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<LnL> is there a way to figure out the correct nix-build command for a file without building a lookup table first?
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<Profpatsch> LnL: you mean the correct attribute to build for a file?
<Profpatsch> That’s very ill-defined.
<Profpatsch> As in: There could be multiple attributes referencing different parts of a file.
<Profpatsch> I think you can only go by convention.
<Profpatsch> Alternatively by imposing some structure, like saying each file name has to match the attribute name minus .nix for example.
<LnL> I can handle that with the index
<LnL> only edgecase are packages with multiple entrypoints (eg. overrides)
<LnL> what I'm trying to do is find nix-build ./. -A hello, given pkgs/applications/misc/hello/default.nix:15
<vcunat> the other way around it's easier (attribute name -> expression path)
<vcunat> I don't expect you can do this direction without some kind of indexing
<LnL> yeah, so I'm going to use that to build the index
<LnL> but was hoping for a way to avoid that since it introduces state and takes ~20s to calculate for nixpkgs
<Profpatsch> LnL: What is the actual task you are trying to solve?
<LnL> guess I could start with the naive implementation and worry about caching later
<Profpatsch> Because reverse direction lookup is a hack at best.
<LnL> hmm? so nix edit is also a hack?
<Profpatsch> And everything but universal and bug-free.
<Profpatsch> LnL: Nix-edit goes by the file name of the position of the `derivation` symbol.
<Profpatsch> Which is quite possible from inside the nix parser library.
<Profpatsch> Or maybe the `name` attribute, I don’t remember.
<Profpatsch> LnL: Ah, then it uses a builtin to add the path to the current file to the meta attribute?
<LnL> I'm using the same information, just in reverse. And I'm fine with failing if it's ambiguous
<Profpatsch> Well, it’s not really information in reverse.
<Profpatsch> It’s just guesswork.
<Profpatsch> You’d need a way to add attribute path information to derivations.
<Profpatsch> Hm, but even then that’s a multiset of paths, an inversion of symbolic information.
<LnL> then you'd have to instantiate all of nixpkgs to use it
<Profpatsch> Attributes are on a different semantic level.
<Profpatsch> The file annotation just works because it’s appended on the same semantic level (evaluation of nix expression), cached inside the next level (drv files) and then read by the nix tool.
<Profpatsch> *nix tooling
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<jtojnar> is there a reason why we do not use multiple outputs for pulseaudio and instead build it twice and delete files in the library package (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/4bbaf453b4c94f126470c543c71867e6357b2996/pkgs/servers/pulseaudio/default.nix#L125-L126)
<jtojnar> probably just legacy reasons, there are PRs attempting to split: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39683
<{^_^}> #39683 (by matthewbauer, closed): Remove uses of libOnly
<domenkozar> peti: do we have a fix for MAX_ARG on horizon?
<samueldr> anyone else I should have cc-ed on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43169 ?
<{^_^}> #43169 (by samueldr, open): Fixes `stripDirs` use after signature change
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<LnL> domenkozar: did you find the commit(s) that increased the flag count?
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