ah so basically just making it start from a clean slate before evaluating the profile?
<Infinisil> which means it's declarative
<xdelv> awesome that makes a lot of sense. thank you!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5H5q
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5ae9420 Rickard Nilsson: Revert "libarchive: Patch for CVE-2017-14166"...
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<sphalerite> cache.nixos.org giving me 500s/503s :(
<Infinisil> url to test?
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<acowley> cache is down for me, too
<domenkozar> cache.nixos.org is DOWN
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<bennofs> isn't that s3?
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<ee1943> anyone else having trouble fetching binaries from the cache?
<Infinisil> Is down indeed
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<sphalerite> Also, has anyone got Agda to work in any way? I'm starting a class that involves Agda next week and it would be good to get it working
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<ee1943> Infinisil: ok, thought it was just me. thanks
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<Infinisil> Man, I really want IPFS integration..
<Infinisil> Wouldn't happen if the cache was IPFS backed
<Infinisil> Especially with filecoin coming
<acowley> Anyone know what the plans for rustc in nixpkgs are?
<gchristensen> acowley: what do you mean?
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<gchristensen> the Cache issue is an issue with the backing store, S3
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<mmts> joepie91: thanks for your tip on the xen options page, just have to work myself into the details, but seems to be the right way to go on
<sphalerite> acowley: I don't think there's much going on there. Most of the interesting stuff is happening in https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
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<sphalerite> I think once rust itself becomes more stable I imagine some of the structure in nixpkgs-mozilla will be imported to nixpkgs and rustc will be maintained better
<sphalerite> I don't actually know, but that seems like the obvious thing to do
<acowley> gchristensen: The one in nixpkgs is fairly old.
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<acowley> sphalerite: Thanks, that sounds like a good plan
<acowley> It's a shame we don't yet have binaries for newer versions
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<sphalerite> I believe the nixpkgs-mozilla stuff comes from the official binary distribution
<edef> I rely on nightly features, though
<sphalerite> edef: how is that different from the nightly channel provided by nixpkgs-mozilla?
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<edef> uncertain, I don't use nixpkgs-mozilla
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<acowley> I just noticed that nixpkgs-mozilla says that binary channel is a TODO as is darwin support
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<acowley> As a darwin user and big fan of binary caches, I
<acowley> am wary
<acowley> :P
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<michas> Hi, after installing nix I have only one unstable nixpkgs channel. After I add a stable nixos channel, how do I install a tool exactly from that channel?
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<michas> Is there an easy way to install nix from a different channel in the beginning?
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<kanshazan> @hc Maybe `let stable = import <nixos-stable> {} in { [..]` ?
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<kanshazan> Or for "nixos-stable" the name you gave the channel when adding
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<kanshazan> New to NixOS: How do I turn off the touchpad on my laptop? I have synaptics.enable = false, but after rebuilding withour errors the touchpad is still working.
<schoppenhauer> hi. i want to slowly migrate my server from debian to nixos. the thing is … I am not a friend of doing this all at once. does anyone have an idea of how to "smoothly" migrate to nixos, not all at once? (like, have a debian-vm or something)
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<hyper_ch> no
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<Infinisil> Can't install a program because cache is down :(
<michas> schoppenhauer, You could give cubesOS a try. This way you can use multiple OS at the same time.
<hedning[m]> Can't install nixos on new laptop because the cache is down :((
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil, hedning[m]: it would be nice if it could fall back to local builds when that happens rather than just giving up on life entirely
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<Infinisil> ToxicFrog: This might be viable for small packages
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<hedning[m]> true, but I'm thinking it would take while since I'm importing my old config
<Infinisil> definitely
<hedning[m]> would've been nice having the option to easily use another pc as cache though
<Infinisil> You can
<hedning[m]> yeah, but it seems like chore \o/
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<Infinisil> and add use-binary-caches false to options to fallback to local builds
<LnL> I didn't know about ssh-substituter-hosts
<Infinisil> Also just found out a few days ago
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: in my case I want to install a single small package without changing anything, and in fact the package is already in local store!
<ToxicFrog> But nixos-rebuild switch wants the latest stage-2-init.sh and falls over.
