samueldr changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: #nixos-dev NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | NixOS 19.09 is released! | | | 19.09 RMs: disasm, sphalerite |
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<fpletz> __red__: my goal is actually complexity reduction but at the same time add new features (like policy routing, new interface types, automatic container networking). of course both goals contradict each other, but networkd nicely abstracts away the complexity of configuring the linux networkd stack ourselves
<fpletz> __red__: I'm sorry I've made you feel you are the "problem". I'm convinced though that networkd is currently the best abstraction for linux network configuration management and if we can take advantage of that, we should. also not a systemd fanboy here, just my technical opinion after looking at all popular options.
<fpletz> so the outcome of the sprint and the rfc process might be that we might still support scripted networking in the long run. but since scripted networking is buggy we should drop some features and only support configurations that work in all combinations (i.e. no ifs depending on other ifs like vlans, bonds, bridges)
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<red[m]> fpletz: like I said I put it down to the fact you had to cram a whole lot in in a short period of time. I'm a great believer in assuming good faith.
<red[m]> If I could rip any part of systemd out, it might surprise you... it would be journald.
<red[m]> I'm actually "at peace" with almost the rest of it
<red[m]> probably because NixOS is the only distro that's actually made it invisible.
<red[m]> because with any other distro you have to debug... and my main issue with the entirety of systemd is that its instrumentation is horrible and its bahaviour horribly defined.
<red[m]> NixOS just lets me rollback so problems solved.
<aanderse> samueldr: did you have any thoughts about the services.httpd examples in the manual that we briefly discussed the other night? (thoughts meaning "know anyone interested in rewriting those parts?")
<samueldr> didn't think about that
<gchristensen> clever: (redirecting from #nixos) I wrote that casually one day and it accidentally made it to prod
<clever> lol, been there
<clever> gchristensen: it should go even more production!, add it to nixpkgs!
<gchristensen> noope
<gchristensen> better to add it to hydra properly
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<__red__> Hopefully - that's my personal irc <-> matrix bridge now working
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<red[evilred]> maybe
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<yorick> would be nice if wordpress and mediawiki modules worked for nginx :/
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<jtojnar> How do we handle filesystem dependent tests?
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<LnL> don't run them?
<tilpner> Run them with full VM tests, instead of checkPhase?
<tilpner> More effort than disabling them, so that shouldn't be required
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<__monty__> The post LGTM.
<domenkozar[m]> __monty__: thanks!
<adisbladis> domenkozar[m]: LGTM :)
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<FRidh> hi gchristensen. Could you enable the python3 hydra project?
<gchristensen> FRidh: enabled, and set to a polling interval of 0 which means you have to triger an eval each time you want an eval
<FRidh> great, thanks
<gchristensen> yep!
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<gchristensen> if you're ever curious if something is wrong with a channel or website update,
<gchristensen> "oh weird, I wonder why the homepage update is failing" -> interesting an alert -> looks like its been nearly out of disk for some time now
<tilpner> gchristensen: Did you get an alert at 6 minutes ago?
<tilpner> s/an alert/a notification/
<gchristensen> due to the NoFreeSpace4HrsAway alert?
<gchristensen> but no I didn't. I'm not sure about hooking it up to notifying me without having clarity around boundaries and shared responsibility
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<tilpner> gchristensen: The notifications aren't sensitive, right?
<gchristensen> all the data is public, and the notifications aren't sensitive :)
<tilpner> Webhook to mqtt-sender might be quick to do
<gchristensen> what would that do?
<tilpner> Alternatively I can offer webhook->pythonscript->matrix->irc
<tilpner> The notifications would go to e.g. #nixos-bots
<tilpner> That way it's not your responsiblity alone (though you might still be the only one able to fix it)
<gchristensen> we could put it in to {^_^} with a little flask application probably
<gchristensen> would you like to write that?
<tilpner> I already have a flask script that sends messages to a Matrix room
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<tilpner> It should be easy to adapt, but I wouldn't be able to test it
<gchristensen> one moment
<tilpner> If you already know how to mqtt with Python, it should be 1-3 lines of changing
<gchristensen> is all it takes to publish to {^_^} (where AMQPAPI there is a configurable string) then the next bit is taking and making a nice message
<tilpner> I really like to be able to test things ._.
<gchristensen> I can give temporary credentials to send messages for testing :)
<gchristensen> tilpner: if this sounds good, let me know and I'll go for it. I would like to stick to using {^_^}'s tooling since it already exists
<tilpner> I'm having weird network troubles right now, but perhaps after that
<tilpner> ( times out, but DNS resolves)
<gchristensen> oy :)
<tilpner> I have no idea how to debug this, and waiting until it fixes itself seems wrong too
<tilpner> I guess I can restart things at random, but that's not great
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<dhess> Any Hydra folks around?
<tilpner> Hydra users? Hydra developers?
<dhess> sorry, devs
<tilpner> It's generally better to just ask questions instead of asking for people to commit an unknown question
<tilpner> *to an
<cransom> maybe dhess was looking for a many headed creature, never know.
<niksnut> samueldr: now points to
<samueldr> thanks!
<gchristensen> woo!
<samueldr> (looks like something is not right, but that's something we can fix I guess)
<gchristensen> samueldr: what's the trouble?
<samueldr> that github 404 :)
<samueldr> it should have an index.html
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<LnL> hmm, since when are there channel branches like nixpkgs-unstable, etc. on the main repo?
<samueldr> a couple weeks ago
<samueldr> IIRC for flakes use
<LnL> not sure I like that, it's going to confuse a lot of people
<gchristensen> it has
<worldofpeace> lol, every time I try to open a pr to release branches I'm hesitant if it's the right one :D
<LnL> guess ideally github wouldn't allow targeting a protected branch in merge requests
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