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<remexre> Is there a services.* for docker? I can't find it, and it seems that installing the docker package isn't enough to enable/start the docker daemon
<copumpkin> virtualization.docker iirc
<copumpkin> not sure it makes sense to live under there, but I vaguely remember that
<edef> virtualisation.docker.enable
<zraexy> What causes some buildInputs to be automatically added to propagated-user-env-packages?
<remexre> copumpkin, edef: thanks!
<edef> zraexy: having the appropriate nix-support stuff?
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<fearlessKim[m]> can I add my local copy of nixpkgs as a channel ? what I've seen so far is a blog post where the guy override NIX_PATH to point at its local repository
<dash> fearlessKim: yes that's how you do it, set NIX_PATH
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<rotaerk> anyone know of a reason to use haskell stack when already using nix?
<rotaerk> can't think of anything it adds
<rotaerk> and might even take away from nix, since when you integrate the two, it only uses nix for the non-haskell dependencies
<ee1943> Are there any good resources for people using Nix/NixOS in C/C++ development environments? Seems like most blog posts etc. are about Haskell
<rotaerk> nix makes sense regardless of language
<rotaerk> in my experience nix doesn't simplify things
<rotaerk> but it does make builds more reliable
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<simpson> ee1943: Thanks to the chauvinism of C APIs, you basically don't have to do anything language-specific. Just use nix-shell to bring in whatever you need. Or write a building expression and use nix-build.
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<rotaerk> I don't see any C++-specific stuff in nixpkgs, at least from a glance at the manual
<rotaerk> but that doesn't mean nix itself isn't useful
<ee1943> simpson: "chauvinism of C APIs" heh
<ee1943> I was just curious about other people's workflows :)
<ee1943> always interesting to see how they use tools
<fearlessKim[m]> dash thanks but wouldn't adding it as a channel be equivalent ? I would prefer that over fiddling with NIX_PATH.
<simpson> ee1943: nix-shell and nix-build.
<rotaerk> I'm guessing most people who have the sense to use nix also have the sense to leave C++ alone *cough*
<simpson> rotaerk: Some docs exist: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-language-qt
<rotaerk> at least, when they have the choice
<dash> Into each life a little c++ must fall
<simpson> And patches are welcome if anybody wants to write docs for other C++ libraries, I'm sure.
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<rotaerk> I'm glad I learned C++ when I was younger... get that out of the way
<rotaerk> so I can at least read it
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<nh2-web> rotaerk: "I'm guessing most people who have the sense to use nix also have the sense to leave C++ alone *cough*" -- well, nix is written in C++ :D
<rotaerk> haha
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<nh2-web> rotaerk: so yes as simpson said, you can just put e.g. `buildInputs = [pkgs.glog]` into your nix file and then use glog; integration with cmake etc also works out of the box
<nh2-web> so there's nothing C++ specific; you'd put the libraries you want to use (most are in nixpkgs) into buildInputs and then use them
<rotaerk> ah k
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5wf8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 024b501 Tim Steinbach: tests: Fix hibernate
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5wf0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 b50193f Tim Steinbach: tests: Fix hibernate...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5wfg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e6c40a4 Peter Hoeg: syncthing: 0.14.36 -> 0.14.37
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<07IAA0LVZ> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #29061: CODEOWNERS: add Profpatsch to various paths (master...codeowners) https://git.io/v5VdY
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<7GHAAIOGA> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5wJP
<7GHAAIOGA> nixpkgs/master 6afa844 Profpatsch: CODEOWNERS: add Profpatsch to various paths
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<dylanjust[m]> Hi all. I'm trying to write a Nix Haskell build that just runs tests. It'll be used to monitor a production system. I want to force it to rebuild each time. This seems very much against the Nix philosophy. This build isn't deterministic (deliberately). Should I pass in the current time or something?
<simpson> I'd just not use Nix for this.
<supremacsy> Hi all! Can anybody suggest anything on how to proceed after a not quite successful upgrade from nixos-16.09 (system.stateVersion = "16.09") to nixos-{17.03,17.09,unstable}? KDE fails to start global shortcuts daemon for all 3 channels I tried. Another system with stateVersion="17.03" is doing perfectly fine with the almost the same set of system packages.
<simpson> What does the rest of your production environment use for monitoring? Integrate with that. Prometheus, collectd, Nagios, etc.
<supremacsy> I saw somewhere that the mentioned problem persists in nixos-unstable, but haven't seen any reports about the stable branches.
<dylanjust[m]> simpson: We already have that sort of monitoring. This is more of a "do our integration tests still work correctly in production". The tests are already written in Haskell. We're reusing the normal tests. Normally in a build, the test will spin up our webserver in a background thread and test against that. Replace the "local server in a background thread" with "hit a production server". The build is nixified. Nix brings
<dylanjust[m]> in our Haskell dependencies. It is sensible for us to use Nix for this.
<dylanjust[m]> I was just looking for recommendations to force the rebuild. I think I'll just go with a timestamp, as a proxy for the "current state of the production system" as an input.
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<simpson> dylanjust[m]: I can agree that doing everything related to building your tool is something that Nix can do just fine. But the impure parts are really best done outside of Nix IMO.
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<dylanjust[m]> Time for an IO Monad in Nix :P
<simpson> Nix just isn't that language, sorry.
<ryantm> dylanjust[m]: Use --check on nix-build ?
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<dylanjust[m]> ryantm: that's close, but not quite right.
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<fresheyeball> how can I tell what version of a haskell package nix is giving me?
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, one way is to look at nixpkgs/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, another is, if you're in nixrepl: pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.haskellPackages.mtl.version
<rotaerk> not really sure what's most convenient in your particular situation
<vaibhavsagar> dylanjust[m]: what if you go with your original idea and e.g. create a file with the current timestamp as part of the buildPhase?
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, can also just run this: nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; haskellPackages.mtl.version'
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<fresheyeball> ooo rotaerk that sounds productive!
<rnhmjoj[m]> this error recently popped out in the configure of `vapoursynth`: "C++ compiler does not understand std::mutex (a C++11 feature)". the check itself has been there for years so it must be a change in gcc, I guess.
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: ok
<rnhmjoj[m]> bisecting will take forever, do you have any idea what caused it?
<fresheyeball> so that worked
<fresheyeball> and I see how to know the version
<fresheyeball> now how can I use a more up to date version?
<cmcdragonkai1> has anybody seen the dhall language
<cmcdragonkai1> I wonder if it can be used to replace nix, if it's already typed, and looks like nix
<cmcdragonkai1> and currently compiles to nix
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, well, someone else might have a bettter answer, but the only options I'm aware of are 1) use a more recent version of nixpkgs, or 2) replace it, yourself, from github
<simpson> cmcdragonkai1: AFAICT the `dhallToNix` utility is now available in nixpkgs.
<rotaerk> the latter is more involved
<simpson> cmcdragonkai1: I don't know why we'd want to get rid of Nix, but you can use Dhall.
<cmcdragonkai1> simpson: Not necessarily get rid of nix, but if there's a desire to get a typed nix that is also guaranteed termination, then it seems it is possible to just always use dhall and compile to the existing nix infrastructure
<simpson> cmcdragonkai1: You can do that, and I'll keep sending my patches in Nix.
<rnhmjoj[m]> the biggest problem, I think, is to rewrite nixpkgs to be type safe
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, for an example of something I've done in this regard, check this: https://github.com/rotaerk/iircc
<simpson> Sounds like a lot of effort for possibly not much gain, TBH.
<cmcdragonkai1> well because dhall compiles to nix, and the language looks like nix, it can be incremental
<cmcdragonkai1> it's not really an either-or choice is it?
<cmcdragonkai1> unless there's a policy to reject non-nix package expressions
<cmcdragonkai1> in nixpkgs
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, if you look at default.nix, you'll see pkgs = reflex-platform.nixpkgs;. that could be replaced instead with, say, pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; (I'm just pulling my nixpkgs version from elsewhere)
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: so...
<rotaerk> you'll also see haskellPackages = reflex-platform.ghc ...; this could be replaced with haskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages
<fresheyeball> I need to write a custom expression?
<simpson> cmcdragonkai1: I feel like you missed my first message. Yes, you can use Dhall in nixpkgs today. I don't know whether PRs with Dhall will be accepted and have no authority in the matter.