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<Infinisil> ToxicFrog: Just try with --option use-binary-caches false
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<joepie91> mmts: please let me know whether it ends up working :) would be good for me to take mental notes in case somebody else asks Xen questions in the future
<Infinisil> It's suprisingly simple
<ToxicFrog> Hmm
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<ToxicFrog> Bug report: --option use-binary-caches false appears to be working, but --option use-binary-caches=false exits with no output at all.
<Infinisil> that's just not the supported syntax
<Infinisil> [--option name value] is the man page
<Infinisil> in*
<schoppenhauer> michas: no, I don't want to have both run at the same time on the long run.
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<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: to be clear, the bug isn't "it doesn't support this"
<schoppenhauer> michas: just at a transition phase
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<ToxicFrog> The bug is "when I type this because I'm used to it from other programs, it calls exit(1) with no output of any kind, not even an error message"
<Infinisil> ToxicFrog: Ah
<disasm> haha, I've burned through almost 100 GB fixing broken packages :)
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<sphalerite> Will using stack (the haskell package manager) like on imperative OSes work fine? I need to get Agda working and the nix package is apparently broken
<lonokhov> it's like gentoo...
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<schoppenhauer> hm. ok. is there any recommended way of installing nixos into a linux container? I only found https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9735 and it seems kind of strange
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<schoppenhauer> ah, maybe it is possible to run NixOps with debian
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<lonokhov> schoppenhauer: I think it should be possible with nixos-container, I think it just creates nspawn container. never tried outside of nixos though
<schoppenhauer> hm.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5HAv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cd97211 Daiderd Jordan: rtags: use clang-unwrapped
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<schoppenhauer> NixOps seems to only require Nix
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<acowley> LnL: What's the thinking behind that rtags commit?
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<disasm> schoppenhauer: yes, it is possible to run nixops from any linux system. What I would suggest for a transition would be install nix in debian and start playing with it, getting familiar. You won't have all the services/config layer of nixos, but you can start playing with nix-shell to get the things working you care most about, then when you go nixos, you'll at least know most of the stuff you use is ready to
<disasm> go.
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<Lisanna_> The build for nix-prefetch-git appears to be failing ):
<Lisanna_> can someone else try?
<schoppenhauer> disasm: I am familiar with nixos, and most of the services should be easily configurable in nixos.
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<Lisanna_> nix-shell -p nix-prefetch-git
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<Infinisil> Lisanna_: Cache is down
<acowley> LnL: The build log is not available :()
<disasm> not quite 100 GB: 54324 store paths deleted, 75047.59 MiB freed
<schoppenhauer> disasm: but it seems to me that nixops is a good way to start.
<LnL> or right, because the cache is down :/
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<acowley> LnL: I'm just curious because I've not had any issues that would suggest a clang problem
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<Infinisil> But nix-prefetch-git just got downloaded from the cache for me
<Infinisil> I think it's only part of it that's down
<acowley> LnL: The biggest pain (and it is big) is digging out dependency paths and feeding them into an .rdmrc
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<Lisanna_> How long has it been down?
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<LnL> acowley: the libstdc++ hook I added recently causes issues if you include a cc-wrapped clang if the build still uses gcc
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<mmts> joepie91: it seem to have installed and booting fine, just needed to add "xen" and "bridge-utils" packages to be installed via configuration.nix; I'll have to play with it the next days to see if it's stable and functional as a virtual host, thanks
<Infinisil> Lisanna_: 45 minutes age it was first reported here
<Infinisil> ago*
<acowley> LnL: Oh, I see! I guess that wouldn't typically affect me on darwin.
<LnL> yeah exactly
<joepie91> mmts: it didn't add those packages automatically?
<joepie91> mmts: if they are required for correct functioning of Xen, that might be a bug in nixpkgs
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<acowley> LnL: Do you have any suggestions for helping rdm find dependencies? My method is to run make with NIX_DEBUG=1, then copy-paste paths into an .rdmrc. This works, but is manual and breaks whenever nixpkgs updates.
<joepie91> mmts: (modules in NixOS/nixpkgs are expected to add all dependencies needed for their functioning)
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<grantwu> I'm having a bunch of issues with downloads not completing
<catern> how long has the cache been down?
