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<joepie91> niksnut: left you some comments on your Nix language gist: https://gist.github.com/edolstra/29ce9d8ea399b703a7023073b0dbc00d#gistcomment-2613564 (pinging you here since Gist does not send notifications for comments/mentions)
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<bbarker> hi - no rush but just curious if https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/41610 is up to snuff or if I should do more
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<jcrben> teto1: noticed your comment about the testsuite at https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2209#issuecomment-394988952 and I see you have a note to self from irc - which piques my curiosity - where are the build logs for nix? seems like they could be linked out more prominently (if not listed with a github badge)
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<Mic92> pie_: you?
<LnL> :)
<pie_> i deleted my github :D
<Mic92> Sending patches to the mailinglist might still work.
<LnL> github as never really been a requirement for contributions
<niksnut> of course, patches on the mailing list are a lot more likely to get lost
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<gchristensen> anecdotally they get applied much faster than GH posts
<gchristensen> because somebody gets nerd sniped in to exercising The Origins Of Git :D
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<matthewbauer> ok i have a question on remote builds:
<matthewbauer> when i start a remote build from my laptop to a server & the laptop goes to sleep, does the remote build keep running?
<LnL> no, it will stop if the ssh connection dies
<matthewbauer> is there a way to get the nix-daemon to keep going?
<samueldr> if niksnut wants to take a look and comment/merge thanks https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-channel-scripts/pull/17
<samueldr> LnL: anecdotally, ripping the network interface (usb thankfully) seems to not kill the build
<samueldr> with that, I mean intentionally not plugging it back in either
<manveru> matthewbauer: start it in a tmux
<Dezgeg> shouldn't help
<matthewbauer> well i'm not on the machine directly at all - nix is managing the connection
<manveru> ah, i misunderstood
<LnL> samueldr: well, pretty sure it's not supposed to do that
<manveru> you build locally but with distributed builds?
<Dezgeg> probably it depends on luck, like whether or not the log spam output is too much to fill any buffers
<samueldr> unless it was a happy coincidence and the built finished before the connection closed
<matthewbauer> maybe setting TCPKeepAlive would work?
<matthewbauer> or sorry disabling TCPKeepAlive
<LnL> possibly
<matthewbauer> i guess that's server side though
<LnL> from what I understand the build is supposed to die when the nix-store --serve --write process exits on the build host
<matthewbauer> yeah - i want it to *just* work out of the box with Nix. once the build is started the remote should have more than enough information to finish
<LnL> that would mean canceling nix-build won't do anything
<LnL> and the next build will wait for possibly hours for the previous build to finish with no way to cancel it
<matthewbauer> yes maybe it could be an option passed to nix? like --nohup or something
<gchristensen> what is the root problem you're trying to solve? what happened to spur this?
<matthewbauer> well i had a mass rebuild yesterday & i took my laptop home while it was running. since the actual build was running on another machine i thought it would keep running - it did for a little bit but then got an "unexpected end-of-file" message
<gchristensen> that is disappointing
<matthewbauer> yeah it's something that happens frequently for different reasons on a laptop. desktop people might not run into this (although things like network failure could also happen)
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<LnL> oh
<LnL> is there any reason not to backport nix 2.0.4 to 18.03?
<gchristensen> should be safe?
<LnL> just noticed it's still on 2.0.2
<gchristensen> should be fine
<LnL> pushed :)
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<Profpatsch> peti: haskellPackages.hnix is currently broken:
<Profpatsch> Setup: ./hnix.cabal:588: 'else' branch of 'if' is empty
<Profpatsch> I guess the solution right now is to just patch the cabal file of hnix?
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<Profpatsch> peti: Can we keep a reference to purescript_0_11_7 as well?
<Profpatsch> 0.12 is a breaking change, I’d like to keep it around for a while still. Is that possible?
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