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<colescott> Hey guys, I kinda broke my nix-env and need some help
<colescott> I get this when I run nix-env: "nix-env: symbol lookup error: /nix/store/6qdj0jlgqan9g54l20jxrm4dx4g2ibw2-curl-7.53.1/lib/libcurl.so.4: undefined symbol: SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos"
<colescott> Something happened possibly involving the installation of Enpass i think
<clever> colescott: nixos or another distro?
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<colescott> nixos
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<clever> colescott: env | grep LD_LIBRARY gives what output?
<colescott> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/run/opengl-driver/lib:/run/opengl-driver-32/lib:/home/cole/.nix-profile/lib
<clever> hmmm, and if you "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH" does that fix nix-env?
<colescott> yep!!!
<clever> /home/cole/.nix-profile/lib probably broke it
<colescott> hmm
<clever> thats not normal, and it causes the libraries you nix-env to have priority
<clever> you probably have something odd in your .bashrc or .bash_profile
<colescott> let me check my zshrc
<colescott> yeah idk why that's there
<colescott> thanks!
<colescott> works perfectly in a new shell :-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jerith666 opened pull request #29043: amarok: fixup by building with gcc-5 (master...amarok-gcc-5) https://git.io/v52V6
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<ee1943> So there's been a new version of a package released that fixes critical bugs. It's only a few hours old so Hydra hasn't built it yet. Is there any simple way I can build it locally to test in the meantime?
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<tilpner> Which one is it?
<tilpner> Do you want to install or just try it?
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<ee1943> irony-server
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<ee1943> install I suppose
<tilpner> The last commit was on Aug 3. I feel like Hydra had enough time, but I don't know how long a full build typically takes
<tilpner> That version is in nixos-unstable. What channel are you currently on?
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<ee1943> nixos-unstable
<ee1943> not sure if it had enough time, version 1.1.0 was released 6hrs ago: https://github.com/Sarcasm/irony-mode/releases
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<tilpner> Oh... by package I assumed you meant the package in nixpkgs, not the actual program
<tilpner> Let's see
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<tilpner> :q
<tilpner> (That was totally not me not exiting vim)
<tilpner> I have no idea how emacs packages are generated. I don't use emacs
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<tilpner> You want to change lines 19531 to 19535 of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/emacs-modes/melpa-stable-generated.nix , but I don't know how to do that without overriding everything inbetween
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<mpcsh> hey everyone - does anyone know how to get command-not-found working?
<ee1943> tilpner: eh, probably better to just wait for hydra to rebuild. too much hassle for now 😔
<ee1943> thank you very much for your help though :)
<tilpner> mpcsh - Do you have programs.command-not-found.enable set to true?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lufia opened pull request #29044: factorio: fix darwin build (master...fix-factorio-darwin) https://git.io/v526r
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<mpcsh> tilpner: sorry for the delay - I don't see that in the manual?
<tilpner> What manual are you looking at? It's in my manpage
<mpcsh> tilpner: ah - I checked https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html but I do see it in my manpage
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<mpcsh> tilpner: that was it????
<mpcsh> it worked
<mpcsh> im so dumb
<mpcsh> god dammit I've been without command-not-found for a fucking month
<mpcsh> thank you :)
<tilpner> :)
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<tnks> I could manually put a symlink in gcroots/per-user, but is there a switch for nix-build that will do that for me with less hassle?
<tnks> I know there's a symlink put into "auto".
<clever> tnks: nix-build -o foo
<tnks> I guess in a way that's similar. I just never use gcroots/per-user.
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<tnks> clever: does the "-o" switch do anything other than change the name of the "result" symlink?
<clever> thats all it does
<tnks> I think even without "-o", nix-build creates a symlink in gcroots/auto.
<clever> --no-outlink stops that i believe
<tnks> yeah.
<tnks> just curious what command worked well with gcroots/per-user.
<tnks> (without me managing it by hand).
<clever> only nix-env as far as i know
<tnks> nix-env definitely manages profiles/per-user... but also gcroots/per-user?
<tnks> maybe gcroots/per-user was a feature implemented, but not really used by much.
<clever> ah, maybe
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<tnks> clever: I guess it's easy enough to use the path with nix-store --realize --add-root /nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user/$USER/some_name some_output_link
<tnks> you have to spell out "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user" but... at least I guess that's in line with the rest of the bumpiness of Nix's CLI UX.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthewbauer opened pull request #29045: pinentry-mac: no ‘fill plist’ stuff (master...pinentry-no-fill-plist) https://git.io/v52PC
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<clever> tnks: you will also want to nix-store --query --roots on the storepath, to confirm its detecting the root
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<tnks> clever: yup, it works fine.
<tnks> (I'd be surprised if it didn't).
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5214
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 28e4975 John Ericson: zile: disable help2man for cross builds...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5210
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 601e989 John Ericson: zile: disable help2man for cross builds...
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<fresheyeball> hey
<fresheyeball> I'm building a docker image containing a single haskell binary
<fresheyeball> how the hell is it 2GBs?
<clever> fresheyeball: run a command like this on the storepath for that haskell binary: du -ch $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system) --max=0 | sort -h
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<fresheyeball> clever: what do you mean?
<clever> fresheyeball: what is the path to the haskell binary?
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<fresheyeball> /nix/store/f3zyazp6ddx3bcqmi7j6vm8k0xccl2wc-mysymptoms-web-dashboard-
<clever> du -ch $(nix-store -qR /nix/store/f3zyazp6ddx3bcqmi7j6vm8k0xccl2wc-mysymptoms-web-dashboard- --max=0 | sort -h
<clever> what is the output of this?
<fresheyeball> 40K /nix/store/v0xz4bc6d9d6wja5nrkh0952zhi1vky9-fail-
<fresheyeball> 48K /nix/store/vkiclx9fjr9hj776icn4zmyms3s3cjij-bytestring-builder-
<fresheyeball> 124K /nix/store/j1yn1np5g2vgm5yp8qmqg67x8riwy2kr-gcc-wrapper-5.4.0
<fresheyeball> 124K /nix/store/sg6ri2jj92sbv7f4rvchzr00d24pi4nq-zlib-1.2.11
<fresheyeball> 140K /nix/store/kpa2p2p0m4xys9wdm735nw9xi4d3n5gr-zlib-1.2.11-dev
<fresheyeball> 172K /nix/store/wcm4nnq35ha6np33dlvmwm53kb610na7-attr-2.4.47
<clever> you will want to use a pastebin
<fresheyeball> 176K /nix/store/69f9hj05czbmsin69ilcb20zp6smsi24-void-0.7.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v521a
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 28e46e2 John Ericson: mplayer: depsBuildBuild isn't (yet) a parameter, so don't use it...
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<fresheyeball> 188K /nix/store/70nx49hq3i2n172j6gcs7c5vfdzi8khs-time-locale-compat-
<fresheyeball> 200K /nix/store/20wpnj8f7xa8yfrc1jmpxr3cgbas1yrj-acl-2.2.52
<fresheyeball> 216K /nix/store/lyd3y7rn85y6vi8r9z8vgk3nk41lf7g3-gmp-6.1.1-dev
<fresheyeball> 244K /nix/store/f3zyazp6ddx3bcqmi7j6vm8k0xccl2wc-mysymptoms-web-dashboard-
<fresheyeball> 248K /nix/store/8d7b4dqfd8k5fnw7ywmc4z6abzsc6r5i-byteable-0.1.1
<fresheyeball> 280K /nix/store/45vi1jsh4bx0rjdbmdb38sl36pkhchwa-heredoc-
<fresheyeball> 284K /nix/store/dznjxza64yzb0mx578dbrshdcl8ag95k-semigroups-0.18.2
<fresheyeball> 320K /nix/store/02ylpi2w704rjlb6p2k07q164w2jq638-servant-blaze-0.7.1
<fresheyeball> 336K /nix/store/iliz16mbhbrsy6sflz2zzwd4lcxx53aa-byteorder-1.0.4
<fresheyeball> 348K /nix/store/i021cdkdmyd9whcb05vraj4s85jd6hlw-x509-system-1.6.4
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<fresheyeball> 356K /nix/store/m8rsaj7brnpzihh8b6f1fd4p1r9d433p-gcc-5.4.0-man
<fresheyeball> 368K /nix/store/2md3sm05khniy0id66zl4waykcdhabmw-asn1-parse-0.9.4
<fresheyeball> 420K /nix/store/6w7frqv3v7697s7kmfcyqhsgh7sqxrzg-transformers-compat-
<fresheyeball> 428K /nix/store/qwq01f9sv0m289xcrcli93pqb0ys2x6h-StateVar-
<fresheyeball> 440K /nix/store/af27d9jchbw2dxrmwhhswyjzq7ga4c6m-pem-0.2.2
<fresheyeball> 452K /nix/store/b5qfb8wj5wgcq6fymy2kx7zl6nfpsxsz-simple-sendfile-0.2.25
<fresheyeball> 456K /nix/store/l80phdq394c5pv9hvi22i9529ynnv0xk-string-conversions-
<fresheyeball> 480K /nix/store/cryvs6094yry5ns18yncs04xniz1lh7n-th-lift-instances-0.1.11
<fresheyeball> 484K /nix/store/0s150kdf4ap8qbs3c19q3ss2vp4f5aki-data-default-class-
<fresheyeball> 500K /nix/store/p7pdnwmakyg6474n84bwqwgw8lbr8961-x509-store-1.6.2
<fresheyeball> 500K /nix/store/sgz7dqid3v7q2n8iwfc1h7b4v6l7bafy-base-orphans-0.5.4
<fresheyeball> 504K /nix/store/fwxgxaclys016hlvk68lbl0ipx5nc95l-pcre-8.40
<fresheyeball> 536K /nix/store/7dp09z6l5d5bg0sifxc80zsk4ri7zvza-old-locale-
<fresheyeball> 564K /nix/store/6mv82q7w0nfsnprwd259qsbxxvl37zvf-auto-update-0.1.4
<fresheyeball> 568K /nix/store/7wdm1m3p5vw8c66v13dvydg2x6p0k4qr-file-embed-0.0.10
<fresheyeball> 572K /nix/store/xywwwq6vz0957nkcljk96mgc9ydgq32f-wai-logger-2.3.0
<simpson> u'i
<fresheyeball> 580K /nix/store/a9b94n0fqb0i4kn3b7425r00f8kw40yb-transformers-base-0.4.4
<fresheyeball> 584K /nix/store/w32nfivywv5lywrjsary1caz1k1fpcip-ncurses-6.0-dev
