
<clever> gchristensen: something that can go over the nix expressions, and generate stats for the number of times every 'word' is used, and if words are added
<ij> I installed nix on arch. I see a ~/.nix-profile and a ~/.nix-profile/bin. If I want to install something I just "nix-env -i vim"? What if I have no /nix yet?
<ericnoan> might be something changed with my host network config, if I change it to NAT network, it works
<jophish> perhaps not something I have the time to write/debug at the moment
<LnL> I think you can do something similar in 1.12 with NIX_REMOTE
<FRidh> lewo: I think peterhoeg once did something like that for homeassistant
<Fare> ok, after $installPhase, everything looks like it's working. So something else is breaking afterwards
<Fare> couldn't nix build in /nix/bld/X/ or something else with same length as /nix/store/ ?
<johnramsden> clever: Actually, while I have your attention, could I ask you something else? Does it look like I have correctly created a bridge that will share my host interface with a guests such as a container or vm? I was kind of confused by the NixOS options relating to Bridges. They talked about bridging two physical interfaces but I just wanted to use a single interface and do something akin to what I did here: https://ramsdenj.com/2016/


<johnramsden> If I want to conditionally append something to asset what is the reason I'm getting an error here?
<clever> something needs to start a build of v8
<clever> Judson: something went wrong computing the name attribute, either builderEnv needs extra info your not giving it, or you need to set name directly
<kiloreux> Something like : NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-17.03/nixpkgs ?
<samueldr> I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I'm rebasing a change on nixpkgs fom channels/nixos-17.03 to master, and I'm having tons of conflicts.
<Fare> ok, so how do I build something from a directory already (so I can debug it, instead of having to upload and fix a tarball at every attempt)?
<clever> sdll: but you could name your override something like foo5 = foo.override.... { src = fetch ver5; };
<clever> octe: something else that ive seen before that i'm not sure how it would fit into nix
<rcschm> i think i left out something.
<octe> do i need to do something else?
<octe_> i'm trying to compile something with cmake that uses libsndfile
<dash> so i guess something's eating my quotemarks? :-/
<clever> Infinisil: is the path pointing to nixpkgs directly, or a something containing nixpkgs?
<clever> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/3c56j70s96kf9nd90r3h12g7y7c3s38q-nixos-17.09pre107265.0afb6d789c/nixos/lib/trivial.nix:88:67
<clever> sdll: something similiar that ive done recently: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/bb103d600ac7cc737e7ab009ad6c48da
<simpson> gchristensen: Sure. I notice that at least nix-build also respects this envvar without necessarily saying so. I expect that it really is not something meant to be tampered with.


<clever> alphor: and then make sure the script uses something like #!/usr/bin/env python
<Gravious> ah, are there any really basic examples on how to use nix-shell as a kind of virtualenv? i think this was something i saw on the wiki but i can't find it anymore
<clever> something must be doing that, before it gets passed to the type merge
<gchristensen> mpcsh: welcome to the community :D you can pick a stable release (which receives updates for 6mo) or choose to follow "nixos-unstable" if you want rolling release (it is fairly well tested, though, so unnlikely to break something.)
<gchristensen> LnL: I have no idea, my inclination is to let a hundred flowers bloom and settle in on something if a "best one" becomes clear
<nh2> fresheyeball: graphics drivers are bad; you can pick between open-source low-quality drivers that don't work, closed-source high-quality drivers that sometimes don't work, and working drivers that work but which power weak hardware. You can only wish for something better to appear eventually
<fresheyeball> mostly because xorg is not something I know much about
<obadz> clever: yes am looking for something a bit more userlevel I guess
<obadz> I'd like something that can be edited without root
<ToxicFrog> Does buildPythonPackage discard non-.py files or something? The headers are definitely in the tgz that gets downloaded for Pillow, but they never make it into /nix/store
<nh2> must be something involving `nix-shell -E`
<ToxicFrog> Argh. I'm just trying to build something with nix-build following the instructions on http://sandervanderburg.blogspot.ca/2014/07/managing-private-nix-packages-outside.html
<clever> SplitFire: /bin is an impurity, it might contain a different binary tomorrow, and cause your perfectly working script to not work because somebody updated something else
<MichaelRaskin> tryEval is something I have written and I _still_ don't know how to replace it in a good way
<domenkozar> I remember there is something to be done
<eacameron> There's a password to something!
<pie_> hi guys, i installed grub and now i cant figure out how to boot into windows 10, bootmgr is complaining about not finding the system files or something, what im doing is:
<joepie91> chreekat: I have a vague recollection of this being something autotools-y that's really poorly documented
<spinus> 2. you can use buildEnv function and there is ignoreCollisions options (or something similar)