<cmcdragonkai1> simpson: no i totally understood you
<cmcdragonkai1> the link i sent mentions dhallToNix
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, what are you doing? programming project?
<rotaerk> your project should have a default.nix
<fresheyeball> I just want to add servant-multipart to my project to do a simple file upload
<simpson> cmcdragonkai1: There is one caveat: Each dhallToNix invocation causes an IFD.
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<simpson> But otherwise sure, go for it.
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, my default.nix is probably doing a bunch of stuff that you don't need to... guess it's not the best example
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: the servant-multipart library needs servant 0.11
<fresheyeball> which is not the verion nix gives me
<fresheyeball> the version nix gives me of servant is
<fresheyeball> so I either need the new servant
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<fresheyeball> or to downgrade servant-multipart
<fresheyeball> neither of which I see an easy way to do in nix
<rotaerk> a simple default.nix for your project might look like: let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "yourprojectname" ./. {}
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<fresheyeball> cabal2nix doesn't respect boundries in the nix file
<rotaerk> this alone will not resolve the problem of version, this is just a simple example, which we can tweak to include the latest version of your library
<rotaerk> this is a simple way to build your project, with the nixpkgs version from your environment (though I'd recommend pointing to a very specific version of nixpkgs instead)
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: ok
<fresheyeball> so I see you have github and a version hash in your setup
<fresheyeball> now the say servant's repo works
<fresheyeball> servant-server is in a folder in that repo
<fresheyeball> how can I fetch git and get the sub folder to feed to ghc?
<rotaerk> you're welcome to take the "ref" script if you'd like. you can run that to generate the files under the refs/ folder
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<rotaerk> run it without arguments for help
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<fresheyeball> I don't understand what it is doing
<fresheyeball> I thought nix was a package manager, and it would be easy to change verions
<rotaerk> this ref script is not part of nix; this is something I made to generate the files under the refs folder
<rotaerk> which are basically just all the arguments that nix would need to fetch something from github
<fresheyeball> ok, I can make a file like that myself with nix-prefetch github
<rotaerk> ah, wasn't familiar with nix-prefetch github
<rotaerk> then use that instead
<rotaerk> well assuming you have a refs folder, look at refs.nix
<rotaerk> the sources attribute will be an attrSet containing an element for every file in refs/
<rotaerk> sources.servant-multipart, for instance, is a reference to the directory containing the files obtained from github
<rotaerk> you can then do this in your default.nix: haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: { servant-multipart = self.callCabal2nix "servant-multipart" sources.servant-multipart {}; }; };
<rotaerk> which basically says to make a new set like haskellPackages, but with servant-multipart replaced with the version from github
<rotaerk> of course, this might fail if servant-multipart depends on versions of other modules which don't exist in that version of nixpkgs
<rotaerk> in which case you'd have to pull THOSE from github too... which can become a mess
<rotaerk> but hopefully there's not too much of that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tsaeger opened pull request #29065: ncurses: 6.0-20170729 -> 6.0-20170902 (master...fix/ncurses-20170902) https://git.io/v5wIf
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<rotaerk> fresheyeball, any questions?
<fresheyeball> I'm still trying to impliment your suggestion
<fresheyeball> hang on
<rotaerk> don't have to use refs.nix and refs/ if you don't want to; that was just my thing. you can embed the github details and the fetchFromGithub call directly into default.nix
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<rotaerk> the reason I have that ref script is it makes it easy to create *and* update references
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<fresheyeball> that's what I have based on what you said so far
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<fresheyeball> self.callCabal2nix "servant-multipart"
<fresheyeball> is erroring out
<fresheyeball> unexpect '
<fresheyeball> unexpected '"', expection .
<fresheyeball> expecting .
<rotaerk> I generated my ref files with the ref script, not nix-prefetch
<rotaerk> maybe the formats are a little different
<rotaerk> ./ref refs/servant-multipart new github haskell-servant servant-multipart HEAD
<rotaerk> to create
<fresheyeball> what arguments does callCabal2nix take?
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<rotaerk> oh nm, didn't see you embedded it directly
<fresheyeball> yeah
<rotaerk> the first argument is just a name to give the derivation; it'll be something like "cabal2nix-${whateveryouspecify}"
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: self.callCabal2nix "servant-server" ?
<rotaerk> what you have already is fine
<rotaerk> the second argument is the *derivation* containing the github files
<rotaerk> what you put there is just an attrset specifying how to obtain it
<rotaerk> you want to use fetchFromGithub
<rotaerk> notice that it only requires 4 attributes in its input
<rotaerk> scheme is one I made up; src is also unnecessary
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: is there a chance you can write me an inlined example?
<fresheyeball> I'm having a hard time tokenizing your IRC messages
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<fresheyeball> and a harder time reverse engineering it from your script
<fresheyeball> I'll buy you a beer!
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<fresheyeball> if you send me a paypal email or something
<rotaerk> sec
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<rotaerk> where projectName is, again, just a name to give the derivation of YOUR project ... so for my iircc project, it's just "iircc"
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, I think .. that should work
<rotaerk> didn't test it though
<rotaerk> this default.nix should be at the same folder level as your cabal file
<fresheyeball> hat b
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: ok so that build just fine
<rotaerk> cool
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<fresheyeball> but cabal is still telling me I don't have servant >=0.19 && <0.12
<fresheyeball> even though that hash is 0.19
<rotaerk> your cabal file is wrong; that range doesn't make sense
<fresheyeball> oh sec
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<rotaerk> the whole point of refs is so that I don't have to manually replace the hashes in my files; if I want to update to a newer version from github, I just do: ./ref refs/servant-multipart update HEAD
<fresheyeball> >= 0.10 && <0.12
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<fresheyeball> rotaerk: right I get the refs thing
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<fresheyeball> but I have one, and only one issue right now
<rotaerk> k
<rotaerk> still version issue?
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<fresheyeball> and that solution is better suited to a general set of version issues
<fresheyeball> yes
<rotaerk> hmm sec
<fresheyeball> rotaerk: I see an issue
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<fresheyeball> your example is servant-multipart
<rotaerk> oh
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<rotaerk> what should it be? just servant?
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<rotaerk> btw you can also fetch it from hackage instead of github, but I believe this is limited to hackage versions that this version of nixpkgs is aware of
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<rotaerk> so you could use it to override servant with an *older* version, but not a newer version than nixpkgs is aware of
<rotaerk> I tthink
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<rotaerk> so if you want a newer, use the upstream source
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<fresheyeball> rotaerk: I think it's failing also
<fresheyeball> because servant-server is in a sub directory of the servant repo
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<rotaerk> that's fine, notice what I did for cborg and serialise in default.nix
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<rotaerk> sources.cborg corresponds to your fetchFromGitHub {} call
<rotaerk> just do + /subdirectory
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<fresheyeball> rotaerk:
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<rotaerk> fresheyeball, yea?
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<rotaerk_> fresheyeball, are you not seeing my messages?
<fearlessKim[m]> I am looking at converting luarocks packages into nix derivations as is seemingly done for hackage. Does anyone know how the "hackage2nix" operation is run ? is it automated or does a maintainer need to rerun a script ? I would like to mimic that so any pointer is welcome
<rotaerk> wonder if he accidentally ignored me
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<rot> fresheyeball,
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<rotaerk> guess that's not it
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<fresheyeball> rotaerk: I love you
<fresheyeball> its working
<fresheyeball> it was hours of stumbing
<fresheyeball> but I understand n
<fresheyeball> now
<rotaerk> lol, wasn't sure if you were having IRC problems
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<fresheyeball> I am
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<fresheyeball> but thats another matter
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<rotaerk> also I guess I was aware of nix-prefetch, back when I wrote that ref script...