<LnL> acowley: not sure what you mean, are there dependencies that won't break the build?
<Infinisil> grantwu: Cache down
<grantwu> catern: Ah, is that the problem
<catern> it sure is :)
<Infinisil> catern: 45 minutes at least
<catern> wasn't it down yesterday too?
<Infinisil> But some downloads work, not sure why
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<acowley> LnL: Say you have a project that depends on eigen. You add it to your shell.nix, and now you can invoke clang to compile your thing. But if rdm tries to load your code, it won't be able to find the eigen include paths.
<acowley> LnL: So what I do is have an .rdmrc that includes those paths for each project.
<LnL> sounds like you'd want something similar to the cc-wrapper for that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5HxC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f8a7266 Maarten Hoogendoorn: openshift: 1.5.0 -> 3.6.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3dde77 Maarten Hoogendoorn: Fix `oc cluster up`...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d27f710 Maarten Hoogendoorn: mount is in utillinux
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<acowley> LnL: Given that rdm is using libclang to load the source files, where could one inject a wrapper?
<LnL> the stdenv puts buildInputs in NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE and the cc-wrapper makes clang/gcc know about it
<acowley> I see
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<acowley> So I should have rdm grab NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE
<mmts> joepie91: "bridge-utils" is possibly not a dependency, but usefull; "xen" might be one, since I didn't have necessary "xl" command before installing it
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<joepie91> mmts: right, probably worth opening an issue on nixpkgs to include that
<joepie91> would be reasonable to expect `xl` to be available
<LnL> acowley: yeah basically, you might be able to use wrapCC rtags but I'm not sure how that figures out what binaries it should wrap
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<LnL> looks like it's hardcoded
<acowley> Where is wrapCC defined?
<sauyon> hrm
<sauyon> I'm getting 503s from cache.nixos.org
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<acowley> sauyon: You are not alone
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5Hxh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7af5c67 Michele Guerini Rocco: pythonPackages.pyscard: 1.9.4 -> 1.9.6 (#29386)...
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<sauyon> damn
<acowley> Oh, nm, the cache seems to be back for me now
<acowley> !
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<sauyon> what am I actually supposed to do to rebuild while the cache is down
<LnL> you can use --fallback or --option build-use-substitutes no
<Infinisil> sauyon: I used --option ssh-substituter-hosts <my other host> --option use-binary-caches false
<acowley> LnL: Thanks
<LnL> maybe you could add something like the cc.langFortran for rdm
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<Infinisil> Oh, didn't know about --fallback, nice
<sauyon> danke
<acowley> LnL: I'm just not sure how or if rdm consults environment variables
<sauyon> welp it just worked that time :P
<Infinisil> Ohh, #1 post currently on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15251469
<Infinisil> "S3 possibly down"
<LnL> acowley: it doesn't have to, the wrapper will pass all everything as arguments to the original program
<sauyon> shit
<sauyon> wonder how many services are fucked lol
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<LnL> as long as it takes the same -I/foo flags like clang/gcc
<Infinisil> sauyon: Heh, not this ones: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15251863
<sauyon> that sounds like.... overkill
<sauyon> but hey his site might be really important who knows
<Infinisil> Maybe, but even if it isn't, it's really cool
<sauyon> expeeeeensive though
<lonokhov> my god, why is it compiling ghc 7.8.4?
<Infinisil> OH my god, my internet is about 20kB/s right now
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<lonokhov> yay, cache is back
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jtojnar opened pull request #29392: [wip] gnome3: 3.24 → 3.26 (master...gnome-3.26) https://git.io/v5Hho
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5Hjn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3c70ed9 Daiderd Jordan: rtags: fix darwin build
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<Yaniel> oh, so the cache was actually down
<Yaniel> I was worried I'd broken my system channels completely
<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> how big is the current Nix build farm and how long does it take to do a mass rebuild?
<Infinisil> Hey catern :)
<catern> it's several days, right? anything more specific?