<cstrahan> ekleog, copumpkin: I suppose a new option could be added to the derivation primitive, where you could specify how you'd like to mount something *prior* to the builder running; assuming the nix-build process is running as root, it could conceivably do the mounting a new mount ns prior to invoking the builder as specified in the derivation. granted, you'd then
<pie__> no im pretty sure this is default behaviour on systemd or something
<nh2> what's the best way to package something that want's to copy things to `/var` during `make install`?
<gchristensen> I mean it'd be something :P
<ryantrinkle> i feel like i must be missing something
<Baughn> Yaniel: I'd prefer to do something more constructive.
<Baughn> Or something equivalently useless.
<clever> and something goes wrong along the way
<goibhniu> clever: FWIW, I expect the gimp enabled xsane to create something like share/gimp/plugins/xsane, which can then be symlinked to ~/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins/
<clever> you may also find something that can do it over the expresscard bus
<clever> something that works enough to compile a real ghc
<clever> i think something wasnt working, cant remember what


<Elizaaa> like is there a way I can clone something and use that as the thing that nixos-switch references
<gchristensen> yeah or something like that, the break-down and compatibility matrix is incredibly complicated
<Dezgeg> (it has 16 fpu regs more than the vanilla or something)
<Dezgeg> I think the person who added it wanted exact fpu flags to match the cpu or something
<dhess> Anyone seen something like this?
<Infinisil> I want a page where you can search for "mkOption" and get examples, tutorials, related pages, where anyone can add something relevant
<Infinisil> Well that's something, even if it's not much
<clever> Infinisil: the type field must be something similiar to one of these: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/types.nix#L95
<clever> jsgrant_om: this is also something you may want to read: http://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack
<jsgrant_om> maurer: Yeah, if/when I decide to take the leap -- I'll either update there, official docs (if applicable) or blog or something.
<nh2> FRidh: do pyc file store a date or something like that?
<dtzWill> any reason I can't use a 16.03 install image to 'install' 17.03? Just replace the channel, hopefully? (lol I'm asking after having done so and wondering if this is something that should work in general, or maybe happens to work here, or won't work at all O:))
<nh2> hyper_ch clever: I remember reading something about ping6 being moved to ping -6 but I don't remember where
<qknight_> clever: can't i just add a .ssh/config and .ssh/id_rsa for the hydra user or something?
<marc_> I want to say something is missing -> a package registry all packagers can use.
<gchristensen> nixy: hmm do you have a follow-up question like "why do we specify it twice" or something?
<Infinisil> I assume it's something like phases = [ buildPhase ]; but that doesn't work


