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<sphalerite> Anyone know why https://hydra.nixos.org/build/77875732 doesn't contain hashes or size info for the files?
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<aminechikhaoui> sphalerite: you mean https://hydra.nixos.org/build/77875732#tabs-details ?
<sphalerite> aminechikhaoui: no I mean the details for the build products
<sphalerite> ipxe, initrd and bzImage
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<sphalerite> Oh, is this maybe because they're symlinks rather than being actual files?
<domenkozar> well
<domenkozar> hmmmz
<domenkozar> ok
<domenkozar> time to utilize 10 hetzner servers and finally fix this ldflags madness
<domenkozar> btw I always forget
<domenkozar> can we have bash 4 features in stdnev?
<domenkozar> iirc not due to macos
<infinisil> Macs don't have bash 4?
<infinisil> And isn't the only impure one /bin/sh? Bash comes from nixpkgs afaik
<domenkozar> yeah
<domenkozar> right we fixed nix-shell to use nixpkgs bash instead of some magic
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<angerman> domenkozar: do we know which route we are going to take by now?
<domenkozar> no
<domenkozar> but I think whatever we do, it shouldn't be haskell hack
<angerman> that's unfortunate :(
<domenkozar> but rather stdenv one
<domenkozar> if any
<domenkozar> angerman: if Dezgeg suggestion can work
<angerman> even if it's just looking for `lib*.{so,a,dylib}` in `lib` is good
<domenkozar> we can quickly test on 10 hetzner machines today
<domenkozar> I would prefer a solution that makes binutils setup-hook idempotent
<angerman> your "today" :-)
<angerman> my "today" is about to end :-)
<domenkozar> well given this is a monthly saga, a day doesn't mean much anymore :D
<angerman> I've been running some performance measurements on packet.net/aws... and I must say, I'm slightly disappointed in aws ec2
<domenkozar> well, they trade latest and greatest for pricing
<angerman> domenkozar: actually... pricing isn't even that much in their favour.
<angerman> domenkozar: *if* I get a spot instance on packet, they are cheaper.
<domenkozar> oh spot stuff
<domenkozar> yes
<angerman> getting aws spot instance is just ... well it seems silly not to.
<domenkozar> depends
<angerman> well, yes I was unable to get a c4.2xlarge on aws as a spot instance. But all the others, were not problem. And also for the duration of 2-4hs
<domenkozar> do you reserve how long you need it?
<LnL> the package epyc machines are crazy fast
<angerman> domenkozar: no it's just nix build slaves. So if they die in the middle, I would just restart them. Worst case I lost a built package.
<angerman> LnL: *IF* your workload is perfectly parallizable :(
<domenkozar> angerman: well if you use something like cachix to save your binaries
<domenkozar> you don't lose much indeed
<LnL> sure, or you have enough packages
<angerman> LnL: I'm basically looking at this funnel like workload, where it initially parallezises just fine, but has this linear dependency chain at the end.
<LnL> ah :/
<angerman> domenkozar: well the cache is currenly my local box.
<domenkozar> oh you just use it as remote builders?
<domenkozar> sure
<angerman> But what's *really* annoying (and maybe cachex could help here) is that local -> packet.net (Amsterdam) @ 1mb/s; local -> packet.net (Tokyo) @ 2.5mb/s; local -> ec2 (Singapore) @ 25mb/s
<angerman> and I can only get packet spot instances in amsterdam.
<domenkozar> cachix is in AWS US east
<domenkozar> so you'd probably get more
<domenkozar> but note that nix uses xz
<domenkozar> which caps throughput to 2-4MB/s
<domenkozar> when compressing
<domenkozar> not sure how well that parallelizes
<domenkozar> if at all in nix
<angerman> domenkozar: well. I'm basically uploading existing artifacts to a cold remote builder.
<angerman> so they are essentially all pre-existing.
<angerman> which is also why I can get 25mb/s to aws.
<domenkozar> right
<domenkozar> I haven't really benchmarked cachix world-wide, but I plan to do that soon
<angerman> there's always cloudFront or fastly :p
<domenkozar> well yes, that would be the end game :)
<angerman> I would already be perfectly happy if I could have nix dump the artifacts onto an S3 bucket and use that as needed.
<angerman> the annoying thing with fastly is their lack of free ssl though
<angerman> another thing remote builder could optimize is: if we know we need to copy more to the server, keep copying while building expressions, and not have [copy] [build] [copy] sequenced.
<domenkozar> well for that it needs stateful dependency tracking
<domenkozar> but yeah
<angerman> thinking about deps, I've just got an idea how to speed up haskell packages.
<angerman> splitting tests from their packages, and running them speculatively as separeate deps would allow you to build more of the dependencies while waiting for the test to complete.
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<domenkozar> well and currently we build twice
<domenkozar> with and without profiling
<angerman> I don't. But that' due to other reasons.
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<sphalerite> I want to add a method to FSAccessor in nix/src/libutil/fs-accessor.hh for deeply resolving symlinks. I'm not sure how to return the various possible results though — there's either A, a final store path, B, a final path outside the store, or C, a loop. Anybody who knows C++ and nix's C++ style who could suggest the best way to do this?
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<domenkozar> ever tried to be hypnotised?
<domenkozar> I think watching nix-bulid with 10 hetzner servers is working
<clever> domenkozar: try watching this, fullscreen, in a dark room, with the screen 4 inches from your face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaqTI6d0I7I
<domenkozar> that's meditation
<clever> heh
<domenkozar> I guess meditation is self hypnosis, nevermind
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<domenkozar> who is coordinating staging efforts?
<domenkozar> angerman: Sonarpulse: peti: I think best fix we have at the moment is from Dezgeg
<domenkozar> but it requires staging
<domenkozar> yay / nay?
<domenkozar> I have tested it extensively on linux (built a few haskell libs, now buildsing release-small.nix)
<domenkozar> I hope it works on macos.
<LnL> don't see why it wouldn't
<domenkozar> pushed to staging
<LnL> I'm going to add a darwin stdenv rebuild if you don't mind
<domenkozar> lnl you mean on top of staging HEAD?
<LnL> yeah
<domenkozar> sure
<domenkozar> darwin seems to be broken anyway
<LnL> euh, what's that doing in the stdenv build?
<LnL> Sonarpulse: ping
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<domenkozar> LnL: shall we revert?
<domenkozar> the treewide PR?
<LnL> hmm?
<LnL> nah, it's probably just that one package
* LnL is testing
<domenkozar> k
<domenkozar> let me know when to trigger eval
<domenkozar> FYI: I've taken over NixOS weekly from garbas, hoping reboot this project :)
<LnL> cool, would be nice if that was a bit more active
<domenkozar> I'll do my best :)
<domenkozar> LnL: do you have hydra access to trigger staging eval?
<LnL> I do
<Sonarpulse> domenkozar: looks good to me
<Sonarpulse> LnL: pong