<fresheyeball> 596K /nix/store/i6g23cwk9xnwlxazdv866zisxz0ny87a-attoparsec-iso8601-
<fresheyeball> 604K /nix/store/ga49f3mnmybqnv180dm65d9k8ibqlh2p-dlist-
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<fresheyeball> 612K /nix/store/2vp45riba6n791lch2l39sn1granmcxn-unix-compat-
<fresheyeball> 620K /nix/store/0f26kbjm7ppj7w55rya3s34dxprgw0a3-cookie-
<fresheyeball> 676K /nix/store/xj6x917mj6xyzz407zgh2l2kqk0rcpb8-appar-0.1.4
<fresheyeball> 684K /nix/store/8s7843bai5kibh3fb95c1nkw040rg2pc-gmp-6.1.1
<fresheyeball> 684K /nix/store/9y37a5aalmwk6qsagx3axdib0n7gqgjc-integer-logarithms-1.0.1
<fresheyeball> 688K /nix/store/rbdyki9zc8qgnvpjk62v39x3lrcg93r7-case-insensitive-
<fresheyeball> 692K /nix/store/jm9y0z2w0rlypw8q5qbpyhw3il256v4z-th-lift-0.7.7
<fresheyeball> 708K /nix/store/6nbz98yca0bc8zwkxpvnsmvbpzrn0c7c-base64-bytestring-
<fresheyeball> 732K /nix/store/q8alb23rm2f3yxxn1sgsldnpsqc3mbm1-blaze-textual-
<fresheyeball> 752K /nix/store/3aklbinl6zh0rxfhs220aaxjlzhp26ky-wai-
<fresheyeball> 768K /nix/store/l6rjw26zybxy3lkdnbwz1vq523kqd7da-unix-time-0.3.7
<fresheyeball> 816K /nix/store/5g6sj9py81ckq9jlxjqvig77q9zqd5i9-http-date-
<fresheyeball> 816K /nix/store/83nc53636aym7rx35zj7f0ndhqvh43xw-vault-
<fresheyeball> 832K /nix/store/2lyp0rnjgqm5hn3z4hxkrjmaqbx2612p-word8-0.1.2
<fresheyeball> 848K /nix/store/4nbdd34qb2v0sxgcbxd9g6fgg2xcraam-http-client-tls-
<fresheyeball> 868K /nix/store/kd08650mnjf27kd207ybf5g297f26lpc-sendgrid-haskell-1.0
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<fresheyeball> 940K /nix/store/2l1pq3x6ckzqkh20g8ldk55d4s12s87k-easy-file-0.2.1
<fresheyeball> 944K /nix/store/9cxjkn6ydial4qf98c2ba42h1lpjb8k0-split-
<fresheyeball> 1.1M /nix/store/3yinx6dmq81mqhvi273fv24vcs9s6cj3-monad-control-
<fresheyeball> 1.1M /nix/store/6k71bvd9w94x44x4i89dw4hxlx44qcpl-distributive-0.5.2
<fresheyeball> 1.1M /nix/store/h7jjqjdmh00cabv08zvg10xshyvfzvxc-connection-0.2.8
<fresheyeball> 1.2M /nix/store/inl26rnb4wa514dbvc6c7wahhp3fvjdg-async-
<fresheyeball> 1.2M /nix/store/lpk84rsbha199vm3k54498lqv2jswqj8-bash-4.4-p5
<fresheyeball> 1.2M /nix/store/zp73jnh7634l30j8qymqwimzwhdlr4z9-fast-logger-2.4.10
<fresheyeball> 1.3M /nix/store/1gd7f5pscgp8rph793bnmz8rjja58n0x-uuid-types-1.0.3
<fresheyeball> 1.3M /nix/store/4alvn2qri5cayggaamkbzwc79h55n52v-lifted-base-
<fresheyeball> 1.3M /nix/store/4gnbrnliqva0sw6n4lqh38af7glv6zfy-x509-validation-1.6.5
<fresheyeball> 1.3M /nix/store/nbaz2ncphlrxm9ax06k9cdsrd423q7sj-parallel-
<fresheyeball> 1.3M /nix/store/r6s8rcd28wsk4gwviyc93343bq5zwlqq-gnugrep-3.0
<fresheyeball> 1.3M /nix/store/rxk33d3ydv3wrgkk6kbn4p3blnhp9nk6-mmorph-1.0.9
<fresheyeball> 1.4M /nix/store/8lhi7nmpxmvv59kbqrf6airdby930bhk-ansi-wl-pprint-
<fresheyeball> 1.4M /nix/store/gfb7wdjdj012s9f81dn28h4kiavb57nj-stm-
<fresheyeball> 1.5M /nix/store/wk9x74kpfydb2k3kmz352amm2qlha08x-http-conduit-
<fresheyeball> 1.6M /nix/store/gk9idmxx54jjcbf8dadxaa5c1qvp7lmb-safe-0.3.15
<fresheyeball> 1.6M /nix/store/gn81mpdi6d2mw3yypsl6wq8ynq032223-tagged-0.8.5
<fresheyeball> 1.6M /nix/store/ph492vada0q8yh0g1lc6q45vxdnsy5j4-blaze-builder-
<fresheyeball> 1.7M /nix/store/4srl79z1j9zhgdmczgf4skkg95zfynqj-exceptions-0.8.3
<fresheyeball> 1.7M /nix/store/hpxg5bajyhr6m2lvkhjbdcz6qb5v7z6z-http-media-0.6.4
<fresheyeball> 1.7M /nix/store/pb97wg8g7i1srry3dywdd9xr6y0icmcf-utf8-string-
<fresheyeball> 1.8M /nix/store/bwhhnfh3l2zlvbi2lna8s6xf3kqn0i7h-asn1-types-0.3.2
<fresheyeball> 1.8M /nix/store/l3bbykxsp0zf4zvzbjwcd7yf62jijyip-hashable-
<fresheyeball> 1.9M /nix/store/0m8bry6z9mbs6rh9cy7fyi158al8jr3k-old-time-
<fresheyeball> 2.0M /nix/store/c66wx068ik441129dclsb7q9jwmvynx5-scientific-
<fresheyeball> 2.0M /nix/store/fsv5f3ypznhm7mswcidvjb593ilzaqvw-asn1-encoding-0.9.5
<fresheyeball> 2.1M /nix/store/xyvm1mpb4d67ahhl7wsc605v3ji1as5d-random-1.1
<fresheyeball> 2.2M /nix/store/qw0lvqkyl0gicmhdwmfc26ari8dyqdg3-network-uri-
<fresheyeball> 2.3M /nix/store/4rij8nbg09g73wysf5hcm6dx1mrqvkhy-resourcet-1.1.9
<fresheyeball> 2.3M /nix/store/rnipg3v5as9kkb4y7vv0wrz6pv32j9yc-blaze-markup-
<fresheyeball> 2.4M /nix/store/nlk0n0yr2xzc2kwiplyqq05j02k5a2m0-system-filepath-
<fresheyeball> 2.4M /nix/store/q4r3y8fhi8zm974zy7kjkd0p07ykcjc1-ansi-terminal-
<fresheyeball> 2.4M /nix/store/rfgf6ymd1wj1mh99zh2m2f9i506zgssk-servant-sphinx-documentation-
<fresheyeball> 2.5M /nix/store/a68y6zmsckzx5i1gimzmm5j5d1v3qs43-wai-app-static-
<fresheyeball> 2.5M /nix/store/p02c86zivs0q3s5jqx3mg808r6ci0hgj-base-compat-0.9.3
<fresheyeball> 2.6M /nix/store/ha782yvdbyg302ch9y6fhxzg6fj13hii-primitive-
<fresheyeball> 2.7M /nix/store/5r9l4szwzwlszqvqsj4s4ch7mnjpby2c-glibc-2.25-bin
<clever> your spam is going strong, lol
<fresheyeball> 2.8M /nix/store/kim5f2m4fx4kjv80h0fv5skk27z91drk-comonad-5.0.1
<fresheyeball> 2.8M /nix/store/lm5nylmqwfccx2q6ii6bwzq845p1m800-http-types-0.9.1
<fresheyeball> 2.9M /nix/store/43m47rkgi17wwgjvw5kymll0gkl43cnx-psqueues-
<fresheyeball> 2.9M /nix/store/crr58bnigpr10wf25xkvwagl0rz0a913-contravariant-1.4
<fresheyeball> 3.0M /nix/store/681f2q7npfgr6394dg3yqc7mh0n2wns9-binutils-2.27-lib
<fresheyeball> 3.0M /nix/store/l0gwdy85l6i0a55s8wyrhm3sqkahdsxa-stringsearch-
<fresheyeball> 3.1M /nix/store/mmk485m9a602pk6jhc6fbf2193qr1rhb-prelude-extras-
<fresheyeball> 3.2M /nix/store/1wr9z7d3r2gwfgwby78a2q4bw4plbzb5-socks-0.5.5
<fresheyeball> 3.2M /nix/store/41z1mqbk6m39x5f5qbd03vfjb7h3ldsk-servant-
<fresheyeball> 3.3M /nix/store/qyx3fcs1810f0dqq6c5mz51ilnsrfvbj-zlib-
<fresheyeball> 3.4M /nix/store/97mn9nbanzl8dm4gqza2d0jnzgi4zxj4-glibc-2.25-dev
<fresheyeball> 3.4M /nix/store/xgszfpnknr6l6vij6h86x0mz6q5c4g0j-iproute-1.7.1
<fresheyeball> 3.6M /nix/store/21v85sigbdiv6h8jni3q03f5ih8l458a-ncurses-6.0-man
<fresheyeball> 3.6M /nix/store/8xggy1132ll2b0m8icrcvyd8md50382k-mtl-2.2.1
<fresheyeball> 3.6M /nix/store/lp5yj91md4lv6b385snzkf7k6ybwbdaw-uri-bytestring-
<fresheyeball> 3.7M /nix/store/cdijy5yrji7lp2sp2869j68kdmi3vzkw-servant-server-
<fresheyeball> 3.8M /nix/store/gj953d28nd139znrhd334divdwyxvm9n-adjunctions-4.3
<fresheyeball> 4.0M /nix/store/5rw5kjiqqf0ynfjfbp5lsrxq29hz72rd-unordered-containers-
<fresheyeball> 4.1M /nix/store/hxwyxj1wa670xskymbi43pspqjbjgf5p-kan-extensions-5.0.2
<fresheyeball> 4.1M /nix/store/zb5k1j7az1jccm7facry6d805n85imds-conduit-extra-1.1.16
<simpson> I feel like we're getting punished because somebody chose Haskell.
<fresheyeball> 4.1M /nix/store/zx1i873llycn36xlyrmapbdvhvcvliii-cereal-
<fresheyeball> 4.3M /nix/store/vq95xssw5m1hjd3r2lpgg09415shyb3f-sqlite-simple-
<fresheyeball> 4.4M /nix/store/zj5jpkacx6kfj8igwp7sr81crhnibh45-memory-0.14.6
<fresheyeball> 4.5M /nix/store/wz1w99fqcavnlz6894p3fs6a6ip6l6i9-streaming-commons-0.1.17
<fresheyeball> 4.7M /nix/store/lc9cdddv2xv45ighz8znsanjfgkcdgbx-gcc-5.4.0-lib
<fresheyeball> 5.1M /nix/store/5rjg6xrd53crs30gip0z2ma0ir9l6j9g-conduit-1.2.11
<fresheyeball> 5.1M /nix/store/lzs3qqai67z3frckgn3bw6vbbgrbnrix-reflection-2.1.2
<fresheyeball> 5.3M /nix/store/k2nspgj8db976yg33bjpbsw14m2zqarh-optparse-applicative-
<fresheyeball> 5.3M /nix/store/kf787vf5crzvfwamp9f1d82b80jfkzvp-x509-1.6.5
<fresheyeball> 5.3M /nix/store/m7qhrn57f7mbx862i98acyxfxwi8ask6-wai-extra-
<fresheyeball> 5.7M /nix/store/k53a73cg4f6m2h8qdgkinpzsmmfzbxw9-parsec-3.1.11
<fresheyeball> 5.7M /nix/store/nhw4y1ll926qwmmycqg810cxsgkrvsg3-http-api-data-
<fresheyeball> 5.8M /nix/store/vdi4hvn87n19x3i9m8vd1iihmf823fky-linux-headers-4.4.10
<fresheyeball> 6.2M /nix/store/s1ja9hh7zwpqz5f4bj8nbkkg35x2d3wv-network-
<fresheyeball> 6.9M /nix/store/n7mlhcaglm3nwqbb8n1w9pdrsmy3gxzc-hourglass-0.2.10
<fresheyeball> 7.1M /nix/store/53q30cnqm3kvq4dy18yndl74jjdf9x9b-direct-sqlite-2.3.19
<fresheyeball> 7.4M /nix/store/anbpv1v7b7jcx5pcrjlbyiccs2hvnfy2-mime-types-
<fresheyeball> 7.4M /nix/store/f4bzfzr5lw17286ajj0sk913p6kr1adw-http-client-
<fresheyeball> 7.5M /nix/store/hq2knvazvxrkf3gy49r5v51r8xq1i6qh-ncurses-6.0
<fresheyeball> 7.5M /nix/store/pyw2jqfsb4zd4cmykv89i91v80d9cf6q-profunctors-5.2
<fresheyeball> 7.6M /nix/store/fsbpsva987v5a213xbxvd7kcadwg5yp9-semigroupoids-5.1
<fresheyeball> 7.9M /nix/store/6p0nscrmncvlgq0pbyjimah4j1h7yy8h-warp-3.2.12
<fresheyeball> 8.0M /nix/store/9ifr9b9m3p83cs1g1b61fhdhlxxqp29k-bifunctors-5.4.2
<fresheyeball> 9.9M /nix/store/h1srk39xzglkidc9xidyighajjs6vyf8-attoparsec-
<fresheyeball> 9.9M /nix/store/x089jg9gpp5k19zinhinwx800zwsabgy-http2-1.6.3
<fresheyeball> 10M /nix/store/asa9vv9qf5q6qz4pphx6p86pjlmh2m0p-free-4.12.4
<fresheyeball> 11M /nix/store/c07gdr6cm43j1cphadzafq185k711vx4-coreutils-8.26
<fresheyeball> 15M /nix/store/aaw3i3vyjzrcrg9wg3w4n7yjlvwfnscc-tls-1.3.10
<fresheyeball> 16M /nix/store/xdsjjym5zgxd1y4ic67kzl2yamj97xrz-text-
<fresheyeball> 23M /nix/store/kjwbqnh13dxh6w4pk2gb3ddmhpiaihqg-glibc-2.25
<fresheyeball> 26M /nix/store/3iggy4d1wdwivs4kx9ic90npiwxvnrr8-binutils-2.27
<fresheyeball> 27M /nix/store/nxrsc9c4hdp697wqiv4yxjv2kqlxlybf-vector-
<fresheyeball> 28M /nix/store/3873bb38fzjajdcxj1bcqig9z8glfflf-cryptonite-0.21
<fresheyeball> 32M /nix/store/vr70bqrky2pi6scn4w0zm36fqpacj9ym-aeson-
<fresheyeball> 34M /nix/store/pipysaxy622pb2nazzckiimsh8lclv3k-blaze-html-
<fresheyeball> 41M /nix/store/vnx7b5avnmvap4p4hvmsl9sl528hfx4d-foundation-0.0.12
<fresheyeball> 44M /nix/store/qjkvq6zgzjigw4g499gm0x01ibr1i79s-lens-4.15.1
<fresheyeball> 49M /nix/store/76lhp1gvc3wbl6q4p2qgn2n7245imyvr-perl-5.22.3
<fresheyeball> 115M /nix/store/2m6v6lnmnf9521ixd5v0x4qrmjkn30ws-gcc-5.4.0
<fresheyeball> 175M /nix/store/34iw1ykckspsjaabi541cdv0a8r5fk0l-ghc-8.0.2-doc
<fresheyeball> 1019M /nix/store/mqcmpgd6i0hggx7mvlvx7gvi6cx124c4-ghc-8.0.2
<fresheyeball> 2.0G total
<fresheyeball> clever: point taken
<fresheyeball> did not expect such a large paste
<fresheyeball> clever: that's what I get for using xclip and expecting small output :P
<clever> lol
<clever> the problem is that your build depends on ghc, so the entire 1gig of ghc is present in the docker
<fresheyeball> clever: the build does, but not the runtime
<clever> fresheyeball: now check nix-store --query --tree /nix/store/f3zyazp6ddx3bcqmi7j6vm8k0xccl2wc-mysymptoms-web-dashboard-
<clever> fresheyeball: and throw it in a pastebin this time
<fresheyeball> clever: ^
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<clever> fresheyeball: line 10, your build directly depends on ghc at runtime, likely dynamic linking, what does "grep -r --color mqcmpgd6i0hggx7mvlvx7gvi6cx124c4 /nix/store/f3zyazp6ddx3bcqmi7j6vm8k0xccl2wc-mysymptoms-web-dashboard-" say?
