it caused accountservice to cache nothing, or a wrong value (think it was default( which touches https://github.com/elementary/greeter/issues/368 because it won't select anything
elementary/greeter#368 (by worldofpeace, 9 weeks ago, open): tries to start nonexistant sessions if the user last used them
worldofpeace yeah, it happens if I remove `defaultSession = "pantheon"`
user-session defaults to default in lightdm.conf
error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting ')', at (string):271:80
56M total
pretty cool :)
Still has coreutils and gnugrep though :P
But pretty good compared to 250MB
yeah, gnugrep is also referenced from the rbconfig
as is coreutils
so they should be safe to nuke as well
manveru: Hm, not as safe, you’d have to nuke stuff that references mkdir and rmdir, that might well be something even the standard library needs
So I guess those are fine.
Profpatsch: 3 more megs and you're in the same ballpark as python3Minimal
yeah, fileutils depends on that at least
adisbladis: No need to make ruby as nice as python :P
but then you can just wrap into another env ^^;
is it unsafe to create symlinks manually in /dev/ ? like if I don't go through udev, will I get in trouble later?
gchristensen: dont see that big of a problem from it, just be aware that they wont perist thru a reboot, and whatever your linking may not exist in the future
gchristensen: udev also has rules to create symlinks for you
yeah, I can't really use udev because I need network acses which isn't available in early boot
what needs symlinks that early and also network?
deciding what symlinks to make involves network calls :P
is this packet.net related?
i have seen people brick machines before, by doing network in an activation script
it works when you switch, but it fails when you boot
and it fails in such an unexpected way, and doesnt put systemd into PATH
then it tries to continue the boot, and fails with the weirdest of errors
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Jan Tojnar: Thanks, the validation makes sense there
gchristensen: it's cool, also unexpected for me. (though most course of events here have been unexpected :D)
worldofpeace fetchpatch just drops renames
Jan Tojnar: I guess this makes patches more reliable
worldofpeace more like renames are not part of the standard patch format
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but some kind of git extensions
ugh, this means all the moved icons aren't going to be there
rename from files/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/xapp-go-history-previous-symbolic.svg etc
worldofpeace: you could also just fetchFromGitHub the new rev?
instead of trying to patch from old->new
clever: yeah, but it's actually a patch from a PR
so then it'd have to be my fork that I control and rebased
there is some benefit to forking everything as salsa.debian.org does
also, github treats every fork as a single massive repo
so rev's from the forks, can be fetched from any fork, or the original
so, you could slip a rev into your fetchFromGitHub, which isnt in the upstream repo, but still fetch it from "upstream" :P
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clever++ that's what I like to do with fetchpatch
clever's karma got increased to 279
though PRs are usually against master, so fetchFromGitHub would not work
unless we preserve .git and cherry-pick the commits in postFetch
at that point, I would be considering just adding the git-produced patch in-tree
and I really hate in-tree patches with passion
jtojnar: what i mean, is that if you fork a repo, and push changes the the fork, i can use fetchFromGitHub against the original repo, but use a rev from the fork
and it will just work, even without the .git
clever you are right, that will work too
Reading the very last comment of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/issues/543 "but still it's a nice property for a system to make the wrong thing - executing a non-existent binary - impossible to happen, instead of delegating the problem to error UIs.". TBH, why can't they check the path exists in the Exec case? Perhaps we should just patch it, since things in nixos can be ran uninstalled
meh IO
worldofpeace I think because the gio-unix API is badly designed and does not support handling failures
it is common issue (e.g. AccountService does not tell you when you cannot change username/password), I would say it has something to do with how terrible language C is
accountsservice is on some silly stuff something, though. Yep, 😁 C is easily a "wants to be untouched" lang for me.