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<teto1> could we do sthg for remote uris pleeeaaase whttps://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/824 , lingering since april with exciting follow up contributions
<ikwildrpepper> teto1: don't know much about the libvirt backend, only see one issue, is that it still breaks backward compatibility, right?
<ikwildrpepper> (imageDir option removed)
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<gchristensen> I wonder what is the minimum amount of work required to make nixops take plugins
<gchristensen> then we could stop having to "adopt" support for N backends and stop having people suffer by waiting in PR for Y time
<niksnut> very little
<niksnut> nixops currently loads all resource modules from a directory
<niksnut> this could be turned into a plugin path
<gchristensen> nice!
<clever> niksnut: whats the plan with the memoize branch?, ive been trying to debug a nixops deployment that needs ~26gig of ram to eval
<clever> environments allocated bytes: 9462318816 (25%)
<clever> values allocated bytes: 13527075144 (36%)
<clever> sets allocated: 45539068 (13114618496 bytes (35%))
<clever> sets: 45539068 (8 each, 347 mb total), attrs-in-sets: 531262748 (24 each, 12159 mb total)
<clever> i was able to shave several gig off by removing nixops from systemPackages (no clue why that did it), but 26gig is still pretty high
<gchristensen> I might send a PR adding plugin support then
<niksnut> clever: did you try the memoize branch?
<clever> niksnut: not yet, and i lost the link to it
<niksnut> I'm not sure if I made it to work with nixops
<clever> i think it needed a nixpkgs patch as well to help
<niksnut> yes
<clever> niksnut: whats the link to that branch?
<gchristensen> its called memoize
<gchristensen> oh, memoise =)
<clever> thanks
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<gchristensen> niksnut: what was that secret option to prevent nixos-rebuild from working if you have uncommitted changes? :P
<gchristensen> was it a `fetchGit .`?
<infinisil> gchristensen: I just have a wrapper that forces me to commit first :)
<infinisil> Also asks me to change the branch first if I'm on master
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<niksnut> gchristensen: I don't think that exists yet
<niksnut> hm, we have a rather severe loss of precision printing floating point numbers
<Profpatsch> niksnut: Yeah. :(
<Profpatsch> Don’t try to compare or add or subtract (or anything) them, you will hate yourself.
<Profpatsch> Nor print them. :P
<niksnut> afaict only printing is a problem
<michaelpj> there was a surprisingly interesting pldi paper this year about printing floats
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<niksnut> another stat on Nixpkgs performance deterioration: 'time nix-shell -p --command true -I nixpkgs=/home/eelco/Dev/nixpkgs/' takes 0.24s on 17.09, and 0.48s on master
<gchristensen> wow
<clever> niksnut: before i got to build the memoise branch i had an idea, i used the `defaults` in nixops to just assign `nixpkgs.pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};`, which i believe will use a single thunk for all machines
<clever> niksnut: it reduced the size of the attr sets by ~93mb
<clever> a memoise within impure.nix will likely only get the same savings, i suspect the nixos module framework needs its own heaping of memoising to actualy start saving decent amounts
<niksnut> yeah
<ixxie> does Nixpkgs have an analytics database?
<clever> niksnut: oh, and i found a nixops bug today, if you have uppercase letters in a deployment.route53.hostName entry, nixops fails to find the old route53 A record, then fails when creating a duplicate, i plan to file a PR to fix it soon
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<samueldr> gchristensen: whenever you have time to review some good ol' doc https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2269 (since it is related to work you have done)
<gchristensen> whoa what is dbhtml
<samueldr> gchristensen: seen here: https://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.2/segmentedlist.html
<samueldr> I don't really know the underpinnings, but looks like it could be used by their XSLT thing to change presentation
<samueldr> (good remark, I needed to verify what it did)
<samueldr> the default list for `segmentedlist` is a bit weird in how it repeats the `segtitle` for each entries
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