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: other random unsolicited input on your configuration.nix: rather than typing :l <nixpkgs> into nix-repl you can just run nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' right away and get nixpkgs in scope already. Or even more convenient, use the nix tab completion for zsh :) (I think there might be one for bash too)
<Infinisil> catern: 17:51 -nix-gsc-io`bot:#nixos- Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9e7db9a9f9 (from 30 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
<Infinisil> 30 hours maybe/
<sphalerite> as for how long a mass rebuild takes, I believe it depends on the channel. the -small channels will obviously not take as long, but I don't think it takes several days for a mass-rebuild
<Infinisil> ?*
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<acowley> LnL: I don't understand cc-wrapper enough to do it, but it looks like the `rc` executable takes likely looking flags and sends them along to rdm.
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<Yaniel> for restoring nix-env to a working state, is anything else needed besides symlinking the channels_root to .nix-defexpr?
<sphalerite> Yaniel: depends on how it was broken :D but if it was just .nix-defexpr going missing, then yes
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<Yaniel> okay
<Yaniel> I apparently managed to mess up my move to unstable which caused a clash in .nix-defexpr/channel* so I may have removed the channels_root symlink
<Yaniel> and now it bit me when apparently my user profile was at a completely different version of the unstable channel than the rest of the system
<sphalerite> mkdir ~/.nix-defexpr; ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels ~/.nix-defexpr/channels_root
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<Yaniel> yeah that's what I did now
<Infinisil> I recently found out what hardlinks can be used for
<Infinisil> Never used them before
<sauyon> isn't it just on-disk mount binds
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5Qva
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 56b2df0 Daiderd Jordan: rtags: use clang-unwrapped...
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<Infinisil> yeah
<sauyon> hm
<sauyon> so there's a package that's like 4 years old on nixpkgs
<sauyon> and I updated it
<sauyon> except removed some functionality
<sauyon> actually, also - how should I handle optdepends
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #29393: lua-nginx-module: 0.10.5 -> 0.10.10 (master...nginx-lua) https://git.io/v5QvN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5Qvh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d1260ea Daiderd Jordan: irony-server: don't use wrapped clang
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5Qfq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 f17ceea Daiderd Jordan: irony-server: don't use wrapped clang...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley opened pull request #29394: emacsMacport: emacs-25.2 => 25.3, macport-6.3 => 6.7 (master...emacsMacport-25.3) https://git.io/v5QfC
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<Infinisil> sauyon: I thought ffmpeg uses some optional deps
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<sphalerite> , sdlSupport ? !stdenv.isArm, SDL ? null, SDL2 ? null
<sphalerite> that seems like a weird way to determine whether SDL should be enabled
<disasm> Mic92: can you chat about https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29388
<sphalerite> by default
<disasm> Mic92: I figured what I did was wrong, but wasn't sure what else to do there.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5Qfy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 bec8a34 Matthias Beyer: sqlitebrowser: 3.9.1 -> 3.10.0...
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<Mic92> disasm: ` "3to2" = self.py3to2;` in python-packages
<sphalerite> Mic92: so you're in Edinburgh now?
<Mic92> sphalerite: yes
<Mic92> just sitting in the Edingburgh Hacklab
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<sphalerite> Good to know there are more nixers in Scotland now :D I've been meaning to go to Edinburgh for a while now, I'll let you know when I do
<sphalerite> And let me know whenever you come to Glasgow
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<sphalerite> What brought you there anyway?
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<Mic92> sphalerite: PhD
<Mic92> at university of Edinburgh
<sphalerite> Nice
<sphalerite> I came to Glasgow for my undergrad studies, at Strathclyde uni
<sphalerite> Finishing this year
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29395: numix-gtk-theme: 2017-02-15 -> 2017-07-26 (master...upd.numix-gtk-theme) https://git.io/v5QJz
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<Mic92> sphalerite: do you already have plans for later?
<sphalerite> Probably leaving the UK, I want to stay in the EU :D
<sphalerite> Germany's more or less at the top of my list ATM, partly because I'm German but have never lived there and that seems like something to catch up on
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<sphalerite> Also because opportunities there seem good and there seem to be a few companies doing nix stuff over there
<Mic92> sphalerite: well I keep my German passport. It is also not yet decided, what Scotland will do.
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<Mic92> sphalerite: do you go to nixcon?
