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<clever> '/nix/store/.links/00q2khm0sgrlijinbkbz0hrxkx464hh327kira9qqapqz907fn8f' has maximum number of links
<clever> -r--r--r-- 65000 root root 56 Jan 1 1970 /nix/store/.links/00q2khm0sgrlijinbkbz0hrxkx464hh327kira9qqapqz907fn8f
<clever> yikes!
<Profpatsch> clever: Oh, cool.
<Profpatsch> Symlinks or hardlinks?
<clever> hardlinks
<Profpatsch> Ah, I see.
<clever> ext4
<Profpatsch> Would have been strange if symlinks had a limit like that.
<Profpatsch> clever: Oh wait, is that the --optimize thing?
<clever> yep
<clever> there are over 65,000 copies of Setup.hs in the store
<Profpatsch> Haha, lol.
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<Profpatsch> clever: If you have a store like that, it might make sense to switch to zfs or btrfs, in case they don’t have these limits.
<clever> at least one other user has also run into this issue, with a file containing +0: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1522#issuecomment-337178973
<clever> Profpatsch: because every file in .links is named after a hash of its contents, you can just cat the file volth pasted, and see its contents on your own machine
<Profpatsch> Oh, birthday paradox. Nice.
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<clever> Profpatsch: no worse then /nix/store paths, the storepaths are based on a TRUNCATED hash
<Profpatsch> ahaha, i see.
<Profpatsch> Is this better with other file systems?
<Profpatsch> In the worst case there’s always prefix trees :P
<clever> zfs dedup has 2 modes, on, and verify
<clever> verify will compare blocks when the hashes match up, for the paranoid
<clever> on just trusts that a birthday paradox hasnt occured
<vcunat> aminechikhaoui: http://ix.io/1ifL
<domenkozar> clever: I think that error is not an issue
<domenkozar> well besides that you don't safe space anymore :D
<domenkozar> btw guys
<domenkozar> I'd like to merge staging-next to master
<domenkozar> there's a mass-rebuild due to ghc
<domenkozar> and another for all nixos failures
<domenkozar> all target for master
<srhb> domenkozar: extra-utils fix included there? Otherwise I guess there's no huge point.
<domenkozar> on the other hand, staging-next is ready
<domenkozar> srhb: that's the "nixos failures" part
<srhb> Nice :) I approve.
<domenkozar> so graham is not around
<domenkozar> but I wonder how much will that break ofborg
<srhb> Oh, good point.
<domenkozar> FRidh: gchris`wednesday thoughts?
<domenkozar> cc vcunat
<srhb> I think gchristensen is still recovering from surgery.
<domenkozar> yeah, he does type on twitter so in case he's looking
<domenkozar> oh right he probably doesn't have laptop access
<vcunat> he wrote he won't be at a computer until tomorrow
<srhb> He probably shouldn't be typing either, sillyhead... :-)
<LnL> domenkozar: what's the question?
<domenkozar> LnL: see above 20 lines of my monolouge
<domenkozar> if we should merge staging-next to master.
<FRidh> how about we merge master into staging-next, and then staging-next into master
<FRidh> we won't merge staging yet into staging-next
<LnL> ^ that makes the most sense to me
<FRidh> if we retrigger staging-next we will have more shares for that rebuild
<domenkozar> but then master is broken
<domenkozar> for nixos
<FRidh> you mean, currently
<domenkozar> yes
<domenkozar> while staging-next wouldn't be
<FRidh> no, we cross-merge
<FRidh> so they're identical
<LnL> what's the nixos issue?
<FRidh> failing tests due to mesos
<FRidh> mesos has been reverted
<LnL> mesos or meson?
<domenkozar> FRidh: ok, pushed mesos fix and master to staging-next
<clever> domenkozar: has this been fixed already? https://gist.github.com/archaeron/02ca304fe72ac1eebf1285152b22bd15
<LnL> domenkozar: I'd propose master -> staging-next -> wait for a broken test pass -> master
<aminechikhaoui> vcunat: thanks, I'll have a look
<domenkozar> clever: first time I see that
<vcunat> aminechikhaoui: thanks
<vcunat> :-)
<clever> domenkozar: the user is in #nixos, same username as on github
<clever> domenkozar: he is having trouble with his old stack2nix failing to find primitive, and he cant build master
<vcunat> there are some security fixes in master..staging-next (not sure how severe)
<domenkozar> merging staging-next as well and cancelling rest of the builds
<domenkozar> clever: let me handle staging first
<domenkozar> then we can do stack2nix
<clever> sure
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<clever> domenkozar: he got stack2nix to build in a vm on a mac, so its all working now
<domenkozar> :thumbsup:
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<domenkozar> I think I broke hydra
<domenkozar> :(
<FRidh> haha queue is quite empty
<clever> domenkozar: do you have root on the hydra?
<domenkozar> no
<domenkozar> I don't have access to hydra
<domenkozar> ah it works now
<domenkozar> ok, waiting on trunk eval.
<domenkozar> ok, trunk is evaled, I won't trigger staging-next as there are no resources to compete with.
<domenkozar> eh
<FRidh> is it possible for a setupHook to add/extend a postFixup phase?
<FRidh> postFixupHooks+= ?
<clever> /home/clever/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/cygwin/wrap-exes-to-find-dlls.sh:postFixupHooks+=(_cygwinWrapExesToFindDlls)
<clever> FRidh: looks like it is, thats already in use in 3 hooks
<domenkozar> peti: can you share the sed script?
<peti> For turning a Hydra page into configuration-hackage2nix.yaml file?
<domenkozar> yeah
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<peti> domenkozar: I am sorry. I would share the script if I had something to share but I acually haven't automated that part. I use a trivial search-and-replace command in Emacs, but I just enter manually when I need it.
<peti> domenkozar: Basicallly, replace "^.*haskellPackages\." with " " and ".x86_64-linux.*$" with ": [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]".
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<domenkozar> peti: that's fair, thanks :)
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<aminechikhaoui> copumpkin: I remember you mentioned you're using 5th generation EC2 instances without issues, looks like there was no AMI created with this fix https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39164 ?
<{^_^}> #39164 (by ngortheone, merged): Fix root volume resizing on EC2 KVM instances (M5, C5, etc)
<aminechikhaoui> is that right ?
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<clever> Profpatsch: related to the birthday paradox mentioned earlier: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/libstore/store-api.cc#L104
<clever> Profpatsch: nix only uses the first 160 bits of a sha256 when generating storepaths
<clever> Profpatsch: that hash also includes the name at the end of the path, so even if you can collide a given hash, you need to know the target before you start your collision finder
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<Profpatsch> +2
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<domenkozar> peti: I've pushed a commit that removes all soft build constraints
<domenkozar> can you rerun your script?
<domenkozar> force pushes will be tricky with multiple people collaborating
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