do you think it would be ok to query hydra directly for that or probably not?
I'd rather not
this would be a good use case for that database export, or for being able to subscribe to build notifications
yeah figured it's not a great idea, especially since it should check multiple historical builds
do you have an idea on how to expose / access that?
the events?
or the database dump
I think the database would probably be better for this
so I actually have the data already
it gets backed up to my machine every 5 minutes
the safest first step I'm thinking of is checking if any build in the last x time has succeeded
which is kind of hard to do with events
but you could have a timeseries database
notifications of breakages is a different thing
the thing I want to do next is load the database and do a .sql dump on a daily or weekly basis. this would validate the backup was good. secondary effect is letting other people access the .sql dump for queries like this :)
(by events I mean like a rabbitmq or 0mq or whatever mechanism of publishing parsable event data)
I suppose if I'm loading and dumping the sql, it would not be a far throw to be able to have a list of queries executed and publish those query results too
ah, so you're thinking more of publishing events periodically going over all packages?
sorry, 2 different ideas :)
the build event data is just purely: here is a firehose of events, do whatever you want, anybody can subscribe. good luck and god speed.
the second idea is if we do it as a batch operation at the same time as validating the database backup
since I'm loading the database and doing a pgdump anyway, might as well at the same time execute some list of queries and publish their results in the same place the pgdump data goes
makes sense
so what you'd want is a small deamon that just runs a bunch of queries over jobs, etc. and publishes events for those?
ah, for sort of publishing I mostly mean just like, `aws s3 cp` to a bucket :) not really an event exactly
hmm, a bit confused now
sorry :/
overloaded words
making food first, then I'll make a diagram of what I was thinking
have you seen fedmsg infrastructure for Fedora?
* srk
likes the idea of sql dumps, front-facing / staging sever for testing queries and so would be even better
I've heard of fedmsg
but I don't remember how it works
we'd need to be able to send a fairly high number of events
not sure either, it is some messages, maybe even AMQP
hmm, zmq is like building blocks for queues and co, it handles bunch of low level stuff for you but it's not a fully-fledged message queue by itself
this is beautiful LnL
how did you make it?
Postgres Mirror <3
but does it make any sense?
nice, I love omnigraffle. I have a macos VM just for omnigraffle
LnL: I think this makes sense, but let me suggest a few edits
so it's AMQP now..
Hydra sends me a ZFS filesystem diff every 5min, so on my system I'd take the current state of the filesystem, start posgresql, and make a dump from that
the Selector would then operate on the same postgres server which the dump is made from
ZFS diff replication! mad
* srk
was wondering how could you do that every 5 min
is there a backup hydra? :D
nah, hehe
right, the details of that don't really matter for the rest of the picture
but yeah it uses snapshots for backups
the arrow from Selector to build status is a set of queries, right?
for this probably first listing failed builds on trunk and then a query for each of those
which either results in an event or not
or always send an event including the delta, whatever makes more sense
yeah, so then the output of that could be a stream of "broken-forever" or "broken-recently" messages
or a bulk blob of JSON containing that "report"
which are you thinking?
oh that is what you just said too haha
probably an event for each, I bet the queries could be a bit heavy
long term you might want to make it remember some of the stuff it did so it doesn't start with 0ad every time if it didn't complete a cycle, etc.
btw I have post-receive hook implemented for watching nixpkgs commits, that could be used as a source instead of webhook. it is a standalone thing for now which passes events to sever which sents them to clients over websocket to web face
LnL: yeah, that sounds like a future thing we can deal with if we have to :P
srk: github has post-receive hooks beyond their webhooks?
evanjs has joined #nixos-borg
gchristensen: no, it works by checking out mirror copy of the repo and fetching periodically then pushing to repo which has post-receive hooks
cause github doesn't make it easy :)
we have the webhook setup on github's end
sure, but if I wanted to receive a stream? :)
yeah, so the webhook goes right in to rabbitmq :)