<fresheyeball> clever: it says my binary file matches
<clever> yeah, thats a problem with the dynamic linking
<fresheyeball> how can I build without dynamic linking?
<clever> run haskell.lib.enableStaticLibraries over the derivation i believe
<fresheyeball> clever: trying
<fresheyeball> mySymptoms = pkgs.haskell.lib.enableStaticLibraries (haskellPackages.callPackage f {});
<fresheyeball> I did that
<fresheyeball> still 2GBS
<fresheyeball> and I still see GHC in the list
<clever> let me double-check some things
<rotaerk> hmm is there something already in nixpkgs that would remove the need for this: https://github.com/Rotaerk/iircc/blob/master/runCabal2Nix.nix
<clever> fresheyeball: ah, i was thinking of haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables
<fresheyeball> I tried adding -static to my cabal file
<fresheyeball> under ghc-options
<fresheyeball> docker image is no2 31MB
<fresheyeball> is now*
<clever> sounds good, and you could probably further optimize it, re-do the previous du to see what the fattest package is now
<fresheyeball> clever: fattest is gcc
<rotaerk> I just use that so that I never have to run cabal2nix manually, and never have to store the resulting files
<clever> rotaerk: haskellPackages.callCabal2nix
<fresheyeball> clever: that was a HUGE help
<fresheyeball> thank you
<rotaerk> ah right, forgot about that; there was some reason I used mine instead...
<fresheyeball> how can I get the file name only for a nix package
<fresheyeball> clever: now I just need to be able to string interpolate the binary name instead of the full path
<clever> "${mySymptoms}/bin/foo
<clever> "
<fresheyeball> that will get me the path to the binary
<fresheyeball> but not the binary name
<clever> ah
<fresheyeball> I am making a docker image
<clever> the issue, is that the nix expressions run before the build has even started
<fresheyeball> and it's a nastly long file name ending in tar.gz
<clever> so you need to know that name in advance
<clever> ah, not sure there
<fresheyeball> is there a way to just get whatever is after the last "/" in the path?
<clever> use wildcards in the bash that happens in the next derivation
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<rotaerk> I think my runCabal2Nix.forLocalPath is basically the same as callCabal2Nix, but the forHackagePackages one is different from the one in nixpkgs
<fresheyeball> clever: I don't understand
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<rotaerk> the one in nixpkgs uses only the snapshot of hackage that it has within than nixpkgs version, but mine uses the latest
<rotaerk> though that might be a problem for reproducibility
<clever> rotaerk: stack2nix is also an option, but that generates a lot of stuff, so its not much different from cabal2nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v52MX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 9da9004 Joachim Fasting: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.0.4 -> 7.0.5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 20f4bfd Joachim Fasting: tinycc: 0.9.27pre-20170710 -> 0.9.27pre-20170821...
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<clever> its getting late here, i should head to bed
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<rotaerk> night
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v52Mb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5059db8 yesbox: sonarr: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0354590 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29033 from yesbox/sonarr_2.0.0.4949...
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<woffs> what is the recommended way to set some /sys variables on boot time? boot.postBootCommands?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v52DU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3ca311d Jaka Hudoklin: spice-vdagent: systemd-logind integration...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9f11074 Joachim F: Merge pull request #28922 from xtruder/pkgs/spice-vdagent/systemd_support...
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<kini> anyone know how up to date this is? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS
<kini> it's at least as old as june of this year, and at least as new as march 2014, but I guess the history of the old wiki is lost
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<dash> mmh. what sets ulimits for nix-daemon build environments?
<dash> is it just the ulimits for nix-daemon itself?
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<hefnurg> I see that NixOS automounted the other disk drives but is unable to open them because of permissions: https://i.imgur.com/s9gIItd.png
<hefnurg> what is the proper fix for that? I assume it is not just starting the file manager as su
<hefnurg> is it some configuration for nix in main os config file?
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<jluttine> nix-env doesn't use the same nixpkgs as nix-shell and the rest of the system?
<jluttine> it can't find a derivation that is in nixpkgs and i have installed on my system
<jluttine> i suppose it uses some other version of nixpkgs
<jluttine> but i don't know why it would do that
<jluttine> i'm using nixpkgs local git checkout on my system
<jluttine> i guess that's my issue
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<sphalerite> hefnurg: I think it relies on a dbus service, udisks2 or something, to perform the mount operation
<sphalerite> If that service isn't available or you don't have permission to use it, it won't work
<sphalerite> Check if there's a nixos option for udisks2 and if you have it enabled
<hefnurg> sphalerite, I am in the "wheel" group, is there anything else I need to set?
<hefnurg> ah, ok
<sphalerite> jluttine: which nix-env and nix-shell commands are you running?
<jluttine> sphalerite: nix-env -i somepackage
<jluttine> sphalerite: nix-shell -p somepackage
<jluttine> nix-shell finds the package, nix-env doesn't. but with nix-shell the program is broken (something related to qt)
<jluttine> so i was thinking i should install it with nix-env
<jluttine> i just want to test a package
<sphalerite> jluttine: you shouldn't be using nix-env -i without -A generally because it's imprecise
<sphalerite> nix-shell -p uses attribute paths (which is better but confusing because it's a mismatch with nix-env)
<sphalerite> use nix-env -qaP or nox to find the attribute path for your package (something like nixos.foo), then do nix-shell -p foo
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v52SP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f03964f Cray Elliott: winetricks: 20170614 -> 20170823
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/20f4bfd81a (from 81 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<sphalerite> hefnurg: by the looks of it udisks2 is enabled by default but there aren't any further options for it. It's probably something polkit-related, I'll see what I can find out about it (I'd like to be able to mount stuff through my file manager too)
<hefnurg> sphalerite, <(I'd like to be able to mount stuff through my file manager too)> good, I don't want to owe you too much :D
<jluttine> sphalerite: `nix-env -qaP somepackage` still didn't find anything.
<sphalerite> jluttine: nix-env -qaP .*somepackage.* ?
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<sphalerite> argh
<sphalerite> `nix-env -qaP .*somepackage.*`?
<hefnurg> sphalerite, from what I read Thunar mounts the drives automatically
<jluttine> sphalerite: nope, matches no derivations
<sphalerite> jluttine: yet nix-env -i somepackage works??
<jluttine> sphalerite: nope, it doesn't, that's the problem
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<sphalerite> oooooh sorry, I got it the wrong way round, I thought nix-env was working and nix-shell wasn't
<jluttine> ok :)
<sphalerite> nix-env -iA nixos.foo (assuming nix-shell -p foo works)
<sphalerite> or for a solution that will work on both nixos and nix-on-other-OS, nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA foo (but it's a bit more of a mouthful)
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<jluttine> sphalerite: `nix-env -iA nixos.foo` didn't find it (though `nix-shell -p foo` works). `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA foo` finally works! :)
<sphalerite> oh so your channel isn't called nixos I presume
<jluttine> don't know what it's called
<jluttine> i'm just using local checkout of nixpkgs repo
<sphalerite> how?
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<sphalerite> As in how are you pointing nix at it
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<jluttine> in my configuration, setting nix.nixPath
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jluttine opened pull request #29046: rssguard: 3.4.0 -> 3.4.2 (master...update-rssguard) https://git.io/v529s
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<sphalerite> jluttine: to what?
<sphalerite> hefnurg: I haven't made much progress so far, it won't even show my USB stick for me, but I'm still on it
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<hefnurg> sphalerite, what it auto-mounted for me was secondary disk drive partitions - haven't tried with USB or any external
<sphalerite> ah right, I don't think I have any non-mounted disk partitions
<hefnurg> I think it might not have been automounting on Plasma, but it did automount on xfce
<hefnurg> from what they say Thunar is doing the auto-mounting
<hefnurg> my settings are just the base xfce settings in the manual for enabling it
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<sphalerite> well no, by the looks of it it isn't mounted at all
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<hefnurg> sphalerite, I didn't do anything special and they got mounted for me... maybe because of the NixOS generated hardware file?
<sphalerite> but they don't seem to be mounted
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<sphalerite> It says it failed to mount them in the screenshot you sent
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v52HI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fefdc00 Peter Hoeg: arc-theme: Fix build with gnome 3.24
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<hyper_ch> nioxs-unstabled moved to 18.03 now?
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<hyper_ch> also what meaning does system.stateVersion = "17.09"; have in the configuration.nix?
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<sphalerite> if you change that and rebuild, you won't be able to go back
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<hyper_ch> can't even boot into an old one?
<sphalerite> or you can, but it may have made incompatible state changes
<sphalerite> so stuff is likely to break
<sphalerite> you can just leave it at 17.09
<hyper_ch> I thought the whole point was to have atomic upgrades that can be reverted
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<sphalerite> yes, but that's quite incompatible with state
<vaibhavsagar_> hi, how do I run tests for a haskell package in nix-shell?
<hyper_ch> so once I confirmed that 18.03 runs well, then it's ok to alter that?
<sphalerite> e.g. if you upgrade postgres, it will want to migrate the database to a new format, which can't be reversed
<sphalerite> and the database data itself isn't nixos's responsibility
<hyper_ch> postgres... I still am on warpath with it :)
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<sphalerite> so postgres will only be upgraded if the stateVersion has been bumped
<hyper_ch> good to know
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<hyper_ch> one should always have backups anyway :)
<sphalerite> ^
<hyper_ch> I'm starting to use sqlite more and more instead of creating databases in MariaDB
<sphalerite> sqlite is awesome
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<hyper_ch> e.g. I fetch publicated court decision by the Swiss Federal Courts and some cantonal ones.... I used to use MySQL/MariaDB for it, now I just use SQLite :)
<sphalerite> yeah as long as I don't need shared R/W access I always go with sqlite
<hyper_ch> nah, it's one per day checking if there's new stuff :)
<hefnurg> sphalerite, ah yes, they are not mounted, they just show up for mounting in Thunar
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<hyper_ch> migrating them all now.... two more federal courts are missing
<jluttine> sphalerite: `nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=/etc/nixpkgs" "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" ];`
<hyper_ch> but one of them is a pain :(
<sphalerite> jluttine: aah right, you're not setting nixos. So you could also have done nix-env -iA nixpkgs.foo
<jluttine> sphalerite: ok! thanks
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<sphalerite> hefnurg: got it working!
