
<gchristensen> joachifm: what has happened to grsec? I hear something changed
<exarkun> oh yea okay fromImageName seems to do something like what I want
<icetan> don't know if this helps your problem with hunspell and so on, but you might be able to do something similar
<manveru> something like that
<FRidh> although I could imagine agreeing on something like withExtras which is a set where the identifier matches that used in setup.py and the values are lists with dependencies.
<barrucadu> But I'm evidently missing something as any libraries I specify can't be imported in ghci (and ghc-pkg doesn't show them)


<steveeJ> I seem to be missing something in the nix-env manpage: if default.nix has an attribute A which is a derivation, how can I install it using $PWD/default.nix ?
<wrl> LnL: it said something like "the option value [...] is not a package"
<bennofs> copumpkin: or perhaps we could just add another attribute to derivations, like dev-hook or something, that would be sourced by nix run to setup PYTHONPATH, GHC packages, JAVA_HOME etc
<gchristensen> yeah, I think it has to be FAT16 or something
<pallav> oh. This is the first time I've encountered this. For the next time, how do I get the hint that something like this is the case?
<LnL> you can do something like runCommand "foo" {} ''echo foo > $out''
<lezed1> I have a quick question about getting video to work. Whenever I try to run a program with a GUI, I get something along the lines of "libGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so". To me that looks like I'm missing the Intel video driver, but I can't seem to load it. How can I install the missing driver?


<dhess2> LnL: no need for you to worry about it. It almost certainly has nothing to do with your Docker container or instructions. Multiple other people have posted nearly identical instructions to yours. Something is obviously wrong on my end; I just cannot for the life of me figure out what it is!
<rui1> and am slightly confused with the manual. Would appreciate a siple example config or something
<dhess2> LnL: no, I just wanted to clarify that there wasn't something wrong with my setup.
<dhess2> LnL: speaking of which , here is something that's odd. In your instructions for setting up the remote builder, you say try this: nix-build -A hello --argstr system x86_64-linux
<LnL> dhess2: linux kernel? have you tried to build something like hello?
<clever> joko: i had to run something as the hydra user, to create the account
<tywkeene> lol am i missing something?
<cransom> the glory of the internet. you can always sit back and say someones doing something wrong.
<gchristensen> it is in nixos/modules or something
<devoid> Am I missing something on the server side?
<joepie91> something currently broken sitting in master
<joepie91> it seems to be something GTK+y...
<joepie91> Mic92: right, but *something* in my setup is creating it *during* the build process and I'm having trouble figuring out what is doing it... and now that I look at the files, I'm suspecting it's not actually networkmanager creating it, just trying to access stuff left there by a previous process
<joepie91> right, I am aware that it's the default $HOME, but something in my build process is *creating* it :)
<joepie91> hm. something is producing a /homeless-shelter... how do I figure out what's causing it?
<clever> justanotheruser: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/8cae5bc9c02c12099a3bf5e20e75161f something else ive written before
<justanotheruser> clever: no, I just found the bugfix for something I was using and those are the ubuntu package names
<justanotheruser> looks like my issue is I need support for i386 architecture. getting 'No such file or directory' when trying to use something that requires 32 bit libraries. How would I go about installing something for a specific architecture, specifically libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
<v0|d> i guess i need something like `find-my-patch-directory`/001.patch