<dtzWill> well anyway, how are you seeing qt58? What's making you say it's in your environment? Is there something I could do to try to see the same behavior?
<sphalerite> I'd really like to be able to remap the F8 key to send something other than Super+P
<sphalerite> I do remember reading something about issues like that.. I don't encounter it often enough to be sure that it's not my fingers
<LnL> gchristensen: cool, is that the expect thing or am I thinking of something else?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I currently run something which does not have systemd running, uses only NixPkgs packages, NixOS-generated xorg.conf and fonts.conf and does support a lot of Unicode in the terminal window I currently use for IRC
<magneticduck> well I'll figure something out on that front
<LnL> I did something like that a while back
<dtz> but also all attributes in "mkDerivation" become environment variables (not 100% why but it's true :)) so you can also just do CC="clang"; or something but given the cc-wrapper and such usually requiring setting CC/CXX is unusual/rare/bug-in-package
<Fossi> i don't really get why it runs something inside /root/ when i'm su'd in as another user
<Fossi> like basically, if i want to python3 2to3, i need to set the python2 to 1 and then install and then set the python3 to something?
<Fossi> it's weird how setting it to anything then makes something the default too
<gchristensen> Isorkin: that sets off alarm bells of "danger danger! something is wrong!" why do you want to do that?
<LnL> it probably doesn't exist because the most common usecase is to wrap something in $out/bin after the installPhase
<sphalerite> just a rough idea of what it could look like, but I'd find something like that vevry convenient
<sphalerite> would be nice to have something like wrapProgram {original = "${tmux}/bin/tmux"; env = {SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE.prepend = "a"; SOME_OTHER_VAR.set = "value";}; args.prepend = "-c ${tmux.conf}";}
<sphalerite> or something like that
<LnL> GetalMear: you can easily import a single package from unstable/master if there's something specific you want from there
<rcschm> putting the reference in a file or something.
<rcschm> how do we git clone something and get its reference? basically that is the question i am having at the moment.
<LnL> yes, you could probably do something similar to the vim plugins in nixpkgs
<LnL> then you want something like imap (i: attrs: attrs // { identityFile = "identity_${toString i}"; } )
<LnL> avn: something like this? map (attrs: attrs // { identityFile = "identity_0"; })
<LnL> peti: I think that's why something like that seemed to work before
<sphalerite> What's the best way to write a shell.nix? Something like with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {name = "env-name"; buildInputs = [a b c];} ?
<clever> testing something on this end
<clever> nh2: oh something else you can do, just run the python scripts directly in postFixup


<sudoreboot[m]> Ah, interesting. Would it suffice to run something like OmniSharp regularly? It's for autocompletion in my IDE when I work. There's no derivation for it and it's a ton of work for me to dive into packaging it
<magneticduck> oldDadou: I used something like this last time I used rust on nix https://gist.github.com/MagneticDuck/51552ea5fcac4cb2c19fd84f5c081a90
<simpson> mark-willem: The ACPI implementation on old BIOS often can't turn off the machine without assistance or something magically machine-specific.
<steveeJ> MichaelRaskin: so if I define something in let it also overrides with?
<OldDadou> Hello everyone, I am trying to get the last release of rust (1.17) on nixos. Is there a workaround or something ? Thanks !
<tywkeene> ill have to write something up for this later on
<tywkeene> channels are something im not entirely clear on, it's basically like any other distros package tree right? where and how to build packages?
<tywkeene> unless it's something im missing, or is it a legit server being down/actual 404?
<benzrf> but something that *lives in the universe of expressions*
<MichaelRaskin> But just «compile C file» Nix expression is something that does get used from time to time
<simpson> And yes, you need your OS to cooperate fully. It's non-trivial and something I won't be ready to tackle for a few decades.
<gchristensen> if you have many things you could use a systemd unit that udev starts and stops, like named `ac-plugged.service` or something
<ertes-w> i find myself writing something like this a lot: ${if isNull asyncInit then "" else asyncInit}
<goibhniu> Mic92: maybe they can arrange something: https://www.meetup.com/NixOS-London/
<toppler> Okay. So here's something you can do: just have environment.variables = { findlib = ${ocamlPackages.findlib}/lib/ocaml/${ocamlVersion}/site-lib"; }
<sophiag> dash: have you seen demos of TempleOS? it's truly something