<sphalerite> Yep!
<Mic92> sphalerite: me too
<Infinisil> Am going too :D
<Infinisil> Am a bit confused though
<sphalerite> And yeah, the whole leaving-the-UK thing isn't set in stone
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<sphalerite> I've got another 10 months or so to decide, including nixcon
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<Infinisil> I got a mail saying "You are confirmed for NixCon 2017" a day after registering. I thought it would take a while to decide who gets to go
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<sphalerite> Mic92: so are you managing to understand the Scottish? :p
<Mic92> Infinisil: I suppose first come, first serve.
<sphalerite> "Please note that we will give preference to people from underrepresented groups in tech and people who have written blog posts, code or given talks related to NixOS. "
<Mic92> sphalerite: in university there not too many native Scottisch and I have not been in the countryside too much so far
<Infinisil> Well I'm glad I get to go :D
<Infinisil> Ahh, there I am, on the participants page
<sphalerite> Infinisil: your activity on here can't have harmed your chances of getting included ;)
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<Infinisil> ^.^
<Infinisil> same for you sphalerite
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<sauyon> Infinisil: how do you enable optdepends anyway
<sphalerite> Mic92: hehe. It just depends on the people really, I'm a native speaker of English and I've been living here for 3 years and I couldn't understand a guy asking me a question on the street a couple of weeks ago :p
<sphalerite> sauyon: using .override generally
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<sauyon> bleargh
<sphalerite> So if the package has an sdlSupport option as an input, you can do something like ffmpeg.override {sdlSupport = false;}
<sauyon> is it on by default?
<Mic92> sauyon: you can look into the header of ffmpeg/default.nix
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<Infinisil> But, if an optional dependency is done with { fooSupport ? false, foolib ? null }, won't you have to also provide a foolib?
<sphalerite> Depends on the package, the package specifies the default generally
<sauyon> I mean
<sauyon> if it's false by default it's probably just pkgs.whatever right
<sauyon> it's just a bit ugly but yeah makes sense
<sphalerite> Infinisil: usually it's with { fooSupport ? true, libfoo } and if fooSupport is false it's just not included in the buildInputs
<sphalerite> Would be nice to have more consistent naming though
<Infinisil> Oh right
<sphalerite> Sometimes it's fooSupport, sometimes it's withFoo, sometimes it's enableFoo, sometimes it's fooEnabled...
<symphorien> I have seen { libfoo ? null } and libfoo is added to buildInputs only if it is non null
<Infinisil> Also I feel like having a single attribute for both build configuration and packages is a bit weird
<sauyon> I think that's what the old quodlibet package did lemme check
<sauyon> oh I see
<LnL> yeah those options are all over the place
<sauyon> no it had an argument
<sphalerite> symphorien: yeah that's also an option. In fact you don't even need to make the inclusion conditional iirc, stdenv is ok with buildInputs containing null
<sauyon> and included packages based on it
<sauyon> should I?
<Infinisil> I would use something like { fooSupport ? false, enableBar ? false }: { bazlib, cmake }: stdenv.mkDerivation ...
<sauyon> should we pick something :P
<sphalerite> So that way is nice for brevity, and you don't need to think about the naming :D
<sauyon> so you do have pkgs in override?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: the problem with that is that .override only applies to the outer layer. In fact I'm not sure it would work with callPackage at all
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<Infinisil> symphorien: Looks like ffmpeg does this
<sphalerite> Because callPackage expects a function or a path to a function expression that's Set -> Set
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: Yeah, the override setup would have to change a bit, but it would be cleaner imo
<sphalerite> (And not Set -> Set -> Set)
<sphalerite> I don't think so
<sphalerite> I think keeping just one layer of inputs which are treated equally is cleaner and simpler
<Infinisil> Hmm
<Infinisil> Yeah I guess these options can be considered input too
<sphalerite> And I like the setup symphorien mentioned because it's short and avoids the need for a naming convention
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<sphalerite> Of course it still makes sense to have flags for a package but it's nicer if they're not redundant with the dependencies
<Infinisil> But why not { fooSupport ? false, foolib, ...}: ... buildInputs = [] + optional fooSupport foolib
<Infinisil> What's the problem there
<sauyon> naming
<sphalerite> It's more complex and you need a naming convention
<Infinisil> hmm okay
<sauyon> honestly I'm tempted to just not do optdepends for, like, some gst plugins
<Infinisil> the <x>Support thing, right?