<kragniz> copumpkin: not yet, got distracted by something happening on my street
<kragniz> huh maybe I've messed something up somewhere else
<dhess> totally expected when you use something from master
<clever> thats something else then
<dhess> which is why I say, it doesn't appear to be looking at the remote-systems.conf file at all. Something is short-circuiting the evaluation before it gets there.
<MichaelRaskin> wak-work: so I wouldn't say there is something dramatic
<MichaelRaskin> Hm, got lucky on this run, actually, looks like it is spread from 0.55 to 0.7 or something like that
<bennofs> freusque: github search is very limited, I think it works on word basis or something? I just tried to search for aarch in issues, and it didn't find an issue that aarch64 in it...
<freusque> for something like grep -r "writeText = " .
<srhb> revtintin: (For what it's worth, I keep my Haskell packages in my ~/.nixpkgs or ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays since 17.03 out of band from my checkout of a "clean" nixpkgs, unless I intend to actually PR something)
<qknight> i want to override the configuration to test something but linuxPackages is quite huge and i don't see my kernel
<Mateon1> goibhniu: No, I want to try out another person's code, and possibly try out something myself with machine learning
<Mateon1> It's been over 10 minutes since I triggered the build. I don't think building something should take so long...
<goibhniu> you might also want something like : environment.pathsToLink = [ "/include" "/libexec" ];
<timor> Hi. A while ago I opened a pull request (22897) and I think I massaged it into an acceptable form. By looking at the Pull request I cannot tell if it is in an acceptable state. Can anyone tell me if I am supposed to still fix something by looking at the PR?
<neeasade> is that the usual approach if packaging something for yourself? have a clone of desired nixpkgs, add personal package, build from there
<phI||Ip> clever: you had mentioned something earlier about the keys being resigned? or was that a different issue?
<nh2> gchristensen: Same thing for me as for phI||Ip, fixing tickets or even bringing ipfs into a workable state are tasks of signifcant time investment, while donating a cache server is something I could do with one nixops invocation, and it would improve a problem I have regularly (my servers deploying at 2 MB/s instead of 100) while also helping others
<clever> nh2: let me throw something together
<nh2> clever: but that just says "URL: nar/0b1c57kbqjl78yh5wvna3lgfzldjk12s5a5kkyq49qd07jgy4p0p.nar.xz", doesn't look like something I'd have to intercept


<nh2> gchristensen clever: actually I think I found something. Just downloaded a file that I downloaded just ~20 minutes ago, and it's `x-cache: Miss from cloudfront` again. Maybe the timeout is super short somehow?
<qknight> when is the last time i can submit something still
<domenkozar> I'm working on something similar
<exarkun> oh, I see, `-i` does something totally different in nix-shell and nix-env. I think maybe I was using -i with nix-shell earlier, thinking it would do something like what it does with nix-env.
<simpson> exarkun: Probably something like $(nix-shell -p pythonPackages.docker) will run the shell hook to set up the Python environment.
<LnL> sziszi: you can also do something similar for a module that doesn't exist in the stable release yet
<matumental> is something wrong with cache atm or is it a problem on my end?
<gchristensen> we don't need to preemptively add work for ourselves until something like ads becomes a problem
<nh2> maybe for the first download it fetches it from a slow upstream server or something?
<srhb> Do I need to do something specific to enable overlays such that nix-env -iA nixpkgs.foo picks up foo defined in ~/.nixpkgs/overlays/foo.nix as "self: super: { foo = ... }" ?
* goibhniu can only assume there's a typo or something like that
<sziszi> Hey, I'm in a middle of something nasty. I'd like to use two channels in my configuration.nix; I found some tips about fiddling with nixpath, so you can import more channel "variable" (pkgs.* is the default). anyone did something like this before? I'm curious.
<contrapumpkin> something like that


<LnL> do they provide a console or something?
<clever> it would look something like pkgs.runCommand "name" { buildInputs = [ python ]; } "python ${./foo.py} ${./data.txt} > $out"; as a very basic example
<sheenobu> apostolis, ack 'builder = ' shows all .sh style custom builders. I wouldn't be surprised if you could do a builder = ./filename.py or something, as long as it has the shebang and executable permissions
<maninalift> quick question: I can't seem to see an option to declare groups on the system in the manner of users.extraUsers, am I missing something?
<smw_> OK, now is the time to download the cross compile tools. I need to get something to eat though... maybe I will pick this up tomorrow :-P
<anelson> as I recall when I ran it before, rustup generated a binary which dynamically linked against something in /usr/lib64, which isn't nixos friendly
<smw_> viric: maybe it has something I am missing.
<srk> simpson: something very concise, with simple templating, possibility to override things easily
<srk> simpson: something that easier to write but yields similar results :)
<smw_> srk: yeah, I always wanted something like nixos. I just didn't know it. I tried ansible, salt, chef, puppet. The issue with all of them is that I cound't trust them after the initial build.
<NickHu> Is there something else I'm missing too?
<chrishill> Hi. I want to try to package an application that is written in Rust. Where should I look for instructions on something like that? I’ve never packaged anything before.
<srhb> NickHu: Throw a strawpoll link or something instead
<ronny> hmm, i def can come up with something tho
<LnL> ronny: you could do something like that, and build with -I machine-config=/foo.nix
<LnL> you can dispatch based on the hostname or something
<srhb> NickHu: Are you doing something strange to start XMonad?
<Mic92> also if you ever mess up something
<ocharles> no, just knowing it's non empty is enough. I wonder why you get something and I don't
<lezed1> I'm not aware of buildinputs, but it looks like something I should specify for nix-shell (which I am currently using)
<devoid> Do I need to format /dev/sda1 as something?
<devoid> clever, thanks. I suspect it has something to do with my partitions, since I have never really understood the magic in how they work for UEFI boot