<benzrf> im sick of having to override stuff because something depends on an old version
<benzrf> has anybody tried to do something like that?
<benzrf> what do i do when a hackage package i want to use depends on a version of something that's not listed as an alternate?
<dmj`> cstrahan: might have pinged too soon. Saw ghcjs was marked as broken on something that /might/ be fixed with a jailbreak.
<srhb> UrsidaeJohn: Clone nixpkgs, grep "name = \"setuptools" or something like that :)
<Infinisil> I'm trying something like systemd.services.test = { startAt = "minutely"; serviceConfig.ExecStart = "script here"; }
<nahamu> I think you want something along the lines of "${emacs}/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/pdf-tools-0.70/epdfinfo" but I'm not certain.
<SovereignBleak> I *think* I'm just not grokking something really simple here.
<nahamu> at the simplest you're doing something along the lines of "qemu-kvm -m 2048 -smp 2 -hda /dev/sdN -cdrom /path/to/install/cd.iso" You can do much better than that, but that's the basic idea.
<clever> but by applying unsafeDiscardStringContext, i can reference something without depending on it
<nh2> yes, I think that is the confusing part: I find it extremely surprising that `${}` does `toString`, *except* on _some_ types, where it does something special
<clever> so toString does something different from just inserting it into the middle of a string
<clever> so toString does something very difference from just treating it as a string
<niksnut> gchristensen: yes, working on something else atm
<gchristensen> niksnut: are you waiting on something before you merge the wiki PRs, or just busy?
<pie_> plasma 5 something something...
<simukis> something is seriously wonky here
<simukis> so putting something like `stdenv.mkDerivation = ...` in `~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix` would override the mkDerivation?
<clever> earldouglas: maybe something with pygmentize and hnix
<Unode> clever: something in particular that I should look for on that file?
<hodapp> the actual failing error now is something with png, probably because this code is from 2005
<hodapp> pkg-config is already present; I added it when something else complained


<pie_> something something possibly need to install 32 bit libgnutls?
<pie_> when trying to do something with wine :( help
<pie_> guess i have the wrong version of wine or something
<pie_> stable or something
<MichaelRaskin> pie_: a truly proper way is to use something with nix-build which very closely corresponds to your actual needs and do whatever is natural for that construction, I guess
<pie_> gchristensen, yeah i vaguely remember something like that, is there a config update tool? (probably not)
<clever> maybe something got ran as root at the wrong time, and it was able to mess with the store contents
<clever> sphalerite: something else you can do, nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 1
<clever> write a file to $out that is a dup of something security related, and -w it, then sleep until optimize has hardlinked it up
<sphalerite> I don't know, because I don't properly understand zfs yet, and I seem to recall something about not using nix-store --optimise
<sophiag> but i'm doing something wrong. i put the let statement and stdenv.mkDerivation in nix.pkgs in my configuration.nix
<sophiag> MichaelRaskin: can you answer what it means when nix tells me an emacs package is marked as broken? i.e. if they come straight from melpa or whether that's something i can fix with nix?
<sophiag> the package for emacs-merlin is listed as broken. is this something i can fix myself and open a PR or does it have to with emacs-merlin itself? i'm not sure how nix works with emacs packages, but always just assumed it pulled them from melpa
<davidak> i'm packaging something and get fatal error: /usr/include/dirent.h: No such file or directory


<abspath> samae: good to hear, what was the issue, the interface naming? something within the firewall config?
<ixxie> I am looking for a nice example of how to make and use a default.nix for building something like building a pdf with pandoc, or a pdf with latex - basically for a simple build/compilation. Any clues?
<SovereignBleak> I'd like to get a couple deb packages repackaged as nixpkgs (my first nixpkgs) but the nixpkgs manual page doesn't really offer a workflow or maybe I'm missing something?
<toppler> Something FF did? I think they get complaints about caving to DRM.