<sphalerite> And then you have multiple ways of achieving the same thing
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<sphalerite> sauyon: gst plugins are generally passed at a wrapping level anyway
<sauyon> I mean I still need them as deps no
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: like with the example you said, bar.override {fooSupport = false;} would be practically equivalent to bar.override {libfoo = null; }
<sphalerite> Might even evaluate to the same thing, not sure about that though
<sphalerite> sauyon: if you don't wrap your program such that it will reference them, I don't think they'll be used
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ah right
<sauyon> I'm doing ` gappsWrapperArgs+=(--prefix GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH : "$GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH")
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29396: Binutils wrapper: Init by refactoring out of cc-wrapper (master...binutils-wrapper) https://git.io/v5QTV
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<sphalerite> sauyon: ah right. Then yes, I believe it will make a difference
<sauyon> though I'm really not sure whether that's the best way to do it
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<sphalerite> Neither do I. Maybe just grep for GST_.*_PATH (I think there's something like GST_1_0_STUFF as well) in nixpkgs and see how/where else it's done
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<Infinisil> Quite a bunch of results
<sphalerite> Sounds like a refactoring opportunity :p
<sauyon> yeah it's used by a bunch of stuff in a bunch of wayr
<sauyon> wee
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<sauyon> wrapping it with the prefix seems most common though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jtojnar opened pull request #29397: gnome3: only maintain single GNOME 3 package set (master...single-gnome) https://git.io/v5QIJ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29398: zuki-themes: 3.24.2017-06-26 -> 3.24-2 (master...upd.zuki-themes) https://git.io/v5QIC
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<sauyon> btw I'm making an argument "xineBackend" for using the xine backend instead of the gst one
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<mbrock> sphalerite: I used the Agda from haskellPackages a while back and it seemed to work fine
<mbrock> sphalerite: iirc I just had to set a path to the stdlib source
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<sphalerite> mbrock: neat. I got it to the point where I could run "agda" and got a help message, but also discovered it's marked as broken in 17.09 and unstable
<jbyler> I'm also having problems accessing https://cache.nixos.org/. Chrome gives a vague "net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE" error. curl shows a 404 error coming back with Content-Type binary/octet-stream, and header "X-Cache: Error from cloudfront"
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<sphalerite> mbrock: if you have any further details I'd love to hear them :l
<jbyler> Sounds like an AWS issue, though whether it's an outage or a configuration problem I can't say.
<sphalerite> :) *
<sphalerite> jbyler: yeah, outage
<sphalerite> Been affecting S3 generally, apparently mostly in the US
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<jbyler> OK. Oddly, http://status.aws.amazon.com/ shows S3 and Cloudfront as all green.
<sphalerite> it's sort of on-and-off, if you're lucky it'll work if you try again in 5min
<sphalerite> It wasn't earlier
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5QLs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b5fbb4f aszlig: nixos/tests/acme: Use overridePythonAttrs...
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<samueldr> S3 had issues today
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<Lisanna_> What's the NixOS option that lets me set / override values in here? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/common-config.nix
<Lisanna_> is it boot.kernelParams?
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<samueldr> it is `extraConfig`, through a package override
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<Lisanna_> samueldr: thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29399: CODEOWNERS: Track owners and followers (master...codeowners) https://git.io/v5Qt4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Lassulus opened pull request #29400: tinc_pre: 1.1pre14 -> 1.1pre15 (master...tinc-pre) https://git.io/v5Qqt
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<sauyon> is there
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<sauyon> that was strange
<sauyon> anyway
<sauyon> is there a boolean for building on osx
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<sauyon> ie, how do I check if a package is being built on osx
<disasm> ooh, sphalerite and Infinisil are going to NixCon :) Looking forward to meeting ya!
