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<ixxie> heya
<ixxie> makefu, you in?
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] M * Ixxie * (+0)
<makefu> ixxie: hey ho
<ixxie> yo makefu, so I've been wondering about the resource articles
<makefu> what exactly? you want to restructure the whole part?
<ixxie> hmm well not so much really
<ixxie> I am just wondering what will go in them
<ixxie> because if its just a description of these categories, they might as well be dropped from the top nav menu
<makefu> ah yes we could drop it
<ixxie> because the only really 'complete' article is the discussion one
<ixxie> and its designed for writers and not readers
<makefu> yes correct
<ixxie> I think in an ideal situation these articles would serve as a table of contents, helping the reader navigate all the articles of that category
<ixxie> there is in the bottom of course a list of links to all the category articles but they are organized alphabetically which isn't the most helpful thing in this situation
<makefu> i saw the structure you did in the resources page and your intent.
<makefu> giving readers a way to navigate from "easy" to "in-depth" would be great
<makefu> however i am not sure if a lot of readers would really use the wiki like this
<ixxie> makefu - well that makes a good case for simply having a single resources page to give an overview
<ixxie> because it makes it more likely to be used
<ixxie> it would just be called resources and would be what is now called Resource Overview
<makefu> mh, okay
<ixxie> because THAT page I think is genuinely helpful
<makefu> yes you may be right
<ixxie> what do you think would be a more useful way for users to find content?
<makefu> and we tick stuff off our list of todos
<makefu> the search
<makefu> + google
<makefu> :D
<ixxie> heh
<ixxie> yeah I guess that it normally the way people use stuff xD
<makefu> maybe we could squash the articles into one and not bother too much about it.
<makefu> the resource articles*
<makefu> then the missing parts are hydra and nixops
<ixxie> Well I think each category article should still outline at least a style guide
<ixxie> but if we remove them from the menu they wouldnt be considered skeleton articles anymore
<ixxie> so we can postpone that
<makefu> yes
<ixxie> and since the table in the resource overview article will take about a year to fill up, we have a lot of time before we need to think about making a large amount of resources navigable
<makefu> yes :D
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Tweeki-navbar-left]] * Ixxie * (-159)
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/move]] move * Ixxie * moved [[Resource Overview]] to [[Resources]]
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Tweeki-navbar-left]] * Ixxie * (-19)
<ixxie> makefu: hurrah! I always like to say problems that can't be solved can at least be dissolved xD
<makefu> haha good one
<ixxie> (alcohol helps of course)
<ixxie> So that leaves us with NixOps and Hydra
<ixxie> aka that stuff past us put off for future us to deal with
<ixxie> makefu did you see btw that samueldr did some streamlining on the front page ^^
<makefu> neat
<makefu> maybe for kickstarting we could simply copy-paste joepie91's hydra gist :D
<ixxie> that looks more like a manual than a discussion
<makefu> T_T
<ixxie> but we can use it to kickstart a Hydra manual
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Ixxie * (+4)
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Ixxie * (+1)
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Ixxie * (+1)
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Ixxie * (-5)
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Ixxie * (+0)
<ixxie> makefu: shall we each foster one of the last two articles?
<ixxie> fadenb, samueldr - a heads up - we are two articles away from finishing the wiki skeleton
<ixxie> whats the status on the rest of
<samueldr> new homepage is, as I said, designed, the contents I wasn't too keen on selecting
<joepie91> ixxie: makefu: fwiw, feel free to reuse that hydra gist, with or without attribution :P
<joepie91> under whatever license the wiki uses
<joepie91> (all my stuff is under WTFPL/CC0, so reuse at will)
<samueldr> for the installation guide (not in this project I see), started, it needs time to write
<ixxie> thanks joepie91! The easiest for attribution is if you copy paste it to the wiki using your account, then the history will have your commit there and we can tweak it from there
<ixxie> if you can't be bothered I can do it for you, thus reaping the glory xD
<joepie91> ixxie: feel free to do it for me :P
<ixxie> samueldr: I can help edit the content of the homepage if you want
<joepie91> if you're concerned about attribution, you can always link the original gist in the 'commit message' :)
<joepie91> iirc that's what was done for multi-user nix too
<ixxie> oh cool idea! I will do that
<joepie91> (what's this called in mediawiki? change description?)