<clever> svij1: oh, or is it a memcached within something else?
<simpson> gchristensen: Sounds like you learned something about yourself today~
<nixy> gchristensen: Bit of a late response on this one, but I have been messing with nix on and off for a year. I feel like I get it, but every once in a while someone says something that blows my mind
<LnL> alternatively you could probably just write a regular service plist that uses the mysql version of you profile or something
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I have reasons to believe that if _these_ people would know something about systemd, their hate would not be any less
<LnL> something else is keeping it alive
<asymmetric> how do i remove something from /nix/store that was put there by nix-build?
<LnL> platforms.all also includes bsd, but generally if something works in cygwin it works everywhere
<lassulus> Myrl-saki: you can do something like this http://cgit.lassul.us/stockholm/tree/lass/2configs/baseX.nix#n88
<Myrl-saki> I guess the latter should just be covered in "how to write nix packages" or something.
<cmacrae> If 'systemPath' existed as a var in NixOS that evaluated to something like '/home/cmacrae/bin:/run/wrappers/bin:/run/wrappers/bin:/home/cmacrae/.nix-profile/bin:/home/cmac'....
<hyper_ch> when I try to nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade, I still get this error: error: Package ‘python2.7-os-testr-0.4.2’ in ‘/nix/store/zaphjxhxnrx2cncmbmpaacqv4w503cgf-nixos-17.09pre106916.c5badb123a/nixos/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/mk-python-derivation.nix:56’ is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate. -- but that should be solved in master since yesterday... yet I still get that error in unstable. Do I need to remove something lo
<ronny> qknight_: isnt that bascially a pr, also does that sign the guy up for something he didnt agree to?
<clever> is it a service or something the user will run?
<clever> johnramsden: yeah, looks like you would need to override zfsUser or maybe environment.etc."zfs/zed.d".source = mkForce something
<clever> johnramsden: an example of something similiar, look at authKeysFile in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/services/networking/ssh/sshd.nix#L238
<clever> manualy did something similiar


<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: something something unsolved problem in computing something...
<gchristensen> I dunno, comms satellite or something pie
<schoppenhauer> hi. anyone here who can give me some link or something on how to configure linux containers using configuration.nix?
<MichaelRaskin> intel pstate support in Linux is something that apparently has only one useful function: turn off
<boxofrox> dang.. i must be doing something wrong then :/
<niksnut> gchristensen: probably something like Redirect /wiki https://nixos.org/...
<taeradan> when it happens, I don't have the feeling that there is any loop, or it is hard to find. Something that works in one file seem to don't work in another file, it's confusing
<lukego> LnL: I'm building something for the future here, so I don't want to invest energy in the mechanism that is already obsoleted
<lukego> I feel like my problem must be something trivial, like a typo in an environment variable name, but I just don't see it.
<lukego> clever: I used dtruss, which seems to be Darwin for strace, and I don't see any trace of what I am interested in, but can't discount user error e.g. that I am not following forked children or something properly.
<nh2> clever: ah, I think it's something completely different:
<clever> nh2: i would just manualy set $NIX_PATH to something that suits your needs in .profile or .fishrc