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<disasm> sauyon: not quite sure what your question is
<sphalerite> :) likewise
<sauyon> disasm: the package I'm writing has a dependency that's only required on os
<sauyon> x
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<mbrock> sphalerite: dunno, a comment in nixpkgs mentions some segfault when building on hydra as the reason for marking it broken...
<sphalerite> mbrock: alright, I'll hunt through the git logs
<samueldr> sauyon: there's stdenv.isDarwin
<sauyon> thanks
<sphalerite> For now though, sleep :D gnight all!
<samueldr> not sure the where is the canonical documentation for this
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<Lisanna_> samueldr: that section specifically references linux_3_4 though. Going out on a limb here and saying that's probably not completely correct anymore?
<samueldr> it should still work, the example text must not have been updated
<Lisanna_> I mean, I'm otherwise not specifying what version of the kernel to use, I'm just using NixOS default. So should I say "linux" instead, since I'm pretty sure that's the nixpkg that I'm on?
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<samueldr> Default value:pkgs.linuxPackages
<samueldr> oh, linuxPackage != linux
<Lisanna_> pkgs.linuxPackages => "linux"?
<Lisanna_> pkgs.linuxPackages => pkgs.linux?
<samueldr> (I'm double-checking)
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<Nobabs27[m]> I have x11extras set as a dep, yet it says it is unknown.
<Nobabs27[m]> How do I fix that?
<samueldr> from pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<Lisanna_> ugh
<samueldr> (for 17.03)
<Lisanna_> Okay, so I guess I'm going to have to just explicitly specify these things
<samueldr> 4.12 is linuxPackages_latest / linux_latest
<samueldr> well, you can use pkgs.linux
<Lisanna_> oh
<Lisanna_> wait
<Lisanna_> sorry, misread your screenshot
<samueldr> yeah, it's a roundabout way
<samueldr> all kernel-dependent packages are grouped (?) into an attribute, including the kernels
<Lisanna_> Okay, so overriding pkgs.linux should in theory be safe for any upgrade that I do in the future
<samueldr> still not entirely used to the whole derivation thing, but afaik, if it built once, correctly, it should be safe
<Lisanna_> The thing I'm worried about is overriding a kernel package that won't end up getting used on my system :)
<Lisanna_> it'll "work"
<Lisanna_> but it won't do anything particularly interesting
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<samueldr> if you're adding a config option, use zgrep OPTION /proc/config.gz
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<samueldr> let's say I'm switching CONFIG_CHROMEOS_LAPTOP to builtin
<samueldr> I can verify using zgrep CONFIG_CHROMEOS_LAPTOP /proc/config.gz
<samueldr> both before and after a reboot
<samueldr> well, that's how I would verify
<samueldr> (not knowing better)
<samueldr> Nobabs27[m]: building on unstable or a release?
<Nobabs27[m]> samueldr: unstable
<Lisanna_> I think this is safe ^^
<samueldr> sorry Nobabs27[m], couldn't tell, I was wrongly assuming it wasn't in 17.03 since I didn't check properly
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<Nobabs27[m]> samueldr: mk
<Nobabs27[m]> :P
<samueldr> Lisanna_: the fun thing is that if the kernel can't boot, you're one trip into your boot manager away from the previous generation
<Lisanna_> Yep
<samueldr> (shouldn't even go as far as not booting if something goes wrong)
<Lisanna_> (by "safe" I meant foolproof against the whims of the NixOS maintainers monkeying with the default values for those options, but it's also safe in that way ^^)
<samueldr> Nobabs27[m]: I've grepped around the nixpkgs repo, and it looks like it's `qtx11extras`, not `qt5.qtx11extras`
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<Denommus> hey
<Denommus> I'm trying nixops out
<Denommus> but I'm getting time outs in the ssh connection, during deploy
<Denommus> this looks like a common problem, but I can't seem to find a solution
<Denommus> yes, I have a host-only network configured
<Lisanna_> Denommus: I've been using nixops pretty extensively recently, maybe I can help
* Nobabs27[m] sent a long message: Nobabs27[m]_2017-09-14_22:03:24.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/IIuPGVMHpBfmJyBPYOJshTYG>
<Lisanna_> can you be more specific about the error message you're seeing? have you ever successfully deployed to those hosts?