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<sphalerite> hefnurg: so it needs gnome3.gvfs to be installed (to provide some DBus services) and thunar to be invoked with the GVFS Gio module added
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<sphalerite> hefnurg: try `nix-env -iA nixos.gnome3.gvfs`, log out and back in (so that the dbus session daemon gets restarted and discovers the new services), and then `GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=$(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A gnome3.gvfs --no-out-link) thunar`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29047: pythonPackages.pamqp: add missing build dependency (master...fix-python-pyamqp) https://git.io/v5274
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<Geraldus> Hi friends!
<Geraldus> Any Haskellers here?
<simpson> Yes.
<Geraldus> I'm puzzling with few things.
<Geraldus> 1. How to install yesod-bin
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<Geraldus> 2. How to use intero (terminfo build fails due to missing ncurses)
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<Geraldus> simpson: Hi!
<simpson> Hi. I don't know the answers, sorry.
<Geraldus> simpson: It's OK
<Geraldus> Does anybody know how to launch devel yesod server on NixOS?
<vaibhavsagar_> Geraldus, have you seen Dante? https://github.com/jyp/dante
<vaibhavsagar_> I hear it works better with Nix than Intero does
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<Geraldus> vaibhavsagar_: hi! Nope, I don't use Emacs as primary editor now
<vaibhavsagar_> why do you want Intero?
<Geraldus> vaibhavsagar_: to use it with NeoVim
<Geraldus> And later in VS Code
<vaibhavsagar_> ah, I see
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<vaibhavsagar_> have you looked at ghcid for neovim/VS Code?
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<vaibhavsagar_> because I don't think Intero plays well with Nix right now
<Geraldus> vaibhavsagar_: Not yet, is it better than intero?
<vaibhavsagar_> no, but it works reliably with both editors you want to set up
<Geraldus> Thank you for suggestion
<Geraldus> Anyway, first I have to figure out how to install yesod-bin
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<Geraldus> `stack install yesod-bin` fails because of missing ZLib
<vaibhavsagar_> what are you trying to do with yesod-bin?
<Geraldus> vaibhavsagar_: I'm developing web app using Yesod, yesod-bin is required to run web server locally in development mode.
<sphalerite> Geraldus: you may want to look at https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/latest/nix_integration/
<sphalerite> I know next to nothing about the haskell ecosystem though, so I can't help you any further than that — sorry!
<Geraldus> Ok. `stack unpack yesod-bin & cd yesod-bin-xxx & stack init`. Then manually edited `stack.yaml` appending `nix: enable: true packages: [ zlib ]` do the trick
<Geraldus> After that `stack install .` succeeded
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<Geraldus> sphalerite: Look like exactly what I've looked for! Many thanks
<sphalerite> great
<vaibhavsagar_> Geraldus, another thing you might like to try is `nix-shell -p haskellPackages.yesod-bin`
<sphalerite> hefnurg: any luck?
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<hefnurg> sphalerite, is this a command? `GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=$(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A gnome3.gvfs --no-out-link) thunar`
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<hefnurg> sphalerite, I'm at work now so I have to work on work :D but thank you, I'll try it
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<sphalerite> yes, it is
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<sphalerite> and no problem, just wanted to be sure you'd seen it :)
<hefnurg> sphalerite, I wasn't actually assuming a reply this late, just happened to remote into home PC a bit and seen your message :) thank you! much obliged
<sphalerite> np, ping me if you have any more issues
<Geraldus> vaibhavsagar_: Indeed, `nix-shell -p haskellPackages.yesod-bin` allowed me to run `yesod devel` directly
<Geraldus> However to be consistent I want to run it with `stack exec yesod devel`
<Geraldus> Is it possible to select which shell to use as `nix-shell`?
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<vaibhavsagar_> it's not a setting yet https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/498
<vaibhavsagar_> but you can do `nix-shell --run 'exec zsh; return'`
<vaibhavsagar_> or similar
<sphalerite> the thing with changing the shell for nix-shell is that it exposes some shell functions, which won't generally work in shells other than bash
<taktoa> weird question, but does anyone know the terminology that distinguishes an IP address ( from an IP-address-with-port (
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<sphalerite> taktoa: I'd call the latter a TCP address (assuming it is TCP)
<taktoa> hmm, that's not bad
<sphalerite> not sure if that's any sort of standard terminology but I think it makes what I mean fairly obvious
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<Geraldus> Ok, I've simply added `haskellPackages.yesod-bin` and `haskellPackages.stack` to `nix.packages` section in my project's `stack.yaml`.
<Geraldus> Now I'm able to run `stack exec yesod devel`
<hefnurg> sphalerite, will do, cheers
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v52bw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2bff7e Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 9.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e1a6791 Peter Simons: haskell-happy: use 1.19.7 version (despite lts-9) to fix test suite failure
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2a76b6 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<michalrus> > nix-env -i discord -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/master.tar.gz
<michalrus> Why doesn’t this work and still install from my stable channel? :/
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<michalrus> -f instead of -I
<sphalerite> michalrus: -iA nixpkgs.discord, or nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/master.tar.gz -iA discord
<sphalerite> either way, use the attribute path
<taktoa> yeah, plain -i is really bad
<michalrus> Hmm, -f with -i discord worked.
<michalrus> OK. :]
<michalrus> Thanks!
<taktoa> evaluates all of nixpkgs to regex search
<michalrus> ;( ;(
<Isorkin> Hi. How to need to accept pull request https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/28544 ?
<taktoa> if you want to troll someone running nixos, convince them to run `nix-env -i` with no other arguments (empty regex matches everything)
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<vaibhavsagar_> holy shit
<vaibhavsagar_> what even is this UI
<michalrus> o_O
<michalrus> Why isn’t this killed?
<vaibhavsagar_> also I didn't realise nix-env took a regex
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<sphalerite> michalrus: because it makes perfect sense to install everything in some cases
<sphalerite> Like I update my user profile using nix-env -f ~/dotfiles/graphical.nix -ir
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<chpatrick> hi
<chpatrick> do you know how I can set up ssh substituters with the nix daemon on nixos?
<michalrus> Uh, ok…
<chpatrick> I can ssh into the host as root, but if I try to install a nix package it says "Permission denied (publickey)"
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<hotfuzz> ls
<sphalerite> chpatrick: how does it authenticate when you ssh manually?
<chpatrick> sphalerite: with a key in /root/.ssh
<chpatrick> I guess the nix-daemon doesn't look there
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<michalrus> One more question: I can use wrapGAppsHook to setup Gtk+ env vars in a program *wrapper*. But how can I set them in a nix-shell?
<sphalerite> and how are you trying to install the software?
<chpatrick> sphalerite: I'm using nix-shell on one of my packages and I'd like the dependencies to be pulled from another machine
<chpatrick> this works in a single user environment
<sphalerite> I think the build users need access to the SSH key
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<sphalerite> try copying it to a location readable by the nixbld group and setting NIX_SSHOPTS="-i /path/to/key"
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<chpatrick> sphalerite: where should I set that env var?
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<sphalerite> chpatrick: around nix-shell, I think
<sphalerite> I'm not really 100% sure about any of this FWIW, I've never done ssh substitution so this is all guesswork
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<taktoa> fearlessKim[m]: run nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: where did you put the file and is that the full contents of it?
<taktoa> then in the repl do offlineimap.propagatedBuildInputs
<taktoa> err
<taktoa> propagatedNativeBuildInputs
<taktoa> make sure that keyring is in there
<fearlessKim[m]> keyring is in there let me double check the wrapper
<fearlessKim[m]> which offlineimap returns /run/current-system/sw/bin/offlineimap, is that the offlineimap installed via nixos-rebuild ? I have offlinemap installed via /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, and also via nix-env -i offlinemap so that it picks up the overlay for my user (and override the system one).
<taktoa> yes, that is the global offlineimap
<taktoa> ~/.nix-profile/bin/offlineimap is the one with the overlay
<fearlessKim[m]> ha ok
<fearlessKim[m]> this one has the keyring fine perfect ! Thanks taktoa
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<fearlessKim[m]> learning curve is tough but nixos deserves it. Without this channel and the helpful community, would have given up so please keep it up :)
<taktoa> :-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5aeE
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1277aab Eelco Dolstra: Fix abort when the GC thread gets an exception
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<sphalerite> Does anyone know why everything graphical in QEMU with EFI seems to run very slowly for me?
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<kuznero> Hi All!
<kuznero> Is there any way to install additional fonts (I have ttf files) without creating a derivation in NixOS? Or is it still the preferred way?
<goibhniu> sphalerite: not related to EFI, but I found `-vga vmware` was quite good
<sphalerite> goibhniu: alright, will have to try that. I've tried -vga virtio which doesn't seem to have helped
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<sphalerite> not much better either :(
<goibhniu> :/
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<chreekat> I'm on nixos, stable channel. I'd expect the version of postgresql that I get with 'nix-env -i postgresql' to be the same version I get with 'nix-shell -p postgresql', but it's not: 9.6.3 in the former case, and 9.5.7 in the latter. What's the underlying reason for that?
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<sphalerite> chreekat: as a general rule, don't use nix-env -i without -A
<seequ> Oh?
<sphalerite> chreekat: nix-env -i searches through all available packages by name and then somehow chooses one that matches the name (I'm not sure how it chooses)
<sphalerite> with -A you specify more precisely, it selects a package by its attribute path (which nix-shell does anyway)
<sphalerite> so if you do nix-env -iA nixos.postgresql you should get the same version as with nix-shell -p postgresql
<chreekat> "all available packages"... ahh because there's more than one, even in a single channel
<sphalerite> Yes. You can use nix-env -qaP to show all the available things, then search through it with grep, or you can use nox for a more convenient search interface
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<chreekat> Does "/etc/nixos/configuration.nix".environment.systemPackages have similar ambiguity?
<sphalerite> no, that also selects by attribute path
<sphalerite> nix-env is basically the only thing that gets it wrong :p
<chreekat> ha
<chreekat> thx
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<sphalerite> the other disadvantage of searching by name is that it's much slower, but I don't think that's as much of an issue as not quite knowing what you're going to get
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<sphalerite> chreekat: what led you to use nix-env -i? It's a fairly frequent problem and we should probably track down the documentation that mentions it and fix it
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<chreekat> Most of my current understanding and habits come from reading the nix manual and the nixos manual
<chreekat> But also examples from a former coworker, so maybe let's blame him
<sphalerite> haha
<chreekat> I was planning on rereading the manuals anyway... I'll keep an eye out
<sphalerite> yeah the nix manual should really not recommend using nix-env -i :(
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<chreekat> I think the problem is more fundamental. If you read the nix-env man page, the impression you get is that -A is Just Another Option
<chreekat> Plus, people have clearly put work into this 'priority' business, so you might find people who disagree with your recommendation to ignore it and always use attributes...
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<pvgoran> Hello. Is it a good place for questions about NixOps, or I should rather go to #nixops or something?
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<taktoa> sphalerite: `nix-env -i <regex>` evaluates every derivation in nixpkgs, reads the "name" attribute, and matches it against the provided regex
<taktoa> oh you meant that you weren't sure how it chooses if there's a conflict
<sphalerite> taktoa: yeah
<taktoa> I think it might just install _all_ the derivations matching the regex
<sphalerite> No
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<sphalerite> nix-env -i mumble installs mumble-git
<taktoa> hmm, idk then
<taktoa> if that's true, then what gets installed with `nix-env -i '.*'`
<taktoa> the initial object in the priority poset :^)
<sphalerite> "If there are multiple derivations matching a name in args that have the same name (e.g., gcc-3.3.6 and gcc-4.1.1), then the derivation with the highest priority is used. A derivation can define a priority by declaring the meta.priority attribute. This attribute should be a number, with a higher value denoting a lower priority. The default priority is 0."
<sphalerite> it installs one package for every name for which there are packages that match
<taktoa> oh, does it only use priority in the case where only the version number is different?
<sphalerite> "If there are multiple matching derivations with the same priority, then the derivation with the highest version will be installed."