<rotaerk> that's what I used
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b50193f0ca (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<rotaerk> fresheyeball, note that your original example was pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc802, and I replaced that with pkgs.haskellPackages
<rotaerk> but in the currentt version of nixpkgs, those are equivalent
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<rotaerk> at least until they repoint haskellPackages to ghc821, which they haven't done yet
<rotaerk> (and it will not be AUTOMATICALLY repointed when you update nixpkgs if you change your nix expression to point to a specific version of nixpkgs)
<rotaerk> what I'd recommend is, instead of import <nixpkgs> {}, use <nixpkgs>'s fetchFromGitHub to obtain a specific version of nixpkgs from github
<rotaerk> that way updating your global nixpkgs can't break it (unless fetchFromGitHub itself changes)
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<rotaerk> pkgs = import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub { owner = "NixOS"; repo = "nixpkgs"; rev = ...; sha256 = ...; }) {}
<rotaerk> oh, he left
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zraexy opened pull request #29068: calligra: 2.9.11 -> 3.0.1 (master...calligra) https://git.io/v5wYW
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 51cf42a Vladimír Čunát: glibc: 2.25 -> 2.25-49...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0f91a1d Vladimír Čunát: glibc: remove patch with blowfish support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging bdfc989 Vladimír Čunát: glibc: remove a fixup; not needed since glibc-2.22
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<gilligan_> morning
<gilligan_> Is anyone here using `entr` by any chance? Oddly enough it doesn't report files correctly on any event and just reports the first file in the respective directory. I'm trying to figure out if that is just because entr is broken or if it is some broader issue
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<vaibhavsagar> is there any news on what changed in tcpdump to necessitate a security release?
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<LnL> gilligan_: never heard of it, I feel like every fs watch program has weird behaviour
<gilligan_> LnL, yeah, driving me nuts. I "just" need one that is going to work on linux/OSX .. sigh
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<lluchs> I didn't know entr could do that, but yeah, appears to be broken here as well
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<LnL> gilligan_: have you tried fswatch?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5wGp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master baf9dfc Peter Simons: CODEOWNERS: add peti for Haskell-related code
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a95c577 Peter Simons: CODEOWNERS: add peti for R-related code
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<gilligan_> LnL, that seems to be even more of a total mess
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<gilligan_> LnL, i don't even begin to understand how i'm supposed to invoke it to get the behavior i want
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29009: Python: several fixes (2) (master...python-fixes-2) https://git.io/v5zw5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5wnW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d38ee5b Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable d825d15 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29009 from FRidh/python-fixes-2...
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<gilligan_> LnL, ok now things are starting get weird
<gilligan_> LnL, tried inotifywait and it fails saying that it couldn't initialize inotify
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<fearlessKim[m]> I am trying to bump the keyring python package but that generates a silly error:
<fearlessKim[m]> Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement secretstorage; sys_platform == "linux2" or sys_platform == "linux" (from keyring==10.4.0) (from versions: )
<fearlessKim[m]> No matching distribution found for secretstorage; sys_platform == "linux2" or sys_platform == "linux" (from keyring==10.4.0). Any idea how to fix it ?
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<LnL> gilligan_: FWIW it mostly did what I needed last time with fswatch --event=AttributeModified -r .
<FRidh> fearlessKim[m]: are you on osx?
<fearlessKim[m]> friedh no, nixos 😎
<FRidh> in any case, looks like you simply need to add secretstorage to the propagatedBuildInputs
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<fearlessKim[m]> hum I am trying to do that but it says "undefined variable ‘secretstorage’ " even though secretstorage is defined in the same file python-packages.nix later on (to respect alphabetical order). Should I move secretstorage declaration up in the file ?
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<clever> fearlessKim[m]: nix doesnt care about order
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: can you gist the "git diff" ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 165fa89 Peter Hoeg: arc-theme: Fix build with gnome 3.24...
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<yonk42> hey, has anyone here ever had the problem that no new generations are created? and in general that the §
<yonk42> config does not persist between reboots
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<yonk42> i'm currently experiencing this on my work pc
<FRidh> fearlessKim[m]: self.secretstorage
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<fearlessKim[m]> FRidh: perfect thanks (was trying to find a program to gist as it's often useful)
<fearlessKim[m]> that worked
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<clever> fearlessKim[m]: nix-env -iA nixos.gist
<woffs> Hi. I am using a patch for nixpkgs, but I'd rather want to use an override to stick with the channel. But the nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides snippet seems to be simply a no-op. Maybe one could take a look at https://gist.github.com/woffs/1c54bdde0a86b71bfdbe4ed9f589b13d and give me a hint?
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<clever> woffs: try instead doing boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages // { tp_smapi = ...; };
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<peterhoeg> yonk42: is it a uefi machine?
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<peterhoeg> If so, is /boot mounted properly?
<woffs> clever, I have already tried that. I'll try again...
<goibhniu> that sounds very strange, yonk42 ... what commands are you using, and are you using some exotic filesystem or something interesting like that?
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<clever> peterhoeg: also keep in mind, the last person i asked "is /boot mounted" said yes, when it wasnt, confirm everything with df -h or mount output
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teto opened pull request #29069: keyring: 8.4.1 -> 10.4.0 (master...keyring) https://git.io/v5wWX
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<woffs> clever, like I said, it does not trigger the build.
<fearlessKim[m]> clever: ty for the tip
<clever> woffs: oh right, you need to actually depend on tp_smapi, one second
<yonk42> peterhoeg: just checked, it's not (altough I thought it was, that at least explains why I can't get systemd-boot)
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<woffs> clever, but I have boot.extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.tp_smapi ];
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<peterhoeg> yonk42: so you're probably seeing one set of generations in the rootfs /boot and another in the boot partition.
<woffs> maybe it refers to the old, original package?
<peterhoeg> Mount /boot somewhere else and manually merge the two - then reboot.
<clever> woffs: what about boot.extraModulePackages = [ (config.boot.kernelPackages.tp_smapi.overrideAttrs .... ) ]; and ignore the rest
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<clever> yonk42: it should be as simple as mounting /boot correctly and re-running nixos-rebuild, which will re-poppulate /boot
<clever> and confirming its configured to mount on bootup
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-unstable from d825d15 to 52932fa: https://git.io/v5aIf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable a75dd64 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.statsmodels: disable tests
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable b690856 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.logfury: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 69435df Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.readme_renderer: init at 17.2
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<yonk42> *facepalm* thank you guys, the boot partition was also not mounted on startup
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<clever> its a common problem, ive seen it 5+ times in here
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<clever> for most OS's, it only causes a lack of kernel upgrades
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 c51b089 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29009 from FRidh/python-fixes-2...
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<woffs> clever, thank you, this works! although it is looking ugly ;)
<clever> woffs: you can move that value into a let block near the top of the file
<clever> woffs: { pkgs, config, ... }: let foo = config.boot.kernelPackages.tp_smapi.overrideAttrs ...; { merge the two - then reboot.
<clever> oops
<clever> ...; { boot.extraModulePackages = [ foo ];
<woffs> clever, yeah, I'll try to get fluent in nix the next months. ;) thanks again!
<clever> yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #29071: glusterfs service: Ensure dirs needed by `glusterfind` exist (master...glusterfs-glusterfind-dirs) https://git.io/v5w4n
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #29072: Python fixes 3 (master...python-fixes-3) https://git.io/v5wBk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5wBK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a8dca7b Matthieu Coudron: keyring: 8.4.1 -> 10.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37d3a44 Jörg Thalheim: python.pkgs.keyring: move out of python-packages.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7dad10d Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29069 from teto/keyring...
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<Geraldus> Hi friends!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #29073: mongodb248: remove (master...mongodb/2.4.8) https://git.io/v5w0T
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<Geraldus> Can't find out how to use Docker on NixOS. I believe in past it was about single line of code in configuration.nix file.
<makefu> Geraldus: it still is
<makefu> virtualisation.docker.enable = true;
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<Geraldus> makefu: It's confusing, neither Google shows me useful link, nor NixOS manual contains any mention of Docker
<makefu> Geraldus: there are normally two ways to find that kind of stuff
<makefu> or https://nixos.wiki/ and if it is not yet in there, feel free to add it :)
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<Geraldus> makefu: Thank you!
<goibhniu> for completeness sake ... it's also in `man configuration.nix` (which will give you what's available on your system), and you can see your current settings with `nixos-option`
<makefu> goibhniu: true, `man configuration.nix` is the reference of all the options available. however i find the options.html page much more conventient to use if you are not 100% sure what you are looking for
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5wEW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 41e7e13 Peter Hoeg: dict: enable the default upstream server so the client works out of the box
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<goibhniu> makefu: ah, personally, I prefer `man configuration.nix`, because it's possible that you have different options (I use nixos-unstable) ... but options.html is nice, especially for linking to
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<makefu> goibhniu: nixos-unstable is an issue, that is true :) maybe we can have the options page for multiple versions of NixOS.