<clever> nh2: maybe with $NIX_CURL_OPTS or something related
<nh2> something really hates IPv6; can I tell `nix-channel` not to use it?
<nh2> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<clever> nh2: not directly an answer, but you can nix-env -i /nix/store/foo-bar to install something already in the store
<taktoa> unless something has changed recently
<nh2> taktoa: there's something I don't get yet. When I use `nix-env -iA`, what is the argument? The mkDerivation `name`? E.g. `TeXmacs-1.99.2` in this case?
<gchristensen> zgotsch: I don't know for sure, we can try something
<dualinity_> just looking for something to get started
<Infinisil> Ohh alatritty is not web based, I switched it up with something else, alacritty is written in rust and with GPU acceleration, that was so off by me heh
<aswanson> it has something to do with a change in octave
<jesper> Also, what's the process for getting something backported from unstable to the current stable?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: something like this nix-shell -E 'nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; crossPkgs = import ./toolchain.nix {}; nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {buildInputs = [ crossPkgs.zlib ];}'
<jluttine> so something didn't work then
<tilpner> Yeah, I might be XYing. This is once again about the old problem of user home management, and I'd like to run to a script on every activation to link and copy some files around, instead of having to execute something manually every time
<tilpner> sphalerite - I want to add something to system.activationScripts without using any of the other predefined options. I can't write foo = 42; and can't call a function from nixos-config without it being part of the value for an option
<tilpner> How can I add something to system.activationScripts in my nixos-config without mentioning it? I assume I can somehow call a function defined elsewhere, but it didn't seem to be global. Do I just pass the input "config" argument?
<IndustrialRobot> I've set services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; do I need something else?
<iMatejC> pierron: havent you worked at nixos sprint in ljubljana on something that converts nix attrs to string? do I remember wright?
<kykim`> I'm seeing a lot of "could not download ‘https://caches.nixos.org/nix-cache-info’ (Curl error 51)", which i think might be related to this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/5349 - am I correct or is there something else going on?
<rcschm> i didn't have that in front of me at the moment. but it goes something like $out/<program/bin $out/program.conf in postInstall.
<Criena[m]> Would this be something nixos might consider though? I'm more than happy to speak with the grsecurity project what the legal framework would be and which costs are involved.
<simpson> I don't want to repackage weird vendor-specific binaries today and this isn't going upstream. I planned to use debootstrap and was looking for maybe something like lib.otherInferiorDistros.debianTools.debootstrap {};


<simukis> that seemed to do something
<simukis> so something like x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++ in /run/current-system/sw/bin/*
<clever> simukis: do you want the cross-compiler to run on nixos or something else?
<MichaelRaskin> I think backporting youtube-dl is something that would be easily accepted as a PR, and it is not done just because too many people use unstable or master on desktop and stable on servers (and end up not caring)
<LnL> symphorien: you have to change the hash to something else (like all zeros)
<domenkozar> and you'll just need to set something like
<sphalerite> nixy: -i is generally not waht you want without -A. nix-env -iA nixpkgs.pythonEnv will work too, but nix-env -i pythonEnv will search through *all* packages for one with the *name* (not attribute path) pythonEnv. You haven't specified a name for pythonEnv at all, so I think it becomes something like "user-environment"
<hodapp> nixy: can't you just (to steal one of the manual examples) put something like "pythonEnv = pkgs.python.withPackages (ps: [ps.pyramid]);" into config.nix, and install that into your environment?
<hodapp> is it possible this binary-only package is trying to do something janky, like dlopen from a fixed path (which I assume patchelf can't do anything about)?
<clever> simpson: and depending on if you favor cpu time or disk space, the squashfs could be swapped out for something else


<ericnoan> jbo: I have thought of that as well... I haven't heard of something like that, but would be interested
<hodapp> sphalerite: just libstdcxx5 or something?
<steveeJ> so -p implicitlly does something like "with import <nixpkgs>{}", I haven't looked at that part of the nix-shell code
<MichaelRaskin> I think I am talking about 2013 or something
<MichaelRaskin> Is there something in BtrFS that _cannot_ create false out of space situation?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, it doesn't help you make crazy migrations, and rollback across FS layout change is not something I would expect to be reliable, but whatever you can mount using initrd tools can usually be configure
<hodapp> huh, I just thought of a thing for why DraftSight might not package right: what do I do when building/installing the package wants to do something graphical?
<tilpner> nixy - Well, you can use something *and* read the manual :P
<nixy> You can't learn something you don't use so crawling blindly is probably the best start IMO
<MichaelRaskin> I think PulseAudio does support something for that
<bachp> I will probably reuse some of your code but write something in go. The goal is to use it in conjunction with Kubernetes in the end
<bachp> clever: Ok I tought about something similar
<bachp> I tought maybe there is a command in nix-channel or nixos-version that chan do something like that. That would have been nice ;)
<clever> which reminds me, i started something that did that over git, where did i leave it, lol
<goibhniu> hi bachp, I've been working on something similar, perhaps you can re-use some code: https://github.com/cillianderoiste/NixTrayWidget
<sphalerite> i.e. have something like `tryEval (value: resultIfItWasSuccessful) (resultIfItFailed) (valueToTryEvaluating)
<nixy> It looks like it refers to something that isn't there anymore. The wiki is pretty out of date :(
<bennofs> building android requires something like 100GB of free storage, and I don't have that amount of space in my usual build directory
<tilpner> Do I need a <nixos> in my PATH? It doesn't complain when it only has <nixpkgs>, but maybe I'm missing something?
<tilpner> Is there something special about root, that I can not add ssh keys with users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys?