<taktoa> sometimes I think maybe we shouldn't even have a `name` attribute
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<taktoa> though I guess it's useful for computing the store path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29049: pythonPackages.dropbox: fix build dependencies (master...fix-python-dropbox) https://git.io/v5akz
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<pvgoran> Suppose I have a nixops network defined in two files: mynetwork.nix and mynetwork-physical.nix. Is it possible to define some variable/attribute in mynetwork-physical.nix and then use its value in mynetwork.nix?
<sphalerite> taktoa: yeah no I do think the name attribute is useful
<michaelpj> pvgoran: I don't think so - what are you trying to do?
<pvgoran> michaelpj: I'm trying to define some location in the machine's filesystem, (potentially) dependent on the way how the machine is provisioned, and then use it as a data path for one of the services.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-unstable from b26ea27 to 454b0c0: https://git.io/v5aIf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 2f3b691 wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.pyshp : move to separate expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable d8d13de wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.tempora : move to separate expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable ebb0013 Jörg Thalheim: python.pkgs.tempora: 1.4 -> 1.8...
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<DiThi> hello
<DiThi> I want to create a package which is almost the same as an existing one but with changes
<DiThi> but as a new nixos user I'm having a lot of trouble to do that
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<viaken> DiThi: As a fellow new nixos user, I think the thing you're looking for is called an "overlay"
<michaelpj> pvgoran: I think you can define service options in mynetwork-physical.nix, but I'm not sure exactly how those interact if you've already defined them in the logical network (see e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/55ceaa95206cee6a97d531c2050f39e7f111ab2b/examples/trivial-digital-ocean.nix)
<michaelpj> sadly, I don't think nixops has a good description of what things are legal in its various specifications
<pvgoran> michaelpj: Sure I can do it, but it doesn't look like a good/modular way. :)
<DiThi> viaken: do you have a link explaining that?
<DiThi> in any case, I want to make a proper stand alone package that may eventually deviate from the original
<michaelpj> isn't that quite modular? the physical network overrides any options that it needs to be different from the logical spec
<DiThi> first I want to be able to compile from local sources so I can be making changes, building and testing
<DiThi> nix-shell says: error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’)
<DiThi> do I have to add the local nixpkgs repo as a channel or something?
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<michaelpj> DiThi: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-modify-via-packageOverrides and https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays. note that `packageOverrides` is "really" just a simple overlay
<DiThi> viaken: thanks
<michaelpj> whoops, beat me to it ;)
<pvgoran> michaelpj: It's not. :) This way, the physical specification needs to be aware of the logical specification internals, what services it declares, etc.
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<michaelpj> but that is going to be true for anything where you need to establish certain resources to match what the logical spec expects. It seems sane for information to go logical -> physical but not vice versa
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<pvgoran> I can't agree with that. Rather, the physical part needs to meet certain expectations (performance) and provide certain resources (RAM, storage) that the logical part will then use.
<pvgoran> Like, the physical part says "this is the fast disk for frequent access, and this is the large disk for big data", and the logical part uses these resources to do its things.
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<michaelpj> so you want a way for the logical part to say "the data for X should go on a big disk" and the physical part to say "here is a big disk", or something like that?
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<michaelpj> you could define your own module that has options for "big filesystem" "fast filesystem" etc, and use them in the logical part while filling them in in the physical part
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<sphalerite> DiThi: it depends on what you want to do really, if you're actually developing the application it's more likely that you want to use nix-shell to build it incrementally rather than getting a clean build every time as you do by overriding the expression
<DiThi> sphalerite: yes, that's what I want to do, since compile times are very long if not done incrementally
<sphalerite> DiThi: in that case, use `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A nameOfThePackage` to get a shell suitable for compiling it
<sphalerite> so with all the dependencies available and stuff
<DiThi> oh, I see
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<DiThi> awesome
<DiThi> sphalerite: thanks
<DiThi> once I have it compiled and I've made a package in a git clone of nixpkgs, how do I test it?
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<pvgoran> michaelpj: Yes, this is what I would want to do. I can do it on filesystem level by using bind mounts or something, it's straightforward but I'd rather want a solution on configuration level. (Besides, resources can be other things, like network interfaces or whatever.)
<pvgoran> How do I define this kind of a module? Any example or documentation? Maybe someone else already implemented a module like this that I could just use? :)
<michaelpj> well, what options make sense depends on your use case, no? you're trying to abstract over the kinds of deployment machines that you expect to deploy on
<michaelpj> "fast drive" vs "big drive" might make sense for you, but not for other people
<michaelpj> I think you can just define another nixos module - try copying one of the existing ones
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<michaelpj> there's probably something you have to do to make it be picked up...
<michaelpj> sadly, there isn't much documentation on how the module system actually works
<sphalerite> DiThi: `nix-build path/to/nixpkgs/clone -A packageName` will build it and generate one or more result symlinks containing the build output
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<DiThi> sphalerite: thank you
<DiThi> so the first argument of both nix-shell and nix-build in the examples above is either '<nixpkgs>' or the local path to the repo?
<symphorien> yes. if you don't specify anything, it mean "."
<symphorien> +s
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<sphalerite> Yes. <nixpkgs> will be resolved against NIX_PATH
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f91b4de9c2 (from 27 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<pvgoran> michaelpj: Could you point to any module? I just don't know what they are like and where to look for them.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-unstable from 454b0c0 to 93038b3: https://git.io/v5aIf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 481cff7 wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.tempora : move to separate expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 59dc0de Jörg Thalheim: python.pkgs.tempora: 1.4 -> 1.8...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable d0d861b wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.pyshp : move to separate expression...
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<michaelpj> pvgoran: actually, I'm not really sure how you'd do this in the nixops setting. Conceptually it makes sense to me, but I'd have to go source spelunking to figure it out :/
<michaelpj> bah
<michaelpj> there might also be an easier way to do this
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<pvgoran> michaelpj: I see. I'm considering doing something like: with import ./mymachine-physical.nix; { <logical part> }
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5aOg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ad44a76 Michael Raskin: pythonPackages.browsermob-proxy: make python2-only
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cca09d8 Michael Raskin: pythonPackages.manifestparser: make python2-only
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f20ccd4 Michael Raskin: pythonPackages.wptserve: make python2-only (upstream uses relative import in the latest release)
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<silver_hook> For an Epson all-in-one to scan via the net, do I have to do anything else than have services.printing.drivers [ pkgs.epson-escpr ] and hardware.sane.netConf set up?
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<pvgoran> Not the most elegant way, because if I do this, I hard-code the physical file name na lose the ability to use the same logical file with a different physical file.
<michaelpj> right, that seems to not really get you anything over just hardcoding the value
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<michaelpj> then at least you could set the "data goes here" argument for a given deployment depending on what physical config you instantiated it with
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8502d94b31 (from 23 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<pvgoran> Well, the import approach still lets me modify and replace mynetwork-physical.nix as I see fit; I lose the freedom to use a different name for the physical part, but not the freedom to use different contents.
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<pvgoran> Network arguments are detached from the physical part, this approach looks too easy to get wrong.
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<michaelpj> well, when you create a deployment you pass the physical part as an argument - but your logical part will still import "mynetwork-physical.nix" whatever you pass at creation time
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<pvgoran> I can just pass the logical part, and let the physical part be imported. :)
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<michaelpj> huh, does that work?
<pvgoran> Why wouldn't it? I think I can pass any number of file arguments to nixops create, not necessarily two.
<michaelpj> apparently so. I have no idea what that will do :D
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<sphalerite> it merges all the sets together AFAIU
<pvgoran> That's what I think too.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5aGP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 67651d8 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28884 from FRidh/python-fixes...
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<michaelpj> cute
<michaelpj> would be nice if it said that somewhere ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5aG9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 38dc9a8 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<pvgoran> It is actually said: https://nixos.org/nixops/manual/#synopsis-1
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<michaelpj> yes, it's said that you can pass any number of expressions, but not what that does
<pvgoran> Well, yes, that part is missing...
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<sphalerite> would be nice for it to use the same module system as nixos for the merging
<sphalerite> (or does it already… nobody knows!)
<sphalerite> (actually somebody probably does, but it's not me)
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<nikola> J #haskell
<nikola> sry
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<silver_hook> Where can I find the list of extra backends available for hardware.sane.extraBackends ?
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<symphorien> I grepped nixpkgs for sane when enditing that https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Scanners
<symphorien> If I missed one, you can add it
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<pvgoran> michaelpj: Looks like I can access the other parts of machine configuration using the "config" parameter of the machine configuration function.
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<pvgoran> So I do { machine = { pkgs, ...}: { passthru.mypath = "/path"; }; } in network-physical.nix, and { machine = { pkgs, config, ... }: { service.dataPath = config.passthru.mypath; }; } in network.nix.
<pvgoran> ("services.someservice.dataPath" instead of "service.dataPath" would be a better example.)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v5a4D
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f3ac052 Bernd Amend: cmake: 3.8.2 -> 3.9.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b49b9da Bernd Amend: cmake: add withQt5 option and make it the default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 78dde57 Thomas Tuegel: Merge branch 'pull-28954' into staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #28954: cmake: 3.8.2 -> 3.9.1 (master...cmake-3.9.1) https://git.io/v5ECE
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<silver_hook> symphorien: Thanks, that’s a great resource! :D
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<Isorkin_> what is missing in pull request https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/28544 ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-unstable from 67651d8 to 52fa67f: https://git.io/v5aIf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 444839b wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.pyrr : move to separate expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 63e363f wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.tempora : move to separate expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable ea825f7 wisut hantanong: pythonPackages.pyshp : move to separate expression...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh merged python-unstable into release-17.09: https://git.io/v5auD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] makefu opened pull request #29050: dnscrypt-wrapper module: fix permissions and options (master...module/dnscrypt-wrapper/fix) https://git.io/v5az1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29049: pythonPackages.dropbox: fix build dependencies (master...fix-python-dropbox) https://git.io/v5akz
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29047: pythonPackages.pamqp: add missing build dependency (master...fix-python-pyamqp) https://git.io/v5274
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28916: secretstorage init at version 2.3.1 (master...secretstorage) https://git.io/v502s
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28861: A Collection of new python packages (master...pr-betaboon-pythonpackages) https://git.io/v5B5m
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<Unode> any suggestion on how to address "output path ‘/share/nix/store/1xn822y87l9l3ymv2zjrwksglpfmmyg2-named.root’ has sha256 hash ‘01n4bqf95kbvig1hahqzmmdkpn4v7mzfc1p944gq922i5j3fjr92’ when ‘0qsyxpj5b3i7n162qfyv76ljqbvnwjii7jk8mpfinklx0sk01473’ was expected" ?
<symphorien> the sha256 in a fetch* function is wrong
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29051: pythonPackages.django: 1.11.4 -> 1.11.5 (master...update_django_1_11) https://git.io/v5aw0
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<Unode> symphorien: not something I can fix from my side?
<Unode> i.e. channel has outdated information?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 32 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5awd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 05b242c mingchuan: pythonPackages.urllib3: Fix buildInputs and meta.description
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 7dec7e8 mingchuan: pythonPackages.coveralls: Add missing dependencies to fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable da6b99b Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.dropbox: fix build dependencies
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<symphorien> apparently the source download changed, then
<sphalerite> Unode: what are you building?
<Unode> sphalerite: nixos.R
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28628: Add behave (master...add-behave) https://git.io/v5s0m
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<sphalerite> Unode: named.root seems like an odd thing for it to be fetching for that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29051: pythonPackages.django: 1.11.4 -> 1.11.5 (master...update_django_1_11) https://git.io/v5aw0
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<Unode> sphalerite: it's part of the dependency tree. Not a direct dependency.
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<sphalerite> Unode: I just built R and I don't have any copies of named.root in my store
<dash> Getting a very odd issue with pypy packages: "nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A pypyPackages.flake8" gives the error "configparser-3.5.0 not supported for interpreter pypy"
<Unode> the failing tree now includes, openjdk -> cups -> gnutls -> dns-root-data -> named.root
<Unode> sphalerite: in case you didn't notice, not running on /nix but /share/nix. So everything is from sources.
<sphalerite> oooh right
<sphalerite> but yeah that must have been updated or you're getting MITMed very nastily :p
<Unode> that would be interesting :)
<Unode> sphalerite: any suggestions on which file I need to poke to workaround this?
<sphalerite> pkgs/data/misc/dns-root-data/default.nix
<Unode> sphalerite: thanks, that took care of it for now. Wonder how this wasn't flagged by hydra. It's in 17.09
<Unode> the stable channel I mean.