<goibhniu> it's the same for the manual, I love that both are available locally which match your system
<goibhniu> I get the feeling more people here tend to direct users to options.html though, and I like to mention `man configuration.nix` ... maybe I shouldn't confuse users by mentioning it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5wzf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8343a6c Michael Raskin: lispPackages.clsql-sqlite3: init
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<makefu> goibhniu: no, this is definitly worth to mention as it may help in other situations users find themself in at some point in the future :)
<goibhniu> ok, cool :D
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<Geraldus> makefu: Should I also include myself to group `docker` by the way?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0bac95c Peter Hoeg: rake: 11.1.0 -> 12.0.0
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<lewo> I wonder how to provide credentials to a Hydra job. I think I could write the credentials to a file, add a 'local path' input that points to this file in the jobset configuration and then read this file in the job. But is there an easier way to do this ?
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<vegai> are packages documented somewhere somehow?
<vegai> I mean, nix-env -qaP '.*llvm.*' for instance returns me two things
<vegai> I suppose P gives me an additional path
<vegai> is that path what I would usually use to refer to a package when installing it?
<vegai> when would I use the other one, and what is that called?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5w6U
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master adb8a0a Eelco Dolstra: Change owner of stdenv and lib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #29065: ncurses: 6.0-20170729 -> 6.0-20170902 (staging...fix/ncurses-20170902) https://git.io/v5wIf
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<cricriiiiii> hello, I'm curently trying to install nix on a imac desktop os sierre 10.12.6 and I'm having troubles doing it. Is this a good place to ask questions ?
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<LnL> yes here or ##nix-darwin
<LnL> what's the problem?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hschaeidt opened pull request #29075: nodePackages.ionic: init at 3.9.2 (master...master) https://git.io/v5wXn
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<cricriiiiii> During the installation it create the store folder with permissions 700 and cannot access it afterwards and aborts
<LnL> could you past the output somewhere?
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<kuznero> Hi All!
<cricriiiiii> yes : https://pastebin.com/p1ppRyqM
<kuznero> When I am trying to mount cifs fileSystems point it fails to mount it with the following error: remote-fs.target: Job remote-fs.target/start failed with result 'dependency'.
<kuznero> How can I figure out what is exactly the problem here? I have cifs-utils in my systemPackages
<clever> systemd units dont have access to the systemPackages
<clever> and if you set the type correctly in the nixos config, it properly configures any software you need
<LnL> cricriiiiii: hmm, I wonder if it's looking for the wrong store path
<cricriiiiii> Oh, in fact, I think my umask is set wrong
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<kuznero> Here is a concrete example of my configuration: https://pastebin.com/kHXJrHZe
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<kuznero> I have tried to `mount -t cifs ...` manually and now it gives me some output - Host is down. Will try to dig further...
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<sphalerite> vegai: see `--attr` in https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-common-options and `--attr-path` in https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#queries
<cricriiiiii> Yes, that was it, my umask was 077, I changed it to 022 and it worked
<kuznero> ok, problem was in cifs that required vers=2.0 to be passed as option to connect recent version of MS share...
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<GlennS> vegai: if you add --description to your nix-env query it will give you a little more documentation. Aside from that, I think the best option is to find the source for your package in the NixPkgs repository [https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs]
<goibhniu> Hi viric, is shotcut of interest to you? I see you've fixed some things and upgraded it a few times. I'd like to remove myself from the maintainers list, but then I'd also remove the package, unless you'd like to be the maintainer?
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<LnL> cricriiiiii: could you create an issue? might be best if we add a check for that or something
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<cricriiiiii> ok, on the github ? do I paste the output in it also ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29076: terminology: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1 (master...upd.terminology) https://git.io/v5wyr
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<cricriiiiii> ah, someone already did it
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<jvkersch> Hi, nixos noob here, trying to fix a lack in my mental model of nix packaging. Bottom line: I can't figure out how to use the packages under pkgs.applications.editors.emacs-modes.
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<jvkersch> If I try to install any via nix-env -i <pkgname>, I run into "selector <pkgname> matches no derivations"
<jvkersch> Does anybody have a snippet of sample configuration showing how to use these packages?
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<avn> jvkersch: you need emacsWithPackages
<jvkersch> Ah, that's helpful. Let me try that out...
<jvkersch> Thanks
<sphalerite> jvkersch: also when using nix-env -i you almost always want to use -A as well. See --attr in https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-common-options
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<jvkersch> sphalerite: thanks
<ikwildrpepper> anyone here using nix to build own rust package?
<ikwildrpepper> looking for an example
<tilpner> If you only need stable, look at the ripgrep package
<tilpner> (I'm still looking for a nightly example)
<ikwildrpepper> yeah, I meant a package that would build from a repo from source
<tilpner> ripgrep is built from a GH repo
<ikwildrpepper> oh
<ikwildrpepper> great, thanks
<ikwildrpepper> that should be sufficient :)
<tilpner> "nix edit nixpkgs.ripgrep" if you have the new CLI
<jvkersch> Last question: is there a way to interactively figure out what's available under pkgs? Trying to put together something with emacsWithPackages but specifying the needed package as "pkgs.applications.editors.emacs-modes.cask" gives an error...
<ikwildrpepper> jvkersch: try using nix-repl
<ikwildrpepper> you can use tab completion with it
<tilpner> Most of the time I use zsh tab-completion with nix-shell, because nox is too slow
<ikwildrpepper> jvkersch: example: https://pastebin.com/csnfVtnq
<tilpner> "nis -p vi<TAB>"
<jvkersch> Oh wow, that is super cool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29077: qtcreator: 4.3.1 -> 4.4.0 (master...update_qtcreator) https://git.io/v5w7V
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<ee1943> repost: the irony-server package inherits it's version from the autogenerated emacs irony package. when a new version is released, how long does it typically take for hydra to package it on unstable?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5wF8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable a26ae76 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.setuptools: upgrade to 36.4.0
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<pie__> hi guys, im trying to set up kde to use an hp laserjet 500 mfp m525, but i cant find it in the cups drivers list
<pie__> any advice?
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<ToxicFrog> Printers? Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate.
<thblt> If anybody here uses Emacs with the (excellent) Borg package manager, I just released a very small extension to build packages external dependencies in a nix-shell environment: https://github.com/thblt/borg-nix-shell
<thblt> It's helpful for things like org, pdf-tools, irony, etc.
<brodul> hey
<brodul> what is the reason that the goPackages got deleted
<brodul> git commit 08575ee8d09fb6a9cb7c39ccc45fb3022ded168e
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<brodul> tnx
<pie__> makefu, i already have that :/
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<Mic92> brodul: we moved all applications to all-packages.nix
<brodul> I see
<brodul> I am missing gosu
<brodul> will open a PR
<Mic92> brodul: requires probably also a module because of setuid
<makefu> pie__: according to http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/laserjet.html it should be fully supported by hplip
<Mic92> brodul: forgot what I said, you have to run gosu as root anyway
<pie__> makefu, yeah it seems so
<pie__> but im not seeing it in the list
<pie__> :/
<makefu> also no plugin driver required
<pie__> i just found it on my friends machine who's running ubuntu so it should work...
<Mic92> pie__: you try also gutenberg drivers or slightly different models
<Mic92> I never had problems with my Laserjet
<pie__> well yeah but i have no idea how to infer model distance :P i didnt see any of the "enterprise" model drivers
<pie__> on my machine
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<Mic92> pie__: you did already add hplip or gutenberg to configuration.nix in printing.drivers?
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<Jackneill> hey
<Jackneill> is there a script that checks that what pkgs that exists in arc repos/AUR exist in nix?
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<Jackneill> i'd like to move, but only iff i can have all the pkgs i need
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<Mic92> Jackneill: there is no one-to-one mapping, but you can use https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html
<Mic92> Jackneill: you can also install nix on archlinux and test all tools
<Jackneill> right, thanks
<goibhniu> Jackneill: https://repology.org is also nice for comparing versions and packages on a number of distros
<Jackneill> well jiust tried to search for vscode/code/visual studio code but found nothing
<Jackneill> goibhniu, thanks
<pie__> Mic92, yeah hplipWithPlugins
<goibhniu> also, unfree packages aren't listed on packages.html
<pie__> or WithPlugin or whatever
<goibhniu> e.g. spotify
<Mic92> Jackneill: it is their
<Mic92> Jackneill: we also support bundeling with vscode plugins so you can have your visual studio setup in your dotfiles documented
<Jackneill> but they exists?
