gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.03 release managers: fpletz and vcunat | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<sir_guy_carleton> are there any current efforts to improve the nixos installation process?
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<ekleog> Hey! Could someone merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43888 ? :)
<{^_^}> #43888 (by Ekleog, open): matrix-synapse: 0.31.2 -> 0.33.0
<ekleog> (already reviewed by maintainer)
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<Profpatsch> gchristensen: No no, they are fine, I was just tired and being stupdi.
<ekleog> andi-: thanks!
<andi-> ekleog: yw :)
<andi-> ekleog: looked at it a few days already but somehow lost sight
<ekleog> I guess that's something that happens to us all, things like keeping a tab open and then somehow it gets lost :)
<andi-> hrhr
<FRidh> Can Hydra automatically abort previous evaluations when a new evaluation begins?
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<gchristensen> it can't currently no
<gchristensen> that is probably not desirable though
<gchristensen> eval 1 has 1 job left before the channel updates, eval 2 is a mass rebuild :)
<FRidh> gchristensen: in case of staging-next, we only push a change when it's desirable, which means old evaluations can always be dropped
<LnL> gchristensen: could you check something on a vanilla mac and/or the hydra machines
<gchristensen> what's up?
<LnL> :b runCommand "foo" {} ''echo $NIX_BUILD_TOP''
<LnL> is that /private/tmp or /var/folders/...
<gchristensen> private on this one
<gchristensen> the azure nixops backend is uglier than the rest :(
<LnL> perfect! that's probably because of the nix-daemon
<gchristensen> cool
<LnL> that means I can finally fix the intermittent nix failures without weird hacks
<gchristensen> yay!
<simpson> FRidh: I think GH's review system is busted; could I get a re-review when you have time? No rush: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43437
<{^_^}> #43437 (by MostAwesomeDude, open): Cozy
<gchristensen> starting to prefer my "Delete it all" strategy :D
<simpson> Guess even Azure can embrace and extend~
<simpson> I'm a little confused as to why Azure gets special treatment here in the code. It seems like the other backends don't have this extra snowflaky structure.
<gchristensen> I think b/c it isn't clear the right way to do things
<gchristensen> afaict that logic should be partof the azure nix module, not the eval machine info
<simpson> Probably.
<gchristensen> maybe nixops 2.0 deletes weird ones :P
<simpson> Every cloud vendor is weird though.
<simpson> A large part of nixops' existence is being a weirdness containment facility.
<gchristensen> I mean just the unconantained weirdness :)
<simpson> Oh, well IIRC Azure support was written by one person under GSoC or similar. In that case, it's just as much our fault for failing to help them integrate.
<simpson> What you said before: The right way to add a new vendor/backend isn't documented or illustrated.
<gchristensen> yeah I agree
<gchristensen> simpson: have you seen My PR?
<simpson> Nope, but I'll take a look if you like.
<{^_^}> nixops#981 (by grahamc, open): Delete all the providers (and use plugins instead)
<simpson> gchristensen: I'd like to read the code that loads plugins; where should I look in this 216-file change?
<simpson> Also, opinion: Python plugin technology is all shit; you should use straight.plugin or bravo.plugin but be prepared for sadness. Therefore, while I like the concept of a looser coupling, I think that all of the code should stay in a single repository, just with a more aggressive wall between them.
<gchristensen> simpson: "Note, for a better view of the diff -- check this out:"
<simpson> OTOH it could be that that was the original intent and we're just not achieving it.
<simpson> You use NIE to indicate incomplete API, but that's an ad-hoc solution; instead, plugins should publish the list of things that they can do.
<gchristensen> NIE?
<gchristensen> no I don't
<gchristensen> nixops does
<simpson> Oh, I see, using https://pypi.org/project/pluggy/. Joy, yet another cruddy plugin system~
<{^_^}> nixops#980 (by grahamc, open): deployment.py: handle checking DiffStateEngineResourceState
<simpson> Oh, well, nixops should stop using NIE then.
<gchristensen> I look forward to your PR
<simpson> I can't do it before your changes, and after your changes I'll have to do it to every different repo.
<gchristensen> I think you would find it useful to read the comments on that thread, and then try a more constructive approach to your feedback
<simpson> Okay, sure, lemme try again: +1, this is a good PR, keep doing it.