<steveeJ> is there something builtin I can use to write a textfile in the nix-store? I'm using writeTextFile from nixpkgs now and seem to have trouble with the lock name
<sphalerite> I figure something along the lines of readFile and some regex magic would be what I want
<simony> so are GCE nixos images outdated/unsupported now? if so, what are the easiest ways of getting something working on GCE?
<MichaelRaskin> If you do have a commitment to doing things properly, Nix language manual (distinct form NixOS manual) is something you will end up reading anyway
<sziszi> gchristensen: That is not the full story, I'm also try to solve my problems with search engines, or figure it out by myself. When I fail I still learn something, and I try again till I do it properly.
<clever> if you assume "something" is a python package, and its not found, nix will silently use the version from pkgs. instead
<clever> for example, with pkgs; with pkgs.pythonPackages; [ something ];
<Judson> Right - that's all folks do? I'd like to have something quicker and more indicative than "the 10 minute compile failed"
<Judson> I imagine something like `nix-instantiate ./test.nix`
<Judson> Something about imports, maybe?
<obadz> Fare: and the plugin directory probably in something like ~/.MonoDevelop
<kuznero> correct. I can try doing it as upgrade and let's see if it is breaking something else :) It was breaking before. The location of `Microsoft.FSharp.Targets` file change from 40 to 41. That file is normally referenced from solutions and that exact thing will break (should break).
<hodapp> in case I get drunk and F# looks like something I should learn
<gchristensen> aye. I solved my own problems with nix, and eventually built something nobody thought possible. now we use nix.
<jophish> joko: You could check in buildRemote for something throwing NoTokens
<joachifm> the 200USD price, that is, though I don't have a source for that one, just something I read :)
<joachifm> obadz: I think recent systemd have --private-users or something for nspawn, if that's what you're referring to by "containers"
<srhb> steveeJ: Depending on your needs, you probably want something like nix-instantiate --eval --expr
<ericnoan> Filystyn: i don't know, but something relevant might be here https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1252966#p1252966
<ericnoan> you can also enable 32-bit support if something isn't working
<unlmtd[m]> didnt plan9 have something like namespace?
<simpson> (What you really want is something more like KeyKOS or Genode!)
<simpson> What you really want is something more like each process getting its own VFS.