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<makefu> pie__: according to the hp page it should be only pkgs.hplip (not WithPlugins)
<Mic92> Jackneill: dropbox, opera, flash, google-chrome and co is their
<pie__> makefu, huh. what does withplugins even do?
<makefu> supporting other printers i guess, anyway this is what the wiki said :D
<Jackneill> what does sandboxing mean? are pkgs selinux enabled? or apparmor?
<Mic92> Apparmor/selinux is their but not enabled by default.
<Mic92> *there
<Jackneill> why is at least apparmor note by default?
<Jackneill> not*
<Mic92> Jackneill: probably for the same reason, it is not in arch. Apparmor is only one configuration option away: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#apparmor
<Mic92> there is also a hardend profile (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24680) and a hardenend kernel (copperhead) available
<Mic92> this gives you apparmor as well
<Jackneill> what about selinux? is there a benefit of using selinux instead of apparmor?
<Mic92> Jackneill: the kernel has Selinux support, but I think not the userland. I have no deep experience with selinux though.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 10 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5re9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1704eeb Nikolay Amiantov: gcc7: 7.1.0 -> 7.2.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8864135 Nikolay Amiantov: caffe: 2015-07-02 -> 1.0-rc5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5059a8 Nikolay Amiantov: bazel: 0.4.5 -> 0.5.4
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<Mic92> there are options to enable them in userland as well (coreutils), which require some recompiliation
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<Jackneill> thanks
<makefu> pie__: i've checked the last hplip and it at least contains a ppd: ./share/ppd/HP/hp-laserjet_500_mfp_m525-ps.ppd.gz
<pie__> huh ok ill try to add it manually thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5rvd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2df5976 Nikolay Amiantov: Revert "python.pkgs.backports_weakref: init at 1.0rc1"...
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<disasm> gchristensen: request approved! Now what do I need to do to secure a ticket? :)
<Mic92> disasm: for nixcon?
<disasm> Mic92: yup!
<goibhniu> \o/
<Mic92> I don't know how many seats are left though
<disasm> Mic92: yeah, public registration isn't open yet
<Mic92> there is only 15 minutes for lightning talks? 12:45 – 13:00
<nixy> Does anyone use the unbound module on NixOS? It isn't working quite how I expect
<nixy> Wait nvm
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<sphalerite> how can I get ghc-mod with some packages on the path? I'm using ghcWithPackages to get them available with ghc, but I'd like to do the same with ghc-mod.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #29079: python.buildEnv: install out and lib outputs (master...buildenv-python) https://git.io/v5rU4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5rUb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a1912c9 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12.10 -> 4.12.11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc8b228 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.47 -> 4.9.48
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<kuznero> Are there any attempts to bring Eta programming language into NixOS?
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<nixy> kuznero: Not that I know of
<kuznero> nixy: thanks! would be great to see it started... I am not sure if I myself can be brave enough to take it...
<nixy> If you don't think your up to it you could open an issue on github as a kind of request. It'll let people know there is interested and maybe a braver soul would take it
<kuznero> Sounds reasonable, will do that!
<tokudan[m]> I'm trying to package Endgame: Singularity. during build (buildPythonApplication) it fails with "py2exe or py2app must be installed." I'm wondering if that makes sense: according to the info I've found, py2exe and py2app try to build an executeable including the python environment.
<tokudan[m]> that does not make any sense when building the nix package...
<tokudan[m]> according to the docs: "Linux does not require building, and can run directly from source"
<Mic92> nixy: there was recently a discussion to close pull request with package requests.
<Mic92> *close issues with packages requests
<Mic92> not pull requests of course
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<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> argh
<catern> should I be able to nix-env -i stdenv?
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<catern> if I can't install stdenv - how can I get gcc, ld, etc., into my environment so I can compile things?
<catern> oh, stdenv doesn't include gcc?
<catern> then my question still stands
<catern> if I just install gcc, it errors out because it uses the wrong ld
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<seequ> tokudan[m]: If it doesn't require building, you can make the builder just output the source to a decent place and add a launch script to out/bin/
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<tokudan[m]> hmm... I've got no experience with python, I'll experiment a bit
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<pie__> can i use an msdos partition table on a 4tb disk_
<pie__> ?
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<ixxie> any emacs users in the house?
<goibhniu> yo
<ixxie> goibhniu: I am a potential prospective user, wanted to see how emacs goes in NixOS
<ixxie> in particular, emacs packages
<ixxie> also, what the heck is emacs25-nox xD
<catern> gcc-wrapper, that's what I'm looking for
<catern> ixxie: no X, as in a version without x
<viaken> ixxie: You're still able to install emacs packages as you normally would. There also just happens to be the Nix way.
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<goibhniu> FWIW, I sometimes start emacs from within a nix-shell, so that I get the right environment ... I guess there's a clever way to load an environment into emacs, but I don't know how
<ixxie> viaken: but installing emacs packages the Nix way means packaging them xD there don't seem to be many emacs packages in Nixpjgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29080: efl: 1.20.2 -> 1.20.3 (master...upd.efl) https://git.io/v5rZT
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<edef> packaging things in Nix is fairly easy
<ixxie> edef: sure, if the dependencies have been packaged.
<edef> care to give an example?
<edef> I'm not particularly familiar with emacs
<ixxie> me neither xD
<ixxie> I am thinking of getting started with it
<ixxie> I am just trying to evaluate how difficult it would be
<edef> then perhaps just using the regular MELPA stuff is a good start?
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* goibhniu hasn't kept up ... at one stage everything from melpa was in nixpkgs IIRC
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 9 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5rnL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e1c5e81 Peter Simons: haskell-aeson-compat: use latest version when building with ghc 8.2.x...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e8826a9 Peter Simons: haskell-aws: jailbreak when building with ghc-8.2.x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8809e87 Peter Simons: haskell-pandoc: compile ghc-8.2.x version with Cabal 1.x to avoid errors in Setup.hs
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<ixxie> goibhniu: yeah it appears so
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<__monty__> I want to try out nix for haskell development. I've been reading up on best practices and I found two significantly different methods. 1) Working in a nix-shell based on a nix file specifying the project's dependencies 2) (from jwiegley) Specify an environment containing basically all the packages you ever use in projects. Method 2 sounds appealing but it seems uncommon so I was wondering whether there
<__monty__> were caveats I missed?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5rlr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 4e6c92d Nikolay Amiantov: python.pkgs.protobuf: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jascase901 opened pull request #29082: grass: compiles with libLAS (master...grass-compile-with-libLAS) https://git.io/v5r8V
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<fenton> has anyone got a config i could look at that sets up container networking so the container is visible via static ip from the outside network? is there somewhere that this is already cookbooked?
<fenton> I posted the question to stack overflow too, if that is a better repository for these types of things, i dont know. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46100966/how-to-make-nixos-container-visible-to-the-external-network
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<nwspk> sorry to ask, but does someone have the original image of this NixOS-shirt? https://teespring.com/nixos-17-09-humming-bird#pid=211&cid=102526&sid=front
<goibhniu> nwspk: mog made that
<nwspk> goibhniu: thanks!
<nwspk> goibhniu: I planed to print NixOS-Stickers for the 34c3 and liked the logo
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* goibhniu is pretty sure they'd be happy to share the original
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<nwspk> that would be nice (:
<nwspk> mog: plz respond if you're free
<mog> hi
<mog> nwspk, yes i need to post it somewhere people can download
<mog> ill put a hit out on the list today with it
<nwspk> that would be very cool :>
<mog> id love for it to be used included etc
<nwspk> nice
<mog> ahh good call ill put out a pr
<mog> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timor opened pull request #29083: physlock: 0.5 -> 11-dev (master...physlock-11-dev) https://git.io/v5r0J
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ae7e95 zimbatm: yarn: 0.28.4 -> 1.0.1
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<jasom> The contributing guide indicates I should CC maintainers on a PR. How does one determine the maintainer of a package?
