genesis: you mean how long it takes for something to go to nixos 19.09 for example?
Usually until the next release, except for security patches
You can request a backport of a new package though.
And then what to brush, idk, just follow a good and dentist-approved routine
oki thanks
hmm, cross compiled nix depends on gcc :/
so should we remove the "new services" section of the release notes? or, alternatively, actually fill it out from now on?
i'm pretty guilty of never adding to it i realized...
aanderse: I feel like filling it out once for all modules when the release is happening is less painful than filling it out every time a module is added
No need for many people to mess with xml and no need to point it out to people
And also I feel like this kind of thing should be automated anyways
infinisil: discourse thread created
E.g. by having a `meta.introducedIn = "19.09"` field in modules
on the other hand, I sort of think it would be good to have the PRs adding services document it in the "new services" section with a user-focused perspective about why people should care
seems like a good idea, though who will do that i wonder...
gchristensen: also a very good point
you cared enough to create a module... show it off to the world! ;-)
gchristensen: Wouldn't this be better in a general doc section instead of the release notes?
in my mind it would create a bit of a filter on what modules get added
Though the release notes are an ideal place to find out about new things.
__monty__: How about having docs for all modules in a general place, but link to those from the release notes
That could be fine. Doesn't reduce work for anyone though. I'd expect the release notes to be one-liner motivations for the new services. I'd still expect that one-liner to be *in* the release notes even if they also link to a place with more info.
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__monty__: I like the idea of using module meta fields for this. `meta.introducedIn` and `meta.docString` or something like that
To make it super easy, without having to mess with xml files
(Ideally docString would be markdown or so!)
If a docString is present, convert that to a section on the module in the general manual section, and link to it from the release notes for the release from introducedIn
gchristensen: On a related note: I'm probably gonna investigate improving the module system speed today, like by a lot, hopefully, then we shouldn't worry as much about which modules to include
infinisil's karma got increased to 170
that is, again, I've done that like twice before
20+ machine nixops networks aren't super fast
infinisil: if you can remember to do you mind pinging me on any PRs you make to increase speed? just informational :)
Isn't this the sort of thing we could have an OfBorg check for or something?
I agree with gchristensen that it would be better written by the module authors
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aanderse: I'll try to :)
As a maintainer I agree that it seems unnecessarily burdensome to have to reverse engineer a reason for adding a service for X-ty services. But a meta.docString rather than having to manually write xml seems great.
qyliss: definitely :)
infinisil: I still want to worry some, speed isn't everything -- having a curated set is useful for users
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Re: having a curated set is useful for users — having more stuff also is, and curated set with a ton of curators and no clear criteria doesn't sound that great
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gchristensen: Yeah
I also have this idea of separating NixOS modules into unstable/stable. When people add a module, it is an unstable one by default. Only after the module has been extensively put to the test and refined it can become stable
This allows us to do changes to unstable modules even after introduction without worrying about backwards comp (because those don't have any such guarantees)
I should've seen this earlier, but whether you set options is one thing, but whether those options are *accessed* is another
While I was able to not load modules when options aren't set, they should be loaded anyways when they are accessed, but there is no way to detect whether options are accessed, I think
Oh although, maybe I can work around that..
Nah, it just doesn't work.. :(
It might work with a builtins.tryEval, but that's kind of ugly..
Eh, I guess anything is better than our awful eval times, I'll look into using builtins.tryEval
Never mind, that won't work
> builtins.tryEval {}.foo
error: attribute 'foo' missing, at (string):1:18
tryEval can't recover from that
Wait for testing attribute presence you do not even need tryEval
Just ?
MichaelRaskin: If bob uses config.networking.whatever in some NixOS module for example, without ever setting that value
The module that defines whatever needs to be included, but there's no way to know that bob accesses whatever
(time until infinisil proposes a property-like mechanism for Nix: 3… 2… 1…)
Not sure what you mean by that!
Getters or metatables or overloadable lookup function or whatever
The only real solution is, of course, looking at Nixpkgs and finding a way to build a system out of «just» overlays
Hm I'm not sure about that, overlays are very imperative
Well, the main code is all on the pure functional level
Then overlay-style override can be used for configuration
After all, module system is emulating writeable shared state with duistributed access…
It's not real state though, since all options are only written once
Nothing can be changed
* gchristensen
thinks about definable merge behavior
I would say that with all the mkForce and defineable merge, «nothing can be changed» sounds more like a fatalistic statement, than as a promise
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Hm, thinking about how this situation can be rescued in the best way
And one idea is to require modules to declare `usesConfig = { networking.whatever = true; }` as the set of config values they need to access
It's not very nice but it's the best thing I can imagine being possible without huge amounts of work
(where huge amounts of work = a module system rewrite fully incompatible with the current one)
Yay, full NixOS configuration system redesign.
MichaelRaskin: Hm, why do you think something like overlays are the way to go for system configuration?
Well, it is a cleaner approach in terms of evaluation flow, and seems to scale well enough for Nixpkgs?
MichaelRaskin: What would be the benefit for end users?
I feel like it would have an overall worse experience
It's hard to beat services.foo.enable = true;
services = [ … foo ];
Doesn't actually seem worse
MichaelRaskin: And in another module it would be `services = old.services ++ [ bar ];`?
If you miss the old.services they get cleared
Well, the user lists top-level services, the dependencies get included inthe background
Like with packages
But if you want to have some modularity
Set services in multiple files
as a user
And packages As a user I want an evaluation logic that is not a damned magic show and does not take forever
I think by now evaluating a test NixOS VM with empty configuration takes longer than evaluating my actual system
That is an argument :)
(my actual system is not NixOS, uses hand-written bootscripts and a few layers of overlays)
In the old old old times, when NixOS config was plain data, I wanted some modularity just for my _package list_ of all things.
Sure, I quickly wrote a few files that took the parameters like pkgs: and returned values — lists of packages — separated by topic
Then on the top level, whatever = whatever_web ++ whatever_partitions; or something
I think one very benificial thing on the module system is that it allows you to write a module that does a couple things which you can just load and it works, without having to go to lengths to figure out how to apply its changes
Yep, that's how every system with spaghetti global variables is motivated in the beginning
In principle, overlay-based configuration obviously allows you to write some module that you just say .override{import ./module.nix;} and it magically does everything…
But with module system this is more or less the only way of doing things
Hmm I guess that's still possible with overlays yeah
MichaelRaskin: Do you have your code online?
I believe this was asked before but I think the answer was no
Monotone is an actual DVCS and not that Git undesigned horror optimised for FS no longer in use
But now it is effectively dead
Which doesn't mean it stops working, of course…
MichaelRaskin: Where's like the top-level file?
MichaelRaskin: This doesn't have any type checking as of now right?
I guess that could be added though
It doesn't, its goal is just to support the real stuff happenning in the Lisp code
Just happens to be large enough to demonstrate the structure I prefer
And I guess also some utils for things like `nixOptions = super.nixOptions // { extraOptions = super.nixOptions.extraOptions or "" + ` could be implemented
And I guess RFC#42 would provide some nice cleanups
Because it is really completely generic and doesn't depend on anything above or below it
Just «maybe we should have a generic-ish abstraction of configuration file»
And of course Nixpkgs package files (default.nix) are insanely more reusable than NixOS modules…
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I give up on this for today, module speed improvement failed for the most part