<Denommus> Lisanna_: is there anything else I need to do besides creating a host-only network with a DHCP server enabled?
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<Denommus> ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
<Denommus> taskjuggler> could not connect to ‘root@’, retrying in 1 seconds...
<Lisanna_> ohh, are you doing the virtual box kind?
<Denommus> Lisanna_: yes, I'm getting started with it for now
<Lisanna_> ah, okay. I've never used that kind, so I probably wouldn't be of much help
<Lisanna_> I deploy to physical machines over ssh, so there's no creation step for me
<Denommus> it's the second type of deployment, right?
<Denommus> a physical NixOS machine?
<Nobabs27[m]> Denommus: is it set too bridged adapter? or is that no the issue?
<Lisanna_> yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5QOx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 739b409 Cray Elliott: ffmpeg, ffmpeg-full: 3.3.3 -> 3.3.4
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<Denommus> Nobabs27[m]: no, I guess I'm using host-only
<Nobabs27[m]> Denommus: and you are trying to SSH in from outside the VM?
<Denommus> Nobabs27[m]: the nixops script itself is trying to ssh
<Nobabs27[m]> Denommus: ssh from the VM out or from the host/some other computer to the VM?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #29401: fix xserver.displayManager.job.logsXsession behaviour (master...logx) https://git.io/v5Q3t
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<Denommus> the host
<Nobabs27[m]> Denommus: well if its host to VM then virtualbox doesn't give the VM real IPs.
<Nobabs27[m]> The "bridged adapter" thing fixes that. (if thats what your issue is)
<jbyler> So the AWS Service Health Dashboard shows the S3 incident as having been resolved over 2 hours ago, and cache.nixos.org is still returning errors. How confident are "we" that whatever outage is affecting cache.nixos.org is known by Amazon and being worked on? I'm concerned that this might not go away on its own...
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<Denommus> I did it
<Denommus> I deleted and recreated the host-only network and changed the address bounds, now it works
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<Lisanna_> error: attribute ‘override’ missing :(
<Lisanna_> is package overriding not possible with just any package?
<Nobabs27[m]> should I file a bug report on nixpkgs about qtx11extras?
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<yrashk> I am trying to get around a problem with the `tilix` derivation. It is in unstable only and it depends on `dmd` which is marked as broken in unstable. I've been trying to use overrideDerivation to make it use stable dmd instead, but to no avail, it still tries to build unstable dmd as a dependency. Any hints on how can this be approached? Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29402: treewide: Fix some references to binutils (master...binutils-output-ref) https://git.io/v5QsM
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<Lisanna_> yrashk: does tilix support overrideDerivation?
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<Lisanna_> oh, never mind, it probably does
<yrashk> I am still learning. What can be used as an indicator of this support?
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<Lisanna_> yrashk: it supports it, stdenv.mkDerivation includes it
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<yrashk> ok
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #29402: treewide: Fix some references to binutils (master...binutils-output-ref) https://git.io/v5QsM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5QZN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3655e7e John Ericson: Merge commit 'bf7b5215001ca5adb283dfd68facc914fce96c49' into staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 3 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5QcT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 c13335a Daiderd Jordan: clang-stdenv: move libstdcxxHook to cc-wrapper...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 af12478 Daiderd Jordan: llvm-packages: apply cc-wrapper/stdenv changes to older versions...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 b1c115e Daiderd Jordan: nixpkgs-tests: add tests for llvm 3.9...
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<jbyler> Oops, it turns out cache.nixos.org is OK. There's just nothing at the root URL. But https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info works fine. Feature request: a static file at the root URL to keep the crazies from reporting an outage when there isn't one... =)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5Qcm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 84cb90d Orivej Desh: include-what-you-use: 0.6 -> 0.8...
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<Infinisil> Good idea jbyler
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29403: linux-headers: 2 cleanups removing dead/almost-dead code (master...kernel-headers) https://git.io/v5QCH
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sauyon opened pull request #29404: quodlibet: 2.6.3 -> 3.9.1 (master...quodlibet) https://git.io/v5QW9
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29405: jedi: disable tests (master...jedi) https://git.io/v5Ql8
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/4515d4af50 (from 8 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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