<FRidh> jasom: check whether the expression has a meta.maintainers field
<jasom> FRidh: duh! Thanks
<disasm> jasom: there's a meta.maintainers attribute: see this file for example: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/altcoins/bitcoin-classic.nix
<disasm> dang, too slow again, lol
<LnL> ^ the convention is that the attribute name is the github handle
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5rz2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f9ea527 Vladimír Čunát: factorio: use `throw` instead of `abort`...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jasom opened pull request #29084: tigervnc: correct default ssh client path (master...fix/tigervnc-ssh) https://git.io/v5rz5
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d0d905668c (from 2 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29072: Python: several fixes (3) (master...python-fixes-3) https://git.io/v5wBk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5r2q
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 32f2ead Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29072 from FRidh/python-fixes-3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #29085: rr: 4.5.0 -> 5.0.0 (master...update/rr-5.0) https://git.io/v5r24
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<dtzWill> glad they finally cut a release, been running a git version of rr for a while now haha
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<mbrock> trying to understand why my custom Nix channel binary cache doesn't have what nix-env wants to download, but I don't understand the hashes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jammerful closed pull request #29030: jenkins: fixed-output derivation to avoid rebuilds (master...gerrit) https://git.io/v5gpy
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<mbrock> when nix-env says that it will build /nix/store/XYZ-mypkg-0.7.drv, does that mean it looks for XYZ.narinfo on the binary cache?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #29088: rambox: 0.5.10 -> 0.5.12 (master...rambox) https://git.io/v5rK6
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<LnL> yes, if that exists it will substitute the build with the corresponding nar file
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<mbrock> ok, strange, I wonder why I'm not getting the right narinfo uploaded to the bucket... maybe something's wrong with how I'm using nix-push
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<mpcsh> hey everyone - just switched to zsh. when I log in over ssh to my server (which has the same dotfiles), I get this as my $PATH: `/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/nix/store/wgaws2s8pfdz9k261hi5mfmfqkdv6y0s-openssh-7.5p1/bin`, and I can't run any commands. If I run /run/current-system/sw/bin/bash, I get my old prompt and a normal $PATH. anyone seen this before?
<mbrock> just to clarify, the hash for the .drv and the .narinfo should be the same, and this is basically the hash of the inputs of the derivation, i.e., calculated just from nixpkgs?
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<LnL> hold on, it's the hash part of the store path, not the drv
<LnL> mpcsh: did you add programs.zsh.enable to your configuration
<mpcsh> LnL: I have `users.defaultUserShell = pkgs.zsh`
<mpcsh> do I need both?
<LnL> I think /etc/zshrc won't exist if you don't enable programs.zsh so that's probably why your path is empty
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<mbrock> LnL: oh okay, yeah then my binary cache does have a narinfo for the derivation... but maybe somehow in my testing I'm getting another expected hash for the store path...
<mbrock> I'm testing by spawning a new Docker container with Nix installed, adding the channel, updating, then nix-env -iA mychan.mypkg
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<LnL> did you just configure the cache? you might need to restart the daemon for it reload nix.conf
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<mbrock> the cache gets configured by adding the channel, right? because the channels offers a binary-cache-url file
<mbrock> but yeah it would be good to verify that the cache gets added at all
<LnL> ah yes, I'm not entirely sure how that works
<LnL> it's possible you still have to add the cache and key as trusted
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<mbrock> I did get this to work months ago, it seems that recently the binary cache stopped working, I did wonder if there was some change regarding need for signing and trusting
<mbrock> my /root/.nix-defexprs/channels/binary-caches/mychan looks good at least
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<LnL> is this with a trusted-user?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #29044: factorio: fix darwin build (master...fix-factorio-darwin) https://git.io/v526r
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<catern> time to add my first real Nix package
<catern> to nixpkgs
<sphalerite> go catern!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5rXp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master af57251 Matt McHenry: amarok: fixup by building with gcc-5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f66ed30 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29043 from jerith666/amarok-gcc-5...
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<mbrock> LnL: it's root (in Docker)
<LnL> it shouldn't require any trusted settings then
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<mbrock> maybe it has to do with different Nix versions
<mbrock> 1.11.13 on my build server, 1.11.7 in the container
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<catern> err, hmm... which is the best python to nix generator, to generate an initial python package from pypi?
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<catern> one that is suitable for upstreaming
<catern> the stuff that pypi2nix generates does not seem suitable for upstreaming
<dtzWill> is there a nix builtin for the path of the current file? or other method of grabbing it?
<catern> dtzWill: ./name_of_file
<catern> but why would you want that, anyway? :)
<dtzWill> catern: that grabs the contents of the file
<catern> no, that's the path to it, you can convert it to a string
<dtzWill> dumb reason, of course, and actually I think I thought of another way
<dtzWill> oh? interesting
<mbrock> LnL: ooh, interestingly, in the Docker container I can install from the binary cache if I do: nix-env -i /nix/store/[the-store-path-found-on-the-build-server]
<LnL> yep, that works :)
<mbrock> so I guess that for some reason when I do nix-env -iA chan.pkg, it decides upon some other store path, for some reason
<dtzWill> HA
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<dtzWill> so "${builtins.toPath ./.}" seems to do what I wanted, although I do think i'll do this another way if possible xD
<dtzWill> ty
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<dtzWill> ha don't even need the toPath apparently
<dtzWill> \o/
<disasm> dtzWill: right, an unquoted path will return as a string
<andi-> I'm trying to test some commits on a project using an overlay (within a VM). Can I somehow skip the hash verification since I'll do many iterations and that is just a bit overkill during development..
<dtzWill> interesting. Although it appears toPath is indeed what I want. Anyway, thanks folks
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<dtzWill> will do, tyvm
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<dtzWill> zomg I rem seeing folks were porting the pills... but didn't know they were up?? :D
<dtzWill> ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
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<kuznero> Why do I get error running `nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.ghc821.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [pkgs.aeson pkgs.dlist])"`? Error: Encountered missing dependencies: base >=4.3 && <4.10
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<kuznero> Granted that I have ghc802 installed system-wide...
<kuznero> I suspect that might be the reason for such clash, am I right?
<simpson> Maybe. Try again with --pure?
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<kuznero> simpson: Just tried removing ghc802, didn't help. Will try with --pure now.
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<kuznero> same thing again ;(
<mpickering> Sounds like the version bound is too tight on one of the packages
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<kuznero> mpickering: indeed, trying to find any example of a package not bound to lower base...
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<mpickering> how old is your nixpkgs?
<mpickering> things work out ok for me
<kuznero> mpickering: I am running `sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade` rather often
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<kuznero> I am running on the channel: nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.03
<pbogdan> kuznero: perhaps use an older ghc which should have older base?
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<kuznero> pbogdan: that works without any issues, the whole intention was to use latest ghc though
<mpickering> just jailbreak the packages
<kuznero> mpickering: do you have an example of such magic?
<mpickering> pkgs.haskell.lib.doJailbreak
<adelbertc> is it bad to actually `cp` a file into the `result` directory of a build? i understand `result` is a symlink into the nix store, but for reasons beyond my understanding this tool i'm using doesn't like the symlink i have for `./result/bin/foo` so im thinking about copying it into `./result/bin/foo-copy` or something. i'm wondering if that would mess with nix GC
<mpickering> surely you can't copy because it's in the nix store?
<adelbertc> oh thats a good point.
<adelbertc> it seems i can symlink fine at least?
<adelbertc> the builder script currently has `ln -s ${foo} $out/bin`
<kuznero> mpickering: thanks, will see how I can use it
<adelbertc> i want to change that to `cp ${foo} $out/bin`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5rHI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 382afe8 Jörg Thalheim: mongodb248: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9ee5727 Jörg Thalheim: v8: remove
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f0b538 Jörg Thalheim: nixos/mfi: remove
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<adelbertc> or does symlink have different permissions than cp?
<sphalerite> adelbertc: doing it in the builder is fine
<mpickering> of you mean in the builder script
<mpickering> *oh
<sphalerite> you just can't modify it after the build
<catern> hey #nixos, is there a list of problems can cause Python tests to fail? the tests for my python package are failing inside Nix and I don't immediately understand why
<mpickering> I thought you meant after
<adelbertc> will copying files mess with nix GC?