<zetok> i.e. if someone wants to search for something, it's very likely that they're going to type in only part of the name
<zetok> is it something like eix in Gentoo?
<clever> the nixpkgs- channel has only very basic tests, i heard something about just vim and emacs working
<clever> rather then the "first" channel with something called pas
<brh> Hi guys, I have a question about how to pull the latest packages. I see 2 weeks ago that the password-store pkg was updated to version 1.7. I'm using the nixpkgs-unstable channel, but when I do nix-channel --update and then nix-env -u pass, it still just has 1.6.5. Is there something newer than nixpkgs-unstable?
<clever> Yaniel: something to do with hashPlaceholder
<Rotaerk> I thought you had to take the result of that and put it into something like... haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: { mynewpackage = self.callPackage ...; } }
<Rotaerk> the expressions defining haskell packages are designed to be imported into something else
<sphalerite> nmattia: then put in your shell something like with import <nixpkgs> ; rustNightly.override {targets = [stuff];}
<nmattia> hi guys! I'm struggling to do something that should be very easy
<socksy> i wonder if anyone actually uses nodegit for something
<oscarvarto> Hi! I'm new to NixOS. Trying to install something from nixpkgs. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/dotnet-packages.nix
<samae> hey, anything I should know about `networking.supplicant`? The generated keeps failing to start with a "touch: cannot touch …" something in the /nix/store


<clever> its doing something weird, that allows the dylib files to be within the foo.app "package"
<ekleog> clever: could you just buildInputs = [ (protobuf.override { stdenv = clangStdenv; }) ]; , or is there something more complex? ("just" is once the problem has been found, of course, I guess that must have taken so much time)
<jeremejevs> clever: Wow, okay, turned the issue was something else. 1. The "save config, apply, logout, login, get blank screen" issue is still there 2. I've rebooted, got monitor off, as expected, then rebooted again, and forgot to change the config version, and then it suddenly worked. Disabled PA again, rebooted, and... I get no signal on the first try. Turn of the monitor physically, then turn it on, and it suddenly works (shows display ma
<jeremejevs> Hi, I'm setting up Polybar (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/polybar/default.nix), and would like to enable the i3 module in it, but I'm unfamiliar with CMake (Polybar's setup's complexity isn't helping) and I'm only one day in with NixOS. I understand that derivations just run something like "configure; make; make install", and I understand how make and cmake work, but there are several mysteries
<clever> ekleog: but this is also something i have been interested in, if a given generation fails to boot, go to the previous generation
<clever> ekleog: simplest, is something like "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-268-link/bin/switch-to-configuration test"
<clever> icetan: the problem is that it needs to rebuild something like glibc.doc, so it has to omit the entire glibc from the sandbox
* goibhniu gets something similar by running it from nixpkgs/pkgs for example
<Yaniel> I remember seeing something similar in atom
<dMzer> the-kenny: finally thank you, you taught me something thank you very much
<ndowens08> is there a way to set nixos-rebuild and nix-env to use local copy of the nixpkg repo instead of having to specify everyime, something like nix-channels


