now question why the hell is rabbitmq restarting during deploy
what's that?
"in memory 2"
LnL: mind connecting your builder?
should be coming back up
I'm not seeing it up
vm freaked out a bit
one problem LnL is your builder is accepting all the builds
it has an undefined prefetch count
but it should be set to 1
yeah, looking into that
If I'm understanding all this genius-speak: setting prefetch count to 1 should make the builder only do 1 at a time again?
yeah currently it accepts all jobs in the background and then works on them one by one
if you're seeing 1,000 msg/sec it is more efficient to do it that way
So technically waiting for 1x1, but doesn't advertise to the queue that it's waiting (and therefore accepts all jobs)
1x1 -> builds to come in one by one
about the queue, how come logs don't disappear? or do they also didn't check
yeah, they're still there
Been seeing a lot of PRs go unnoticed by borg due to "bad credentials" errors recently. Is there a way to maybe make token generation more aggressive/frequent?
or requeue with exponential backoff
what happens now?
Logged error and silence o n the actual PR
orivej has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[ofborg] @LnL7 opened pull request #477 → limit prefetch count to one for lapin channels → https://git.io/JfOZ9
[ofborg] @LnL7 opened pull request #478 → make messages persistent → https://git.io/JfOnX
^ that should work, but I'd like to know why the logs don't seem to need it
LnL: Looks like your fmt hook didn't work :P
Pedantry check is angery
yeah no can't really do that
would mean you can't commit anything with upstaged changes
I have <Leader>f but don't really like having my editor automatically mess with stuff on write
nnoremap <Leader>q :wqa<CR>
can recommend nnoremap <Leader><Leader> :wa<CR>
and mapped to spacebar :D
double space is C-^ for me
and q :cclose<CR> :lclose<CR> :pclose<CR>
hmm, what is C-^?
last buffer
[ofborg] @grahamc merged pull request #477 → limit prefetch count to one for lapin channels → https://git.io/JfOZ9