<sphalerite> Since it's fixed-output, it never needs rebuilding
<sphalerite> So it's just cached
<sphalerite> I'm guessing
<Unode> I moved channels a few days ago so the rebuild hit on that. I'm expecting a few more failures along the way. So far it's going at good pace.
<Denommus> hey
<Unode> sphalerite: thanks for the help.
<Denommus> I'm trying to build a derivation for aloe (which is a cucumber-like library for Python)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28785: diffoscope: 77 -> 85 (master...fix/diffo) https://git.io/v5l0q
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<shlevy> Hi all (esp. grahamc ): Trying to install nix on darwin, the store path theinstaller downloaded only has nix-shell in the bin/ dir and so the installer fails :p
<shlevy> :o *
<Denommus> I tried to convert my project to nix using pypi2nix, and it generated that big file. The aloe-specific code (and the error I'm having) is here: https://gist.github.com/Denommus/e43e5ae17e1d6400e0784d899ff41a9f
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5aKU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable b84f116 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django: 1.11.4 -> 1.11.5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable caa99e2 Eelco Dolstra: pythonPackages.libarchive-c: Disable failing test...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 268b451 Peter Hoeg: diffoscope: 77 -> 85
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<Denommus> I added that preConfigure because I was getting another error previously, but now it seems fixed
<dash> oh. configparser disabled on pypy. :-
<shlevy> niksnut: Any idea why the darwin binary tarball would be broken like this?
<Unode> sphalerite: seems like it's already tracked: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/28964
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<shlevy> ... worked now, OK
<shlevy> I'm very confused :/
<Denommus> it seems I fixed it by adding python36Packages.setuptools_scm to my buildInputs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29053: pythonPackages.django: 1.10.7 -> 1.10.8 (release 17.03) (release-17.03...update_django_1_10) https://git.io/v5aKp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5a6g
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 41d9884 Tim Steinbach: i3-gaps: Install man pages properly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5a6K
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 5addd12 Tim Steinbach: i3-gaps: Install man pages properly...
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<niksnut> shlevy: no
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5aiv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c2c9960 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django: 1.10.7 -> 1.10.8...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ee26c61 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29053 from lsix/update_django_1_10...
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<symphorien> I have found the cause of hibernation test failures hydra (https://hydra.nixos.org/build/59947774#tabs-summary) : if I revert a55be749 (a netcat update) test succeed again
<symphorien> but I can understant why
<symphorien> should I make a PR reverting it ? open an issue so that someone more skilled can investigate ?
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<Denommus> symphorien: I'd say if you're not sure about your solution you should open an issue describing your problem and your workaround
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5aX8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 07f5e2d Jean-Philippe Bernardy: pythonPackages.markdown: 2.6.7 -> 2.6.8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 464fc7d Jean-Philippe Bernardy: pythonPackages.backports_weakref: init 1.0rc1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable f440ab1 Jean-Philippe Bernardy: protobuf: add 3.3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28530: Tensorflow1.3 dependencies (master...tensorflow1.3-dependencies) https://git.io/v5trc
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1360efeac6 (from 19 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5aMm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 993a83d Robin Gloster: tcpdump: 4.9.1 -> 4.9.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-unstable from ebadc21 to 8e5334d: https://git.io/v5aIf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 491a971 Jean-Philippe Bernardy: pythonPackages.backports_weakref: init 1.0rc1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 07fa23b Jean-Philippe Bernardy: protobuf: add 3.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 836419e Jean-Philippe Bernardy: cudnn: add 6.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28852: rtags: Fix configure phase errors (master...fix/rtags-configure-prefix) https://git.io/v5BuT
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5aDf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6c8b819 Robin Gloster: tcpdump: 4.9.1 -> 4.9.2...
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<globin> domenkozar, ikwildrpepper: ^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5aDn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4912c68 José Luis Lafuente: mcomix: Disable test suite for now...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9405bc2 Joachim F: Merge pull request #28965 from jlesquembre/mcomix...
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<rolf1> Is there anyone here who uses the xfce4-power-manager? Whenever I try to change something in xfce4-power-manager-settings I get a critical error saying the program cannot set the value for the property.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5ayk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 2f09b4f Frederik Rietdijk: mycli: move out of python-packages.nix and fix build
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<Denommus> hm, I need xvfb (not xvfb_run) to be able to use the Python package xvfbwrapper
<Denommus> (just venting, not actually a doubt)
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<hyper_ch> anyone using KDE here?
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: how many times have you asked that question now? :p
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: not enough
<hyper_ch> I just noticed the systemsettings entry is gone from kicker's computer submenu, still can open it manually
<hyper_ch> and when I do and go to audio, no devices are listed
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<goibhniu1> hyper_ch: FWIW, I don't have those problems here (on unstable) ... did you try with a fresh user account?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5a9T
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 4fe9e3f Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.jsonnet: disable for Python 3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 6a365aa Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.koji: fix build
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<maurer> Just to check before I go copy-pasting code - we still can't use nixos modules to create user-systemd services as a user, right?
<clever> only nixos modules can be used to create systemd-user services
<maurer> Context: I'm trying to develop a postgresql extension. PostgreSQL requires extensions to live in $SHAREDIR set at configure time. This is obviously not a writable location
<clever> so the user services are still global, and available to every user
<maurer> The way PostgreSQL modules are instantiated in normal usage is via a variable on the nixos module to specify additional plugins
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<maurer> I'm basically wondering whether, in my dev environment, there's a reasonable way for me to say "bring up another copy of postgres, with this fresh extension added"
<clever> maurer: maybe this? https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#postgresql.extrapl
<maurer> clever: Yes, that is the variable I'm talking about
<maurer> the problem is that I'm trying to figure out how to run tests without having to install it into my system postgres
<clever> maurer: behind the scenes, it makes a buildEnv of postgres, and the plugins, and sets $NIX_PGLIBDIR
<maurer> Yeah, that is the code I was trying to avoid copypasting
<maurer> I guess I can just do that though
<clever> you may be able to just run the unmodified postgress daemon and set NIX_PGLIBDIR to point to the lib dir in your build
<sphalerite> it would be nice for that code to be exposed
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: see, that's why I ask if someone uses KDE....
<maurer> clever: I'll try that, but I don't think that sets the SHAREDIR
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch: if nobody knows anything, you won't get a response to "Does anyone use KDE?" nor to your description of the problem. If anybody does know anything, you'll get a response more rapidly by going into specifics. If somebody does use KDE but doesn't know anything about your problem, you're wasting their time in the former case
<sphalerite> The description of the problem is a far superior thing to put :)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/52fa67fddd (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<maurer> clever: Yeah, it doesn't override SHAREDIR, so it doesn't work. I'll just have to build a postgres-with-plugins env
<maurer> I'm actually kind of surprised that a postgres-with-plugins works though...
<maurer> (without a SHAREDIR override)
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<clever> cp --target-directory=$out/bin ${pg}/bin/{postgres,pg_config,pg_ctl}
<clever> maurer: i think this line is key, it copies the main binary into the buildenv
<clever> so when the binary tries to open something relative to itself, it goes into the new share dir
<maurer> Yeah, I suppose it's possible that SHAREDIR is relative
<maurer> and LIBDIR wasn't, so they had to override it
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<hyper_ch> sphalerite: not really... since this seems to be kde specific, I first have to find someone who also uses kde and then check if it works for them or not... only afterwards it's of interest what the actuall problem is..... how would someone using xfce, lxde, gnome know about kde issues?
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<dash> It seems to me that there's no good way to override 'disabled' settings on Python derivations since an error gets thrown very early in the evaluation of mk-python-derivation.nix -- anybody have experience otherwise?
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<dash> I'm trying to turn a package back on for pypy that was disabled in the past
<chreekat> hyper_ch: It is standard IRC etiquette to just ask one's question directly, and as specifically as possible.
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<hyper_ch> chreekat: it would make sense in #kde where everyone uses kde... but the number of users using kde in #nixos would be only a fraction
<goibhniu> hyper_ch: but people don't know if they can help you until you actually ask your question
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<bsoudan> hey all... trying to install nix but i need to delete a mirror from fetchurl/mirrors.nix since easyname.at seems to be blocked at work. but, it seems like it's changing all the package hashes and causing a world rebuild
<bsoudan> any ideas on how to eliminate one and still be able to use the binary cache?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5abg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca54a86 makefu: dnscrypt-wrapper module: fix permissions and options...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9bb4005 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29050 from makefu/module/dnscrypt-wrapper/fix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 5 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5aNr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 7f7776a Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.astropy: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable f7a9e6c Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pylint: use fetchPypi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable aa65095 Frederik Rietdijk: conan: 0.21.2 -> 0.26.2, and fix build
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<bsoudan> or maybe some way where i don't change it, but when it fails i manually retrieve the package from a different mirror, and then resume nixos-install? manually installing the file using curl doesn't seem to work, nixos-install tries to redownload it
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<clever> bsoudan: run "nix-store -r /nix/store/foo" to download the path from a binary cache
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<dieggsy> ...if rev and sha are excluded from fetchgit, does it just take HEAD from master?
<clever> dieggsy: it needs a sha256, it will throw an error without it
<dieggsy> clever: I just commented out the sha256 and it didn't seem to
<dieggsy> clever: well it's building
<bsoudan> clever: it looks like i already have the binary (*-acl-2.2.52) but nixos-install is trying to download the source for some reason (*-acl-2.2.52.src.tar.gz). maybe nix-prefetch-url? trying that now
<clever> dieggsy: ah, looks like it doesnt throw an assert, but the sandbox will break that
<dieggsy> clever: ?
<clever> bsoudan: you can also use -r on the storepath of the source
<bsoudan> ok, i'll try that now
<clever> dieggsy: when the nix sandbox is enabled, it will block all network access
<dieggsy> clever: and then why is the default to the rev argument HEAD? isn't the sha256 for HEAD not a constant?
<clever> nix expects the expression to give the same source code every time
<clever> doing otherwise will cause problems down the road
<dieggsy> clever: can you describe "down the road" - and what's the nix sandbox
<dieggsy> My point is, if it's problematic, it seems like what i just did (no rev, no sha, and it's building) should just not be allowed
<clever> dieggsy: nix has no idea when it should rebuild the package because the nix expression hasnt changed
<clever> dieggsy: if the sandbox was enabled, it wouldnt allow this
<clever> dieggsy: what OS are you on?
<dieggsy> clever: Kubuntu
<bsoudan> nix-store -r on the source fails too. but it's also having trouble downloading nix-cache-info i just realized. maybe that's the root of my problems
<clever> bsoudan: yeah, sounds like the binary cache is blocked
<clever> dieggsy: ah, no simple way to turn the sandbox on in that
<dieggsy> clever: so you're saying this is a bug, more or less
<bsoudan> we have an irritating https proxy here. self signed certificate which breaks lots of things. lemme hack on that for a bit, i fixed this before on regular nix
<dieggsy> clever: my question still stands, why would they make the rev arg not mandatory, in that case?
<dieggsy> I suppose you could have a repo that just doesn't change, but seems like a bit of a gamble
<clever> dieggsy: not sure why its not setup like that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #29057: tiled: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.3 (master...tiled) https://git.io/v5apJ
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/6c8b819c99 (from 74 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<niksnut> bsoudan: changing mirrors.nix should not cause a rebuild
<niksnut> clever: the sandbox does not block binary cache downloads
<clever> yeah, i think its his firewall
<clever> the sandbox opens the network up if a sha256 is present
<clever> but bsoudan has an https proxy with a self-signed cert
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5ajf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 02c8ffc Frederik Rietdijk: toot: 0.8.0 -> 0.13.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 155b26b Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.passlib: move to own file
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 6df0ad2 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.passlib: 1.6.5 -> 1.7.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5ajL
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master df4342b Eelco Dolstra: nix build: Create result symlinks
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master dff440a Eelco Dolstra: nix build: Add --out-link and --no-link options
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Ver
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cf6f900 Orivej Desh: tiled: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 742b655 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29057 from orivej/tiled...
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<FRidh> Interesting, there is a Python PEP for deterministic bytecode: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0552/
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<mog> i have a channel called unstable on my nixos so i can install a few packages from unstable easily. how do i tell a service to use those packages or how do i use the unstable version of the service
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<bsoudan> niksnut: yeah, i was mistaken, it's our work https proxy that's causing all the pain
<bsoudan> clever: making progress.. i can download files with nix-store if i specify --option verify-https-binary-caches false, but the same option doesn't seem to help nixos-install
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<bsoudan> nor does setting it in various combinations of ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, or /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<bsoudan> so i'm hacking around trying to discover why it's not honoring my setting during nixos-install. i don't want to manually download every package using nix-store :)
<tilpner> mog - Sometimes the service has an option services.name.package. Does yours?