<samueldr> ixxie: feel free to re-organize, and if there's something more fancy you'd like designed in a box, or elsewhere, ask
<ixxie> samueldr: alright, so how exactly do I do that xD
<samueldr> look at the source :)
<samueldr> it'a almost a cross between the menu (that you already edit) and standard templates
<samueldr> oh, and use the edit link in the footer!
<ixxie> hah! that is easier
<ixxie> alright cool
<ixxie> samueldr: what about your templates action point?
<samueldr> ah!, missed that one
<samueldr> anybody can technically do it, but I think most of it has been done meanwhile
<ixxie> samueldr: shall I just mark it as done?
<samueldr> if there is any issue left, I probably wouldn't have seen it anyway, since I've been using templates
<ixxie> I will take it as a yes :)
<samueldr> (I already did it :))
<ixxie> ^^
<ixxie> fadenb: any word on your action point?
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOps]] * Ixxie * (+30)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Wiki:News]] * Ixxie * (+2) Fixed dates standard international format.
<nixoswikibot> [[Main Page]] * Ixxie * (-22)
<ixxie> samueldr: do you think we could embed option and package searchbars one of the boxes in the homepage?
<fadenb> ixxie: you mean export and config dump? that's in progress, actually started today to clean up the config
<ixxie> cool
<samueldr> no and yes
<samueldr> packages, not yet (unless we link to my own implementation)
<samueldr> options, possibly, though it will need some JS shenanigans (which I can now do as a trusted user)
<fadenb> hopefully I will have some more time tomorrow, need to prepare nixos training for some colleagues, I am trying to combine it to have a realistic example :p
<ixxie> cool
<samueldr> o/ nixos training is good training
<ixxie> indeed :)
<ixxie> so we are in the home stretch
<ixxie> !
<ixxie> anybody wanna adopt NixOps / Hydra articles?
<ixxie> I could do one of them
<ixxie> samueldr: I am just trying to picture what I wanna see on the homepage; ideally, it would be sort of a Nix-world launch page
<ixxie> samueldr: so the searchbars, and maybe also a github box with a feed of latest PRs
<nixoswikibot> [[User:Samueldr/Sandbox.js]] N * Samueldr * (+20) Test
<ixxie> btw - I made so that we can start listing stuff for the next push
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Samueldr * deleted "[[User:Samueldr/Sandbox.js]]": This was a test...
<nixoswikibot> [[Main Page]] * Ixxie * (+154)
<nixoswikibot> [[Main Page]] * Ixxie * (-2)
<samueldr> your formatting smells like markdown!
<samueldr> :)
<nixoswikibot> [[Main Page]] * Ixxie * (+9)
<nixoswikibot> [[Main Page]] * Ixxie * (+11)
<nixoswikibot> [[Main Page]] * Ixxie * (-6)
<ixxie> hah
<ixxie> yeah samueldr - its hard to kick that habbit
<samueldr> :)
<samueldr> yes it is
<ixxie> hmm
<ixxie> samueldr: would a feeding to a box on the homepage be feasable?
<samueldr> anything needing javascript as of right now is "probably not easily"
<samueldr> there's complications in how mediawiki handles all that
<samueldr> as long as the config isn't available to make pull requests, I'd say no
<samueldr> after that, it depends
<ixxie> anyway, just a thought
<ixxie> bedtime now :)
<ixxie> good work everybody
<ixxie> we will have this done in a week or two I am sure :)
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<makefu> Reaktor|krebs: tell ixxie i will try to set up hydra and play around with it
<Reaktor|krebs> Consider it noted.
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Makefu * (+933)
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Makefu * (+311) add resources
<makefu> hey joepie91, what do i exactly need to do to just build a single package (e.g. radare2) in hydra. i've set up the service and user. what do i need to add in terms of "project" and job set?
<nixoswikibot> [[Hydra]] * Makefu * (+475)
<joepie91> makefu: no idea! I haven't gotten that far yet :)
<joepie91> got interrupted by client work halfway through
<joepie91> and have not yet gotten back to it
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