<apostolis> I think I should paste my .nix file and tell me if I do something wrong.
<apostolis> Now, I am at xmonad and it has the same problem, thus I did something wrong in general.
<LnL> grahamc: let me know if there's something I should look at again for that, I'm still sort of assuming that what I wrote is just a prototype and probably terrible perl :)
<ikwildrpepper> (busy with something else atm that needs attention)
<exarkun> is there something I could use to dump debug info to stdout so I could find out with an experiment?
<sphalerite> For something that's meant to happen on a regular basis, should I be using services.cron.systemCronJobs or systemd.timers?
<exarkun> is there a neat trick for combining builtins.filterSource with something like the contents of a .gitignore file?
<avn> Folks, can we improve something here to make message more useful -- `value is a list while a set was expected, at /home/avn/configs/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix:219:62`
<Nazral> unless there is something more friendly in the installer?
<Nazral> Mic92: or set the VGA mode to something with a smaller resolution
<Profpatsch> globin: fpletz Are you planning something?
<monsieurp> sphalerite: right but would that be something your community welcome? (offering OpenRC support)
<monsieurp> Gentoo offers a lot of flexibility: you can opt for systemd or you can decide to use something else


<stepcut> wrl: that works for somethings, but other things require native armv7
<Ralith> Yaniel: other qt packages don't seem to have an explicit dep on any particular platform module, so I suspect something's broke
<Ralith> I mean, there might be some way to define it relative to the prefix or something
<Ralith> I mean, it's probably something in renderdoc's build
<Yaniel> am I missing something?
<RchrdB> ertes, I think there was one called scheme48 which was trying to be a shell as an explicit project goal or something like that
<ertes> i wouldn't mind scheme as a scripting language, but all of the schemes i've seen lacked *something*, be it a good toolchain, useful libraries, etc.
<ben> also maybe something that reads structures values out of env vars, not just strings
<ben> let's replace it w/ something that looks like bash but where you don't have to be afraid about quoting issues literally every time you use variables
<bennofs> nckx: and the remaining 20% should use python or something more powerful than bash instead, because those are often quite complex bash scripts
<contrapumpkin> bash snippets are in the "massage" layer, which takes the modeled data and transforms it into something practical
<contrapumpkin> which is something we're lacking right now in nixpkgs
<ij> I added "service.locate.enable = true;" to configuration.nix. Do I've to do something more?
<globin> contrapumpkin: hmm maybe something like systemd then :/ at least not the stdenv, feel free to revert if it causes too much pain, I'm on the tube right now..
<MoreTea> gchristensen, we could probably do something interesting there with allowing maintainers to OK stuff for their packages directly in V1.1
<sphalerite> Is there a way to stop nix-build from trying to use a binary cache? I have an unreliable internet connection and I don't like how it hangs when I try to build something I know won't be found in the binary cache anyway
<contrapumpkin> which I guess doesn't have propagated build inputs or something
<contrapumpkin> FRidh: dammit, I just realized something
<bennofs> what's the encoding that nix uses for store path hashes? Like 1g1629kck0ld34wqfiy891d2cvp61jz4, it's not hex, but something else...
<ben> ....I think they have a tool to generate package specs from cabal files or cabal names and versions or something...
<arianvp2_> what packages are included? the latest ones that build together? Is it like stackage or something? but except Hydra is the CI?
<goibhniu> ekleog: if it's something you could add to the manual, that would be even better
<clever> spacekitteh: looks like its doing something, lets wait for it to finish and see what comes out
<gchristensen> something about nixops + nix + remote builders is doing very stupid things, in that it seems to only be building 1 or 2 packages at a time, where it could be building many
<fpletz> gchristensen: thanks! I'm thinking about using pinentry or something similar