<gchristensen> not to mention the first sentence of the PR description
<simpson> *But* also I have some Python grumps.
<gchristensen> don't we all
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<simpson> I'm sorry. It's not you; it's me.
<simpson> I have returned to a day job working on Django monoliths. I need to find inner peace and not be angry at Python.
<gchristensen> "ask for forgiveness, not permission" -- python for some reason :P
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<FRidh> not specifying specific exceptions...how nice
<FRidh> reminds me of code at work :(
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<andi-> the people that seem to have an "issue" with python seem to be gathering here.. we could all hold hands and hope for better times :)
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<vcunat> niksnut: t2a.cunat.cz should be ready now. I did basically the same setup, though just 4GiB RAM, disabled swap and tmpOnTmpfs in this case, as it seemed enough. The "metrics" build peaks at 3 GiB, so we'll have a hard failure if we regress too much - that's a feature and not a bug :-)
<{^_^}> vcunat: 23 hours, 13 minutes ago <gchristensen> I updated https://gist.github.com/grahamc/df1bb806eb3552650d03eef7036a72ba if you want to just re-run that script or whatever :P
<{^_^}> vcunat: 23 hours, 39 minutes ago <gchristensen> please ping me (gchristensen) when you're around, w.r.t. your cache slowdown. Please run `curl -I https://cache.nixos.org` a few times, and send me the results (headers specifically)
<vcunat> gchristensen: thanks. I don't need to re-run it :-) I needed an immediate workaround because of https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/issues/433
<vcunat> Oh, I see my ping to cache.nixos.org is 4-5 ms on that machine again. Thanks aminechikhaoui.
<vcunat> (well I hope it will last long)
<gchristensen> yay!
<gchristensen> vcunat: I suggested re-running b/c I added header capture to the script, not jst b/c of the -4 option
<vcunat> Apparently the information was enough for them to fix it.
<gchristensen> they wanted additional traces just in case, but yes
<gchristensen> (my requests of you were requests from AWS)
<gchristensen> in fact, I think they would still like them
<vcunat> I don't have any nixified machine online on that location ATM, so I can send them on Monday (if I remember).
<vcunat> (I just checked ping quickly from a router.)
<gchristensen> I don't think it needs to come from a nix machine, just any machine
<gchristensen> also, it can wait
<vcunat> gchristensen: right, after tweaking the shebangs I got http://ix.io/1iB6
<vcunat> there's no `traceroute -6` support on the router, apparently
<gchristensen> thanks!
<vcunat> (it's just a cut-down busybox implementation)
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<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> fwiw this is what they had to say: " That being said I see this user was routed to to an Edge location in the North America (South Bend).In my tests against your distribution I am also routed to this Edge location."
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<niksnut> vcunat: thanks, I added the machine, but I didn't realize it's a darwin machine
<niksnut> so that won't help us since the metrics jobs are x86_64-linux
<gchristensen> niksnut: he's provided 2 machines I think
<gchristensen> niksnut: his t2a is linux, the t2m is a mac/darwin
<gchristensen> oh, is t2a also a mac machine? I didn't think it was
<samueldr> "core"-microarch Pentium mac? I wouldn't think?
<vcunat> niksnut: t2a is a linux
<vcunat> t2m is mac
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<andi-> samueldr: nice proposal. Definitly worth talking/thinking about..
<samueldr> it's not detailed yet, and I'll be working on things even if the RFC doesn't receive any comments nor approval
<samueldr> part of the RFC is from the name "Request for Comments", I'll be requesting comments :)
<andi-> My initial feelings are: Process documentation and guidelines => Yay! A team for that => not so sure but maybe people that can be used to give advice/comment
<andi-> I'll think about that more before giving feedback there
<samueldr> yeah, and wait for the details, the team may be more fluid than you think
<andi-> samueldr: anyways. Thank you for working on it!
<andi-> samueldr++
<{^_^}> samueldr's karma got increased to 9
<samueldr> I spent a couple hours thinking notes up about processes to **ensure no burnout**
<samueldr> or uh, reduce the chances of smoke
<gchristensen> samueldr++
<{^_^}> samueldr's karma got increased to 10
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