<mpickering> It seems that a sym link would be better anyway
<sphalerite> adelbertc: no, it won't
<adelbertc> symlink is currently breaking a tool im using, so im wondering if i can just cp it
<sphalerite> yes, you can
<adelbertc> good to hear
<sphalerite> it's not really ideal, because then you get several copies of the file in the nix store (which can be fixed by nix-store --optimise but that's inefficient)
<adelbertc> but GC will wipe it fine?
<sphalerite> but if a symlink won't work, yeah
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<sphalerite> how do you envision it messing with gc?
<earldouglas> Are there docs on tuning heap usage during nixops deploy? I'm starting to hit 'GC Warning: Failed to expand heap by ...' errors.
<Moredread> While I'm setting up my new server I want to use test ACME certificates. config.security.acme doesn't seem to allow to specify extra arguments to simp_le. Is there a way to add to the cmdline variable(?)? As it is nested quite deeply I'm not sure how to accomplish that with overrideDerivation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5rHz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 e6bf7df Jörg Thalheim: mongodb248: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 dc8bd23 Jörg Thalheim: v8: remove
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 7ffc6db Jörg Thalheim: nixos/mfi: remove...
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<mpickering> I am having some trouble adding something to the haskell generic-builder. I have a haskell executable which I want to use in the builds of other packages, the problem is if I override the derivation to always use it, it causes an infinite loop as it tries to use it when it is building itself.
<mpickering> Is there a good way to avoid this kind of loop?
<sphalerite> Moredread: yeah it's not possible to override it easily, you'd basically have to copy the entire module into your config and modify that
<sphalerite> Moredread: or just modify the module itself. I'm sure a PR to add custom command-line parameters to simp_le wouldn't be too controversial :)
<sphalerite> mpickering: how are you adding it>
<mpickering> Exactly like how doHoogle works if that helps
<Moredread> sphalerite: :) will see what I can do, finally a reason to get a better grip of the language
<catern> ah, hmm, it seems that these Python unit tests are failing because of Nix incompatibilities with the Python unittest module?
<catern> specifically it seems... well
<FRidh> catern: you'll likely need to set the checkPhase
<catern> what's up with this?
<sphalerite> mpickering: I don't know how doHoogle works. But what you could do is make the addition of the parameter conditional on some flag being absent, which you set on the tool
<catern> FRidh: hmm, in what way? btw I am really liking your python.md document in nixpkgs, it's a great tutorial :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #28883: [RFC] nixos/postfix: undo deprecation of extraConfig, extraMasterConf (master...postfix-undo-deprecation) https://git.io/v5RSP
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<mpickering> sphalerite: That is how it works but, if I want to run it on all packages, the obvious thing to do seems to be to override the default flag to true in mkDerivation
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<mpickering> but I can't do that as that also changes the build instructions for the tool itself causing the loop
<mpickering> but I do want the tool to be in the same package set so it uses the right dependencies without having to specify overrides in two different places
<sphalerite> mpickering: but if you set that flag to false on the tool it won't go there...
<eacameron> Can someone point me in the direction of building my own nixos modules? I'm still fuzzy on how to do that.
<FRidh> catern: thanks. Looking at the setup.py of the package and simply the package contents itseems there are no tests.
<sphalerite> As long as the conditionality is expressed in nix and not in shell
<FRidh> you can add doCheck = false;
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<mpickering> ah that is a good point, let me try
<sphalerite> eacameron: chances are, you've written a nixos module already and it's located at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ;D
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<eacameron> sphalerite: That would be good news. :D
<catern> FRidh: that's true, I guess, but then why doesn't it just pass by default?
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<eacameron> My primary goal is to keep them in a different repo and allow many projects to pull them in.
<Moredread> btw is there a better way to update the hash for e.g. a fetchurl when updating a package than to set it to an invalid value and copy the correct one from the error message of a failed build?
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<sphalerite> eacameron: most nixos modules in nixpkgs specify options in addition to option values (unlike configuration.nix which typically only specifies option values) but other than that it's basically the same hting
<sphalerite> Moredread: nix-prefetch-url
<FRidh> catern: by default our builder runs python setup.py test. setuptools then by default uses unittest to find and run tests. This behaviour is however python-version dependent.
<Moredread> sphalerite: thx :)
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<catern> I see
<tilpner> eacameron - What kind of project would pull your module in?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5rQp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 670c641 Robin Gloster: tcpdump: 4.9.1 -> 4.9.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 4b28be5 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/postfix: undo deprecation of extraConfig, extraMasterConf...
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<FRidh> catern: ideally our default test runner invocation would always fail when tests can't be found
<sphalerite> catern: AFAICT this error will be a problem using the module as well though
<eacameron> tilpner: I have a bunch of nix stuff for generating and uploading backups via borg. I'd like to centralize that code and pull it in optionally.
<sphalerite> catern: It doesn't look like linuxfd supports python 3.x
<eacameron> tilpner: Thanks! I'll read through this.
<catern> sphalerite: I think you mean it doesn't support python 2
<tilpner> eacameron - Oh, so not a softwore project. You can probably host it in a repo by adding fetchgit inside the module imports
<catern> I just tried it out with Python 3 and it worked fine, also its examples are in Python 3 :)
<sphalerite> catern: wait no, it says it's written for 3.x
<sphalerite> that use of import is odd though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #29089: vaultenv: init at 0.5.0 (master...vaultenv-0.5.0) https://git.io/v5r7Y
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<catern> with a cursory check, it seems to work with Python 2
<sphalerite> import linuxfd.inotify_c => inotify_c is in scope..?
<sphalerite> It seems that I don't actually understand python's import statement
<catern> hmm
<sphalerite> I thought that after import linuxfd.inotify_c inotify_c should be available, but under linuxfd.inotify_c
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<catern> that's a good point, what the heck is up with that, yeah :)
<catern> huh
<catern> I don't get it :)
<kuznero> mpickering: you mentioned that `nix-shell --pure -p "haskell.packages.ghc821.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [pkgs.aeson pkgs.dlist])"` work out for you. Why is it so that it works for you but not for me? Sorry for such a question, but there should be a reason...
<catern> it works fine from the Python repl for me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5r7a
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c24820d Bjørn Forsman: perlPackages.BoostGeometryUtils: unbreak build...
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<sphalerite> in fact I feel like the whole thing should be written as from .inotify_c import (IN_ACCESS, IN_ATTRIB, …) rather than the way it is
<mpickering> kuznero: Because I am using a bleeding edge package set which has more up to date versions of those libraries
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<kuznero> mpickering: can I use that bleeding edge package set but only for haskell packages?
<sphalerite> but hey, it's python. Easily explained semantics were never python's strong point :)
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<mpickering> kuznero: Not really. I think overlays are meant to be a longer term solution for this kind of problem but that isn't how haskell packages work right now
<eacameron> sphalerite: It's so easy to read!! :P
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* sphalerite goes back to fiddling with Haskell
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5r7j
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 0a94033 Bjørn Forsman: perlPackages.BoostGeometryUtils: unbreak build...
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<kuznero> mpickering: ok, then I need to ask if you experience any problems in general running on very new versions? Can you recommend it?
<kuznero> We are talking developer setup, not production instances...
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<drakonis> did the newsletter go into hiatus?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5r5G
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94036ca Vladimír Čunát: nixos/release*: fixup evaluation of the tested job
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] catern opened pull request #29090: pythonPackages.linuxfd: init at 1.4.4 (master...master) https://git.io/v5r54
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<kuznero> mpickering: does that mean switching to `https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable` ?
<catern> then the supervise-api python package wrapping that
<mpickering> kuznero: I don't experience many problems. I actually have a git checkout of the nixpkgs repo rather than use any channel
<mpickering> unstable might be good enough for you though and would be easier
<kuznero> mpickering: thanks, will try it out
<eacameron> mpickering: kuznero: You can also just pull in a checkout of unstable for you specific project. It will use unstable for dependencies of your project but not affect your whole system/user.
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<kuznero> eacameron: thanks, sounds like there are even more options. But in general when can one expect having all these updated haskell packages released to stable channel?
<mpickering> If I have a haskell package, is there a way to override an argument to false recursively through all dependencies as well?