<Dezgeg> ah right, the grub doesn't store its own files in /boot/efi... I think renaming the debian /boot to something else then should do
<ndowens08> NickHu: maybe yes, but in case something happens, make a backup copy of the config
<c0bw3b> gchristensen : it would be less spam-prone to write mails as user _at_ domain.net or something in maintainers.nix no ?
<copumpkin> spinus: package a python app, but the app does weird python stuff at runtime and might want additional packages (that the user will want to specify), so I want something like .withPackages
<nevermind> Right now what I'm thinking is having a hook to trigger something like rundeck whenever a change is pushed into git for some particular config files. What I wasn't sure of is whether using Nix to pull the changes would be ideal.
<nevermind> But it looks like nix is capable to reading from non-official (i.e. non-NixOS) git repos, which is something I'd need to be able to do.
<gchristensen> not to sound like a dummy, but could nix be backed by something more fancy-pants like llvm to get "free" optimizations?
<contrapumpkin> yeah, I wouldn't really want to write a full runtime in haskell, but the various expression language manipulation should be in something other than c++
<JayVii> gchristensen: didn't know of that option. I'll make sure to try that one, if something doesn't work as expected :D
<MoreTea> We had a discussion about having something that is better than the mentionbot
<bennofs1> unlmtd[m]: looks like an update to how qt is packaged broke something
<bennofs1> viric: can you perhaps mount something else at the same directory?
<smw_> clever: wait, maybe I need to set something else. pkgs.linux_rpi is the kernel...
<joncfoo> anyone have any luck using the acme security certs with something other than nginx?
<dtzWill> Ralith: makeQtWrapper + list deps needed? If you have something I can poke at I'll take a look
<smw_> clever: maybe I can just rebuild with the new setting, if something changes it is different right?


<ndowens08> something like that anyway
<ali1234> something that automates LFS would suit me, more or less
<dtzWill> ndowens08: there's definitely something that suggests packages if you try to run a command that isn't installed
<ndowens08> We need something that lets us search what package provides what. LIke something like nix provides Library.so etc
<spinus> anelson_: I assume you can add patch to nix (using overideDerivation or something like that)
<anelson_> hey guys, I've noticed that when I kill a running nix build (e.g. with Ctrl-C), the underlying processes seem to be terminated immediately, perhaps with a -9 signal? I have some jobs that allocate resources that I want to make sure they release when their processes terminate. Is there any way to change the kill signal nix sends to a SIGTERM or SIGINT, something that allows processes to run cleanup?
<joneshf-laptop> Hmm, I'm doing something wrong here. This is what my `shell.nix` looks like currently: https://gist.github.com/joneshf/7634512dcc40f5b126a3774b55a383e6. I can type `nix-shell` and it executes `postgres.sh`. But then each time I type `stack build` within the nix shell, it reexecutes `postgres.sh`. I only want `postgres.sh` to be executed initially when `nix-shell` is run. Is there a way to do that?
<copumpkin> niksnut: is the connection pinned somehow? could it be that one CloudFront node we hit ends up having something and somehow the next node we hit doesn't?
<MoreTea> @gchristensen, I got something working. Should we distinguish between deprecated and unsupported states?
<MoreTea> then how would you know if something fails if you do nixos-rebuild boot ?
<gchristensen> a typical distro's chain-of-trust goes like this: a distro trusts a maintainer's key, the maintainer has a long-time relationship with the key the upstream packager uses, upstream releases something, signs it. the maintainer trusts the key so they re-sign it and send it to the distro
<musicmatze> gchristensen: why do you think this is hard? I mean... build something into fetchurl which runs gpg --verify against the tarball and exit(1)s if the verifying fails...
<Mic92> manveru: I don't think which would tell you something different if the internal python interpreter is changed
<ronny> i reaced the conclusion that by the time you think about syncing assets, you may usually just want a cdn or something like s3 depending on needs
<manveru> yeah... i need something for ruby/js/nix/bash/go :P
<puffnfresh> e.g. if you're trying to add a "plugin" to an app or something, sometimes just doing something like:
<Ralith> cargo always spewed out messages about "using a local index is deprecated" or something like that which worried me a bit