<clever> bsoudan: one minute
<bsoudan> i also tried nixos-install --option nixpkgs.verify-https-binary-caches false as well. currently i'm trying to find the place where it's actually invoking curl but not having any luck yet
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<clever> that option isnt valid
<aminechikhaoui> bsoudan: if you do nix-env -v --version shouldn't that give the conf file to use for the nix daemon ?
<clever> bsoudan: this is the general area where nixos-install builds nix
<viaken> bsoudan: Don't know if it would help, but to deal with my work's proxy, I'm running squid as a user service with work set as upstream. When I leave the network, I remove the cache_peer and reload.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5VJq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable b43c416 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.ftfy: disable Python 2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 03b0796 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pybfd: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 9ea934b Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.yamllint: fix build
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<mog> tilpner, its firefox syncserver
<mog> ill check
<bsoudan> viaken: i have thought about setting something that up too... do they have an https proxy too though? that's the problem here, it's injecting a self-signed certificate which messes up tons of utilities
<bsoudan> aminechikhaoui: i'll check that, thanks
<tilpner> mog - Didn't find one
<bsoudan> to be clear i've been using plain nix here after solving all the issues, but i'd really like to actualy get nixos itself installed now. it's just that nixos-install seems to not be honoring the verify-https-binary-caches option. i need to disable it
<ixxie> mog: essentially, you can give the channel an alias in the config, and the prefix the packages you wanna upgrade like unstable.packagename
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<mog> right ixxie i do the same thing for packages, but i want to do this for a service
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<tilpner> mog - You could try to globally override pythonPackages.syncserver, probably by globally overriding pythonPackages
<tilpner> Or add the appropriate "package" option to the sync-server module and PR that :P
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<mog> i put in a bug for the stable version
<mog> i see where i can just override the env
<mog> i will just do that i think
<ixxie> hmm not sure mog, sorry I misunderstood the question
<bsoudan> ah. you can't override the NIX_PATH during an install. that's disappointing
<viaken> bsoudan: They don't MITM me, no.
<bsoudan> viaken: it's really irritating.
<bsoudan> viaken: i hope the amount of money they've paid me to deal with all the issues surrounding it is worth the extra "security"
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<mpcsh> hey - how can I run nix-shell with a package name instead of an attribute name?
<clever> nix-env is the only tool that accepts package names, every other tool in the system uses attribute names
<viaken> What's the difference?
<mpcsh> clever: maybe I have it backwards then. how can I run, say, `nix-shell -p python36Packages.fontforge`?
<clever> package names are just the value of the .name attribute on a derivation
<clever> mpcsh: that is an attribute path, it should just work like that
<clever> mpcsh: and when i run what you pasted, it does just work
<mpcsh> clever: `error: undefined variable ‘python36packages’ at (string):1:66`
<clever> does python 3.6 exist in your copy of nixpkgs?
<mpcsh> clever: it should... I'm running unstable
<mpcsh> how can I check?
<clever> $ nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.nixpkgsVersion'
<clever> "17.09pre112691.abdb58e407"
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<mpcsh> clever: 18.03pre114421.799435b7ca
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<clever> heh, thats even newer then mine
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<clever> mpcsh: what if you run nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' and then try to tab-complete pythonPackages ?
<Denommus> I want to create a package that doesn't include all of the files in the current directory in it, how do I do that?
<michaelpj> I would give so much to have nix-repl's tab completion when using nix commands
<clever> Denommus: builtins.filterSource
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<mpcsh> clever: it works
<bsoudan> looks like i had to set NIX_CONF_DIR manually for it to read my custom config. i didn't realize it the install environment already had explicit NIX_CONF_DIR
<clever> mpcsh: what is the output of nix-channel --list and sudo nix-channel --list?
<bsoudan> not sure why --option verify-https-binary-caches doesn't work for nixos-install (which invokes nix-env) but it does for nix-store though
<bsoudan> i had to remove a few mirrors probably blocked by our proxy (easyname, gnu ftpmirror) but now it seems to be progressing, thanks for the help all
<clever> bsoudan: should ask your local IT why they are against open source, lol
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<mpcsh> clever: nix-channel --list returns nothing, sudo nix-channel --list returns nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable
<bsoudan> haha they're not, in fact they're encouraging it which is partially why i'm here, they're just security paranoid here :(
<clever> mpcsh: can you gist the entire output of "nix-shell -p python36Packages.fontforge -v"
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<clever> bsoudan: might want to point out that they are blocking a number of open-source mirrors
<mpcsh> clever: wait... now it's working
<bsoudan> yeah, i've already sent a ticket, but they're not that fast :)
<clever> mpcsh: i just noticed
<clever> 2017-09-06 13:58:47 < mpcsh> clever: `error: undefined variable ‘python36packages’ at (string):1:66`
<clever> 2017-09-06 13:57:41 < mpcsh> clever: maybe I have it backwards then. how can I run, say, `nix-shell -p python36Packages.fontforge`?
<clever> mpcsh: packages vs Packages
<mpcsh> oh man
<mpcsh> facepalm
<mpcsh> uuuuuuuuugh lmao thank you clever
<Denommus> clever: thanks
<clever> your welcome * 2
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<Denommus> clever: is there a function to convert a dictionary of derivations into a list of derivations? That is, instead of I having to do `buildInputs = [ something.pkgs.one something.pkgs.two ]`, I do something like `buildInputs = someFunction something.pkgs`?
<pop> How do I delete old generations / cleanup my root partition?
<clever> Denommus: thats not a directory, thats an attribute set, and you probably want builtins.attrValues
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.attrValues { a=1; b=2; c=3; }
<clever> [ 1 2 3 ]
<clever> pop: to start with, does just plain `nix-collect-garbage` free up enough space?
<pop> clever: no.
<clever> pop: next is `nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 30d` to get rid of things older then a month
<clever> pop: and if ran as root, it can also delete nixos generations
<Denommus> clever: I said dictionary, not directory XD
<Denommus> clever: but ok, thanks
<clever> Denommus: oops, misread it then, lol
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<clever> Denommus: there is also buildInputs = with something.pkgs; [ one two ];
<pop> clever: Is there any way to add that to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<clever> pop: nix.gc = { automatic = true; options = "--delete-older-than 30d"; }; for example
<pop> Something like when I run `nixos-rebuild switch` it also checks for old generations and removes them.
<pop> Oh dope
<pop> clever++ ty
<clever> pop: by default, it runs it every day at 3:15 am
<Denommus> clever: there are A LOT of packages under something.pkgs, that's why I wanted attrValues
<clever> but you can change when
<clever> Denommus: ahh
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<bsoudan> ugh i think it's rebuilding the world again
<bsoudan> not sure what i'm doing to cause that
<bsoudan> or at least it's definitely rebuilding way more than when i installed 17.03 at home
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5VLJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 572361f Markus Hauck: rawtherapee: 5.0-r1 -> 5.2
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<clever> bsoudan: what kind of things is it rebuilding?
<bsoudan> bootstrap-tools right now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #28920: rawtherapee: 5.0-r1 -> 5.2 (master...rawtherapee-5.2) https://git.io/v50Xt
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<bsoudan> i cancelled it. it had built m4 as well, openssl, lots of other things but i hadn't been paying attention
<clever> bsoudan: yeah, that doesnt sound right, what is the diff for nixpkgs?
<bsoudan> only the mirrors.nix file :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5VLj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 51cede6 Orivej Desh: tiled: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 e642c76 makefu: dnscrypt-wrapper module: fix permissions and options...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 7b17499 pbogdan: nixos/fontconfig: fix substitutions option (#28895)...
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<bsoudan> trying a fresh install now that i know all the right things to do, let's see how that goes
<clever> pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/default.nix: mirrors = import ./mirrors.nix;
<clever> pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/boot.nix:let mirrors = import ./mirrors.nix; in
<clever> that is only loaded in 2 places
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<clever> bsoudan: oh right, there is also a weird glitch in nixos-install
<clever> bsoudan: if it cant contact cache.nixos.org because of network problems, it thinks there is zero binary cache coverage
<clever> bsoudan: so it tries to rebuild everything from scratch
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<bsoudan> hmm
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<bsoudan> it appears to be trying to rebuild the world again. at least it's rebuilding openssl which is where it started last time
<clever> it computed things as being identical to the old config and reused them
<clever> it might be the cache cache
<clever> bsoudan: try deleting /nix/var/nix/binary-cache-v3.sqlite and its journal, on both / and /mnt
<bsoudan> how can i tell if that's getting triggered? i don't see any errors with cache.nixos.org or whatever the correct address is like i did before now that i've figured out how to properly set the nix configuration
<bsoudan> ok trying
<bsoudan> no luck. i'm going to completely restart, reformat, and retry from scratch
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<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> is there a way to create all the low-level derivations for a given derivations closure?
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<catern> the low-level store derivations corresponding to the high-level derivations in the closure of a given high-level Nix derivation, I mean
<catern> like a command line thing or something
<catern> ah
<catern> nix-instantiate
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #28918: haskell/natural-transformation: add dependency on semigroups for GHC 7.10 (master...natural-transformations) https://git.io/v50rM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5Vmb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 58ed8fa Markus Hauck: rawtherapee: 5.0-r1 -> 5.2...
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<bsoudan> i'm going to give up for now. after i restarted and retraced all my steps, now it's having trouble downloading from the binary cache again even though i've set verify-https-binary-caches in 4 different places
<bsoudan> i'm not sure if it had just stopped trying before or not
<clever> bsoudan: what happens if you do "curl https://google.com" ?
<bsoudan> nix-store works fine. nixos-install just doesn't seem to want to honor the verify-https-binary-caches flag. any troubleshooting suggestions would be appreciated, i'll probably pick it up later today or tomorrow
<clever> nixos-install probably uses /mnt/etc/nix/nix.conf
<clever> but --option should have top priority
<bsoudan> option definitely does not work for nixos-install, but it does for nix-store. plain curl works fine if i pass the '--insecure' flag, which is what that option does if you look at download-from-binary-cache.pl, but the perl version
<clever> what error does curl give?
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<bsoudan> can't copy paste but basically 'self-signed certificate in certificate chain. blah blah if you'd like to turn off curl's verification, use the -k or --insecure option'
<clever> ah
<clever> so its not a real proxy, but a transparent proxy
<bsoudan> right
<bsoudan> plain nix, everything works fine for me once i set that option. i've been using it for a few months here on ubuntu
<bsoudan> but i'd like to get nixos installed finally. in any case gotta run for a bit, i'll be back to try more. i'll give /mnt/etc/nix/nix.conf a shot too
<clever> try strace -e execve -f -o /tmp/logfile nixos-install ....
<clever> and then upload the logfile to a pastebin
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* viaken needs to figure out why CIFS won't load.
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<mpcsh> is anyone having their nixos-rebuilds fail somewhere in an autoconf with `configure: error: Invalid GNOME version: 3.24`?
<mpcsh> *anyone else
<clever> mpcsh: what derivation gave that error?
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<catern> is there a pretty-printer for low-level derivations somewhere?
<catern> i.e. an aterm pretty-printer?
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<mpcsh> clever: I can't tell :/
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<clever> mpcsh: it should say what failed, right after that error
<mpcsh> clever: ah, it's arc-theme
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<Denommus> clever: can I get the relative name of a file somehow?
<clever> Denommus: got an example of what your doing?
<Denommus> that is, a function f where (f path ./.) gives me the name of path relative to ./. or something
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<clever> Denommus: if you do ./. in nix, it will automatically become absolute
<ee1943> the irony-server package inherits it's version from the autogenerated emacs irony package. when a new version is released, how long does it typically take for hydra to package it on unstable?
<Denommus> clever: I understand that. The thing is that I need to filter off some of my directories called "assets", but not EVERY directory called asset
<Denommus> but of course, "path" is absolute, when I need a version relative to ./l
<Denommus> *./.
<clever> Denommus: to start with, try running builtins.trace, the value of path may not be what your expecting
<Denommus> clever: I ran trace, I know the value of path is absolute already :)
<clever> ah
<Denommus> but that's my doubt: I want it to be relative. Is it possible?