<eacameron> kuznero: That's not really necessary. The haskell package set comes [mostly] from stackage LTS so even though you may be using Nixpkgs unstable, the haskell package set itself is stable.
<nixer> Given a derivation (that is pinned to a nixpkgs version), is there anyway to see what pkgs can be downloaded from the cache vs have to be built?
<kuznero> eacameron: which then means that using unstable channel won't help running these packages with ghc821, right?
<eacameron> kuznero: Ah, yes that's correct.
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<eacameron> nixer: I think nix-build has a --dry-run option that will show you
<eacameron> nix-shell likely the same
<kuznero> Then I still don't understand how is it working for mpickering and not me :( Should I then try checking out unstable? Is that not using haskell packages from Stackage LTS?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5rFt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0ad1d89 Franz Pletz: atlassian-crowd: 2.12.0 -> 3.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5901a64 Franz Pletz: searx: fix build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] AndersonTorres pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5rFu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2aa8bc4 Samuel Leathers: gnome2.gtkhtml4: init at 4.10.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e11c739 Samuel Leathers: webkitgtk-2.17: init at 2.17.91
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4bfa7d8 Samuel Leathers: xiphos: 4.0.3 -> 4.0.6
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<catern> hmmm
<nixer> eacameron: nix-build dry run only seems to say what paths are can be fetched vs (downloaded or built)
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<eacameron> nixer: Is that not what you wanted?
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<eacameron> kuznero: It's not identical to Stackage but based heavily on it. However you might be on an older LTS?
<nixer> eacameron: I want to distinguish between packages that can be downloaded from nix cache vs built (either b/c hydra is behind or somehting is broken)
<kuznero> eacameron: how do I check that?
<eacameron> kuznero: That's what you just saw. Fetched packages are already built
<kuznero> eacameron: not sure what would be the course of actions for me now... getting confused a bit.
<obadz> nixer: what's the difference between 'fetched' and 'downloaded' ?
<eacameron> kuznero: ghc821 might be using Stackage nightly (not sure)
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<nixer> obadz: Is there none, for some reason I thought fetched meant they are already in the store?
<obadz> in your own store? then nix-build doesn't print them at all
<nixer> Cool, sorry for the misunderstanding.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5rNi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 722c328 Frederik Rietdijk: Revert "python.pkgs.pybfd: mark as broken"...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] catern opened pull request #29091: tools/system/supervise: init at 1.0.0 (master...supervise) https://git.io/v5rAf
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<mpcsh> hey - any zsh users here who know how I can avoid using the aliases in /etc/zshrc?
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<LnL> I think you can override programs.zsh.shellAliases
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] brodul opened pull request #29093: gosu: init at 2.0.1 (master...add/gosu) https://git.io/v5rpJ
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<MoreTea> Hmm. What was the trick again to allow go programs to to SSL? (want to get https to work)
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<LnL> do you mean NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE?
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<MoreTea> I'm trying to get `github.com/golang/dep` to work. It chockes on https connections right now, so I assume it's the infamous SSL cert problem.
<MoreTea> Thanks, I think that's the one.
<MoreTea> yes, my `strace` output is showing that it's writing files that it chocked on before, thanks LnL!
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<LnL> oh! the module I was writing already exists :)
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<kuznero> mpickering: it seems that the problem was that I was using stable channel, but 17.03 instead of latest 17.09. Now trying to upgrade and then will try again.
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<nixer> Is the hydra API documented anywhere?
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<LnL> some basic documentation was added, but I don't think it's in the online manual yet
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<kuznero> Is it possible to setup hydra to run on my local server to build my own packages? Basically is it generally available CI system?
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<copumpkin> can I get nix-instantiate --eval to pretty print the result?
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<eacameron> kuznero: Yes hydra is OSS and you can set up your own instance. I've not done it before though so you'll want to look around for how.
<kuznero> eacameron: thanks, reading manual for now... looks very interesting...
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<eacameron> copumpkin: Does --log-type pretty do anything?
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* obadz is finding it a bit odd that VSCode, a predominently javascript application is packaged with architecture dependent binaries..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] symphorien opened pull request #29094: Trying a less disruptive patch for Cuneiform (release-17.09...fix-pyocr) https://git.io/v5rjy
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<kuznero> Which of the cloud vendors provide NixOS images?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5oew
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3a93d9c Vladimír Čunát: factorio: fixup my eval fixup f9ea527a027
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5of7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 9efe46d Vladimír Čunát: Merge #28906: glibc: 2.25 -> 2.25-49 (upstream patches)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29096: cc-wrapper: More intelligent sierra hack (release-17.03...appease-sierra-linker) https://git.io/v5otv
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<catern> hmm
<catern> why is my python package not in any pypi mirrors!
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<tnks> is it possible to nix-env install something with just the hash?
<tnks> actually, I think I can do this with nix-copy-closure.
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<clever> tnks: "nix-store -r /nix/store/foo" downloads from the binary cache, nix-copy-closure can copy between machines, and you can "nix-env -i /nix/store/foo" to download from a binary cache and add it to your profile
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<tnks> clever: yeah! I just tried "nix-env -i /nix/store/..." without really reading the man page, and was excited that it just worked.
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<olejorgenb[m]> Anyone gotten AppImages to run on nixos? (I found some old irc discussion suggesing patchelf which I tried without immediately success)
<olejorgenb[m]> then I tried to use `$NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker` directly with a minimal `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`
<olejorgenb[m]> but get back somthing about "ELF file ABI version invalid"
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<jasom> olejorgenb[m]: try each of ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 and ld-linux.so.2
<jasom> olejorgenb[m]: nevermind the error for that is "wrong ELF class"
<olejorgenb[m]> it's a 64bit appimage, but I'll try
* jasom had thought it was an ABI error
<olejorgenb[m]> it's a bit weird: `ldd` says "not a dynamic executable"
<jasom> olejorgenb[m]: it could be a script?
<olejorgenb[m]> it does so on a non-nixos system too though
<olejorgenb[m]> `readelf` works
<jasom> olejorgenb[m]: maybe the entry-point for an AppImage is statically linked?
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<olejorgenb[m]> and file says "... ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32 ..."
<olejorgenb[m]> jasom: ^
<jasom> strange
<olejorgenb[m]> the #freenode_#appimage:matrix.org folks said to create a issue
<olejorgenb[m]> and that nixos was like arch: just causing trouble ;)
<dtz> olejorgenb: is the binary something easily accessible for poking at? O:)
<jasom> olejorgenb[m]: really arch has issues; that's a ridiculous statement since arch is a fairly straightforward distro. Nix is weird by most objective standards sure...
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<jasom> personally, now that the linux dynamic loader supports relative pathnames, appimage should just include all deps and the interpreter, then it will actually be self-contained
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<olejorgenb[m]> yeah - I think it was at least half-joking though :)
<olejorgenb[m]> jasom: hehe, I just wanted to see if it worked out-of-the-box on nixos and down the rabbit hole I went
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5oOY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 539dcef Tim Steinbach: tests: Fix copperhead call
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<dtzWill> olejorgenb[m]: fwiw I patchelf'd it and now it complains about not finding libfuse
<olejorgenb[m]> guess I'll make an issue at least - now that I've spent some time on it
<olejorgenb[m]> yeah, it seems to expect libfuse, libc, glib and a couple more
<olejorgenb[m]> readelf -a
<olejorgenb[m]> I'm quite sure I tried to add the rpath to libfuse without luck
<dtzWill> d'oh
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<eere> I've got a default.nix in a project folder that only specifies the name, version, buildInputs, and a shellHook (so no sources or anything)
<eere> I've been trying to export a binary cache of this so I can import it on another machine, but I've been running into issues with nix-build
<eere> since there are no sources or install steps. any advice on how to get this working? Maybe certain phases I should exclude?
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<eere> been trying nix-push --dest /tmp/cache $(nix-build)
<neonfuz> hey
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<neonfuz> so my kde "look and feel" settings aren't working
<neonfuz> do I need another package for that?
<neonfuz> it says "The shared library was not found"
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<neonfuz> I'm guessing maybe I have some old stuff from an upgrade? because iirc this happened after an update
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<jasom> neonfuz: have you restarted X since the upgrade?
<neonfuz> yes
<neonfuz> several reboots, it stopped working over a week ago, just ignored it, but I want to change my theme