<MichaelRaskin> nekroze: not sure what you are trying to do, but do you know that doing anything with a store path (or something that gets casted to a store path during the processing) makes you depend on it, even if you only asked yes-or-no questions?
<nekroze> I am attempting to use the pathExists builtin but it keeps giving me "cannot refer to other paths" error, The input does use string interpolation such as "${path}/config.conf" where path is something like "/root" but shouldnt this not be a problem as it should be handled as one string, not a joining of two paths? I also tried using the toPath function to convert the string into a path before passing it to
<spinus> (or something like that)
<viric> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<lorilan> ok thank you very much ! and what are theses top-level packages ? my xmonad.hs does not compile. Seems like I'm missing some extra packages dependencies ? do I need to do something with haskell-packages ?
<c0bw3b> also I've noticed that some key pkgs were fetched from tarballs.nixos.org but I guess only core maintainers can choose to copy something on this srv
<clever> c0bw3b: the channels are part of it, only something released in a channel is going to have been built fully by hydra
<c0bw3b> clever : not sure I got that.. you mean you can't find on cache.nixos.org something not part of the channels ?
<M1k3y> I guess I missed something: I'm talking about a shell script located on the machine. And I want it to be run as root everytime after a rebuild was done.
<lwf> smw: i'm probably the last one to ask, having not made any modules and installed nixos earlier this week. however, could this be something where using system.stateVersion would be a good idea? for most programs it makes sense that nixos can't be backwards-compatible with every type of config that could have been done outside of nix before, but if your program keeps the host:port in some database configured from a web ui, but also possible
<smw_> It defaults to localhost:8080, but if you already have it, you may have modified the ini file to set it to something else.
<gchristensen> smw_: for something like sabnzbd, it seems not worth stressing about. this is a deprecation system, but I don't know much about it (I don't do much development in modules)
<fuzzy_id> i.e. the call it stops is something like "gcc -g -o haproxy […] -L/nix/store/iagd3mlgaxsciky0dgvvallnf2gam36l-lua-5.3.0/lib/ -lliblua -lm -ldl"
<clever> you would need something like nix-repl to keep the files loaded in ram
<pierron> wuhu: is there any other file in the .desktop directory? I would usualy think that something named *.desktop is a file which contains the infromation for starting a program, in which case you might find the location of the binary in it.
<Kendos-Kenlen> What's the best way to do virtualization on nixos ? Using virtualisation.libvirtd.enableKVM and virt-manager, or something else ?


<tilpner> Hi, is anyone successfully using firejail on NixOS? I'm having trouble whitelisting /nix/store/<specific-path> and something seems to trigger firejails sandbox detection a lot
<Mateon1> Okay, I found something more interesting
<smw_> clever: so, I have decided to try something easier. Run nixos on GCP
<clever> frame 2 implies that it got a new connection from something, then it tried to connect something and failed hard
<Mateon1> clever, Here's the backtrace, looks like something in Qt?: https://hastebin.com/tajahocefu.pas
<yumbox> like, latest kernel or something
<clever> Mateon1: something like this might enable it to coredump, then it will wind up in "core" within the current working directory of xorg
<Mateon1> Might be something related to sddm
<oPn7> peti: can i ask you something if you have time ?
<LnL> pierron: I didn't move it to 17.09 or are you talking about something else
<peti> If something breaks, then I know what to look out for.
<glines> not sure what specifically updated. probably X or something
<Dezgeg> I also ran into some 9p total hangs a while ago (ironically, when running filesystem tests for something else)
<Dezgeg> yeah, maybe even a specific format added to the commit message guidelines (Security-fixes: CVE-xxx, DSA-yyy or something)
<clever> and thats something you would loose if you store them outside of the store
<MoreTea> zimbatm, if you need help doing something very specific, please do ask for help.
<Acou_Bass> guys we'd need to VPN it or something
<joepie91> seems to have something to do with most deps finishing faster than the few biggest deps, and a number of deps just flat-out ignoring thread count configuration
<SuprDewd> clever: yeah, it's weird. The derivations I've seen for pre-built binaries seem to doing this manually, so I don't know if it's me or fpletz who's missing something..
<clever> smw_: the make level -j (probably --cores) only does something if enableParallelBuilding=true; has been set inside a derivation, and only helps after ./configure has finished
<RchrdB> pierron, did you do something excessively clever like recursively eating a few hundred or thousand bytes at a time and then returning intermediate state to a trampoline function further up the stack?
<ndowens08> so I can figure out what provides what, generally i can do nox to find something, but oculdntd for that library
<smw_> clever: cool, it looked like only perl when reading the nix guide. But I was thinking about nixos tests, not nix package tests. Something like "give the following setting, I expect the file to contain this"
<spacekitteh> when i was a game dev i always wanted to do something like that
<spacekitteh> clever: basically, finding the optimial compression of something is equivalent to the halting problem in terms of complexity class :) it's doable... but only as a supertask!
<spacekitteh> and finding the kolmogorov complexity of something is uncomputable in general
<clever> i remember making my own "compression algo" back when i was like 15, it was a php script that just ran gzip, bzip2, and something else, then compared them to see which gave the best result (it didnt bzip the gzip)
<clever> and it can use build slaves to split something like chromium or linux over 200 slaves
<clever> spacekitteh: this is something similar i threw together: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/make.nix