<clever> fresheyeball: looks like it cant create something in /var/lib/plex/.skeleton
<fresheyeball> before I rebuild to os, is there something I need to do in order to see the disks from my normal user account?
<fXl> hello guys, can we do something like this with nix ? lets say i ve installed nix on my debian machine as package manager and i had Docker installed already so can i tell nix to use that docker instead its own ?
<dash> simpson: won't something like muffin need that, though
<clever> nh2: yep, done exactly that, which is something i think the nix sandbox can enforce getting right
<clever> simpson: ive also heard that GHC can run haskell code at compile-time, to do something
<bennofs> simpson: you actually want something like that for a lot of things though. For all sorts of module systems for example
<clever> nh2: i know somebody that has worked on a source repo so large that the stat phase of make took something like 30 minutes
<clever> nh2: i was thinking something along the lines of run code X on all source files to produce state1, then hash(state1 + code Y) = compile(code Y, state1)
<nh2> clever: my favourite world state would be something similar to this: you'd declare `src` in nix as usual, and the build system can produce, or resume from, a "build" directory when building (like the common `build/` dir in cmake, or `dist/` for Haskell). Any build system that is "nix-certified" (:D) would have to make the promise that no matter what is in that build directory, it will generate the same output as if no build directory was provided for
<clever> i do when the project is transitioning from a single gcc command to something slightly more complx
<clever> if you #include something new and forget to update the makefile, weird things happen
<jophish> if that's not the case then I suppose you'll have to do some toposorting using the output of nix-store --query --something
<sphalerite> gloaming: I think you'd want to override the stdenv that it uses as appropriate. I'm not sure if there is a gcc stdenv for OSX, but if you have a look using nix-repl you might find something useful
<hyper_ch> right, if I fdisk, I think it always wants to star at sector 2048 or something
<hyper_ch> grub lives in the boot sector or something


<sziszi> when I try to install it or even force it it gives something circular dep-like problems
<sziszi> hey, I'd like to get some help with systemd-nspawn, I'd like to run a debian in a container but I have issues. Since I didn't find anything useful on the web(mostly ppl want to use a nixos in a container on a non-nixos host) can someone point me to a wiki/article/weblog post or something that will help at least a little?
<Guest45287> I have git installed on system, git push is hanging on a git cloned repository using a HTTPS remote from Github, however if I elevate it with `sudo`, then it doesn't hang, also if I change the askpass option to something else, errors occurs but it no longer hangs, what could this mean?
<steveeJ> gchristensen: you can start working your way through from https://github.com/htwg-syslab/nix-expressions/blob/sj-improve-labshell-script/pkgs/labshell/src/labshell.sh#L159 all the way to L231. In short: call nix-instantiate to cache the result and only run nix-shell if something has changed
<steveeJ> is this expected? am I doing something very wrong here?
<joachifm> copumpkin: it also includes config options that correspond to grsec features, so that's something to work from re our own config
<sphalerite> or you could write a little shell function in your rc file, something like activateEnv() {nix-shell "$HOME/dev-environments/$1"}
<jluttine> i've written default.nix which activates FHS user env. i activate it by running `nix-shell` in that directory. can i somehow make it easier to activate so i wouldn't need to be in that directory? somehow activate a named environment or so? not sure if this is something very trivial, i'm new to nixos..
<kuznero> What I am trying to do is to create another package in nixpkgs repository where I will have to state the dependency on something that was not released to stable yet.
<alphor> is there something like nixos-option for libs and builtins?
<rotaerk> it's not something I installed through nix-env...


<tilpner> gchristensen - Alright, I copied something with skopeo (the default config was giving errors), but buildImage wants a "repository tarball". How do I make sure skopeo gave me something close to that?
<LnL> ^ installing something doesn't change anything for the build environment
<Infinisil> Forget what i said, It's something else, I'll dig a bit
<joachifm> or something odd like that
<copumpkin> it might have something to do with my image building process possibly losing extended attributes in the store. I'll look into that
<jophish> do you have a progress report blog or something?
<pie_> clever, i dont remember a lot of details so im not sure how this pertains to the thread? somethign something qubes?
<clever> pie_: something ive been working on lately is a way to test certain xen unikernels
<pie_> clever, your method is probably safer but seems like a pain in the butt and also dangerous if i do something wron
<exarkun> Infinisil: all well-structured programs are written as a set of library functionality with a minimal startup component to kick things off (like something to glue the library to a cli).
<gilligan_> anyone into Rust here? How do I build something using buildRustPackage which has a dependency which is more recent than what is currently in the nix rust registry?
<Dezgeg> maybe 'xset q' shows something