<clever> i think you want to allow things ending with certain paths, and disallow things ending in others
<clever> i think checking that the string ends in x is simpler
<Denommus> clever: that's a good idea
<Denommus> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to python-unstable: https://git.io/v5VGW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-unstable 9413ec5 Frederik Rietdijk: acd-cli: use python36
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<Denommus> it worked. Yay
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dcbf59d Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pytest-warnings: fix homepage, fixes eval
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 e1d6d73 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.pytest-warnings: fix homepage, fixes eval...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging eb326c9 John Ericson: macos-sierra-shared: Fix, after binutils-wrapper broke it...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 a23b5a1 John Ericson: macos-sierra-shared: Fix, after binutils-wrapper broke it...
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<katyucha> Hi ! I cant rebuild anymore : always this error :
<katyucha> /nix/store/nm9h53kd0ngh28wm42rivh2lc2d69nzl-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash: line 1: 4294 Segmentation fault "/tmp/nix-build-v8-" --log-snapshot-positions --logfile "/tmp/nix-build-v8-"
<katyucha> "/tmp/nix-build-v8-"
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<katyucha> Someone know this error ? any ideas ?
<katyucha> I use 17.09 channel
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #28989: Add XMonad test (master...tests_xmonad) https://git.io/v5uXC
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #29002: docker: Package in module, tests (master...docker_edge_module_test) https://git.io/v5zep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #29040: More basic system tests (master...tests_sys) https://git.io/v524G
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5V8e
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8bd1a22 Tim Steinbach: docker: 17.06.1-ce -> 17.06.2-ce
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 054ed6a Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #29042 from NeQuissimus/docker_17_06_2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5V8t
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 de2697e Tim Steinbach: docker: 17.06.1-ce -> 17.06.2-ce...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5V8N
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7f86024 Matthew Bauer: pinentry-mac: no ‘fill plist’ stuff...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3cb5730 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #29045 from matthewbauer/pinentry-no-fill-plist...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5V4K
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a26bbe5 Théo Zimmermann: coq: fetch source from GitHub
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9efd7a9 Théo Zimmermann: coq_8_7: init at 8.7+beta1
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<brodul> Is there any open source work on building debian packages with nix.
<brodul> ?
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<michaelpj> as in, building nix packages from debian packages, or building debian packages using nix?
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<brodul> building debian packages with nix
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<Profpatsch> brodul: Yes.
<Profpatsch> In fact, that’s how NixOS first started.
<Profpatsch> Eelco compiled nixpkgs packages to debs.
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<brodul> Do you have any reseources on your mind ?
<Profpatsch> The infrastructure should still be available in nixpkgs
<Profpatsch> Yet: I’m not sure how well it still works.
<Profpatsch> brodul: I /think/ maybe it’s pkgs/build-support/release/debian-build.nix
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<Profpatsch> Since most lines in git blame are from pre 2010.
<LnL> doesn't that run in a vm?
<Profpatsch> Some are from 2012, so it could still work.
<Profpatsch> No idea.
<brodul> Ok will play around tnx
<brodul> <3
<thoughtpolice> brodul: Check out how Nix itself uses Nix to package .deb's -- https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/release.nix#L301 -- I've used this feature before and it should still work I imagine.
<brodul> :)
<thoughtpolice> In fact looking at Hydra, all those jobs are clearly still active and passing. So I'd hope they work.
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<thoughtpolice> LnL: Yes, it spins up Debian under QEMU first and does the build there.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5VzC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 51eafbe Daiderd Jordan: ucl: only pass -stc=c90 when using gcc...
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<Denommus> hey
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<Denommus> where can I find the step by step build that python.mkDerivation does?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jamtrott opened pull request #29059: scitools: init at 0.9.0 (master...scitools) https://git.io/v5V2v
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<Denommus> Ankhers: yes, that's exactly what I was looking for, thanks
<Ankhers> No problem :)
<Ankhers> If I am developing a library for $LANGUAGE, would it be possible to run the test suite against a matrix of langauge and database versions using nix?
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<Denommus> Ankhers: maybe you want something like Hydra?
<Ankhers> I was hoping to not have something so heavy handed.
<LnL> sure
<LnL> you can callPackage the expression with a bunch of different versions of the dependencies
<Denommus> ah, yes. Most .nix files are functions, you can just parameterize whatever you want
<LnL> and if you put all the variants in an attrset you can even build them all with a single nix-build command
<Ankhers> I will have to give that a go once we have finished getting the BEAM fixed up.
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<Ankhers> Thanks for the tips!
<LnL> nix-build -A tests will build both
<Ankhers> Thanks for that. I will need to look into that for sure.
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<catern> hey #nixos
<katyucha> hi
<sphalerite> grahamc: finally got the nvidia working \*_\*
<katyucha> ok, so finally, problem on consul services ... hard to find
<catern> is there any kind of protection in nix/nixpkgs against, passing two different versions of the same library into the same derivation where they are linked into the same process?
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<pshendry> Noob packaging question here: I'm using fetchurl on a tarball that contains a single directory; how can I extract the directory contents instead of the archive root? I figure this must happen all the time but I haven't stumbled upon an example of it.
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<pshendry> Ah, I think I'm onto an answer, looking at the unpackPhase in nixpkgs docs
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<pshendry> Yup sourceRoot is what I was looking for
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<Denommus> does anyone here have an example of a nix package for a django application?
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<fresheyeball> hey out there
<fresheyeball> I am failing to add servant-multipart to my project
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<fresheyeball> I did my normal workflow
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<fresheyeball> which is to add it to my cabal file
<fresheyeball> and run cabal2nix --shell ./. > shell.nix
<fresheyeball> when I go to enter the shell it fails with
<fresheyeball> Configuring servant-multipart-
<fresheyeball> Setup: Encountered missing dependencies:
<fresheyeball> servant >=0.10 && <0.12, servant-server >=0.10 && <0.12
<fresheyeball> I tried adding the version bounds for servant and servant-server to my cabal file
<fresheyeball> and re-running cabal2nix
<fresheyeball> I updated my cabal2nix
<fresheyeball> I did a channel update
<fresheyeball> a cabal clean
<fresheyeball> but so far it always fails with the same error
<fresheyeball> which is very annoying
<rycee> Anybody know how to reduce the verbosity to "errors only" in `nix-build`? It defaults to "informational" and adding `-v`, `-vv`, etc. increases verbosity. But I have no luck using, e.g. `-v0` to reduce verbosity…
<rycee> Is it the `--no-build-output, -Q` that corresponds to "errors only"?
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<LnL> there's only -Q AFAIK
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<rycee> LnL: Ok, I'll use that. Thanks.
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<LnL> rycee: you could use nix-store --read-log foo.drv afterwards if you know what failed
<fresheyeball> I downgraded the compiler to 8.0.1, not what I would have liked
<rycee> LnL: Cool! Didn't know about that. Thanks :-)
<fresheyeball> but it configures now
<LnL> with nix 1.12 you can even get the hydra logs from the cache :D
<nliadm> is there a timeline for the new nix commands?
<nliadm> like, are they planned to land for 18.03?
<sphalerite> nliadm: you can get them now with nix-env -iA nixos.nixUnstable
<nliadm> yeah, I just... don't want the unstable ones ;)
<sphalerite> as for them becoming standard, I don't think anyone knows yet
<sphalerite> At least I've asked the same question a few times and not got a satisfying answer either :p
<nliadm> ah, okay
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<viaken> I'm getting "mount error(6): No such device or address" trying to mount a CIFS share. This exact command works fine in my previous distro. Is there a daemon I need running or something?
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<Denommus> ... ok, I need to come up with a way of making my settings.py pure somehow
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<rycee> Hmm, and is there any way to suppress the "these derivations will be built …" and "building path(s) …" stuff that nix-build prints?
<Denommus> rycee: do you mean completely stopping the output from nix-build, or just specific parts?
<rycee> Basically I want nix-build to be completely silent except if an evaluation failed, i.e., it couldn't produce an output path.
<Synthetica> Okay, so I tried installing NixOS in a vm, however, /etc/nixos/configuration.nix seems to be ignored, I tried replacing the lines in the default config with these:
<LnL> don't think so
<Synthetica> services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;
<Synthetica> services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
<Synthetica> services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable = true;
<Synthetica> services.xserver.windowManager.default = "i3";
<Synthetica> However, in the default display manager (which is still the one from KDE), xfce doesn't show up. And no new entries are added in the GRUB menu. Yes, I did a nixos-rebuild switch
<Synthetica> What am I doing wrong?
<rycee> I'm thinking that I may have to redirect stderr to a file and cat that to the terminal if nix-build exits with an error.
<LnL> your best bet is probably to call nix-instantiate and nix-store -r separatly
<LnL> or something like that
<Denommus> rycee: you just made me notice that nix-build always output to stderr. I didn't know that :-/
<LnL> it only sends the output path to stdout so you can use it with $() etc.
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<fresheyeball> erp nope
<fresheyeball> ghc801 did not help
<fresheyeball> I'm out of ideas
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<LnL> are you sure the versions of servant, etc. match what it's looking for?
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<rycee> Ah, found that nix-build recognizes `--quiet` but it isn't in the man page :-)
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<testuser> hi, I've added a new NVM disk into my laptop, which is the third disk inside the laptop and is LUKS-encrypted. The first two are labeled /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, while the new disk is labeled as /dev/nvme0. However, the disk is not detected at boot, since adding: "{ name = "nvmssd"; device = "/dev/nvme0n1"; preLVM = true; allowDiscards = true; }" to boot.initrd.luks.devices provides the following error during boot: "stage-1-init: Device
<testuser> /dev/nvme0n1 doesn't exist or access denied.". Therefore, the /dev/nvme0n1 is not available at the time the LUKS tries to decrypt the disk, is there any reason why this is so and what to do to make the disk available at that boot stage?
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<clever> testuser: boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "nvme" ];
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<testuser> clever, thanks, let me try this.
<testuser> clever, btw: what's the difference between boot.initrd.availableKernelModules and boot.initrd.kernelModules ?
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<clever> availableKernelModules are present in the initrd, but not forcibly loaded, the udev layer will just auto-load things as needed
<clever> kernelModules makes it present, and forcibly loads it
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<testuser> clever, thanks, let me reboot to see the change.
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<bsoudan> clever: ok, found the problem. download-from-binary-cache.pl has a system() callout to curl that does not set --insecure if the verify-https-binary-caches flag is set to false
<bsoudan> hacked up a local version, fixed it, and install is progressing normally now finally. i'll submit a patch
<bsoudan> all done already. that was much better :)
<bsoudan> thanks again for the help today
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pshendry opened pull request #29060: skanlite: init at 2.0.1 (master...master) https://git.io/v5VHu
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<sphalerite> Synthetica: what do `readlink /run/booted-system` and `nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations` say?
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<sphalerite> Synthetica: I suspect the boot entries aren't being generated because of a bootloader config issue or because /boot isn't mounted or similar
<sphalerite> Synthetica: in the meantime, see if your changes get applied if you nixos-rebuild switch then systemctl restart display-manager
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #29061: CODEOWNERS: add Profpatsch to various paths (master...codeowners) https://git.io/v5VdY
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<nh2-web> given that there exists a release-17.09 branch now, do I need to explicitly pull-request changes to master also for that branch if I want them in?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nh2 opened pull request #29062: glusterfs: 3.10.2 -> 3.12.0 (master...glusterfs-3.12) https://git.io/v5VFv
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<tk_> Hi all, how do I specify which compiler nix uses on macOS? I need a compiler with openmp
<nh2-web> tk_: IIRC clang >= 3.8 has openmp supported by default
<tk_> nh2-web: Sure, but nix seems to be using Apple's clang
<tk_> nh2-web: It actually appears to be a newer clang, but I still am wondering how to switch the compiler to gcc
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<nh2-web> I don't know that but I'd imagine copumpkin would know
<copumpkin> Nix doesn't use Apple's clang at all
<nh2-web> tk_: ^
<tk_> copumpkin: Yes, I was wrong about it using Apple's clang. It reports version 4.0.1. However, it seems to lack proper openmp support. It can't find omp.h
<copumpkin> acowley stuff with openmp iirc, but I don't know, sorry
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<nh2-web> tk_
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<tk_> copumpkin: nh2-web: Thanks! I'm still wondering if theres a way to specify which compiler nix uses. Or is it hard coded?
<copumpkin> not hardcoded, but it's in the stdenv. There's stuff like overrideCC
<copumpkin> but I don't know how openmp really works in Nix
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<tk_> copumpkin: Thanks