<magnetophon> clever: doesn't sound like something I can do on my own, and I don't want to wast more of your time. I'll go DL an ISO. (haven't found the 17.03 one yet, though)
<lucasOfBesaid> I can't seem to start JACK. I get "jackdbus should be auto-executed by D-Bus message bus daemon." Does that mean I shouldn't try to start JACK myself or something?
<magnetophon> clever: first it said WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! and when I fixed that it wouldn't accept my password. It was set up for password-less login for root. somethings wonky...
<tnks> dmj`: yeah, so I'd like to go down something like this path: https://gist.github.com/dmjio/57a3af667d20fab78296f41b3b1847c1
<clever> the problem there, is that if the hash and name match something you already have downloaded, but the url points to a newer file, it wont try to re-download
<dtz> the fixed-output including the name (which if not given, as clever says, is based off of the URL) has caused me confusion in the past. Make sure to change the name if you are trying to change the version or something! xD
<tnks> clever: something you said confuses me based on my experience.
<dtzWill> they could have some locking or something that's shared that I haven't tracked but first thought was just port allocation
<tnks> clever: I might not understand something, can you sanity check with me? So for NIX_CURL_FLAGS, can I change them for different invocations easily?
<tnks> clever: hey, I was expecting GITHUB_TOKEN declared as an impureEnvVar... am I missing something?
<clever> oh, i had that problem just a day ago, thought it was just me mis-using something
<jophish> I think that clever posted something about it very recently
<gchristensen> I figure something is ~probably~ wrong if I'm trying to push more than one commit
<gchristensen> I'd like something that prompts me if I'm pushing more than one commit at a time. is a pre-push hook the best thing for that? :)
<dannyg> clever: we are suspecting it might be something related to trying to copy the permissions where the share actually doesn't allow that, at least we had a similar issue in the past
<clever> dannyg: i usualy just check the process tree when i see something complex hang, have a look at "ps -eH x"
<dannyg> clever: haha, he might have had something to do with finding the issue as well ;)
<domenkozar> or something :)
<clever> spacekitteh: i cant think of anything else to check, but something is clearly wrong for that defunc to stay around
<spacekitteh> it was something in the last 2-3 weeks
<ndowens08> One gripe about google, they start something then discontinues something all the time
<puffnfresh> cool, thought it'd be something like that, thanks
<spacekitteh> something in the last two weeks broke my DNS setup


<nh2> Mic92: so in my case, I'm building a Haskell executable; all .so files point to something in /nix/store correctly, just libssl.so and libcrypto.so don't, and I don't understand why
<Mic92> steveeJ: it is semantically something like this: foreach $a keys %{$drv->{env}} { $ENV{$a} = $drv->{env}->{$a} }
<smw_> I am starting to think there is something very wrong with my setup :-)
<dtzWill> okay. I'm doing too many things at once, blargh, sorry. It's in the dmesg this time, probably was before and I typo'd nouveau or something? idk O:).
<dtzWill> I just wanted confirmation the provider should be listed always, isn't like lazily activated or something
<dtzWill> MichaelRaskin: if "xrandr --listproviders" only shows 'intel'... I'm doing something wrong, right? haha O:)
<dtzWill> now if I could find a reasonable way to bind something like shift+arrows to pageup/pagedown... lol
<Ralith> do they manufacture parts, or something?
<dtzWill> I'd love to get the switching working, just wanted something low-power and stable until I can tackle making all that work....
<dtzWill> I'm using an overlay for that, something like: http://ix.io/nTi fwiw
<simpson> amosbird: I have default.nix and some Nix support expressions defined; to test my project, I run something like $(nix-build -A monte) and it builds everything for me.
<clever> gchristensen: i might have something for that, i'll look at it after i finish this issue
<Kendos-Kenlen> gchristensen: no, it's more to understand the build process than doing something in particular
<phreedom> joepie91: missing new dependency is something you can catch if the thing doesn't compile and if not, i tried highlighting the relevant lines for the human reviewer
<joepie91> gchristensen: I was more thinking of something that checks out nixpkgs, replaces a version number in a .nix file, tries to build, and checks whether it builds and the resulting binaries don't break when started
<joepie91> I'm more thinking of something greenkeeper-style
<gchristensen> https://github.com/Phreedom/nixpkgs-monitor did something like that
<gchristensen> maybe something like systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment.FOO="bar"? just guessing
<MichaelRaskin> Hm. Jitsi 2.8 worked OK with a server with self-signed sertificate, Jitsi 2.10 says there is an error without offering to accept the certificate. I wonder if the just updating the source archive breaks something


<magnetophon> Something in my config depends on vlc built with qt5, which is marked broken. how do I find what it is? I grepped nixpkgs for " vlc" and only found firefox as possible culprit. I commented it out, but still...
<simpson> hyphon81: Hm. Yeah, this happens sometimes. Just give it a /var/db/horizon or something.
<Profpatsch> Then I can wait or do something else, like display a warning in flycheck.
<shlevy> Profpatsch: So basically, install nix-buffer >=2.0 (from melpa), then in dir-locals.nix next to your cabal2nix default.nix do something like "let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in pkgs.nixBufferBuilders.withPackages [ (pkgs.haskellPackages.callPackage ./. {}).ghcEnv ], then do M-x nix-buffer in your haskell buffer
<peterhoeg> then there's something odd going on with the launch scripts
<LnL> gchristensen: hrm, something in /tmp?
<gchristensen> this seems massive, something isn't correctly breaking the cache
<shlevy> Does ghc-mod just look for ghc in path or something else?
<gchristensen> I think it is like /var/run/cups or /var/cups or something
<gchristensen> yikes something caused my security tools to be broken and no longer build
<hodapp> I must be missing something obvious
<clever> i think armv7 defaults to something else


<LnL> I want something that uses the modules, but it could be separate from nixos-rebuild
<pmade> I'm having a hard time getting GTK3 apps (i.e. chromium) to see a theme installed via nix-env. Do I need to set an env var or something?
<gchristensen> there is something like that
<lucasOfBesaid> Can derivations be built from source or something?
<alex-v> What's the proper way to add my own configuration files to something? I installed apache spark but i need to add my own conf files. Normally I would use $SPARK_HOME directory but with Nix SPARK_HOME points to something under /nix/store/...
<LnL> gchristensen: you could use something like this but with find ~user -type l -depth 1 https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/blob/master/modules/system/etc.nix#L62-L67
<dtzWill> steveeJ: if you define buildCommand the default stuff/phases don't run, so you'll have to do something like 'mkdir -p $out; cp my_stuff $out/' (equiv of installPhase) or it'll complain
<peterhoeg> ikwildrpepper and gchristensen: something very odd happened and a lot of branches ended up in the "upstream" remote. I'm super sorry guys.
<gchristensen> Mic92: I wonder if the test is broken from bijiben or something else, or if it isn't broken and I'm just impatient.
<ekleog> hmm... hopefully someone here has an idea as to how to do something like a mkMap, ie. define foo.*.a = f config.foo.*.b ? (trying to make http://ekleog.xelpaste.net/N6xpXb compile, to be more precise)
<laboon> About the "getting rid of systemd dependence" milestone, I can consider it later. If I learned something in opensource worl and computing in general, is: showing the beast running is the best argument.
<thoughtpolice> But yes, it's something to safely ignore... unless you're one of those people who wants a perfectly clean dmesg boot. Which is everyone!
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: FWIW the ath10k firmware-5.bin issue is the same in Fedora 25 as well on my XPS 13, so I'm pretty sure this is just some big upstream mess about the firmware, probably something you can just ignore until it's fixed.


<arianvp2> if you want something production ready. use logstash or the likes :P
<arianvp2> i've seen people use overrideCabal for this or something
<arianvp2> so probably better to roll something project specific?